Сегодняшнее путешествие нельзя пропустить, потому что это путешествие в Африку, откуда все мы, понятное дело, родом. А еще потому что тот, кто в этом центре мира побывал, так переполняется восторгом, что с трудом держит в себе это счастье. Наконец теоретические путешествия, т.е. привычка странствовать и видеть в воображении столь редкие места позволяет правильно увидеть их в действительности...
На этих местах остается как бы легкий след воображения, дополнительный цвет, дополнительный блеск, некая дымка, не позволяющая смотреть на мир скучными глазами. Эта теория известна нам от писателя Паустовского. Африка большая, живая, жаркая, на самом деле испещрена, изрезана, изъезжена глубокими колеями не только джипов, но и автобусов-грузовиков, которые перевозят туристов. Как в национальных парках Кении, Танзании начинается период большой миграции зверей, так и у туристов на африканском континенте проходит похожий процесс. Причем на больших пассажирских грузовиках можно пересечь Африку прямо-таки от Каира до Кип-Тауна и от Касабланки до Аддис-Абебы.
Эти путешествия Over Land Expedition могут длиться до 40 недель и дольше и охватывать десятки стран. Организуют такие туры многие европейские туркомпании. Более того, эти ни с чем не сравнимые путешествия несильно дороги. К примеру, 60 дней вместе с перелетом могут стоить 3 тысячи долларов. Нет вопросов, накопить $3000 можно. Гораздо сложнее найти в своем графике 60 свободных дней. Либо мало в России народу, у которого эти две возможности совпадают. Так или иначе, россияне среди over world лэндеров неярко представлены. Все больше американские и европейские студенты, пенсионеры и просто искатели долгих дорог. Поэтому предлагаем смотреть во все глаза, чтобы увидеть небольшой кусочек, часть этой потрясающей Африки, которую невозможно забыть.
Наши путешественники отправляются не в Over Land Expedition, но в их кругосветке были и национальные парки Танзании, и Занзибар, и восхождение на Килиманджаро, и другие африканские удовольствия. И первая из них, конечно, сафари. Этому зрелищу трудно подобрать точное название. Это не наблюдение за природой в привычном смысле, потому что слишком живая, дышащая, фыркающая, передвигающаяся и слишком близкая природа вокруг вас, если вы приехали в саванну. Это и не охота, даже в смысле видео и фото. Хотя все ваши спутники так стараются. Потому что настоящие охотники это, конечно, деятели теле и киноискусств BBC и других серьезных организаций, которые залегают в саванне совсем с другой видеотехникой.
В сущности сафари для широкого круга туристов – попытка чуть-чуть поприсутствовать внутри этого свободного существования дикого мира, увидеть его таким, каким он, возможно, был без нас и будет без нас. При относительно больших потоках туристов удивительно, как звери продолжают ходить теми же тропами, позволяя приближаться к ним, рассматривать и безнаказанно увозить впечатления.
Однако все это происходит. И при соблюдении техники безопасности и везении и те и другие остаются довольны. Впрочем, мы не знаем, на сколько довольны другие. Одно совершенно точно. Смотреть на себя они позволяют в ограниченных пределах. А вот туристы так привыкают к звериной вседозволенности, что забывают об элементарных мерах предосторожности. Вот так непостижимо близко можно наблюдать кошечек только в полной уверенности, что они сыты и действительно спят. А кто может быть в этом абсолютно уверен? Чтобы нечаянно достать вас мощной лапой, им достаточно пары секунд.
Тоже самое с этими увальнями. Неповоротливое огромное существо умиляет таким милым занятием, но подавляет хотя бы своими размерами и кажется безобидным только на первый взгляд. Но не случайно лоджии, отели в саванне, или просто кемпинги обнесены колючей проволокой под напряжением. Известно немало случаев, когда при перебоях с электричеством бегемотики спокойно разрывали проволоку и забирались на туристскую территорию. А те ночью выходили из палаток по необходимости и, заметив бегемотиков, решали их срочно фотографировать или даже просто аккуратно пройти мимо. Конец в таких случаях наступал быстро.
Поэтому гораздо безопаснее не выходить из палаток по ночам и вообще не забывать, что всякий зверь не только объект съемки. У них своя жизнь, свой ритм, своя очередь к воде, порядок, который не нарушается, свой круг жизни. Если повезет, можно увидеть погоню или безжалостную охоту. Но неизвестно что больше удивляет – сам факт огромного количества живого театра вокруг или порядок их отношений. Прогулки по Танзании, говорят, становятся популярней, чем путешествия по соседней Кении, где неспокойно. Народ в Танзании более миролюбив или более терпим, может быть и может быть пока.
