Жизнь одарённого писателя (в особенности, если речь идёт о художественной литературе) всегда связана с большим риском для самого уязвимого в человеке — его сознания. А восхождение великого писателя к славе, каким бы гладким оно ни казалось, почти всегда сопровождается опасным заигрыванием с неизвестным, запретным или безумным...
1. Лев Толстой

Автор «Войны и мира» и «Анны Карениной» прославился сложными сюжетами с пространными философско-историческими отступлениями. Создавая своих многочисленных персонажей (а их насчитывается не одна сотня) Толстой пытался отвлечься от тоски и страха, которые переживал в мучительных поисках ответов на самые сокровенные вопросы человеческого бытия.
Писатель страдал от частых, глубоких и продолжительных приступов депрессии. На 83-м году жизни Толстой решил стать странствующим аскетом. К сожалению, это последнее путешествие оказалось недолгим. Лев Николаевич заболел воспалением лёгких, был вынужден сделать остановку на маленькой станции Астапово, где вскоре и умер.
2. Джонатан Свифт

Англо-ирландский писатель Джонатан Свифт прославился, среди прочего, фантастической тетралогией «Путешествия Гулливера» и сатирическим памфлетом «Скромное предложение».
Долгое время Свифт вел жизнь, которая медленно, но верно погружала его в безумие. Хотя, по словам писателя Уилла Дюранта, «определённые симптомы душевного расстройства появились в 1738 году», никто не знает, когда была пройдена «точка невозврата».
Известно только, что к 1742 году состояние психики писателя было уже далеко от рациональности и стабильности. Дюрант описывает, например, эпизод, когда «пять человек удерживали Свифта, пытавшегося вырвать свой воспалённый глаз». После этого случая писатель замолчал и за целый год не произнёс ни единого слова.
3. Филип К. Дик

В конце февраля 1974 года, когда писатель-фантаст Филип К. Дик, страдающий зависимостью от амфетамина, отдыхал в своём доме после удаления зуба мудрости, ему довелось пережить целый ряд ярких галлюцинаций.
Они повторялись на протяжении нескольких следующих месяцев — отчётливые геометрические фигуры накладывались на сцены религиозного содержания и, как казалось Дику, давали новое глубокое понимание истории церкви и литературы.
«Мне представлялось, что я был безумен всю мою жизнь и внезапно обрёл разум», — так описал Дик наступление приступа. Он уверял, что с того времени начал жить двойной жизнью, в которой одна половина принадлежала ему самому, а другая — христианину, гонимому за веру в Древнем Риме. В этот период были написаны роман «Свободное радио Альбемута» и трилогия «ВАЛИС».
4. Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт

Фантастика, мистика и ужасы переплетались в творчестве Лавкрафта в одно причудливое целое. Писатель страдал тяжёлым расстройством сна. В ночных видениях писателя существа с перепончатыми крыльями, которых он называл «ночными зверями», поднимали его в воздух и относили на «мерзкое плато Лэнг». Лавкрафт просыпался в совершенно безумном состоянии.
Однако, опасность для хрупкой психики писателя таилась не только внутри. Финансовые дела семьи писателя внезапно и стремительно покатились вниз, уровень жизни резко ухудшился, что стало одной из причин глубокой депрессии; дело даже чуть было не дошло до самоубийства. Позже, мучений в жизнь Лавкрафта добавили рак кишечника и воспаление почек, боль от которых сопровождала весь остаток жизни писателя.
5. Джек Керуак

Джек Керуак задумывал своё самое знаменитое произведение «В дороге» обычным романом из десяти глав. То, что получилось в результате, представляло собой длинный, в 36 метров, свиток с записанным на нём непрерывным потоком сознания (автор, заканчивая одну машинописную страницу, приклеивал её скотчем к предыдущей).
Этот уникальный подход к литературе не покажется таким уж удивительным, если учесть, что Керуак подкреплял свои творческие силы гремучим коктейлем из алкоголя, марихуаны и бензедрина.
Списанный из рядов ВМС США с формулировкой «шизоидная личность», Керуак с головой окунулся в жизнь, полную джаза, наркотиков и путешествий по миру.
6. Эрнест Хемингуэй

Психологическое состояние этой «глыбы» американской литературы тоже было далеко от благополучия. Значительную часть жизни Хемингуэй, как, впрочем, и многие другие великие художники, страдал от алкогольной зависимости. Но были и другие диагнозы — от биполярного психоза и травматического повреждения мозга до нарциссического расстройства личности.
В результате, писателя поместили в психиатрическую клинику, где, после пятнадцати сеансов электросудорожной терапии, он вовсе утратил и память, и способность формулировать мысли. А вскоре после выписки, в июле 1961 года, застрелился из своего любимого ружья.
7. Маркиз де Сад

