Обычно мы воспринимаем ученых, как людей, занимающихся благородным делом во имя добра во всем мире. Эти люди способствуют техническому прогрессу, совершенствуя наше общество… Но всегда ли это так? Ответ на этот вопрос вы найдете в этой статье про сумасшедших ученых, и не менее сумасшедших историях, с ними связанных...
Владимир Демихов: хирург, пересадивший собаке вторую голову
В 1954, Советский хирург Владимир Демихов, представил миру свой шедевр: двуглавую собаку. Голову, шею и передние лапы щенка пересадили на шею взрослой немецкой овчарки. Вторая голова пыталась лакать молоко, но оно стекало через обрезанный канал пищевода. Хотя это создание вскоре погибло из-за отторжения тканей, в течение следующих 15 лет Демихов еще 19 раз повторял эксперимент.
Стаббинс Фирф: доктор, пьющий рвоту
В начале 19 века врач из Филадельфии Стаббинс Фирф выдвинул теорию о том, что желтая лихорадка не является инфекционным заболеванием, и некоторое время проверял гипотезу на себе. Сначала он выливал рвоту, полученную от больных желтой лихорадкой, на открытые раны, а затем пил рвоту. Он действительно не заразился вопреки тому, что желтая лихорадка все же является инфекционным заболеванием: позднее ученые обнаружили, что заражение происходит через кровь, как правило, через укус комара.
Йозеф Менгеле: Ангел Смерти
Йозеф Менгеле — один из врачей СС, который лично контролировал отбор заключенных, и определял кто должен быть убит, а кого отправить в лагерь для принудительных работ и экспериментов. Среди заключенных он был известен как «Ангел Смерти». В Освенциме, Менгеле провел ряд исследований близнецов. По окончании эксперимента близнецы, как правило, были убиты, а их тела расчленены. Он руководил операцией, во время которой были сшиты вместе два мальчика-цыгана, чтобы создать сиамских близнецов. Руки детей оказались сильно заражены в местах резекции кровеносных сосудов. Менгеле регулярно брал кровь идентичных близнецов на анализ. Известно, что некоторых он довел таким способом до смерти.
«Я не могу поверить, что Менгеле считал свои эксперименты серьезными исследованиями, из-за небрежности, с которой он работал. Он просто пользовался данной ему властью. Менгеле был мясником — большинство операций проводились без анестетиков. Однажды я стал свидетелем операции на желудке — Менгеле удалил часть желудка, но без анестезии. В другой раз было удалено сердце, и снова без наркоза. Это было чудовищно. Менгеле был одержим властью. Никто никогда не спрашивал его — почему умер этот человек? От чего скончался тот? Людей не считали. Он считал, что делает все во имя науки. На самом деле это было безумием», — вспоминает бывший узник Освенцима Алекс Декель.
Иоганн Конрад Диппель — прототип доктора Франкенштейна
Иоганн Конрад Диппель, сумасшедший ученый, действительно родился в замке Франкенштейн в 1673 году, возле Дармштадта, Германия. Считается, что он был прототипом главного героя в романе Мэри Шелли «Франкенштейн», хотя эта версия остается спорной.
После изучения теологии, философии и алхимии, он создал масло, которое должно было стать мечтой алхимиков — эликсиром бессмертия. Состояло оно из крови, костей и других частей животных. Среди его многочисленных трудов по анатомии были такие эксперименты, как кипячение частей человеческого тела в огромном чане с целью создать искусственное существо, а также попытка переместить душу из одного тела в другое, при помощи воронки, шланга и смазки.
Джованни Альдини: электрические пляски
Альдини был племянником Луиджи Гальвани. Его дядя, итальянский профессор анатомии, открыл явление гальванизма, когда обнаружил, что электрические разряды заставляют подергиваться конечности мертвой лягушки. Альдини продолжил эксперименты и провел испытания на трупах.
Он предложил вниманию широкой публики эксперимент над телом казненного убийцы Джорджа Форстера. Альдини подвел контакты к трупу, после чего тело пустилось в омерзительный пляс. Когда он подсоединял провода к лицу, оно корчилось в жутких гримасах, левый глаз открывался, как будто хотел посмотреть на своего учителя. Некоторые зрители боялись, что преступник на самом деле оживет, и тогда придется казнить его снова. Один человек был настолько потрясен, что вскоре по окончании «представления» скончался.
