1. Энцо Феррари родился 18 февраля 1898 года неподалеку от Модены. Его дед торговал овощами, а отец Альфредо работал рихтовщиком в местной железнодорожной мастерской.
2. Свою первую гонку Энцо увидел в 10 лет, а в 13 он уже умел водить. Во время Первой Мировой Войны он был уволен в запас по инвалидности. Его отец и брат погибли на войне.
3. В 1920 году он был принят гонщиком в команду Alfa Romeo и в тот же год пришел вторым на Targa Florio. В 1929 году он перестал выступать, став управляющим гоночной команды Alfa.
4. Одним из самых странных проектов Феррари для Альфы был Bimotore — одноместный болид с двумя двигателями спереди и сзади. Она была очень быстрой, но практически неуправляемой.
5. В те редкие минуты его жизни, которые не были посвящены автоспорту, Энцо любил кататься на своем любимом британском мотоцикле Rudge.

6. В 1940 году частная компания Енцо Auto Avio Construzione построила гоночный автомобиль на базе Фиата. В Mille Miglia этого года на нем выступал Альберто Аскари, который лидировал в гонке до тех пор, пока не взорвался двигатель. Феррари заявил, что виной тому были детали от Фиата…
7. Первой настоящей машиной Ferrari была Tipo 125, появившаяся в 1947 году. Двигатель V12 был спроектирован Джаочино Колумбо, а машина собрана на фабрике в Маранелло, которую отчасти финансировал Муссолини с тем, чтобы на ней также выпускалась военная техника.

Tipo 125
8. У Феррари был только один сын (официально) — Альфредино, или просто ‘Dino’, родившийся в 1932 году. Он умер от мышечной дистрофии в 1956 году и скорбящий отец с тех пор навещал его могилу практически ежедневно.
9. У Энцо, тем не менее, были романы на стороне. Он делил свое свободное время между своей женой Лаурой и любовницей Лииной Ларди… у которой от него родился сын Пиеро. Лаура умерла в 1978 году и тогда вторая семья Энцо переехала к нему в его огромную виллу.
10. Свою первую гоночную победу марка Ferrari взяла в незначительном состязании на треке Caracalla в Риме. За рулем Ferrari был Франко Кортесе.

Франко Кортесе
11. Свою первую победу на Гран-При Ferrari праздновала в 1949 году в Швейцарии, где Альберто Аскари выступал на компрессорной Ferrari 125.
12. В том же 1949 году Ferrari взяли первую победу на Le Mans. Всего в активе марки 9 побед на этом треке, включая 6 титулов подряд с 60 по 65 год.
13. Феррари сам создавал ареол загадочности вокруг своей персоны — в середине 50-х он начал постоянно носить солнечные очки на людях и продолжал так до самой смерти, даже в помещении.
14. Логотип гарцующей лошади был подарен Феррари баронессой Баракка. Ее погибший сын был летчиком-асом Первой Мировой Войн, он использовал эту лошадь на белом фоне в качестве своей лётной эмблемы.

Логотип Феррари
15. Полагают, что прозвище Энцо ‘Il Commendatore’ происходит от титула, которым его наградил фашистский король Италии Эммануэль III.
16. Мать Энцо Адальгиза и его жена Лаура ненавидели друг друга. Однако это не помешало Энцо купить большую виллу в Модене и поделить ее между ними. Адальгиза Феррари умерла в 1965 году, подавившись вареным яйцом.
17. Одной из самый уродливых Ferrari является одна из версий 166 — единственная Ferrari, кузов для которой разрабатывали в Британии.

Ferrari 166
18. При всех его достоинствах, Энцо Феррари был очень вспыльчив и придирчив. Его главный инженер Мауро Форгьери как-то сказал: «Как бизнесмен — он превосходен, но как человек — он полное ничтожество».
19. Гонщик команды Ferrari Майк Хоторн был первым британцем, выигравшем чемпионат Формулы 1. В 1953 году он вырвал победу у Фанхио, который выступал на Мерседесе.
20. Хоторн был в шоке после того, как его соратник по команде Питер Коллинс погиб на Нюрбургринге в 1958 году. Хоторн в тот же год ушел из автоспорта, но погиб в дорожной аварии всего несколько месяцев спустя.

Майк Хоторн
21. Название Testa Rossa («красная голова» по-итальянски) было впервые использовано в 1958 году. Так называли двигатель 3.5 литра V12, чьи клапанные крышки были выкрашены в ярко-красный цвет. Об этом названии снова вспомнили в 1984 году, дав его среднемоторному суперкару.