А вот масааи и тут и там выглядят похоже и разрешают на себя посмотреть. Есть мнение, что деревня масааев не более, чем аттракцион для туристов. Как если бы в наших деревнях гостей встречали в косоворотках, сарафанах и с балалайками. Некоторые туристы даже пропускают эти экскурсии как ненастоящие. Но масааи здесь точно живут. И если их жизнь отличается от той, что они показывают туристам, то ненамного. Поэтому вслушаемся в прихотливый ритм их песен. Разве он более первобытен, чем тот, что вокруг нас. Скорее он более настоящий.
Жизнь масааев нелегка. Их способ показать ловкость, прыгнуть выше всех, вроде бы прост. А вот попробуй, прыгни. Если туристы вступают в состязание, сразу позорно проигрывают. У масааев свои способы показать красоту, особенно со стороны ушей. Наверно потому, что это очень важный для охотников орган и должен приковывать внимание.
Им трудно найти место в новой африканской жизни. Их нельзя фотографировать без их на то разрешения. Им трудно относиться к туристам как к партнерам. И вряд ли их лица покажутся вам приветливыми. Случается, масааи охраняют кемпинги туристов. И тогда, говорят, их силуэты в накидках и с охотничьими копьями выглядят на закате романтично-зловеще одновременно.
В прошлом веке эти робингуды грабили караваны работорговцев, отбирали слоновые кости, отпускали рабов, брали дань с чужеземных купцов и поначалу были достаточно сильны, чтобы давать отпор колонизаторам англичанам. Масааи появлялись внезапно и бесшумно. Арабские работорговцы умоляли Аллаха уберечь их от встречи со львами и масааями.
Российские шутники находят их похожими на футбольных болельщиков во флагах-накидках и сравнивают масааев Кении и Танзании то с фанатами ЦСК, то совсем с другими, в зависимости от цвета накидок. Одно очевидно. Этот народ в конфликте с изменяющейся Африкой. И чем кончиться конфликт, пока неизвестно.
Ну а мы держим путь дальше, и у нас впереди восхождение на Килиманджаро. А по пути остановимся в одном из отелей, замаскированном под хижину.
А теперь понемногу о разном.
Дворец Снежной королевы. Так можно назвать один из знаменитых отелей Канады. Он полностью сделан изо льда. Исключением не стала даже мебель. В этом сезоне у отеля сменился адрес. Ледяное здание возвели почти в центре Квебека. В течении всей зимы будут проводиться гонки на собачьих упряжках. Постояльцам также предложат принять участие в строительстве эскимосских хижин из затвердевшего снега. Влюбленные смогут сочетаться узами законного брака в ледяной часовне.
В этот морской круиз туристы отправятся налегке – без чемодана с вещами и абсолютно голыми. Именно так британская турфирма предлагает провести 7 дней на океанском лайнере. Менять костюмы Адама и Евы на что-нибудь менее откровенное надо будет только в ресторане. Сотрудники турфирмы предполагают, что голый туризм станет популярным среди британцев в возрасте от 40 до 45 лет. Стоимость тура 570 евро.
Один из главных международных порталов по бронированию гостиниц подсчитал, где всех выгоднее отдыхать. На первом месте Рига. Она признана самым дешевым городом в мире. Цена гостиничного номера за сутки всего 52 фунта стерлингов. Второе место присудили Талину. Затем следует Бангкок, Варшава и Будапешт. Самым дорогим городом для туристов в этом году стала Женева.
Овеянные легендам сокровища инков можно теперь будет детально рассмотреть. 10 октября в Вене открылась выставка “1000 лет золоту инков”. Представлены 90 экспонатов из цельного золота. Когда-то они чудом избежали плавильной печи конкистадоров. В залах с драгоценностями инков звучит перуанская музыка и свет приглушен.
Этот остров каменных великанов действительно напоминает остров Пасхи, хотя местные якутские камни не просто смотрят в даль. В солнечный жаркий день кажется, что камни слегка двигаются, будто разговаривают друг с другом. Неудивительно, что охотники-якуты оставляли у подножия каменных людей символические жертвоприношения – мелкие деньги, конфеты. Но это не все. Говорят, что каменные изваяния кому-то дают немереную силу, а у кого-то наоборот отбирают. В любом случае это места необыкновенные. Попасть сюда непросто. Но больше 70 лет неподалеку от каменных великанов работает полярная станция. Путешественники считают большой удачей побывать здесь. Мы с вами попадем сюда в следующей программе.
