1. Норвегия — фантастическая страна. Богатейшая и разнообразная природа, огромные запасы энергоресурсов и их разумное освоение делают норвегов чрезвычайно обеспеченной нацией.
2. Население Норвегии ничтожно — они не дотягивают и до 5 млн человек. Это примерно четверть современной Москвы. Более 1,5 млн норвегов живут в столице Осло и его пригородах. Любой город с населением более 30 тыс. считается большим.
3. Знайте: 100% жителей Норвегии отлично говорят, пишут и читают по-английски. Дети изучают язык уже с 5–6 лет или раньше. Любой ребенок старше 10 без труда объясниться с вами на английском. Исключение — очень старенькие пенсионеры 75+.
4. Норвеги любят и ценят море. Жить предпочитают не далее 200–300 метров от воды, или в ее прямой видимости. Те, кто живет в глубине страны, все равно покупают второй домик у моря. Лодки или катера есть у 80% населения.

5. В Норвегии невероятно изменчивый климат. Туман, солнце, резкий ветер, дождь, и снова туман могут сменяться с фантастической частотой. Норвеги даже сочинили поговорку: «Не нравится наша погода? подождите 15 минут».
6. Природа Норвегии величественна и разнообразна. Леса, горы, реки, озера, море, и все остальное — в первозданном состоянии. Отношение к природе очень бережное. Браконьеров нет, мусора тоже практически нет. Благодаря морю нет комаров и прочей насекомой нечисти. Летом не жарко… рай!
7. По закону, любой житель страны и ее гость имеет право беспрепятственного прохода ко всем природным ресурсам без ограничений — как в лесу, так и на море. Вы можете гулять и плавать везде, где пожелаете. Если земля частная или огорожена, то желательно спросить разрешения из вежливости.
8. Рассказы о том, что Норвегия очень дорогая страна — истинная правда. В целом, все товары дорогие, а самые обычные продукты повсеместно стоят как в Азбуке Вкуса. Зайти в супермаркет и потратить 200 евро, ничего толком не купив — легко. Еще дороже обойдутся услуги (например такси или строительство) — они стоят просто нереальных денег. Бензин почти 2 евро за литр. Налоги на авто — бешеные. При этом Норвегия 2-я в Европе страна-экспортер нефти. Такие гиганты как Shell или Statoil — норвежские.
9. Продукты в Норвегии высочайшего качества. Особенно молочные. Местное мороженное просто супер. Даже в МкДональдсе мясо в гамбургере вполне съедобно. Кстати, здесь самые дорогие гамбургеры в Европе. По такому же принципу, любой обычный фастфуд стоит кошмарных денег. В рядовой пиццерии отдать 200 евро за 4х без алкоголя — норма. При этом сама пицца — не очень.

10. Соблюдение законов и отсутствие криминала — практически повсеместно. Воровство немыслимо для большинства жителей. Только крупные торговые сети имеют рамки-детекторы кражи товаров на выходе, или камеры наблюдения. В остальном их практически нигде нет.
11. Практически 100% населения подключено к высокоскоростному интернету. В силу климата и больших расстояний, норвеги очень много сидят в сети.
12. Норвеги любят и оберегают свою монархию. Взрослое население в большей мере, чем молодые, гордятся тем, что сохранили королевскую семью.
13. В сравнении с другими европейцами, практически любой норвег, выезжая за пределы страны — мини-олигарх. В странах Азии так вообще короли. Средняя зарплата у многих норвегов может составлять до 5–7 тыс. евро в месяц. Таким образом, для приезжих местные цены неподъемные, но для местных все ок.
14. Морская и озерная рыбалка в Норвегии — рай для знатока. Рыбы и разнообразных морских гадов невероятное множество. Промысловые регионы есть только в северных районах, а начиная от города Бергена и южнее промысла нет. Поймать можно всегда и в любую погоду, практически в любом месте. Крабы, мидии, морские улитки и прочие вкусности тоже в избытке. Лицензии на лов не нужны.

15. Именно поэтому у многих европейцев в последнее время развилось выгодное хобби: приезжать в Норвегию на авто-рефрижераторах, жить в самых дешевых домиках или палатках, рыбачить две недели без перерыва, затариваться рыбой на 6 месяцев вперед, и уезжать обратно. Немцы, голландцы и бельгийцы, пожалуй, самые активные.
16. Норвеги не собирают дары леса, не разбираются в грибах и ягодах, не знают свойств трав. Поэтому, в хороший сезон всего этого добра просто завались. В урожайный год грибов бывает столько, что за 2–3 часа один человек может собрать 100-литровый мешок отборных белых. Про голубику, дикую малину и ежевику вообще не говорю — растет повсюду как сорняк.
17. Норвеги страшно удивляются и восхищаются познаниями русских о грибах и ягодах. Многие уверены, что мы отважные и рискованные люди, если уходим в лес их собирать. Пробовать отказываются. В супермаркете же запросто берут парниковые шампиньоны и лисички, полностью игнорируя лес в 10 метрах от дома. Первое время это шокирует.
18. Крепкий алкоголь в Норвегии просто так не купить! Его продают только в специальных магазинах — Vinmonopolet. Переводится как алко-монополия. Принадлежат государству. Они работают строго понедельник-пятница, в столице вроде есть и субботние магазины, открыты часов до 7 максимум, с большим перерывом на обед среди дня. И есть они далеко не везде. Алкоголь там безумно дорог: бутылка водки за 70–100 евро — это норма.
19. В супермаркетах можно купить только пиво или сидр не крепче 5,2 градуса. Все что выше, в том числе и вино — только в ресторане, баре, или как уже сказано в винмонополете.

20. Пить норвеги любят, но не умеют. Напиваются быстро, теряют рассудок столь же быстро, ведут себя шумно и смешно. Навыки опохмела, или знания, как взбодриться огуречным или капустным рассолом, отсутствуют как факт. Приходят в дикий восторг если их привести в чувства таким простым способом.
21. Норвегия имеет самую большую протяженность фиордов в мире. Фиорд — это широкий, часто извилистый и глубокий канал со скалистыми берегами, вонзающийся из моря вглубь материка на многие километры. Фиорды есть еще в Канаде, Чили, и Новой Зеландии. Те, что в Норвегии — самые красивые.
22. Норвежки — весьма посредственные женщины с точки зрения красоты. Среднего роста, коренастые, плотно сложенные с широко расставленными глазами, курносые, и как правило, очень независимые.
23. А вот норвеги-мужчины наоборот: высокие, атлетичные, многие натуральные блондины, эдакие викинги с широкой улыбкой и голубыми глазами. Можно понять, почему они не всегда спешат взять в жены местных норвежек.
24. Многие норвежские дети необычайно красивы. Светловолосые, стройные, спортивные, некоторые с вьющимися волосами — видна чистота генетических линий. Детей воспитывают достаточно строго. Баловать не принято.