Ford GT40
22. Ford пытался купить Ferrari в 1963 году за 18 миллионов долларов, но Энцо не согласился по причине отказа американцев дать ему полный контроль над гоночным подразделением. В ответ Форд создал GT40.
23. Dino 246 под управлением Фила Хилла выиграла Гран-При Италии в 1960 году — последняя серьезная победа переднемоторной машины.
24. В 1960 году Ferrari начали поставляться в Британию. Импортером был полковник Ронни Хор, основавший автосалон Maranello Conncessionares.
25. Тракторный магнат Ферруччио Ламборгини решил построить собственный суперкар исключительно назло Феррари после того, как его жалобы касательно качества сборки нескольких Ferrari, которыми он владел, были встречены с полным безразличием со стороны Энцо.

Ферруччио Ламборгини
26. В 1958 году Джиотто Биззарини разработал модель ASA с четырехцилиндровым легкосплавным мотором объемом 1000 куб. см., развивавшим 91 л/c и разгонявшим машину до 180 км/ч. У модели был полностью углепластиковый кузов. Однако на нее была установлена запредельная цена, и в течение трех лет было продано всего 52 машины.
27. Выпущенная в 1968 году Daytona — или официально Ferrari 365GTB/4 — стала для многих неожиданностью, так как это была переднемоторная модель во время повальной моды на среднемоторную компоновку. Тем не менее, на свое время она была самой быстрой машиной в мире, развивая максимальную скорость в 278 км/ч.
28. Модель Dino 246GT была уникальна тем, что на ней не было ни одного логотипа Ferrari. Она позиционировалась, как доступная «младшая» марка, но при своем ценнике в 12 000 долларов на момент 1969 года она была в три раза дороже, чем Jaguar XJ6.

Dino 246GT
29. В 1969 году Fiat купил Ferrari, став владельцем 40% акций, увеличив в дальнейшем свой пакет до 90%. При этом Энцо остался главой и полновластным руководителем гоночного подразделения, в то время как Fiat стал заведовать дорожными машинами марки.
30. Начиная с середины 1950-х практически все дорожные Ferrari были продуктом ателье Pininfarina. В определенный момент Серджио Пининфарина даже владел 1% акций компании. Единственная модель, созданная Bertone — это 308GT4 1973 года.

31. Первая Ferrari 308GTB была представлена в углепластиковом кузове, который оказался слишком хрупким и был заменен на сталь.
32. 400GT 1976 года — первая Ferrari с автоматической КПП.
33. В 1980 году планировался выпуск четырёхдверного седана Ferrari. Концепт-седан ‘Pinin’ от Pininfarina пришелся по душе публике, но Энцо наложил запрет на этот проект.

Ferrari Pinin
34. Самая дорогая Ferrari — это 250GTO, проданная в частном порядке за почти 15 миллионов долларов. В 1990 году с аукциона Sotheby’s такая же модель ушла за 13 миллионов.
35. Выпущенная в 1987 году юбилейная модель F40 была самой дорогой машиной, продаваемой в Великобритании. Заявленная цена составляла 193 299 фунтов стерлингов.

36. Ранним утром 14 августа 1988 года Энцо Феррари мирно умер во сне. Ему было 90 лет.
37. В 1989 году Ferrari представила первую полуавтоматическую коробку для Формулы 1 в Tipo 640, установив на рулевой колонке лепестки для переключения передач. В первой же гонке с такой коробкой Найджел Мэнселл выиграл Гран-При Бразилии.
38. Ferrari была первой командой, записавшей в свой актив 100-ю победу в Гран-При (Гран-При Франции 1990 года, Ален Прост). В Бельгии спустя два года команда отмечала участие в своем 500-м заезде.
39. Самыми продаваемыми Ferrari являются модели 360 Modena/360 Spider 2000–05 годов. Их вместе было продано 17500 экземпляров. Самой продаваемой отдельной моделью является 328 GTS 86–89 годов — 6068 проданных машин.

360 Modena
40. На сегодняшний день завод ferrari предлагает 16 стандартных цветов для своих машин, но при этом может под заказ покрасить машину в любой из цветов, когда-либо применявшихся в истории марки. Для 612 Scaglietti с самого начала предлагается линейка из 10 исторических цветов.

