1. В 10 лет думала, что станет писательницей, но всерьёз стала играть в хоккейной команде с парнями.
2. Считает, что вдохновение писать песни пришло к ней благодаря церкви, так как девочка много времени посвятила выступлению в хоре.
3. Первый поцелуй звезды состоялся, когда она была ещё в 1-м классе. По сценарию пьесы она должна была поцеловать мальчика в щёчку.
4. Первую песню Avril написала в 12 лет. А вот что это именно была за песня, всё ещё загадка. Известна лишь пара трогательных строк, примерно таких: «Can’t stop thinking of you, Boy, with everything you do, You take my breath away, With all those silly things you say…»

5. Также в 12 лет Avril выиграла конкурс на радио и спела в канадском городе Оттава на одной сцене с Шанаей Твейн (Shania Twain).
6. В детстве мама не позволила маленькой Av петь песню в стиле кантри Strawberry Wine» (Земляничное вино»), из-за того, что в песне упоминалось слово вино»! Таким образом мама защищала имидж своей дочурки!
7. Самым неловким моментом своей юности Avril считает момент, когда мама приехала забрать её с вечеринки в 14 лет.
8. В школе у Avril был комплекс неполноценности, и многие учителя считали её просто тупицей, но все мальчишки… боялись! Её три раза исключали за пропуск уроков и зачинку драк.
9. Школьное прозвище Avril было «Av Dawg» — переиначенное «Av Dog», которое буквально переводится, как «Эв собака».

10. Как-то в школьные времена Avril играла в «Правду или вызов» и ей пришлось бегать зимой вокруг дома в одном нижнем белье.
11. Родители парня, с которым когда-то встречалась наша канадка, были против их отношений. Они считали девушку слишком неугомонной и дикой для их сына, что очень сильно её задело!
12. Папа и мама Avril строго воспитывали свою дочь. Ей не позволялось закрывать двери в комнату, когда в гостях был парень. Она не имела права звонить мальчишкам, они первые должны были набирать её номер! Если парень хотел пойти с Av на свидание, то обязательно должен был зайти за ней. Но нынешняя звезда не в обиде на родителей. Напротив, она считает такой метод воспитания правильным и очень эффективным!
13. Раньше она никогда сама не покупала себе диски. Её первый диск был Faith Hill, который подарили ей её родители.
14. Первая песня, которую она когда-либо пела — «Jesus Loves Me».

15. С 14 лет Avril катается на скейте, но единственный трюк, который она может сделать — «Олли», зато не боится перепрыгнуть на доске через свою собаку. По её словам, в школе она могла сделать задний Олли Кик-фпип.
16. У нашей звезды не было ни одного урока игры на гитаре — она научилась всему сама, где-то в районе 12 лет.
17. Когда в 16 лет Avril подписывала контракт с Arista Records, она не имела ни малейшего представления о том, как нужно заключать контракты и для чего они нужны.
18. «Let Go», ее дебютный диск, первоначально назывался «Anything But Ordinary», по имени одной из включённых песен.
19. Avril чувствовала себя неловко, использовав в песне «My World» строчку «fried chicken ass» (жареная куриная задница), потому лично извинилась перед менеджером ресторанчика, специализировавшегося на курином мясе, в котором когда-то работала.

20. Певица перестала носить галстук после того как однажды увидела статью «Завязываем галстук, как Avril», а она очень не любит, когда её копируют!
21. Av не прочь поделиться своими песнями с другими — она написала песню «Breakaway» (которая, к слову, стала хитом) для Келли Кларксон, и готова продать кому-нибудь свою неизданную композицию «Daydream».
22. Avril очень часто играет на гитарах Fender Telecaster — черно белая и черно-белая в клеточку с надписью «You suck». В клипе «Complicated» у неё в руках PRS Tremonti Black. Её акустическая гитара произведена Gibson.
