Сегодня мы вернемся в далекую экзотику, куда непросто долететь. Не массовое это направление туризма. Зато тот, кто попадает в Эквадор, набирается таких неповторимых впечатлений, что вспоминать и разбираться с ними придется долго. Джунгли и почти нетронутые цивилизацией жизнь индейцев Амазонки, следы испанской колонизации и ее невиданная смесь с местными традициями...
Говорят, здесь хорошо бы поселиться на закате жизни, буквально. В международном рейтинге лучших стран для жизни на пенсии эта страна названа самой привлекательной. Здесь недороги не только продукты, но и недвижимость. Например, отличная двухкомнатная квартира с панорамным видом обойдется в $50 тыс. Ну, а главное то, что не имеет денежного эквивалента. Местный народ живет на удивление по-своему, не смотря на то, что Эквадор давно принял на себя влияние Европейской культуры. Обычаи индейских предков живут, в чем-то не изменяясь, в чем-то по-своему трансформируясь, но живут. Например, авторитет церкви велик и именно мнение священников важно в разрешении всяческих споров, вплоть до политических. Конечно, всякий законный брак должен быть освящен, чтоб считаться состоявшимся. При знакомстве с эквадорцами нужно сразу забыть о традиционном представлении об испанском темпераменте. Испанская культура просматривается, а вот горячего нрава и вспыльчивости не видно. Народ здесь спокойный и уравновешенный, возможно, привык беречь энергию на более важные и полезные дела, чем торговля или общение на улицах. Эквадорцы скорей даже медлительны и всяким делом занимаются обстоятельно. Возможно, их невозмутимость кончается только на рынке.
Вот здесь они бывают и говорливы и шумны, хотя тоже в разумных пределах. Приветливые хозяева этой страны привыкли здороваться с каждым встречным, даже если вы абсолютно незнакомы и никогда больше не увидитесь. Может поэтому глаз видеокамеры их смущает, как объект, от которого приветствия не дождешься. Ну, а здесь, в историческом парке города Гуаякиле, где гостей ждут, чтобы показать им некоторые черты колониального прошлого, к каждому туристу относятся как к другу. Почти живой и достоверный фрагмент жизни фермерского Эквадора конца XIX – начала XX века перед вами. Вообще, испанцы проделали здесь огромную работу, пройдя континент с берега до берега по нескольку раз. Вот и город Гуаякиле основывали не один раз. Поначалу, как говорят хроники, местные провинциальные индейцы благосклонно отнеслись к пришедшим испанца. Им понадобилось время, чтобы оценить навящивость цивилизованных гостей и алчность их запросов, особенно по части золота и женщин. А разобравшись, индейцы легко перебили немногочисленных испанцев. И губернатору Киту пришлось посылать сюда новых капитанов, чтоб основать город в таком удобном месте и еще и еще раз. Зато теперь в парке Гуаякиле тогдашняя жизнь кажется спокойной и безмятежной. Кофе и какао, рис, бананы, лекарственные растения – зона традиций и образ жизни прибрежной культуры. В другой части парка совершенная красота. Мангровые заросли и сухой лес, невероятные боевой раскраски попугаи, паукообразные обезьяны и ленивцы почти в естественной среде. И при этом они совершенно спокойно относятся к присутствию людей.
Но вернемся на рынок, где можно не только наблюдать за народом и его бытом. Именно здесь можно попробовать местные деликатесы по народным ценам. То, что в ресторане стоит $20 за порцию, здесь значительно доступней. Вот, например, эта жареное на вертеле мясо непонятного зверя, которого можно было бы считать родственником поросенка, если бы не когтистые лапы и зубастая мордочка. Говорят, жирновато. Но, судя по стабильному присутствию на прилавках, мясо кулья (так зверь называется) пользуется спросом. Всех туристов обязательно везут в Отовалло. И вот здесь, говорят, уместно вспомнить не армию конкистадоров, которые расширяли границы открытых земель отвагой предприимчивостью и жестокостью, но армию совсем других людей. А именно испанских чиновников, которые шли за завоевателями и оттачивали в новом свете свою государственную практичность. Служащие финансового ведомства, которые проникли в долину Отовалло, заметили искусство индейских ткачей и уже тогда решили использовать его для пополнения испанской казны. Знать инков одевалась в тончайшие и легкие шерстяные ткани. Их ткали тогда из шерсти лам.