В Танзании, Юго-Восточной части заповедника Нгоронгоро есть территория самых диких снов, навеянных захватывающим сафари в изнуряющей саванне. Отель Нгоронгоро Кратер Лодж называют отелем на краю земли. Внешне он похож на традиционную африканскую деревню туземцев массаев. Каменные стены на сваях – характерная деталь для хижины этого региона.
Многие, побывавшие здесь, говорят об отеле, как о сундуке с драгоценностями. Снаружи скромный, а внутри серебро, хрусталь и персидские ковры. Комплекс отеля разделен на три секции. В каждой секции можно увидеть декор класса люкс. Сочетание африканского стиля и барокко никого не оставят равнодушным. Лоджия отеля построена у самой кромки старого кратера. На террасу, выходящую к кратеру, каждый день манит аромат африканских фруктов.
Номера отелей довольно просторные. Из любого уголка комнаты открывается необыкновенный вид. Такой дикий и изысканный отель Нгоронгоро Кратер Лодж. Постоянные обитатели здешних мест - буйволы, слоны, львы и леопарды, а вместе с ними, как ни в чем не бывало, прогуливаются Танзанийцы. Вечером вокруг отеля зажигают огонь, чтобы отпугивать хищников. Не стоит забывать, вы на их территории.
Продолжим наше путешествие. Мы направляемся вверх Килиманджаро. Эти места великий поклонник Африки Эрнест Хемингуэй оценил как самые прекрасные из того, что он видел на этом континенте. Национальные парки Маньяра и Нгоронгоро уже больше полувека объявлены заповедниками. Здесь такая плотность экзотики на обозримый квадратный километр, что глаза и уши, привыкшие к умеренности средней полосы, теряются в изобилии впечатлений.
- Ну как первые впечатления, Сереж?
- Просто ошеломило и все. Впечатления все наверно потом будут. Сейчас целый сонм впечатлений.
- Погода такая даже лучше, наверно.
- Я думаю, пускай она сейчас будет так, а попозже все изменится.
- Дай Бог.
- Деревьевое царство мы наблюдаем. Большие деревья, обвитые лианами, растения. Все это в тумане, во мраке. Отовсюду капает. Немножко промокли. Это был первый день. Нелегко получилось.
Где-то в этих местах живут знаменитые львы-древолазы, которые проводят время на ветвях деревьев на высоте до 7 метров и спускаются только перекусить. Важно не стать для них десертом. 400 видов птиц поют и щебечут, густо заполняя пространство. Где-то среди их многообразия пытается поесть аист-разиня. Огромные стаи детей из заката подкрашивают и края озера и неба. Абсолютно все гости этих мест хотят взглянуть на Килиманджаро.
Каждый второй из местных может Килиманджаро показать, т.е. проводить до ближайшего обзорного места. Но наши путешественники не из вялых наблюдателей. Они привыкли своими ногами покорять высоты и своими глазами измерять ширь обзора. Поэтому у нас с вами счастливая возможность подняться на одну из вершин Килиманджаро. А именно Ухуру. Подъем многим поначалу кажется не слишком сложным.
Танзанийское сопровождение неотступно рядом. Инструкторы и их ассистенты несут за туристов многое из необходимого и даже сверх того. Путеводители утверждают, что с помощью гидов до вершин Килиманджаро дойдет любой человек без специального снаряжения и опыта. Буквально самому маленькому покорителю вершины было 7 лет, а самому опытному 78. Тысячи людей ежегодно взбираются сюда по пяти возможным маршрутам. Но мы идем не самым легким их них.
Некоторые туристы с легкостью рвутся в бой у начала подъема. Их веселит экипировка в виде лыжных палок без лыж, неторопливый темп движения. Однако не все, что кажется просто, на самом деле просто. И не верьте, что подъем на Килиманджаро легок, даже если это говорят бывалые путешественники. Т.е. особенно не верьте, если это говорят они. Здесь неплохо бы занять у масааев их главной добродетели, а именно крепости духа.
Сложно сказать, какой из сюрпризов восхождения самый неожиданный. Но вот когда прорываешься сквозь влажную полосу тумана, облаков и вдруг оказываешься выше птиц, выше всего того рая, что остался внизу, эмоции, наверно, становятся главной силой, что тащит тебя еще выше. Не все добираются до вершины, но очередная российская группа дойдет. Мы с вами будем свидетелями.
