Почему-то нам кажется, что самое интересное где-то там, за тридевять земель. А если перелететь одну только землю, а именно Белоруссию, и приземлиться, скажем, в Варшаве, это не там интригующе, вроде. Ну, просто Польша, просто братья славяне. Чего мы о них не знаем? Проехав по дорогам всего то двух воеводств, мы уже убедились, какая она разная, пестрая, необыкновенно удобная и интересная для ненасытного любопытствующего путешественника, Польша...
За считанные дни можно понять прелесть этой земли с высоты ее гор, и даже увидеть соседние Чехию и Словакию. С гор здесь зимой съезжают на лыжах, летом – на велосипедах. Скалы исследуют снаружи и изнутри. Совсем рядом можно спуститься под землю за серебром или солью. Бывшие шахты здесь превращены в роскошные подземные музеи. Средневековые замки и дворцы королей готовы нашептать вам свои тайны. И вот первая. Мы в Силезском воеводстве, город Ченстахово. Стоит сказать, что по площади Силезия занимает 14-е место среди 16-ти польских воеводств. А по численности населения – второе. Здесь живет почти 5 млн. человек. И столько же гостей со всего мира ежегодно бывает в Ченстахове. Все потому, что именно в этом городе бьется сердце польского народа. Паломники католики стремятся поклониться лику чудотворной Черной Мадонны. В XIV веке здесь был важный торговый центр, на пути, ведущем из Руси в Нижнюю Силезию и Саксонию. Тогда же, на Ясные Гури, по нашему Ясные Гори, поселились члены монашеского ордена Святого Павла, отцы Паолини. Монастырь, понятное дело, со временем стал оборонительным объектом. Крепость успешно удерживала осаду шведов, россиян и австрийцев. И всегда ее оберегала Черная Мадонна, которую король Ян Казимир объявил королевой Польши. К трону королевы припадал и Папа Римский, как называют земляка здесь, Ян Павел II. Понятно, почему открытое миру Ченстахово имеет редкую награду, Гран-при Совета Европы. Кстати, в имени Черная Мадонна нет, конечно, ничего негативного. Просто первое изображение Мадонны нарисовал Святой Лука на темном дереве обычного стола.
Не прочувствовали уже окрепшей туристской моды на экстрим? Пожалуйста. Легкий джипинг по раскисшим от дождя горам, затем урок линолазанья, это значит игра в тарзана. Ну, и скалы плюс пещеры. Чтобы вы были спокойны, вас познакомят с известной и надежной командой спасателей Gopr. Здесь отличные проверенные ребята и их не менее надежные помощники. Видели вы когда-нибудь такую доску почета? За 100 лет в центре накопилось немало историй о разного рода бедолагах. Вам расскажут, и вы не рискнете после этого спускаться со снежной вершины на спутниковой тарелке или держаться зубами за страховочную веревку. А после рассказов за дело. Рядом со спасателями из Gopr тренироваться одно удовольствие.
- Для вас будет проводиться три вида занятий.
- Интеллигентный такой прикид и касочка.
- Если теряешь равновесие, падать надо назад. Но я падать не хочу. Вообще, честно говоря, жутко страшно. Ай, все трясется.
- Андрей, как ты себя чувствуешь?
- Пострадавшим.
- Тебе тепло?
- Да, очень.
- Сухо?
- Сухо, сухо. Пока еще да.
Польский гастрономический прием хоть в маленькой уютной корчме, хоть в ресторане соответствует высокой оценке доброго гостя. Силезская кухня удивит гурманов, знающих толк в народных традициях. Ее лидер – суп, приготовленные на заквасе ржаной муки с копченостями. Называется жур. Ну, и силезские клецки. И, конечно, копченый окорок. И, безусловно, пиво. Самое знаменитое Живец. Все понятно из названия этого сорта. И Тыске – на этом пивоваренном заводе мы еще побываем. Мы вернемся в польскую Силезию через несколько минут.
А теперь понемногу о разном.