25. Можно ехать целый день по центральной части Норвегии, впрочем, и по любой другой ее части, и не встретить ни одной полицейской машины. Или самих полицейских. А вот трактор на дороге со скоростью 40 км в час — вполне обычное дело.
26. Каждый следующий день похож на предыдущий. В том смысле, что все течет очень спокойно и размеренно. Работать норвеги начинают примерно с 10 утра, а к 4-м уже закругляются. В выходной открыты только рестораны или супермаркеты. Никто особо никуда не спешит.
27. На лыжах и сноубордах катаетcя почти 100% населения. Женщины часто не хуже мужчин.
28. Детей ставят на лыжи с 4–5 лет. Видеть, как папа толкает вниз малыша с весьма приличной для такого возраста горки — нормальное дело. Дети лет 10-и делают меня, человека с 12-летним стажем, почти не напрягаясь.
29. На проселочных дорогах, обычно рядом с фермой, часто можно встретить стол с овощами или фруктами. И ценник что-почем. На нем же будут стоять весы, пакеты для покупки, и баночка для денег. Это вид самообслуживания. Все построено на доверии. Рядом никого нет.

30. Молодые норвеги и даже люди среднего возраста очень любят фантастику и фентези как жанр. Фильмы типа Властелин Колец или Звездные Войны очень популярны.
31. Большая часть передач на ТВ — англоязычные, максимум с норвежскими субтитрами. Это очень удобно.
32. Одеваются норвеги очень буднично и просто, как в целом и вся Европа. Увидеть красиво одетую девушку или парня сложно.
33. Местная кухня — проста и неприхотлива. Готовят они, мягко говоря, не очень. Зато норвеги преуспели в рецептах заготовки рыбы: сушеная, соленая, копченая и т. п., многое вкусно. Морепродукты принято готовить очень просто: минимум всяких добавок, минимум обработки. Попробуйте местную рыбную икру в железных тюбиках типа RekerOst — очень вкусно.
34. В своем большинстве норвеги — воспитанные и доверчивые люди. Старшее поколение достаточно педантично, многие блюдут традиционный уклад в быту и делах.

35. Получить весьма крупный кредит в банке под 3–4 процента годовых совсем не сложно. Вообще, все сделано ради человека. Можно спланировать свою жизнь на 10 лет вперед, включая любые расходы и продвижение по карьере. И план сбудется.
36. К иностранцам отношение сдержанное, но доброжелательное. Норвеги спокойно приглашают в гости, делятся едой, помогают советом. Завести хороших друзей вполне возможно.
37. За пределами больших городов активной жизни практически нет. Нет клубов, нет кино, нет шоппинг-центров. Впрочем, и самих норвегов тоже почти нет.
38. Государство всячески поддерживает занятость населения хоть чем-нибудь. Дотации есть во многих сферах частного бизнеса. Так, можно купить 30 штук овец, прибить им на уши бирки, заявить государству что я теперь веселый фермер, и выпустить пастись целый год на каком-нибудь островке. За это можно получать от государства дотации, технику, льготы. В конце года поймать и продать — и еще немного заработать.
39. Убийство хотя бы одного человека обсуждается по национальному ТВ и радио минимум неделю. Грабеж тоже.

40. Дороги в Норвегии очень хорошие, но практически вся региональная транспортная сеть — однополоска. Шоссе предлагает только по одной полосе в каждую сторону. Это страшно раздражает.
41. В последние годы Норвегия увеличила приток иммигрантов из других стран. И не только из традиционных Африки или Азии — но мы встречали даже чеченцев! Большинство иммигрантов ведет себя нагло, интегрироваться не хотят, язык не учат, сбиваются в группы, плодятся как тараканы, работать не любят и эксплуатируют систему. Еще 10 лет назад такого не было.
42. Выучить норвежский язык, или Norsk, достаточно сложно. Много скачущих интонаций, разнокоренных слов. Но если постараться — за два года все ок.
43. Многие молодые норвеги жалуются на скучную жизнь, чрезмерное соблюдение законов, высокие цены и тяжелый климат. Однако же гордятся быть собой и частью нации.
44. Летом южная часть страны — весьма теплое место. Клубника, сливы и груши вызревают в изобилии. Вода в некоторых местах прогневается до 20 градусов, и купаться в Северном море очень забавно. Можно даже подзагореть.

45. Полеты на самолете внутри страны, а также за ее пределы чрезвычайно дешевы. При этом качество сервиса выше, чем у европейских авиа-дискаунтеров. Вылететь в Дубровник из Бергена (3,5 часа полета) за 40 евро, или в Амстердам за 35 из Осло — обычное дело.
46. С курением борются нереальными ценами на табак. Однако, норвеги любят подымить. Многие покупают резанный табак в брикетах и курят самокрутки, или везут сигареты из дьюти фри.
47. В Норвегии самое большое совокупное количество туннелей в Европе. Их просто сотни повсеместно. Есть один, который проходит под морским проливом на глубине около 4 км. Некоторые туннели платные, как и некоторые мосты.
48. Аренда автомобиля, даже самого простого — дорогое удовольствие. В 2–3 раза дороже чем в некоторых европейских странах. Бензиновых очень мало. Дизель — это наше все.
49. В Норвегии находится самая северная точка материковой Европы. Называется Нордкап, находится на краю скалы далеко на севере. В хорошую погоду можно увидеть край ледников Арктики.

50. Несмотря на географическую близость к Швеции, народ Норвегии — другие люди. И вообще среди всех скандинавов они должно быть самые самобытные. Природа тоже различается.
51. Средства, которые Норвегия получает от продажи ресурсов, распределяются разумно. У Норвегии просто нереальное количество недвижимости и земли за рубежом. Но об этом мало кто знает — предпочитают вести себя сдержанно.
52. В силу большого количества островов и проливов, очень развита паромная сеть. Паромы ходят куда угодно и очень часто. Можно сэкономить часы пути, сев на паром. В основном на своем авто. Сами паромы большие, комфортные, и относительно недорогие.
53. В Норвегии разрешено ловить морского краба — но запрещено ловить лобстера. Если лобстер попадет к вам к краболовку, а это случается довольно часто, по правилам его надо отпустить. На вопрос «а что вы делаете с лобстером» большинство Норвегов улыбается, и говорит, что конечно же отпускает это дивное членистоногое на волю — при этом хитро подмигивая. Живых лобстеров продают на рыбном рынке, их отлов расписан по квотам.
54. В Норвегии недорогое серебро. Изделия из серебра хорошего качества.