Если Килиманджаро снизу вам не всегда отроется, то с Килиманджаро далеко видно. На Ухуру снега немного, а вот ниже есть. Вряд ли в моменты преодоления высоты кого-то осеняет прозрение. Но уж при спуске, это точно. Но у нас впереди не такой уж протяженный, но, наверно, самый сложный участок подъема с финальным восторгом восхождения. Но это отдельная история.
Journey through Africa.
Today's journey not to be missed, because it is a journey to Africa, where all of us, of course, come from. And because the one who has visited the center of the world, so overflowing enthusiasm, that hardly keeps it a joy. Finally, the theoretical travel, ie, habit of wandering and seeing in imagination the place is so rare to see them properly can actually ...
At these places is as if a light trace of imagination, the extra color, extra shine, a kind of haze, which does not allow to see the world through the eyes dull. This theory is known to us from the writer Paustovsky. Africa is a big, lively, hot, in fact, dotted, dissected, deep ruts izezzhena not just jeeps, buses and trucks, which transport tourists. As in the national parks of Kenya, Tanzania began a period of great migration of animals and tourists on the African continent is a similar process. And on large passenger trucks can cross Africa from Cairo to downright Kip-Town, and from Casablanca to Addis Ababa.
These journeys Over Land Expedition can take up to 40 weeks or longer and involve dozens of countries. Organize such tours, many European travel company. Moreover, these may not be compared to travel the road slightly. For example, 60 days, along with the flight can cost 3000 dollars. No questions, you can save $ 3,000. It is much harder to find in his 60 days off schedule. Either not enough people in Russia, which has these two features are the same. Anyway, the Russians are among the over world Lander softly presented. More and more American and European students, pensioners and just seekers of long roads. Therefore propose to look at all the eyes to see a small slice of this amazing Africa, which is impossible to forget.
Our travelers depart not Over Land Expedition, but they were circumnavigation and national parks of Tanzania and Zanzibar, and the ascent of Kilimanjaro, Africa and other pleasures. And the first of these, of course, the safari. This spectacle is hard to find the exact name. This is not the observation of nature in the usual sense, because it's too alive, breathing, snorting, movable and too near the nature all around you when you come to Savannah. This is not hunting, even in terms of video and photos. While all around you try so hard. Because the real hunters, of course, figures, and the body of Motion Picture Arts and the BBC and other major organizations, which lie entirely in the savannah on the other video equipment.
In essence, a safari to a wide range of tourists - an attempt to attend a little bit inside the free existence of the wild world, see it as it might have been without us and will be without us. With a relatively large flow of tourists is surprising how the animals continue to walk the same paths, allowing you to approach them, to consider and take away the impression of impunity.
However, all this is happening. And in compliance with safety and luck, they both are satisfied. However, we do not know how many others are happy. One thing is for sure. Look at themselves, they allow a limited extent. But tourists are so accustomed to the brutal indulgence, that they forget about the basic precautions. That's incomprehensible to watch closely you can only cats in the full confidence that they are well fed and really sleep. And who can be absolutely sure? To avoid accidentally get you a powerful paw, it is enough a couple of seconds.
Same with these bumpkin. Clumsy huge creature touches such a nice job, but at least suppress its size and it seems innocuous at first glance. But do not chance lodge, hotels in savannah, or just camping sites surrounded by barbed wire under tension. There are many cases, when power outages begemotik quietly tore the wire and climbed to the tourist area. And they came out of the tent during the night if necessary, and noticing begemotik, they immediately decided to photograph or even just neat pass by. Late in such cases was advancing rapidly.
So much safer not to leave the tent at night and do not forget that every animal is not only the subject. They have their own life, its own rhythm, its own place for water, the procedure that is not broken, a circle of life. If you are lucky, you can see the relentless pursuit or hunting. But nobody knows that more surprise - the fact of the huge amount of live theater around or the order of their relationship. Walking in Tanzania, they say, are becoming more popular than a trip to neighboring Kenya, where restless. The people in Tanzania more peaceable, or more tolerant, can be and can be long.
But masaai here and there look like, and allow themselves to see. It is believed that the village masaaev no more than a tourist attraction. As if our guests were welcomed in the villages shirts, sundresses and balalaikas. Some tourists even miss these tours as a fake. But masaai here just live. And if their lives are different from the one that they show the tourists that much. So listen to the intricate rhythm of their songs. Is it more pervobyten than the one that is around us. Rather, it is more real.