612 Scaglietti
41. Несмотря на то, что некоторые модели считаются весьма и весьма эксклюзивными, их на самом деле было выпущено довольно много. Так с 87 по 92 годы было выпущено 1315 F40, а «сверх-редких» Daytona сделали 1284 с 68 по 73 год.
42. В 1985 году рекламная брошюра Ferrari 250LM была продана на аукционе Christie’s в Монако за 1070 фунтов стерлингов — рекорд не побит до сих пор.
43. Моторы Ferrari устанавливались на машины других марок. Lancia Stratos, Lancia Thema 8.32 и Fiat Dino использовали двигатели с завода в Маранелло. А команды Cooper, Minardi и Scuderia Italia использовали двигатели Ferrari F1. Формульный двигатель Ferrari также устанавливался в одноместный болид Lancia D50.

Ferrari F1
44. Энцо Феррари всей душой ненавидел Гран-При Британии. Англичане злорадствовали, когда штаб-квартира разработчиков шасси Ferrari F1 переместилась в Гилфорд, Великобритания, в 1988 году, чтобы быть ближе к эпицентру автосопрта.
45. Глава Ferrari сегодня — Лука ди Монтеземоло — выходец из семьи, владеющей Фиатом (семейство Аньелли). С 1973 по 77 год он был личным помощником Энцо, успешно руководя командой F1, будучи тогда лишь 26 лет от роду.

Лука ди Монтеземоло
46. К 50-летнему юбилею Ferrari выпустила F50 — всего 349 машин с розничным ценником в 680 000 долларов. Максимальная скорость этой модели составляет 323 км/ч, разгон до сотни — 3.7 сек.
47. Блюзовый гитарист Крис Ри настолько проникся историей немецкого герцога Вольфганга фон Трипса и его «носатой» Ferrari, в которой он погиб в 1961 году, что полностью спонсировал фильм о нем — La Passione (1997 год).
48. Для тех, кто не может позволить себе владеть Ferrari, существуют службы проката. Например, в Великобритании Dino 246GTS стоит около 1000 долларов на день.

Dino 246GTS
49. Ferrari в одном время использовали в своих брошюрах иллюстрации из мануалов Lamborghini.
50. В настоящее время о Ferrari выпускается больше книг, чем о любой другой марке, за исключением Porsche. Только в этом году в книжных магазинах Европы появилось 100 новых печатных изданий — от самого дешевого журнала Cavallio за 10 долларов, до книги Dino: The V6 Ferrari стоимостью около 70 долларов.

Dino: The V6 Ferrari
51. С 1997 по 2005 год Maserati находилась под управлением Ferrari, но затем Fiat перевел эту марку в подразделение Alfa Romeo.
52. Система наименований моделей Ferrari имеет свою логику и историю. Первая модель 125 называлась так, потому что объем одного цилиндра ее мотора был равен 125 куб.см. Однако, начиная с Dino, вся линейка «маленьких» Ferrari пошла своим путем — 246 Dino означало 2.4 литра 6 цилиндров, подобным же образом названы модели 308, 328 и 348. А F355 означает 3.5 литра и 5 клапанов на цилиндр.
53. С середины 50-х гоночные модели Ferrari использовали схожую систему наименования: Tipo 158 — 1.5 литра, 8 цилиндров; Tipo 1512 — 1.5 литра, 12 цилиндров. В 80-х болиды F1 640 и 641 просто использовали в качестве своих названий проектные коды соответствующих моделей.

Ferrari F1 640
54. Самой дорогой оригинальной новой запчастью в каталоге Ferrari на сегодняшний день является двигатель для 599GTB Fiorano — около 70 000 долларов.
55. В 1985 году с аукциона Sotheby’s была продана Ferrari 330GT (на ходу) за всего 10 000 фунтов — рекорд аукциона, примерно половина ее оценочной стоимости. За эти деньги тогда можно было купить новый Ford Granada.

56. За всю историю в команде Ferrari было 13 британских гонщиков.
57. Команда Ferrari не имеет себе равных в достижениях в Формуле 1. У нее больше всего кубков конструкторов, кубков пилотов, выигранных поулов, и выигранных заездов. В 2004 году Ferrari наконец обошли Ford Cosworth в борьбе за звание лучшего производителя гоночных моторов — 182 победы за моторами Ferrari против 176 на счету Ford.
58. Худшим сезоном F1 для Ferrari был 1980 год — всего 8 очков в кубке конструкторов, 2004 — лучший год с 262 очками.
59. Самой мощной дорожной Ferrari из когда-либо выпущенных является на сегодняшний день 660-сильная Enzo. Выпускаемая сегодня 612-сильная 599GTB Fiorano занимает 11 место в списке самых мощных когда-либо выпущенных дорожных машин, перед ней 10 место занимает 617-сильный Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren.

