Сегодня отправимся на Запад. Хорошо приехать в Минск по белорусской чугунке, т.е. железной дороге, вечером, когда город в огнях. Можно сразу оценить новый железнодорожный, т.е. чугуночный, вокзал и всю привокзальную площадь, которую не сразу узнаешь, если давно здесь не был. Минск преобразился, обновился, посвежел, но в одном остался прежним. Он просторен, светел и чист, каким он был всегда в советские годы, когда сюда туристы из России приезжали гораздо чаще...
Сегодня отправимся на Запад. Хорошо приехать в Минск по белорусской чугунке, т.е. железной дороге, вечером, когда город в огнях. Можно сразу оценить новый железнодорожный, т.е. чугуночный, вокзал и всю привокзальную площадь, которую не сразу узнаешь, если давно здесь не был. Минск преобразился, обновился, посвежел, но в одном остался прежним. Он просторен, светел и чист, каким он был всегда в советские годы, когда сюда туристы из России приезжали гораздо чаще.
Широкие улицы и площади, со вкусом оформленные скверы – национальная традиция здесь на месте, что не может не впечатлять. Ну а мы отправляемся в незнакомое место, маленький городок Несвеж, известный своими великими основателями не только здесь, но и во всей Европе. “У нас, в Несвеже, как в Париже. Только дома пониже да грязь пожиже”. Поговорке лет 200, но она явно устарела. Не по части Парижа, а по части грязи, конечно.
В белорусском городке Несвеже или Нясвеже, так по-белорусски, возле старой ратуши встречают с песнями. Пелось и елось в древнем Несвеже по-разному, но здесь хранят память об основателях и самых крупных хозяевах этих мест, династии некоронованных королей Польши, Литвы и Украины, Радзивилах. Их портреты в главном зале ратуши. От того Радзивила, что своей волей построил город по плану, с ровными улицами, крепостными стенами, с церквями и монастырями, дол самого богатого Радзивила по имени Карл Станислав Ануфрий. Вот и думайте, сколько кровей намешано в этой династии. Были среди Радзивилов канцлеры, гетманы, маршалы, воеводы, епископы и больше 40 сенаторов.
В государстве они ощущали себя независимыми монархами. Их фабрики и заводы приносили большие доходы, крепости Радзивилов в Слуцке, Несвеже, Бирже, Желкове были наполнены войсками и припасами военных. Наконец, фамильные сокровища превосходили ценностью богатства многих удельных князей. На пирах у Радзивилов собиралась почти вся Литва. Причем это была не просто династия, а редчайший по своей живучести социальный феномен. Несвежская орденация Радзивилов пережила не одно государство - Великое княжество Литовское, Речь Посполитую и Российскую Империю.
Здесь же, в главном зале ратуши, где, кстати, и теперь принимают гостей и даже регистрируют браки в исторической обстановке, можно увидеть и портрет одной из загадочных фигур, Черной дамы Барбары Радзивил. Призрак дамы не покидает этих мест. Барбара вышла замуж за Сигизмунда Августа и 5 месяцев была королевой Польши. Барбара была одной из самых образованных женщин того времени. А еще у королевы будто бы было одновременно 38 официально известных фаворитов.
По преданию Барбара Радзивил была отравлена матерью короля, которая ее ненавидела. А вот король был безутешен и, когда вызвал дух Барбары в Несвежском замке, Сигизмунд не удержался и обнял дорогой ему призрак, что было запрещено. С тех пор привидение вечно скитается среди этих древних стен. Черная дама даже пугала постояльцев санатория ЦК КПСС, который был здесь после войны. И теперь она не знает покоя.
В прочем, покоя можно искать только под святым крестом, как нашли его в Несвежском фарном Костюре богатые Радзивилы, их родственники и даже маленькие дети, чему свидетельствует вот такая усыпальница под костелом. Даже беспощадная война не потревожила прах Радзивилов. Хотя в купол костела попал снаряд и интерьер собора, фрески и основная часть росписи стен, не реставрировались с послевоенного времени. Ну а масштаб состоятельности этой фамилии, говорят, что у Радзивилов было до 300 тысяч крепостных, можно оценить в крепости. А точнее во дворце, потому что функции крепости он потерял давно.
Построил эту резиденцию в XVI веке итальянский архитектор Джованни Барнардони. Дворец Радзивиллов защищали не только крепостные стены и башни. Замок был окружен водой со всех сторон. Были и многочисленные подземные тайники и тайные ходы, ведущие из дворца. Один из них соединял замок с местным иезуитским костелом, в подземельях которого и теперь покоятся останки Радзивилов. Здесь было 365 комнат. Столько же, сколько дней в году. Причем отдельные залы назывались Золотой, Бриллиантовый, Серебряный, Мраморный, поскольку декор был из этих самых металлов и камней.
Особой же гордостью Радзивилов в Несвеже были золотые и серебряные в рост человека фигуры двенадцати апостолов, привезенный из Константинополя. Хранились скульптуры в тайнике, который располагался в замковый подземельях. Путь в это хранилище был известен только князю и его доверенному слуге. Демонстрировали апостолов только самым знатным гостям. Возможно, княжеский клад хранится и теперь в огромном тоннеле длиной больше 35 км, который в XVII столетии соединял два замка Радзивилов, Несвежский и Мирский. Между прочим, у специалистов по поискам кладов есть серьезные доказательства того, что клад именно здесь. В замке регулярно появляется привидение.
