Корни логотипов многих автопроизводителей тянутся из начала прошлого столетия и все еще несут в себе достаточно символизма и интриги в малоизменном виде.
Дизайнеры порой лишь «осовременивают» вид логотипа, оставляя его суть неизменной. Автомобильная индустрия одна из тех немногих, которые устремлены одновременно и в прошлое, и в будущее. Благоговея над своей историей и едва ли не почитая за богов основателей, бренды стремятся вперед, создавая великолепные серийные машины и безумные концепт-кары. И только сохраненный логотип внешне связывает сверхсовременные автомобили с историей завода...
Так поступает большинство автопроизводителей, но некоторым брендам пришлось пройти долгий путь ребрендинга до выбора своего визуального образа.

Например, логотип автомобилей Ford, несмотря на то, что лого автозаводов редко когда претерпевают существенные изменения, не всегда был таким, каким мы его знаем.
В самом начале истории знаменитого автомобиля логотип был черно-белым, весьма вычурным и в финтифлюшечках. Его разработал ассистент инженера на заводе. Логотип этот существует и поныне, но в качестве истории. Он почти не используется и все-таки немного поменялся — убрали финтифлюшки.
Голубой овал появился в 1928 году, с 1976 года он стал крепиться ко всем без исключения машинам, сходящим с фордовского конвейера, а более современный вид голубой овал получил к 100-летию Ford Motors в 2003 году.

Компания была основана в 1899. Фиат – это сокращение от Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (Итальянский автомобильный завод Турина). Кроме того, эту аббревиатуру можно перевести с латыни как самостоятельное слово, часто употребляющееся в церковном обиходе – «да будет». Логотип компании предельно простой, все его изменения можно отнести за счет изменения оформления. Он становился то круглым, то приобретал щитовую форму, современный логотип совмещает в себе обе эти формы. Любопытно, что большую часть своей истории логотип был сочетанием металлического (белого) и синего цветов. Похоже, что оттенки синего — самый распространенный цвет в автопроме, вспомним БМВ, Форд, и Фольксваген. Говорят, что создатель оригинального шрифта и оформления был вдохновлен неоновой вывеской завода, увиденной ночью.

Первый «народный автомобиль» был создан в Германии по поручению Гитлера в 1938 году. Логотип «фольксвагена» был разработан сотрудником фирмы Порше, Францем Ксавьером Раймшписсом, и выбран после открытого конкурса. Буквы «W» и «V», объединенные в монограмму, маркировали продукцию завода всю его историю. После того, как завод попал во владение Британии, логотип был инвертирован, а позже фон стал не черным, а синим.

Логотип со знаменитой «крылатой стрелой» впервые был использован в 1926 году. Ее происхождение покрыто тайной; иногда автором изображения (схематический рисунок головы индейца в традиционном уборе с пятью перьями) считается коммерческий директор компании Skoda Plzen Т. Маглич.

А в 2011 году логотип Шкоды снова поменялся:


История Мазды начинается в 1920 году, тогда она называлась Токийской Пробковой Фабрикой, и производила пробку для нужд Первой Мировой. В 1927 она начала производить автомобили, а после Второй Мировой Войны компания стала называться Мазда. В 1936 был разработан логотип в виде буквы «М» составленной из волнистых линий, эта эмблема была составлена на основе логотипа Хиросимы. В 1962 логотип был изменен, в его основе была по-прежнему латинская буква «М», но теперь уже не в горизонтальной, а вертикальной композиции. В 1991 была разработана эмблема, которая в сильно измененном виде присутствует сейчас. По мысли создателей, эта эмблема означает крылышки, солнце и круг света. Современный логотип Мазды называют «совой», в нем стилизованная «М» выглядит как растянутые крылышки – или как голова совы, но некоторыми эта эмблема называется «тюльпаном», так как похожа на бутон цветка.

Начало концерна Пежо – 1812 год. Несколько десятилетий концерн производил стальную продукцию, затем велосипеды, первый автомобиль сошел с конвеера в 1889 году. Логотип Пежо происходит из геральдического знака и был разработан для Пежо ювелиром и гравером Джастином Блазером, на основе флага провинции, в которой первоначально располагался завод Пежо.В разные периоды лев изображался то полностью, то только голова. В 1927 году лев повернулся вправо, что означало разрыв с нормами геральдики, и приобрел черты рисунка живого льва, а не геральдичесокго символа — но позже логотип вернулся к гербовому стилю. В 1950 лев приобрел явно агрессивные черты – он встал на дыбы, пасть раскрылась. В таком виде логотип остается и до сих пор. Интересно, что в цветовом решении Пежо оказался неоригинален, это белый и синий, как и в случае Фольксвагена, БМВ, Форда, Фиата. Похоже, это действительно самое популярное сочетание цветов для автомобильных логотипов.

Первый логотип, использовавшийся на продукции компании, состоял из инициалов трех братьев Рено: Луиса, Фердинанда и Марселя. Во время Первой Мировой, Рено производил легкие танки для армии Союзников. В 1925 году появился ромбовидный логотип, который в 1972 был доработан и в таком виде, с незначительными изменениями, сохранился по сей день. Отдельно стоит заметить цветовое решение: цветом Рено является желтый, довольно редкий цвет для автомобильного бренда.
Toyoda — Toyota

Удача — и легкое для произнесения имя — сыграло большую роль в создании марки Toyota в 1936 году. В книге «Toyota: История первых 50 лет» рассказывается о том, как основатель компании Киичиро Тойода (Kiichiro Toyoda) «запустил конкурс на лучшее предложение нового лого Toyoda. Заявок оказалось более 20 000. Заявка победитель состояла из букв катаканы в дизайне, который передавал ощущение скорости… “Toyoda” стала “Toyota”, потому что с точки зрения дизайна это было эстетически привлекательней, и потому что количество штрихов, необходимых для написания, равнялось восьми. А 8 — счастливое число, предвещающее все возрастающее процветание».
А вот первый логотип Тойоты, сделанный в 1936 году:


Логотип Мицубиси является слиянием фамильного герба рода Ивасаки (три ромба) и клана Тоса (три дубовых листа, произрастающих из одной точки). Ятаро Ивасаки происходил из семьи, продавшей свое дворянство, и после реставрации Мейдзи ему досталось корабельное дело клана Тоса. Два поколения спустя, Кайота Ивасаки перепрофилировал дело и создал автомобильную компанию Mitsubishi Motors.
Название Мицубиси в переводе означает «три бриллианта», или же «три ромба», слово «хиши» (при соединении первый слог озвончается по правилам японской фонетики и «хи» превращается в «би») означает «каштан», и используется для обозначения ромбовидной формы. С самого создания Лого оставалось неизменным.
Американская находчивость

Происхождение так называемого «галстука-бабочки» Chevrolet могло бы быть названо одним из самых странных. Луи Шевроле (Louis Chevrolet) рассказывал, что источником вдохновения при создании знаменитой эмблемы послужил узор на обоях в его номере в парижском отеле, когда он ездил туда в 1908 году. И в эту историю все могли бы поверить, если бы не жена Шевроле. Позже она рассказала, что ее супруг как-то увидел в газете рекламу, в которой было использовано лого схожей формы.

Герб Cadillac — это герб французского военного командира и исследователя, Антуана де ла Мот Кадиллака (Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac), который основал город Детройт в 1701 году. С годами его упростили и придали ему более стремительный вид, но основной стиль остался прежним. «Он настолько особенный, что вы никогда не захотите его менять», говорит Энн Мари Уэбб (Anne Marie Webb), дизайн-менеджер GM’s Global Brand Identity. Когда меняется один из логотипов GM, Уэбб всегда продумывает элементы, «которые делают его узнаваемым и сильным». Но при этом, культурные различия также должны быть учтены. Так, эмблема Buick из трех щитов во всем мире представлена в монохроме, за исключением Китая, где логотип содержит красный, синий и серый цвета. «Потому что в Китае цвет придает больше премиальности», объясняет Уэбб.

Изменяющиеся времена могут также принести большие изменения в логотип. На протяжении более чем 80 лет, Chrysler использовал внушительное количество шильдов. Но в 1962 году председатель совета директоров Chrysler Линн Таунсенд (Lynn Townsend) захотел, чтобы у марки был более современный и менее вычурный логотип. Согласно архивам Крайслера, Таунсенд выбрал пятиконечную звезду из 700 предложенных вариантов. Многие думают, что этот логотип символизирует пять подразделений компании. Но это не так. Он просто выглядел круто. Сейчас у Chrysler опять другой логотип . Этот бренд чаще всего меняет их.
Адвокаты, Латынь и Удача

Логотипы некоторых автомобильных компаний обязаны своим существованием обязательствам, налагаемым законом, и экономией, обусловленной ростом масштабов производства. В 1909 году, покинув компанию, носящую его имя, Август Хорх (August Horch) основал вторую автомобильную компанию в Цвикау, Германия. Но поскольку его имя уже использовалось, у Хорха возникли серьезные проблемы. Но не мог по закону назвать свое новое предприятие в честь себя. Но после того, как он перевел свою фамилию на латынь, она стала легальной. «Horch» означает «слушать», или «audi» на латыни. Четыре связанных между собой кольца появились в 1932 году, когда четыре борящихся за выживание автопроизводителя объединились под корпоративным флагом Auto Union. Этими производителями были Audi, DKW, Wanderer и, оцените иронию, Horch.

Название Volvo также имеет латинские корни. Оно означает «я качусь» и взято от имени бренда мячей, которое тот носил до момента, когда был присоединен к шведскому автопроизводителю в 1924 году.
В качестве логотипа компании был выбран античный символ железа, представлявший собой окружность со стрелой, расположенной по диагонали в направлении верхнего правого угла.
Символ железа является одним из самых древних и известных изображений в Западной культуре. В Римской империи этот знак олицетворял воинственного и непобедимого бога Марса, сражавшегося только железным оружием.
Символ железа является одним из самых древних и известных изображений в Западной культуре. В Римской империи этот знак олицетворял воинственного и непобедимого бога Марса, сражавшегося только железным оружием.
Использование знака железа в качестве эмблемы автомобиля символично: во-первых, VOLVO сразу же ассоциируется с достижениями сталелитейной промышленности Швеции, во-вторых, эта эмблема неизменно воспринимается как знак надежности, высокого качества и долговечности.
Диагональная полоска, проходящая через решетку радиатора, изначально выступала только в роли монтажной точки для шильда, но теперь это «практически такой же идентификатор бренда, как и наш символ», говорит Дэниел Джонстон (Daniel Johnston), Product Communications Manager в Volvo Cars North America.
Статуи, Звезды и Умные Машины

Вдохновение для поиска имени и создания логотипа может прийти из тщательного и аккуратного исследования среди потребителей, лазеек в законе или, в некоторых случаях, из взгляда на окружающую среду. Братья Мазерати при создании своего трезубца получили вдохновение от статуи Нептуна, которая стояла в центральном парке Болоньи, где и располагалась штаб-квартира компании. Трезубец с подписью Maserati под ним был нарисован художником Mario, который также был единственным из семи братьев Maserati, который никогда не был занят дизайном или производством машин.

Вдохновение для имени Subaru в буквальном смысле пришло с небес. Или, если быть более точными, от японского названия средоточия звезд в созвездии Тельца, которое мы называем Плеяды. Шесть звезд видны невооруженным взглядом и — в соответствии с корпоративной айдентикой — это соответствует шести компаниям, которые слились, сформировав Fuji Heavy Industries, родительскую компанию Subaru. Имя Hyundai имеет еще более простое объяснение. С корейского языка это слово переводится как «современный», а лого компании представляет собой стилизованную букву «Н», которая в свою очередь представляет собой двух человечков. Человечки — компания и потребитель — пожимают друг другу руки.