А в Европе они ценились также, как золото и серебро. А самые лучшие ткани были именно из долины Отовалло. Благодаря тому, что испанцы высоко оценили местных ткачей, их не отправляли на шахты и рудники. Их решено было не отягощать какими-либо повинностями, а только лишь требовать определенное количество тканей. Испанцы, конечно, поставили дело на промышленную основу, т.е. завели нечто вроде мелких мануфактур. А недостаток лам индейцы быстро заменили овцами, которых завезли испанцы. Мануфактуры принадлежали короне, монастырям и знатным сеньорам, а индейцы поставляли шерсть и рабочих (исключительно мужчин и мальчиков, начиная с 9 лет). Исторические хроники называют жителей Отовалло “полезными индейцами”. Качеством их тканей не могли нарадоваться в самом Мадриде. Из-за океана даже поступали указания обращаться с ткачами помягче. Похожие на те самые ткани делают здесь и теперь, иногда в свободное от другой работы время. И тогда на одно пончо уходит 4-5 месяцев. Но ткут здесь все, кто старше 14-ти лет. И настоящее пончо по-прежнему выходит только из мужских рук. Народ в Отовалло и теперь деловой, предприимчивый. Но туристов здесь принимают с радостью и надеждами на расширение спроса. И действительно. В Эквадоре есть все для беспокойной души путешественника. Дикие джунгли и их обитатели, берег океана и загадочное наследие доколониальной цивилизации. Наконец, невероятное богатство природы, о чем догадываются даже в далеком вдалеке, таком, как наша страна. 95% нашего товарооборота с Эквадором – сельхоз продукция. Бананы, кофе, какао, морепродукты. Причем торговое представительство Эквадора надеется на россиян. По их подсчетам при нынешнем экспорте бананов в Россию каждый россиянин съедает по пол банана в неделю. А ведь мог бы съедать и целый банан. А это уже увеличение поставок вдвое.
Ну, а это ремесло на столько похоже на один из нижегородских промыслов, что не нуждается в рекомендации. Разве что у нас применяется посеребренная проволока, а здесь делают довольно массивные украшения из серебра и даже золота. Технология вполне проста. Мастерство можно рассмотреть невооруженным глазом. Мотивы почти наши. Конечно, растительные кружева и бабочки.
Приключения туристов в джунглях всегда полны неожиданностей и даже стрессов. Прогулки по тропе далеки от комфорта. Может поэтому, эквадорские отели кажутся после этого особенно уютными. Или просто в местных пейзажах они так хорошо устроились. Учитывая то, что недвижимость здесь не слишком дорога, организовать свое пусть маленькое поместье особенно соблазнительно. Примерно так, начиная с веселой лужайки. Это дом можно сказать менеджера по туризму. С большой фантазией и, понятно, желанием создать свой мир буквально на каждом квадратном метре жилой площади. Гостиная, она же столовая, где даже стулья готовы участвовать в танцевальном действии. Пожалуй, не стоит слишком много думать о наряде, отправляясь сюда. Здесь так много деталей и такой перегруз эмоций, что и музыка и, может быть даже, угощение будут лишними. Вот посмотрите галерею друзей хозяйки. Видели вы когда-нибудь такую преданность четвероногим друзьям?
История Эквадора полна таких жестких подробностей и в отношении завоевателей, и коренных жителей, и в более глубоких срезах традиций индейцев, что некоторые ее фрагменты попросту шокируют. Но здесь совершенно спокойно показывают то, что видеть, может быть, и не хотелось бы. Возможно потому, что это не придуманная история, а то, чем действительно жили предки местных аборигенов. И что, соответственно, хранят не для кого-то, а в первую очередь ля себя. Вот это голова врага, например. В каждом уважающем себя доме или селении должна быть такая. Это делали не для устрашения, а как раз наоборот, из уважения к врагу и к собственной храбрости, чтобы закрепить ее в поколениях. Для любознательных рядом схема. В этом музее она сработана каким-то умельцем самодельщиком. А вот и экскурсанты. Видите? Экспозиции не только для туристов работают. Местные школьники регулярно знакомятся со всем богатством своей страны. Такой спокойной, такой яркой, такой разнообразной на взгляд далекого заокеанского гостя.
А теперь понемногу о разном.
В пражском зоопарке туристам предлагают поработать. Условия очень просты. Разрешается один день ухаживать за одним животным. Можно выбрать хоть слона, хоть крокодила. Труд волонтера не оплачивается. Наоборот, ему самому придется заплатить зоопарку 500 евро. Сертификаты на работу в зоопарке хорошо раскупаются. Чем не подарок?
В Евпатории любой турист может получить бесплатную карту города. На ней обозначен пешеходный маршрут в Малый Иерусалим и еще 22 объекта с подробным описанием и фотографиями. Кроме того, на карте отмечены все городские пляжи, указаны адреса и телефоны всех экстренных служб города.