Алексей Будник, директор музея:
- Семья Радзивилов уезжает с этих земель в 39-40 году, имущество замка описывается, вывозится отсюда, раздается по организациям, выставляется на аукционы, что-то и воровали в тот период. Здесь создается музей войск НКВД, хотели сделать ПТУ, дорожный техникум. Начинается Великая Отечественная Война. Немцы, оккупировав Несвеж, создают в замке госпиталь. После освобождения от фашистской оккупации с 45 года по 2001 год здесь открыт санаторий.
Во дворце вовсю идет реставрация. Уже открыта галерея одного этажа. Здесь мечтают даже собрать часть подлинных книг библиотеки Радзивилов. Она насчитывала 20 000 томов. А в архивах семьи сохранились даже письма Радзивилов королям. По видимому будущих гостей дворца ждет немало открытий, поскольку только бумажных архивов отсюда было вывезено 50 тонн. Самый яркий представитель династии с неподходящим прозвищем Николай Сиротка был образованнейшим человеком своего времени, путешествовал и сочинял. И вот Несвеж оставил на радость потомкам. Кстати, реальные пра-пра-правнуки Радзивилов помогают восстанавливать имение.
Алексей Будник:
- Хоть они уже не располагают такими огромными владениями, как в XVIII веке, тем не менее это очень уважаемая семья, вхожа во многие круги, имеют родственные связи с известными людьми, как говорится, сильными мира сего и они очень уважаемы в сфере аристократии Европы, в том числе Западной Европы. Поэтому их слово всегда имеет вес.
Каждый из них должен знать историю своей семьи, нескольких поколений. Только в Несвеже проживало 14 поколений Радзивилов. Сами поймите, нужно знать каждого из них. В семье есть и бизнесмены и историки, т.е. разные профессии. Но каждый из них обязательно знает историю своего рода и гордится им.
А мы возвращаемся в Минск, чтобы увидеть его нынешнюю гордость, вот этот комплекс. Три огромных спортивных сооружений, которым позавидует любая современная столица. Трек, где уже растут и тренируются будущие чемпионы велогонок. За соревнованиями могут наблюдать 3000 зрителей. А на ледовой арене, кроме команд соперников, поместится 15 000 болельщиков. Говорят, лед уже пользуется популярностью. Фанаты из простых горожан сюда приходят с удовольствием. Цены проката примерно такие же, как и в Нижнем. Рядом с комплексом Олимпийская деревня. Говорят, будто бы здесь получают квартиры белорусские чемпионы.
Еще одно впечатляющее здание, Национальная библиотека. Разумеется, суперсовременная, позволяющая выйти на связь с крупными библиотеками мира и найти в электронном мире все или почти все, что вам нужно для учебных или научных целей. Здесь же проходят всевозможные встречи и конференции. Как и железнодорожный вокзал библиотеку придумали и спроектировали архитекторы Кромаренко и Виноградов.
Проект стал всесоюзным победителем еще в 1989 году, но построен только через 15 лет. Это здание в списке 50-ти самых необычных зданий мира и занимает в нем 24 место, причем обходит при этом новейшее казино Лас-Вегаса. Фантастична форма. Называется ромбо-кобок-тальбер. Высота здания 73,5 метра. 23 этажа и 115 тонн. Масса без книг разумеется. Книги сюда свозили несколько месяцев.
Забавно правда, что этот же проект попал в список самых несимпатичных зданий мира уже оп мнению экспертов издания Travel Invega. Оценивайте сами. Но красив уже девиз библиотеки. Вот он: “Да будет совершенен человек” на всех известных языках. Ну а рядом, разумеется, Франциск Скарино. Из под его пера вышла первая книга на белорусском.
И вот еще один центр, который совсем скоро примет окончательный вид. Отец Федор встречает нас у Храма Всех Святых. Точнее у символической фигуры, да, да, вы не ошиблись, Моисея. Под ногой у него камень Синая. В скором будущем из-под посоха пробьется поток воды и наполнит этот бассейн. Символичен уже и сам вход в Храм. Ну а вот и негасимая лампада в память по всем, кто пострадал за свою землю.
В нише, расположенной в стенах Храма, будут помещены капсулы со святой землей. Той, что тоже хранит память о погибших и пострадавших земляках. Отец Федор встречает всех гостей первым и самым главным для него вопросом, нравится ли вам Храм. В этом строительстве, замысле объединения общей памяти несколько последних лет его собственных усилий. А рядом временный деревянный Храм, который, как это и бывает в хорошем месте, горожане уже полюбили.
Бывшая крепость Радзивилов, с которой мы познакомились сегодня, открытие для большинства гостей Белоруссии. А для нас имя другой крепости навсегда связано с этой страной, точнее с границами в прошлом нашей общей страны. В Минске мы увидели фильм “Брестская крепость”. Тот самый, премьера которого на территории Союзного государства назначена на День Единства 4 ноября. А пока продюсер и автор идеи фильма рассказал о том, что замысел по известной книге Смирнова тревожил его воображение буквально с детства. Поэтому нет никакого парадокса в том, что такой серьезной темой занимается человек, известный телезрителям, исключительно как светлый и веселый актер. Игорь Угольников теперь руководитель теле и радиовещательной организации Союзного государства.