Life is not easy masaaev. Their way of showing agility, jump higher than everyone seems to be simple. But just try to jump. If tourists come into the match, just a shame they lose. In masaaev their own ways to show the beauty, especially from the ears. Probably because it's very important for hunters and authority to compel attention.
They are hard to find a new place in African life. They can not be photographed without their permission. They are difficult to treat tourists as partners. And they are unlikely to face will seem friendly. It happens masaai guarded camping tourists. And then, they say, their silhouettes in capes and hunting spears look at the sunset romantically sinister at the same time.
In the last century, these robingudy robbed the caravans of slave traders, confiscated ivory, slaves released, took tribute from foreign merchants, and were initially strong enough to repulse the British colonialists. Masaai appearing suddenly and silently. Arab slave traders begged God to save them from meeting with the lions and masaayami.
Russian pranksters find them similar to football fans in the flags, capes and compare masaaev Kenya and Tanzania, then with CSK fans, it does the other, depending on the color of capes. One thing is certain. These people in conflict with the changing Africa. And the end the conflict is still unknown.
But we keep on the path, and we have ahead of climbing Kilimanjaro. And along the way stop at a hotel disguised as a cabin.
Now a little about different.
Palace of the Snow Queen. So you can call one of the most famous hotels in Canada. It is made entirely of ice. The exception does not become even furniture. This season, the hotel has changed address. Ice building was erected near the center of Quebec. During the winter will be dog sled race. Guests can also offer to take part in the construction of the huts of the Eskimo of hardened snow. Lovers will be able to marry him legal marriage in the ice chapel.
In this sea cruise tourists will travel light - no suitcases with things and completely naked. That's British tour agency proposes to 7 days on an ocean liner. Change the costumes of Adam and Eve with something less than candid it will be necessary only in the restaurant. Employees of travel agencies suggest that tourism will become a naked popular among Britons aged 40 to 45 years. Tour cost 570 euros.
One of the major international hotel booking portals calculated, where all the rest is more profitable. In the first place Riga. It is recognized as the cheapest city in the world. Price of hotel rooms for the night just 52 pounds. Second place was awarded to Talin. This is followed by Bangkok, Warsaw and Budapest. The most expensive city for tourists in this year's Geneva.
Fanned by the legends of the Incas treasures can now be considered in detail. October 10 in Vienna opened the exhibition "1000 Years of Inca Gold." We present 90 pieces of solid gold. Once they narrowly escaped a furnace conquistadors. In the halls with the jewels of the Incas Peruvian music sounds and the light dimmed.
This island is really reminiscent of the stone giants of Easter Island, although the local Yakut stones do not just look into the distance. On a sunny hot day, it seems that the stones are moving slightly, as if talking to each other. Not surprisingly, the Yakut hunters left at the foot of the stone a symbolic sacrifice of people - small money candies. But that's not all. They say that the stone sculptures someone give nemerenno force, and someone has taken away the contrary. In any case, this extraordinary place. To get here is not easy. But more than 70 years, not far from the stone giants working polar station. People feel very lucky to be here. You and I would get here in the next program.
In Tanzania, South-Eastern part of the reserve is the Ngorongoro area wildest dreams, inspired by an exciting safari in sweltering savannah. Hotel Ngorongoro Crater Lodge, call the hotel at the edge of the earth. It looks like a traditional African village the natives Massana. Stone walls on stilts - a characteristic piece for the cabin of the region.
Many who have visited here, said the hotel as a chest of jewels. Outside, a modest, but inside the silver, crystal and Persian rugs. The hotel complex is divided into three sections. In each section you can see the decor of a luxury. The combination of African and baroque style will not leave anyone indifferent. Loggia of the hotel was built at the edge of the old crater. On the terrace overlooking the crater, every day, beckoning aroma of African fruit.
Hotel rooms are quite spacious. From every corner of the room opens extraordinary views. This wild and sophisticated hotel Ngorongoro Crater Lodge. Permanent residents of these places - buffalo, elephants, lions and leopards, and with them, as if nothing had happened, walking Tanzanians. In the evening around the hotel lit a fire to scare away predators. Do not forget you're in their territory.
We continue our journey. We're heading up Mount Kilimanjaro. These sites are a great admirer of Africa Ernest Hemingway praised as the finest of what he had seen on this continent. Manyara National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area for more than half a century, declared reserves. Here is a density of exotics in the foreseeable future square kilometer of the eyes and ears, accustomed to moderate the middle band is lost in the abundance of impressions.
- Well, as first impressions, Sergei?