Одна из турфирм Кипра предлагает туристам поохотиться на НЛО. Конечно, встречу с зелеными человечками никто не гарантирует. Просто местные жители часто видят необычные вспышки света в небе над горами Восточного побережья острова. Ученые пока не могут объяснить природу свечения. Вот турфирма и решила сделать на этом бизнес.
Недавно в Амстердаме открылась первая в мире библиотека в аэропорту. Искать ее надо в зоне между терминалами E и F, рядом с баром. Теперь, ожидая самолет, путешественники могут почитать книги на 29-ти языках, послушать музыку и посмотреть фильмы.
Зажег в баре сигарету, плати штраф 50 евро. Закурил в больнице, готовь 200 евро. Минздрав и правительство Греции ввели запрет на курение в общественных местах. А все потому, что греки считаются самыми заядлыми курильщиками в Евросоюзе. Теперь бессмысленно брать с собой сигареты даже в бары, кафе и рестораны. Легально пользоваться пепельницей и зажигалкой можно только в развлекательных центрах, площадь которых более 300 метров.
Некоторые жители Эквадора уже не представляют себе салат без лепестков розы. Съедобные розы вывели совсем недавно. Выращивают их в чистых горных районах страны. Правда, содержать такую плантацию затратно. Поливают розы исключительно талой водой Анд, а опрыскивают от вредителей только натуральными удобрениями, например отваром из ромашки или табака. Владельцы розария регулярно проводят для туристов экскурсию с дегустацией. По словам посетителей розы на вкус напоминают руколу.
20 минут в клетке наедине с огромными крокодилами может провести любой посетитель одного из австралийских парков. Пятиметровые рептилии весом до 800 кг живут в бассейне. Экстремалов спускают к хищникам в прозрачном ящике. Развлечение абсолютно безопасное. Крокодилы плавают вокруг клетки, а туристы спокойно за ними наблюдают. Стоит экзотическая прогулка $155.
Если вам в Европу, присоединяйтесь. Тут недалеко и довольно интересно. Мы продолжаем путь по незнакомке Польше, которая ждет российских туристов и готова развлечь нас непредсказуемо. Будьте уверены, вас ждут разнообразные впечатления. Посмотрим на это сверху. Мы поднимаемся на самую высокую вершину Силезских Бескидов. Бескиды – это три горные Карпатские цепи. А мы стремимся на гору Скшична. 1257 метров над уровнем моря. В сущности, не так уж и высоко, но красота пейзажей завораживает, и не только нас. Подъемник не пустует ни зимой, ни летом. И похоже, это только мы здесь праздные созерцатели. Народ занят делом. Вдохнули широко и свободно. Рассмотрели невероятное количество оранжевых крыш под ногами. Глотнули горячего вина или ржаного пива с соком, тоже вкусная штука. Запомните теперь, что именно в Силезских Бескидах растут самые известные в Европе елки, прямые как стрелы, высота 630 метров, возраст 130 лет. Это, конечно, не подарки к Рождеству. Их берегут, как и косулей, оленей, кабанов, зубров и бобров. Вообще, вокруг сплошные заповедники. Наслаждайся и разглядывай.
Спустились? Не забывайте, мы все же на горнолыжном курорте. С лыжами здесь не расстаются не зимой, ни летом.
- В Польше, между прочим, нет автомобилей. Есть самоходы, и это самая популярная модель. Называется Малюха. Один из сотен маршрутов называется “Дорога Орлиных гнезд”. И это не дорога для птичьих фанатов, т.е. орнитологов, как вы подумали. Орлиными гнездами здесь называют руины многочисленных средневековых замков. На таком маршруте чувствуешь себя сразу исследователем, рыцарем, спортсменом и просто путешественником. Можно изучать Силезию организовано, а можно и самостоятельно. Народ общительный, подскажет, если сами чего не поймете. Хотя запутаться трудно.