Игорь Угольников, генеральный директор телеканала ТРО:
- Все просто. У отца была большая библиотека. Я вырос в правильной семье. И в юности он положил передо мной эту книгу. Она меня потрясла и лежала много-много лет. И когда волею судеб получилось так, что меня назначают председателем ТРО Союза, я почему-то согласился. Я знаю почему. Это мне даст возможность осуществить свою мечту. Я настолько был в этом как огалтелый. Я сломал всех. Он хочет? Дайте ему, пусть он делает. Настолько напор был мой силен. Дайте ему денег, пусть делает, только отстанет он нас.
Фильм получился убедительный и дорогой. Экран притягивает именно тем, что в книге страшная оборона Брестской крепости показана исключительно глазами ее защитников. А главный герой и вовсе мальчик, который, кстати, живет в фильме, а не играет. Будем ждать большой премьеры.
Ну а в Минск мы еще вернемся.
А теперь понемногу о разном.
В Нью-Дели неуловимая банда макак портит жизнь туристам и местным жителям. Индийские власти решили, что хвостатых бандитов должны ловить хвостатые полицейские, и создали специальное подразделение обезьян лангуров. Почему-то именно их макаки побаиваются. Всего на городскую службу уже принято 38 лангуров. К каждой обезьянке приставлен хозяин с поводком. Если дежурства будут успешны, то такие отряды начнут патрулировать самые людные улицы индийской столицы.
Одну из самых нефтяных вышек западной части Тихого океана переоборудовали под отель для дайверов. Путь до гостиницы неблизкий. Придется сделать 3 пересадки в разных городках Малайзии, а потом еще около часа ехать на моторной лодке. И все это ради фантастических подводных пейзажей. Кроме того, постояльцы отеля получают бонус, экскурсию по национальному парку на острове Сипадан, куда, кстати, непросто попасть.
Поздней осенью, которую финны называют русской, в вечнозеленых таежных лесах легко встретиться с оленями и лосями. Вот финны и решили организовать для туристов сафари. Сафари по-фински начинается на рассвете или на закате, длится от 3-х до 5-ти часов, стоит 80 евро. Разумеется, разрешена только фотоохота.
Собираетесь в Нью-Йорк? Предупреждаем, там вам может перебежать дорогу скунс. С недавних пор эти зверьки свободно разгуливают по улицам города, особенно по свалкам. Скунсы пугливы и подозрительны, любого прохожего воспринимают как врага. Запах, который остается на одежде после их атаки, уничтожить невозможно. Муниципальная служба города в растерянности и пока рекомендует только одно - внимательно смотреть под ноги.
Английская пенсионерка Джоан Хардин терпеть не может застолья в день Рождения. Поэтому свое 90-летие она отпраздновала в небе – прыгнула с парашютом. Это был ее первый прыжок, к которому Джоан готовилась несколько недель, прошла специальный курс для новичков. Родственники и друзья наблюдали за полетом Джоан на большом мониторе. Когда леди приземлилась, то бодро заявила: “Полет был сказочный”.
Время летних отпусков уже позади. Но это не значит, что об отдыхе можно забыть до следующего лета. Именно осенью начинается, пожалуй, самое приятное время, бархатный сезон. Кстати, понятие бархатный сезон – чисто русское изобретение.
Говорят, главный врач царской семьи обратил внимание на прелести осенней крымской погоды, наиболее благоприятной для лечения бронхитов и нервных расстройств. Вскоре вслед за императрицей к морю потянулись модные дамы в бархатных платьях. Почему в бархатных? Да потому что осенний ветерок бывает излишне свеж по утрам. С тех пор осенний отдых у моря называют бархатным за ласковую погоду, мягкую, приятную, как бархатная ткань на ощупь.
На осенних курортах вы не найдете изнуряющей жары и палящего солнца. Ультрафиолет не так агрессивен. Поэтому вы сможете загорать в любое время. Специалисты утверждают, что именно отдых во время бархатного сезона помогает поправить свое здоровье. Давление нормализуется и тревожность уходит.
Популярные среди россиян страны, Турция и Египет, осенью не теряют своих позиций. Хотя погода в Турции зависит от региона. Например, на Западном побережье, это Мармарис и Бодрум, купальный сезон заканчивается уже в начале октября. А вот южная часть побережья, это Анталия, Алания, Белекс и Де-Икимер, защищена от ветров горами, и купаться там можно до конца октября. Для отдыха в Египте осень – самое лучшее время. В октябре и ноябре температура воздуха 25-27о тепла. Только вот в конце ноября начинается сезон ветров. Поэтому не забудьте взять с собой ветровку для вечерних прогулок по пляжу.
Самые популярные европейские курорты на осень – это Испания, Крит, Кипр, Лазурный берег Франции, Болгария и Хорватия. Но стоит всегда помнить, что в конце октября и весь ноябрь погода в этих странах переменчива. Для отдыха в Хорватии лучше выбирать южное побережье, например Дубровник. Купаться в море уже холодно, а вот погода стоит действительно бархатная.
На Кипре сезон заканчивается в ноябре. Море начинает остывать уже в октябре. К концу октября начинается сезон ветров, и закрываются все аквапарки.
Осенью приятно отдохнуть можно и в Греции. Танцевать сертаки, наслаждаться греческой кухней и гостеприимством местных жителей лучше всего до середины октября, потому что становится прохладнее.
