Казалось бы, чего мы не знаем о Пушкине? Сегодня — несколько фактов из биографии Александра Сергеевича, которые сам он, надо полагать, не афишировал...
1. Пушкин помнил себя с 4 лет. Он несколько раз рассказывал о том, как однажды на прогулке заметил как колышется земля и дрожат колонны, а последнее землетрясение в Москве было зафиксировано как раз в 1803 году.
2. И, кстати, примерно в то же время произошла первая встреча с Пушкина с императором — маленький Саша чуть было не попал под копыта коня Александра I, который тоже выехал на прогулку. Слава богу, Александр успел придержать коня, ребёнок не пострадал, и единственный, кто перепугался не на шутку — это няня.
3. А в знаменитый лицей Пушкин, оказывается, поступил по блату. Лицей основал сам министр Сперанский, набор был невелик — всего 30 человек, но у Пушкина был дядя — весьма известный и талантливый поэт Василий Львович Пушкин, который был лично знаком со Сперанским.
4. В списке успевающих учеников, который подготовили к выпускному вечеру, Пушкин был вторым с конца.
5. В лицее Пушкин в первый раз влюбился. Очень любопытно почитать даже не список его побед, а отзывы о нём разных людей. Его брат, например, говорил, что Пушкин был собою дурен, ростом мал, но женщинам почему-то нравился. Что и подтверждается восторженным письмом Веры Александровны Нащокиной, в которую Пушкин тоже был влюблен: «Пушкин был шатен с сильно вьющимися волосами, голубыми глазами и необыкновенной привлекательности». Впрочем, тот же брат Пушкина признавал, что, когда Пушкина кто-то интересовал, он становился очень заманчив. С другой стороны, когда Пушкину было неинтересно, разговор его был вял, скучен и просто несносен.
6. Первая дуэль Пушкина случилась в лицее, а вообще его вызывали на дуэль больше 90 раз. Сам Пушкин предлагал стреляться больше полутора сотен раз. Причина могла не стоить выеденного яйца — например, в обычном споре о пустяках Пушкин мог неожиданно обозвать кого-нибудь подлецом, и, конечно, это заканчивалось стрельбой.
7. Ещё у Пушкина были карточные долги, и довольно серьезные. Он, правда, почти всегда находил средства их покрыть, но, когда случались какие-то задержки, он писал своим кредиторам злые эпиграммы и рисовал в тетрадях карикатуры на них. Однажды такой лист нашли, и был большой скандал.
8. Да, а вот что пишут о Пушкине иностранцы. Оказывается, Евгений Онегин — это вообще первый русский роман (хотя и в стихах). Так написано в «Британской энциклопедии» редакции 1961 года. Там же написано, что до Пушкина русский язык был вообще не пригоден для художественной литературы.
9. Кстати, в России в 1912 и 1914 годах выходили сборники стихов Пушкина, которые теперь стали библиографической редкостью: составителем сборников был некий В. Ленин, а предисловие написал А. Ульянов. Ленин — был псевдоним издателя Сытина (его дочку звали Еленой), а литературовед Ульянов был просто однофамильцем.
10. И, напоследок, забавный факт, который, правда, не имеет отношения к, собственно, биографии Пушкина. В Эфиопии несколько лет назад поставили памятник Пушкину. На красивом мраморном постаменте высечены слова: «Нашему поэту».
It would seem that we do not know about Pushkin? Today - a few facts from the biography of Alexander Pushkin, which he presumably did not advertise.
1. Pushkin could remember the age of 4. He repeatedly talked about how one day walking the earth trembles as observed and shaking the column, and the last earthquake was recorded in Moscow just in 1803.
2. And, incidentally, about the same time the first meeting with Pushkin the emperor - little Sasha was nearly hit by a horse hoof of Alexander I, who also went for a walk. Thank God, Alexander managed to hold his horse, the child was not injured, and the only one who was scared no joke - this is a nanny.
3. And in the famous Lyceum Pushkin, it turns out, went to pull. Lyceum founded by the minister himself Speransky set was small - only 30 people, but Pushkin's uncle - a very famous and talented poet Pushkin Davidov, who was personally acquainted with Speransky.