55. Если вы приехали туристом, не забывайте просить Tax-free везде где бываете. Его можно оформить практически всюду и на любые товары, от суммы покупки эквивалентной 50-и евро. В итоге можно вернуть до 30% от потраченных денег.
56. Герой норвежского фольклора, тролль — очень популярный символ многих заведений. Несмотря на весьма бесовский внешний вид, тролли — это духи природы, они ее охраняют, и еще помогают хорошим людям. Вот вам интересный факт: возьмите фигурку тролля, поставьте рядом, и попробуйте сравнить ее с внешностью окружающих местных жителей, особенно женщин. Внимательный наблюдатель сможет обнаружить неожиданное сходство!
57. Домашние животные, особенно собаки, чрезвычайно воспитаны. Мало лают, очень дружелюбны, и вообще не мешают хозяевам. Даже друг с другом они весьма сдержанны.
58. Вывести норвега из себя не просто. Многие предпочтут не ввязываться. Но если вы добились своего — не ждите ничего хорошего. В гневе норвеги бывают ужасны.
59. Энергоносители в Норвегии стоят сумасшедших денег. За 4 недели семья из 5 человек запросто может угрохать около 1 тыс евро на электричество. И даже больше. Будьте очень рациональны при своих энерго-расходах.

60. Опека детей и молодежи очень сильна. Совсем не редкость, когда в детский сад ходит 20–30 детишек из одной местности, и больше никого. Для других строят еще один садик. И это не просто домик с игровой комнатой. Это целый комплекс из площадки, раздевалок, туалетов, кухни и т. п. На входе принято снимать обувь. Быть ребенком в Норвегии — благодать.
61. Многоэтажек и жилых комплексов мало, почти нет. В основном люди живут в частных домах. Дома простые, но удобные. Обычно их окрашивают в красный или сине-белые цвета, часто с газоном из полевой травы на крыше. Это не только дань традициям — такая крыша прекрасно инсулирует зимой. Смотрится забавно.
62. Общеизвестных фактов о Норвегии не так много. Самые известные ассоциации — это викинги, Эдвард Григ, горы, фиорды и тролли.
63. Большая часть доходов экономики приходит в казну от продажи нефтепродуктов. Далее идет морской промысел, кораблестроение, инженерное дело и строительство глубоководных платформ.
64. Северная часть страны сильно отличается от южной по климату. Зимой на севере холодно и снежно. На юге может вообще не быть снега и температура зимой плюсовая.

65. На рынке или в супермаркете можно купить мясо кита. Его мало и оно дорогое. Мясо кита темное, почти черное, на вкус — как лосятина. Продают стейки и фарш.
66. В некоторых городах местная фауна совсем свыклась с соседством человека. Голуби на площади могут сесть прямо на руку и лихо начать поедать вашу булку. Чайки могут парить в метре от палубы проходящего парома и хватать брошенный хлеб прямо на лету.
67. Инженерные вузы, морские академии, а так же нефтегазовые институты очень престижны.
68. По традиции каждый мужчина должен изготовить для себя нож и ножны. Своими руками. Все, что для этого надо, продается в изобилии. Лезвия, заготовки, инструменты, кожа. Особенно хороши рукояти из обрезков карельской березы. Сложно обрабатывать, но красиво и долговечно.
69. Вдоль дороги часто можно встретить небольшие пирамиды из камней. Они называются «тог» и их никто не трогает. Раньше их складывали, чтобы не сбиться с пути после снегопада или в сильный туман. Сейчас это — забавная традиция.

70. Дичи и диких животных много. Выбегающий на дорогу олень или скачущая косуля — не редкость.
71. Выпивая, норвеги чокаются и произносят «Skol!» При этом буква «О» звучит как что-то среднее между самой «о» и «ё». Тостовать не принято.
72. Население страны не очень религиозно. Церкви и костёлы, конечно, есть, но немного. На службу ходят в основном взрослые.
73. Если жить на природе в своем домике и иметь только электричество — можно на 80% прокормиться от земли. Море богато любой морской пищей, вода в ручьях и многих озерах питьевая без предварительной обработки, а леса богаты дичью и плодами. Однако население весьма обеспечено, и в целом не обременяет природу своим присутствием.
74. Норвегам нечего, да и незачем делить друг с другом. К тому же, много людей обычно знакомы. Как следствие, полное отсутствие стычек или враждебных группировок. А вот приезжие, которым великодушно разрешили приехать и жить в стране часто теснят местных своим поведением и наглостью.

75. Правильно писать не норвеги, а норвежцы :) Простите меня все за привычку писать неправильно.
76. Найти достойные русские продукты совсем непросто. Их проще заказать через интернет с доставкой. Но есть исключения. Так, в супермаркетах повсюду продается Кефир. Почти как наш. А вот засолить огурцы или заквасить капусту проще самому.
77. Если задаться целью, то за достаточно короткое время можно добиться встречи с премьер-министром страны. Для этого вовсе не обязательно быть известным олигархом, членом его партии или одногруппником со студенческой скамьи.
78. Если хозяева находятся дома, принято поднимать национальный флаг на флагштоке рядом с домом. У многих он есть. При отъезде его опускают.
79. Уважение к частной собственности соблюдается повсеместно. Днем большинство домов не запираются вовсе, кроме жилья в больших городах — и это полностью безопасно. Ходить в гости принято по приглашению.

80. В последнее время, в стране очень популярен онлайн-покер. Сегодня это распространенная тенденция во всей Скандинавии. Норвежские игроки популярны и очень опасны: они агрессивны, настойчивы и расчетливы. Многие добиваются отличных результатов на мировой покерной арене.
81. В подарок норвегам можно привезти качественный алкоголь. Из рук русских это даже рекомендовано. Никаких клише в этом нет.
82. После морской рыбалки многим хочется попробовать озерную или речную. Часто на подъезде к пресноводному озеру можно встретить плакат, запрещающий использовать морские снасти в озере. В особо рыбных озерах при подъезде стоят аппараты с моющими средствами для ваших удочек и снастей. Эта мера не дает морским микроорганизмам на снастях переселиться в пресную воду. Случаи заражения водорослями уже были.
83. В Норвегии практически отсутствуют дорогие авто на дорогах. В половине случаев за рулем новых S-Сlasse или БМВ Х6 будут немцы или другие европейцы.
84. Встретить на улицах просящих милостыню почти невозможно. Исключением бывают только большие города, и почти всегда это кто-то из иммигрантов. В девяностых годах такого вообще не было.