Вот как был описан этот опыт Альдини, одним из его современником: «Восстановилось тяжелое конвульсивное дыхание; глаза вновь открылись, губы зашевелились и лицо убийцы, не подчиняясь больше никакому управляющему инстинкту, стало корчить такие странные гримасы, что один из ассистентов лишился от ужаса чувств и на протяжении нескольких дней страдал настоящим умственным расстройством».
Сергей Брюхоненко: создатель живой головы
Опередив Владимира Демихова, Брюхоненко проводил дикие опыты на собаках, которые поспособствовали развитию медицины в области операций на открытом сердце. Он создал примитивный аппарат искусственного кровообращения под названием автожектор (аппарат поддержания деятельности сердца и легких). С помощью этого устройства, Брюхоненко удавалось поддерживать головы собак, отсеченные от тела, живыми.
В 1928 он продемонстрировал одну из таких голов. Чтобы доказать, что голова, лежащая на столе живая, он показал, как она реагирует на раздражители. Брюхоненко ударил по столу молотком, и голова вздрогнула. Он посветил ей в глаза, и глаза моргнули. Он даже скормил голове кусочек сыра, который сразу же выскочил из канала пищевода, вызвав отвращение публики.
Эндрю Юр: шотландский мясник
Шотландский врач Эндрю Юр, несмотря на свои многочисленные достижения, известен проведением четырех опытов над трупом Мэтью Клайдесдэйлом 4 ноября, 1818 года. Первый опыт заключался в иссечении затылка и удалении части позвонка. Затем был сделан разрез в левом бедре и пятке. Два электропровода были подсоединены к шее и бедру, что вызвало сильные неконтролируемые судороги. Потом один из проводов подвели к пятке, получив разряд, левая нога с силой пнула ассистента. Второй эксперимент заставил диафрагму Клайдесдэйла сокращаться, как если бы он снова дышал.
Юр сообщил, что кровь Клайдесдэйла не свернулась, а шея не сломана от повешения. Он был уверен, что он сможет вернуть тело к жизни. Третий эксперимент показал необычную мимическую реакцию после того, как Юр сделал разрез на лбу Клайдесдэйла. Когда к лицу Клайдесдэйла подвели контакты, на нем отразились эмоции гнева, страха, отчаяния, тоски, и появилась отвратительная искаженная улыбка. Выражение лица так потрясло зрителей, что один врач, который не отличался слабым желудком, сразу же покинул зал. Окончательный эксперимент предполагал оживление Клайдесдэйла. Разрез сделали на указательном пальце. Как только ток был подведен, мертвец поднял руку и указал на людей в зале. Многие были в неописуемом ужасе.
Широ Ишии: настоящий доктор Зло
Ишии был микробиологом и генерал-лейтенантом военного биологического подразделения 731 Японской Имперской Армии во время Второй Китайско-Японской войны. Он родился в деревне Шибаяма в префектуре Чиба, изучал медицину в Императорском Университете в Киото. В 1932 году он начал проводить эксперименты в рамках секретного проекта для японской армии. В 1936 году было сформировано подразделение 731. За пределами китайского города Харбин Ишии построил огромный комплекс из 150 зданий общей площадью более 6 квадратных километров.
Среди его заслуг: вивисекция живых людей (в том числе беременных женщин, которых оплодотворили доктора его лаборатории), ампутацию конечностей заключенных и попытки поменять их местами, обморожение и согревание частей тела узников для изучения протекания гангрены, испытание гранат и огнеметов на живых людях. Заключенных заражали вирусами и болезнями с целью изучения их воздействия на организм. Для наблюдения последствий запущенных венерических заболеваний заключенных мужчин и женщин насильно заражали сифилисом и гонореей. Благодаря неприкосновенности, которую ему дала Американская Миротворческая Армия, Широ Ишии не отсидел ни дня в тюрьме и умер в возрасте 67 лет от рака горла.