599GTB Fiorano
60. В 2006 году Ferrari продала 5671 машин. На каждую проданную 12-цилиндровую Ferrari приходится три 8-цилиндровых.
1. Enzo Ferrari was born February 18, 1898 near Modena. His grandfather sold vegetables and Alfredo's father worked at the local railway rihtovschikom workshop.
2. His first race saw the Enzo at age 10, and 13, he already knew how to drive. During the First World War, he was discharged on disability. His father and brother were killed in the war.
3. In 1920 he was accepted into the team racer Alfa Romeo and in the same year, came second in the Targa Florio. In 1929, he ceased to speak, becoming the manager of the racing team Alfa.
4. One of the strangest projects for Ferrari, Alfa was Bimotore - single-seater twin-engine, front and rear. It was very fast, but almost unmanageable.
5. In those rare moments of his life that were not devoted to motor racing, Enzo loved to ride his beloved motorcycle British Rudge.Rudge Motorcycle
6. In 1940, the privately held company Entso Auto Avio Construzione built race car based on Fiat. In this year's Mille Miglia acted on it, Alberto Ascari, who was leading the race until the engine has not exploded. Ferrari said that the reason for it was part of the Fiat ...
7. One of this car was Ferrari Tipo 125, which appeared in 1947. The V12 was designed Dzhaochino Columbo, and the machine assembled at the factory in Maranello, which is partly financed by Mussolini to the fact that on it also produced military equipment.Tipo 125
Tipo 125
8. Ferrari have had only one son (officially) - Alfredino, or simply 'Dino', who was born in 1932. He died of muscular dystrophy in 1956, and the grieving father has since visited his grave almost daily.
9. In Enzo, however, were the novels on the side. He divided his time between his wife and his mistress, Laura Ling Lardy ... in which a son of Piura. Laura died in 1978 and then a second family Enzo moved in with him in his great villa.
10. His first racing victory mark Ferrari took a little competition on the track Caracalla in Rome. The Ferrari was Franco Cortez.Franco Cortez
Franco Cortez
11. His first victory at the Grand Prix Ferrari celebrated in 1949 in Switzerland, where Alberto Ascari Ferrari appeared at the compressor 125.
12. In the same 1949 Ferrari took the first victory at Le Mans. Total assets in grades 9 wins on this track, including six consecutive titles from 60 to 65 per year.
13. Ferrari himself created mystery around her areolas person - in the mid-50s, he began to wear sunglasses in public, and so continued until his death, even in the room.
14. Prancing horse logo was presented by Baroness Ferrari Baracca. Her dead son was an ace pilot in World War I, he used the horse on a white background as his flying logos.Ferrari logo
Ferrari logo
15. It is believed that the nickname Enzo 'Il Commendatore' comes from the title, which he was awarded the King of Italy Fascist Emmanuel III.
16. Enzo Adalgiza mother and his wife Laura hated each other. However, this did not prevent Enzo buy a large villa in Modena and divide it between them. Adalgiza Ferrari died in 1965, choking on a boiled egg.
17. One of the most ugliest Ferrari is one of the versions of 166 - the only Ferrari, for which the body developed in Britain.Ferrari 166
Ferrari 166
18. For all its merits, Enzo Ferrari was a very hot-tempered and picky. His chief engineer Mauro Forgeri once said: "As a businessman - he is superb, but as a person - he utter nothingness."
19. Ferrari team rider Mike Hawthorn was the first Briton to win the championship of Formula 1. In 1953, he snatched victory from Fangio, who was speaking in a Mercedes.
20. Hawthorne was in shock after his colleague Peter Collins on the team was killed at the Nurburgring in 1958. Hawthorne in the same year retired from racing, but was killed in a road accident a few months later.Mike Hawthorn
Mike Hawthorn
21. Name Testa Rossa («red head" in Italian) was first used in 1958. So called engine of 3.5 liter V12, whose valve covers were painted bright red. About this title again recalled in 1984, giving it a mid-supercar.Ford GT40
Ford GT40
22. Ford tried to buy Ferrari in 1963 for $ 18 million, but Enzo refused to because of the refusal of Americans to give him complete control over the racing division. In response, Ford has created a GT40.
23. Dino 246 under the control of Phil Hill won the Italian Grand Prix in 1960 - the last major victory front-machine.
24. In 1960 Ferrari was shipped to Britain. Importer Colonel Ronnie Hoare, the founder of dealership Maranello Conncessionares.
25. Tractor magnate Ferruccio Lamborghini decided to build his own supercar Ferrari solely out of spite after his complaints about the build quality of several Ferrari, which he owned, were met with indifference on the part of Enzo.Ferruccio Lamborghini
