Лес на 55 этаже, писательская страсть, гангстерский дух, бразильский карнавал и другие особенности современных казино...
Однажды молодой и азартный англичанин по имени Эшли Рэвелл решил круто изменить свою жизнь. Он продал все, что у него было, включая дом и одежду, и, приехав в Лас-Вегас, одним махом поставил все вырученные $135 000 на красное. И выиграл в два раза больше! Еще больший выигрыш ждал анонимного американского парня из Лос-Анжелеса, который приехал в Лас-Вегас на баскетбольную игру, а в казино зашел только для того, чтобы убить время.
Впрочем, душераздирающих историй о невероятных проигрышах в казино в истории тоже предостаточно.
Существуют ли казино ради эксплуатации веры человека в свою собственную исключительность или просто как еще один способ развлечься — зависит от того, кому предстоит отвечать на этот вопрос. Кто-то теряет здесь голову, а заодно и все остальное, кто-то просто приятно проводит время. При этом современные казино позволяют полноценно отдохнуть, так ни разу и не сев за игровой стол, и придумывают все новые и новые способы привлечения игроков. С этой точки зрения журнал Forbes отобрал по всему миру 7 самых примечательных казино.
Venetian Macao (Макао, Китай)

Младший брат лас-вегасского The Venetian сумел вымахать куда здоровее своего именитого родственника. Шутка ли: это самое большое в мире казино и пятое по величине строение на планете. Четыре тематических зала — Imperial House, Red Dragon, Phoenix и Golden Fish — занимают площадь восьми среднестатистических игорных домов, и вмещают 3400 автоматов и 800 игровых столов. Впрочем, размеры Venetian Macao вовсе не призваны побить архитектурные рекорды: владелец казино, корпорация Las Vegas Sands, просто пришла сюда зарабатывать рекордно большие деньги.
С тех пор, как в 1850 году португальская администрация легализовала здесь азартные игры, Макао заработал репутацию «Восточного Монте-Карло», и на сегодняшний день почти 50% доходов региона приходится на местные игорные заведения. Более того, доходы от игрового бизнеса там уже перебили показатели Лас-Вегаса и продолжают расти.
Неудивительно, что конкуренция среди казино здесь невероятно высока, поэтому каждое заведение старается придумать что-то помимо обычных блекджеков и слотсов. В Venetian Macao (кроме, ясное дело, венецианской тематики и соответствующих развлечений, вроде поездок на гондолах по искусственным каналам) это еще и эксклюзивное шоу Cirque du Soleil под милым русскому уху названием «Zaia». Полуторачасовое представление о жизни, космосе и бесконечности исполняют 75 актеров, и своим размахом действо не уступает глобальности заявленных тем.
Кроме того, именно здесь ежегодно проводят конкурс красоты «Мисс Макао», а для любителей футбола имеется уникальный аттракцион The Manchester United Experience, позволяющий оказаться на виртуальном поле в форме футболиста одной из величайших команд мира.
Подробнее: www.venetianmacao.com
Casino di Venezia (Венеция, Италия)

Бельгийское Casino de Spa задорно хвастается долголетием и называет себя старейшим в мире, хотя это не так: почти четыреста лет назад, в 1638-м году, в Венеции открылось Casino di Venezia. И это действительно почтенный возраст по сравнению с парой веков существования казино в Спа. К тому же само здание, в котором расположилось венецианское казино, значительно старше — роскошное палаццо Вендрамин-Калерджи было построено в 1509-м году по проекту Мауро Кодуччи, автора знаменитой церкви Сан-Заккариа.
Еще одно известное имя, связанное с палаццо — Рихард Вагнер. Связь эта, впрочем, весьма печальна: немецкий композитор, неоднократно посещавший Венецию, последний свой вздох испустил именно в стенах Вендрамин-Калерджи. Сейчас в том самом мезонине, где останавливался Вагнер с семьей, располагается музей, посвященный его жизни, творчеству и, отчасти, смерти.
До недавнего времени у Венецианского казино было два брата, однако первый, Casino del Lido, окруженный золотыми песками острова Лидо, к великому сожалению игроков закрылся 11 лет назад. Второе отделение — Casino di Ca’ Noghera — находится прямо рядом с аэропортом Марко Поло, и вполне себе здравствует. Казино это спроектировано по принципу американских: большое количество игровых автоматов (400, если быть точным), блэкджек, карибский покер и рулетка; всего более тысячи игровых мест. Вдобавок, здесь постоянно демонстрируют последние достижения игровой технологии, как, например, полностью автоматизированную электронную рулетку «Pepo» или 9-местный слотс-аналог американской телеигры «Wheel of Fortune».
Подробнее: www.casinovenezia.it
Circus Circus Casino (Лас-Вегас, США)

1-го октября 1993-го года произошло самое крупное ограбление казино за всю историю: преступники унесли около $3 млн. Идеальное преступление совершила 21-летняя Хизер Толчиф и ее избранник Роберто Солис — убийца, вор и поэт. Они познакомились в Сан-Франциско, спустя пару месяцев переехали в Лас-Вегас, а еще через пару месяцев их имена узнала вся страна. В Лас-Вегасе Хизер устроилась на работу водителем инкассаторской машины и в один прекрасный день попросту уехала с кучей купюр, предназначенных для заправки банкоматов. Затем, переодевшись в старушку на инвалидном кресле и ее доктора, Толчиф и Солис беспрепятственно улетели из США. Хизер, правда, вернулась спустя 12 лет с чистосердечным признанием и без гроша в кармане, а Роберто Солиса ищут по сей день.