Кевин Уорвик: первый человек-киборг
Кевин Уорвик, британский ученый и профессор кибернетики, настолько увлечен изучением роботов, что попытался стать первым человеком-киборгом. В 1998 году примитивный передатчик RFID был имплантирован под кожу Уорвика, с его помощью можно контролировать работу дверей, светильников, обогревателей, и других устройств с компьютерным управлением. Основной целью эксперимента было испытание восприимчивости организма и легкости получения сигнала от чипа. В 2002 году более сложное нейронное устройство имплантировали в его нервную систему, чтобы получить доступ к нервным сигналам. Эксперимент оказался успешным: сигнал был достаточно четким, чтобы механический манипулятор мог имитировать движения руки Уорвика.
Позднее был проведен широко разрекламированный эксперимент: специальные чипы вживили в организм Уорвика и его супруги, они должны был создать телепатию или эффект сопереживания. Для передачи сигнала на расстоянии использовался интернет. Опыт завершился успешно: впервые была установлена исключительно электронная связь между нервными системами двух людей. Исследования Уорвика в области кибернетики продолжаются.
Normally we perceive scientists as people engaged in a noble deed in the name of good in the world. These people contribute to technological progress, improving our society ... But is this always true? The answer to this question can be found in this article about mad scientists, and no less crazy stories associated with them.
Vladimir Demikhov: surgeon, transplanted dog second head
Crazy stories mad scientists
In 1954, the Soviet surgeon Vladimir Demikhov, presented to the world his masterpiece: a dog biceps. Head, neck and front legs of a puppy's neck transplanted into an adult German Shepherd. The second head was trying to lap up the milk, but it trickled through a channel cut of the esophagus. Although this establishment soon died because of tissue rejection in the next 15 years Demikhov 19 more times repeated the experiment.
Crazy stories mad scientistsCrazy stories mad scientistsStubbins Firf: doctor, drinking vomit
Crazy stories mad scientists
In the early 19th century physician from Philadelphia, Stubbins Firf advanced the theory that yellow fever is not contagious, and while checking the hypothesis on himself. First he poured vomiting, resulting from yellow fever patients, open wounds, then drank vomit. He really did not become infected despite the fact that yellow fever is still contagious: scientists later found that infection occurs through blood, usually through a mosquito bite.Josef Mengele: The Angel of Death
Crazy stories mad scientists
Josef Mengele - one of the SS doctors, who personally oversaw the selection of inmates, and determined who should be killed, and whom to send to the camp for forced labor and experimentation. Among the prisoners, he was known as the "Angel of Death." At Auschwitz, Mengele conducted several studies of twins. After the experiment the twins were usually murdered and their bodies dismembered. He led the operation, during which were sewn together two gypsy boy to create Siamese twins. Children's hands were heavily contaminated in the field of resection of blood vessels. Mengele took blood regularly identical twins for analysis. It is known that some of it brought in such a way to death.
Crazy stories mad scientists
"I can not believe that their experiments Mengele considered serious research, because of the carelessness with which he worked. He just used this power to him. Mengele was a butcher - the majority of operations were performed without anesthetics. I once witnessed the operation on the stomach - Mengele removed part of the stomach, but without anesthesia. At other times the heart was removed, and again without anesthesia. It was monstrous. Mengele was obsessed with power. Nobody ever questioned him - why this man died? What he died? People are not counted. He believed that doing everything in the name of science. In fact, it was madness "- says a former Auschwitz inmate Alex Dekel.
Crazy stories mad scientistsJohann Conrad Dippel - the prototype of Dr. Frankenstein
Crazy stories mad scientists
Johann Konrad Dippel, a mad scientist, was actually born in castle Frankenstein in 1673, near Darmstadt, Germany. It is believed that he was the prototype for the protagonist in the novel, Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," although this version is still controversial.
After studying theology, philosophy and alchemy, he created the oil that should have been a dream of the alchemists - the elixir of immortality. It consisted of blood, bones and other animal parts. Among his many books on anatomy were the experiments, as the boiling of human body parts in a huge vat in order to create an artificial being, as well as an attempt to move the soul from one body to another by means of funnels, hoses, and lubricants.Giovanni Aldini: Dance Electric
Crazy stories mad scientists
Aldini was the nephew of Luigi Galvani. His uncle, an Italian professor of anatomy, discovered the phenomenon of galvanism, when he discovered that electrical discharges cause the twitching limbs of dead frogs. Aldini continued to experiment and tested on cadavers.