Изучив “Орлиные гнезда”, войдешь во вкус и ни за что не пропустишь гнезда дворянские. Поместий и дворцов, бывших и реальных, в Силезии предостаточно. И мы уже в одном из них. Этот дворец называют жемчужиной Верхней Силезии. Он украшает город Пщину. Интересен подлинными интерьерами времен императора Вильгельма II. В прочем, интересно здесь и многое другое. Вот парадный въезд с деревянной брусчаткой из плотных дубовых столбов. Такой пол гасил грохот конских копыт т тяжелых карет. История этого княжеского дома началась в XV веке, когда им владела родственница короля. Текли столетия, ренессанс сменялся на барокко, внутренне убранство повторяло интерьеры французских замков, что было по вкусу князьям Холбергам. Они владеют дворцом последние 160 лет. Это вот нынешний владелец. Живет в Мюнхене, но сюда наведывается и даже останавливается ненадолго. В таких случаях живет во дворце этажом выше. Говорят, парадная лестница знатокам легко напоминает Версаль. А нам вот не удалось увидеть российский подарок, который украшает ту же самую лестницу. Екатерина II подарила Холбергам гобелен с амазонками. Зато в полном порядке обеденный зал. Зеркала, сделанные в Париже, расширяют пространство. Люстры поднимаются и опускаются на нужную высоту. На балконах и теперь можно разместить камерный оркестрик. А на мраморном буфете выставлялись для гостей блюда с гастрономическими изысками, которые специальными лифтами поднимали сюда с нижнего этажа, из кухни. А вот романтическая героиня этого княжеского дома. Мария Тереза была женой польского князя Генриха XV. Эту красавицу англичанку в Пщине так полюбили, что называли просто цветочным именем Дези. Местечко Пщина имеет еще одно устаревшее название, более удобное, кстати, для русского языка, Плес. Поэтому все местные князья носили это дополнение к имени Фон Плес. И вот вам живой польский подарок. Фамилия этой девушки именно Плес. Вы, конечно же, заметили ее пристальное внимание к этому музею. Магдалена Плес или просто Магда, наша переводчица от польской туристической организации, действительно имеет отношение к этому месту. И может быть ее имя Магдалена Фон Плес?
- Да, довольно такие интересные истории. Мой папа происходит из Сияворна, это такое небольшой городок поблизости здесь. От туда подозрение идет, что замок как то связан с нашим родом и с нашей семьей. Это конечно смешно, но я бы хотела вот такую спальню на самом деле.
Оставим Магду с ее княжеской фамилией в раздумьях. А перед нами апартаменты князя. Здесь он и его друзья курили, а там дальше собирали трофеи своих мужских приключений. Охота, понятно, любимое занятие аристократов. Некоторые экспонаты до сих пор сохраняют дату своей встречи с удачливым охотником и даже его имя. Даже в дождливый день в Пщине можно поучаствовать в международных празднествах. Вот, например, в европейской Майовке. Это традиционный конкурс военных оркестров.
Somehow we think that the most interesting thing out there, far away. And if you fly only one ground, namely, Belarus, and land, for example, in Warsaw, is not it intriguing, sort of. Well, just Poland, just a brother Slavs. What do we not know about them? After traveling the roads of all is the two provinces, we have seen, what she is different, colorful, extremely comfortable and interesting for the traveler's insatiable curiosity, Poland.
For a few days you can see the charm of this land from the height of its mountains, and even see the neighboring Czech Republic and Slovakia. From the mountains move down here in the winter skiing, summer - by bicycle. The rocks examined inside and out. Very near you can go underground for the silver and salt. The former mine is transformed into a luxurious underground museum. Medieval castles and palaces of kings are ready to whisper its secrets to you. And this is the first. We are in the Silesia province, city Chenstahovo. It is said that over the area of Silesia occupies the 14th place among 16 Polish voivodships. And in terms of population - the second. It is home to nearly 5 million people. And as many guests from around the world each year is in Chenstahove. This is because in this city beats the heart of the Polish people. Pilgrims Catholics tend to worship the ranks of the miraculous Black Madonna. In the XIV century it was an important trading center on the road leading from Russia to the Lower Silesia and Saxony. At the same time, the Clear Guri, in our Clear Gori, settled members of the monastic order of St. Paul, the Fathers Paolini. The monastery, of course, eventually became the object of defense. The fortress has successfully kept the siege of the Swedes, Russians and Austrians. And it has always protected the Black Madonna, which King John Casimir proclaimed Queen of Poland. By the queen's throne fall down and the Pope, as it is called countrymen here, John Paul II. It is understandable why the public has a rare Chenstahovo peace prize, the Grand Prix of the Council of Europe. Incidentally, in the name of the Black Madonna is not, of course, nothing negative. Just the first image of the Madonna painted by Saint Luke the usual dark wood table.