Украденные парочкой купюры предназначались для банкоматов казино Circus Circus. Совпадение, безусловно, случайное — казино в Лас-Вегасе хватает. Но именно с Circus Circus — казино, снимавшемся в фильмах чаще многих знаменитых актеров — знаком практически любой человек, пусть даже он никогда и не сидел за игровым столом. Для тех же, кто никогда не ходил в кинотеатр, Circus Circus — это то самое казино, которое Хантер Томпсон описал с особой яростью в своем «Страхе и отвращении в Лас-Вегасе». Именно здесь во время игры над головой резвятся акробаты, а за небольшую сумму можно транслировать свой привет маме на огромный экран, возвышающийся над центром города. И именно здесь находящийся в состоянии измененного сознания Хантер Томпсон произнес свою знаменитую фразу разрушительной силы: «Ты только глянь: две бабы е…ут белого медведя». Разве где-то еще могло произойти самое крупное ограбление казино за всю историю?
Подробнее: www.circuscircus.com
Tusk Rio Casino Resort (Клерксдорп, ЮАР)

Сознание обычного европейца в стенах южноафриканского казино Tusk Rio испытывает серьезные затруднения: кругом Африка, экзотическая обстановка, абсолютно другая культура, где-то недалеко бродят слоны. Но посреди этого — карнавал в Рио-де-Жанейро. Такой коктейль выдержит не каждый, и голова идет кругом. Но именно на такой эффект, видимо, и рассчитывали владельцы самого крупного казино в Южном полушарии.
Работающий круглосуточно игорный дом имеет в своем распоряжении множество способов развлечь посетителей: около 300 игровых автоматов, столы для покера, блэкджека и десятка других карточных игр, еженедельные чемпионаты (в том числе, и по игре в пул) — и все это в атмосфере беззаботного и бесконечного бразильского карнавала. Есть здесь, конечно, и эксклюзивный салон для самых серьезных игроков, и отдельные детские площадки для самых маленьких посетителей, где можно оставить ребенка, не боясь, что ему хоть на секунду станет скучно без папы, просаживающего отпускные или казенные в игровых автоматах.
Кстати, Tusk Rio не ограничивается одним лишь казино — это место для семейного отдыха. В комплексе достаточно других аттракционов, чтобы за время отпуска ни разу не посетить игральные залы: от пэйнтбольных баталий до игры в гольф, дайвинга и нарезания кругов на спортивном карте. Кроме того, город Клерксдорп, в окрестностях которого располагается курорт, известен своими золотоносными шахтами; одну из самых старых шахт можно запросто посетить и своими глазами увидеть, как в XVIII веке добывали этот металл.
Подробнее: www.riocasino.co.za
Baden Baden Casino (Баден-Баден, Германия)

В октябре 1866-го года Федор Михайлович Достоевский оказался в очень затруднительном положении: его жена и брат недавно скончались, оставив писателю на попечение детей и созданный братом журнал «Эпоха», который требовал значительных вложений. Ко всему прочему добавилась еще и пагубная страсть: пребывая в состоянии депрессии, знаменитый писатель и заодно азартный игрок спустил свои последние сбережения в казино Баден-Бадена — самого модного на тот момент курорта. Ситуация также осложнялась и договором с издателем Стелловским — в случае, если Достоевский не сдает ему новый роман до первого ноября, то он получает право переиздавать все сочинения писателя без возмещения гонорара. Пытаясь справиться с навалившимися делами, Федор Михайлович, наняв по совету друга стенографистку, в течение 21 дня диктует ей историю, основанную на собственном печальном опыте. 31 октября произведение закончено и переписано начисто, 1-го ноября роман под названием «Игрок» лежит на столе Стелловского, а уже через неделю Достоевский делает предложение стенографистке — Анне Сниткиной. В скором времени они женятся, едут в свадебное путешествие в тот же Баден-Баден, где писатель опять проигрывается в пух и прах. Дав жене зарок никогда больше не приближаться к рулетке, которому писатель действительно следовал до конца жизни, Достоевский пишет роман «Идиот».
Казино в Баден-Бадене существует с 1821-го года, и за это время, помимо Достоевского, привлекало множество знаменитых посетителей. Марлен Дитрих называла это казино самым красивым в мире, добавляя, что все остальные уже видела, а Лев Толстой описывал в «Анне Каренине» именно Баден-Баден. Такую известность казино получило благодаря расположению — эту местность, полную горячих источников, облюбовали еще древние римляне. Впрочем, многие приезжали туда не столько ради оздоровления, сколько для утоления азартного зуда. Кстати, кроме своей уникальной истории, казино не предлагает ничего сверхъестественного: стандартный набор «рулетка, покер и блэкджек» не так давно был дополнен несколькими сотнями игровых автоматов.
Подробнее: www.casino-baden-baden.de
Marina Bay Sands (Сингапур)

Рассказ о казино в туристическом комплексе Marina Bay Sands меркнет по сравнению с описанием всего остального комплекса — и это при том, что местное казино является самым дорогим среди подобных заведений в мире. Затраты на его постройку составили около $8 млрд. Казино занимает 3 этажа, на которых расположились 500 игровых столов и 2300 автоматов. Настольные игры включают баккару, рулетку, сик-бо и их вариации, но привычного холдэма нет. Зато есть сингапурский покер, игра, якобы специально придуманная для Marina Bay Sands (на самом деле, это тот же карибский покер с немного измененной системой выигрышей). Каких-то особых достопримечательностей, кроме масштабов и роскоши, в казино нет, но зато достопримечательностей полно вокруг: хотя бы, Sands SkyPark — терраса размером в гектар, располагающаяся на крыше 55-этажного отеля. Помимо смотровой площадки с потрясающим видом, парком в полтысячи деревьев и множества ночных клубов и кафе, здесь есть огромный бассейн, купаясь в котором кажется, что купаешься прямо в небе.