He drew the attention of the public over the body of an experiment executed murderer George Forster. Aldini contacts led to the corpse, after which the body set off a ghoulish dance. When he hooked the wires to the person, it is twisted in a horrible grimaces, his left eye opened as if to gaze upon his master. Some audience members were afraid that the offender actually come to life and then have to execute it again. One man was so impressed that soon after "representations" has died.
Crazy stories mad scientists
Here is how this experience has been described Aldini, one of his contemporaries: "restore heavy convulsive breathing, his eyes opened again, lips moved and the murderer are not subject to any more instinct-driven, it was such a strange pose as a grimace, that one of the assistants had lost feelings of horror and for several days suffering from this mental disorder. "Sergei Brukhonenko: the creator of the living head
Crazy stories mad scientists
Ahead of Vladimir Demikhov, Brukhonenko conducted experiments on wild dogs, which have contributed to the development of medicine in the field of open heart surgery. He created a primitive heart-lung machine called avtozhektor (machine maintenance activity of the heart and lungs). With this device, managed to keep their heads Brukhonenko dogs, cut off from the body alive.
In 1928, he displayed one of their heads. To prove that the head lying on the table alive, he showed how it responds to stimuli. Brukhonenko struck the table with a hammer, and the head flinched. He shined in her eyes, and blinked his eyes. He even fed the head a piece of cheese, which immediately jumped out of the channel of the esophagus, causing a revulsion of the public.Andrew Ure: Scottish butcher
Crazy stories mad scientists
Scottish doctor Andrew Ure, in spite of his many accomplishments, is known for carrying out four experiments on the corpse of Matthew Klaydesdeylom November 4, 1818. The first experience was in the back of the neck dissection and removal of the vertebra. Then he was made an incision in the left thigh and heel. Two electric wires were connected to the neck and thigh, which caused severe uncontrollable seizures. Then one of the wires brought to heel, receiving the discharge, the left leg kicked with the force of an assistant. The second experiment made the diaphragm Klaydesdeyla shrink, as if he was breathing again.
Ure said that the blood was not clotted Klaydesdeyla, and the neck is broken by hanging. He was confident that he will be able to return the body to life. The third experiment showed an unusual mimic the reaction after Ure made an incision on the forehead Klaydesdeyla. When a person Klaydesdeyla summed up contacts, it reflected the emotions of anger, fear, despair, longing, and there was a disgusting distorted smile. Facial expression so shocked viewers that one doctor, which did not have a weak stomach, immediately left the room. The final experiment suggested Klaydesdeyla recovery. Incision made on the index finger. As soon as the current was summed up, the dead man raised his hand and pointed at the people in the audience. Many were in indescribable terror.Shiro Ishii: the real Dr. Evil
Crazy stories mad scientists
Ishii was a microbiologist and lieutenant-general of military biological units 731 Japanese Imperial Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War. He was born in the village Shibayama in Chiba Prefecture, and studied medicine at the Imperial University in Kyoto. In 1932, he began to conduct experiments in a secret project for the Japanese army. In 1936 the division was formed 731. Outside the Chinese city of Harbin Ishii built a huge complex of 150 buildings with a total area of 6 square kilometers.
Crazy stories mad scientists
Among his achievements: vivisection of living people (including pregnant women who were inseminated doctor's laboratory), amputation of prisoners and trying to swap them, freezing and warming of the body parts of prisoners to study the flow of gangrene, the test grenades and flame throwers on human beings. Inmates were infected with viruses and diseases to study their effects on the body. To observe the effects of sexually transmitted diseases are running male and female prisoners forcibly infected with syphilis and gonorrhea. Due to privacy, which he gave the U.S. Army Peacekeeping, Shiro Ishii, not spent any time in prison and died at age 67 from throat cancer.Kevin Warwick: The first human-cyborg
Crazy stories mad scientists
Kevin Warwick, a British scientist and professor of cybernetics, the study of robots so fascinated that he attempted to become the first human-cyborg. In 1998, the primitive RFID transmitter was implanted under the skin of Warwick, it can be used to control the operation of doors, lights, heaters and other devices with computer control. The main purpose of the experiment was to test the susceptibility of the organism and the ease of receiving a signal from the chip. In 2002, a more complex neural device implanted into his nervous system to gain access to nerve signals. The experiment proved successful, the signal was clear enough that a mechanical manipulator can imitate hand movements of Warwick.