Имя Smart («Умный»), казалось бы, говорит само за себя, и для англоговорящих людей не требует никакого перевода. Но на самом деле это акроним от Swatch (знаменитая швейцарская часовая компания, которая была партнером на ранней стадии), Mercedes (нынешний куратор бренда) и Art («искусство»). Лого компании обозначает компактность посредством буквы С («compact»), а также авангардное мышление посредством стрелы.
Пионеры автомобилестроения

Трагедия сыграла большую роль в популярном мифе о знаменитом логотипе из сдвоенных букв R британского люксового бренда Rolls Royce. Основатели компании, сэр Генри Ройс и Чарльз Стюарт Роллс, изначально использовали красные буквы в эмблеме, которая объединяет начальные буквы их фамилий. Легенда гласит, что цвет изменился на черный, когда сэр Генри Ройс умер в 1933 году, чтобы почтить его память. В действительности, черными буквы стали в результате продуманного решения обоих основателей — для придания большей престижности и роскоши.

Другая культовая эмблема Rolls Royce — «Дух восторга», фигурка для украшения капота в виде женщины, которая едва ли не летит, а ее плащ развевается по ветру. С ее появлением также связана трагедия, но на сей раз это не миф. Впервые «Дух восторга» появился в 1911 году, его создал Чарльз Сайкс (Charles Sykes), а моделью послужила мисс Элеанор Торнтон, секретарь барона Монтагю, который был близким другом Чарльза Роллса. В 1915 году Элеанор погибла в морском путешествии в Индию, и вот уже почти сто лет ее портрет олицетворяет Дух восторга на Роллс-Ройсах.

Некоторые лого автомобилей зародились гораздо раньше того момента, как началась собственно эра машин. Так, например, трехлучевая звезда Mercedes-Benz широко известна как символ того, что двигатели, производимые этой компанией, используются на земле, на небе и на воде. Но звезда впервые появилась в письме основателя Mercedes-Benz, Готтлиба Даймлера (Gottlieb Daimler), к своей жене. Этой звездой он обозначил место расположения нового дома своей семьи в немецком городе Дойтц. Его сыновья адаптировали символ под логотип компании в 1910 году.

Один из самых известных логотипов всех времен — гарцующая лошадь Ferrari — впервые появился на военных самолетах, которыми управлял Франческо Баракка, авиатор и герой Первой Мировой войны. В 1923 году Энцо Феррари (Enzo Ferrari) встретился с родителями Франческо после гонки, и они предложили ему использовать изображение гарцующей лошади на своей гоночной машине — на удачу и в качестве дани памяти Франческо, который погиб незадолго до окончания войны. К лошади был добавлен желтый фон (официальный цвет родного города Энцо Феррари, итальянской Модены), а также изменено направление хвоста, он стал смотреть вверх.

BMW, миф (и толковые маркетологи) одурачил несколько поколений, связав логотип компании с авиационной темой. «Германское рекламное агентство в 1920-х годах создало рекламу, которая показывала круг BMW напротив вращающегося пропеллера самолета и тем самым отражала происхождение компании как производителя авиационных двигателей. А затем это превратилось в миф», рассказал Дейв Бучко (Dave Buchko), представитель BMW North America. И несмотря на то, что BMW действительно производил двигатели для самолетов, бело-голубой логотип представляет цвета баварского флага, а не пропеллер и небо.

Как и БМВ, Сааб изначально был производителем самолетов, в 1937 году компания называлась Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget («Шведская компания по производству аэропланов»). После окончания Второй Мировой, SAAB начал производить автомобили. Первая машина, прототип, разрабатывалась и испытывалась в атмосфере секретности, тест-драйв производили на глухих заброшенных участках дороги.
Логотип компании основан на изображении мифического животного, грифона, с телом льва и головой и крыльями орла, а это животное было на логотипе Vabis-Scania, производителя грузовиков, который слился с компанией Сааб. Грифон – геральдический знак провинции Скания.
Повороты сюжета

Когда речь заходит о происхождении культового логотипа, у одной и той же автомобильной компании могут быть два варианта одной и той же истории. И это скрывает от нас правду о Porsche и логотипе этого германского производителя спортивных машин. По словам представителя Porsche Cars North America, очень влиятельный дистрибьютор автомобилей Макс Хоффман (Max Hoffman) встретился с Ферри Порше (Ferry Porsche) в нью-йоркском ресторане в 1951 году. В ходе дискуссии Хоффман уверял Порше, что его автомобилям нужен мощный логотип, нечто особенное и очень элегантное. Грубый набросок был сделан там же и тогда же, на салфетке.
Но история, которую рассказывают в Porsche Germany отличается от этого красочного рассказа. Макс Хоффман именно так попросил Ферри Порше придумать логотип, но нарисован он был определенно не на салфетке в манхэттенском ресторане, а инженером компании Францем Ксавером Раймшписсом (Franz Xaver Reimspiess).