Кстати, поначалу американская компания Las Vegas Sands планировала открыть курорт еще в 2009-м году, но постоянно растущие затраты и мировой финансовый кризис заставили их пересмотреть планы. Комплекс пришлось открывать в несколько стадий, последняя из которых — официальное открытие — состоялась совсем недавно, 17-го февраля 2011-го. В этот же день заработали музей ArtScience, где сейчас проходит мировая премьера выставки-перформанса «Живой Ван Гог»; иллюминационное водное шоу Wonder Full; а на сцене местного театра был впервые сыгран бродвейский мюзикл «Король Лев».
Подробнее: www.marinabaysands.com
Crown Casino (Мельбурн, Австралия)

Среди многих проектов австралийского строительного магната Ллойда Уильямса самым ярким и значительным бесспорно является крупнейшее казино в Австралии — Crown Casino. Комплекс, по площади занимающий примерно два квартала Мельбурна, спорит с южноафриканским Tusk Rio за звание самого большого казино в Южном полушарии. И если по размерам собственно игровой зоны Crown проигрывает, то по роскоши и великолепию равных ему и во всем мире найдется немного: Атриум здесь отделан черным мрамором, а зал «Палладиум» устлан коврами ручной работы — именно здесь проходит множество официальных австралийских церемоний, от вручения самой престижной телевизионной премии страны Logie Awards до награждения победителей Австралийского гран-при «Формулы 1».
Игровые залы Crown Casino также не уступают в великолепии. И если «Зал красного дерева» и «Тиковый зал» — это сдержанность и утонченность, то зал «Лас-Вегас» — неудержимый блеск и глянец. В игровой зоне протяженностью полкилометра, играют (помимо стандартного набора «блэкджек-рулетка-кости») в азиатский «Пай-гау» покер, сик-бо и баккару. Crown Casino знаменито еще тем, что здесь впервые была установлена электронная рулетка — Rapid Roulette, — позволяющая игрокам делать ставки, не дожидаясь очереди. Эксперимент прошел успешно, и с недавних пор помимо рулетки в казино присутствуют электронные версии сик-бо, баккары и «колеса удачи».
Снаружи и внутри комплекса публику развлекают иллюминированные водные аттракционы, а вдоль главного входа установлены шесть башен, из которых по ночам в небо извергаются огромные огненные шары; и без этой пиротехники вид ночного Мельбурна уже невозможно представить.
Такая роскошь, правда, не всем по нраву — на открытии комплекса в 1997-м году произошел скандал: австралийская актриса Рэйчел Гриффитс в знак протеста против нового здания, портящего, по ее мнению, облик города, продефилировала топлесс с терновым венком на голове. Весьма замечательная во всех смыслах выходка, учитывая природные данные будущей обладательницы «Золотого глобуса».
Хитрости казино
Не секрет, что в сфере азартных игр работает большое количество психологов. Все эти люди в течение десятков лет создавали концепцию идеального игрового места, которое влечет посетителей. Дизайн, освещение, манера общения с посетителями, правила казино – все это давно продумано и реализовано. Никаких случайностей, все основано на логике и психологии. Давайте посмотрим, что делают казино для того, чтобы привлекать и удерживать максимум посетителей на долгое время.

В казино нет часов
Вы будете удивлены тем, насколько много людей не носит часы. Естественно, владельцы казино знают об этом и используют отсутствие часов в своих интересах. Дело в том, что внутри казино как бы безвременье – часов внутри вы не найдете. Понятно, что если человек увлечен игрой, а часов вокруг нет, он попросту забудет о времени. Также понятно и то, что увлеченный человек потратит денег больше, чем посетитель, который будет постоянно смотреть на часы, висящие на стене. Нет смены дня и ночи в казино, там всегда одно и то же время суток.
В казино нет окон
Еще одна психологическая уловка. Если бы окна были, тогда посетители следили бы за сменой дня и ночи, и более-менее были бы в курсе хода времени. А так, как уже говорилось выше, в казино всегда одно и то же время, всегда хорошо и уютно. Ну как тут не задержаться, выложив побольше денег?
И кроме того, владельцы казино не желают отвлекать посетителей от игры видом из окна. Люди, проходящие мимо, заглядывали бы через окна внутрь, да и посетители отвлекались бы. Кому это нужно, правда? Точно не казино.
Атмосфера казино
Да, сама атмосфера игорных заведений привлекает людей. Специфические звуки, привлекающие человека, приятное освещение, музыка. Все это позволяет задержаться надолго – ведь кому хочется уходить из уютного помещения казино? Кроме того, служащие здесь всегда улыбаются, как бы они не уставали, а сидения – очень мягкие и уютные.
В конце-концов создается практически домашняя атмосфера, откуда не хочется уходить, и куда хочется возвращаться снова и снова. И понятно, что человек, постоянно проводящий время в казино, будет тратить все больше денег.
Расположение сервисов
Для того, чтобы поесть, разменять фишки, в большинстве случаев вам придется пробираться вглубь казино. Зачастую сервисы расположены так далеко, как только возможно. Зачем это делается? Для того, чтобы посетители пробирались все дальше и дальше в «волшебный мир» казино – чем глубже вы заберетесь, тем больше шансов, что внимание посетителя привлечет очередной игровой стол или автомат, и человек задержится. Так бывает очень часто – человек уже решил уйти, пошел менять фишки на деньги, но тут он встречает очередной игровой стол и задерживается.
Бесплатные сервисы
В солидных казино посетителям постоянно что-то предлагают бесплатно – например, бесплатную еду, бесплатные напитки, бесплатные шоу. Зачем? Да просто потому, что у человека тогда возникает ощущение того, что о нем заботятся. Как же не задержаться в заведении, где посетителям уделяется столько внимания?
А бесплатный алкоголь так вообще отличный способ заставить человека совершать необдуманные поступки. Например, заходит человек в казино, думает, что заскочил на минутку. Тут ему предлагают шикарный коктейль, причем абсолютно бесплатно. Посетитель выпивает коктейль, алкоголь начинает кружить голову, всякие воспоминания о том, что нужно уходить, исчезают. И начинается игра, которая зачастую заканчивается пустыми карманами и удивлением: «А что я тут делаю?».