Ferruccio Lamborghini
26. In 1958 Giotto Bizzarini ASA developed a model with a four light-alloy engine volume of 1000 cubic meters. See who developed 91 l / c and the car accelerates to 180 km / h. The model has been completely carbon fiber body. However, it was set exorbitant price, and within three years had been sold just 52 cars.
27. Launched in 1968 Daytona - or officially Ferrari 365GTB / 4 - was a surprise to many because it was the front-model in endemic fashion on a mid-linking. However, at one time it was the fastest car in the world, developing a maximum speed of 278 km / h.
28. Dino 246GT model was unique in that in it there was no logo Ferrari. It is positioned as available "junior" brand, but its price tag of 12,000 dollars at the time of 1969 it was three times more expensive than the Jaguar XJ6.Dino 246GT
Dino 246GT
29. In 1969, Fiat bought Ferrari, becoming the owner of a 40% stake, increasing its stake further to 90%. At the same time Enzo was the head of the sovereign and head of the racing division, while Fiat became the head of road vehicles of the brand.
30. Since the mid-1950s virtually all road Ferrari were the product of studio Pininfarina. At some point, Sergio Pininfarina, even owned a 1% stake in the company. The only model, created by Bertone - a 308GT4 1973.308GT4
31. The first Ferrari 308GTB was presented in carbon-fiber body, which proved to be too fragile and was replaced by steel.
32. 400GT 1976 - the first Ferrari with an automatic transmission.
33. In 1980 he planned to issue four-door sedan Ferrari. Sedan Concept 'Pinin' by Pininfarina liked the public, but Enzo imposed a ban on this project.Ferrari Pinin
Ferrari Pinin
34. The most expensive Ferrari - it 250GTO, sold privately for about $ 15 million. In 1990, Sotheby's auction with the same model sold for 13 million.
35. Launched in 1987, the anniversary model F40 was the most expensive car sold in the UK. The stated price was 193,299 pounds.F40
36. In the early morning August 14, 1988 Enzo Ferrari died peacefully in his sleep. He was 90 years old.
37. In 1989, Ferrari introduced the first semi-automatic for F1 in the Tipo 640, setting the petals on the steering column to switch gears. In the first race with a box of Nigel Mansell won the Grand Prix of Brazil.
38. Ferrari was the first team, wrote in his asset 100th victory in the Grand Prix (Grand Prix of France in 1990, Alain Prost). In Belgium, two years later, the team celebrated its part in the 500-m race.
39. Ferrari are the best selling model 360 Modena/360 Spider 2000-05 period. They were sold with 17 500 copies. The best-selling single model is the 328 GTS 86-89 years - 6068 units sold.360 Modena
360 Modena
40. Today the factory ferrari offers 16 standard colors for their cars, but can custom paint a car in any color ever used in the brand's history. For the 612 Scaglietti at the outset offers a range of 10 historic colors.612 Scaglietti
612 Scaglietti
41. Despite the fact that some models are very, very exclusive, they actually fired a lot. So from 87 to 92 years, was released in 1315 F40, a "super-rare» Daytona made in 1284 to 68 in '73.
42. In 1985, promotional brochure Ferrari 250LM was sold at Christie's auction in Monaco for 1070 pounds - a record not broken until now.
43. Ferrari engines were installed on cars of other brands. Lancia Stratos, Lancia Thema 8.32 and Fiat Dino, used engines from the factory in Maranello. A team Cooper, Minardi and Scuderia Italia engines used Ferrari F1. Ferrari Formula One engine is also installed in the single-seater Lancia D50.Ferrari F1
Ferrari F1
44. Enzo Ferrari wholeheartedly hated the British Grand Prix. British gloated when the headquarters of the Ferrari F1 chassis developers moved in Guildford, United Kingdom, in 1988, to be closer to the epicenter avtosoprta.
45. The head of Ferrari today - Luca di Montezemolo - comes from a family that owns Fiat (Agnelli family). From 1973 to '77 he was the personal assistant to Enzo, successfully leading the team of F1, being then only 26 years old.Luca di Montezemolo
Luca di Montezemolo
46. On the 50th anniversary of Ferrari has released F50 - only 349 cars with a retail price tag of 680 000 dollars. The maximum speed of this model is 323 km / h, acceleration to hundreds - 3.7 sec.
47. Blues guitarist Chris Rea is so imbued with the history of the German Wolfgang von Trips of the Duke and his "big-nosed» Ferrari, where he died in 1961, which is fully sponsored film about him - La Passione (1997).
48. For those who can not afford to own a Ferrari, there are rental services. For example, in the UK Dino 246GTS costs about $ 1,000 per day.Dino 246GTS