Имя Маркиза де Сада связано с несколько… своеобразным образом жизни. Его прославила революционная для своего времени идея сексуальной и нравственной свободы, которую маркиз подробно изложил в многочисленных литературных опусах. А «садизмом» стали называть сексуальное удовлетворение, получаемое путём причинения другому человеку боли и унижений.
В 1803 году, по приказу Наполеона Бонапарта, маркиз без суда и следствия был сначала заключён под стражу, а затем признан невменяемым и помещен в психиатрическую лечебницу Шарантон. Но и там де Сад умудрялся писать пьесы и вести всё тот же распутный образ жизни вплоть до самой своей смерти в 1814 году.
8. Сильвия Плат

В знаменитом романе «Под стеклянным колпаком», Сильвия Плат описала свою первую попытку самоубийства. Это произошло в 1953 году. Клиническую депрессию, которой страдала Сильвия, пытались лечить достаточно новыми и непроверенными методами, включая электрошок.
После курса такой терапии писательница почувствовала себя только хуже и попыталась покончить с собой. В тот раз попытка провалилась, а психиатрическое вмешательство стало ещё более интенсивным.
Последовало ещё несколько неудачных попыток свести счёты с жизнью, пока, однажды, тридцатилетнюю Сильвию Плат не обнаружили мёртвой в собственной квартире. Голова женщины лежала в духовке, из которой всё ещё шёл газ.
9. Эдгар Аллан По

Сознание автора «мрачных» рассказов Эдгара Аллана По, было полно тех же демонов, которые населяли и его произведения. После смерти жены писатель признался: «По телесным свойствам своим я впечатлителен — нервен в весьма необыкновенной степени. Я сделался безумным, с долгими промежутками ужасающего здравомыслия».
В октябре 1849 года Эдгара По нашли шатающимся в бреду по улицам Балтимора. Он был не в состоянии объяснить, как он там оказался и вообще сказать что-либо вразумительное. На следующий день он скончался в местной больнице.
10. Вирджиния Вульф