Выгодные предложения счастливчикам
Да, это бывает не так часто, но иногда люди выигрывают большие суммы в казино. Тут же человеку предлагают бесплатную комнату, бесплатный фрак/сигару/лимузин. Вроде бы лишние затраты, правда?
Ан нет, все совсем не так. Ведь человек чувствует себя обязанным казино, которое предоставляет столько всего хорошего. Он не уходит со своим выигрышем, а остается в казино. И очень часто бывает так, что такой посетитель начинает снова тратить деньги. Пускай спускается не весь выигрыш, но все равно, хотя бы часть своих денег казино возвращает.
The forest floor at 55, a writer passion, gangland spirit, Brazilian carnival and other features of the modern casinos.
Once young and reckless Englishman named Ashley Revell decided to drastically change their lives. He sold everything he had, including a house and clothes, and, arriving in Las Vegas, in one fell swoop all proceeds raised $ 135,000 in the red. And won twice! An even bigger prize waiting for an anonymous American guy from Los Angeles who came to Las Vegas for a basketball game, and went to the casino just to kill time.
However, heart-rending stories about the incredible loss in casino history, too, abound.
Is there a casino for the operation of man's faith in its own exceptionalism, or just another way to have fun - it depends on who will answer this question. Someone loses his head here, and along with everything else, someone just nice to spend time. In this modern casinos allow you to have a rest, so never once sat down at a gaming table, and come up with new ways to attract players. From this perspective, Forbes Magazine has selected seven of the world's most notable casinos.Venetian Macao (Macau, China)
7 most inviting casino world
The younger brother of Las Vegas The Venetian has managed to healthier vymahal his distinguished relative. It was no joke: it is the world's largest casino and the fifth-largest building in the world. Four thematic hall - Imperial House, Red Dragon, Phoenix and Golden Fish - occupy an area of eight average gambling houses, and can accommodate 3400 machines and 800 gaming tables. However, the size of Venetian Macao is not intended to break the architectural records: the holder of a casino corporation Las Vegas Sands, just came here to earn big money record.
Since then, as in 1850, the Portuguese administration is legalized gambling, Macau has earned a reputation of "East of Monte Carlo," and today nearly 50% of revenues in the region have the local casinos. Moreover, revenues from gambling there already killed performance in Las Vegas and continues to grow.
Not surprisingly, competition among the casinos here is incredibly high, so each institution is trying to come up with something besides the usual Blackjack and Slots. In the Venetian Macao (except, of course, a Venetian theme and related entertainment, such as travel by gondola on the canals) is also the exclusive Cirque du Soleil shows a nice Russian ear the name «Zaia». Hour and a half view of life, space and infinity is 75 actors, and its scale action is not inferior to a global statement.
In addition, it is here that hold annual beauty contest "Miss Macao", and for football lovers there is a unique attraction The Manchester United Experience, which allows to be on the virtual field in the form of one of the greatest football teams in the world.
Details: www.venetianmacao.comCasino di Venezia (Venice, Italy)
7 most inviting casino world
Belgian Casino de Spa boasts longevity and defiantly calls itself the oldest in the world, although it is not so: almost four hundred years ago, in 1638, the year, opened the Venice Casino di Venezia. And it's really great age, compared with a couple of centuries of the casino in Spa. Besides the building itself, which is located in the Venetian casino, much older - a luxurious palazzo Vendramin-Calergi was built in 1509, the year of the project Koduchchi Mauro, author of the famous church of San Zaccaria,.
Another famous name associated with the palace - Richard Wagner. This connection, however, is very sad: German composer, has been in Venice, his last sigh heaved it into the walls of the Vendramin-Calergi. Now that same mezzanine level, where Wagner stayed with the family, is a museum dedicated to his life, creativity, and, in part, of death.
Until recently, the Venetian casino had two brothers, but the first, Casino del Lido, surrounded by golden sands of the Lido island, unfortunately the players was closed 11 years ago. The second branch - Casino di Ca 'Noghera - is right next to Marco Polo airport, and it is currently live. Casino is designed on the basis of the U.S.: the large number of gaming machines (400 to be exact), blackjack, Caribbean poker and roulette, only more than a thousand gambling sites. In addition, there have consistently demonstrated the latest achievements of gaming technology, such as a fully automated electronic roulette «Pepo» or 9-seat Slots-analogue of the American TV show «Wheel of Fortune».
Details: www.casinovenezia.itCircus Circus Casino (Las Vegas, USA)
7 most inviting casino world
October 1 of 1993 was the biggest robbery in the history of the casino: the criminals have taken about $ 3 million committed the perfect crime 21-year-old Heather and her choice Tolchif Roberto Solis - a murderer, a thief and a poet. They met in San Francisco, a couple of months have moved to Las Vegas, and a couple of months, they learned the names of the whole country. In Las Vegas, Heather got a job as a driver of collection vehicles and one day just went with a bunch of notes, intended for charging ATMs. Then, disguised as an old lady in a wheelchair and her doctor, and Solis Tolchif freely departed from the United States. Heather, however, returned after 12 years with the frank acknowledgment and without a penny in his pocket, and Roberto Solis looking for to this day.
Stolen a couple of bills intended to ATM Casino Circus Circus. Coincidence, of course, accidental - a casino in Las Vegas lacks. But from Circus Circus - casinos in films more often many famous actors - a sign of almost any man, even though he never sat at the table. For those who never went to a movie theater, Circus Circus - this is the very casino that Hunter Thompson described with particular ferocity in his "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." It was here during the game romp over the head acrobats, and for a small fee you can transmit your greetings to my mother on a huge screen, towering over the city. And it is here in a state of altered consciousness Hunter S. Thompson made his famous phrase destructive force: "You just look there: two women ... e ut a polar bear." Is where else could happen the biggest casino robbery ever?
