Мы едем в Крым. Точнее сначала в западную его часть. И вот уже поля вокруг совсем не те, что наши. И уж в это засушливое лето особенно. И простор открывается немного иной, и холмы как-то шире разбегаются. И, наконец, после впечатлительной борьбы с рязанскими изношенными дорогами навигатор выводит на шикарную трассу, почти пустую, широкую и безопасную. И почти до Белгорода можно мчаться, вознаградив себя за все предыдущие ограничения...
Долгая дорога к солнцу – отличное средство начать долгожданный отпуск даже очень жарким летом. Потому что в пути солнце не такое беспощадное, а ветер становится добрым попутчиком. Ну а то обстоятельство, что расстояние от Нижнего до настоящего теплого моря примерно как пол Европы и его надо покрыть как можно быстрее, поначалу нисколько не угнетает, а наоборот вдохновляет на любовь к бескрайним отечественным просторам. Дороги прихотливые, далеко не всюду хороши. Особенно если выбирать между напряженной федеральной трассой и более спокойным движением. Поэтому всякая остановка как глоток покоя и свежести, даже не смотря на полуденное солнце и на то, что всякий путник, сойдя на твердую землю, стремится в тень. Кстати, этому нашему бронированному другу придется на таможне доказывать право на путешествие. А это другой незаменимый друг в дороге, если вы поверили в электронику и отправились в путь с помощью голоса из космоса.
- Соединение со спутником установлено. Молчите, я сейчас говорю.
- Через 80 метров поверните налево.
Мы едем в Крым. Точнее сначала в западную его часть. И вот уже поля вокруг совсем не те, что наши. И уж в это засушливое лето особенно. И простор открывается немного иной, и холмы как-то шире разбегаются. И, наконец, после впечатлительной борьбы с рязанскими изношенными дорогами навигатор выводит на шикарную трассу, почти пустую, широкую и безопасную. И почти до Белгорода можно мчаться, вознаградив себя за все предыдущие ограничения.
В нашем случае темнота наступила как-то резко. И сразу за Старым Осколом все придорожные отели как-то разом испарились. Ну, нет и все. Пришлось заехать в ближайший городок. И оказалось, что более комфортной ночи в дороге не придумать. В городе Губкин одна единственная гостиница. Она лишь немного дороже, чем отели на дороге, но вполне достойная. На столько, что даже завтрак входит в стоимость номера и при этом являет собой выбор из полдюжины меню. А городок Губкин, видите, какой чистенький и уютный. Если вы ничего о нем не слышали, то наверняка помните хоть что-то о Курской магнитной аномалии. Так вот, это город ее основателей, поскольку нашел КМА геолог Иван Губкин. Город носит его имя.
Знакомства в таком пути мимолетные. Но как же приятно узнать, что Белгород, к примеру, не настолько одноцветен, как представляется. Здесь есть и гигантские действительно белые высотки, или вот такие остроумные, собирающие солнечный свет фонари. А есть и целый тоннель разноцветных, как детский конструктор, торговых центров.
Под Белгородом пункт, к которому с опасением стремятся охотники за крымскими удовольствиями. Под Белгородом таможенный пропускной пункт. Задолго до него на трассе вырастают “грибы” страховщиков. Процедура необходимая.
А теперь приближаемся к границе. Предчувствия не самые оптимистичные и они сбываются. Здесь в середине жаркого дня мы проведем три долгих часа, как и все автолюбители. Почему так долго тянется формальная в целом процедура, непонятно. Может попросту потому, что на российской стороне таможенный пункт называется Нехотяево. Но вот на украинской стороне сразу читается бодрое название Гоптивка, а ускорения не происходит. К тому же на нашу черепаху требуют то чек с ценой этой экзотической путешественницы, то справку от ветеринара. Но, наконец, все позади, и у нас появились разноцветные украинские гривны с портретами национальных героев. Все. Здравствуй Крым. Впереди только счастье новых впечатлений.
Мы уже в Евпатории, в древней Керкинитиде, которая была названа Евпаторией позднее в честь понтийского царя Митридата VI Евпатора, который часто Керкинитиде помогал. Евпатория не потрясает пейзажами. Она просто спокойна и широка. Сразу понятно как удобно здесь кораблям большим и маленьким. Почему стремились сюда все настоящие хозяева и агрессивные завоеватели? Здесь можно выбирать из улиц, на которых хочется пожить, хотя бы только потому, что они выходят к морю.
А вот в этом красивом доме, бывшем отеле, в кафе Бо Риважъ останавливался Николай II. И, как заявляет мемориальная доска, императорской чете здесь был предложен чай от имени города. А вот дом знаменитого евпаторийского главы Семена Дувана. Этот не менее симпатичный дом не реставрирован пока. На этой бывшей улице Биржевой нам рекомендуют опасаться котов. Спасибо, учтем. Благодаря усилиям и организаторским способностям Семена Дувана, кстати, в городе в начале XX века были построены православная церковь Святого Ильи, театр имени Пушкина, а перед самой революцией публичная библиотека имени Пушкина.