В конце сентября в Египте станет одним экскурсионным объектом больше. Откроется античный портовый город Леу-Каспис. Древний порт обнаружили случайно китайские строители в 1986 году, когда прокладывали дорогу к курорту Марино. Пока что большая часть города погребена в песках. Археологи раскопали развалины храма, древнюю канализационную систему, римские бани, гробницы, греческие колонны и несколько зданий.
Власти Бангкока рекомендуют туристам не оплачивать штрафы, наложенные на них местными инспекторами. Некоторые сотрудники тайской полиции стали слишком придирчивы к иностранцам и пытаются оштрафовать их за любую мельчайшую провинность. К примеру, за брошенный на тротуар фантик или окурок. Обо всех случаях вымогательства туристы могут сообщить в мэрию Бангкока.
На севере Испании одну из деревушек называют не иначе как ведьминское гнездо. Недавно там открылся музей колдовства. На первом этаже экспозиция под названием “Раскаявшаяся колдунья”. Если верить местным легендам, именно из-за нее в этих местах началась охота на ведьм. На втором этаже сохранившиеся артефакты, свидетельствующие о том, как раньше лечились травами. Из музея туристов ведут в те самые пещеры, где ведьмы и колдуны проводили черные ритуалы.
Здесь заканчивается земля. Заканчивается земля и начинается океан. Вот именно это место служило конкретной иллюстрацией к представлениям об устройстве мира. Здесь, в самой западной точке Европы, Португалии, действительно заканчивалась земля. Но для самых беспокойных только начиналась новая жизнь, новые пути, новые поиски. По справедливости, наверно, именно эта страна должна быть самой активной в Европе. А она вот такая, не самая шумная, не самая инициативная, без претензий на превосходство. Зато здесь много памятных мест. Вот монастырь Жиронимуш не просто хорош собой, как памятник XVI века. Он был построен в 1500 году уже для того, чтобы человечество не забыло Васко Да Гама, который открыл путь в Индию. Монашеский орден святого Жерома, который жил в этом монастыре до 1833 года считал своей миссией успокаивать души и давать наставления морякам, которые уходили в плавание. Все стены, балконы и колонны покрыты каменной резьбой и все это фрагменты Библии или изображения святых. А в одном из залов можно прочитать в камне всю историю монастыря, переплетающуюся с историей Португалии и Европы. Здесь, кстати, нашел последнее пристанище Васко Да Гама. Вооружитесь путеводителем и можете сами себе устроить экскурсию. Буквально через километр от монастыря найдете башню Белема. Она чуть постарше 1515 года. Построена для охраны гавани Лиссабона, а теперь служит туристам. Можно забраться наверх и расширить представления о городе в этой части.
Из Белемы на трамвае удобно переместиться на площадь Коммерции. Да, да, такое явление достойно иметь площадь своего имени. Причем, это действительно первая, т.е. когда-то главная площадь города. Здесь была первая гавань Лиссабона. По периметру здания разных министерств. В центре памятник Дону Хосе I и арка Победы. И вот, что еще. Рядом с площадью Коммерции начинается район Нижнего города, который в те времена, когда река Теша разливалась, превращался в местную Венецию. По улицам перемещались на лодках, а дома ставили на сваях. Еще одна башня. На этот раз просто создана для осмотра для осмотра местности. Все ля туристов.
А вот другой не менее очаровательный райончик Синтра. Холмы, зелень, волшебные вилы и дворцы. Как здесь считают, Синтра – смесь сказок Спящая красавица и Властелин колец. Посреди старого города дворец с двумя конусами – куполами. Это просто вытяжка от дворцовой кухни. Понятно, какая на кухне лежала нагрузка. Ну, а главная достопримечательность Синтры микс архитектуры дворца со смешением всего на свете: европейского, арабского, азиатского стилей. И все же вот, что здорово. Как все удивительные строения Лиссабоны и окрестностей, этот дворец расположен в таком избранном месте. Это, конечно, бывшее монастырское владение, в развалины которого влюбился когда-то супруг королевы Марии II. Он и сам то был художником. Но вдвоем с известным немецким архитектором они возвели невиданное сочетание китча и фантазии. А еще говорят, именно здесь притаились секреты португальских масонов.
С высоты птичьего полета легко разглядеть, что Лиссабон еще и весьма современен. И таким его делает парк Наций и кое-что еще из построенного специально к выставке “Экспо 98”. Парк наций можно осматривать и с воздуха с подвесной дороги. Но португальцы и гости предпочитают здесь гулять. Здесь или в потрясающем аквариуме, самом большом в Европе. 5 млн. литров воды и 450 видов жизни из всех морей и океанов.