Do not have felt it stronger than before the tourist fashion for extreme sports? You're welcome. Easy to jeeping muddy from rain the mountains, then the lesson linolazanya, it means playing Tarzan. Well, plus a rock cave. You to be calm, you will be acquainted with the well-known and reliable team of rescuers Gopr. It tested great guys and they are not less reliable helpers. Have you ever seen such a plaque of honor? For 100 years the center has collected many stories about all sorts of poor fellows. They will tell you, and you do not dare to go down after that with snow on top of the satellite dish, or to keep their teeth for the belay rope. And after the stories behind it. Next to the rescue of Gopr training a pleasure.
- You will be held three sessions.- Intelligent and Impress a kasochka.- If you lose your balance and fall should be back. But I do not want to fall. Generally, to be honest, terribly frightened. Aye, all the shaking.- Andrew, how are you feeling?- Victims.- Do you like this site?- Yes, very much.- Dry?Laughter.- Dry, dry. So far, yes.
Polish gourmet reception even in a small cozy inn, though the restaurant complies appreciation of good guest. Silesian cuisine will surprise connoisseurs who know a lot about folk traditions. Its leader - soup, cooked on the ferment of rye flour with meat. Is called the journal. Well, Silesian dumplings. And, of course, smoked ham. And, of course, beer. The most famous Zywiec. All is clear from the name of the class. And Tyske - on this brewery, we have visited. We will return to the Polish Silesia a few minutes.
Now a little about different.
One of Cyprus Travel Agents offers tourists hunt for UFOs. Of course, meeting with the green men there is no guarantee. Just the locals often see strange flashes of light in the sky over the mountains of the Eastern coast of the island. Scientists can not yet explain the nature of luminescence. Here are the tour agency and decided to do this business.
The recently opened in Amsterdam, the world's first library at the airport. Search for it should be in the area between terminals E and F, adjacent to the bar. Now, waiting for the plane, travelers can read the books in 29 different languages, listen to music and watch movies.
He lit a cigarette in a bar, pay a fine of EUR 50. Lit up in the hospital, prepare 200 euros. Ministry of Health and the Greek government imposed a ban on smoking in public places. And all because the Greeks are the most heavy smokers in the EU. Now pointless to bring cigarettes, even in bars, cafes and restaurants. Legally use the ashtray and cigarette lighter only in entertainment centers with an area of more than 300 meters.
Some residents of Ecuador is no longer imagine a salad without the rose petals. Edible roses brought recently. Grow them in a clear mountain areas of the country. However, expensive to maintain such a plantation. Watering roses exclusively Andes melt water, and sprayed against pests only natural fertilizers, such as chamomile or decoction of tobacco. The owners of the rosary regularly for tourists tour and tasting. According to the visitors rose to the taste reminiscent of arugula.
20 minutes in a cage alone with huge crocodiles may conduct any visitor of one of Australia's parks. Five-meter reptile weighing up to 800kg live in the basin. Adventurers descend to predators in a transparent box. Entertainment is absolutely safe. Crocodiles swim around the cage, and tourists quietly watching them. It should be an exotic trip $ 155.
