Когда персонаж Бэтмена впервые появился в мае 1939 года в 27-ом выпуске комикса «Detective Comics» под названием «Дело химического синдиката», он не был ничьим закадычным другом или помощником в сияющих доспехах...
Наоборот, Бэтмен был жестоким, у него не было никаких угрызений совести, когда он бросал злодея в бак с кислотой. Сегодня Бэтмен намного симпатичнее, и превратился в солидный товар, продающийся посредством комиксов, мультфильмов, сериалов, ну и, конечно же, герой серии фильмов, которые и не думают прекращать снимать. Четыре актера, которые играли Бэтмена (Майкл Китон, Вэл Килмер, Джордж Клуни и Кристиан Бейл) неизбежно разделили поклонников на несколько лагерей, хотя и не так яростно, как поклонников Джеймса Бонда.
1. Имя героя «Бэтмена» образовано от имен двух исторических борцов за свободу
Один из создателей Бэтмена, Билл Фингер, придумал имя следующим образом. Имя было взято от Роберта Брюса или короля Брюса I Шотландского — человека, который возглавлял шотландский народ в войне за независимость против англичан, и которого воспел Уильям Уоллас (вспомните «Храброе сердце») как защитника Шотландии в 1298 году. Фамилию Фингер позаимствовал у Энтони «Безумного» Уэйна — бригадного генерала и героя войны за независимость США.
2. Персонаж Бэтмена создавался на основе рисунков Да Винчи, фильмов и героя в маске
Кейну и Фингеру пришлось переработать много материалов при создании оригинального персонажа Бэтмен, включая:
- Персонаж радио-шоу «Тень», где был позаимствован плащ, двойственность характера и способности к выслеживанию;
- Фильм Дугласа Фейрбенкса «Маска Зорро» (1920 г.), где было взято его воплощение богатого и уважаемого человека;
- Фильм 1930 года «Летучая мышь прошептала», где был взят его костюм и характер;
- Набросок летающего устройства Леонардо Да Винчи «ornothopter», откуда и были взяты крылья Бэтмана.
Кроме того, сценарист Док Сэвадж и литературный герой Шерлок Холмс помогли Фингеру конкретизировать научные наклонности и способ мышления персонажа.
3. Тайная личность Бэтмена не такая уж и тайная
По крайней мере, 11 персонажей знают (или знали), что Бэтмен и Брюс Уэйн — это один и тот же человек. А именно:
- Все три Робина (Дик Грейсон, Джейсон Питер Тодд и Тим Дрейк);
- Дворецкий Бэтмена Пенниворт;
- Немой изобретатель, мастер на все руки и когда-то правая рука Пингвина — Харольд;
- Друг-супергерой Супермен (и Уэйн тоже знает, кто скрывается за глупыми очками Кента);
- Друг-супергерой Азраель;
- Подруга-супергерой Бэтгёл (aka Барбара Гордон, aka привязанная к креслу-каталке библиотекарша Оракл);
- А также три врага (Бейн, Рас Ал Гул и Хьюго Стренж), хотя все они узнали правду во время «Кризиса бесконечности Земли» (большое событие 1985 года в серии комиксов издательства DC Comics), после чего все благополучно забыли.
Под вопросом остается комиссар Джеймс Гордон. Вроде бы у него есть подозрения в последние несколько лет, но нет никаких доказательств.
4. Бэтмену постоянно 34 года
Брюс Уэйн, похоже, застрял на 34, но у него хотя бы есть история. Бэтмен провел несколько лет в Кембридже и Сорбонне, а свои 20-е годы он начал в ФБР, затем уехал в Корею, Японию и Китай, чтобы учиться боевым искусствам, включая уроки по маскировке от нинзя.
Начиная с дебюта в 1939 году, у Бэтмена появилось множество дел в комиксах, в зависимости от времени. В 40-х он продавал облигации военных займов; в 50-х он обучал криминологии и страдал от появления большого количество спутников Бэтхаунд (Bathound), Бэтмайт (Batmite), Бэтвумен (Batwoman) и Бэтгёл (Batgirl). В 60-х он стал бороться с пришествием «Чужих»; в 70-х он вернулся к своим старым темным привычкам, а 80-х годах Фрэнк Миллер придал его характеру злобу и подозрительность.
В сложных 90-х у него была сломана спина, в результате он был привязан к креслу (после чего он полностью восстановился).
5. Бэтмен и Робин делили кровать
Начиная с 1954 года на «Рыцаря в Плаще» стали обрушиваться множество обвинений в гомосексуальности, а психолог Фредрик Вертам (Fredric Wertham) в своей книге «Соблазнение невинных» раскритиковал не только Бэтмена, но и других героев комиксов.
Его обвинения были настолько сомнительны и абсурдны, что время и люди просто посмеялись над его мыслями по поводу Бэтмена.
Возможно, это были одни из тех смешков, которыми люди скрывают свое неудобство. В конце концов, создатели Бэтмена ответили на это введением нового персонажа Бэтвумен, а позже и Бэтгёл. Но даже поверхностный взгляд на персонаж Бэтмена предоставляет нам множество примеров, если не гомосексуальности, то, по меньшей мере, склонности Бэтмена к педерастии — пожилой мужчина интересуется молодыми мальчиками.