Согласитесь, курортные города живут в своем особенном состоянии не то чтобы расслабленности, но все же всеобщая праздность здесь как-то узаконена, что не раздражает нисколько. Вроде бы так и должно быть на берегу теплого моря. А вот юные художницы. Нет, они не просто упражняются. Это серьезно. Это практика. И объект непростой – Святоникольский Собор, чей купол виден издалека, и со стороны города и из гавани. Казалось бы, нет ни горы, ни особенной возвышенности, а храм впечатляет. Тут же рядом Джума-Джами – самая большая мечеть Крыма. Она появилась здесь в XVI веке, когда город был единственным портом Крымского ханства и быстро богател. Но эта мечеть строилась медленно. Во-первых, потому что архитектор Хаджи Синан строил одновременно мечеть Сулеймана I в Стамбуле. А во-вторых, потому что не хватало денег. Они уходили тогда на борьбу с Иваном Грозным. Этот город, наверно, слишком близко подошел к берегу. Здесь нет какой-то ярко очерченной набережной. Храмы стоят на берегу. Сюда же приходят горожане и гости, чтобы просто встретиться с морем. Но самый колоритный район Евпатории – старый город. От набережной по тенистой улице два шага и вот старая башня и кривые улочки. Здесь можно снимать кино. И Стамбул получится и Баку. Но здесь свои достопримечательности. Главная улица Караимская. Евпатория – неофициальная столица этого малочисленного древнего народа. Всего в мире, говорят, осталось 3 тысячи караимов. Из них около 250 человек живут в Евпатории. А вообще, это интернациональный и почти музейный старый центр.
- В таком наряде раньше крымско-татарские девушки встречали гостей дома у себя.
Попробовать сладких угощений и обязательно дойти до местной керамики. Она своеобразна, это точно.
- Именно в XVIII веке была разменной монетой. Это была разменная монета, ее называли копеечка.
А вот и коты. Опять коты, теперь мирные среди роз. И никак не пройдете в старом городе мимо такого заведения, хотя древности в нем весьма своеобразные. Лавка – почти музей на абсолютно самодеятельных началах. Поэтому гривны в местных банках копятся потихоньку – народ не хочет так скоро потерять свое прошлое.
А мы опять возвращаемся на море. Это, безусловно, центр притяжения общих интересов аборигенов и сотен тысяч путешественников. Евпаторийские пляжи известны хорошим песком и чистыми волнами. Но мы остановимся недалеко от города, в курортном пригороде, который больше известен своими лечебными грязями. Только сегодня не о них, а о других местных достижениях последнего десятилетия. В поисках крыши над головой, а хорошо бы еще и душа, и кондиционера, и всего остального, народ устремляется на территории бывших пансионатов и баз отдыха. Вот одна из таких баз, которая за короткое время превратилась прямо-таки в много населенный пестрый город. Наверное, такое возможно только на постсоветском пространстве. Еще и теперь можно здесь обнаружить маленькие домики бывшего пансионата, который принадлежал, говорят, Горисполкому. Потом территорию распродали буквально по метру. Причем бои за эти метры шли нешуточные. И вот теперь на базе около 200 хозяев, которые понастроили свои гостиницы, отели и прочие варианты приморского расселения каждый на свой лад и вкус. Не сказать, чтобы это было уж слишком страшно, но то, что тесновато, точно. Старые советских времен домики кто-то перестроил, кто-то просто переоборудовал. И, обнаруживая здесь этих затертых другими постройками бедняг, остается только фантазировать, как же это выглядело изначально. Несомненно, пространство было хорошо продуманно. Понятно, что для нынешнего коллектива хозяев это в высшей степени доходные дома. Ну а для толп жаждущих моря путешественников важнее то, что выбор жилья здесь колоссальный и на любой кошелек. Хочешь мазанку с кроватью за 50 гривен в сутки, хочешь апартаменты до 400 гривен и выше. Только выбирай. Чтобы получить рубли, гривны надо умножить на 4. Удивительно, что пляж при этом бесплатный, убираемый и, как ни странно, не перенаселенный. Правда, мы тут с вами оказались рановато. По местному времени часов в 8. С каждой минутой народ будет прибывать. Лучше всего, конечно, встречаться с морем в эти ранние часы, когда есть еще, где побегать, есть еще простор, чтобы вдохнуть горизонт – чистый, не заезженный бананами, летающими тарелками и скутерами. А мы еще встретимся в Крыму в следующей программе.
А теперь понемногу о разном. В Пекине недавно открылся необычный передвижной музей. Выглядит он как 60-метровая статуя Гулливера. Это самая большая надувная фигура в мире. Зайти внутрь великана можно через его подошву. С этого начинается путешествие по человеческому телу. Маршрут пролегает через толстую кишку, желудок, легкие и сердце. Из музея любознательные лилипуты выходят через ухо Гулливера. Большая часть посетителей – китайские школьники. За такой урок анатомии они готовы, не раздумывая, заплатить 90 юаней.
Вход с пластиковыми бутылками запрещен. Такое объявление появилось недавно в национальном парке Италии Чинкве-Терре, где бывает более трех миллионов туристов в год. И далеко не все соблюдают чистоту. К примеру, в августе сотрудники парка собрали 400 тысяч пластиковых бутылок. Вот поэтому посетителям предлагают на входе сдать пластиковую тару и купить за 1 евро многоразовую металлическую. Проблема, куда девать мусор, разрешена.
8 апреля 2012 года корабль Балморал отправится из Саутгемптона в путешествие по Атлантике по курсу легендарного Титаника. На судне будет 1309 пассажиров – сколько и на борту Титаника. 14 апреля в день столкновения корабля с айсбергом пассажиры судна почтят память погибших. Билеты на Балморал уже все проданы.
