- 1. Лиоплевродон (25 м)
- Род гигантских плиозавров юрского периода. Лиоплевродон был типичным плиозавром – с крупной узкой головой (не менее ¼–1/5 общей длины), четырьмя мощными ластами (длиной до 3 м) и недлинным сжатым с боков хвостом. Жил 160-155 млн. лет назад на территории нынешней Европы и, возможно, Центральной Америки. Достигал в длину 25 м и веса 150 тонн (недавно обнаруженный в Мексике череп говорит о том, что размеры животного могли превышать официально зафиксированные ранее). Зубы огромные, длиной 20-30 см, круглые в поперечном сечении.

- 2. Базилозавр, Басилозавр (21 м)
- Древнейший гигантский кит, живший в верхнем эоцене 45—36 млн. лет назад. Длина самцов базилозавра достигала 21 м, самок 18 м. Базилозавр населял почти все тёплые моря планеты и, вероятно, был одним из самых больших хищников своего времени. Он нападал на крупных жертв, включая и других китов (например, дорудона).

- 3. Мегалодон, кархародон мегалодон (18,2—20,3 м)
- Ископаемая акула, останки которой находят в отложениях, которым примерно 25 миллионов лет. Самыми часто встречающимися останками мегалодона являются его зубы, которые морфологически похожи на зубы большой белой акулы, но являются более прочными и более равномерно зазубренными. Исследования показывают, что мегалодон являлся самой большой акулой из известных науке, а также одной из самых больших рыб, когда-либо населявших моря нашей планеты.

- 4. Левиафан Мелвилла (13,5-17,5 м)
- Вымерший миоценовый кашалот, обнаруженный в Южной Америке. Останки древнего кашалота (трёхметровый череп с зубами) были обнаружены в ноябре 2008 года, в 35 км от города Ика в Перу. Ископаемый кашалот обладал самыми крупными зубами среди всех китов, а возможно, и среди всех животных. Размер верхних зубов: диаметр 12 см, длина 36 см. Общая предположительная длина тела от 13,5 до 17,5 м. Возраст скелета оценивается в 12—13 млн. лет.

- 5. Мегалнеузавр (10-12 м)
- Гигантский плиозавр позднеюрской эпохи. Описан В. Найтом в 1895 году. Разрозненные остатки (позвонки и кости конечностей) обнаружены в позднеюрских отложениях Вайоминга. Большинство костей было утеряно, остался лишь передний ласт длиной около 1,5 метров. Плечевая кость необычно длинная, что отличает мегалнеузавра от других юрских плиозавров. Изначально считался крупнейшим из плиозавров (отсюда название — «великий плавающий ящер — царь»). Длина могла достигать 10—12 метров.

- 6. Кронозавр (9-10 м)
- Гигантский плиозавр раннемеловой эпохи. Один из самых известных широкой публике и один из самых крупных плиозавров. Первой находкой был фрагмент челюсти, найденный в 1899 году в Хьюгенденде (Квинсленд, Австралия). истинная длина тела кронозавра не превышала 9 -10 метров. Именно таких размеров был и колумбийский кронозавр. Длина черепа достигала 2,4 метра, длина нижней челюсти – 2,6 м.

- 7. Дунклеостей (8-10 м)
- Род вымерших панцирных рыб класса плакодерм, живших в девонском периоде 415 -360 млн лет назад. Его представители достигали 8 -10 метров в длину и были крупнейшими морскими хищниками своего времени. При изучении в Чикагском университете биомеханической компьютерной модели челюстей Dunkleosteus определили, что они могли развивать давление в 55 МПа, а это сопоставимо с укусом крокодилов. Более того, Dunkleosteus открывал рот за 1/50 секунды, в результате чего поток воды просто засасывал в него жертву.

- 8. Дорудоны (5 м)
- Род вымерших китообразных, живших вместе с базилозаврами от 40 до 36 млн. лет назад, во время эоцена. Они были приблизительно 5 м длиной и, очевидно, были хищниками – питались мелкой рыбой и моллюсками. Дорудоны жили в тёплых морях по всему миру, их окаменелые останки находят как в Северной Америке, так и в Египте.

- 9. Геликоприон (2-3 м)
- Род хрящевых рыб каменноугольной и пермской эпох. Впервые описан А. П. Карпинским в 1899 году. Основой для описания послужила так называемая зубная спираль, найденная в Пермской губернии в 1897 году краеведом А. Г. Бессоновым. Диаметр спирали типового вида геликоприона достигал 25 см. Это предполагает длину всей рыбы около 2-3 метров. В литературе описаны спирали до 90 см в диаметре. Длина их владельца могла доходить до 9-12 метров.