В выпуске Batman No. 84 «Десять ночей страха!» можно найти пару в кровати в то время, когда это было небезопасно на ТВ даже для женатой парочки. После этого Бэтмен порекомендовал принять душ своему молодому другу, хотя остается загадкой, а может они и его тоже делили.
Первый Робин (Дик Гордон) был восьмилетним цирковым акробатом до момента, когда убийство родителей не привело его в пещеру к Бэтмену. Второй Робин (Джейсон Питер Тодд) продолжил традицию быть сыном акробатов, который осиротел в результате убийства своих родителей, а также традицию своего имени, представляющую собой фаллический сленг (в действительности, читатели комиксов проголосовали за смерть этого Робина). Последний Робин (Тим Дрейк) закончил эти традиции, а его подружка Стефани одевалась как супергерой «The Spoiler» (Мародер).
When the character of Batman was first introduced in May 1939 in the 27th edition comics «Detective Comics» entitled "Case of Chemical Syndicate," he was not anyone's sidekick or helper in shining armor.
Conversely, Batman was cruel, he had no remorse when he threw the villain into a tank of acid. Batman now much nicer, and has become a solid product, sold through comics, cartoons, TV series, and, of course, the hero of a series of films that do not expect to stop shooting. Four actors who played Batman (Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale) necessarily shared by fans on several camps, although not as violently, as fans of James Bond.1. The name of the hero "Batman" was formed from the names of the two historical freedom fighters
One of the creators of Batman, Bill Finger, coined the name as follows. The name was taken from King Robert the Bruce or Bruce I of Scotland - the man who led the Scottish people in the war for independence against the British, who sang and William Wallace (think "Braveheart") as a defender of Scotland in 1298. Finger surname borrowed from Anthony "Mad" Wayne - brigadier general and hero of the War of Independence the United States.2. Batman character created by Da Vinci's drawings, films, and the hero in a mask
Kane and Finger had to rework a lot of material to create an original character Batman, including:
Character radio show "The Shadow", which was borrowed raincoat, the duality of nature and the ability to track down;
Douglas Feyrbenksa film "The Mask of Zorro" (1920), where it was taken incarnation of a rich and respected man;
Film 1930 "The Bat whispered," where it was taken and the nature of a suit;
Sketch of a flying device Leonardo Da Vinci «ornothopter», and were taken from the wings of Batman.
In addition, Doc Savage and screenwriter literary character Sherlock Holmes have helped Finger precise scientific way of thinking and inclinations of the character.3. The secret identity of Batman is not so secret
At least 11 characters know (or knew) that Batman and Bruce Wayne - this is the same person. Namely:
All three of Robin (Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Peter and Tim Drake);
Batman's butler Pennyworth;
Dumb inventor, handyman and sometime right arm Penguin - Harold;
Drug-superhero Superman (and also Wayne knows who hide behind silly glasses Kent);
Friend-superhero Azrael;
Superhero-girlfriend Betgel (aka Barbara Gordon, aka tied to the wheelchair librarian Oracle);
As well as three enemies (Bane, Ras Al Ghul and Hugo Strenzh), although they learned the truth during the "Crisis of Infinite Earths" (a big event in 1985 in a series of comic publisher DC Comics), then all is well forgotten.
At issue is Commissioner James Gordon. It seems that he is suspected in the past few years, but no proof.4. Batman is constantly '34
Bruce Wayne seems to be stuck at 34, but he at least has a story. Batman has spent several years in Cambridge and the Sorbonne, and his 20s, he began at the FBI, then went to Korea, Japan and China to learn martial arts, including lessons in disguise of a ninja.
Beginning with his debut in 1939, appeared in the Batman comics in many cases, depending on the time. In the '40s he sold the bonds of military loans, in the '50s, he taught criminology and suffered from the appearance of a large number of satellites Bethaund (Bathound), Betmayt (Batmite), Betvumen (Batwoman) and Betgel (Batgirl). In the 60s he began to struggle with the advent of "Aliens", in the '70s, he returned to his old habits, dark, and 80s Frank Miller gave him the nature of anger and suspicion.
In complex 90, he had a broken back, as a result he was tied to a chair (after which he completely recovered).5. Batman and Robin shared the bed
Since 1954, the "Knight in a raincoat" were a lot of fall in charges of homosexuality, and the psychologist Fredric Werth (Fredric Wertham) in his book "Seduction of the innocent," criticized not only Batman, but also of other comic book characters.
His charges were so dubious and absurd, that the time and people just laughed at his thoughts on the Batman.
Maybe it was one of those laughs that people hide their discomfort. In the end, the creators of Batman responded by introducing a new character Betvumen and later Betgel. But even a cursory glance at the character of Batman provides us with many examples, if not gay, then at least a tendency to pederasty Batman - An elderly man is interested in young boys.
With the release of Batman No. 84 "Ten Nights of fear!" You can find a couple in bed at a time when it was not safe even on TV for a married couple. After this, Batman is recommended to take a shower his young friend, although it remains a mystery as they can and it too was divided.