Может аквариум и есть лучшее из возможных впечатлений Лиссабона. Ведь здесь кончается земля и начинается океан. Т.е. все возможные океаны и все их богатства.
Video Travel to Ecuador.
Today we go back to a distant exotic, hard to reach. Not a mass tourism destination. But the one who gets in Ecuador, recruited these unique experiences that recall and deal with them would be long. The jungle and almost untouched by civilization lives Amazon Indians, traces of Spanish colonization and its unprecedented blend with local traditions.
They say this would be good to live in the twilight of life, literally. In the international ranking of the best countries to live in retirement, this country is named the most attractive. It is not only inexpensive products, but also real estate. For example, an excellent one bedroom apartment with panoramic views will cost $ 50K Well, the important thing is that he has no cash value. Local people living on their own surprise, despite the fact that Ecuador has long accepted the influence of European culture. Traditions of Indian ancestors lived, in some ways do not change anything in their own way transformed, but live. For example, the authority of the church is large and it is the opinion of the priests is important to resolve every dispute, up to the policy. Of course, every legal marriage should be sanctified, to be held. When one becomes acquainted with the Ecuadorians have to immediately forget about the traditional view of the Spanish temperament. Spanish culture can be seen, but a hot temper and the temper is not visible. People here are calm and balanced, perhaps accustomed to conserve energy for more important and useful things to do than trade or communication on the streets. Ecuadorians rather slow and even engaged in every case thoroughly. Perhaps their coolness ends only on the market.
Here they are, and talkative, and noisy, but also within reasonable limits. The friendly owners of this country are accustomed to greet each counter, even if you are absolutely unknown to and never will see. Maybe that is why they confuse the eye camera, the object on which you'll never get the welcome. Well, here in the historic park in Guayaquil, where the guests are waiting to show them some of the features of the colonial past, each tourist is treated as a friend. Almost a lively and authentic piece of farm life of Ecuador late XIX - early XX century in front of you. In general, the Spaniards have done a great job here, having the continent from coast to coast several times. That and the city Guayaquil, founded more than once. At first, as they say chronicles, provincial, local Indians favored the Spaniards came. It took them a while to appreciate navyaschivost civilized guests and greed of their needs, especially in terms of gold and women. And having understood the Indians killed a few easy Spaniards. And Governor Keith had sent new captains here, to found a city in a convenient place and time and again. But now the park in Guayaquil, the then life seems calm and serene. Coffee, cocoa, rice, bananas, medicinal plants - a zone of tradition and lifestyle of the coastal culture. In another part of the perfect beauty of the park. Mangroves and dry forest, incredible war paint parrots, spider monkeys and sloths in almost their natural habitat. And while they are completely comfortable with the presence of humans.
But back to the market where you can not just watch the people and their way of life. This is where you can sample local delicacies at popular prices. The fact that the restaurant is $ 20 per dose, is much more accessible. For example, the meat is roasted on a spit of unknown animal, which could be considered a relative of the pig, if not claws and toothy snout. They say zhirnovato. But judging by the steady presence on the shelves, meat kulya (so the animal is called) is in demand. All visitors must carry in Otovallo. And here, they say, is not appropriate to recall the army of conquistadors, who expanded the boundaries of open land entrepreneurial courage and cruelty, but the army of very different people. Namely, the Spanish officials who followed the conquerors and honed in a new light on its public utility. Employees of the financial agencies that have penetrated into the valley Otovallo noticed the art of Indian weavers and had already decided to use it to supplement the Spanish treasury. Know the Incas dressed in the finest wool fabrics and light. They are then woven from the wool of llamas.
And in Europe it is valued as well as gold and silver. And the best fabrics were from the valley Otovallo. Due to the fact that the Spaniards appreciated the local weavers, they are not sent to the mines. They decided not to burden any duties, but only to require a certain amount of tissue. The Spaniards, of course, put it on an industrial basis, ie brought a sort of small factories. A lack of llamas Indians quickly replaced sheep, which brought the Spaniards. Manufacture's crown belonged, monasteries and noble lords, and the Indians supplied the wool and the workers (only men and boys, ranging from 9 years). Historical records referred Otovallo residents' benefit the Indians. " The quality of their fabrics could not get enough in the Madrid. Because of the ocean even received instructions to treat weavers softer. Similar to the very fabric do here and now, sometimes in his spare time from other work. And then one goes poncho 4-5 months. But here are woven all those who are older than 14 years. And now ponchos are still coming only from the men's hands. The people in the business Otovallo and now, an enterprising. But tourists are happy to accept, and hopes to expand demand. And, indeed. In Ecuador, there are all anxious for the soul traveler. The wild jungles and their inhabitants, the shore of the ocean and the mysterious legacy of pre-colonial civilization. Finally, the incredible richness of nature, guess what, even in the far distance, such as our country. 95% of our trade with Ecuador - agricultural products. Bananas, coffee, cocoa, seafood. And the sales representative of Ecuador looks forward to the Russians. According to their estimates in the current export of bananas to Russia every Russian eats up half a banana in a week. But it could eat and a banana. And this is an increase in supply in half.
