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Как это работает: Вы пишите любую статью (или несколько статей - здесь нет ограничений) на этом сайте , а я добавляю ссылку или рекламу на Ваш ресурс...
Оставляйте свои комментарии для связи с вами, или пишите в почту на strolchonline@gmail.com Также Вы можете использовать данный сайт как площадку для продвижения и рекламы своего продукта, товара, а также раскрутки и рекламы своего собственного сайта, блога и т.п., да чего угодно! Заметьте - это всё АБСОЛЮТНО БЕСПЛАТНО!!!!!
Как это работает: Вы пишите любую статью (или несколько статей - здесь нет ограничений) на этом сайте , а я добавляю ссылку или рекламу на Ваш ресурс...
INVITATION TO COOPERATE! Looking for authors!
Dear visitors of this blog page, from you often received requests to spread more content providers. I would also like to add more interesting and useful articles, but preferably copyright material. In this regard, I very pleased to invite you, dear readers and visitors to try himself as one of the editors of my site.Task orientation site is directed primarily to entertainment materials, so you can try yourself as an author in one of the following headings:
Travel and Tourism - photos, reviews, tips, reviews of places where you have visited or would like to go, all that you are interested.
Photography - photography techniques, tips for beginners, the choice of photographic equipment, etc.
Music - Reviews of new albums, videos, singles.
Technique - reviews of new devices, gadgets, robots, machines, etc.
Biography - stories about famous people.
Animals - detailed stories about individual animal species.
Health - Articles about healthy lifestyles, treating illnesses, diet, etc.
Esotericism and Mysticism - Articles about the riddles, the unknown, different practices, etc.
Hendmeyd - Articles about making things with his hands.
Skilful Hands - advice on repair, farming, in the style of "do it yourself" home economics, etc.
ABC of love and sex - articles about love, relationships, sex, etc.
Your topic - find your own theme for the column.
In addition to a set of these headings, you can offer and its themes - this may be your hobby or entertainment area.
Dear visitors of this blog page, from you often received requests to spread more content providers. I would also like to add more interesting and useful articles, but preferably copyright material. In this regard, I very pleased to invite you, dear readers and visitors to try himself as one of the editors of my site.Task orientation site is directed primarily to entertainment materials, so you can try yourself as an author in one of the following headings:
Travel and Tourism - photos, reviews, tips, reviews of places where you have visited or would like to go, all that you are interested.
Photography - photography techniques, tips for beginners, the choice of photographic equipment, etc.
Music - Reviews of new albums, videos, singles.
Technique - reviews of new devices, gadgets, robots, machines, etc.
Biography - stories about famous people.
Animals - detailed stories about individual animal species.
Health - Articles about healthy lifestyles, treating illnesses, diet, etc.
Esotericism and Mysticism - Articles about the riddles, the unknown, different practices, etc.
Hendmeyd - Articles about making things with his hands.
Skilful Hands - advice on repair, farming, in the style of "do it yourself" home economics, etc.
ABC of love and sex - articles about love, relationships, sex, etc.
Your topic - find your own theme for the column.
In addition to a set of these headings, you can offer and its themes - this may be your hobby or entertainment area.
You can also use this site as a platform for promoting and advertising their product, commodity, as well as promotion and advertising of its own site, blog, etc., but whatever! Note - this is all absolutely FREE !!!!!
How it works: you write any article (or a few articles - there are no restrictions) on this site, but I'm adding a link or advertise on your resource ...
Leave your comments to contact you, or write a mail to strolchonline@gmail.com