He was later held widely publicized experiment, special chips implanted in the body of Warwick and his wife, they have had to create the effect of telepathy or empathy. To transmit a signal at a distance using the Internet. The experience has been completed successfully: first established exclusively electronic communication between the nervous systems of two people. Warwick Studies in the field of cybernetics continues.
Vladimir Demikhov: surgeon, transplanted dog second head
Crazy stories mad scientists
In 1954, the Soviet surgeon Vladimir Demikhov, presented to the world his masterpiece: a dog biceps. Head, neck and front legs of a puppy's neck transplanted into an adult German Shepherd. The second head was trying to lap up the milk, but it trickled through a channel cut of the esophagus. Although this establishment soon died because of tissue rejection in the next 15 years Demikhov 19 more times repeated the experiment.
Crazy stories mad scientistsCrazy stories mad scientistsStubbins Firf: doctor, drinking vomit
Crazy stories mad scientists
In the early 19th century physician from Philadelphia, Stubbins Firf advanced the theory that yellow fever is not contagious, and while checking the hypothesis on himself. First he poured vomiting, resulting from yellow fever patients, open wounds, then drank vomit. He really did not become infected despite the fact that yellow fever is still contagious: scientists later found that infection occurs through blood, usually through a mosquito bite.Josef Mengele: The Angel of Death
Crazy stories mad scientists
Josef Mengele - one of the SS doctors, who personally oversaw the selection of inmates, and determined who should be killed, and whom to send to the camp for forced labor and experimentation. Among the prisoners, he was known as the "Angel of Death." At Auschwitz, Mengele conducted several studies of twins. After the experiment the twins were usually murdered and their bodies dismembered. He led the operation, during which were sewn together two gypsy boy to create Siamese twins. Children's hands were heavily contaminated in the field of resection of blood vessels. Mengele took blood regularly identical twins for analysis. It is known that some of it brought in such a way to death.
Crazy stories mad scientists
"I can not believe that their experiments Mengele considered serious research, because of the carelessness with which he worked. He just used this power to him. Mengele was a butcher - the majority of operations were performed without anesthetics. I once witnessed the operation on the stomach - Mengele removed part of the stomach, but without anesthesia. At other times the heart was removed, and again without anesthesia. It was monstrous. Mengele was obsessed with power. Nobody ever questioned him - why this man died? What he died? People are not counted. He believed that doing everything in the name of science. In fact, it was madness "- says a former Auschwitz inmate Alex Dekel.
Crazy stories mad scientistsJohann Conrad Dippel - the prototype of Dr. Frankenstein
Crazy stories mad scientists
Johann Konrad Dippel, a mad scientist, was actually born in castle Frankenstein in 1673, near Darmstadt, Germany. It is believed that he was the prototype for the protagonist in the novel, Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," although this version is still controversial.
After studying theology, philosophy and alchemy, he created the oil that should have been a dream of the alchemists - the elixir of immortality. It consisted of blood, bones and other animal parts. Among his many books on anatomy were the experiments, as the boiling of human body parts in a huge vat in order to create an artificial being, as well as an attempt to move the soul from one body to another by means of funnels, hoses, and lubricants.Giovanni Aldini: Dance Electric
Crazy stories mad scientists
Aldini was the nephew of Luigi Galvani. His uncle, an Italian professor of anatomy, discovered the phenomenon of galvanism, when he discovered that electrical discharges cause the twitching limbs of dead frogs. Aldini continued to experiment and tested on cadavers.
He drew the attention of the public over the body of an experiment executed murderer George Forster. Aldini contacts led to the corpse, after which the body set off a ghoulish dance. When he hooked the wires to the person, it is twisted in a horrible grimaces, his left eye opened as if to gaze upon his master. Some audience members were afraid that the offender actually come to life and then have to execute it again. One man was so impressed that soon after "representations" has died.