- 10. Ракоскорпионы, или морские скорпионы (0,2-2 м)
- Ископаемый отряд членистоногих из класса Меростомовые подтипа. Отдельные представители достигали 2 метров в длину, однако характерные размеры большинства видов не превышали 20 см. Существовали в течение всего палеозоя 510—248 млн. лет назад. Ранние формы обитали на мелководье в морях. Около 325—299 млн. лет назад большая часть перешла к жизни в пресной воде.
1. Lioplevrodon (25 m)
Rhode pliozavrov giant Jurassic period. Lioplevrodon pliozavrom was typical - with a large head, narrow (not less than ¼ -1 / 5 of total length), four powerful flippers (up to 3 m) and not long laterally compressed tail. He lived 160-155 million years ago in what is now Europe, and possibly Central America. Reached a length of 25 m and weight 150 tons (recently discovered in Mexico's skull suggests that the size of the animal could exceed the officially recorded previously). Teeth large, 20-30 cm long, round in cross section.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
2. Bazilozavr, Basilozavr (21 m)
The oldest giant whale, who lived in Upper Eocene 45-36 million years ago. Length of males was 21 bazilozavra m, females 18 m Bazilozavr inhabited almost all warm seas of the planet, and probably was one of the largest predators of its time. He attacked the heavy casualties, including other whales (eg, dorudona).
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
3. Megalodon, Megalodon karharodon (18,2-20,3 m)
Fossil shark remains of which are found in sediments that about 25 million years. The most frequent are the remains of his Megalodon teeth that are morphologically similar to the great white shark teeth, but are stronger and more evenly serrated. Studies show that Megalodon was the largest shark known to science, as well as one of the biggest fish that ever inhabited the seas of our planet.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
4. Leviathan Melville (13,5-17,5 m)
Extinct Miocene sperm whale, found in South America. The remains of an ancient whale (three-meter skull with teeth) were discovered in November 2008, 35 km from the city of Ica in Peru. Fossil sperm whales have the largest teeth of any whales, and perhaps among all animals. The size of the upper teeth: diameter 12 cm, length 36 cm total body length of the presumed from 13.5 to 17.5 m. The age of the skeleton is estimated at 12-13 million years.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
5. Megalneuzavr (10-12 m)
Giant pliozavr Late era. B. Knight, described in 1895. Scattered remains (vertebrae and limb bones) were found in Late Jurassic deposits of Wyoming. Most of the bones were lost, leaving only the front flippers about 1.5 meters. Unusually long humerus that distinguishes from other Jurassic megalneuzavra pliozavrov. Initially regarded as the largest pliozavrov (hence the name - "the great swimming lizard - the king"). Length can reach 10-12 meters.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
6. Kronozavr (9-10 m)
Giant pliozavr Early Cretaceous epoch. One of the most well-known to the general public and one of the largest pliozavrov. The first discovery was a jaw fragment found in 1899 in Hyugendende (Queensland, Australia). the true length of the body kronozavra not exceed 9 and 10 meters. That such was the size and the Colombian kronozavr. Skull length reached 2.4 meters, the length of the mandible - 2.6 m.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
7. Dunkleostey (8-10 m)
Genus of extinct armored fishes plakoderm class, who lived in the Devonian period 415 -360 000 000 years ago. Its representatives have reached 8 to 10 meters in length and were the largest marine predator of its time. While studying at the University of Chicago biomechanical computer model of the jaw Dunkleosteus determined that they could develop pressure of 55 MPa, which is comparable to the bite of crocodiles. Moreover, Dunkleosteus opened his mouth for 1 / 50 second, resulting in a stream of water sucked into it just a victim.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
8. Dorudony (5 m)
Genus of extinct cetaceans living with bazilozavrami from 40 to 36 million years ago during the Eocene. They were about 5 feet long and were probably predators - eat small fish and mollusks. Dorudony lived in warm seas throughout the world, their fossils are found in both North America and in Egypt.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
9. Gelikoprion (2-3 m)
Rhode elasmobranchs Carboniferous and Permian eras. First described by Karpinsky in 1899. Served as the basis for describing the so-called spiral tooth, found in the Perm region in 1897, local historian Alexander Bessonov. The diameter of the spiral type species gelikopriona reached 25 cm length of the fish requires about 2-3 meters. The literature describes a spiral up to 90 cm in diameter. The length of the copyright holder could reach up to 9-12 meters.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
10. Rakoskorpiony, or sea scorpions (0.2-2 m)