Details: www.circuscircus.comTusk Rio Casino Resort (Klerksdorp, South Africa)
7 most inviting casino world
Consciousness ordinary Europeans in the walls of South African Casino Tusk Rio faces serious difficulties: the terms of Africa, the exotic setting, a completely different culture, somewhere near the elephants roam. But in the midst of this - the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. This cocktail does not stand each, and my head is spinning. But it is on such an effect, apparently, and hoped the owners of the largest casino in the Southern Hemisphere.
Working around the clock gaming house has at its disposal a number of ways to entertain visitors: 300 slot machines, poker tables, blackjack and a dozen other card games, weekly tournaments (including, and the game of pool) - all in an atmosphere of carefree and infinite Brazilian carnival. There are, of course, and an exclusive lounge for the most serious players, and separate playgrounds for the youngest visitors, where you can leave the child without fear that he would even for a second get bored without the pope, squander or selling state-owned slot machines.
By the way, Tusk Rio not limited to the casino - a place for family holidays. The complex enough other attractions to for a holiday never to visit the gambling halls from paintball battles to golf, diving and cutting circles on the sports map. In addition, the city of Klerksdorp, near which is a resort known for its gold-mines, one of the oldest mines, you can easily visit and see for myself how in the XVIII century, the metal was mined.
Details: www.riocasino.co.zaBaden Baden Casino (Baden-Baden, Germany)
7 most inviting casino world
In October 1866, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was a very difficult situation: his wife and brother died recently, leaving the writer in the care of children and his brother created the magazine "The Age", which required significant investment. Everything else has been added and destructive passion: in a state of depression, the famous writer and at the same time gambler dropped his last savings to the casino in Baden-Baden - the most fashionable resort at the time. The situation is also complicated by the contract with the publisher Stellovsky - if he does not hand over Dostoevsky's new novel to the first of November, he gets the right to republish all the works of a writer without compensation fee. Trying to cope with things leaning, Fyodor Mikhailovich, hiring a stenographer for the advice of a friend, within 21 days of dictating her story based on his own sad experience. October 31 work is finished and completely re-written, November 1, a novel called "The Gambler" on the table Stellovsky, and a week later Dostoevsky does offer a stenographer - Anna Snitkina. Soon they marry, go on a honeymoon in the same Baden-Baden, where the writer once again played to the nines. Dove's wife vowed never again to approach the roulette wheel, where the writer actually followed the end of life, Dostoevsky wrote the novel "The Idiot".
Casino Baden-Baden has existed since 1821 years, and during that time, apart from Dostoyevsky, attracted many famous visitors. Marlene Dietrich called it the most beautiful casino in the world, adding that everyone else has seen and described by Leo Tolstoy in "Anna Karenina" is Baden-Baden. This casino was famous due to the location - this place full of hot springs, was chosen by the ancient Romans. However, many came back is not so much for the sake of improvement, how to quench the gambling itch. By the way, in addition to its unique history, the casino does not offer anything extraordinary: a standard set of "roulette, poker and blackjack," has recently been supplemented by several hundred slot machines.
Details: www.casino-baden-baden.deMarina Bay Sands (Singapore)
7 most inviting casino world
The story of a casino in the tourist complex Marina Bay Sands pales in comparison to the rest of the description of the complex - and this despite the fact that the local casino is the most expensive among similar institutions in the world. The cost of its construction were approximately $ 8 billion casino occupies 3 floors, on which there are 500 gaming tables and 2,300 machines. Table games include baccarat, roulette, Sic-bo and their variations, but the usual Hold'em no. But there is a Singaporean poker game, ostensibly invented specially for the Marina Bay Sands (actually, it's the same Caribbean poker with a slightly modified scoring system). Some special attractions, but the scale and luxury at the casino there, but the interest is around: at least, Sands SkyPark - terrace size in hectares, located on the roof of a 55-story hotel. In addition to the observation deck with stunning views of the park in half a thousand trees and a variety of nightclubs and cafes, there is a huge swimming pool, basking in that it seems that just bask in the sky.
Incidentally, the first US-based Las Vegas Sands resort planned to open another in 2009, the year, but the ever-increasing costs and the global financial crisis forced them to reconsider plans. The complex had to open in phases, the last of which - the official opening - held recently, on February 17, 2011. The same day, the museum earned ArtScience, which now runs the world premiere exhibition and performance "Living Van Gogh"; illuminative water show Wonder Full; and at the local theater scene was first played on Broadway musical "The Lion King."
Details: www.marinabaysands.comCrown Casino (Melbourne, Australia)
7 most inviting casino world
Among the many projects of the Australian construction magnate Lloyd Williams, the most striking and significant is undoubtedly the largest casino in Australia - Crown Casino. Complex, the area occupies approximately two quarters of Melbourne, argues with the South African Tusk Rio for the title of the largest casino in the Southern Hemisphere. And if the size of the actual playing area Crown loses, then the luxury and magnificence of his peers and throughout the world there are few: the Atrium is decorated in black marble, and the hall "Palladium" covered with handmade carpets - here is a lot of official Australian ceremonies of handing the most prestigious television award the country's Logie Awards to awarding the Australian Grand Prix, "Formula 1".
Gambling halls Crown Casino and not inferior in splendor. And if "Mahogany Hall" and "Tick Hall" - a restraint and subtlety, the hall, "Las Vegas" - the irresistible sparkle and shine. In the gaming area a mile long to play (in addition to the standard set of "blackjack-roulette-bones") in Asia, "Pai Gow," Poker, Sic-bo and baccarat. Crown Casino is famous by the fact that there was first installed electronic roulette - Rapid Roulette, - allow players to bet, without waiting for turns. The experiment was successful, and more recently, in addition to the roulette at the casino there are electronic versions of Sic-bo, baccarat, and the "wheel of fortune".