Well, this craft is so much to like one of the Nizhny Novgorod and crafts that are not in need of advice. Unless we have used silver-plated wire, and is doing pretty massive ornaments of silver and even gold. The technology is quite simple. The skill can be considered to the naked eye. Motives for almost ours. Of course, lace and floral butterfly.
Adventure travel in the jungle is always full of surprises, and even stress. Walking along a path far from comfortable. Maybe so, Ecuador hotels seem particularly comfortable after that. Or just in the local landscape are so well settled. Given that the property is not too expensive, even organize their small estate is particularly tempting. Like this, starting with a cheerful lawn. This is the house manager can be said for tourism. With great imagination and, of course, the desire to create your world virtually every square meter of floor space. Living room, it is also a dining room, where even the chairs are ready to participate in the dance action. Perhaps, we should not think too much about the dress, starting here. There are so many details and an overload of emotions that the music and maybe even a treat to be superfluous. Just look at the gallery hostess friends. Have you ever seen such a devotion to the four-legged friends?
History of Ecuador is full of details and hard against the conquerors and the indigenous inhabitants, and in the deeper sections of the Indian tradition, that some of its fragments is simply shocking. But there quite happily show you what to see, perhaps, would not want to. Perhaps because it is not an invented story, but what really lived the ancestors of the local Aboriginal people. And that, accordingly, does not hold for others, but primarily in A itself. Here is the head of the enemy, for example. Every self-respecting house or village should be like that. This did not intimidate, but on the contrary, out of respect for the enemy to his own courage to fix it in generations. For a number of curious pattern. In this museum, it worked in some DIY handyman. And here is the sightseers. See? Exposure not only for tourists work. Local school children are regularly acquainted with all the richness of their country. This calm, so bright, such a diverse look at the distant overseas visitor.
Now a little about different.In Prague Zoo tour offered to work with. Conditions are very simple. Permission is granted to a day care for one animal. You can choose even the elephant, even a crocodile. Volunteer labor is not paid. On the contrary, he would have to pay 500 euros zoo. Certificates for the job at the zoo are well sold out. Is not it a gift?
In Evpatoria any tourist can get a free map of the city. It is designated walking route to the Little Jerusalem, and another 22 objects with detailed descriptions and photos. In addition, the map shows all the city's beaches are addresses and phone numbers of all the emergency services of the city.At the end of September in Egypt will be one more object of the excursion. This opens an ancient port city of Leu-Kaspis. The ancient port discovered by chance in the Chinese construction workers in 1986, when the paved road to the resort Marino. So far, most of the city buried in the sands. Archaeologists have unearthed the ruins of a temple, an ancient sewer system, Roman baths, tombs, Greek columns and a few buildings.
Bangkok authorities recommend that tourists do not pay the fines imposed on them by local inspectors. Some employees of the Thai police have become too picky to foreigners and are trying to fine them for any the smallest infraction. For example, a candy wrapper thrown on the sidewalk or a cigarette butt. All cases of extortion, tourists can tell the mayor's office in Bangkok.
In the north of Spain, one of the villages was referred to as witch's nest. Recently they opened a museum of witchcraft. On the ground floor of the exhibition called "repentant witch." If you believe the local legend, it was because of her in these places started a witch hunt. On the second floor of the artifacts preserved, showing how early were treated with herbs. From the museum's visitors are in the very cave where witches and wizards was performed black rites.