85. Зарегистрировать собственную компанию достаточно просто. Будьте готовы платить высокие налоги и помните, что норвеги весьма консервативны в выборе товаров и услуг.
86. Рядом с Осло есть красивый парк аттракционов. Там очень интересно и весело, очередей совсем немного.
87. Пилоты гражданской авиации — ребята хладнокровные и бесстрашные. Взлет и посадка часто очень стремительны, а погодные условия при этом не самые идеальные. Но это оправдано — вокруг сплошные горы, прямых площадок не много, и взлетать надо быстро. Десятки перелетов по стране при очень жестких условиях не раз доказывали мне их профессионализм.
88. Путешествуя по Норвегии, не пожалейте денег и подарите себе традиционный шерстяной свитер! Обычно они раскрашены в разноцветный орнамент, иногда в оленей, в квадратики или ломаные линии. Стоить могут очень дорого, от 300 евро — но качества превосходного, и прослужат вам невероятно долго, не выцветая и не садясь.
89. Если только это не иностранец или иммигрант, шансы, что на улице у вас стрельнут сигарету — нулевые. Если вы сами поделитесь ей с товарищем, то он постарается ее вам вернуть.

90. Местные жители не склонны к полноте. Много времени они проводят на море и свежем воздухе, пища не жирная и хорошего качества. Фастфуда совсем немного.
91. Выходя замуж, норвежские жены становятся весьма домовиты. Зачастую они очень образованы, трудолюбивы и воспитаны. Учитывая тот факт, что многие граждане наследуют блага уже несколько поколений, часто женщины бывают довольно состоятельны еще до замужества.
92. Все авто на дорогах Норвегии имеют встроенный режим постоянно включенного ближнего света. Он не отключаем в большинстве случаев. Связано это с переменчивой погодой.
93. Для аренды лодки с двигателем менее 9 л.с. лицензии на управление не требуется. Взять в аренду все, что мощнее и быстрее, без специальных водных прав почти нереально.
94. Английское слово Thursday (четверг) происходит от имени норвежского бога грома Тора (Thor). По началу, день называли Thor’s day.

95. Кидание понтов, выпендреж и показуха у норвегов не в почете. В основном так ведут себя иммигранты и туристы.
96. Русских мало, почти нет. Это хорошо, ибо наши граждане склонны гадить и вести себя вызывающе. В последнее время, чаще летом, наших туристов стало больше. Большинство обеспечены и пока что ведут себя цивилизованно.
97. Зайдите в продуктовый магазин, найдите большой холодильник с мешками замороженных креветок продающихся вразвес, наложите их в термопакет, взвесьте, оплатите — а дома просто свалите в кухонную раковину и включите кипяток. Как только креветки оттают и нагреются, выньте и подавайте к столу. Креветки будут сочными, ароматными и уже достаточно солеными. Ни варить, ни специально готовить их не надо.
98. Найти суши-ресторан или кафе, где подают суши практически нереально. Они есть только в Осло, Бергене, и кажется в Ставангере. В других городах найдется всего по одному такому заведению. Качество весьма скромное. И разумеется, дорого.
99. Частная жизнь граждан редко становится общественным достоянием. Лезть в чужие отношения также не принято. Норвеги обычно не распространяются о личном кому ни попадя.
100. Летом Норвеги любят съездить в теплые страны, при этом не против поехать туда, где и тепло и тоже есть горы. Например, можно встретить их в Хорватии, Черногории, западной Италии.