Небылицы никогда и никого не обижают, особенно если речь идет о двух компаниях, известных самыми экзотическими машинами в мире. Любители автомобилей любят поддерживать состязание между Lamborghini и Ferrari, даже придираясь к мелочам на логотипе Lambo. Дизайн черно-золотой эмблемы был предложен основателем компании Ферруччо Ламборгини (Ferruccio Lamborghini), а бык, расположенный в центре, это его знак зодиака — Телец. Легенда гласит, что Ламборгини предположительно скопировал щит Ferrari, а затем изменил цвета на черный и желтый, чтобы уколоть эго Энцо Феррари.
Поскольку главные протагонисты этой истории уже давно не с нами, вероятно, нет способа узнать, правда это или нет. «Насколько мы знаем, это просто байка», сказал представитель Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. «И единственный способ узнать это — спросить у самого мистера Ламборгини».
The roots of the logos of many auto manufacturers pulled out of the past century and still carry enough symbolism and intrigue in the form of maloizmennom.
Designers sometimes just "osovremenivayut" type logo, leaving its essence intact. The automotive industry is one of the few who directed both the past and the future. Reverence of its history and perhaps the gods revered founder, brands strive forward, creating a magnificent production machines and crazy concept cars. And just save the logo looks connects cutting-edge vehicles with a history of the plant.
Does so most automakers, but some brands come a long way to rebrand the choice of a visual image.Ford
History of the famous car logos
For example, the logo of cars Ford, despite the fact that automobile logo are rarely undergo significant changes, not always so, as we know it.
In the early history of the famous car logo was black and white, very frilly and fintiflyushechkah. His assistant engineer worked at the plant. Logo that still exists today, but as history. He almost never used and still a bit changed - removed the trinkets.
Blue oval appeared in 1928, 1976, he became attached to any and all vehicles, with Ford coming down the pipeline, and a more modern look blue oval was the 100th anniversary of Ford Motors in 2003.FIAT
History of the famous car logos
The company was founded in 1899. FIAT - an abbreviation for Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (Italian Automobile Factory of Turin). In addition, this abbreviation can be translated from Latin as an independent word, often used in church use - "let it be." The company logo is extremely simple, all its changes can be attributed to changes in design. He became a round, then took on the form of billboards, a modern logo combines both of these forms. It is interesting that most of its history, the logo was a combination of metal (white) and blue. It seems that the shades of blue - the most common color in the automotive industry, remember BMW, Ford, and Volkswagen. They say that the creator of the original font and the design was inspired by the neon sign factory, seen at night.Volkswagen
History of the famous car logos
The first "people's car" was created in Germany by order of Hitler in 1938. Logo "Volkswagen" was developed by employee of Porsche, Franz Xavier Raymshpissom and selected after an open competition. Letter «W» and «V», combined in a monogram, marked the production of the plant's history. After the plant came into the possession of Britain, the logo was inverted, and later became the background is not black and blue.Skoda
History of the famous car logos
The logo with the famous "winged arrow" was first used in 1926. Its origins are shrouded in mystery and sometimes the author of the image (a schematic drawing of the head in the traditional Indian dress with five feathers) is the commercial director of Skoda Plzen T. Maglic.
History of the famous car logos
And in 2011 the logo changed again Skoda:
History of the famous car logosMazda
History of the famous car logos
The story begins in Mazda in 1920, when it was called the Tokyo cork factory, and produced a plug for the needs of the First World War. In 1927 it began producing cars after the Second World War the company became known as the Mazda. In 1936 the logo was designed in the form of letter "M" composed of wavy lines, the logo was based on the logo of Hiroshima. In 1962 the logo was changed, at its core was still the Latin letter "M", but no longer in the horizontal and vertical compositions. In 1991 the logo was developed, which is highly modified form is present now. In the opinion of the creators of this emblem means the wings, the sun and the circle of light. Modern Mazda logo is called "owl", it stylized "M" looks like a stretched its wings - or as the head of an owl, but some of this emblem is called the "tulip" because like a flower bud.Peugeot
History of the famous car logos
Start Group Peugeot - 1812. Several decades of concern was producing steel products, then bicycles, the first car left the assembly line in 1889. Peugeot logo comes from the heraldic symbol and has been designed for Peugeot jeweler and engraver Justin Blaser, based on the flag province, which originally housed the plant Pezho.V lion depicted the different periods is full, then only the head. In 1927, the lion turned to the right, which meant a break with the rules of heraldry, and acquired features of a living figure of a lion, not geraldichesokgo character - but later returned to the Stamp logo style. In 1950, Leo became clearly aggressive traits - he stood on his hind legs, mouth opened. As such, the logo remains to this day. Interestingly, in the color scheme of the Peugeot was neoriginalen is white and blue, as in the case of Volkswagen, BMW, Ford, Fiat. It seems that this is indeed the most popular color combination for car logos.Renault
History of the famous car logos
The first logo, used on the company's products, composed of the initials of the three brothers Reno: Louis, Ferdinand and Marcel. During World War I, Renault manufactured light tanks to the Allied armies. In 1925 came a diamond logo, which was finalized in 1972 and in this form, with minor modifications, has survived to this day. We should also notice color scheme: Renault Color is yellow, very rare color for a car brand.Toyoda - Toyota
History of the famous car logos
Good luck - and easy to pronounce the name - has played a large role in creating a brand of Toyota in 1936. In the book «Toyota: History of the First 50 years" tells about how the company founder Kiichiro Toyoda (Kiichiro Toyoda) «launched a competition for the best proposal for a new logo Toyoda. Applications was more than 20 000. The application was the winner of the letters of katakana in the design, which aired a sense of speed ... "Toyoda" became "Toyota", because from a design standpoint it was aesthetically pleasing, and because the number of strokes needed to write, was equal to eight. A 8 - a lucky number, presages a growing prosperity. "
But Toyota's first logo, made in 1936:
History of the famous car logosMitsubishi
History of the famous car logos