- Just stunned and all. Impressions are likely to be later. Now a host of impressions.
- The weather this is even better, probably.
- I think she would let it be so, but later things will change.
- God bless.
- Derevevoe kingdom we observe. Large trees, overgrown with vines and plants. All this in a fog, in darkness. Drips everywhere. A little wet. It was the first day. Difficult to obtain.
Somewhere in these places live lions, famous climbers who spend time in the trees at a height of 7 meters and down just to eat. It is important for them to be dessert. 400 species of birds singing and chirping, densely filling the space. Somewhere in their diversity is trying to eat the stork, cuckoo. Huge flocks of children from the sunset tint and the edge of the lake and sky. Absolutely all of these places visitors want to look at the Kilimanjaro.
Every second of the local Kilimanjaro can show, that conduct a review to the nearest location. But our travelers not from sluggish observers. They used their feet to conquer the heights and the eyes to measure the breadth of the review. Therefore, we have with you a happy opportunity to rise to a peak of Kilimanjaro. Namely Uhuru. The rise to many at first seems too complex.
Tanzanian support relentlessly around. Instructors and their assistants have a lot of tourists from the necessary and even beyond that. Guidebooks say that with the help of guides to the heights of Kilimanjaro reaches any person without special equipment and expertise. Literally, the youngest conqueror of the top was 7 years old and the experienced 78. Thousands of people each year climb up here on the five possible routes. But we are not the easiest of them.
Some tourists are easily torn in the fight at the beginning of recovery. Their cheers equipment as ski poles without skis, leisurely pace of the movement. However, not everything that seems simple, really simple. And do not believe that the rise on Kilimanjaro is easy, even if it's seasoned travelers say. That is, especially do not believe it, if they say. It would be nice to take a masaaev their main virtue, namely, strength of spirit.
It is difficult to say which of the most unexpected surprises of ascent. But when the band breaks through the damp mist, clouds, and suddenly find yourself above the birds of the heaven is above all that remained at the bottom, emotions, perhaps, become the main force that pulls you even higher. Not everyone gets to the top, but another Russian group comes. We are going to witness.
Kilimanjaro If you do not always from the bottom will dig, it is far from Mount Kilimanjaro can be seen. Uhuru on the snow a bit, but the following is. It is unlikely at the moment to overcome the height of someone overshadows insight. But already during the descent, that's for sure. But we have ahead is not so extended, but probably the most difficult part of the final ascent to the delight of ascent. But that's another story.
Today's journey not to be missed, because it is a journey to Africa, where all of us, of course, come from. And because the one who has visited the center of the world, so overflowing enthusiasm, that hardly keeps it a joy. Finally, the theoretical travel, ie, habit of wandering and seeing in imagination the place is so rare to see them properly can actually ...
At these places is as if a light trace of imagination, the extra color, extra shine, a kind of haze, which does not allow to see the world through the eyes dull. This theory is known to us from the writer Paustovsky. Africa is a big, lively, hot, in fact, dotted, dissected, deep ruts izezzhena not just jeeps, buses and trucks, which transport tourists. As in the national parks of Kenya, Tanzania began a period of great migration of animals and tourists on the African continent is a similar process. And on large passenger trucks can cross Africa from Cairo to downright Kip-Town, and from Casablanca to Addis Ababa.
These journeys Over Land Expedition can take up to 40 weeks or longer and involve dozens of countries. Organize such tours, many European travel company. Moreover, these may not be compared to travel the road slightly. For example, 60 days, along with the flight can cost 3000 dollars. No questions, you can save $ 3,000. It is much harder to find in his 60 days off schedule. Either not enough people in Russia, which has these two features are the same. Anyway, the Russians are among the over world Lander softly presented. More and more American and European students, pensioners and just seekers of long roads. Therefore propose to look at all the eyes to see a small slice of this amazing Africa, which is impossible to forget.
Our travelers depart not Over Land Expedition, but they were circumnavigation and national parks of Tanzania and Zanzibar, and the ascent of Kilimanjaro, Africa and other pleasures. And the first of these, of course, the safari. This spectacle is hard to find the exact name. This is not the observation of nature in the usual sense, because it's too alive, breathing, snorting, movable and too near the nature all around you when you come to Savannah. This is not hunting, even in terms of video and photos. While all around you try so hard. Because the real hunters, of course, figures, and the body of Motion Picture Arts and the BBC and other major organizations, which lie entirely in the savannah on the other video equipment.