1. Norway - a fantastic country. The rich and diverse nature, the huge energy resources and their rational development of the Norwegians do extremely wealthy nation.
2. Norway's population is negligible - they do not hold up to 5 million people. It is about a quarter of modern Moscow. More than 1.5 million Norwegians living in the capital Oslo and its suburbs. Any city with a population of more than 30 thousand is considered large.
3. Know that 100% of Norway's excellent talk, write and read in English. Children learn language as early as 5-6 years or sooner. Any child older than 10 can easily explain to you in English. Exception - a little old pensioners 75 +.
4. Norwegian people love and appreciate the sea. Prefer not to continue to live 200-300 meters from the sea, or in her line of sight. Those who live in the hinterland, it is still buying second house by the sea. Boat or boat is at 80% of the population.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
5. In Norway, an incredibly volatile environment. Fog, sun, strong wind, rain and fog can be replaced again with a fantastic rate. Norway even invented a saying: "I do not like our weather? wait for 15 minutes. "
6. The nature of Norway's magnificent and varied. Forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, sea, and everything else - in pristine condition. Attitude to nature is very gentle. Poachers not waste too virtually none. Thanks to the sea no mosquitoes and other insects vermin. In the summer is not hot ... heaven!
7. By law, any citizen of the country and its guest has the right to free passage to all natural resources without restrictions - as in the forest and the sea. You can walk and swim wherever you want. If the land is privately owned and fenced, it is advisable to ask permission out of courtesy.
8. Stories about the fact that Norway is very expensive country - the real truth. In general, all goods are expensive, but the most common products are everywhere in Alphabet of Taste. Go to the supermarket and spend 200 euros, did not really buying - easy. Costs are even more expensive services (eg taxi or construction) - they are just unreal money. Petrol almost 2 euros per liter. Taxes on cars - crazy. At the same time Norway 2nd European oil-exporting countries. Giants such as Shell or Statoil - Norwegian.
9. Products in Norway of the highest quality. Especially dairy. Local ice cream just super. Even MkDonaldse hamburger meat in quite edible. By the way, here the most expensive hamburgers in Europe. By the same principle, any ordinary fast food is horrendous money. In an ordinary pizzeria to give 200 euros for 4 without alcohol - the norm. At the same pizza itself - not very.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
10. Compliance with laws and lack of crime - from virtually anywhere. Stealing is impossible for most residents. Only the large retail chains have frame-theft detectors at the output of goods, or surveillance cameras. The rest of them almost anywhere.
11. Almost 100% of the population is connected to high speed internet. In view of the climate and long distances, norway very much sitting on the network.
12. Norway's love and protect his monarchy. Adults are more likely than young ones, are proud to have saved the royal family.
13. In comparison with other Europeans, almost any norway, leaving the country - a mini-mogul. In Asian countries, so all kings. The average salary for many Norwegians can take up to 5-7 thousand euros per month. Thus, visitors to the local prices impossibly high, but for the local all about.
14. Sea and lake fishing in Norway - a paradise for the connoisseur. Fish and a variety of marine reptiles incredible set. Fishing areas are only in the northern regions, and from the city of Bergen and south of fishing there. You can always catch and in any weather, almost anywhere. Crabs, mussels, sea snails and other goodies, too, in abundance. Licenses for fishing are not needed.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
15. That's why many Europeans have recently developed a profitable hobby: travel to Norway for the auto-refrigerated, to live in cheap houses or tents, go fishing for two weeks without a break, zatarivatsya fish for 6 months in advance, and go back. Germans, Dutch and Belgians, perhaps, the most active.
16. Norway does not collect from the forest, not versed in mushrooms and berries, do not know the properties of herbs. Therefore, in a good season all this stuff just heaps. In the crop year of fungi is so much that for 2-3 hours one person can collect 100-liter bag perfect white. About blueberries, wild raspberries and blackberries do not speak - grows everywhere like a weed.
17. Norway terribly surprised and delighted knowledge of Russian mushrooms and berries. Many believe that we are brave and risky people, if we leave the forest to collect them. Trying to give up. The supermarket also easily take greenhouse mushrooms and chanterelles, completely ignoring the forest just 10 meters from the house. The first time is shocking.
18. Spirits in Norway do not just buy it! Its sold in special shops - Vinmonopolet. Translated as the alcohol monopoly. State-owned. They work strictly from Monday to Friday in the capital city is like and Saturday shops are open until 7 hours maximum, with a big break for lunch at midday. And they are not everywhere. Alcohol is there insanely expensive: a bottle of vodka for 70-100 euros - is the norm.
19. In supermarkets you can only buy beer or cider is not stronger than 5.2 degrees. Everything above, including wine - only in a restaurant, bar, or as already mentioned in vinmonopolete.
20. Norway loves to drink, but can not. Get drunk quickly, losing my mind just as quickly, act loud and funny. Sober skills, or knowledge of how to cheer up a cucumber or cabbage brine, not as fact. They come in a wild enthusiasm when they lead to feelings of such a simple way.
21. Norway has the largest extent of the fjords in the world. Fiord - a wide, often tortuous and deep channel with rocky shores, dig up from the sea inland for many miles. Fiords are still in Canada, Chile, and New Zealand. Those in Norway - the most beautiful.
22. Norwegians - mediocre women in terms of beauty. Of medium height, stocky, solid build with wide-set eyes, snub-nosed, and tend to be very independent.
23. But Norway-men opposite: tall, athletic, and many natural blondes, a kind of Vikings with a big smile and blue eyes. You can understand why they are not always in a hurry to marry a local norvezhek.
24. Many Norwegian children very beautiful. Blonde, slim, athletic, some with curly hair - visible to the purity of the genetic lines. Children brought up quite strictly. Spoil is not accepted.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
25. You can ride all day in the central part of Norway, however, and in any other part of it, and do not meet any of the police car. Or police officers themselves. But the tractor on the road at 40 miles per hour - quite a common thing.
26. Every day is like the previous one. In the sense that everything flows very calm and measured. Norway to work starting at about 10 am, and by the 4th already machined. The output only open restaurants or supermarkets. No special anywhere in a hurry.
27. Skiing and snowboarding kataetcya almost 100% of the population. Women are often better than men.
28. Children put on their skis with 4-5 years of age. See how the baby daddy is pushing down with a very respectable age for a roller coaster - a normal thing. Children age 10 and make me, a man with 12 years experience, almost without straining.
29. On country roads, usually next to the farm, you can often find a table with vegetables or fruit. And the price tag that, how much. It will stand as scales, bags for shopping, and a jar for money. This kind of self-service. Everything is built on trust. Next to no one.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
30. Young Norway and even middle-aged people are very fond of science fiction and fantasy as a genre. Movies like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars are very popular.
31. Most of the programs on TV - English, with a maximum of Norwegian subtitles. It is very convenient.
32. Dress casually and Norway are very simple, as a whole and the whole of Europe. See beautifully dressed girl or a guy hard.
33. Local cuisine - simple and unpretentious. They are prepared to put it mildly, not very. But Norway succeeded in harvesting fish recipe: dried, salted, smoked, etc., much good. Seafood cooking made easy: a minimum of any additives, a minimum of processing. Try the local fish spawn in iron tubes type RekerOst - very tasty.
34. The majority of Norway - educated and gullible. The older generation rather pedantically, many blyudut traditional way of life and affairs.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
35. Get a very large loan from a bank under 3-4 per cent per annum is not difficult. Generally, everything is done for the sake of man. You can plan your life for the next 10 years, including any costs and advance in their career. The plan will come true.
36. For foreigners restrained attitude, but benevolent. Norway quietly invited to visit, share a meal, help advice. Create your good friends is possible.
37. Outside the big cities there is little active life. No clubs, no cinema, no shopping centers. However, the Norwegians themselves, and too few.