Outside and inside the complex audience entertained illuminated water features, and along the main entrance there are six towers, of which the night sky to erupt a huge fireball, and without this kind of fireworks night Melbourne's already impossible to imagine.
This luxury, though not to the liking of all - the opening of the complex in 1997, the scandal broke: the Australian actress Rachel Griffiths in protest against the new building, spoiling, in its view, the appearance of the city, defiled topless with thorny wreath on his head. Very remarkable in all senses trick, given the natural gifts of future holders of the "Golden Globe".
Once young and reckless Englishman named Ashley Revell decided to drastically change their lives. He sold everything he had, including a house and clothes, and, arriving in Las Vegas, in one fell swoop all proceeds raised $ 135,000 in the red. And won twice! An even bigger prize waiting for an anonymous American guy from Los Angeles who came to Las Vegas for a basketball game, and went to the casino just to kill time.
However, heart-rending stories about the incredible loss in casino history, too, abound.
Is there a casino for the operation of man's faith in its own exceptionalism, or just another way to have fun - it depends on who will answer this question. Someone loses his head here, and along with everything else, someone just nice to spend time. In this modern casinos allow you to have a rest, so never once sat down at a gaming table, and come up with new ways to attract players. From this perspective, Forbes Magazine has selected seven of the world's most notable casinos.Venetian Macao (Macau, China)
7 most inviting casino world
The younger brother of Las Vegas The Venetian has managed to healthier vymahal his distinguished relative. It was no joke: it is the world's largest casino and the fifth-largest building in the world. Four thematic hall - Imperial House, Red Dragon, Phoenix and Golden Fish - occupy an area of eight average gambling houses, and can accommodate 3400 machines and 800 gaming tables. However, the size of Venetian Macao is not intended to break the architectural records: the holder of a casino corporation Las Vegas Sands, just came here to earn big money record.
Since then, as in 1850, the Portuguese administration is legalized gambling, Macau has earned a reputation of "East of Monte Carlo," and today nearly 50% of revenues in the region have the local casinos. Moreover, revenues from gambling there already killed performance in Las Vegas and continues to grow.
Not surprisingly, competition among the casinos here is incredibly high, so each institution is trying to come up with something besides the usual Blackjack and Slots. In the Venetian Macao (except, of course, a Venetian theme and related entertainment, such as travel by gondola on the canals) is also the exclusive Cirque du Soleil shows a nice Russian ear the name «Zaia». Hour and a half view of life, space and infinity is 75 actors, and its scale action is not inferior to a global statement.
In addition, it is here that hold annual beauty contest "Miss Macao", and for football lovers there is a unique attraction The Manchester United Experience, which allows to be on the virtual field in the form of one of the greatest football teams in the world.
Details: www.venetianmacao.comCasino di Venezia (Venice, Italy)
7 most inviting casino world
Belgian Casino de Spa boasts longevity and defiantly calls itself the oldest in the world, although it is not so: almost four hundred years ago, in 1638, the year, opened the Venice Casino di Venezia. And it's really great age, compared with a couple of centuries of the casino in Spa. Besides the building itself, which is located in the Venetian casino, much older - a luxurious palazzo Vendramin-Calergi was built in 1509, the year of the project Koduchchi Mauro, author of the famous church of San Zaccaria,.
Another famous name associated with the palace - Richard Wagner. This connection, however, is very sad: German composer, has been in Venice, his last sigh heaved it into the walls of the Vendramin-Calergi. Now that same mezzanine level, where Wagner stayed with the family, is a museum dedicated to his life, creativity, and, in part, of death.
Until recently, the Venetian casino had two brothers, but the first, Casino del Lido, surrounded by golden sands of the Lido island, unfortunately the players was closed 11 years ago. The second branch - Casino di Ca 'Noghera - is right next to Marco Polo airport, and it is currently live. Casino is designed on the basis of the U.S.: the large number of gaming machines (400 to be exact), blackjack, Caribbean poker and roulette, only more than a thousand gambling sites. In addition, there have consistently demonstrated the latest achievements of gaming technology, such as a fully automated electronic roulette «Pepo» or 9-seat Slots-analogue of the American TV show «Wheel of Fortune».
Details: www.casinovenezia.itCircus Circus Casino (Las Vegas, USA)
7 most inviting casino world
October 1 of 1993 was the biggest robbery in the history of the casino: the criminals have taken about $ 3 million committed the perfect crime 21-year-old Heather and her choice Tolchif Roberto Solis - a murderer, a thief and a poet. They met in San Francisco, a couple of months have moved to Las Vegas, and a couple of months, they learned the names of the whole country. In Las Vegas, Heather got a job as a driver of collection vehicles and one day just went with a bunch of notes, intended for charging ATMs. Then, disguised as an old lady in a wheelchair and her doctor, and Solis Tolchif freely departed from the United States. Heather, however, returned after 12 years with the frank acknowledgment and without a penny in his pocket, and Roberto Solis looking for to this day.
Stolen a couple of bills intended to ATM Casino Circus Circus. Coincidence, of course, accidental - a casino in Las Vegas lacks. But from Circus Circus - casinos in films more often many famous actors - a sign of almost any man, even though he never sat at the table. For those who never went to a movie theater, Circus Circus - this is the very casino that Hunter Thompson described with particular ferocity in his "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." It was here during the game romp over the head acrobats, and for a small fee you can transmit your greetings to my mother on a huge screen, towering over the city. And it is here in a state of altered consciousness Hunter S. Thompson made his famous phrase destructive force: "You just look there: two women ... e ut a polar bear." Is where else could happen the biggest casino robbery ever?