Here ends the earth. Ends with the land and the ocean begins. Here is the place served as a concrete illustration of the ideas about the world. Here at the westernmost point of Europe, Portugal is indeed the land ended. But for the most troublesome was just beginning a new life, new ways, new quests. To be fair, perhaps, that this country should be most active in Europe. And it is such, not the noisy, not very proactive, without any claim to superiority. But there are many memorable places. Here is the monastery Zhironimush not just good-looking, as a monument of the XVI century. It was built in 1500 is to ensure that humanity is not forgotten Vasco Da Gama, who discovered the route to India. Monastic Order of St. Jerome, who lived in the monastery until 1833 considered it his mission to soothe the soul and to instruct the sailors who went to sea. All the walls, balconies and pillars are covered with stone carvings, and all fragments of the Bible, or images of saints. And in one of the halls can be found in the rock history of the monastery, intertwined with the history of Portugal and Europe. Here, incidentally, found the final resting place of Vasco Da Gama. Arm yourself with a guide and can arrange their own trip. Just a kilometer from the monastery has a tower of Belem. It is a little older in 1515. Built to protect Lisbon's harbor, and now serves tourists. You can climb up and expand the understanding of the city in this part.
From Belem to the tram is convenient to move to the area of Commerce. Yes, yes, such a phenomenon worthy of a space in its own name. Moreover, it is really the first, ie once the town's main square. It was the first port of Lisbon. Along the perimeter of the building of various ministries. In the center of the monument to Don Jose I and Arch of Victory. So, what else. Near the area of Commerce begins the Lower Town area, which in those days, when the river overflowed Tesha, turned into a local Venice. Moved through the streets in boats, and houses set on stilts. Another tower. At this time, just made for the inspection to inspect the area. To all travelers.
And here is another no less charming rayonchik Sintra. Hills, herbs, magic pitchforks and palaces. How to find here, Sintra - a mixture of fairy tales Sleeping Beauty and The Lord of the Rings. In the middle of the old city palace with two cones - domes. It's just a hood from the palace kitchen. Clearly, what was lying on the kitchen load. Well, the main attraction of the Palace of Sintra mix of architecture with a mix of everything in the world: European, Arab, Asian styles. And yet, here's what's great. Like all the amazing buildings Lisbon and its surroundings, this palace is situated in a favored location. This, of course, the former monastic property in the ruins which was once in love with husband of Queen Mary II. He himself was a painter. But together with the famous German architect, they built an unprecedented combination of kitsch and fantasy. And they say this is where secrets lurk Portuguese masons.
From a bird's eye can easily see that Lisbon is also very modern. And so it makes the park Nations and other things of a specially constructed for the exhibition "Expo 98". Park of Nations can be viewed from the air with a monorail. But the Portuguese and guests prefer to walk here. Here or in the stunning tank, the largest in Europe. 5 million liters of water and 450 species of life of all the seas and oceans.
Maybe an aquarium and have the best possible experience in Lisbon. For here the land ends and the ocean begins. That is, all possible oceans and all their wealth.
Today we go back to a distant exotic, hard to reach. Not a mass tourism destination. But the one who gets in Ecuador, recruited these unique experiences that recall and deal with them would be long. The jungle and almost untouched by civilization lives Amazon Indians, traces of Spanish colonization and its unprecedented blend with local traditions.
They say this would be good to live in the twilight of life, literally. In the international ranking of the best countries to live in retirement, this country is named the most attractive. It is not only inexpensive products, but also real estate. For example, an excellent one bedroom apartment with panoramic views will cost $ 50K Well, the important thing is that he has no cash value. Local people living on their own surprise, despite the fact that Ecuador has long accepted the influence of European culture. Traditions of Indian ancestors lived, in some ways do not change anything in their own way transformed, but live. For example, the authority of the church is large and it is the opinion of the priests is important to resolve every dispute, up to the policy. Of course, every legal marriage should be sanctified, to be held. When one becomes acquainted with the Ecuadorians have to immediately forget about the traditional view of the Spanish temperament. Spanish culture can be seen, but a hot temper and the temper is not visible. People here are calm and balanced, perhaps accustomed to conserve energy for more important and useful things to do than trade or communication on the streets. Ecuadorians rather slow and even engaged in every case thoroughly. Perhaps their coolness ends only on the market.
Here they are, and talkative, and noisy, but also within reasonable limits. The friendly owners of this country are accustomed to greet each counter, even if you are absolutely unknown to and never will see. Maybe that is why they confuse the eye camera, the object on which you'll never get the welcome. Well, here in the historic park in Guayaquil, where the guests are waiting to show them some of the features of the colonial past, each tourist is treated as a friend. Almost a lively and authentic piece of farm life of Ecuador late XIX - early XX century in front of you. In general, the Spaniards have done a great job here, having the continent from coast to coast several times. That and the city Guayaquil, founded more than once. At first, as they say chronicles, provincial, local Indians favored the Spaniards came. It took them a while to appreciate navyaschivost civilized guests and greed of their needs, especially in terms of gold and women. And having understood the Indians killed a few easy Spaniards. And Governor Keith had sent new captains here, to found a city in a convenient place and time and again. But now the park in Guayaquil, the then life seems calm and serene. Coffee, cocoa, rice, bananas, medicinal plants - a zone of tradition and lifestyle of the coastal culture. In another part of the perfect beauty of the park. Mangroves and dry forest, incredible war paint parrots, spider monkeys and sloths in almost their natural habitat. And while they are completely comfortable with the presence of humans.