In essence, a safari to a wide range of tourists - an attempt to attend a little bit inside the free existence of the wild world, see it as it might have been without us and will be without us. With a relatively large flow of tourists is surprising how the animals continue to walk the same paths, allowing you to approach them, to consider and take away the impression of impunity.
However, all this is happening. And in compliance with safety and luck, they both are satisfied. However, we do not know how many others are happy. One thing is for sure. Look at themselves, they allow a limited extent. But tourists are so accustomed to the brutal indulgence, that they forget about the basic precautions. That's incomprehensible to watch closely you can only cats in the full confidence that they are well fed and really sleep. And who can be absolutely sure? To avoid accidentally get you a powerful paw, it is enough a couple of seconds.
Same with these bumpkin. Clumsy huge creature touches such a nice job, but at least suppress its size and it seems innocuous at first glance. But do not chance lodge, hotels in savannah, or just camping sites surrounded by barbed wire under tension. There are many cases, when power outages begemotik quietly tore the wire and climbed to the tourist area. And they came out of the tent during the night if necessary, and noticing begemotik, they immediately decided to photograph or even just neat pass by. Late in such cases was advancing rapidly.
So much safer not to leave the tent at night and do not forget that every animal is not only the subject. They have their own life, its own rhythm, its own place for water, the procedure that is not broken, a circle of life. If you are lucky, you can see the relentless pursuit or hunting. But nobody knows that more surprise - the fact of the huge amount of live theater around or the order of their relationship. Walking in Tanzania, they say, are becoming more popular than a trip to neighboring Kenya, where restless. The people in Tanzania more peaceable, or more tolerant, can be and can be long.
But masaai here and there look like, and allow themselves to see. It is believed that the village masaaev no more than a tourist attraction. As if our guests were welcomed in the villages shirts, sundresses and balalaikas. Some tourists even miss these tours as a fake. But masaai here just live. And if their lives are different from the one that they show the tourists that much. So listen to the intricate rhythm of their songs. Is it more pervobyten than the one that is around us. Rather, it is more real.
Life is not easy masaaev. Their way of showing agility, jump higher than everyone seems to be simple. But just try to jump. If tourists come into the match, just a shame they lose. In masaaev their own ways to show the beauty, especially from the ears. Probably because it's very important for hunters and authority to compel attention.
They are hard to find a new place in African life. They can not be photographed without their permission. They are difficult to treat tourists as partners. And they are unlikely to face will seem friendly. It happens masaai guarded camping tourists. And then, they say, their silhouettes in capes and hunting spears look at the sunset romantically sinister at the same time.
In the last century, these robingudy robbed the caravans of slave traders, confiscated ivory, slaves released, took tribute from foreign merchants, and were initially strong enough to repulse the British colonialists. Masaai appearing suddenly and silently. Arab slave traders begged God to save them from meeting with the lions and masaayami.
Russian pranksters find them similar to football fans in the flags, capes and compare masaaev Kenya and Tanzania, then with CSK fans, it does the other, depending on the color of capes. One thing is certain. These people in conflict with the changing Africa. And the end the conflict is still unknown.
But we keep on the path, and we have ahead of climbing Kilimanjaro. And along the way stop at a hotel disguised as a cabin.
Now a little about different.
Palace of the Snow Queen. So you can call one of the most famous hotels in Canada. It is made entirely of ice. The exception does not become even furniture. This season, the hotel has changed address. Ice building was erected near the center of Quebec. During the winter will be dog sled race. Guests can also offer to take part in the construction of the huts of the Eskimo of hardened snow. Lovers will be able to marry him legal marriage in the ice chapel.
In this sea cruise tourists will travel light - no suitcases with things and completely naked. That's British tour agency proposes to 7 days on an ocean liner. Change the costumes of Adam and Eve with something less than candid it will be necessary only in the restaurant. Employees of travel agencies suggest that tourism will become a naked popular among Britons aged 40 to 45 years. Tour cost 570 euros.
One of the major international hotel booking portals calculated, where all the rest is more profitable. In the first place Riga. It is recognized as the cheapest city in the world. Price of hotel rooms for the night just 52 pounds. Second place was awarded to Talin. This is followed by Bangkok, Warsaw and Budapest. The most expensive city for tourists in this year's Geneva.
Fanned by the legends of the Incas treasures can now be considered in detail. October 10 in Vienna opened the exhibition "1000 Years of Inca Gold." We present 90 pieces of solid gold. Once they narrowly escaped a furnace conquistadors. In the halls with the jewels of the Incas Peruvian music sounds and the light dimmed.