Details: www.circuscircus.comTusk Rio Casino Resort (Klerksdorp, South Africa)
7 most inviting casino world
Consciousness ordinary Europeans in the walls of South African Casino Tusk Rio faces serious difficulties: the terms of Africa, the exotic setting, a completely different culture, somewhere near the elephants roam. But in the midst of this - the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. This cocktail does not stand each, and my head is spinning. But it is on such an effect, apparently, and hoped the owners of the largest casino in the Southern Hemisphere.
Working around the clock gaming house has at its disposal a number of ways to entertain visitors: 300 slot machines, poker tables, blackjack and a dozen other card games, weekly tournaments (including, and the game of pool) - all in an atmosphere of carefree and infinite Brazilian carnival. There are, of course, and an exclusive lounge for the most serious players, and separate playgrounds for the youngest visitors, where you can leave the child without fear that he would even for a second get bored without the pope, squander or selling state-owned slot machines.
By the way, Tusk Rio not limited to the casino - a place for family holidays. The complex enough other attractions to for a holiday never to visit the gambling halls from paintball battles to golf, diving and cutting circles on the sports map. In addition, the city of Klerksdorp, near which is a resort known for its gold-mines, one of the oldest mines, you can easily visit and see for myself how in the XVIII century, the metal was mined.
Details: www.riocasino.co.zaBaden Baden Casino (Baden-Baden, Germany)
7 most inviting casino world
In October 1866, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was a very difficult situation: his wife and brother died recently, leaving the writer in the care of children and his brother created the magazine "The Age", which required significant investment. Everything else has been added and destructive passion: in a state of depression, the famous writer and at the same time gambler dropped his last savings to the casino in Baden-Baden - the most fashionable resort at the time. The situation is also complicated by the contract with the publisher Stellovsky - if he does not hand over Dostoevsky's new novel to the first of November, he gets the right to republish all the works of a writer without compensation fee. Trying to cope with things leaning, Fyodor Mikhailovich, hiring a stenographer for the advice of a friend, within 21 days of dictating her story based on his own sad experience. October 31 work is finished and completely re-written, November 1, a novel called "The Gambler" on the table Stellovsky, and a week later Dostoevsky does offer a stenographer - Anna Snitkina. Soon they marry, go on a honeymoon in the same Baden-Baden, where the writer once again played to the nines. Dove's wife vowed never again to approach the roulette wheel, where the writer actually followed the end of life, Dostoevsky wrote the novel "The Idiot".
Casino Baden-Baden has existed since 1821 years, and during that time, apart from Dostoyevsky, attracted many famous visitors. Marlene Dietrich called it the most beautiful casino in the world, adding that everyone else has seen and described by Leo Tolstoy in "Anna Karenina" is Baden-Baden. This casino was famous due to the location - this place full of hot springs, was chosen by the ancient Romans. However, many came back is not so much for the sake of improvement, how to quench the gambling itch. By the way, in addition to its unique history, the casino does not offer anything extraordinary: a standard set of "roulette, poker and blackjack," has recently been supplemented by several hundred slot machines.
Details: www.casino-baden-baden.deMarina Bay Sands (Singapore)
7 most inviting casino world
The story of a casino in the tourist complex Marina Bay Sands pales in comparison to the rest of the description of the complex - and this despite the fact that the local casino is the most expensive among similar institutions in the world. The cost of its construction were approximately $ 8 billion casino occupies 3 floors, on which there are 500 gaming tables and 2,300 machines. Table games include baccarat, roulette, Sic-bo and their variations, but the usual Hold'em no. But there is a Singaporean poker game, ostensibly invented specially for the Marina Bay Sands (actually, it's the same Caribbean poker with a slightly modified scoring system). Some special attractions, but the scale and luxury at the casino there, but the interest is around: at least, Sands SkyPark - terrace size in hectares, located on the roof of a 55-story hotel. In addition to the observation deck with stunning views of the park in half a thousand trees and a variety of nightclubs and cafes, there is a huge swimming pool, basking in that it seems that just bask in the sky.
Incidentally, the first US-based Las Vegas Sands resort planned to open another in 2009, the year, but the ever-increasing costs and the global financial crisis forced them to reconsider plans. The complex had to open in phases, the last of which - the official opening - held recently, on February 17, 2011. The same day, the museum earned ArtScience, which now runs the world premiere exhibition and performance "Living Van Gogh"; illuminative water show Wonder Full; and at the local theater scene was first played on Broadway musical "The Lion King."
Details: www.marinabaysands.comCrown Casino (Melbourne, Australia)
7 most inviting casino world
Among the many projects of the Australian construction magnate Lloyd Williams, the most striking and significant is undoubtedly the largest casino in Australia - Crown Casino. Complex, the area occupies approximately two quarters of Melbourne, argues with the South African Tusk Rio for the title of the largest casino in the Southern Hemisphere. And if the size of the actual playing area Crown loses, then the luxury and magnificence of his peers and throughout the world there are few: the Atrium is decorated in black marble, and the hall "Palladium" covered with handmade carpets - here is a lot of official Australian ceremonies of handing the most prestigious television award the country's Logie Awards to awarding the Australian Grand Prix, "Formula 1".
Gambling halls Crown Casino and not inferior in splendor. And if "Mahogany Hall" and "Tick Hall" - a restraint and subtlety, the hall, "Las Vegas" - the irresistible sparkle and shine. In the gaming area a mile long to play (in addition to the standard set of "blackjack-roulette-bones") in Asia, "Pai Gow," Poker, Sic-bo and baccarat. Crown Casino is famous by the fact that there was first installed electronic roulette - Rapid Roulette, - allow players to bet, without waiting for turns. The experiment was successful, and more recently, in addition to the roulette at the casino there are electronic versions of Sic-bo, baccarat, and the "wheel of fortune".
Outside and inside the complex audience entertained illuminated water features, and along the main entrance there are six towers, of which the night sky to erupt a huge fireball, and without this kind of fireworks night Melbourne's already impossible to imagine.