38. State strongly supports the employment at least something. Subsidies exist in many areas of private business. So, you can buy 30 pieces of sheep, kill them on the ears of labels, say the state that I am now happy farmer, and let a whole year to graze on some island. For this you can get from the state grants, equipment, facilities. At the end of the year to catch and sell - and a little more money.
39. Killing at least one person being discussed on national TV and radio at least a week. Robbery, too.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
40. The roads in Norway are very good, but almost all the regional transport network - odnopoloska. The highway offers only one lane in each direction. It's terribly annoying.
41. In recent years, Norway has increased the inflow of foreign immigrants. And not just from traditional African or Asian - but we found even the Chechens! Most of the immigrants behave arrogantly, do not want to integrate, they do not teach the language, get off in groups, breed like cockroaches, do not like to run and operate the system. Even 10 years ago this was not.
42. Learn Norwegian or Norsk, is difficult. A lot of jumping intonation raznokorennyh words. But if you try - for two years, everything is OK.
43. Many young Norwegian complain about a boring life, over-compliance with laws, high prices and severe climate. However, the same proud to be a part and the nation.
44. In the summer of the southern part of the country - a very warm place. Strawberries, plums and pears ripen in abundance. The water in some places, angry to 20 degrees, and swim in the North Sea is very funny. You can even tan.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
45. Air flights inside the country and beyond its borders are extremely cheap. The quality of service is higher than that of the European airline discounters. Fly to Dubrovnik from Bergen (3.5 hour flight) for 40 euros, or in Amsterdam for 35 out of Oslo - a common occurrence.
46. With the smoking battle unrealistic prices for tobacco. However, norway love to smoke. Many are buying sliced tobacco smoke in briquettes and cigarettes, or driven out of duty free cigarettes.
47. In Norway, the largest total number of tunnels in Europe. They are simply hundreds everywhere. There is one that goes under the sea strait at about 4 km. Some tunnels are paid, as well as some bridges.
48. Rent a car, even the simplest - is expensive. At 2-3 times more expensive than in some European countries. Gasoline is very small. Diesel - is everything.
49. Norway is the northernmost point of mainland Europe. Called the Cape, is on the edge of a cliff in the far north. In good weather you can see the edge of the glaciers in the Arctic.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
50. Despite the geographical proximity to Sweden, Norway, the people - other people. In general, among the Scandinavians they all must be the most original. Nature is also different.
51. Means that Norway receives from the sale of the resources are allocated wisely. Norway has just unreal amount of property and land abroad. But of this, few people know - prefer to keep a low profile.
52. In view of the large number of islands and straits, very well developed network of ferry. Ferries go anywhere and often. You can save hours way, sitting on the ferry. Basically on my car. Ferries themselves are large, comfortable, and relatively inexpensive.
53. In Norway, the sea is allowed to catch crabs - but it is forbidden to catch lobster. If the lobster gets to you to krabolovku, but it happens often enough, according to the rules he should be let go. When asked "what do you do with a lobster" most Norvegov smiles, and says that of course this wonderful releases on arthropod will - while slyly winking. Live lobsters sold in the fish market, catching them painted by the quotas.
54. In Norway, cheap silver. Jewellery of good quality.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
55. If you are visiting a tourist, do not forget to ask for Tax-free wherever visit. It can draw almost everywhere and for any goods, the purchase amount equivalent to 50 and the euro. As a result, you can return up to 30% of the money.
56. The hero of Norwegian folklore, Troll - a very popular symbol of many institutions. Despite the very devilish appearance, trolls - the spirits of nature, they protect it, and even help good people. Here you have an interesting fact: take the figure of a troll, put together, and try to compare it with the appearance of the surrounding residents, especially women. The attentive observer will discover unexpected similarities!
57. Pets, especially dogs, highly educated. Little bark, very friendly, and generally do not interfere with the owners. Even with one another, they are very reserved.
58. Derive Norway from a no-brainer. Many prefer not to get involved. But if you have a - do not expect anything good. In anger, norway are terrible.
59. Energy in Norway are crazy money. 4 weeks family of 5 persons can easily ugrohat about a thousand euros for electricity. And even more. Be very rational in their energy costs.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
60. Custody of children and young people is very strong. It is not uncommon for the kindergarten kids goes 20-30 from the same locality, and no one else. For others, build another garden. This is not just a house with a games room. This is a complex of fields, locker rooms, toilets, kitchens, etc. At the entrance to take off shoes. Being a child in Norway - grace.
61. Apartment buildings and residential complexes is small, almost none. Most people live in private homes. Houses are simple, but comfortable. They are usually painted in red or blue and white, often with a lawn of the grass on the roof. This is not just a tradition - a great insuliruet roof in winter. It looks funny.
62. Well-known facts about Norway is not so much. The most famous association - it's the Vikings, Edvard Grieg, mountains, fjords and trolls.
63. Much of the income of the economy comes into the treasury from the sale of petroleum products. Next is a sea fishing, shipbuilding, engineering and construction of deepwater platforms.
64. The northern part of the country is very different from the southern climate. In winter, the north is cold and snowy. In the south, may not be snow and winter temperatures above zero.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
65. In the market or the supermarket you can buy whale meat. Its small and it is expensive. Whale meat is dark, almost black, to taste - like elk. Sell steaks and mince.
66. In some cities, local fauna quite accustomed to human proximity. The pigeons in the square can sit up on his hand and boldly begin to eat your bun. Gulls can hover a meter above the deck of the ferry passes and grab bread thrown on the fly.
67. Engineering colleges, maritime academies, as well as oil and gas is a very prestigious institutions.
68. By tradition, every man must make for himself a knife and sheath. Their own hands. All you have to do this, is sold in abundance. Blade blanks, tools, leather. Especially good grip from scraps of Karelian birch. It is difficult to handle, but beautiful and durable.
69. Along the road you can often find a small pyramid of stones. They are called "tog" and nobody touches it. Previously, they were piled up, so do not go astray after a snowfall or heavy fog. Now it is - a fun tradition.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
70. Venison and wild animals a lot. Run out on the road or deer galloping deer - not a rarity.
71. Drinking, norway, clink glasses and say «Skol!» In this case the letter "O" sounds like a cross between the most "on" and "e". Tostovat not accepted.
72. The population is not very religious. Churches and cathedrals, of course, there are but few. Go to the service primarily adults.
73. If you live in nature in his house and only have electricity - you can feed up to 80% of the land. The sea is rich in any sea food, water in streams and many lakes, drinking without treatment, and forests rich with game and fruit. However, the population is very assured, and generally does not burden the nature of their presence.
74. Norway has nothing, and there is no need to share with each other. In addition, many people tend to know each other. As a consequence, the complete absence of clashes and hostile factions. But the visitors, who graciously allowed to come and live in a country often closely local insolence and their behavior.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
75. Correct spelling is not Norway and Norwegians:) I'm sorry for all the habit of writing correctly.
76. Find a decent Russian food is not easy. They are easier to order online with delivery. But there are exceptions. For example, in supermarkets everywhere sell Kefir. Almost like ours. But the pickle cucumbers or cabbage ferment very easily.
77. If you ask for, then for a short time you can get a meeting with the Prime Minister. For this is not necessarily known to be an oligarch and a member of his party or classmates from college.
78. If the owners are at home, decided to raise the national flag on a flagpole next to the house. For many it is. When leaving it is lowered.
79. Respect for private property respected everywhere. During the day most of the houses are not locked at all, except for housing in big cities - and it's completely safe. Go on a visit at the invitation accepted.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
80. In recent years, the country is very popular online poker. Today it is a common trend throughout Scandinavia. Norwegian players are popular and very dangerous: they are aggressive, assertive, and prudent. Many achieve excellent results on the world poker scene.