За обжигающей прозой Вирджинии Вульф стоит не только уникальный творческий дух, но и извилистые повороты судьбы писательницы. Лишившись, в раннем отрочестве, матери и сестры Стеллы, она пережила ещё и сексуальное насилие со стороны сводных братьев.
На протяжении всей своей жизни Вирджиния боролась с приступами глубокой депрессии. Её не оставляли головные боли, голоса, видения, было несколько серьёзных нервных срывов и попыток самоубийства. 28 марта 1941 года Вирджиния наполнила камнями карманы своего пальто и утопилась в реке.
Life is a gifted writer (especially when it comes to literature) is always associated with greater risk for the most vulnerable in man - his mind. A climb to fame of a great writer, no matter how smooth it may seem, almost always accompanied by a dangerous flirtation with an unknown, forbidden or foolish.1. Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy
The author of "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" became famous for complex scenes with lengthy philosophical and historical digressions. Creating numerous characters (and they number more than one hundred), Tolstoy tried to escape from sadness and fear, which suffered a painful search for answers to the deepest questions of human existence.
The writer suffered from frequent, deep and prolonged bouts of depression. At the 83-year life Tolstoy decided to become a wandering ascetic. Unfortunately, this last trip was short-lived. Leo became ill with pneumonia, was forced to make a stop at a small station Astapovo, where he soon died.2. Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift
Anglo-Irish writer Jonathan Swift, famous for, among other things, a fantastic tetralogy "Gulliver's Travels" and a satirical pamphlet "A Modest Proposal."
For a long time led a life of Swift, which is slowly but surely, it plunged into a frenzy. Although, according to writer Will Durant, "certain symptoms of mental disorder appeared in 1738," nobody knows when it was passed "the point of no return."
We only know that by 1742 the writer's state of mind was far away from rationality and stability. Durant describes, for example, the episode when the "five people detained Swift, who tried to snatch his bloodshot eyes." After that incident, a writer and stopped for a year did not utter a single word.3. Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick
In late February 1974, when the science fiction writer Philip K. Dick, who suffers from dependence on amphetamines, vacationing at his home after the removal of wisdom teeth, he has gone through a number of bright hallucinations.
They were repeated over the next few months - a distinct geometric shapes superimposed on the scene of religious content and it seemed to Dick, gave a new understanding of church history and literature.
"It seemed to me that I was mad all my life and suddenly found a reason" - as described by Dick offensive attack. He claimed that from that time began to live a double life in which one-half belonged to himself, and another - a Christian persecuted for his faith in Rome. During this period, were written the novel "Radio Free Albemuta" trilogy and "Valis".4. Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Fantasy, mystery and horror in Lovecraft's intertwined in a bizarre entity. The writer suffered from severe sleep disorder. In the night visions, and being a writer with membranous wings, which he called "night beasts", lifted him into the air and carried on the "abominable plateau of Leng." Lovecraft woke up in a totally insane state.
However, the danger to the fragile psyche of the writer not only lurked inside. Financial affairs of the family of the writer suddenly and rapidly rolled down, living standards deteriorated sharply, which is one of the reasons for major depression, it even had almost reached the suicide. Later, the torment of life Lovecraft added bowel cancer and inflammation of the kidney, which was accompanied by pain for the rest of the writer's life.5. Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac conceived his most famous work "The Road" conventional novel in ten chapters. What emerged as a result, was a long, 36 meters, with a scroll written on it a continuous stream of consciousness (the author, and the last one typed page, pasted it to the previous tape).
This unique approach to literature does not seem quite so surprising when you consider that Kerouac underpinned their creative forces rattling cocktail of alcohol, marijuana and benzedrine.
Decommissioned from the ranks of the U.S. Navy with the wording "schizoid personality" Kerouac plunged into a life full of jazz, drugs and travel around the world.6. Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway
The psychological state of the "lumps" of American literature, too, was far from the well-being. A significant part of life Hemingway, as well as many other great artists have suffered from alcohol dependence. But there were other diagnoses - from bipolar psychosis and traumatic brain injury to the narcissistic personality disorder.
As a result, the writer put in a psychiatric clinic, where, after fifteen sessions of electroconvulsive therapy, he is lost and the memory and the ability to formulate thoughts. Soon after discharge, in July 1961, shot himself out of his beloved guns.7. The Marquis de Sade
The Marquis de Sade
The name of the Marquis de Sade is associated with some ... unique way of life. His glorified revolutionary for its time, the idea of sexual and moral freedom, which gave a detailed account of the Marquis of numerous literary opus. A "sadistic" sexual satisfaction was called, obtained by causing another person pain and humiliation.
In 1803, by order of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Marquis without a trial was first taken into custody and later declared insane and placed in the Charenton insane asylum. But even there, de Sade managed to write plays and keep all the same dissolute life until his death in 1814.8. Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath
In the famous novel "The Bell Jar," Sylvia Plath described her first suicide attempt. This happened in 1953. Clinical depression, which has suffered Sylvia tried to treat fairly new and untested methods, including electric shocks.
After a course of therapy the writer felt worse, and tried to commit suicide. At that time, the attempt failed, and psychiatric intervention has become even more intense.
Followed by several unsuccessful attempts to commit suicide, until one day, thirty-Sylvia Plath did not find dead in his apartment. Woman's head lay in the oven, from which gas is still going.9. Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe
Consciousness is the author of "dark" stories of Edgar Allan Poe, was filled with the same demons that inhabit his work. After the death of his wife the writer admitted, "For bodily properties of their impressionable I - nervous in a very remarkable degree. I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. "
In October, 1849 by Edgar Allan Poe found shaky in the streets of Baltimore delirious. He was unable to explain how he was there, and in general to say anything intelligible. The next day he died at a local hospital.10. Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