В испанском городе Саламанка туристам предлагают специальные пластиковые карты, которые действуют 24 часа и стоят 16 евро. По ним предоставляются скидки в отелях и торговых центрах. Кроме того, владельцы карт в течение этих суток могут бесплатно посетить музеи и выставочные залы.
Более 500 тысяч тыкв привезли немецкие фермеры на праздник урожая в Людвигсбург. Фестиваль начали с того, что спустили на воду лодки из тыкв и устроили небывалую регату. Для гонки отобрали плоды тяжелее 90 кг. Их разрезали пополам и удалили мякоть. Планируется еще и кулинарный конкурс. Из тыкв будут готовить всевозможные деликатесы – супы, пельмени, штрудели и даже шампанское. Веселиться по этому поводу немцы намерены до ноября.
Мы движемся дальше, на южный берег Крыма. Здесь на горных дорогах не скучно не только в первый раз. Кажется, всякий поворот изменчив и таит сюрпризы. И все-таки совершенно неожиданно открывается Ласпинский перевал. Нет никакой необходимости предупреждать. Все, кто выезжают сюда, сразу притормаживают и как-то само собой меняют планы, даже если и не собирались останавливаться. Ласпи – это самая высокая точка шоссе Севастополь – Ялта. Где-то внизу Ласпинская бухта. Климатически эти места уже полноценный южный берег. За сухость климата и защищенность от ветров Ласпи и Батилиман называют крымской Африкой. Сразу перед вами мощная скала. Она носит имя известного писателя и талантливого инженера-путейца Николая Гарина-Михайловского. О нем, как о писателе, каждый, как минимум, слышал в школе. А вот о том, что его же изыскания и расчеты использовались при строительстве дороги через перевал, многие не знают. На скале Гарина-Михайловского смотровая площадка, с которой открывается вид на бухты Батилиман и Ласпи, на мыс Айя. Когда-то в Ласпи был город. Бухта была густонаселенна до 1790 года. В том самом году случилось сильное землетрясение, после чего под землю ушли многие источники, которым бухта и обязана своим названием. С греческого “ласпи” означает грязь. Источники будто бы грязнили землю. После этого район Ласпи стал безлюдным.
Интересно, что в отличие от других курортов Крыма здесь специализированные места для отдыха конкурируют лишь друг с другом и держат примерно одинаковый уровень цен. Поэтому отдыхающим остается лишь выбирать гостиницу или пансионат. Вот, чем еще прекрасны крымские подарки. При всей мощи рельефа и впечатляющих высотах, глубинах и контрастах здесь есть вполне доступные для совершенно неподготовленных туристов тропы. Например, можно отправиться в Большой Каньон. Дорога поначалу немного беспокойная для привыкшего к хорошему обзору горожанину. Но если ехать не спеша, с исследовательским интересом, то совсем скоро окажитесь в прекрасном, тенистом, прохладном и в буквальном смысле зеленом коридоре. Даже неорганизованные путешественники найдут здесь руководство к действию. Не ленитесь, читайте лесные путеводители, не пугайтесь других объявлений и уж тем более строгого вида лесника. Хотя на самом деле это просто как бы кассир. 10 или 20 гривен – обычная стоимость билета украинской туристической тропы. Уж точно жара сюда не пробьется. Высокие деревья держат над тобой крепкие руки прозрачной, но хорошо прикрывающей листвы. 100% защита. Речки с древними названиями Сара-Узень и Аузун-Узень не дают отвлекаться, солируют во весь голос. Слушай.
Мы идем на усиление звука. Понятно, мы ищем водопад – один из самых красивых в Крыму. Хорошо, что мы идем не по ущелью. Там не то, что громко петь, там разговаривать опасно - можно вызвать камнепад. А здесь, в лесу, смотри и наслаждайся без опасений, отыскивай в мелькающих струях воды шуструю форель. Вода поработала здесь на славу. Пороги, водопады, нагромождения глыб, валунов - это они за столетия организовали своеобразные природные котлы и ванны 2-х, 3-х метровой глубины. Одна из таких ванн – ванна молодости. Температура воды даже в самые жаркие дни около 9-11 градусов. Разумеется, легенда гласит, что, искупавшись в ней, человек восстанавливает свои силы и молодеет. Или вот еще основа для нашей фантазии. В прошлом, в ледниковую эпоху хорошо изолированный каньон был убежищем для теплолюбивой флоры. Доказательства? Здесь и сейчас обитает 67% видов орхидей, которые встречаются в Крыму. В частности, чрезвычайно редкая орхидея Венерин башмачок. Смотрите внимательней, вдруг попадется. Ну и ванна молодости здесь не одна. Собственно, в каждом горном ручье течет в прямом смысле живая, не испорченная цивилизацией вода. Поэтому и водопады здесь – живые фонтаны долголетия и чудесных превращений, если, конечно, верить в силы природы. Водопад Серебряные струи – один из самых завораживающих. Хотя в разное время года и в разные годы вообще он хорош по-своему. Но вот такой полноценной струйной шапкой он стекает с камня, поросшего мхом, не так уж часто. Так что нам везет. Хороши серебряные струи и зимой, когда они превращаются в ледяную сетку. Но все-таки не случайно именно на водопадах хорошо начинать учиться медитации хотя бы в оздоровительных целях.
