Эдвард Мордрейк (или Эдвард Мордэйк) по слухам был наследником Английского пэрства в XIX веке. По легенде у него было дополнительное лицо позади головы, которое не могло есть или говорить, но которое было способно смеяться и плакать. Несчастный умолял докторов удалить свою вторую «демоническую голову», так как она нашёптывала ему ужасные вещи по ночам, однако, ни один из докторов не решился на такую операцию. В возрасте 23-х лет Эдвард совершил самоубийство. По одной из версий он отравился, по другой — пустил пулю меж глаз близнеца. И в обоих случаях он оставил предсмертную записку, в которой просил отделить от него это дьявольское лицо, боясь, что страшный шепот будет преследовать его даже в могиле.
Edward Mordreyk (or Edward Mordeyk) reportedly was heir to the British Peerage in the XIX century. According to legend, he had an additional person behind the head, which could not eat or speak, but which was able to laugh and cry. Unhappy begged doctors to remove his second "head demon", as she whispered to him horrible things in the night, however, none of the doctors decided not to such an operation. At the age of 23 years Edward had committed suicide. According to one version he had been poisoned, on the other - put a bullet between the eyes twin. And in both cases he left a suicide note in which he asked to separate from him is the devil's face, fearing that the terrible whisper will haunt him even in his grave.
Edward Mordreyk (or Edward Mordeyk) reportedly was heir to the British Peerage in the XIX century. According to legend, he had an additional person behind the head, which could not eat or speak, but which was able to laugh and cry. Unhappy begged doctors to remove his second "head demon", as she whispered to him horrible things in the night, however, none of the doctors decided not to such an operation. At the age of 23 years Edward had committed suicide. According to one version he had been poisoned, on the other - put a bullet between the eyes twin. And in both cases he left a suicide note in which he asked to separate from him is the devil's face, fearing that the terrible whisper will haunt him even in his grave.
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