But back to the market where you can not just watch the people and their way of life. This is where you can sample local delicacies at popular prices. The fact that the restaurant is $ 20 per dose, is much more accessible. For example, the meat is roasted on a spit of unknown animal, which could be considered a relative of the pig, if not claws and toothy snout. They say zhirnovato. But judging by the steady presence on the shelves, meat kulya (so the animal is called) is in demand. All visitors must carry in Otovallo. And here, they say, is not appropriate to recall the army of conquistadors, who expanded the boundaries of open land entrepreneurial courage and cruelty, but the army of very different people. Namely, the Spanish officials who followed the conquerors and honed in a new light on its public utility. Employees of the financial agencies that have penetrated into the valley Otovallo noticed the art of Indian weavers and had already decided to use it to supplement the Spanish treasury. Know the Incas dressed in the finest wool fabrics and light. They are then woven from the wool of llamas.
And in Europe it is valued as well as gold and silver. And the best fabrics were from the valley Otovallo. Due to the fact that the Spaniards appreciated the local weavers, they are not sent to the mines. They decided not to burden any duties, but only to require a certain amount of tissue. The Spaniards, of course, put it on an industrial basis, ie brought a sort of small factories. A lack of llamas Indians quickly replaced sheep, which brought the Spaniards. Manufacture's crown belonged, monasteries and noble lords, and the Indians supplied the wool and the workers (only men and boys, ranging from 9 years). Historical records referred Otovallo residents' benefit the Indians. " The quality of their fabrics could not get enough in the Madrid. Because of the ocean even received instructions to treat weavers softer. Similar to the very fabric do here and now, sometimes in his spare time from other work. And then one goes poncho 4-5 months. But here are woven all those who are older than 14 years. And now ponchos are still coming only from the men's hands. The people in the business Otovallo and now, an enterprising. But tourists are happy to accept, and hopes to expand demand. And, indeed. In Ecuador, there are all anxious for the soul traveler. The wild jungles and their inhabitants, the shore of the ocean and the mysterious legacy of pre-colonial civilization. Finally, the incredible richness of nature, guess what, even in the far distance, such as our country. 95% of our trade with Ecuador - agricultural products. Bananas, coffee, cocoa, seafood. And the sales representative of Ecuador looks forward to the Russians. According to their estimates in the current export of bananas to Russia every Russian eats up half a banana in a week. But it could eat and a banana. And this is an increase in supply in half.
Well, this craft is so much to like one of the Nizhny Novgorod and crafts that are not in need of advice. Unless we have used silver-plated wire, and is doing pretty massive ornaments of silver and even gold. The technology is quite simple. The skill can be considered to the naked eye. Motives for almost ours. Of course, lace and floral butterfly.
Adventure travel in the jungle is always full of surprises, and even stress. Walking along a path far from comfortable. Maybe so, Ecuador hotels seem particularly comfortable after that. Or just in the local landscape are so well settled. Given that the property is not too expensive, even organize their small estate is particularly tempting. Like this, starting with a cheerful lawn. This is the house manager can be said for tourism. With great imagination and, of course, the desire to create your world virtually every square meter of floor space. Living room, it is also a dining room, where even the chairs are ready to participate in the dance action. Perhaps, we should not think too much about the dress, starting here. There are so many details and an overload of emotions that the music and maybe even a treat to be superfluous. Just look at the gallery hostess friends. Have you ever seen such a devotion to the four-legged friends?
History of Ecuador is full of details and hard against the conquerors and the indigenous inhabitants, and in the deeper sections of the Indian tradition, that some of its fragments is simply shocking. But there quite happily show you what to see, perhaps, would not want to. Perhaps because it is not an invented story, but what really lived the ancestors of the local Aboriginal people. And that, accordingly, does not hold for others, but primarily in A itself. Here is the head of the enemy, for example. Every self-respecting house or village should be like that. This did not intimidate, but on the contrary, out of respect for the enemy to his own courage to fix it in generations. For a number of curious pattern. In this museum, it worked in some DIY handyman. And here is the sightseers. See? Exposure not only for tourists work. Local school children are regularly acquainted with all the richness of their country. This calm, so bright, such a diverse look at the distant overseas visitor.