Mitsubishi logo is a merge sort Iwasaki family crest (three diamonds) and the Tosa clan (three oak leaf, growing from a single point). Yataro Iwasaki came from a family that sold their nobility, and after the Meiji restoration he got shipbuilding clan of Tosa. Two generations later, Iwasaki Kayota redesigned case and created the car company Mitsubishi Motors.
Mitsubishi name means "three diamonds", or "three diamond", the word "hishi" (when connecting to the first syllable becomes voiced by the rules of Japanese phonetics and "hi" becomes "bi") means "chestnut", and is used to denote diamond shape. Since the inception of the logo remained unchanged.American ingenuity
History of the famous car logos
The origin of the so-called "bow tie» Chevrolet could be called one of the strangest. Louis Chevrolet (Louis Chevrolet) said that the inspiration for creating the famous emblem served as a pattern on the wallpaper in his room in a Paris hotel when he went there in 1908. And this story could all believe, if not his wife, Chevrolet. She later said her husband once saw in a newspaper advertisement, which logo was used similar forms.
History of the famous car logos
Herb Cadillac - is the French coat of arms of the military commander and explorer, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac (Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac), who founded Detroit in 1701. Over the years, it made it easier and gave it a more rapid form, but the basic style remained the same. "He is so special that you never want to change it," says Ann Marie Webb (Anne Marie Webb), a design manager GM's Global Brand Identity. When you change one of the logos, GM, Webb always thinks the elements "that make it recognizable and strong." But at the same time, cultural differences must also be taken into account. Thus, the Buick emblem of the three panels in the world is presented in monochrome, except for China, where the logo has red, blue and gray. "Because of China's color gives more award," explains Webb.
History of the famous car logos
Changing times can also bring big changes to the logo. For more than 80 years, Chrysler has used an impressive amount of nameplate. But in 1962, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chrysler Lynn Townsend (Lynn Townsend) wanted to have the brand was more modern and less fussy logo. According to the archives of Chrysler, Townsend chose the five-pointed star of the 700 proposed options. Many people think that this logo represents the five divisions of the company. But it is not. It just looked cool. Now again another Chrysler logo. The brand is often changing them.Lawyers, Latin, and Good Luck
History of the famous car logos
Logos of some car companies owe their existence to the obligations imposed by law, and economies of scale. In 1909, after leaving the company that bears his name, August Horch (August Horch) founded a second car company in Zwickau, Germany. But since his name has already been used, in Jorge serious problems. But he could not legally call their new company after himself. But after he translated his name into Latin, it became legal. «Horch» means "listen" or «audi» in Latin. Four interlinked rings appeared in 1932, when four Borja for the survival of the automaker's corporate united under the flag of Auto Union. These manufacturers were Audi, DKW, Wanderer, and appreciate the irony, Horch.Volvo
History of the famous car logos
The name Volvo also has Latin roots. It means "I roll" and is taken from the name brand balls, which he wore until the moment when he was attached to the Swedish automaker in 1924.
As the company's logo was chosen antique iron symbol, which was a circle with an arrow, located on a diagonal toward the upper right corner.The symbol of iron is one of the oldest and most famous image in Western culture. In the Roman Empire, the sign symbolized warlike and invincible god Mars, who fought only with iron weapons.
Using the sign of iron as an emblem of the car is symbolic: firstly, VOLVO immediately associated with the achievements of the steel industry in Sweden, and secondly, the logo has always perceived as a sign of reliability, quality and durability.
Diagonal stripe that runs across the grille originally appeared only as a mounting point for the nameplate, but it is now "virtually the same brand identity as well as our symbol," said Daniel Johnston (Daniel Johnston), Product Communications Manager at Volvo Cars North America .Statues, Star and Intelligent Machines
History of the famous car logos
Inspiration to find the name and logo creation can come from a careful and thorough research among consumers, loopholes in the law or, in some cases, out of sight on the environment. Maserati brothers to create a trident got inspiration from the statue of Neptune, which stood in the central park in Bologna, where the headquarters of the company. Maserati trident with the caption underneath it was painted by the artist Mario, who was also the only one of seven brothers, Maserati, which was never occupied by design or production machines.
History of the famous car logos
The inspiration for the name of Subaru's literally came from the heavens. Or, to be more precise, the focus of the Japanese names of stars in the constellation Taurus, which we call the Pleiades. Six stars are visible to the naked eye, and - in accordance with corporate identity - this corresponds to the six companies that merged to form Fuji Heavy Industries, parent company Subaru. Hyundai name has an even simpler explanation. On the Korean word translated as "modern" and the company logo is a stylized letter "H", which in turn represents two men. Men - the company and customer - shaking hands.
History of the famous car logos
Name Smart («Smart"), it would seem, speaks for itself, and for English-speaking people do not need any translation. But in fact, an acronym for Swatch (the famous Swiss watch company, which was a partner at an early stage), Mercedes (current curator of the brand) and Art («arts»). Company logo stands for compactness by the letter C («compact»), as well as avant-garde thinking through the boom.The pioneers of the automotive
History of the famous car logos
Tragedy played a big role in the popular myth about the famous logo of the letters R dual British luxury brand Rolls Royce. The company's founders, Henry Royce and Charles Stewart Rolls, originally used in red letters the logo, which combines the initials of their surnames. Legend has it that the color changed to black, when Sir Henry Royce died in 1933, to honor his memory. In fact, the black letters are a result of deliberate decisions of both the founders - to give greater prestige and luxury.
History of the famous car logos
Another iconic emblem Rolls Royce - «The spirit of joy" figurine to adorn the hood of a woman who is almost fly, but her cape flutters in the wind. Since its appearance is also related tragedy, but this time it's not a myth. For the first time "The spirit of joy," appeared in 1911, it created the Charles Sykes (Charles Sykes), and served as a model for Miss Eleanor Thornton, secretary of Baron Montagu, who was a close friend of Charles Rolls. In 1915, Eleanor was lost in a sea voyage to India, and now almost a hundred years, it embodies the spirit of a portrait of delight at Rolls-Royce.