If you are in Europe, join us. Then close and quite interesting. We continue on the path of the stranger Poland, which is waiting for Russian tourists, and is ready to entertain us is unpredictable. Be sure you are waiting for a variety of experiences. Look at it from above. We climb the highest mountain Silesian Beskid Mountains. Beskid - three Carpathian mountain chain. And we strive to Mount Skshichna. 1257 meters above sea level. In fact, not too high, but the beauty of the scenery is fascinating, not just us. The lift is not empty neither winter nor summer. And it looks like we have here is just idle contemplatives. People are engaged in business. Breathe freely and widely. Considered an incredible amount of orange roofs under their feet. Swallowed the hot wine or beer with rye juice, tasty stuff, too. Remember now that it is in the Silesian Beskid Mountains, rising in Europe, the most famous Christmas tree, straight as an arrow, the height of 630 meters, the age of 130 years. This, of course, presents for Christmas. Their guard, as well as roe deer, deer, wild boar, bison and beaver. Generally, around the solid reserves. Enjoy and examined.
We went down? Do not forget, we are still in the ski resort. With the skis do not leave here not in the winter or summer.
- In Poland, by the way, there are no cars. There is a self-propelled, and is the most popular model. Malukh called. One of the hundreds of routes called "Road Eagle nests." And it's not expensive for bird fans, that is, ornithologists as you think. Eagle nests are called here the ruins of many medieval castles. On this route, you feel just a researcher, a knight, an athlete and just a traveler. You can learn Silesia organized, but you can own. The people sociable, will tell you if they themselves do not understand why. Although it is difficult to get lost.
After examining the "Eagles Nest", will enter into the taste and would never miss a nest of nobility. Estates and palaces of the former and real, in Silesia abound. And we have one of them. This palace is called the pearl of Upper Silesia. He adorns the city Pszczyna. Interestingly authentic interiors the time of Emperor Wilhelm II. In other matters, it is interesting here, and much more. That's front entrance with a wooden pavement of dense oak pillars. This floor rumble of horses' hoofs put out tons of heavy carriages. The history of the princely house began in the XV century, when they owned a relative of the king. Flowed century, the Renaissance gave way to the baroque interior of the interiors of repeated French castle, which was to taste the princes Hallberg. They own the palace past 160 years. It's current owner. He lives in Munich, but here visited by, and even stops briefly. In such cases, lives in a palace on the floor above. They say it is easy to connoisseurs of the grand staircase reminiscent of Versailles. And here we are not able to see Russia's gift, which is decorated with the same ladder. Catherine II gave Hallberg tapestry of the Amazons. But in the fine dining room. Mirrors made in Paris, expand the space. Chandeliers are raised and lowered to the desired height. On the balconies and you can now place orkestrik chamber. And on the marble sideboard exhibited for visitors with gastronomic specialties, which are raised here by special lifts from the bottom floor of the kitchen. But the romantic heroine of this princely house. Maria Theresa was the wife of the Polish Prince Heinrich XV. This beautiful Englishwoman in Pszczyna so loved that flower called simply the name of Daisy. Town of Pszczyna has another obsolete term, a more convenient way, for the Russian language, Ples. Therefore, all the local princes were an addition to the name of von Ples. And here's a live Polish gift. Name of this girl is Ples. You, of course, noticed her attention to this museum. Reach Magdalena or just Magda, our translator from the Polish Tourist Organisation, really has to do with this place. And maybe her name is Magdalena von Ples?
- Yes, these very interesting stories. My dad is from Siyavorna, it is a small town near here. From there, the suspicion is that the castle as it is connected with our race and our family. This is of course ridiculous, but I'd like to just such a bedroom actually.
Magda will leave with her princely name in thought. And we Apartment prince. Here he and his friends smoked, and there continue to collect trophies of their male adventure. Hunting, of course, a favorite pastime of aristocrats. Some artifacts still retain the date of his meeting with the successful hunter, and even his name. Even on a rainy day in Pszczyna can take part in international festivals. For example, in European Mayovke. This is a traditional competition of military bands.