Dino 246GTS
49. Ferrari at one time used in their brochures, manuals illustrations from Lamborghini.
50. Currently, about Ferrari produced more books than about any other brand, except for Porsche. This year alone, in the bookstores of Europe appeared 100 new publications - from the cheapest magazine Cavallio for $ 10, before the book Dino: The V6 Ferrari worth around $ 70.Dino: The V6 Ferrari
Dino: The V6 Ferrari
51. From 1997 to 2005, Maserati has been run by Ferrari, but then turned the brand Fiat division in Alfa Romeo.
52. System model name Ferrari has its own logic and history. The first model 125 is so named because the volume of one cylinder of the engine is equal to 125 cc However, from Dino, the entire line of "little» Ferrari went its own way - 246 Dino mean 2.4-liter 6-cylinder, similarly named models 308, 328 and 348. A mean F355 3.5 liter and 5 valves per cylinder.
53. Since the mid 50's racing Ferrari models used a similar naming system: Tipo 158 - 1.5 liters, 8 cylinders; Tipo 1512 - 1.5-liter, 12 cylinder. In the 80's F1 car 640 and 641 just used his name as the design codes of the corresponding models.Ferrari F1 640
Ferrari F1 640
54. The most expensive new parts in the original catalog Ferrari is currently the engine for the 599GTB Fiorano - 70 000.
55. In 1985, at auction Sotheby's sold Ferrari 330GT (on track) for 10 000 pounds - a record auction, about half its appraised value. For this money, then you could buy a new Ford Granada.330GT
56. In the entire history of Ferrari team have been 13 British riders.
57. Ferrari team is unmatched in the achievements in Formula 1. Her most Constructors' Championship, Cup drivers, won pole positions and won races. In 2004, Ferrari finally bypassed Ford Cosworth in the fight for the best manufacturer of racing engines - the 182 wins for Ferrari engines against 176 for the account Ford.
58. The worst season for the Ferrari F1 was in 1980 - just 8 points in the Constructors' Championship, 2004 - the best year with 262 points.
59. The most powerful Ferrari road ever released today is the 660-strong Enzo. Manufactured today 612-strong 599GTB Fiorano ranks 11th in the list of the most powerful ever produced road cars, before it takes the 10th place 617-strong Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren.599GTB Fiorano
599GTB Fiorano
60. In 2006 Ferrari sold 5671 cars. At each sold a 12-cylinder Ferrari has three 8-cylinder.
2. His first race saw the Enzo at age 10, and 13, he already knew how to drive. During the First World War, he was discharged on disability. His father and brother were killed in the war.
3. In 1920 he was accepted into the team racer Alfa Romeo and in the same year, came second in the Targa Florio. In 1929, he ceased to speak, becoming the manager of the racing team Alfa.
4. One of the strangest projects for Ferrari, Alfa was Bimotore - single-seater twin-engine, front and rear. It was very fast, but almost unmanageable.
5. In those rare moments of his life that were not devoted to motor racing, Enzo loved to ride his beloved motorcycle British Rudge.Rudge Motorcycle
6. In 1940, the privately held company Entso Auto Avio Construzione built race car based on Fiat. In this year's Mille Miglia acted on it, Alberto Ascari, who was leading the race until the engine has not exploded. Ferrari said that the reason for it was part of the Fiat ...
7. One of this car was Ferrari Tipo 125, which appeared in 1947. The V12 was designed Dzhaochino Columbo, and the machine assembled at the factory in Maranello, which is partly financed by Mussolini to the fact that on it also produced military equipment.Tipo 125
Tipo 125
8. Ferrari have had only one son (officially) - Alfredino, or simply 'Dino', who was born in 1932. He died of muscular dystrophy in 1956, and the grieving father has since visited his grave almost daily.
9. In Enzo, however, were the novels on the side. He divided his time between his wife and his mistress, Laura Ling Lardy ... in which a son of Piura. Laura died in 1978 and then a second family Enzo moved in with him in his great villa.
10. His first racing victory mark Ferrari took a little competition on the track Caracalla in Rome. The Ferrari was Franco Cortez.Franco Cortez
Franco Cortez
11. His first victory at the Grand Prix Ferrari celebrated in 1949 in Switzerland, where Alberto Ascari Ferrari appeared at the compressor 125.
12. In the same 1949 Ferrari took the first victory at Le Mans. Total assets in grades 9 wins on this track, including six consecutive titles from 60 to 65 per year.
13. Ferrari himself created mystery around her areolas person - in the mid-50s, he began to wear sunglasses in public, and so continued until his death, even in the room.