В Таиланд лучше ехать в ноябре. Сезон ливневых дождей к этому месяцу уже заканчивается, и устанавливается мягкая теплая погода.
Октябрь – месяц отдыха в США. Проведите несколько дней в осеннем Нью-Йорке. Возможно у вас получится попасть на празднование Хеллоуина. Шествие ряженных вам запомнится надолго. Или отдохните на пляжах Майами. Там всегда шумно и весело.
Now go to the West. Well come to Minsk on Belarus the pot, that is, train in the evening, when the city of lights. You can immediately evaluate a new railway that is chugunochny, train station and the whole station square, which did not immediately know if there was not a long time. Minsk changed, updated, freshened, but one remained unchanged. It is spacious, bright and clean as it was always in the Soviet era, when Russian tourists here come more often.
Now go to the West. Well come to Minsk on Belarus the pot, that is, train in the evening, when the city of lights. You can immediately evaluate a new railway that is chugunochny, train station and the whole station square, which did not immediately know if there was not a long time. Minsk changed, updated, freshened, but one remained unchanged. It is spacious, bright and clean as it was always in the Soviet era, when Russian tourists here come more often.
Wide streets and squares, tastefully decorated squares - national tradition here on the site, which can not fail to impress. Well, we go to an unfamiliar place, a small town is stale, known for its great founders, not only here but throughout Europe. "We have, in the Stale, as in Paris. Just below the house so the mud thinner. " Saying 200 years, but it is clearly outdated. No part of Paris, and on the part of the dirt, of course.
The Belarusian town or stale Nyasvezhe as Belarusian, near the old town hall meet with the songs. Sung in the ancient and elos Stale in different ways, but here cherish the memory of the founders and the largest owners of these places, uncrowned kings of the dynasty of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, Radzivilov. Their portraits in the main hall of the town hall. From that Radziwill, that his will built the city according to plan, with straight streets, city walls, the churches and monasteries, long the richest Radziwill named Carl Stanislav Annufriy. Now you think how much blood are mixed in this dynasty. Were among the Radzivilov Chancellors, hetman, marshal, the magistrates, bishops and more than 40 senators.
In the state, they feel themselves independent sovereigns. Their factories brought large gains, strength Radzivilov in Slutsk, stale, Exchange, Zhelkove were filled with troops and military supplies. Finally, family treasures surpassed the value of the wealth of many princes. At the feasts have collected almost all Radzivilov Lithuania. And it was not just a dynasty, and the rarest of its survivability social phenomenon. Nesvezhskaya ordenatsiya Radzivilov experienced more than one state - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Rzeczpospolita and the Russian Empire.
Here, in the main hall of the town hall, where, incidentally, is now accepting guests, and even record the marriage in a historic setting, you can see a portrait of one of the mysterious figures of the Black Lady Barbara Radziwill. Phantom of the ladies do not leave this place. Barbara married Sigismund Augustus and 5 months was the queen of Poland. Barbara was one of the most educated women of that time. And if the Queen was officially known at the same time 38 favorites.
According to legend, Barbara Radziwill was poisoned by the king's mother, who hated her. But the king was inconsolable, and, when summoned the spirit of Barbara Castle Nesvezhskom, Sigismund could not resist him and hugged my dear ghost, it was forbidden. Since then, a ghost forever wandering among these ancient walls. A black woman, even frightened guests resort CPSU Central Committee, who was here after the war. And now she does not know the rest.
In other matters, the rest can only search for the Holy Cross, as it found Nesvezhskom Farnham Kostyure Radzivilov wealthy, their families and even young children, which indicates there is a vault under the church. Even the merciless war has not disturbed the ashes Radzivilov. Although the dome of the church hit by a shell and the interior of the cathedral, frescoes and murals bulk is not restored to the post-war period. But the consistency of the scale of this family, they say, that was before Radzivilov 300,000 serfs, can be estimated in the fortress. To be more precise in the palace, because the function of the fortress he had lost long ago.
This residence built in the XVI century Italian architect Giovanni Barnardoni. Radziwill Palace defended not only the walls and towers. The castle was surrounded by water on all sides. There were numerous underground hiding places and secret passages leading from the palace. One of them is connected with a local lock Jesuit church, in the dungeons of which now lie the remains of Radzivilov. There were 365 rooms. The same number of how many days a year. Moreover, individual rooms known as Gold, Diamond, Silver, Marble, as was the decor of most of these metals and stones.
Special pride is in the Stale Radzivilov were gold and silver in the growth of human figures of the twelve apostles, which was brought from Constantinople. Sculptures were stored in the cache, which is located in the castle dungeons. The path to this store was known only to the prince and his trusted servant. Showed only the most noble of the Apostles guests. Perhaps the prince's treasure and is now stored in a huge tunnel of length greater than 35 km, which is in the XVII century combined the two locks Radzivilov, Nesvezhsky and Mirsky. Incidentally, experts in search of treasure is strong evidence that the treasure here. The castle appears regularly ghost.
Alex Budnik, director of the museum:
- Family Radzivilov leaves from these lands in the 39-40 year, the property described by the castle, taken out of here, is distributed to organizations, put up for auction, and stole something at the time. Here, a museum of the NKVD, wanted to make a trade school, college road. It starts with The Great Patriotic War. The Germans occupied the stale, creates the Castle hospital. After the liberation from Nazi occupation from 45 to 2001 are open sanatorium.