For a few days you can see the charm of this land from the height of its mountains, and even see the neighboring Czech Republic and Slovakia. From the mountains move down here in the winter skiing, summer - by bicycle. The rocks examined inside and out. Very near you can go underground for the silver and salt. The former mine is transformed into a luxurious underground museum. Medieval castles and palaces of kings are ready to whisper its secrets to you. And this is the first. We are in the Silesia province, city Chenstahovo. It is said that over the area of Silesia occupies the 14th place among 16 Polish voivodships. And in terms of population - the second. It is home to nearly 5 million people. And as many guests from around the world each year is in Chenstahove. This is because in this city beats the heart of the Polish people. Pilgrims Catholics tend to worship the ranks of the miraculous Black Madonna. In the XIV century it was an important trading center on the road leading from Russia to the Lower Silesia and Saxony. At the same time, the Clear Guri, in our Clear Gori, settled members of the monastic order of St. Paul, the Fathers Paolini. The monastery, of course, eventually became the object of defense. The fortress has successfully kept the siege of the Swedes, Russians and Austrians. And it has always protected the Black Madonna, which King John Casimir proclaimed Queen of Poland. By the queen's throne fall down and the Pope, as it is called countrymen here, John Paul II. It is understandable why the public has a rare Chenstahovo peace prize, the Grand Prix of the Council of Europe. Incidentally, in the name of the Black Madonna is not, of course, nothing negative. Just the first image of the Madonna painted by Saint Luke the usual dark wood table.
Do not have felt it stronger than before the tourist fashion for extreme sports? You're welcome. Easy to jeeping muddy from rain the mountains, then the lesson linolazanya, it means playing Tarzan. Well, plus a rock cave. You to be calm, you will be acquainted with the well-known and reliable team of rescuers Gopr. It tested great guys and they are not less reliable helpers. Have you ever seen such a plaque of honor? For 100 years the center has collected many stories about all sorts of poor fellows. They will tell you, and you do not dare to go down after that with snow on top of the satellite dish, or to keep their teeth for the belay rope. And after the stories behind it. Next to the rescue of Gopr training a pleasure.
- You will be held three sessions.- Intelligent and Impress a kasochka.- If you lose your balance and fall should be back. But I do not want to fall. Generally, to be honest, terribly frightened. Aye, all the shaking.- Andrew, how are you feeling?- Victims.- Do you like this site?- Yes, very much.- Dry?Laughter.- Dry, dry. So far, yes.
Polish gourmet reception even in a small cozy inn, though the restaurant complies appreciation of good guest. Silesian cuisine will surprise connoisseurs who know a lot about folk traditions. Its leader - soup, cooked on the ferment of rye flour with meat. Is called the journal. Well, Silesian dumplings. And, of course, smoked ham. And, of course, beer. The most famous Zywiec. All is clear from the name of the class. And Tyske - on this brewery, we have visited. We will return to the Polish Silesia a few minutes.
Now a little about different.
One of Cyprus Travel Agents offers tourists hunt for UFOs. Of course, meeting with the green men there is no guarantee. Just the locals often see strange flashes of light in the sky over the mountains of the Eastern coast of the island. Scientists can not yet explain the nature of luminescence. Here are the tour agency and decided to do this business.
The recently opened in Amsterdam, the world's first library at the airport. Search for it should be in the area between terminals E and F, adjacent to the bar. Now, waiting for the plane, travelers can read the books in 29 different languages, listen to music and watch movies.
He lit a cigarette in a bar, pay a fine of EUR 50. Lit up in the hospital, prepare 200 euros. Ministry of Health and the Greek government imposed a ban on smoking in public places. And all because the Greeks are the most heavy smokers in the EU. Now pointless to bring cigarettes, even in bars, cafes and restaurants. Legally use the ashtray and cigarette lighter only in entertainment centers with an area of more than 300 meters.
Some residents of Ecuador is no longer imagine a salad without the rose petals. Edible roses brought recently. Grow them in a clear mountain areas of the country. However, expensive to maintain such a plantation. Watering roses exclusively Andes melt water, and sprayed against pests only natural fertilizers, such as chamomile or decoction of tobacco. The owners of the rosary regularly for tourists tour and tasting. According to the visitors rose to the taste reminiscent of arugula.
20 minutes in a cage alone with huge crocodiles may conduct any visitor of one of Australia's parks. Five-meter reptile weighing up to 800kg live in the basin. Adventurers descend to predators in a transparent box. Entertainment is absolutely safe. Crocodiles swim around the cage, and tourists quietly watching them. It should be an exotic trip $ 155.