14. Prancing horse logo was presented by Baroness Ferrari Baracca. Her dead son was an ace pilot in World War I, he used the horse on a white background as his flying logos.Ferrari logo
Ferrari logo
15. It is believed that the nickname Enzo 'Il Commendatore' comes from the title, which he was awarded the King of Italy Fascist Emmanuel III.
16. Enzo Adalgiza mother and his wife Laura hated each other. However, this did not prevent Enzo buy a large villa in Modena and divide it between them. Adalgiza Ferrari died in 1965, choking on a boiled egg.
17. One of the most ugliest Ferrari is one of the versions of 166 - the only Ferrari, for which the body developed in Britain.Ferrari 166
Ferrari 166
18. For all its merits, Enzo Ferrari was a very hot-tempered and picky. His chief engineer Mauro Forgeri once said: "As a businessman - he is superb, but as a person - he utter nothingness."
19. Ferrari team rider Mike Hawthorn was the first Briton to win the championship of Formula 1. In 1953, he snatched victory from Fangio, who was speaking in a Mercedes.
20. Hawthorne was in shock after his colleague Peter Collins on the team was killed at the Nurburgring in 1958. Hawthorne in the same year retired from racing, but was killed in a road accident a few months later.Mike Hawthorn
Mike Hawthorn
21. Name Testa Rossa («red head" in Italian) was first used in 1958. So called engine of 3.5 liter V12, whose valve covers were painted bright red. About this title again recalled in 1984, giving it a mid-supercar.Ford GT40
Ford GT40
22. Ford tried to buy Ferrari in 1963 for $ 18 million, but Enzo refused to because of the refusal of Americans to give him complete control over the racing division. In response, Ford has created a GT40.
23. Dino 246 under the control of Phil Hill won the Italian Grand Prix in 1960 - the last major victory front-machine.
24. In 1960 Ferrari was shipped to Britain. Importer Colonel Ronnie Hoare, the founder of dealership Maranello Conncessionares.
25. Tractor magnate Ferruccio Lamborghini decided to build his own supercar Ferrari solely out of spite after his complaints about the build quality of several Ferrari, which he owned, were met with indifference on the part of Enzo.Ferruccio Lamborghini
Ferruccio Lamborghini
26. In 1958 Giotto Bizzarini ASA developed a model with a four light-alloy engine volume of 1000 cubic meters. See who developed 91 l / c and the car accelerates to 180 km / h. The model has been completely carbon fiber body. However, it was set exorbitant price, and within three years had been sold just 52 cars.
27. Launched in 1968 Daytona - or officially Ferrari 365GTB / 4 - was a surprise to many because it was the front-model in endemic fashion on a mid-linking. However, at one time it was the fastest car in the world, developing a maximum speed of 278 km / h.
28. Dino 246GT model was unique in that in it there was no logo Ferrari. It is positioned as available "junior" brand, but its price tag of 12,000 dollars at the time of 1969 it was three times more expensive than the Jaguar XJ6.Dino 246GT
Dino 246GT
29. In 1969, Fiat bought Ferrari, becoming the owner of a 40% stake, increasing its stake further to 90%. At the same time Enzo was the head of the sovereign and head of the racing division, while Fiat became the head of road vehicles of the brand.
30. Since the mid-1950s virtually all road Ferrari were the product of studio Pininfarina. At some point, Sergio Pininfarina, even owned a 1% stake in the company. The only model, created by Bertone - a 308GT4 1973.308GT4
31. The first Ferrari 308GTB was presented in carbon-fiber body, which proved to be too fragile and was replaced by steel.
32. 400GT 1976 - the first Ferrari with an automatic transmission.
33. In 1980 he planned to issue four-door sedan Ferrari. Sedan Concept 'Pinin' by Pininfarina liked the public, but Enzo imposed a ban on this project.Ferrari Pinin
Ferrari Pinin
34. The most expensive Ferrari - it 250GTO, sold privately for about $ 15 million. In 1990, Sotheby's auction with the same model sold for 13 million.
35. Launched in 1987, the anniversary model F40 was the most expensive car sold in the UK. The stated price was 193,299 pounds.F40
36. In the early morning August 14, 1988 Enzo Ferrari died peacefully in his sleep. He was 90 years old.
37. In 1989, Ferrari introduced the first semi-automatic for F1 in the Tipo 640, setting the petals on the steering column to switch gears. In the first race with a box of Nigel Mansell won the Grand Prix of Brazil.
38. Ferrari was the first team, wrote in his asset 100th victory in the Grand Prix (Grand Prix of France in 1990, Alain Prost). In Belgium, two years later, the team celebrated its part in the 500-m race.