23. У Avril есть пирсинг в пупке, две дырочки в левом ухе и одна в правом. Когда Av было 15, она проколола нижнюю губу, но вскоре решила вынуть сережку.
24. Вопреки всем слухам, Avril курит совсем мало — изредка на бурных вечеринках, и в основном, когда выпивает.

25. Выпивает Avril не часто, но порой много, и репортёры любят подкараулить певицу в нетрезвом виде у заднего хода модного клуба. Пусть даже это случается два-три раза за турне, возникает ощущение, что разгрузочные вечера с подругами у Av имеют место чуть-ли не каждый день.
26. Avril предпочитает активный образ жизни, а её любимый досуг — кемпинг, рыбалка, охота, хоккей, катание на скейте и сноуборде, но от шопинга с подругами тоже не откажется.
27. Из-за близорукости певица раньше носила очки, сейчас она предпочитает линзы… хотя и очки ей очень идут.
28. Avril с детства страдает астмой (нужно заметить, многие врачи считают эту болезнь скорее психологической, связанной со страхом и нервозностью).
29. У Avril аллергия на пчел, то есть их укусы она переносит очень болезненно.

30. В принципе Avril запрещено есть молочные продукты и мясо, т. к. это вредно для голоса, и слишком острое — из-за возможных проблем с сердцем. Технически, она вегетарианка, но всё равно иногда ест пиццу, турецкое мясо и… бургеры.
31. В детстве Avril была очень маленькой и худенькой, что ужасно беспокоило её родителей.
32. Едва-ли Avril грозит растолстеть — девушка говорит, что на её весах никогда не бывает больше 50 килограммов, сколько бы она не ела.
33. Avril не пользуется парфюмерией, потому что от неё у певицы мигрени, а дезодоранты пугают её риском получить рак.
34. В жизни юной канадки был перелом ноги при падении с дерева!
35. Avril рассказывает, что однажды во время выступления у неё взорвался микрофон, после чего остался маленький шрам на носу, который ей приходится маскировать косметикой.
1. In 10 years, thought it would be a writer, but really began to play the hockey rink with the guys.
2. Believes that the inspiration to write songs come to her through the church, as the girl has devoted much time speech in the chorus.
3. The first kiss took place on the star, when she was in 1st grade. According to the scenario plays she was to kiss the boy on the cheek.
4. Avril wrote the first song at age 12. And that's what it was for this song, still a mystery. We know of only a pair of moving lines, some of these: «Can't stop thinking of you, Boy, with everything you do, You take my breath away, With all those silly things you say ...»
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
5. Also at age 12 Avril won a competition on the radio and sang in the Canadian city of Ottawa on the same stage with Shana Twain (Shania Twain).
6. As a child my mother would not let a little Av sing a song in the style of the country Strawberry Wine »(Strawberry Wine"), due to the fact that the song mentioned the word wine "! Thus the image of their mother defended little girl!
7. The most embarrassing moment of his youth, Avril said when my mother came to pick her up from a party in 14 years.
8. In school, Avril was the inferiority complex, and many teachers thought it just a jerk, but all the boys were afraid of ...! It three times expelled for skipping classes and zachinku fights.
9. The school nickname was Avril «Av Dawg» - pereinachennoe «Av Dog», which literally translates as "Eve's dog."
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
10. Once in school time Avril has played in "Truth or challenge" and had to run around the house in winter in his underwear.
11. Parents guy, with whom he had once met our Canadian, were against their relationship. They believed the girl is too restless and wild for their son, which greatly hurt her!
12. Mom and Dad Avril strictly brought up his daughter. She was not allowed to close the door to the room when a guest was a guy. She had no right to call the boys, they first had to dial her number! If a guy wanted to go with Av on a date, make sure you had to go for it. But the current star not mad at the parents. On the contrary, she considers this method of education proper, and very effective!