The palace is in full swing restoration. Already a gallery one floor. Here are dreaming even collect some authentic books of the library Radzivilov. It consisted of 20,000 volumes. And in the archives of the family survived, even letters Radzivilov kings. Apparently future guests of the palace waiting for a lot of discoveries, as only paper archives was taken away 50 tons. The most outstanding representative of the dynasty to an inappropriate nickname Orphan Nicholas was educated man of his time, traveled and wrote. And Stale left to the delight of posterity. By the way, the real great-great-great-grandchildren Radzivilov help restore the estate.
Alex Budnik:
- Although they do not have such huge holdings, as in the XVIII century, though it is a very respectable family, well received in many circles, have family connections with famous people, as they say, the powerful and they are very respected in the aristocracy of Europe, including Western Europe. Therefore, their word always has a weight.
Each of them should know the history of his family for generations. Only Stale lived 14 generations Radzivilov. Understand themselves, to know each of them. In the family there are businessmen and historians, that is, different professions. But each of them must know the history of his race and proud of it.
And we come to Minsk to see his current pride, that this complex. Three huge sports facilities, which envy any modern capital city. The track, which already grow and train the future champions of cycling. During the competition can watch 3,000 people. And at the ice arena, except for the opposing team, will fit 15,000 fans. They say the ice is already popular. Fans of the ordinary citizens come here with pleasure. Rental rates are about the same as in the Lower. Next to the Olympic Village complex. They say that if there are apartments Belarusian champions.
Another impressive building, the National Library. Of course, modern, allows to get in touch with major libraries around the world and to find in an electronic world, all or nearly all that you need for educational or scientific purposes. Here are all sorts of meetings and conferences. As the railway station and the library came up with the architects have designed Kromarenko and Vinogradov.
The project was the winner of the All-Union in 1989, but built only 15 years later. This building is in the list of 50 most unusual buildings in the world and occupies 24th place in it, and passes with the newest casino in Las Vegas. Fantastic shape. Called the rhombohedral-Koboko talber. Building height 73.5 meters. 23 floors and 115 tons. Weight without the books of course. Books were brought here a few months.
It's funny though, that the same was in the draft list of the most unsympathetic buildings in the world are already publishing experts op Travel Invega. Judge for yourself. But handsome is the slogan of the library. Here it is: "Be perfect man" in all known languages. Well, there, of course, Francis Skarin. From his pen came the first book in Belarusian.
And here is another center that will soon take its final form. Father Fyodor meets us at the Cathedral of All Saints. More precisely a symbolic figure, yes, yes, you read that right, Moses. Under a stone with his foot in his Sinai. In the near future from a staff break through the flow of water and fill the pool. Is itself symbolic entrance to the Temple. Well, that's unquenchable lamp in memory of all who suffered for their land.
In the niche, located in the walls of the Temple, the capsule will be placed on the holy land. One that also preserves the memory of those killed and injured countrymen. Father Fyodor meets all the guests first and foremost a matter for him if you like Temple. In this construction, combining the general conception of the past few years, the memory of his own efforts. A number of temporary wooden house which, as it is in a good location, the townspeople have come to love.
The former fortress Radzivilov, with whom we met today, the opening for the majority of guests of Belarus. And for us the name of a fortress is forever linked with this country, more precisely with the borders in the past, our common country. In Minsk we saw the film "Brest Fortress". The one, which premiered in the Union State scheduled for the Unity Day on November 4. Meanwhile, producer and author of the idea of the film talked about the fact that the idea of well-known book Smirnov troubled his imagination is literally a child. Therefore, there is no paradox in the fact that such a serious topic deals with a man known viewers only as bright and cheerful actor. Igor Ugolnikov now head of TV and radio broadcasting organization of the Union State.
Igor Ugolnikov, CEO of TV SRW:
- It's simple. My father had a large library. I grew up in the correct family. In his youth, he laid before me this book. It shocked me, and lay many, many years. And as fate willed it so happened that I was appointed chairman of the TPO of the Union, for some reason I agreed. I know why. This will enable me to fulfill his dream. I was so into it as ogaltely. I broke all. He wants? Let him, let him do. So my head was strong. Give him the money, let him do, but it lags behind us.
The film has turned out a convincing and expensive. The screen attracts the very fact that the book terrible defense of the Brest Fortress is shown only through the eyes of its defenders. And the main character and does a boy who, incidentally, lives in the movie, not playing. Let's wait for the big premiere.
Well, in Minsk, we'll be back.
Now a little about different.
In New Delhi, a gang of macaques spoils life for tourists and locals. Indian authorities have decided that should catch the bandits tailed tailed police and created a special unit of langur monkeys. For some reason they are afraid of monkeys. All in all city services are already taken 38 langur. For each monkey the charge of the owner with the leash. If the duty will be successful, these troops will patrol the most crowded streets of the Indian capital.
One of the oil derricks of western Pacific was converted into a hotel for divers. The way to a hotel not a short. We'll have to do three transplants in different towns of Malaysia, and then another hour to go by motor boat. And all this for the fantastic underwater scenery. In addition, hotel guests receive a bonus, a tour of the national park on the island of Sipadan, where, incidentally, is not easy to get.