39. Ferrari are the best selling model 360 Modena/360 Spider 2000-05 period. They were sold with 17 500 copies. The best-selling single model is the 328 GTS 86-89 years - 6068 units sold.360 Modena
360 Modena
40. Today the factory ferrari offers 16 standard colors for their cars, but can custom paint a car in any color ever used in the brand's history. For the 612 Scaglietti at the outset offers a range of 10 historic colors.612 Scaglietti
612 Scaglietti
41. Despite the fact that some models are very, very exclusive, they actually fired a lot. So from 87 to 92 years, was released in 1315 F40, a "super-rare» Daytona made in 1284 to 68 in '73.
42. In 1985, promotional brochure Ferrari 250LM was sold at Christie's auction in Monaco for 1070 pounds - a record not broken until now.
43. Ferrari engines were installed on cars of other brands. Lancia Stratos, Lancia Thema 8.32 and Fiat Dino, used engines from the factory in Maranello. A team Cooper, Minardi and Scuderia Italia engines used Ferrari F1. Ferrari Formula One engine is also installed in the single-seater Lancia D50.Ferrari F1
Ferrari F1
44. Enzo Ferrari wholeheartedly hated the British Grand Prix. British gloated when the headquarters of the Ferrari F1 chassis developers moved in Guildford, United Kingdom, in 1988, to be closer to the epicenter avtosoprta.
45. The head of Ferrari today - Luca di Montezemolo - comes from a family that owns Fiat (Agnelli family). From 1973 to '77 he was the personal assistant to Enzo, successfully leading the team of F1, being then only 26 years old.Luca di Montezemolo
Luca di Montezemolo
46. On the 50th anniversary of Ferrari has released F50 - only 349 cars with a retail price tag of 680 000 dollars. The maximum speed of this model is 323 km / h, acceleration to hundreds - 3.7 sec.
47. Blues guitarist Chris Rea is so imbued with the history of the German Wolfgang von Trips of the Duke and his "big-nosed» Ferrari, where he died in 1961, which is fully sponsored film about him - La Passione (1997).
48. For those who can not afford to own a Ferrari, there are rental services. For example, in the UK Dino 246GTS costs about $ 1,000 per day.Dino 246GTS
Dino 246GTS
49. Ferrari at one time used in their brochures, manuals illustrations from Lamborghini.
50. Currently, about Ferrari produced more books than about any other brand, except for Porsche. This year alone, in the bookstores of Europe appeared 100 new publications - from the cheapest magazine Cavallio for $ 10, before the book Dino: The V6 Ferrari worth around $ 70.Dino: The V6 Ferrari
Dino: The V6 Ferrari
51. From 1997 to 2005, Maserati has been run by Ferrari, but then turned the brand Fiat division in Alfa Romeo.
52. System model name Ferrari has its own logic and history. The first model 125 is so named because the volume of one cylinder of the engine is equal to 125 cc However, from Dino, the entire line of "little» Ferrari went its own way - 246 Dino mean 2.4-liter 6-cylinder, similarly named models 308, 328 and 348. A mean F355 3.5 liter and 5 valves per cylinder.
53. Since the mid 50's racing Ferrari models used a similar naming system: Tipo 158 - 1.5 liters, 8 cylinders; Tipo 1512 - 1.5-liter, 12 cylinder. In the 80's F1 car 640 and 641 just used his name as the design codes of the corresponding models.Ferrari F1 640
Ferrari F1 640
54. The most expensive new parts in the original catalog Ferrari is currently the engine for the 599GTB Fiorano - 70 000.
55. In 1985, at auction Sotheby's sold Ferrari 330GT (on track) for 10 000 pounds - a record auction, about half its appraised value. For this money, then you could buy a new Ford Granada.330GT
56. In the entire history of Ferrari team have been 13 British riders.
57. Ferrari team is unmatched in the achievements in Formula 1. Her most Constructors' Championship, Cup drivers, won pole positions and won races. In 2004, Ferrari finally bypassed Ford Cosworth in the fight for the best manufacturer of racing engines - the 182 wins for Ferrari engines against 176 for the account Ford.
58. The worst season for the Ferrari F1 was in 1980 - just 8 points in the Constructors' Championship, 2004 - the best year with 262 points.
59. The most powerful Ferrari road ever released today is the 660-strong Enzo. Manufactured today 612-strong 599GTB Fiorano ranks 11th in the list of the most powerful ever produced road cars, before it takes the 10th place 617-strong Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren.599GTB Fiorano
599GTB Fiorano
60. In 2006 Ferrari sold 5671 cars. At each sold a 12-cylinder Ferrari has three 8-cylinder.
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