For searing prose of Virginia Woolf is not only a unique creative spirit, but also the winding turns of fate of the writer. Having lost in the early teens, his mother and sister Stella, and she suffered more sexual abuse by a half-brothers.
Throughout her life Virginia struggled with bouts of deep depression. She did not leave the headaches, the voices, visions, had some serious nervous breakdown and attempted suicide. March 28, 1941 Virginia filled the pockets of his coat with stones and drowned herself in a river.
Leo Tolstoy
The author of "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" became famous for complex scenes with lengthy philosophical and historical digressions. Creating numerous characters (and they number more than one hundred), Tolstoy tried to escape from sadness and fear, which suffered a painful search for answers to the deepest questions of human existence.
The writer suffered from frequent, deep and prolonged bouts of depression. At the 83-year life Tolstoy decided to become a wandering ascetic. Unfortunately, this last trip was short-lived. Leo became ill with pneumonia, was forced to make a stop at a small station Astapovo, where he soon died.2. Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swift
Anglo-Irish writer Jonathan Swift, famous for, among other things, a fantastic tetralogy "Gulliver's Travels" and a satirical pamphlet "A Modest Proposal."
For a long time led a life of Swift, which is slowly but surely, it plunged into a frenzy. Although, according to writer Will Durant, "certain symptoms of mental disorder appeared in 1738," nobody knows when it was passed "the point of no return."
We only know that by 1742 the writer's state of mind was far away from rationality and stability. Durant describes, for example, the episode when the "five people detained Swift, who tried to snatch his bloodshot eyes." After that incident, a writer and stopped for a year did not utter a single word.3. Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick
In late February 1974, when the science fiction writer Philip K. Dick, who suffers from dependence on amphetamines, vacationing at his home after the removal of wisdom teeth, he has gone through a number of bright hallucinations.
They were repeated over the next few months - a distinct geometric shapes superimposed on the scene of religious content and it seemed to Dick, gave a new understanding of church history and literature.
"It seemed to me that I was mad all my life and suddenly found a reason" - as described by Dick offensive attack. He claimed that from that time began to live a double life in which one-half belonged to himself, and another - a Christian persecuted for his faith in Rome. During this period, were written the novel "Radio Free Albemuta" trilogy and "Valis".4. Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Fantasy, mystery and horror in Lovecraft's intertwined in a bizarre entity. The writer suffered from severe sleep disorder. In the night visions, and being a writer with membranous wings, which he called "night beasts", lifted him into the air and carried on the "abominable plateau of Leng." Lovecraft woke up in a totally insane state.
However, the danger to the fragile psyche of the writer not only lurked inside. Financial affairs of the family of the writer suddenly and rapidly rolled down, living standards deteriorated sharply, which is one of the reasons for major depression, it even had almost reached the suicide. Later, the torment of life Lovecraft added bowel cancer and inflammation of the kidney, which was accompanied by pain for the rest of the writer's life.5. Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac
Jack Kerouac conceived his most famous work "The Road" conventional novel in ten chapters. What emerged as a result, was a long, 36 meters, with a scroll written on it a continuous stream of consciousness (the author, and the last one typed page, pasted it to the previous tape).
This unique approach to literature does not seem quite so surprising when you consider that Kerouac underpinned their creative forces rattling cocktail of alcohol, marijuana and benzedrine.
Decommissioned from the ranks of the U.S. Navy with the wording "schizoid personality" Kerouac plunged into a life full of jazz, drugs and travel around the world.6. Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway
The psychological state of the "lumps" of American literature, too, was far from the well-being. A significant part of life Hemingway, as well as many other great artists have suffered from alcohol dependence. But there were other diagnoses - from bipolar psychosis and traumatic brain injury to the narcissistic personality disorder.
As a result, the writer put in a psychiatric clinic, where, after fifteen sessions of electroconvulsive therapy, he is lost and the memory and the ability to formulate thoughts. Soon after discharge, in July 1961, shot himself out of his beloved guns.7. The Marquis de Sade
The Marquis de Sade
The name of the Marquis de Sade is associated with some ... unique way of life. His glorified revolutionary for its time, the idea of sexual and moral freedom, which gave a detailed account of the Marquis of numerous literary opus. A "sadistic" sexual satisfaction was called, obtained by causing another person pain and humiliation.
In 1803, by order of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Marquis without a trial was first taken into custody and later declared insane and placed in the Charenton insane asylum. But even there, de Sade managed to write plays and keep all the same dissolute life until his death in 1814.8. Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath
In the famous novel "The Bell Jar," Sylvia Plath described her first suicide attempt. This happened in 1953. Clinical depression, which has suffered Sylvia tried to treat fairly new and untested methods, including electric shocks.
After a course of therapy the writer felt worse, and tried to commit suicide. At that time, the attempt failed, and psychiatric intervention has become even more intense.
Followed by several unsuccessful attempts to commit suicide, until one day, thirty-Sylvia Plath did not find dead in his apartment. Woman's head lay in the oven, from which gas is still going.9. Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe
Consciousness is the author of "dark" stories of Edgar Allan Poe, was filled with the same demons that inhabit his work. After the death of his wife the writer admitted, "For bodily properties of their impressionable I - nervous in a very remarkable degree. I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. "
In October, 1849 by Edgar Allan Poe found shaky in the streets of Baltimore delirious. He was unable to explain how he was there, and in general to say anything intelligible. The next day he died at a local hospital.10. Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf
For searing prose of Virginia Woolf is not only a unique creative spirit, but also the winding turns of fate of the writer. Having lost in the early teens, his mother and sister Stella, and she suffered more sexual abuse by a half-brothers.
Throughout her life Virginia struggled with bouts of deep depression. She did not leave the headaches, the voices, visions, had some serious nervous breakdown and attempted suicide. March 28, 1941 Virginia filled the pockets of his coat with stones and drowned herself in a river.
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