81. In norway gift can bring high-quality alcohol. From the hands of Russian is even recommended. No clichés in this.
82. After many saltwater lake, or want to try the river. Often at the entrance to the freshwater lake can be seen the poster, which prohibits use of marine gear in the lake. In the most fish the lakes at the entrance are machines and detergents for your fishing rods and tackle. This measure does not allow marine organisms to move gear in fresh water. Cases have been algae.
83. In Norway, there are practically no expensive cars on the roads. In half of the wheel of the new S-or BMW X6 Slasse be Germans or other Europeans.
84. Meet on the streets begging is almost impossible. The exception are only the big cities, and almost always someone from the immigrants. In the nineties, this did not exist.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
85. Register your own company is quite simple. Be prepared to pay higher taxes, and remember that Norway is very conservative in our choice of products and services.
86. Next to Oslo is a beautiful park. There's a very interesting and fun, queues, just a little.
87. Civil aviation pilots - guys cold-blooded and fearless. Takeoff and landing are often very rapid, and the weather is not the most ideal. But it is justified - around solid mountain areas are not many direct and take off must be fast. Dozens of flights across the country with very strict conditions I have repeatedly proved their professionalism.
88. Traveling to Norway, do not take the money and treat yourself to a traditional wool sweater! They are usually painted in a multicolored pattern, sometimes a deer, in blocks or polylines. Can be very expensive, 300 euros - but the quality is excellent and will last an incredibly long time, no efflorescence and not sitting down.
89. Unless it's a foreigner or immigrant, the chances of the street you have a shot at a cigarette - are zero. If you can share it with a friend, then he will try to return it to you.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
90. Local residents are not likely to be overweight. Much time they spend at sea and fresh air, food is not greasy and good quality. Fast food quite a bit.
91. Married, wife of the Norwegian are very house-proud. Often they are very educated, hardworking and educated. Given the fact that many people derive benefits for several generations, often women are quite wealthy before her marriage.
92. All cars on the roads of Norway have always included a built-mode beam. He did not disable in most cases. This is due to the changeable weather.
93. To rent a boat with an engine less than 9 hp management licenses are required. Rent all that more powerful and faster, without any special water rights is almost impossible.
94. The word Thursday (Thursday) was named after the Norwegian god of thunder Thor (Thor). At first, the day known as Thor's day.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
95. Pontov throwing, window-dressing and vypendrezh in Norway is not held in high esteem. Most behave as immigrants and tourists.
96. Russian small, almost none. This is good for our citizens tend to take a crap and behave provocatively. In recent years, often in the summer, our travel has become greater. Most secured and yet behave in a civilized manner.
97. Go to the grocery store, find a large refrigerator with bags of frozen shrimp sold vrazves, put them in termopaket, weigh, pay for - a home just dump the kitchen sink and turn the hot water. As soon as the shrimp thaw and equilibrated, remove and serve. Shrimp are succulent, fragrant and salty enough already. Neither cooking nor specially to prepare them not.
98. Find a sushi restaurant or a cafe, where sushi is almost unreal. They are only in Oslo, Bergen, and it seems to Stavanger. In other cities, there is only one such institution. The quality is very modest. And of course, expensive.
99. Private life of citizens rarely becomes public domain. Climb into other people's relationships are also not accepted. Norway will not normally extend to any individual who getting.
100. In the summer of Norway like to go to warmer climates, it does not go against the place where the heat and also has mountains. For example, you can find them in Croatia, Montenegro, western Italy.
2. Norway's population is negligible - they do not hold up to 5 million people. It is about a quarter of modern Moscow. More than 1.5 million Norwegians living in the capital Oslo and its suburbs. Any city with a population of more than 30 thousand is considered large.
3. Know that 100% of Norway's excellent talk, write and read in English. Children learn language as early as 5-6 years or sooner. Any child older than 10 can easily explain to you in English. Exception - a little old pensioners 75 +.
4. Norwegian people love and appreciate the sea. Prefer not to continue to live 200-300 meters from the sea, or in her line of sight. Those who live in the hinterland, it is still buying second house by the sea. Boat or boat is at 80% of the population.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
5. In Norway, an incredibly volatile environment. Fog, sun, strong wind, rain and fog can be replaced again with a fantastic rate. Norway even invented a saying: "I do not like our weather? wait for 15 minutes. "
6. The nature of Norway's magnificent and varied. Forests, mountains, rivers, lakes, sea, and everything else - in pristine condition. Attitude to nature is very gentle. Poachers not waste too virtually none. Thanks to the sea no mosquitoes and other insects vermin. In the summer is not hot ... heaven!
7. By law, any citizen of the country and its guest has the right to free passage to all natural resources without restrictions - as in the forest and the sea. You can walk and swim wherever you want. If the land is privately owned and fenced, it is advisable to ask permission out of courtesy.
8. Stories about the fact that Norway is very expensive country - the real truth. In general, all goods are expensive, but the most common products are everywhere in Alphabet of Taste. Go to the supermarket and spend 200 euros, did not really buying - easy. Costs are even more expensive services (eg taxi or construction) - they are just unreal money. Petrol almost 2 euros per liter. Taxes on cars - crazy. At the same time Norway 2nd European oil-exporting countries. Giants such as Shell or Statoil - Norwegian.
9. Products in Norway of the highest quality. Especially dairy. Local ice cream just super. Even MkDonaldse hamburger meat in quite edible. By the way, here the most expensive hamburgers in Europe. By the same principle, any ordinary fast food is horrendous money. In an ordinary pizzeria to give 200 euros for 4 without alcohol - the norm. At the same pizza itself - not very.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
10. Compliance with laws and lack of crime - from virtually anywhere. Stealing is impossible for most residents. Only the large retail chains have frame-theft detectors at the output of goods, or surveillance cameras. The rest of them almost anywhere.
11. Almost 100% of the population is connected to high speed internet. In view of the climate and long distances, norway very much sitting on the network.
12. Norway's love and protect his monarchy. Adults are more likely than young ones, are proud to have saved the royal family.
13. In comparison with other Europeans, almost any norway, leaving the country - a mini-mogul. In Asian countries, so all kings. The average salary for many Norwegians can take up to 5-7 thousand euros per month. Thus, visitors to the local prices impossibly high, but for the local all about.
14. Sea and lake fishing in Norway - a paradise for the connoisseur. Fish and a variety of marine reptiles incredible set. Fishing areas are only in the northern regions, and from the city of Bergen and south of fishing there. You can always catch and in any weather, almost anywhere. Crabs, mussels, sea snails and other goodies, too, in abundance. Licenses for fishing are not needed.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
15. That's why many Europeans have recently developed a profitable hobby: travel to Norway for the auto-refrigerated, to live in cheap houses or tents, go fishing for two weeks without a break, zatarivatsya fish for 6 months in advance, and go back. Germans, Dutch and Belgians, perhaps, the most active.
16. Norway does not collect from the forest, not versed in mushrooms and berries, do not know the properties of herbs. Therefore, in a good season all this stuff just heaps. In the crop year of fungi is so much that for 2-3 hours one person can collect 100-liter bag perfect white. About blueberries, wild raspberries and blackberries do not speak - grows everywhere like a weed.
17. Norway terribly surprised and delighted knowledge of Russian mushrooms and berries. Many believe that we are brave and risky people, if we leave the forest to collect them. Trying to give up. The supermarket also easily take greenhouse mushrooms and chanterelles, completely ignoring the forest just 10 meters from the house. The first time is shocking.
18. Spirits in Norway do not just buy it! Its sold in special shops - Vinmonopolet. Translated as the alcohol monopoly. State-owned. They work strictly from Monday to Friday in the capital city is like and Saturday shops are open until 7 hours maximum, with a big break for lunch at midday. And they are not everywhere. Alcohol is there insanely expensive: a bottle of vodka for 70-100 euros - is the norm.