Fossil arthropods of the class party Merostomovye subtype. Some representatives reached 2 meters in length, but the typical size of most species do not exceed 20 cm There were throughout the Paleozoic era 510-248 million years ago. Early forms lived in shallow waters in the seas. About 325-299 million years ago, most went to live in fresh water.
Rhode pliozavrov giant Jurassic period. Lioplevrodon pliozavrom was typical - with a large head, narrow (not less than ¼ -1 / 5 of total length), four powerful flippers (up to 3 m) and not long laterally compressed tail. He lived 160-155 million years ago in what is now Europe, and possibly Central America. Reached a length of 25 m and weight 150 tons (recently discovered in Mexico's skull suggests that the size of the animal could exceed the officially recorded previously). Teeth large, 20-30 cm long, round in cross section.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
2. Bazilozavr, Basilozavr (21 m)
The oldest giant whale, who lived in Upper Eocene 45-36 million years ago. Length of males was 21 bazilozavra m, females 18 m Bazilozavr inhabited almost all warm seas of the planet, and probably was one of the largest predators of its time. He attacked the heavy casualties, including other whales (eg, dorudona).
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
3. Megalodon, Megalodon karharodon (18,2-20,3 m)
Fossil shark remains of which are found in sediments that about 25 million years. The most frequent are the remains of his Megalodon teeth that are morphologically similar to the great white shark teeth, but are stronger and more evenly serrated. Studies show that Megalodon was the largest shark known to science, as well as one of the biggest fish that ever inhabited the seas of our planet.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
4. Leviathan Melville (13,5-17,5 m)
Extinct Miocene sperm whale, found in South America. The remains of an ancient whale (three-meter skull with teeth) were discovered in November 2008, 35 km from the city of Ica in Peru. Fossil sperm whales have the largest teeth of any whales, and perhaps among all animals. The size of the upper teeth: diameter 12 cm, length 36 cm total body length of the presumed from 13.5 to 17.5 m. The age of the skeleton is estimated at 12-13 million years.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
5. Megalneuzavr (10-12 m)
Giant pliozavr Late era. B. Knight, described in 1895. Scattered remains (vertebrae and limb bones) were found in Late Jurassic deposits of Wyoming. Most of the bones were lost, leaving only the front flippers about 1.5 meters. Unusually long humerus that distinguishes from other Jurassic megalneuzavra pliozavrov. Initially regarded as the largest pliozavrov (hence the name - "the great swimming lizard - the king"). Length can reach 10-12 meters.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
6. Kronozavr (9-10 m)
Giant pliozavr Early Cretaceous epoch. One of the most well-known to the general public and one of the largest pliozavrov. The first discovery was a jaw fragment found in 1899 in Hyugendende (Queensland, Australia). the true length of the body kronozavra not exceed 9 and 10 meters. That such was the size and the Colombian kronozavr. Skull length reached 2.4 meters, the length of the mandible - 2.6 m.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
7. Dunkleostey (8-10 m)
Genus of extinct armored fishes plakoderm class, who lived in the Devonian period 415 -360 000 000 years ago. Its representatives have reached 8 to 10 meters in length and were the largest marine predator of its time. While studying at the University of Chicago biomechanical computer model of the jaw Dunkleosteus determined that they could develop pressure of 55 MPa, which is comparable to the bite of crocodiles. Moreover, Dunkleosteus opened his mouth for 1 / 50 second, resulting in a stream of water sucked into it just a victim.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
8. Dorudony (5 m)
Genus of extinct cetaceans living with bazilozavrami from 40 to 36 million years ago during the Eocene. They were about 5 feet long and were probably predators - eat small fish and mollusks. Dorudony lived in warm seas throughout the world, their fossils are found in both North America and in Egypt.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
9. Gelikoprion (2-3 m)
Rhode elasmobranchs Carboniferous and Permian eras. First described by Karpinsky in 1899. Served as the basis for describing the so-called spiral tooth, found in the Perm region in 1897, local historian Alexander Bessonov. The diameter of the spiral type species gelikopriona reached 25 cm length of the fish requires about 2-3 meters. The literature describes a spiral up to 90 cm in diameter. The length of the copyright holder could reach up to 9-12 meters.
The ancient inhabitants of the underwater world
10. Rakoskorpiony, or sea scorpions (0.2-2 m)
Fossil arthropods of the class party Merostomovye subtype. Some representatives reached 2 meters in length, but the typical size of most species do not exceed 20 cm There were throughout the Paleozoic era 510-248 million years ago. Early forms lived in shallow waters in the seas. About 325-299 million years ago, most went to live in fresh water.
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