4. The list of achievers, who have prepared for prom, Pushkin was the second from the end.
5. At the Lyceum, Pushkin for the first time fell in love. Very interesting to read even a list of his victories, and reviews of different people there. His brother, for example, said that Pushkin himself was bad, the growth of small, but for some reason women liked him. Which is confirmed by an enthusiastic letter from Vera Alexandrovna Nashchokin, in which Pushkin was also in love: "Pushkin was brown with curly hair, blue eyes and an extraordinary appeal." However, the same brother Pushkin admitted that, when Pushkin someone was interested, he became very appealing. On the other hand, when Pushkin was not interested in his conversation had been sluggish, boring and just unbearable.
6. The first duel Pushkin happened in high school, and in general was summoned to a duel for more than 90 times. Pushkin himself offered to shoot more than a hundred times. The reason might not be worth a damn - for example, in the usual dispute about trifles Pushkin could unexpectedly to label someone a scoundrel, and, of course, it ended in gunfire.
7. Even Pushkin had gambling debts, and quite serious. True, he almost always found the means to cover, but when there is any delay, he wrote to his creditors evil epigrams and caricatures sketched in his notebooks for them. Once a leaf found, and was a big scandal.
8. Yes, but what they write about Pushkin foreigners. It turns out that Eugene Onegin - it is generally the first Russian novel (although in verse). It is written in the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" edition of 1961. There is written that before the Pushkin Russian was not at all suitable for fiction.
9. By the way, in Russia in 1912 and 1914 published a collection of poems by Pushkin, which are now a rarity: a compiler of anthologies was Vladimir Lenin, and the foreword written by A. Ulyanov. Lenin - was a pseudonym publisher Sytin (his daughter's name was Helen), and literary critic Ulyanov was just a namesake.
10. And, finally, a fun fact, which, however, has nothing to do, in fact, Pushkin's biography. In Ethiopia a few years ago a monument to Pushkin. On the beautiful marble pedestal engraved words: "Our poet."
1. Pushkin could remember the age of 4. He repeatedly talked about how one day walking the earth trembles as observed and shaking the column, and the last earthquake was recorded in Moscow just in 1803.
2. And, incidentally, about the same time the first meeting with Pushkin the emperor - little Sasha was nearly hit by a horse hoof of Alexander I, who also went for a walk. Thank God, Alexander managed to hold his horse, the child was not injured, and the only one who was scared no joke - this is a nanny.
3. And in the famous Lyceum Pushkin, it turns out, went to pull. Lyceum founded by the minister himself Speransky set was small - only 30 people, but Pushkin's uncle - a very famous and talented poet Pushkin Davidov, who was personally acquainted with Speransky.
4. The list of achievers, who have prepared for prom, Pushkin was the second from the end.
5. At the Lyceum, Pushkin for the first time fell in love. Very interesting to read even a list of his victories, and reviews of different people there. His brother, for example, said that Pushkin himself was bad, the growth of small, but for some reason women liked him. Which is confirmed by an enthusiastic letter from Vera Alexandrovna Nashchokin, in which Pushkin was also in love: "Pushkin was brown with curly hair, blue eyes and an extraordinary appeal." However, the same brother Pushkin admitted that, when Pushkin someone was interested, he became very appealing. On the other hand, when Pushkin was not interested in his conversation had been sluggish, boring and just unbearable.
6. The first duel Pushkin happened in high school, and in general was summoned to a duel for more than 90 times. Pushkin himself offered to shoot more than a hundred times. The reason might not be worth a damn - for example, in the usual dispute about trifles Pushkin could unexpectedly to label someone a scoundrel, and, of course, it ended in gunfire.
7. Even Pushkin had gambling debts, and quite serious. True, he almost always found the means to cover, but when there is any delay, he wrote to his creditors evil epigrams and caricatures sketched in his notebooks for them. Once a leaf found, and was a big scandal.
8. Yes, but what they write about Pushkin foreigners. It turns out that Eugene Onegin - it is generally the first Russian novel (although in verse). It is written in the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" edition of 1961. There is written that before the Pushkin Russian was not at all suitable for fiction.
9. By the way, in Russia in 1912 and 1914 published a collection of poems by Pushkin, which are now a rarity: a compiler of anthologies was Vladimir Lenin, and the foreword written by A. Ulyanov. Lenin - was a pseudonym publisher Sytin (his daughter's name was Helen), and literary critic Ulyanov was just a namesake.
10. And, finally, a fun fact, which, however, has nothing to do, in fact, Pushkin's biography. In Ethiopia a few years ago a monument to Pushkin. On the beautiful marble pedestal engraved words: "Our poet."
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