This luxury, though not to the liking of all - the opening of the complex in 1997, the scandal broke: the Australian actress Rachel Griffiths in protest against the new building, spoiling, in its view, the appearance of the city, defiled topless with thorny wreath on his head. Very remarkable in all senses trick, given the natural gifts of future holders of the "Golden Globe".
casino tricks
It's no secret that gambling runs a large number of psychologists. All these people have for decades created the concept of an ideal game room, which leads visitors. Design, lighting, style of communication with visitors, the rules of the casino - all this has long thought out and implemented. There are no coincidences, all based on logic and psychology. Let's see what they are doing the casino in order to attract and retain the maximum visitors for a long time.
Casino TricksIn a casino, there is no clock
You'll be surprised how many people does not wear watches. Naturally, the casino owners know this and use the lack of hours in their own interests. The fact is that inside the casino as if hard times - within hours you will not find. Obviously, if a man passionate about the game, but not around the clock, he simply forget about time. It is also clear, and that passionate people will spend more money than a visitor who is constantly looking at the clock hanging on the wall. There is no day and night at the casino, there is always one and the same time.The casino has no windows
Another psychological ploy. If the windows were, then visitors would monitor the change of day and night, and more or less would have been aware of the time. And, as mentioned above, the casino is always one and the same time, always good and comfortable. Well then do not linger, laying out more money?
And besides, casino owners do not want to detract from the game view from the window. People passing by, peering through the windows to inside, and visitors would be distracted. Who needs it, right? Similarly, not a casino.The atmosphere of the casino
Yes, the very atmosphere of gambling attracts people. Specific sounds that attract people, nice lighting, music. All this allows us to linger for a long time - because who wants to leave the cozy room casino? In addition, the employees here are always smiling, as if they did not get tired, and the seats - very soft and comfortable.
In the end, virtually created a homely atmosphere where you do not want to go, and where you want to return again and again. It is understandable that people are constantly spending time at the casino, will spend more money.
Location services
In order to eat, exchange the chips, in most cases, you have to wade deep into the casino. Often, services are located as far away as possible. Why is it done? To visitors made their way further and further into a "magic world" casino - the deeper you climb, the more likely it will attract visitors' attention the next gaming table or machine, and the person is delayed. It happens very often - people have decided to leave, he went to change money on the chips, but then he meets another game table and delayed.Free Services
In reputable casino visitors always something to offer for free - such as free food, free drinks, free show. Why? But just because a person then there is a feeling that the care. How not to stay in an institution where visitors are paid so much attention?
A free alcohol at all so a great way to get a person to commit rash acts. For example, a person enters the casino thinks that popped in for a minute. Here he offers a chic cocktail party, and completely free. Visitor drink cocktail alcohol dizzy, all the memories of what you need to go away, disappear. And the game begins, which often ends with empty pockets and wonder, "What am I doing here?".Promotional offers lucky
Yes, it is not so often, but sometimes people win large sums of money at the casino. Here is a man offer a free room, free evening dress / cigar / limousine. It seems unnecessary costs, right?
But no, it is not so. A man feels obliged to the casino, which provides so much good. He does not go away with his winnings, but remains in the casino. And very often happens that a visitor begins to spend money again. Let down is not all win, but still, at least some of their money casino returns.
Casino TricksIn a casino, there is no clock
You'll be surprised how many people does not wear watches. Naturally, the casino owners know this and use the lack of hours in their own interests. The fact is that inside the casino as if hard times - within hours you will not find. Obviously, if a man passionate about the game, but not around the clock, he simply forget about time. It is also clear, and that passionate people will spend more money than a visitor who is constantly looking at the clock hanging on the wall. There is no day and night at the casino, there is always one and the same time.The casino has no windows
Another psychological ploy. If the windows were, then visitors would monitor the change of day and night, and more or less would have been aware of the time. And, as mentioned above, the casino is always one and the same time, always good and comfortable. Well then do not linger, laying out more money?
And besides, casino owners do not want to detract from the game view from the window. People passing by, peering through the windows to inside, and visitors would be distracted. Who needs it, right? Similarly, not a casino.The atmosphere of the casino
Yes, the very atmosphere of gambling attracts people. Specific sounds that attract people, nice lighting, music. All this allows us to linger for a long time - because who wants to leave the cozy room casino? In addition, the employees here are always smiling, as if they did not get tired, and the seats - very soft and comfortable.
In the end, virtually created a homely atmosphere where you do not want to go, and where you want to return again and again. It is understandable that people are constantly spending time at the casino, will spend more money.
Location services
In order to eat, exchange the chips, in most cases, you have to wade deep into the casino. Often, services are located as far away as possible. Why is it done? To visitors made their way further and further into a "magic world" casino - the deeper you climb, the more likely it will attract visitors' attention the next gaming table or machine, and the person is delayed. It happens very often - people have decided to leave, he went to change money on the chips, but then he meets another game table and delayed.Free Services
In reputable casino visitors always something to offer for free - such as free food, free drinks, free show. Why? But just because a person then there is a feeling that the care. How not to stay in an institution where visitors are paid so much attention?
A free alcohol at all so a great way to get a person to commit rash acts. For example, a person enters the casino thinks that popped in for a minute. Here he offers a chic cocktail party, and completely free. Visitor drink cocktail alcohol dizzy, all the memories of what you need to go away, disappear. And the game begins, which often ends with empty pockets and wonder, "What am I doing here?".Promotional offers lucky
Yes, it is not so often, but sometimes people win large sums of money at the casino. Here is a man offer a free room, free evening dress / cigar / limousine. It seems unnecessary costs, right?
But no, it is not so. A man feels obliged to the casino, which provides so much good. He does not go away with his winnings, but remains in the casino. And very often happens that a visitor begins to spend money again. Let down is not all win, but still, at least some of their money casino returns.
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