History of the famous car logos
Some car logo originated much earlier than the moment itself began an era of machines. For example, the three-beam star Mercedes-Benz is widely known as a symbol of the engines produced by the company, are used on land, sky and water. But the star first appeared in a letter to the founder of Mercedes-Benz, Gottlieb Daimler (Gottlieb Daimler), to his wife. This star he identified the location of the new home of his family in the German town of Deutz. His sons have adapted the character under the logo of the company in 1910.
History of the famous car logos
One of the most famous logos of all time - prancing horse Ferrari - first appeared on military aircraft, which operated Francesco Baracca, aviator and hero of World War II. In 1923 Enzo Ferrari (Enzo Ferrari), met with the parents of Francesco after the race, and they asked him to use the image prancing horse on his racing car - for good luck and as a tribute to the memory of Francesco, who died shortly before the war. By the horse was added a yellow background (the official color of his native city of Enzo Ferrari, Italian Modena), and changed the direction of the tail, he looked up.
History of the famous car logos
BMW, the myth (and sensible marketing) took over several generations, linking logo with the aviation theme. "The German advertising agency in the 1920s created an advertisement that showed a circle in front of a rotating propeller BMW aircraft and thus reflect the company's origins as a manufacturer of aircraft engines. And then it turned into a myth, "said Dave Buchko (Dave Buchko), representative of BMW North America. And despite the fact that BMW has indeed produced engines for airplanes, white and blue logo colors represents the Bavarian flag, not the propeller and the sky.SAAB
History of the famous car logos
Like BMW, Saab, originally a manufacturer of aircraft, in 1937 the company was called Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget («The Swedish company for the production of airplanes.") After the Second World, SAAB began producing cars. The first machine, a prototype was developed and tested in an atmosphere of secrecy, test drive was carried out on deaf deserted stretches of road.
The company logo is based on a mythical image of the animal, the griffin, a lion's body and head and wings of an eagle, but this animal was on the logo Vabis-Scania, truck manufacturer, which merged with the company Saab. Griffin - Heraldic Symbol province for sale.Plot twists
History of the famous car logos
When it comes to the origins of the cult's logo, in the same car company could be two versions of the same stories. And it hides from us the truth about the Porsche and the logo of the German manufacturer of sports cars.
Designers sometimes just "osovremenivayut" type logo, leaving its essence intact. The automotive industry is one of the few who directed both the past and the future. Reverence of its history and perhaps the gods revered founder, brands strive forward, creating a magnificent production machines and crazy concept cars. And just save the logo looks connects cutting-edge vehicles with a history of the plant.
Does so most automakers, but some brands come a long way to rebrand the choice of a visual image.Ford
History of the famous car logos
For example, the logo of cars Ford, despite the fact that automobile logo are rarely undergo significant changes, not always so, as we know it.
In the early history of the famous car logo was black and white, very frilly and fintiflyushechkah. His assistant engineer worked at the plant. Logo that still exists today, but as history. He almost never used and still a bit changed - removed the trinkets.
Blue oval appeared in 1928, 1976, he became attached to any and all vehicles, with Ford coming down the pipeline, and a more modern look blue oval was the 100th anniversary of Ford Motors in 2003.FIAT
History of the famous car logos
The company was founded in 1899. FIAT - an abbreviation for Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino (Italian Automobile Factory of Turin). In addition, this abbreviation can be translated from Latin as an independent word, often used in church use - "let it be." The company logo is extremely simple, all its changes can be attributed to changes in design. He became a round, then took on the form of billboards, a modern logo combines both of these forms. It is interesting that most of its history, the logo was a combination of metal (white) and blue. It seems that the shades of blue - the most common color in the automotive industry, remember BMW, Ford, and Volkswagen. They say that the creator of the original font and the design was inspired by the neon sign factory, seen at night.Volkswagen
History of the famous car logos
The first "people's car" was created in Germany by order of Hitler in 1938. Logo "Volkswagen" was developed by employee of Porsche, Franz Xavier Raymshpissom and selected after an open competition. Letter «W» and «V», combined in a monogram, marked the production of the plant's history. After the plant came into the possession of Britain, the logo was inverted, and later became the background is not black and blue.Skoda
History of the famous car logos
The logo with the famous "winged arrow" was first used in 1926. Its origins are shrouded in mystery and sometimes the author of the image (a schematic drawing of the head in the traditional Indian dress with five feathers) is the commercial director of Skoda Plzen T. Maglic.
History of the famous car logos
And in 2011 the logo changed again Skoda:
History of the famous car logosMazda
History of the famous car logos
The story begins in Mazda in 1920, when it was called the Tokyo cork factory, and produced a plug for the needs of the First World War. In 1927 it began producing cars after the Second World War the company became known as the Mazda. In 1936 the logo was designed in the form of letter "M" composed of wavy lines, the logo was based on the logo of Hiroshima. In 1962 the logo was changed, at its core was still the Latin letter "M", but no longer in the horizontal and vertical compositions. In 1991 the logo was developed, which is highly modified form is present now. In the opinion of the creators of this emblem means the wings, the sun and the circle of light. Modern Mazda logo is called "owl", it stylized "M" looks like a stretched its wings - or as the head of an owl, but some of this emblem is called the "tulip" because like a flower bud.Peugeot
History of the famous car logos
Start Group Peugeot - 1812. Several decades of concern was producing steel products, then bicycles, the first car left the assembly line in 1889. Peugeot logo comes from the heraldic symbol and has been designed for Peugeot jeweler and engraver Justin Blaser, based on the flag province, which originally housed the plant Pezho.V lion depicted the different periods is full, then only the head. In 1927, the lion turned to the right, which meant a break with the rules of heraldry, and acquired features of a living figure of a lion, not geraldichesokgo character - but later returned to the Stamp logo style. In 1950, Leo became clearly aggressive traits - he stood on his hind legs, mouth opened. As such, the logo remains to this day. Interestingly, in the color scheme of the Peugeot was neoriginalen is white and blue, as in the case of Volkswagen, BMW, Ford, Fiat. It seems that this is indeed the most popular color combination for car logos.Renault