In late autumn, which is called the Russian Finns, in the evergreen forests of the taiga is easy to meet reindeer and moose. Here the Finns decided to organize a safari for tourists. Safari in Finnish begins at sunrise or sunset, lasts from 3 to 5 hours, costs 80 euros. Of course, the only allowed photography.
Going to New York? Be warned, there you can cross the road skunk. More recently, these animals wander freely through the streets, especially in landfills. Skunks are fearful and suspicious of any passer-by is seen as the enemy. The smell that stays on the clothes after the attack, destroy it is impossible. The municipal office of the city at a loss and still recommends that only one thing - to look carefully at his feet.
British pensioner Joan Hardin can not stand the feast day of birth. Therefore, his 90th birthday she celebrated in the sky - jumped with a parachute. It was her first jump, to which Joan was getting ready for several weeks, took a special course for beginners. Relatives and friends watched the flight of Joan on the big screen. When the lady landed, then cheerfully said: "The flight was fantastic."
The summer holidays are over. But this does not mean that you can forget about the rest until next summer. It begins in the autumn, perhaps the most enjoyable time, velvet season. By the way, the concept of Indian summer - a purely Russian invention.
They say, chief physician of the royal family drew attention to the beauty of the Crimean autumn weather, the most favorable for the treatment of bronchitis and nervous disorders. Shortly after the Empress of the sea stretched fashionable ladies in velvet gowns. Why in the velvet? Because the autumn breeze is too fresh in the morning. Since the autumn holiday by the sea called the velvet of gentle weather, a soft, pleasant, like a velvet cloth to the touch.
In the autumn you will not find spas sweltering heat and the scorching sun. UV is not as aggressive. So you can tan at any time. Experts say that this holiday season during the velvet helps to improve their health. The pressure is normalized and anxiety goes away.
Most popular among the Russians of the country, Turkey and Egypt, in the fall do not lose their positions. Although the weather in Turkey varies by region. For example, on the West Coast, it's Marmaris and Bodrum, the swimming season ends in early October. But the southern part of the coast is Antalya, Alanya, Beleks and De Ikimer, protected from winds by the mountains, and there you can swim to the end of October. For a holiday in Egypt autumn - the best time. In October and November, the air temperature 25-27o Celsius. Only here in late November season begins winds. So do not forget to take a jacket for evening walks along the beach.
The most popular European resorts in the fall - this is Spain, Crete, Cyprus, French Riviera, Bulgaria and Croatia. But you should always remember that in late October and through November the weather is changeable in these countries. For a holiday in Croatia is better to choose the south coast, such as Dubrovnik. Swim in the sea is cold, but the weather is really velvety.
In Cyprus, the season ends in November. The sea begins to cool in October. By the end of October the wind season starts, and shut down all water parks.
In autumn you can relax and Greece. Sertaki dance, enjoy the Greek cuisine and hospitality of local people are best to mid-October, because it becomes cooler.
In Thailand, better to go in November. The season of torrential rains this month have already finished and installed soft warm weather.
October - a month holiday in the United States. Spend a few days in the Fall of New York. Maybe you'll have to get to the celebration of Halloween. Procession tively charged you remember. Or relax on the beaches of Miami. There's always noisy and fun.
Now go to the West. Well come to Minsk on Belarus the pot, that is, train in the evening, when the city of lights. You can immediately evaluate a new railway that is chugunochny, train station and the whole station square, which did not immediately know if there was not a long time. Minsk changed, updated, freshened, but one remained unchanged. It is spacious, bright and clean as it was always in the Soviet era, when Russian tourists here come more often.
Wide streets and squares, tastefully decorated squares - national tradition here on the site, which can not fail to impress. Well, we go to an unfamiliar place, a small town is stale, known for its great founders, not only here but throughout Europe. "We have, in the Stale, as in Paris. Just below the house so the mud thinner. " Saying 200 years, but it is clearly outdated. No part of Paris, and on the part of the dirt, of course.
The Belarusian town or stale Nyasvezhe as Belarusian, near the old town hall meet with the songs. Sung in the ancient and elos Stale in different ways, but here cherish the memory of the founders and the largest owners of these places, uncrowned kings of the dynasty of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, Radzivilov. Their portraits in the main hall of the town hall. From that Radziwill, that his will built the city according to plan, with straight streets, city walls, the churches and monasteries, long the richest Radziwill named Carl Stanislav Annufriy. Now you think how much blood are mixed in this dynasty. Were among the Radzivilov Chancellors, hetman, marshal, the magistrates, bishops and more than 40 senators.
In the state, they feel themselves independent sovereigns. Their factories brought large gains, strength Radzivilov in Slutsk, stale, Exchange, Zhelkove were filled with troops and military supplies. Finally, family treasures surpassed the value of the wealth of many princes. At the feasts have collected almost all Radzivilov Lithuania. And it was not just a dynasty, and the rarest of its survivability social phenomenon. Nesvezhskaya ordenatsiya Radzivilov experienced more than one state - the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Rzeczpospolita and the Russian Empire.
Here, in the main hall of the town hall, where, incidentally, is now accepting guests, and even record the marriage in a historic setting, you can see a portrait of one of the mysterious figures of the Black Lady Barbara Radziwill. Phantom of the ladies do not leave this place. Barbara married Sigismund Augustus and 5 months was the queen of Poland. Barbara was one of the most educated women of that time. And if the Queen was officially known at the same time 38 favorites.