Now a little about different.In Prague Zoo tour offered to work with. Conditions are very simple. Permission is granted to a day care for one animal. You can choose even the elephant, even a crocodile. Volunteer labor is not paid. On the contrary, he would have to pay 500 euros zoo. Certificates for the job at the zoo are well sold out. Is not it a gift?
In Evpatoria any tourist can get a free map of the city. It is designated walking route to the Little Jerusalem, and another 22 objects with detailed descriptions and photos. In addition, the map shows all the city's beaches are addresses and phone numbers of all the emergency services of the city.At the end of September in Egypt will be one more object of the excursion. This opens an ancient port city of Leu-Kaspis. The ancient port discovered by chance in the Chinese construction workers in 1986, when the paved road to the resort Marino. So far, most of the city buried in the sands. Archaeologists have unearthed the ruins of a temple, an ancient sewer system, Roman baths, tombs, Greek columns and a few buildings.
Bangkok authorities recommend that tourists do not pay the fines imposed on them by local inspectors. Some employees of the Thai police have become too picky to foreigners and are trying to fine them for any the smallest infraction. For example, a candy wrapper thrown on the sidewalk or a cigarette butt. All cases of extortion, tourists can tell the mayor's office in Bangkok.
In the north of Spain, one of the villages was referred to as witch's nest. Recently they opened a museum of witchcraft. On the ground floor of the exhibition called "repentant witch." If you believe the local legend, it was because of her in these places started a witch hunt. On the second floor of the artifacts preserved, showing how early were treated with herbs. From the museum's visitors are in the very cave where witches and wizards was performed black rites.
Here ends the earth. Ends with the land and the ocean begins. Here is the place served as a concrete illustration of the ideas about the world. Here at the westernmost point of Europe, Portugal is indeed the land ended. But for the most troublesome was just beginning a new life, new ways, new quests. To be fair, perhaps, that this country should be most active in Europe. And it is such, not the noisy, not very proactive, without any claim to superiority. But there are many memorable places. Here is the monastery Zhironimush not just good-looking, as a monument of the XVI century. It was built in 1500 is to ensure that humanity is not forgotten Vasco Da Gama, who discovered the route to India. Monastic Order of St. Jerome, who lived in the monastery until 1833 considered it his mission to soothe the soul and to instruct the sailors who went to sea. All the walls, balconies and pillars are covered with stone carvings, and all fragments of the Bible, or images of saints. And in one of the halls can be found in the rock history of the monastery, intertwined with the history of Portugal and Europe. Here, incidentally, found the final resting place of Vasco Da Gama. Arm yourself with a guide and can arrange their own trip. Just a kilometer from the monastery has a tower of Belem. It is a little older in 1515. Built to protect Lisbon's harbor, and now serves tourists. You can climb up and expand the understanding of the city in this part.
From Belem to the tram is convenient to move to the area of Commerce. Yes, yes, such a phenomenon worthy of a space in its own name. Moreover, it is really the first, ie once the town's main square. It was the first port of Lisbon. Along the perimeter of the building of various ministries. In the center of the monument to Don Jose I and Arch of Victory. So, what else. Near the area of Commerce begins the Lower Town area, which in those days, when the river overflowed Tesha, turned into a local Venice. Moved through the streets in boats, and houses set on stilts. Another tower. At this time, just made for the inspection to inspect the area. To all travelers.
And here is another no less charming rayonchik Sintra. Hills, herbs, magic pitchforks and palaces. How to find here, Sintra - a mixture of fairy tales Sleeping Beauty and The Lord of the Rings. In the middle of the old city palace with two cones - domes. It's just a hood from the palace kitchen. Clearly, what was lying on the kitchen load. Well, the main attraction of the Palace of Sintra mix of architecture with a mix of everything in the world: European, Arab, Asian styles. And yet, here's what's great. Like all the amazing buildings Lisbon and its surroundings, this palace is situated in a favored location. This, of course, the former monastic property in the ruins which was once in love with husband of Queen Mary II. He himself was a painter. But together with the famous German architect, they built an unprecedented combination of kitsch and fantasy. And they say this is where secrets lurk Portuguese masons.
From a bird's eye can easily see that Lisbon is also very modern. And so it makes the park Nations and other things of a specially constructed for the exhibition "Expo 98". Park of Nations can be viewed from the air with a monorail. But the Portuguese and guests prefer to walk here. Here or in the stunning tank, the largest in Europe. 5 million liters of water and 450 species of life of all the seas and oceans.
Maybe an aquarium and have the best possible experience in Lisbon. For here the land ends and the ocean begins. That is, all possible oceans and all their wealth.
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