The first Robin (Dick Gordon) was an eight-year circus acrobat until the murder of their parents did not lead him into the cave to Batman. The second Robin (Jason Todd Peter) continued the tradition to be the son of acrobats, who was orphaned as a result of the murder of his parents, as well as the tradition of his name, which is a phallic slang (in fact, readers of comics voted for the death of Robin). Last Robin (Tim Drake) finished these traditions, and his girlfriend Stephanie was dressed as a superhero «The Spoiler» (Marauder).
Conversely, Batman was cruel, he had no remorse when he threw the villain into a tank of acid. Batman now much nicer, and has become a solid product, sold through comics, cartoons, TV series, and, of course, the hero of a series of films that do not expect to stop shooting. Four actors who played Batman (Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale) necessarily shared by fans on several camps, although not as violently, as fans of James Bond.1. The name of the hero "Batman" was formed from the names of the two historical freedom fighters
One of the creators of Batman, Bill Finger, coined the name as follows. The name was taken from King Robert the Bruce or Bruce I of Scotland - the man who led the Scottish people in the war for independence against the British, who sang and William Wallace (think "Braveheart") as a defender of Scotland in 1298. Finger surname borrowed from Anthony "Mad" Wayne - brigadier general and hero of the War of Independence the United States.2. Batman character created by Da Vinci's drawings, films, and the hero in a mask
Kane and Finger had to rework a lot of material to create an original character Batman, including:
Character radio show "The Shadow", which was borrowed raincoat, the duality of nature and the ability to track down;
Douglas Feyrbenksa film "The Mask of Zorro" (1920), where it was taken incarnation of a rich and respected man;
Film 1930 "The Bat whispered," where it was taken and the nature of a suit;
Sketch of a flying device Leonardo Da Vinci «ornothopter», and were taken from the wings of Batman.
In addition, Doc Savage and screenwriter literary character Sherlock Holmes have helped Finger precise scientific way of thinking and inclinations of the character.3. The secret identity of Batman is not so secret
At least 11 characters know (or knew) that Batman and Bruce Wayne - this is the same person. Namely:
All three of Robin (Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Peter and Tim Drake);
Batman's butler Pennyworth;
Dumb inventor, handyman and sometime right arm Penguin - Harold;
Drug-superhero Superman (and also Wayne knows who hide behind silly glasses Kent);
Friend-superhero Azrael;
Superhero-girlfriend Betgel (aka Barbara Gordon, aka tied to the wheelchair librarian Oracle);
As well as three enemies (Bane, Ras Al Ghul and Hugo Strenzh), although they learned the truth during the "Crisis of Infinite Earths" (a big event in 1985 in a series of comic publisher DC Comics), then all is well forgotten.
At issue is Commissioner James Gordon. It seems that he is suspected in the past few years, but no proof.4. Batman is constantly '34
Bruce Wayne seems to be stuck at 34, but he at least has a story. Batman has spent several years in Cambridge and the Sorbonne, and his 20s, he began at the FBI, then went to Korea, Japan and China to learn martial arts, including lessons in disguise of a ninja.
Beginning with his debut in 1939, appeared in the Batman comics in many cases, depending on the time. In the '40s he sold the bonds of military loans, in the '50s, he taught criminology and suffered from the appearance of a large number of satellites Bethaund (Bathound), Betmayt (Batmite), Betvumen (Batwoman) and Betgel (Batgirl). In the 60s he began to struggle with the advent of "Aliens", in the '70s, he returned to his old habits, dark, and 80s Frank Miller gave him the nature of anger and suspicion.
In complex 90, he had a broken back, as a result he was tied to a chair (after which he completely recovered).5. Batman and Robin shared the bed
Since 1954, the "Knight in a raincoat" were a lot of fall in charges of homosexuality, and the psychologist Fredric Werth (Fredric Wertham) in his book "Seduction of the innocent," criticized not only Batman, but also of other comic book characters.
His charges were so dubious and absurd, that the time and people just laughed at his thoughts on the Batman.
Maybe it was one of those laughs that people hide their discomfort. In the end, the creators of Batman responded by introducing a new character Betvumen and later Betgel. But even a cursory glance at the character of Batman provides us with many examples, if not gay, then at least a tendency to pederasty Batman - An elderly man is interested in young boys.
With the release of Batman No. 84 "Ten Nights of fear!" You can find a couple in bed at a time when it was not safe even on TV for a married couple. After this, Batman is recommended to take a shower his young friend, although it remains a mystery as they can and it too was divided.
The first Robin (Dick Gordon) was an eight-year circus acrobat until the murder of their parents did not lead him into the cave to Batman. The second Robin (Jason Todd Peter) continued the tradition to be the son of acrobats, who was orphaned as a result of the murder of his parents, as well as the tradition of his name, which is a phallic slang (in fact, readers of comics voted for the death of Robin). Last Robin (Tim Drake) finished these traditions, and his girlfriend Stephanie was dressed as a superhero «The Spoiler» (Marauder).
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