History of the famous car logos
The first logo, used on the company's products, composed of the initials of the three brothers Reno: Louis, Ferdinand and Marcel. During World War I, Renault manufactured light tanks to the Allied armies. In 1925 came a diamond logo, which was finalized in 1972 and in this form, with minor modifications, has survived to this day. We should also notice color scheme: Renault Color is yellow, very rare color for a car brand.Toyoda - Toyota
History of the famous car logos
Good luck - and easy to pronounce the name - has played a large role in creating a brand of Toyota in 1936. In the book «Toyota: History of the First 50 years" tells about how the company founder Kiichiro Toyoda (Kiichiro Toyoda) «launched a competition for the best proposal for a new logo Toyoda. Applications was more than 20 000. The application was the winner of the letters of katakana in the design, which aired a sense of speed ... "Toyoda" became "Toyota", because from a design standpoint it was aesthetically pleasing, and because the number of strokes needed to write, was equal to eight. A 8 - a lucky number, presages a growing prosperity. "
But Toyota's first logo, made in 1936:
History of the famous car logosMitsubishi
History of the famous car logos
Mitsubishi logo is a merge sort Iwasaki family crest (three diamonds) and the Tosa clan (three oak leaf, growing from a single point). Yataro Iwasaki came from a family that sold their nobility, and after the Meiji restoration he got shipbuilding clan of Tosa. Two generations later, Iwasaki Kayota redesigned case and created the car company Mitsubishi Motors.
Mitsubishi name means "three diamonds", or "three diamond", the word "hishi" (when connecting to the first syllable becomes voiced by the rules of Japanese phonetics and "hi" becomes "bi") means "chestnut", and is used to denote diamond shape. Since the inception of the logo remained unchanged.American ingenuity
History of the famous car logos
The origin of the so-called "bow tie» Chevrolet could be called one of the strangest. Louis Chevrolet (Louis Chevrolet) said that the inspiration for creating the famous emblem served as a pattern on the wallpaper in his room in a Paris hotel when he went there in 1908. And this story could all believe, if not his wife, Chevrolet. She later said her husband once saw in a newspaper advertisement, which logo was used similar forms.
History of the famous car logos
Herb Cadillac - is the French coat of arms of the military commander and explorer, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac (Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac), who founded Detroit in 1701. Over the years, it made it easier and gave it a more rapid form, but the basic style remained the same. "He is so special that you never want to change it," says Ann Marie Webb (Anne Marie Webb), a design manager GM's Global Brand Identity. When you change one of the logos, GM, Webb always thinks the elements "that make it recognizable and strong." But at the same time, cultural differences must also be taken into account. Thus, the Buick emblem of the three panels in the world is presented in monochrome, except for China, where the logo has red, blue and gray. "Because of China's color gives more award," explains Webb.
History of the famous car logos
Changing times can also bring big changes to the logo. For more than 80 years, Chrysler has used an impressive amount of nameplate. But in 1962, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Chrysler Lynn Townsend (Lynn Townsend) wanted to have the brand was more modern and less fussy logo. According to the archives of Chrysler, Townsend chose the five-pointed star of the 700 proposed options. Many people think that this logo represents the five divisions of the company. But it is not. It just looked cool. Now again another Chrysler logo. The brand is often changing them.Lawyers, Latin, and Good Luck
History of the famous car logos
Logos of some car companies owe their existence to the obligations imposed by law, and economies of scale. In 1909, after leaving the company that bears his name, August Horch (August Horch) founded a second car company in Zwickau, Germany. But since his name has already been used, in Jorge serious problems. But he could not legally call their new company after himself. But after he translated his name into Latin, it became legal. «Horch» means "listen" or «audi» in Latin. Four interlinked rings appeared in 1932, when four Borja for the survival of the automaker's corporate united under the flag of Auto Union. These manufacturers were Audi, DKW, Wanderer, and appreciate the irony, Horch.Volvo
History of the famous car logos
The name Volvo also has Latin roots. It means "I roll" and is taken from the name brand balls, which he wore until the moment when he was attached to the Swedish automaker in 1924.
As the company's logo was chosen antique iron symbol, which was a circle with an arrow, located on a diagonal toward the upper right corner.The symbol of iron is one of the oldest and most famous image in Western culture. In the Roman Empire, the sign symbolized warlike and invincible god Mars, who fought only with iron weapons.
Using the sign of iron as an emblem of the car is symbolic: firstly, VOLVO immediately associated with the achievements of the steel industry in Sweden, and secondly, the logo has always perceived as a sign of reliability, quality and durability.
Diagonal stripe that runs across the grille originally appeared only as a mounting point for the nameplate, but it is now "virtually the same brand identity as well as our symbol," said Daniel Johnston (Daniel Johnston), Product Communications Manager at Volvo Cars North America .Statues, Star and Intelligent Machines
History of the famous car logos
Inspiration to find the name and logo creation can come from a careful and thorough research among consumers, loopholes in the law or, in some cases, out of sight on the environment. Maserati brothers to create a trident got inspiration from the statue of Neptune, which stood in the central park in Bologna, where the headquarters of the company. Maserati trident with the caption underneath it was painted by the artist Mario, who was also the only one of seven brothers, Maserati, which was never occupied by design or production machines.
History of the famous car logos
The inspiration for the name of Subaru's literally came from the heavens. Or, to be more precise, the focus of the Japanese names of stars in the constellation Taurus, which we call the Pleiades. Six stars are visible to the naked eye, and - in accordance with corporate identity - this corresponds to the six companies that merged to form Fuji Heavy Industries, parent company Subaru. Hyundai name has an even simpler explanation. On the Korean word translated as "modern" and the company logo is a stylized letter "H", which in turn represents two men. Men - the company and customer - shaking hands.