Где-то выше водопада метрах в двухстах можно найти пруд, устроенный для разведения форели князем Юсуповым, владельцем этих мест в прошлом. Имение Соколиное называлось во времена Юсупова Кокозы, небесные глаза. Там и теперь можно увидеть охотничий домик Юсупова и мечеть, выстроенную им для жителей села. Ну и дальше по тропе великий Большой каньон. На смотровой площадке можно навсегда запомнить эту стихийную игру земли или Создателя, кому как нравится. Создатель, возможно, и не думал о нашем восхищении неповторимым пейзажем. Иначе зачем, казалось бы, прятать его, запирать в не каждому и не сразу доступные чащи.
Video Journey to the South: Holiday open spaces of the Crimea.
We go to the Crimea. More precisely, first in the western part of it. And now the fields around are not the ones that are ours. And even in this particularly dry summer. And the room is opened a little bit different, and the hills once more widely diverge. And finally, after a struggle with the impressionable Ryazan worn road navigator displays a gorgeous track, almost empty, wide and safe. And almost before you can race Belgorod, reward yourself for all the previous limitations.
Long road to the sun - a great tool to start long-awaited vacation, even a very hot summer. Because the way the sun is merciless, and the wind is a good companion. Well, the fact that the distance from the lower to the present warm sea about a half of Europe and it should be covered as soon as possible, at first did not inhibit, but rather inspires the love of the vast expanses of native. Roads whimsical, not good everywhere. Especially if you choose between the federal highway tense and more relaxed movement. Therefore, every stop is like a breath of calm and freshness, even though the midday sun and the fact that every traveler who descended on firm ground, seeking the shade. By the way, that our armored friend have to prove at customs right to travel. This is another irreplaceable friend on the road, if you believe in the electronics and hit the road with the voice of the cosmos.
- The connection is established with the satellite. Shut up, I'm talking about.- After 80 meters turn left.
We go to the Crimea. More precisely, first in the western part of it. And now the fields around are not the ones that are ours. And even in this particularly dry summer. And the room is opened a little bit different, and the hills once more widely diverge. And finally, after a struggle with the impressionable Ryazan worn road navigator displays a gorgeous track, almost empty, wide and safe. And almost before you can race Belgorod, reward yourself for all the previous limitations.
In our case, once the darkness has come sharply. And just outside the Old Oskol roadside hotels all at once somehow disappeared. Well, no that's all. I had to call in the nearest town. It turned out that a more comfortable night on the road does not come up with. In the city of Gubkin, a unique hotel. It is only slightly more expensive than the hotels on the road, but quite decent. So much so that even breakfast is included and this is a choice of half a dozen menus. A town of Gubkin, see how clean and comfortable. If you do not hear about it, you might remember something about the Kursk magnetic anomaly. So, it is a city of its founding as a geologist found a KIA Ivan Gubkin. The city bears his name.
Dating in this way fleeting. But how nice to know that Belgorod, for example, is not so monochrome appears. There is really white and giant high-rise, or are so clever that collect sunlight lights. And there is a tunnel of colorful, like a children's designer shopping.
Near Belgorod point to which the fear of hunters seeking the pleasures of the Crimea. Under the Belgorod customs checkpoint. Long before him on the track grow "mushrooms" insurers. The procedure required.
Now, nearing the border. Premonitions are not the most optimistic and they are true. Here in the middle of a hot day we will spend three long hours, as well as all motorists. Why so long stretches on the whole formal procedure is unclear. Perhaps simply because on the Russian side of the customs office said Nehotyaevo. But on the Ukrainian side immediately read the name of cheerful Goptivka and acceleration does not occur. In addition to our turtle require a receipt with the price of this exotic traveler, then a certificate from a veterinarian. But finally all over and we had colorful Ukrainian hryvnia with portraits of national heroes. Everything. Hello Crimea. Only happiness ahead of new experiences.
We are already in Yalta, in the ancient Kerkinitida, which was named in honor of the late Evpatoria Pontic King Mithridates VI Eupator, who often helped Kerkinitida. Evpatoria is not stunning scenery. She was just calm and wide. Immediately clear how comfortable are the ships big and small. Why is sought here all these hosts and aggressive invaders? Here you can choose from a street on which you want to live, if only because they go to sea.
And here in this beautiful house, a former hotel, in a cafe stop Bo Rivazh Nicholas II. And, as the plaque states, this imperial couple was offered tea by the name of the city. But the home of the famous chapter Evpatorian Seeds Duva. This is no less than nice house is not restored yet. In the former Market Street we recommend afraid of cats. Thank you, take into account. Thanks to the efforts and organizational skills Seeds Duva, incidentally, in the beginning of the XX century were built by the Orthodox Church of St. Elias, the Pushkin Theater, and before the Revolution, a public library named after Pushkin.
Agree, resort towns are living in a peculiar state is not that relaxed, but still a general idleness is somehow legitimized, that is not annoying at all. It seems that it should be on the shores of the warm sea. But the young artist. No, they are not just practiced. This is serious. This practice. And the object is not easy - St. Nicholas Cathedral, whose dome is visible from afar, and from the city and the harbor. It would seem that there are no mountains, no particular elevation, and the temple is impressive. Immediately next to Juma-Jami - the largest mosque of Crimea. She came here in the XVI century, when the city was the only port of the Crimean Khanate and rapidly grew rich. But the mosque was built slowly. First, because the architect Sinan built simultaneously Haji Mosque of Suleiman I in Istanbul. And secondly, because they do not have enough money. They then went to fight with Ivan the Terrible. This city is probably too close to shore. There is not a clearly delineated by the waterfront. The temples stand on the shore. These same citizens and guests come just to meet the sea. But the most picturesque area of Eupatoria - the old city. From the promenade along a shady street, two steps and that the old tower and winding streets. You can make a film. And Istanbul and Baku will. But here his sights. Main Street Karaite. Evpatoria - the unofficial capital of the ancient people of scanty. Anything in the world, they say, 3000 remained the Karaites. Of these, about 250 people live in Evpatoria. But in general, is an international museum and almost old center.