According to legend, Barbara Radziwill was poisoned by the king's mother, who hated her. But the king was inconsolable, and, when summoned the spirit of Barbara Castle Nesvezhskom, Sigismund could not resist him and hugged my dear ghost, it was forbidden. Since then, a ghost forever wandering among these ancient walls. A black woman, even frightened guests resort CPSU Central Committee, who was here after the war. And now she does not know the rest.
In other matters, the rest can only search for the Holy Cross, as it found Nesvezhskom Farnham Kostyure Radzivilov wealthy, their families and even young children, which indicates there is a vault under the church. Even the merciless war has not disturbed the ashes Radzivilov. Although the dome of the church hit by a shell and the interior of the cathedral, frescoes and murals bulk is not restored to the post-war period. But the consistency of the scale of this family, they say, that was before Radzivilov 300,000 serfs, can be estimated in the fortress. To be more precise in the palace, because the function of the fortress he had lost long ago.
This residence built in the XVI century Italian architect Giovanni Barnardoni. Radziwill Palace defended not only the walls and towers. The castle was surrounded by water on all sides. There were numerous underground hiding places and secret passages leading from the palace. One of them is connected with a local lock Jesuit church, in the dungeons of which now lie the remains of Radzivilov. There were 365 rooms. The same number of how many days a year. Moreover, individual rooms known as Gold, Diamond, Silver, Marble, as was the decor of most of these metals and stones.
Special pride is in the Stale Radzivilov were gold and silver in the growth of human figures of the twelve apostles, which was brought from Constantinople. Sculptures were stored in the cache, which is located in the castle dungeons. The path to this store was known only to the prince and his trusted servant. Showed only the most noble of the Apostles guests. Perhaps the prince's treasure and is now stored in a huge tunnel of length greater than 35 km, which is in the XVII century combined the two locks Radzivilov, Nesvezhsky and Mirsky. Incidentally, experts in search of treasure is strong evidence that the treasure here. The castle appears regularly ghost.
Alex Budnik, director of the museum:
- Family Radzivilov leaves from these lands in the 39-40 year, the property described by the castle, taken out of here, is distributed to organizations, put up for auction, and stole something at the time. Here, a museum of the NKVD, wanted to make a trade school, college road. It starts with The Great Patriotic War. The Germans occupied the stale, creates the Castle hospital. After the liberation from Nazi occupation from 45 to 2001 are open sanatorium.
The palace is in full swing restoration. Already a gallery one floor. Here are dreaming even collect some authentic books of the library Radzivilov. It consisted of 20,000 volumes. And in the archives of the family survived, even letters Radzivilov kings. Apparently future guests of the palace waiting for a lot of discoveries, as only paper archives was taken away 50 tons. The most outstanding representative of the dynasty to an inappropriate nickname Orphan Nicholas was educated man of his time, traveled and wrote. And Stale left to the delight of posterity. By the way, the real great-great-great-grandchildren Radzivilov help restore the estate.
Alex Budnik:
- Although they do not have such huge holdings, as in the XVIII century, though it is a very respectable family, well received in many circles, have family connections with famous people, as they say, the powerful and they are very respected in the aristocracy of Europe, including Western Europe. Therefore, their word always has a weight.
Each of them should know the history of his family for generations. Only Stale lived 14 generations Radzivilov. Understand themselves, to know each of them. In the family there are businessmen and historians, that is, different professions. But each of them must know the history of his race and proud of it.
And we come to Minsk to see his current pride, that this complex. Three huge sports facilities, which envy any modern capital city. The track, which already grow and train the future champions of cycling. During the competition can watch 3,000 people. And at the ice arena, except for the opposing team, will fit 15,000 fans. They say the ice is already popular. Fans of the ordinary citizens come here with pleasure. Rental rates are about the same as in the Lower. Next to the Olympic Village complex. They say that if there are apartments Belarusian champions.
Another impressive building, the National Library. Of course, modern, allows to get in touch with major libraries around the world and to find in an electronic world, all or nearly all that you need for educational or scientific purposes. Here are all sorts of meetings and conferences. As the railway station and the library came up with the architects have designed Kromarenko and Vinogradov.
The project was the winner of the All-Union in 1989, but built only 15 years later. This building is in the list of 50 most unusual buildings in the world and occupies 24th place in it, and passes with the newest casino in Las Vegas. Fantastic shape. Called the rhombohedral-Koboko talber. Building height 73.5 meters. 23 floors and 115 tons. Weight without the books of course. Books were brought here a few months.
It's funny though, that the same was in the draft list of the most unsympathetic buildings in the world are already publishing experts op Travel Invega. Judge for yourself. But handsome is the slogan of the library. Here it is: "Be perfect man" in all known languages. Well, there, of course, Francis Skarin. From his pen came the first book in Belarusian.
And here is another center that will soon take its final form. Father Fyodor meets us at the Cathedral of All Saints. More precisely a symbolic figure, yes, yes, you read that right, Moses. Under a stone with his foot in his Sinai. In the near future from a staff break through the flow of water and fill the pool. Is itself symbolic entrance to the Temple. Well, that's unquenchable lamp in memory of all who suffered for their land.
In the niche, located in the walls of the Temple, the capsule will be placed on the holy land. One that also preserves the memory of those killed and injured countrymen. Father Fyodor meets all the guests first and foremost a matter for him if you like Temple. In this construction, combining the general conception of the past few years, the memory of his own efforts. A number of temporary wooden house which, as it is in a good location, the townspeople have come to love.