History of the famous car logos
Name Smart («Smart"), it would seem, speaks for itself, and for English-speaking people do not need any translation. But in fact, an acronym for Swatch (the famous Swiss watch company, which was a partner at an early stage), Mercedes (current curator of the brand) and Art («arts»). Company logo stands for compactness by the letter C («compact»), as well as avant-garde thinking through the boom.The pioneers of the automotive
History of the famous car logos
Tragedy played a big role in the popular myth about the famous logo of the letters R dual British luxury brand Rolls Royce. The company's founders, Henry Royce and Charles Stewart Rolls, originally used in red letters the logo, which combines the initials of their surnames. Legend has it that the color changed to black, when Sir Henry Royce died in 1933, to honor his memory. In fact, the black letters are a result of deliberate decisions of both the founders - to give greater prestige and luxury.
History of the famous car logos
Another iconic emblem Rolls Royce - «The spirit of joy" figurine to adorn the hood of a woman who is almost fly, but her cape flutters in the wind. Since its appearance is also related tragedy, but this time it's not a myth. For the first time "The spirit of joy," appeared in 1911, it created the Charles Sykes (Charles Sykes), and served as a model for Miss Eleanor Thornton, secretary of Baron Montagu, who was a close friend of Charles Rolls. In 1915, Eleanor was lost in a sea voyage to India, and now almost a hundred years, it embodies the spirit of a portrait of delight at Rolls-Royce.
History of the famous car logos
Some car logo originated much earlier than the moment itself began an era of machines. For example, the three-beam star Mercedes-Benz is widely known as a symbol of the engines produced by the company, are used on land, sky and water. But the star first appeared in a letter to the founder of Mercedes-Benz, Gottlieb Daimler (Gottlieb Daimler), to his wife. This star he identified the location of the new home of his family in the German town of Deutz. His sons have adapted the character under the logo of the company in 1910.
History of the famous car logos
One of the most famous logos of all time - prancing horse Ferrari - first appeared on military aircraft, which operated Francesco Baracca, aviator and hero of World War II. In 1923 Enzo Ferrari (Enzo Ferrari), met with the parents of Francesco after the race, and they asked him to use the image prancing horse on his racing car - for good luck and as a tribute to the memory of Francesco, who died shortly before the war. By the horse was added a yellow background (the official color of his native city of Enzo Ferrari, Italian Modena), and changed the direction of the tail, he looked up.
History of the famous car logos
BMW, the myth (and sensible marketing) took over several generations, linking logo with the aviation theme. "The German advertising agency in the 1920s created an advertisement that showed a circle in front of a rotating propeller BMW aircraft and thus reflect the company's origins as a manufacturer of aircraft engines. And then it turned into a myth, "said Dave Buchko (Dave Buchko), representative of BMW North America. And despite the fact that BMW has indeed produced engines for airplanes, white and blue logo colors represents the Bavarian flag, not the propeller and the sky.SAAB
History of the famous car logos
Like BMW, Saab, originally a manufacturer of aircraft, in 1937 the company was called Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget («The Swedish company for the production of airplanes.") After the Second World, SAAB began producing cars. The first machine, a prototype was developed and tested in an atmosphere of secrecy, test drive was carried out on deaf deserted stretches of road.
The company logo is based on a mythical image of the animal, the griffin, a lion's body and head and wings of an eagle, but this animal was on the logo Vabis-Scania, truck manufacturer, which merged with the company Saab. Griffin - Heraldic Symbol province for sale.Plot twists
History of the famous car logos
When it comes to the origins of the cult's logo, in the same car company could be two versions of the same stories. And it hides from us the truth about the Porsche and the logo of the German manufacturer of sports cars.
According to the Porsche Cars North America, a very influential distributor of cars Max Hoffman (Max Hoffman) meets with Ferry Porsche (Ferry Porsche) in the New York restaurant in 1951. During the discussion, Hoffman claimed Porsche that his car needed a powerful logo, a very special and very elegant. Rough sketch was made in the same place and at the same time, on a napkin.
But the story told in the Porsche Germany differs from this colorful tale. Max Hoffman was asked because Ferry Porsche to come up with a logo, but he painted was certainly not on a napkin in a Manhattan restaurant, and an engineer company Franz Xaver Raymshpissom (Franz Xaver Reimspiess).
History of the famous car logos
Fiction never hurt no one, especially if there are two companies known to the most exotic cars in the world. Car lovers love to keep match between Lamborghini and Ferrari, even finding fault to detail on the logo Lambo. Designed in black and gold logo has been proposed by company founder Ferruccio Lamborghini (Ferruccio Lamborghini), and the bull in the center, it's his zodiac sign - Taurus. Legend has it that Lamborghini shield presumably copied Ferrari, and then changed the color to black and yellow, to prick the ego of Enzo Ferrari.
As the main protagonists of this story are no longer with us, there is probably no way to know it's true or not. "As far as we know it's just the bike," said a representative of Automobili Lamborghini SpA "And the only way to find out - ask Mr. Lamborghini himself."
But the story told in the Porsche Germany differs from this colorful tale. Max Hoffman was asked because Ferry Porsche to come up with a logo, but he painted was certainly not on a napkin in a Manhattan restaurant, and an engineer company Franz Xaver Raymshpissom (Franz Xaver Reimspiess).
History of the famous car logos
Fiction never hurt no one, especially if there are two companies known to the most exotic cars in the world. Car lovers love to keep match between Lamborghini and Ferrari, even finding fault to detail on the logo Lambo. Designed in black and gold logo has been proposed by company founder Ferruccio Lamborghini (Ferruccio Lamborghini), and the bull in the center, it's his zodiac sign - Taurus. Legend has it that Lamborghini shield presumably copied Ferrari, and then changed the color to black and yellow, to prick the ego of Enzo Ferrari.
As the main protagonists of this story are no longer with us, there is probably no way to know it's true or not. "As far as we know it's just the bike," said a representative of Automobili Lamborghini SpA "And the only way to find out - ask Mr. Lamborghini himself."
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