If you are in Europe, join us. Then close and quite interesting. We continue on the path of the stranger Poland, which is waiting for Russian tourists, and is ready to entertain us is unpredictable. Be sure you are waiting for a variety of experiences. Look at it from above. We climb the highest mountain Silesian Beskid Mountains. Beskid - three Carpathian mountain chain. And we strive to Mount Skshichna. 1257 meters above sea level. In fact, not too high, but the beauty of the scenery is fascinating, not just us. The lift is not empty neither winter nor summer. And it looks like we have here is just idle contemplatives. People are engaged in business. Breathe freely and widely. Considered an incredible amount of orange roofs under their feet. Swallowed the hot wine or beer with rye juice, tasty stuff, too. Remember now that it is in the Silesian Beskid Mountains, rising in Europe, the most famous Christmas tree, straight as an arrow, the height of 630 meters, the age of 130 years. This, of course, presents for Christmas. Their guard, as well as roe deer, deer, wild boar, bison and beaver. Generally, around the solid reserves. Enjoy and examined.
We went down? Do not forget, we are still in the ski resort. With the skis do not leave here not in the winter or summer.
- In Poland, by the way, there are no cars. There is a self-propelled, and is the most popular model. Malukh called. One of the hundreds of routes called "Road Eagle nests." And it's not expensive for bird fans, that is, ornithologists as you think. Eagle nests are called here the ruins of many medieval castles. On this route, you feel just a researcher, a knight, an athlete and just a traveler. You can learn Silesia organized, but you can own. The people sociable, will tell you if they themselves do not understand why. Although it is difficult to get lost.
After examining the "Eagles Nest", will enter into the taste and would never miss a nest of nobility. Estates and palaces of the former and real, in Silesia abound. And we have one of them. This palace is called the pearl of Upper Silesia. He adorns the city Pszczyna. Interestingly authentic interiors the time of Emperor Wilhelm II. In other matters, it is interesting here, and much more. That's front entrance with a wooden pavement of dense oak pillars. This floor rumble of horses' hoofs put out tons of heavy carriages. The history of the princely house began in the XV century, when they owned a relative of the king. Flowed century, the Renaissance gave way to the baroque interior of the interiors of repeated French castle, which was to taste the princes Hallberg. They own the palace past 160 years. It's current owner. He lives in Munich, but here visited by, and even stops briefly. In such cases, lives in a palace on the floor above. They say it is easy to connoisseurs of the grand staircase reminiscent of Versailles. And here we are not able to see Russia's gift, which is decorated with the same ladder. Catherine II gave Hallberg tapestry of the Amazons. But in the fine dining room. Mirrors made in Paris, expand the space. Chandeliers are raised and lowered to the desired height. On the balconies and you can now place orkestrik chamber. And on the marble sideboard exhibited for visitors with gastronomic specialties, which are raised here by special lifts from the bottom floor of the kitchen. But the romantic heroine of this princely house. Maria Theresa was the wife of the Polish Prince Heinrich XV. This beautiful Englishwoman in Pszczyna so loved that flower called simply the name of Daisy. Town of Pszczyna has another obsolete term, a more convenient way, for the Russian language, Ples. Therefore, all the local princes were an addition to the name of von Ples. And here's a live Polish gift. Name of this girl is Ples. You, of course, noticed her attention to this museum. Reach Magdalena or just Magda, our translator from the Polish Tourist Organisation, really has to do with this place. And maybe her name is Magdalena von Ples?
- Yes, these very interesting stories. My dad is from Siyavorna, it is a small town near here. From there, the suspicion is that the castle as it is connected with our race and our family. This is of course ridiculous, but I'd like to just such a bedroom actually.
Magda will leave with her princely name in thought. And we Apartment prince. Here he and his friends smoked, and there continue to collect trophies of their male adventure. Hunting, of course, a favorite pastime of aristocrats. Some artifacts still retain the date of his meeting with the successful hunter, and even his name. Even on a rainy day in Pszczyna can take part in international festivals. For example, in European Mayovke. This is a traditional competition of military bands.
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