
Начало практике самомумификации положил монах Кукай, тысячу лет назад обосновавшийся на священной горе Коя (префектура Вакаяма). Он на собственном опыте и разработал поступенчатую систему приближения к идеалу, прохождение которой занимало целое десятилетие…
Вначале надо было радикально изменить диету. Монаху позволено было питаться орехами и семенами, которые он отыскивал в лесу, окружавшем храм. Пребывание на этой, первой стадии продолжалось тысячу дней, то есть около 3 лет.
Помимо ограничений в пище монах должен был испытывать на себе всю тяжесть повседневного труда, длительных физических нагрузок, религиозных бдений. В результате жировая прослойка тела практически исчезала. Это избавляло тело от субстанции, наиболее быстро распадавшейся после смерти.
По истечении первой тысячи дней умерщвления плоти начиналась вторая стадия, связанная с дальнейшими ограничениями в еде.
Теперь в пищу допустимо было употреблять лишь небольшое количество коры и корней сосновых деревьев. На этой диете монаху следовало протянуть еще тысячу дней, к концу которых его тело напоминало живой скелет.
Одновременно приходилось снижать и количество потребляемой влаги.
По окончании второго тысячедневного периода голодания монах переходил к специальному чаю, настоянному на уруси — соке лакового дерева. Этим лаком японские и китайские умельцы покрывают посуду для придания ей лакового блеска. Сок уруси очень ядовит, поэтому поглощение чая, настоянного на нем, ведет к болезненной реакции организма, исторгающего из себя остатки влаги.
Но главное — в другом: ядовитый сок, которым пропитывали себя решившиеся на этот процесс монахи, избавлял их высушенные тела после смерти от посягательств любых бактерий и личинок насекомых.
Прошедший и эту стадию страдалец переходил в каменную комнату, предназначенную стать его могилой. Она была настолько мала, что в ней можно было разместиться лишь сидя в позе лотоса. С миром его соединяла узкая щель в стене, через которую внутрь поступал воздух. В это время человек уже ничего не ел и не пил. Лишь редкие удары колокола, от которого веревка вела в каменный склеп, свидетельствовали, что аскет еще жив. Когда колокол замолкал навсегда, щель для воздуха замуровывали.
Спустя некоторое время тело умершего вынимали и тщательно осматривали. Если процесс самомумификации проходил успешно, останки выставляли в храме на обозрение и поклонение как божественное проявление самого Будды. Если опыт над собой кончался неудачно, а так чаще всего и бывало, тело навсегда замуровывали в каменной могиле.
Start practice monk Kukai samomumifikatsii put a thousand years ago settled on the holy mountain of Koya (Wakayama Prefecture). He's on his own experiences and developed a system postupenchatuyu closer to the ideal, the passage which took a decade ...
Initially, it was necessary to radically change the diet. Monk was allowed to eat nuts and seeds, which he sought out in the woods that surrounded the temple. Stay at this first stage lasted for a thousand days, that is about 3 years.
In addition to limitations in food monk had to suffer the brunt of daily work, prolonged physical activity, religious vigils. As a result, body fat almost disappeared. It rids the body of the substance, the most rapidly disintegrating after his death.
At the end of the first thousand days of mortification began the second stage, connected with further restrictions on food.
Now the food, it was legal to use only a small amount of bark and roots of pine trees. On this diet, the monk should extend for a thousand days, by the end of which his body was like a living skeleton.
At the same time and had to reduce the intake of moisture.
After the second period of fasting monk tysyachednevnogo passed to a special tea, infused in Urus - juice of the lacquer tree. This Chinese and Japanese lacquer craftsmen covered dish to give it a lacquer finish. Urus juice is very poisonous, so the intake of tea, infused it leads to painful reactions, churning out the remnants of moisture.
But the main thing - to another: the poisonous juice, which was impregnated with a reshivshiesya this process monks deliver them dried body after death from the encroachments of any bacteria and insect larvae.
Past this stage and the sufferer passed the stone room, designed to become his grave. She was so small that it could accommodate only sitting in the lotus position. With the world united to a narrow slit in the wall through which inside air is fed. At this time, people have nothing to eat or drink. Only occasional bells, from which the rope led to a stone tomb, testified that the ascetic is still alive. When the bell fell silent for ever, air gap for walled.
After a while the corpse was taken out and carefully examined. If the process samomumifikatsii is successful, the remains exhibited in the temple on display and veneration as a divine manifestation of the Buddha. If the experience over a badly ended, and as often happens, the body forever immured in a stone tomb.
Start practice monk Kukai samomumifikatsii put a thousand years ago settled on the holy mountain of Koya (Wakayama Prefecture). He's on his own experiences and developed a system postupenchatuyu closer to the ideal, the passage which took a decade ...
Initially, it was necessary to radically change the diet. Monk was allowed to eat nuts and seeds, which he sought out in the woods that surrounded the temple. Stay at this first stage lasted for a thousand days, that is about 3 years.
In addition to limitations in food monk had to suffer the brunt of daily work, prolonged physical activity, religious vigils. As a result, body fat almost disappeared. It rids the body of the substance, the most rapidly disintegrating after his death.
At the end of the first thousand days of mortification began the second stage, connected with further restrictions on food.
Now the food, it was legal to use only a small amount of bark and roots of pine trees. On this diet, the monk should extend for a thousand days, by the end of which his body was like a living skeleton.
At the same time and had to reduce the intake of moisture.
After the second period of fasting monk tysyachednevnogo passed to a special tea, infused in Urus - juice of the lacquer tree. This Chinese and Japanese lacquer craftsmen covered dish to give it a lacquer finish. Urus juice is very poisonous, so the intake of tea, infused it leads to painful reactions, churning out the remnants of moisture.
But the main thing - to another: the poisonous juice, which was impregnated with a reshivshiesya this process monks deliver them dried body after death from the encroachments of any bacteria and insect larvae.
Past this stage and the sufferer passed the stone room, designed to become his grave. She was so small that it could accommodate only sitting in the lotus position. With the world united to a narrow slit in the wall through which inside air is fed. At this time, people have nothing to eat or drink. Only occasional bells, from which the rope led to a stone tomb, testified that the ascetic is still alive. When the bell fell silent for ever, air gap for walled.
After a while the corpse was taken out and carefully examined. If the process samomumifikatsii is successful, the remains exhibited in the temple on display and veneration as a divine manifestation of the Buddha. If the experience over a badly ended, and as often happens, the body forever immured in a stone tomb.
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