Фотографы, снимая детей, нередко говорят фразу «А сейчас вылетит птичка!». Откуда появилось это выражение?..
В начале XX века, когда фотоаппараты, фотографы и фотоателье уже стали широко распространены, а в доме стало модным иметь фотографии, сам процесс получения карточки был далек от совершенства. Во время съемки надо было на некоторое время замереть, иначе фотография не получалась. Если взрослые послушно принимали нужную позу на несколько секунд, то детям неподвижность давалась во все времена гораздо труднее. Особенно, если фото групповое. Так вот, в 20-х годах прошлого века находчивые фотографы привлекали внимание детей латунной птичкой, поставленной около объектива. Интересный факт: мало того, что игрушка была блестящая, она еще и издавала свист, схожий с пением настоящих птиц.
Photographers, removing children often say the phrase "Now fly little bird!". Where did this expression?
In the early XX century, when the cameras, photographers and photo studios have become widespread, and the house has become fashionable to have a photograph, the process of receiving the card was far from perfect. During the shoot I had at some time stand still, otherwise the picture is not obtained. If adults dutifully took the necessary posture for a few seconds, then the children were given the immobility at all times much more difficult. Especially if the group photo. So, in the 20s of last century, resourceful photographers have attracted the attention of children, brass bird, set around the lens. Interesting fact: not only that the toy was brilliant, it also published a whistle, similar to the singing of these
In the early XX century, when the cameras, photographers and photo studios have become widespread, and the house has become fashionable to have a photograph, the process of receiving the card was far from perfect. During the shoot I had at some time stand still, otherwise the picture is not obtained. If adults dutifully took the necessary posture for a few seconds, then the children were given the immobility at all times much more difficult. Especially if the group photo. So, in the 20s of last century, resourceful photographers have attracted the attention of children, brass bird, set around the lens. Interesting fact: not only that the toy was brilliant, it also published a whistle, similar to the singing of these
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