13. Previously, she had herself did not buy his CDs. Her first CD was Faith Hill, who presented her with her parents.
14. The first song she ever sang - «Jesus Loves Me».
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
15. With 14 years riding a skateboard Avril, but the only trick that she can do - "Ollie", but is not afraid to jump on board after his dog. According to her, at school she could do back Ollie Kick fpip.
16. Our star was not a single guitar lesson - she learned all myself, somewhere around 12 years.
17. When the age of 16 Avril signed a contract with Arista Records, she had no idea how to conclude contracts and what they do.
18. «Let Go», her debut album, originally called «Anything But Ordinary», on behalf of one of the included songs.
19. Avril felt uncomfortable using the song «My World» line «fried chicken ass» (fried chicken ass), because the manager personally apologized to the restaurant, specializing in chicken meat, which once worked.
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
20. The singer stopped wearing a tie after one day I saw an article entitled "to tie a tie, as Avril», but she does not like to be copied!
21. Av is not averse to sharing their songs with others - she wrote the song «Breakaway» (which, incidentally, became a hit) to Kelly Clarkson, and is ready to sell to someone his unpublished song «Daydream».
22. Avril is very often played on guitars Fender Telecaster - black and white and black and white checkered with the inscription «You suck». In the video «Complicated» in her hands PRS Tremonti Black. Her acoustic guitar is made Gibson.
23. Avril has a piercing in the navel, two holes in the left ear and one on the right. When Av was 15, she pierced her lower lip, but soon decided to remove the earring.
24. Contrary to all rumors, Avril smokes very little - sometimes in violent parties, and mostly when drinking.
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
25. Avril does not often drink, but sometimes a lot, and reporters love to watch for the singer in a drunken state in reverse fashion club. Even if it happens two or three times during the tour, there is a feeling that the unloading in the evening with friends at Av hold a little every day.
26. Avril prefers an active lifestyle, but her favorite leisure time - camping, fishing, hunting, hockey, skateboarding and snowboarding, but from shopping with girlfriends, too, will not give up.
27. Because of the short-sightedness singer wore glasses before, now she prefers the ... although the lenses and glasses she is going.
28. Avril suffer from childhood asthma (it should be noted that many doctors believe the disease rather psychological, associated with fear and nervousness).
29. Avril has an allergy to bees, that is, their bites she brings very painful.
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
30. In principle, Avril is forbidden to eat dairy products and meat, because it's bad for the voice, and too sharp - because of possible heart problems. Technically, it is a vegetarian, but I still occasionally eat pizza, meat and Turkish ... burgers.
31. As a child, Avril was very small and thin, but it's awfully worried about her parents.
32. Scarcely Avril threatens to grow fat - she said that her balance is never more than 50 pounds, no matter how much she did not eat.
33. Avril does not enjoy the perfume because of it the singer migraines, and deodorants scare her risk of getting cancer.
34. In the life of a young Canadian woman had a broken leg after falling from a tree!
35. Avril says that once during a speech she blew up the microphone, and then left a small scar on his nose, which she has to disguise makeup.
1. In 10 years, thought it would be a writer, but really began to play the hockey rink with the guys.
2. Believes that the inspiration to write songs come to her through the church, as the girl has devoted much time speech in the chorus.
3. The first kiss took place on the star, when she was in 1st grade. According to the scenario plays she was to kiss the boy on the cheek.
4. Avril wrote the first song at age 12. And that's what it was for this song, still a mystery. We know of only a pair of moving lines, some of these: «Can't stop thinking of you, Boy, with everything you do, You take my breath away, With all those silly things you say ...»
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
5. Also at age 12 Avril won a competition on the radio and sang in the Canadian city of Ottawa on the same stage with Shana Twain (Shania Twain).
6. As a child my mother would not let a little Av sing a song in the style of the country Strawberry Wine »(Strawberry Wine"), due to the fact that the song mentioned the word wine "! Thus the image of their mother defended little girl!