- In this dress before the Crimean Tatar girls greeted the guests at his house.
Try the sweet treats and be sure to get to the local pottery. It is original, that's for sure.- It is in the XVIII century was a bargaining chip. It was a small change, it was called the penny.
And here is the cats. Again, cats, and now peace among the roses. And did not walk in the old town by such institutions, although it is very ancient original. Shop - almost entirely in the Museum of amateur basis. Therefore hryvnia in local banks quietly piling up - people do not want to lose so soon his past.
And we're back at sea. This, of course, the center of gravity of common interests of Aboriginal and hundreds of thousands of travelers. Evpatoria sand beaches known good and clean waves. But we will stop near the city, a suburb in the resort, which is more known for its therapeutic mud. Just today, not about them, as other local accomplishments of the past decade. In search of a roof over their head, and it is good to a soul, and air-conditioning, and everything else, the people of rushes in the former boarding houses and lodges. That's one of those bases, which in a short time has become a really colorful in many populated city. Perhaps this is only possible in the former Soviet space. Even now you can find here little houses of the former boarding house, which belonged to, say, executive committee. Then he sold the territory literally meter. And fighting for these parameters were serious. And now, on the basis of about 200 owners, who built near their hotels, motels and other seaside settlement options, each in its own way and taste. Not to say that it was too scary, but what is too small, for sure. The old Soviet-era houses rebuilt one, someone just re-equipped. And, here revealing these old tired wretches other buildings, we can only fantasize how it looked originally. Sure, the space has been well thought out. It is clear that the current owners of the team is a highly profitable home. But for the eager crowds of sea travel is more important than that is a huge choice of accommodation, and on any budget. Want mud hut with a bed for 50 hryvnia per day, you want apartments to 400 hryvnia or higher. Only choose. In order to obtain rubles, hryvnia must be multiplied by 4. Surprisingly, the beach with a free, clean and, oddly enough, is not overpopulated. However, we have been here with you early. Local time at 8 o'clock. From the minute people will come. Ideally, of course, meet the sea in those early hours when there is where to run, there is still room to breathe in the horizon - a clean, not worn out bananas, flying saucers, and scooters. And we'll meet again in the Crimea in the next program.
Now a little about different. Beijing has recently opened an unusual mobile museum. He looks like the 60-meter statue of Gulliver. This is the largest inflatable figure in the world. You can go inside a giant through his soles. Since then, the journey begins on the human body. The route passes through the colon, stomach, lungs and heart. From the museum inquisitive Lilliputians Gulliver go through the ear. Most of the visitors - the Chinese students. During the lesson of anatomy, they are ready, do not hesitate to pay 90 yuan.
Log in with plastic bottles is prohibited. This ad appeared recently in the National Park Cinque Terre in Italy, where there is more than three million tourists a year. And not all comply with the cleanliness. For example, in August, the fleet gathered 400,000 plastic bottles. That's why offer visitors at the entrance to take a plastic container and buy 1 euro reusable metal. The problem of what to do with the garbage is allowed.
April 8, 2012 the ship Balmoral will leave Southampton on a journey across the Atlantic at the rate of the legendary Titanic. The ship will be 1309 passengers - many on board the Titanic. April 14 the day of the collision with the iceberg ship passenger ship will honor the memory of the victims. Tickets for Balmoral is all sold.
In the Spanish city of Salamanca tourist offer special cards, which operate 24 hours and cost 16 euros. On them discounts at hotels and shopping centers. In addition, cardholders during these days have free access to museums and exhibition halls.
More than 500,000 pumpkins brought by German farmers in the harvest festival in Ludwigsburg. The festival began with the fact that they lowered the boat into the water from the pumpkin and made an unprecedented race. To race away the fruit is heavier than 90 kg. They were cut in half and remove pulp. Plan is also a culinary competition. From the pumpkins will be all sorts of gourmet cooking - soups, dumplings, strudels and even champagne. Have fun on this occasion the Germans intend to November.
We are moving further to the south coast of Crimea. Here on the mountain roads are not bored, not only for the first time. It seems that every turn of volatile and fraught with surprises. Yet quite unexpectedly opened Laspinsky Pass. There is no need to warn. All those who go here, just slow down and as a matter of changing plans, even if they were not going to stop. Balaclava - is the highest point of the highway Sevastopol - Yalta. Somewhere below Laspinsky bay. Climate of these places are already full southern coast. During the dry climate and protection from winds and Batiliman called Balaclava of the Crimean Africa. Immediately in front of you a powerful rock. It is named after the famous writer and a talented railroad engineer Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky. About him, as a writer, each at least heard of the school. But the fact that his own research and calculations used in the construction of the road over the pass, many do not know. On the cliff Garin-Mikhailovsky observation deck, which overlooks the bay and Batiliman Balaclava, on the Cape Aiya. Once in Balaclava was the city. The bay was densely populated before 1790. In the same year a major earthquake happened, and then went into the ground many of the sources that harbor, and owes its name. From the Greek "Balaclava" means mud. Sources though muddy ground. After that the area was deserted Balaclava.
