Учёные поставили серию экспериментов, чтобы выяснить, как мужчины и женщины влияют друг на друга. В результате этих экспериментов выяснилось, что женщины делают мужчин воинственными, рискованными, азартными, щедрыми, шустрыми и недальновидными, а вот мужчины на женщин никак не влияют...
Чтобы проверить, насколько половой отбор связан с конфликтами между людьми, а точнее с войной, китайские ученые провели серию экспериментов, в которых исследовали реакции студентов — 60 мужчин и 51 женщины — на изображения привлекательных и малопривлекательных особей противоположного пола. В первом эксперименте изображения были взяты с популярного сайта знакомств, а испытуемым в анкетах задавали ряд вопросов, касающихся войны и сельского хозяйства. Во втором — фотографии были взяты из результатов поиска в Google Images, после их демонстрации испытуемым показывали картины мирной и военной жизни, и они должны были за максимально короткое время опознать, к какой категории относятся изображения. В третьем эксперименте испытуемым мужчинам показывали фотографии женских ног и китайского флага (по замыслу исследователей он должен был настраивать на патриотический лад), а затем они должны были как можно быстрее найти заданный слог в двух наборах слов, связанных либо с войной, либо с сельским хозяйством. Задание для женщин отличалось тем, что им просто показывали фотографии привлекательных и малопривлекательных мужчин. Четвертый эксперимент, в котором участвовали только мужчины, повторял третий, за одним важным исключением: слова, которые им предлагались, были связаны либо с войной, либо с агрессией вообще.
Во всех случаях изображения привлекательных женщин (и привлекательных частей их тел) настраивали мужчин на более воинственный лад: они давали более агрессивные ответы в ходе анкетирования; быстрее опознавали картины военной жизни; женские ноги вызывали у них более прочные ассоциации с войной, чем флаг родной страны, — они быстрее выполняли задания, связанные с «военными» словами, чем с «сельскохозяйственными»; при этом четвертый эксперимент показал, что дело именно в войне, а не в агрессии как таковой: при виде женских ног они показывали большую живость ума, когда речь заходила о «военных» словах, а не просто об «агрессивных». Ничего подобного в случае женщин не наблюдалось: привлекательность мужчин, которых им показывали, не влияла существенно на их ответы.
Scientists have set a series of experiments to determine how men and women influence each other. As a result of these experiments revealed that women make men warlike, risky, reckless, generous, smart and short-sighted, but the men, women are not affected.
To test whether sexual selection associated with conflicts between people, but rather with the war, Chinese scientists have conducted a series of experiments in which investigated the reaction of students - 60 men and 51 women - to images of attractive and unattractive individuals of the opposite sex. In the first experiment, images were taken from a popular dating site, but the subjects in the questionnaire asked several questions relating to war and agriculture. In the second - the photos were taken from the search results in Google Images, after demonstrating the subjects showed a picture of a peaceful and military life, and they were in the shortest time to identify to which category an image. In the third experiment, subjects were shown photographs of men and women's legs Chinese flag (on a plan of research he had to adjust to the patriotic mood), then they should have as soon as possible to find a given syllable in the two sets of words, associated with either war or agriculture . The task for women is different in that they just showed pictures of attractive and unattractive males. The fourth experiment, which involved only men, repeated the third, with one important exception: the words that they were offered, were associated with either war or aggression at all.
In all cases, images of attractive women (and attractive parts of their bodies) set up men in the more combative style: they give more aggressive responses during an interview, quickly identify a picture of military life, female feet cause they have a stronger association with the war than the flag of his native country - they are faster to perform tasks related to the "war" with the words, than "farming", while the fourth experiment showed that it was a war of aggression rather than as such: the sight of women's feet, they showed great mental alertness when it came to "war" words, not just about "aggressive". Nothing like in the case of females was observed: the attractiveness of men, which they showed no substantial effect on their responses.
To test whether sexual selection associated with conflicts between people, but rather with the war, Chinese scientists have conducted a series of experiments in which investigated the reaction of students - 60 men and 51 women - to images of attractive and unattractive individuals of the opposite sex. In the first experiment, images were taken from a popular dating site, but the subjects in the questionnaire asked several questions relating to war and agriculture. In the second - the photos were taken from the search results in Google Images, after demonstrating the subjects showed a picture of a peaceful and military life, and they were in the shortest time to identify to which category an image. In the third experiment, subjects were shown photographs of men and women's legs Chinese flag (on a plan of research he had to adjust to the patriotic mood), then they should have as soon as possible to find a given syllable in the two sets of words, associated with either war or agriculture . The task for women is different in that they just showed pictures of attractive and unattractive males. The fourth experiment, which involved only men, repeated the third, with one important exception: the words that they were offered, were associated with either war or aggression at all.
In all cases, images of attractive women (and attractive parts of their bodies) set up men in the more combative style: they give more aggressive responses during an interview, quickly identify a picture of military life, female feet cause they have a stronger association with the war than the flag of his native country - they are faster to perform tasks related to the "war" with the words, than "farming", while the fourth experiment showed that it was a war of aggression rather than as such: the sight of women's feet, they showed great mental alertness when it came to "war" words, not just about "aggressive". Nothing like in the case of females was observed: the attractiveness of men, which they showed no substantial effect on their responses.
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