7. The most embarrassing moment of his youth, Avril said when my mother came to pick her up from a party in 14 years.
8. In school, Avril was the inferiority complex, and many teachers thought it just a jerk, but all the boys were afraid of ...! It three times expelled for skipping classes and zachinku fights.
9. The school nickname was Avril «Av Dawg» - pereinachennoe «Av Dog», which literally translates as "Eve's dog."
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
10. Once in school time Avril has played in "Truth or challenge" and had to run around the house in winter in his underwear.
11. Parents guy, with whom he had once met our Canadian, were against their relationship. They believed the girl is too restless and wild for their son, which greatly hurt her!
12. Mom and Dad Avril strictly brought up his daughter. She was not allowed to close the door to the room when a guest was a guy. She had no right to call the boys, they first had to dial her number! If a guy wanted to go with Av on a date, make sure you had to go for it. But the current star not mad at the parents. On the contrary, she considers this method of education proper, and very effective!
13. Previously, she had herself did not buy his CDs. Her first CD was Faith Hill, who presented her with her parents.
14. The first song she ever sang - «Jesus Loves Me».
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
15. With 14 years riding a skateboard Avril, but the only trick that she can do - "Ollie", but is not afraid to jump on board after his dog. According to her, at school she could do back Ollie Kick fpip.
16. Our star was not a single guitar lesson - she learned all myself, somewhere around 12 years.
17. When the age of 16 Avril signed a contract with Arista Records, she had no idea how to conclude contracts and what they do.
18. «Let Go», her debut album, originally called «Anything But Ordinary», on behalf of one of the included songs.
19. Avril felt uncomfortable using the song «My World» line «fried chicken ass» (fried chicken ass), because the manager personally apologized to the restaurant, specializing in chicken meat, which once worked.
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
20. The singer stopped wearing a tie after one day I saw an article entitled "to tie a tie, as Avril», but she does not like to be copied!
21. Av is not averse to sharing their songs with others - she wrote the song «Breakaway» (which, incidentally, became a hit) to Kelly Clarkson, and is ready to sell to someone his unpublished song «Daydream».
22. Avril is very often played on guitars Fender Telecaster - black and white and black and white checkered with the inscription «You suck». In the video «Complicated» in her hands PRS Tremonti Black. Her acoustic guitar is made Gibson.
23. Avril has a piercing in the navel, two holes in the left ear and one on the right. When Av was 15, she pierced her lower lip, but soon decided to remove the earring.
24. Contrary to all rumors, Avril smokes very little - sometimes in violent parties, and mostly when drinking.
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
25. Avril does not often drink, but sometimes a lot, and reporters love to watch for the singer in a drunken state in reverse fashion club. Even if it happens two or three times during the tour, there is a feeling that the unloading in the evening with friends at Av hold a little every day.
26. Avril prefers an active lifestyle, but her favorite leisure time - camping, fishing, hunting, hockey, skateboarding and snowboarding, but from shopping with girlfriends, too, will not give up.
27. Because of the short-sightedness singer wore glasses before, now she prefers the ... although the lenses and glasses she is going.
28. Avril suffer from childhood asthma (it should be noted that many doctors believe the disease rather psychological, associated with fear and nervousness).
29. Avril has an allergy to bees, that is, their bites she brings very painful.
35 facts about Avril Lavigne
30. In principle, Avril is forbidden to eat dairy products and meat, because it's bad for the voice, and too sharp - because of possible heart problems. Technically, it is a vegetarian, but I still occasionally eat pizza, meat and Turkish ... burgers.
31. As a child, Avril was very small and thin, but it's awfully worried about her parents.
32. Scarcely Avril threatens to grow fat - she said that her balance is never more than 50 pounds, no matter how much she did not eat.
33. Avril does not enjoy the perfume because of it the singer migraines, and deodorants scare her risk of getting cancer.
34. In the life of a young Canadian woman had a broken leg after falling from a tree!
35. Avril says that once during a speech she blew up the microphone, and then left a small scar on his nose, which she has to disguise makeup.
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