Interestingly, unlike other resorts of the Crimea are designated areas for recreation only compete with each other and kept about the same price level. Therefore, travelers can only choose a hotel or boarding house. Here's what else the Crimean beautiful gifts. With all the power of topography and spectacular heights, depths and contrasts here are quite affordable for a completely unprepared tourist trail. For example, you can go to the Grand Canyon. The road initially a bit anxious for a good review is used to the townspeople. But if you go slowly, with a research interest, we will soon find yourself in a beautiful, shady, cool and literally green corridor. Even unorganized travelers will find a guide to action. Do not be lazy, read the forest guides, do not be afraid of other ads and even more severe type of forester. Although in reality it's just as if the cashier. 10 or 20 hryvnia - the usual price of the ticket Ukrainian tourist trail. Certainly the heat here does not break through. Tall trees keep firm hands on you transparent, but well covering the foliage. 100% protection. The river to the ancient names of Sarah and Uzen Auzun-Uzen prevent distractions soloist in a loud voice. Listen.
We are going to enhance the sound. Clearly, we are looking for a waterfall - one of the most beautiful in the Crimea. Well, we did not go through the gorge. There's not that loud singing, talking out there is dangerous - you can call the rockfall. And here in the woods, watch and enjoy without fear, sought in the flickering jets of water smart trout. The water here has worked out well. Rapids, waterfalls, heaps of boulders, boulders - are they over the centuries have organized a kind of natural boilers and 2 baths, 3-meter depth. One of these baths - a bath of youth. The water temperature even in the hottest days of about 9-11 degrees. Of course, legend has it that a dip in it, the person recovers his strength and looks younger. Here is another basis for our imagination. In the past, during the glacial epoch are well isolated canyon was a refuge for thermophilic flora. Evidence? Here and now home to 67% of orchid species that occur in the Crimea. In particular, it is extremely rare lady's slipper orchid. Look more closely, suddenly will fall. Well, a bath is not a youth. In fact, in every mountain stream flows in the true sense of living, unspoilt water. Therefore, the waterfalls here - living fountains of longevity and miraculous transformations, unless, of course, believe in the forces of nature. Silver Falls jet - one of the most fascinating. Although in different seasons and in different years in general it is good in its own way. But here's a complete blast, he runs off with a cap stone, overgrown with moss, not too often. So we're lucky. Fine silver and jet in the winter when they turn to ice net. Still, not by chance that the waterfalls is good to start learning meditation, at least in health purposes.
Somewhere above the waterfall, about two hundred meters you can find a pond, arranged for trout Prince Yusupov, the owner of this place in the past. Falcon Manor was called during the Yusupov Kokozy, heavenly eyes. There, now you can see a hunting lodge Yusupov and the mosque, built by him for the villagers. Well, further down the path the great Grand Canyon. On the observation deck you can always remember this spontaneous play ground or the Creator, as you like. The creator may not even think about our admiration for the unique scenery. Why else would seem to hide it, not everyone is locked in and not immediately available to the thicket.
We go to the Crimea. More precisely, first in the western part of it. And now the fields around are not the ones that are ours. And even in this particularly dry summer. And the room is opened a little bit different, and the hills once more widely diverge. And finally, after a struggle with the impressionable Ryazan worn road navigator displays a gorgeous track, almost empty, wide and safe. And almost before you can race Belgorod, reward yourself for all the previous limitations.
Long road to the sun - a great tool to start long-awaited vacation, even a very hot summer. Because the way the sun is merciless, and the wind is a good companion. Well, the fact that the distance from the lower to the present warm sea about a half of Europe and it should be covered as soon as possible, at first did not inhibit, but rather inspires the love of the vast expanses of native. Roads whimsical, not good everywhere. Especially if you choose between the federal highway tense and more relaxed movement. Therefore, every stop is like a breath of calm and freshness, even though the midday sun and the fact that every traveler who descended on firm ground, seeking the shade. By the way, that our armored friend have to prove at customs right to travel. This is another irreplaceable friend on the road, if you believe in the electronics and hit the road with the voice of the cosmos.
- The connection is established with the satellite. Shut up, I'm talking about.- After 80 meters turn left.
We go to the Crimea. More precisely, first in the western part of it. And now the fields around are not the ones that are ours. And even in this particularly dry summer. And the room is opened a little bit different, and the hills once more widely diverge. And finally, after a struggle with the impressionable Ryazan worn road navigator displays a gorgeous track, almost empty, wide and safe. And almost before you can race Belgorod, reward yourself for all the previous limitations.
In our case, once the darkness has come sharply. And just outside the Old Oskol roadside hotels all at once somehow disappeared. Well, no that's all. I had to call in the nearest town. It turned out that a more comfortable night on the road does not come up with. In the city of Gubkin, a unique hotel. It is only slightly more expensive than the hotels on the road, but quite decent. So much so that even breakfast is included and this is a choice of half a dozen menus. A town of Gubkin, see how clean and comfortable. If you do not hear about it, you might remember something about the Kursk magnetic anomaly. So, it is a city of its founding as a geologist found a KIA Ivan Gubkin. The city bears his name.
Dating in this way fleeting. But how nice to know that Belgorod, for example, is not so monochrome appears. There is really white and giant high-rise, or are so clever that collect sunlight lights. And there is a tunnel of colorful, like a children's designer shopping.
Near Belgorod point to which the fear of hunters seeking the pleasures of the Crimea. Under the Belgorod customs checkpoint. Long before him on the track grow "mushrooms" insurers. The procedure required.