Crazy stories mad scientists
Here is how this experience has been described Aldini, one of his contemporaries: "restore heavy convulsive breathing, his eyes opened again, lips moved and the murderer are not subject to any more instinct-driven, it was such a strange pose as a grimace, that one of the assistants had lost feelings of horror and for several days suffering from this mental disorder. "Sergei Brukhonenko: the creator of the living head
Crazy stories mad scientists
Ahead of Vladimir Demikhov, Brukhonenko conducted experiments on wild dogs, which have contributed to the development of medicine in the field of open heart surgery. He created a primitive heart-lung machine called avtozhektor (machine maintenance activity of the heart and lungs). With this device, managed to keep their heads Brukhonenko dogs, cut off from the body alive.
In 1928, he displayed one of their heads. To prove that the head lying on the table alive, he showed how it responds to stimuli. Brukhonenko struck the table with a hammer, and the head flinched. He shined in her eyes, and blinked his eyes. He even fed the head a piece of cheese, which immediately jumped out of the channel of the esophagus, causing a revulsion of the public.Andrew Ure: Scottish butcher
Crazy stories mad scientists
Scottish doctor Andrew Ure, in spite of his many accomplishments, is known for carrying out four experiments on the corpse of Matthew Klaydesdeylom November 4, 1818. The first experience was in the back of the neck dissection and removal of the vertebra. Then he was made an incision in the left thigh and heel. Two electric wires were connected to the neck and thigh, which caused severe uncontrollable seizures. Then one of the wires brought to heel, receiving the discharge, the left leg kicked with the force of an assistant. The second experiment made the diaphragm Klaydesdeyla shrink, as if he was breathing again.
Ure said that the blood was not clotted Klaydesdeyla, and the neck is broken by hanging. He was confident that he will be able to return the body to life. The third experiment showed an unusual mimic the reaction after Ure made an incision on the forehead Klaydesdeyla. When a person Klaydesdeyla summed up contacts, it reflected the emotions of anger, fear, despair, longing, and there was a disgusting distorted smile. Facial expression so shocked viewers that one doctor, which did not have a weak stomach, immediately left the room. The final experiment suggested Klaydesdeyla recovery. Incision made on the index finger. As soon as the current was summed up, the dead man raised his hand and pointed at the people in the audience. Many were in indescribable terror.Shiro Ishii: the real Dr. Evil
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Ishii was a microbiologist and lieutenant-general of military biological units 731 Japanese Imperial Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War. He was born in the village Shibayama in Chiba Prefecture, and studied medicine at the Imperial University in Kyoto. In 1932, he began to conduct experiments in a secret project for the Japanese army. In 1936 the division was formed 731. Outside the Chinese city of Harbin Ishii built a huge complex of 150 buildings with a total area of 6 square kilometers.
Crazy stories mad scientists
Among his achievements: vivisection of living people (including pregnant women who were inseminated doctor's laboratory), amputation of prisoners and trying to swap them, freezing and warming of the body parts of prisoners to study the flow of gangrene, the test grenades and flame throwers on human beings. Inmates were infected with viruses and diseases to study their effects on the body. To observe the effects of sexually transmitted diseases are running male and female prisoners forcibly infected with syphilis and gonorrhea. Due to privacy, which he gave the U.S. Army Peacekeeping, Shiro Ishii, not spent any time in prison and died at age 67 from throat cancer.Kevin Warwick: The first human-cyborg
Crazy stories mad scientists
Kevin Warwick, a British scientist and professor of cybernetics, the study of robots so fascinated that he attempted to become the first human-cyborg. In 1998, the primitive RFID transmitter was implanted under the skin of Warwick, it can be used to control the operation of doors, lights, heaters and other devices with computer control. The main purpose of the experiment was to test the susceptibility of the organism and the ease of receiving a signal from the chip. In 2002, a more complex neural device implanted into his nervous system to gain access to nerve signals. The experiment proved successful, the signal was clear enough that a mechanical manipulator can imitate hand movements of Warwick.
He was later held widely publicized experiment, special chips implanted in the body of Warwick and his wife, they have had to create the effect of telepathy or empathy. To transmit a signal at a distance using the Internet. The experience has been completed successfully: first established exclusively electronic communication between the nervous systems of two people. Warwick Studies in the field of cybernetics continues.
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