This island is really reminiscent of the stone giants of Easter Island, although the local Yakut stones do not just look into the distance. On a sunny hot day, it seems that the stones are moving slightly, as if talking to each other. Not surprisingly, the Yakut hunters left at the foot of the stone a symbolic sacrifice of people - small money candies. But that's not all. They say that the stone sculptures someone give nemerenno force, and someone has taken away the contrary. In any case, this extraordinary place. To get here is not easy. But more than 70 years, not far from the stone giants working polar station. People feel very lucky to be here. You and I would get here in the next program.
In Tanzania, South-Eastern part of the reserve is the Ngorongoro area wildest dreams, inspired by an exciting safari in sweltering savannah. Hotel Ngorongoro Crater Lodge, call the hotel at the edge of the earth. It looks like a traditional African village the natives Massana. Stone walls on stilts - a characteristic piece for the cabin of the region.
Many who have visited here, said the hotel as a chest of jewels. Outside, a modest, but inside the silver, crystal and Persian rugs. The hotel complex is divided into three sections. In each section you can see the decor of a luxury. The combination of African and baroque style will not leave anyone indifferent. Loggia of the hotel was built at the edge of the old crater. On the terrace overlooking the crater, every day, beckoning aroma of African fruit.
Hotel rooms are quite spacious. From every corner of the room opens extraordinary views. This wild and sophisticated hotel Ngorongoro Crater Lodge. Permanent residents of these places - buffalo, elephants, lions and leopards, and with them, as if nothing had happened, walking Tanzanians. In the evening around the hotel lit a fire to scare away predators. Do not forget you're in their territory.
We continue our journey. We're heading up Mount Kilimanjaro. These sites are a great admirer of Africa Ernest Hemingway praised as the finest of what he had seen on this continent. Manyara National Park and Ngorongoro Conservation Area for more than half a century, declared reserves. Here is a density of exotics in the foreseeable future square kilometer of the eyes and ears, accustomed to moderate the middle band is lost in the abundance of impressions.
- Well, as first impressions, Sergei?
- Just stunned and all. Impressions are likely to be later. Now a host of impressions.
- The weather this is even better, probably.
- I think she would let it be so, but later things will change.
- God bless.
- Derevevoe kingdom we observe. Large trees, overgrown with vines and plants. All this in a fog, in darkness. Drips everywhere. A little wet. It was the first day. Difficult to obtain.
Somewhere in these places live lions, famous climbers who spend time in the trees at a height of 7 meters and down just to eat. It is important for them to be dessert. 400 species of birds singing and chirping, densely filling the space. Somewhere in their diversity is trying to eat the stork, cuckoo. Huge flocks of children from the sunset tint and the edge of the lake and sky. Absolutely all of these places visitors want to look at the Kilimanjaro.
Every second of the local Kilimanjaro can show, that conduct a review to the nearest location. But our travelers not from sluggish observers. They used their feet to conquer the heights and the eyes to measure the breadth of the review. Therefore, we have with you a happy opportunity to rise to a peak of Kilimanjaro. Namely Uhuru. The rise to many at first seems too complex.
Tanzanian support relentlessly around. Instructors and their assistants have a lot of tourists from the necessary and even beyond that. Guidebooks say that with the help of guides to the heights of Kilimanjaro reaches any person without special equipment and expertise. Literally, the youngest conqueror of the top was 7 years old and the experienced 78. Thousands of people each year climb up here on the five possible routes. But we are not the easiest of them.
Some tourists are easily torn in the fight at the beginning of recovery. Their cheers equipment as ski poles without skis, leisurely pace of the movement. However, not everything that seems simple, really simple. And do not believe that the rise on Kilimanjaro is easy, even if it's seasoned travelers say. That is, especially do not believe it, if they say. It would be nice to take a masaaev their main virtue, namely, strength of spirit.
It is difficult to say which of the most unexpected surprises of ascent. But when the band breaks through the damp mist, clouds, and suddenly find yourself above the birds of the heaven is above all that remained at the bottom, emotions, perhaps, become the main force that pulls you even higher. Not everyone gets to the top, but another Russian group comes. We are going to witness.
Kilimanjaro If you do not always from the bottom will dig, it is far from Mount Kilimanjaro can be seen. Uhuru on the snow a bit, but the following is. It is unlikely at the moment to overcome the height of someone overshadows insight. But already during the descent, that's for sure. But we have ahead is not so extended, but probably the most difficult part of the final ascent to the delight of ascent. But that's another story.
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