Now, nearing the border. Premonitions are not the most optimistic and they are true. Here in the middle of a hot day we will spend three long hours, as well as all motorists. Why so long stretches on the whole formal procedure is unclear. Perhaps simply because on the Russian side of the customs office said Nehotyaevo. But on the Ukrainian side immediately read the name of cheerful Goptivka and acceleration does not occur. In addition to our turtle require a receipt with the price of this exotic traveler, then a certificate from a veterinarian. But finally all over and we had colorful Ukrainian hryvnia with portraits of national heroes. Everything. Hello Crimea. Only happiness ahead of new experiences.
We are already in Yalta, in the ancient Kerkinitida, which was named in honor of the late Evpatoria Pontic King Mithridates VI Eupator, who often helped Kerkinitida. Evpatoria is not stunning scenery. She was just calm and wide. Immediately clear how comfortable are the ships big and small. Why is sought here all these hosts and aggressive invaders? Here you can choose from a street on which you want to live, if only because they go to sea.
And here in this beautiful house, a former hotel, in a cafe stop Bo Rivazh Nicholas II. And, as the plaque states, this imperial couple was offered tea by the name of the city. But the home of the famous chapter Evpatorian Seeds Duva. This is no less than nice house is not restored yet. In the former Market Street we recommend afraid of cats. Thank you, take into account. Thanks to the efforts and organizational skills Seeds Duva, incidentally, in the beginning of the XX century were built by the Orthodox Church of St. Elias, the Pushkin Theater, and before the Revolution, a public library named after Pushkin.
Agree, resort towns are living in a peculiar state is not that relaxed, but still a general idleness is somehow legitimized, that is not annoying at all. It seems that it should be on the shores of the warm sea. But the young artist. No, they are not just practiced. This is serious. This practice. And the object is not easy - St. Nicholas Cathedral, whose dome is visible from afar, and from the city and the harbor. It would seem that there are no mountains, no particular elevation, and the temple is impressive. Immediately next to Juma-Jami - the largest mosque of Crimea. She came here in the XVI century, when the city was the only port of the Crimean Khanate and rapidly grew rich. But the mosque was built slowly. First, because the architect Sinan built simultaneously Haji Mosque of Suleiman I in Istanbul. And secondly, because they do not have enough money. They then went to fight with Ivan the Terrible. This city is probably too close to shore. There is not a clearly delineated by the waterfront. The temples stand on the shore. These same citizens and guests come just to meet the sea. But the most picturesque area of Eupatoria - the old city. From the promenade along a shady street, two steps and that the old tower and winding streets. You can make a film. And Istanbul and Baku will. But here his sights. Main Street Karaite. Evpatoria - the unofficial capital of the ancient people of scanty. Anything in the world, they say, 3000 remained the Karaites. Of these, about 250 people live in Evpatoria. But in general, is an international museum and almost old center.
- In this dress before the Crimean Tatar girls greeted the guests at his house.
Try the sweet treats and be sure to get to the local pottery. It is original, that's for sure.- It is in the XVIII century was a bargaining chip. It was a small change, it was called the penny.
And here is the cats. Again, cats, and now peace among the roses. And did not walk in the old town by such institutions, although it is very ancient original. Shop - almost entirely in the Museum of amateur basis. Therefore hryvnia in local banks quietly piling up - people do not want to lose so soon his past.
And we're back at sea. This, of course, the center of gravity of common interests of Aboriginal and hundreds of thousands of travelers. Evpatoria sand beaches known good and clean waves. But we will stop near the city, a suburb in the resort, which is more known for its therapeutic mud. Just today, not about them, as other local accomplishments of the past decade. In search of a roof over their head, and it is good to a soul, and air-conditioning, and everything else, the people of rushes in the former boarding houses and lodges. That's one of those bases, which in a short time has become a really colorful in many populated city. Perhaps this is only possible in the former Soviet space. Even now you can find here little houses of the former boarding house, which belonged to, say, executive committee. Then he sold the territory literally meter. And fighting for these parameters were serious. And now, on the basis of about 200 owners, who built near their hotels, motels and other seaside settlement options, each in its own way and taste. Not to say that it was too scary, but what is too small, for sure. The old Soviet-era houses rebuilt one, someone just re-equipped. And, here revealing these old tired wretches other buildings, we can only fantasize how it looked originally. Sure, the space has been well thought out. It is clear that the current owners of the team is a highly profitable home. But for the eager crowds of sea travel is more important than that is a huge choice of accommodation, and on any budget. Want mud hut with a bed for 50 hryvnia per day, you want apartments to 400 hryvnia or higher. Only choose. In order to obtain rubles, hryvnia must be multiplied by 4. Surprisingly, the beach with a free, clean and, oddly enough, is not overpopulated. However, we have been here with you early. Local time at 8 o'clock. From the minute people will come. Ideally, of course, meet the sea in those early hours when there is where to run, there is still room to breathe in the horizon - a clean, not worn out bananas, flying saucers, and scooters. And we'll meet again in the Crimea in the next program.
Now a little about different. Beijing has recently opened an unusual mobile museum. He looks like the 60-meter statue of Gulliver. This is the largest inflatable figure in the world. You can go inside a giant through his soles. Since then, the journey begins on the human body. The route passes through the colon, stomach, lungs and heart. From the museum inquisitive Lilliputians Gulliver go through the ear. Most of the visitors - the Chinese students. During the lesson of anatomy, they are ready, do not hesitate to pay 90 yuan.