The former fortress Radzivilov, with whom we met today, the opening for the majority of guests of Belarus. And for us the name of a fortress is forever linked with this country, more precisely with the borders in the past, our common country. In Minsk we saw the film "Brest Fortress". The one, which premiered in the Union State scheduled for the Unity Day on November 4. Meanwhile, producer and author of the idea of the film talked about the fact that the idea of well-known book Smirnov troubled his imagination is literally a child. Therefore, there is no paradox in the fact that such a serious topic deals with a man known viewers only as bright and cheerful actor. Igor Ugolnikov now head of TV and radio broadcasting organization of the Union State.
Igor Ugolnikov, CEO of TV SRW:
- It's simple. My father had a large library. I grew up in the correct family. In his youth, he laid before me this book. It shocked me, and lay many, many years. And as fate willed it so happened that I was appointed chairman of the TPO of the Union, for some reason I agreed. I know why. This will enable me to fulfill his dream. I was so into it as ogaltely. I broke all. He wants? Let him, let him do. So my head was strong. Give him the money, let him do, but it lags behind us.
The film has turned out a convincing and expensive. The screen attracts the very fact that the book terrible defense of the Brest Fortress is shown only through the eyes of its defenders. And the main character and does a boy who, incidentally, lives in the movie, not playing. Let's wait for the big premiere.
Well, in Minsk, we'll be back.
Now a little about different.
In New Delhi, a gang of macaques spoils life for tourists and locals. Indian authorities have decided that should catch the bandits tailed tailed police and created a special unit of langur monkeys. For some reason they are afraid of monkeys. All in all city services are already taken 38 langur. For each monkey the charge of the owner with the leash. If the duty will be successful, these troops will patrol the most crowded streets of the Indian capital.
One of the oil derricks of western Pacific was converted into a hotel for divers. The way to a hotel not a short. We'll have to do three transplants in different towns of Malaysia, and then another hour to go by motor boat. And all this for the fantastic underwater scenery. In addition, hotel guests receive a bonus, a tour of the national park on the island of Sipadan, where, incidentally, is not easy to get.
In late autumn, which is called the Russian Finns, in the evergreen forests of the taiga is easy to meet reindeer and moose. Here the Finns decided to organize a safari for tourists. Safari in Finnish begins at sunrise or sunset, lasts from 3 to 5 hours, costs 80 euros. Of course, the only allowed photography.
Going to New York? Be warned, there you can cross the road skunk. More recently, these animals wander freely through the streets, especially in landfills. Skunks are fearful and suspicious of any passer-by is seen as the enemy. The smell that stays on the clothes after the attack, destroy it is impossible. The municipal office of the city at a loss and still recommends that only one thing - to look carefully at his feet.
British pensioner Joan Hardin can not stand the feast day of birth. Therefore, his 90th birthday she celebrated in the sky - jumped with a parachute. It was her first jump, to which Joan was getting ready for several weeks, took a special course for beginners. Relatives and friends watched the flight of Joan on the big screen. When the lady landed, then cheerfully said: "The flight was fantastic."
The summer holidays are over. But this does not mean that you can forget about the rest until next summer. It begins in the autumn, perhaps the most enjoyable time, velvet season. By the way, the concept of Indian summer - a purely Russian invention.
They say, chief physician of the royal family drew attention to the beauty of the Crimean autumn weather, the most favorable for the treatment of bronchitis and nervous disorders. Shortly after the Empress of the sea stretched fashionable ladies in velvet gowns. Why in the velvet? Because the autumn breeze is too fresh in the morning. Since the autumn holiday by the sea called the velvet of gentle weather, a soft, pleasant, like a velvet cloth to the touch.
In the autumn you will not find spas sweltering heat and the scorching sun. UV is not as aggressive. So you can tan at any time. Experts say that this holiday season during the velvet helps to improve their health. The pressure is normalized and anxiety goes away.
Most popular among the Russians of the country, Turkey and Egypt, in the fall do not lose their positions. Although the weather in Turkey varies by region. For example, on the West Coast, it's Marmaris and Bodrum, the swimming season ends in early October. But the southern part of the coast is Antalya, Alanya, Beleks and De Ikimer, protected from winds by the mountains, and there you can swim to the end of October. For a holiday in Egypt autumn - the best time. In October and November, the air temperature 25-27o Celsius. Only here in late November season begins winds. So do not forget to take a jacket for evening walks along the beach.
The most popular European resorts in the fall - this is Spain, Crete, Cyprus, French Riviera, Bulgaria and Croatia. But you should always remember that in late October and through November the weather is changeable in these countries. For a holiday in Croatia is better to choose the south coast, such as Dubrovnik. Swim in the sea is cold, but the weather is really velvety.
In Cyprus, the season ends in November. The sea begins to cool in October. By the end of October the wind season starts, and shut down all water parks.
In autumn you can relax and Greece. Sertaki dance, enjoy the Greek cuisine and hospitality of local people are best to mid-October, because it becomes cooler.
In Thailand, better to go in November. The season of torrential rains this month have already finished and installed soft warm weather.
October - a month holiday in the United States. Spend a few days in the Fall of New York. Maybe you'll have to get to the celebration of Halloween. Procession tively charged you remember. Or relax on the beaches of Miami. There's always noisy and fun.
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