Log in with plastic bottles is prohibited. This ad appeared recently in the National Park Cinque Terre in Italy, where there is more than three million tourists a year. And not all comply with the cleanliness. For example, in August, the fleet gathered 400,000 plastic bottles. That's why offer visitors at the entrance to take a plastic container and buy 1 euro reusable metal. The problem of what to do with the garbage is allowed.
April 8, 2012 the ship Balmoral will leave Southampton on a journey across the Atlantic at the rate of the legendary Titanic. The ship will be 1309 passengers - many on board the Titanic. April 14 the day of the collision with the iceberg ship passenger ship will honor the memory of the victims. Tickets for Balmoral is all sold.
In the Spanish city of Salamanca tourist offer special cards, which operate 24 hours and cost 16 euros. On them discounts at hotels and shopping centers. In addition, cardholders during these days have free access to museums and exhibition halls.
More than 500,000 pumpkins brought by German farmers in the harvest festival in Ludwigsburg. The festival began with the fact that they lowered the boat into the water from the pumpkin and made an unprecedented race. To race away the fruit is heavier than 90 kg. They were cut in half and remove pulp. Plan is also a culinary competition. From the pumpkins will be all sorts of gourmet cooking - soups, dumplings, strudels and even champagne. Have fun on this occasion the Germans intend to November.
We are moving further to the south coast of Crimea. Here on the mountain roads are not bored, not only for the first time. It seems that every turn of volatile and fraught with surprises. Yet quite unexpectedly opened Laspinsky Pass. There is no need to warn. All those who go here, just slow down and as a matter of changing plans, even if they were not going to stop. Balaclava - is the highest point of the highway Sevastopol - Yalta. Somewhere below Laspinsky bay. Climate of these places are already full southern coast. During the dry climate and protection from winds and Batiliman called Balaclava of the Crimean Africa. Immediately in front of you a powerful rock. It is named after the famous writer and a talented railroad engineer Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky. About him, as a writer, each at least heard of the school. But the fact that his own research and calculations used in the construction of the road over the pass, many do not know. On the cliff Garin-Mikhailovsky observation deck, which overlooks the bay and Batiliman Balaclava, on the Cape Aiya. Once in Balaclava was the city. The bay was densely populated before 1790. In the same year a major earthquake happened, and then went into the ground many of the sources that harbor, and owes its name. From the Greek "Balaclava" means mud. Sources though muddy ground. After that the area was deserted Balaclava.
Interestingly, unlike other resorts of the Crimea are designated areas for recreation only compete with each other and kept about the same price level. Therefore, travelers can only choose a hotel or boarding house. Here's what else the Crimean beautiful gifts. With all the power of topography and spectacular heights, depths and contrasts here are quite affordable for a completely unprepared tourist trail. For example, you can go to the Grand Canyon. The road initially a bit anxious for a good review is used to the townspeople. But if you go slowly, with a research interest, we will soon find yourself in a beautiful, shady, cool and literally green corridor. Even unorganized travelers will find a guide to action. Do not be lazy, read the forest guides, do not be afraid of other ads and even more severe type of forester. Although in reality it's just as if the cashier. 10 or 20 hryvnia - the usual price of the ticket Ukrainian tourist trail. Certainly the heat here does not break through. Tall trees keep firm hands on you transparent, but well covering the foliage. 100% protection. The river to the ancient names of Sarah and Uzen Auzun-Uzen prevent distractions soloist in a loud voice. Listen.
We are going to enhance the sound. Clearly, we are looking for a waterfall - one of the most beautiful in the Crimea. Well, we did not go through the gorge. There's not that loud singing, talking out there is dangerous - you can call the rockfall. And here in the woods, watch and enjoy without fear, sought in the flickering jets of water smart trout. The water here has worked out well. Rapids, waterfalls, heaps of boulders, boulders - are they over the centuries have organized a kind of natural boilers and 2 baths, 3-meter depth. One of these baths - a bath of youth. The water temperature even in the hottest days of about 9-11 degrees. Of course, legend has it that a dip in it, the person recovers his strength and looks younger. Here is another basis for our imagination. In the past, during the glacial epoch are well isolated canyon was a refuge for thermophilic flora. Evidence? Here and now home to 67% of orchid species that occur in the Crimea. In particular, it is extremely rare lady's slipper orchid. Look more closely, suddenly will fall. Well, a bath is not a youth. In fact, in every mountain stream flows in the true sense of living, unspoilt water. Therefore, the waterfalls here - living fountains of longevity and miraculous transformations, unless, of course, believe in the forces of nature. Silver Falls jet - one of the most fascinating. Although in different seasons and in different years in general it is good in its own way. But here's a complete blast, he runs off with a cap stone, overgrown with moss, not too often. So we're lucky. Fine silver and jet in the winter when they turn to ice net. Still, not by chance that the waterfalls is good to start learning meditation, at least in health purposes.
Somewhere above the waterfall, about two hundred meters you can find a pond, arranged for trout Prince Yusupov, the owner of this place in the past. Falcon Manor was called during the Yusupov Kokozy, heavenly eyes. There, now you can see a hunting lodge Yusupov and the mosque, built by him for the villagers. Well, further down the path the great Grand Canyon. On the observation deck you can always remember this spontaneous play ground or the Creator, as you like. The creator may not even think about our admiration for the unique scenery. Why else would seem to hide it, not everyone is locked in and not immediately available to the thicket.
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