19. In supermarkets you can only buy beer or cider is not stronger than 5.2 degrees. Everything above, including wine - only in a restaurant, bar, or as already mentioned in vinmonopolete.
20. Norway loves to drink, but can not. Get drunk quickly, losing my mind just as quickly, act loud and funny. Sober skills, or knowledge of how to cheer up a cucumber or cabbage brine, not as fact. They come in a wild enthusiasm when they lead to feelings of such a simple way.
21. Norway has the largest extent of the fjords in the world. Fiord - a wide, often tortuous and deep channel with rocky shores, dig up from the sea inland for many miles. Fiords are still in Canada, Chile, and New Zealand. Those in Norway - the most beautiful.
22. Norwegians - mediocre women in terms of beauty. Of medium height, stocky, solid build with wide-set eyes, snub-nosed, and tend to be very independent.
23. But Norway-men opposite: tall, athletic, and many natural blondes, a kind of Vikings with a big smile and blue eyes. You can understand why they are not always in a hurry to marry a local norvezhek.
24. Many Norwegian children very beautiful. Blonde, slim, athletic, some with curly hair - visible to the purity of the genetic lines. Children brought up quite strictly. Spoil is not accepted.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
25. You can ride all day in the central part of Norway, however, and in any other part of it, and do not meet any of the police car. Or police officers themselves. But the tractor on the road at 40 miles per hour - quite a common thing.
26. Every day is like the previous one. In the sense that everything flows very calm and measured. Norway to work starting at about 10 am, and by the 4th already machined. The output only open restaurants or supermarkets. No special anywhere in a hurry.
27. Skiing and snowboarding kataetcya almost 100% of the population. Women are often better than men.
28. Children put on their skis with 4-5 years of age. See how the baby daddy is pushing down with a very respectable age for a roller coaster - a normal thing. Children age 10 and make me, a man with 12 years experience, almost without straining.
29. On country roads, usually next to the farm, you can often find a table with vegetables or fruit. And the price tag that, how much. It will stand as scales, bags for shopping, and a jar for money. This kind of self-service. Everything is built on trust. Next to no one.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
30. Young Norway and even middle-aged people are very fond of science fiction and fantasy as a genre. Movies like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars are very popular.
31. Most of the programs on TV - English, with a maximum of Norwegian subtitles. It is very convenient.
32. Dress casually and Norway are very simple, as a whole and the whole of Europe. See beautifully dressed girl or a guy hard.
33. Local cuisine - simple and unpretentious. They are prepared to put it mildly, not very. But Norway succeeded in harvesting fish recipe: dried, salted, smoked, etc., much good. Seafood cooking made easy: a minimum of any additives, a minimum of processing. Try the local fish spawn in iron tubes type RekerOst - very tasty.
34. The majority of Norway - educated and gullible. The older generation rather pedantically, many blyudut traditional way of life and affairs.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
35. Get a very large loan from a bank under 3-4 per cent per annum is not difficult. Generally, everything is done for the sake of man. You can plan your life for the next 10 years, including any costs and advance in their career. The plan will come true.
36. For foreigners restrained attitude, but benevolent. Norway quietly invited to visit, share a meal, help advice. Create your good friends is possible.
37. Outside the big cities there is little active life. No clubs, no cinema, no shopping centers. However, the Norwegians themselves, and too few.
38. State strongly supports the employment at least something. Subsidies exist in many areas of private business. So, you can buy 30 pieces of sheep, kill them on the ears of labels, say the state that I am now happy farmer, and let a whole year to graze on some island. For this you can get from the state grants, equipment, facilities. At the end of the year to catch and sell - and a little more money.
39. Killing at least one person being discussed on national TV and radio at least a week. Robbery, too.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
40. The roads in Norway are very good, but almost all the regional transport network - odnopoloska. The highway offers only one lane in each direction. It's terribly annoying.
41. In recent years, Norway has increased the inflow of foreign immigrants. And not just from traditional African or Asian - but we found even the Chechens! Most of the immigrants behave arrogantly, do not want to integrate, they do not teach the language, get off in groups, breed like cockroaches, do not like to run and operate the system. Even 10 years ago this was not.
42. Learn Norwegian or Norsk, is difficult. A lot of jumping intonation raznokorennyh words. But if you try - for two years, everything is OK.
43. Many young Norwegian complain about a boring life, over-compliance with laws, high prices and severe climate. However, the same proud to be a part and the nation.
44. In the summer of the southern part of the country - a very warm place. Strawberries, plums and pears ripen in abundance. The water in some places, angry to 20 degrees, and swim in the North Sea is very funny. You can even tan.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
45. Air flights inside the country and beyond its borders are extremely cheap. The quality of service is higher than that of the European airline discounters. Fly to Dubrovnik from Bergen (3.5 hour flight) for 40 euros, or in Amsterdam for 35 out of Oslo - a common occurrence.
46. With the smoking battle unrealistic prices for tobacco. However, norway love to smoke. Many are buying sliced tobacco smoke in briquettes and cigarettes, or driven out of duty free cigarettes.
47. In Norway, the largest total number of tunnels in Europe. They are simply hundreds everywhere. There is one that goes under the sea strait at about 4 km. Some tunnels are paid, as well as some bridges.
48. Rent a car, even the simplest - is expensive. At 2-3 times more expensive than in some European countries. Gasoline is very small. Diesel - is everything.
49. Norway is the northernmost point of mainland Europe. Called the Cape, is on the edge of a cliff in the far north. In good weather you can see the edge of the glaciers in the Arctic.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
50. Despite the geographical proximity to Sweden, Norway, the people - other people. In general, among the Scandinavians they all must be the most original. Nature is also different.
51. Means that Norway receives from the sale of the resources are allocated wisely. Norway has just unreal amount of property and land abroad. But of this, few people know - prefer to keep a low profile.
52. In view of the large number of islands and straits, very well developed network of ferry. Ferries go anywhere and often. You can save hours way, sitting on the ferry. Basically on my car. Ferries themselves are large, comfortable, and relatively inexpensive.
53. In Norway, the sea is allowed to catch crabs - but it is forbidden to catch lobster. If the lobster gets to you to krabolovku, but it happens often enough, according to the rules he should be let go. When asked "what do you do with a lobster" most Norvegov smiles, and says that of course this wonderful releases on arthropod will - while slyly winking. Live lobsters sold in the fish market, catching them painted by the quotas.
54. In Norway, cheap silver. Jewellery of good quality.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
55. If you are visiting a tourist, do not forget to ask for Tax-free wherever visit. It can draw almost everywhere and for any goods, the purchase amount equivalent to 50 and the euro. As a result, you can return up to 30% of the money.
56. The hero of Norwegian folklore, Troll - a very popular symbol of many institutions. Despite the very devilish appearance, trolls - the spirits of nature, they protect it, and even help good people. Here you have an interesting fact: take the figure of a troll, put together, and try to compare it with the appearance of the surrounding residents, especially women. The attentive observer will discover unexpected similarities!
57. Pets, especially dogs, highly educated. Little bark, very friendly, and generally do not interfere with the owners. Even with one another, they are very reserved.
58. Derive Norway from a no-brainer. Many prefer not to get involved. But if you have a - do not expect anything good. In anger, norway are terrible.
59. Energy in Norway are crazy money. 4 weeks family of 5 persons can easily ugrohat about a thousand euros for electricity. And even more. Be very rational in their energy costs.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
60. Custody of children and young people is very strong. It is not uncommon for the kindergarten kids goes 20-30 from the same locality, and no one else. For others, build another garden. This is not just a house with a games room. This is a complex of fields, locker rooms, toilets, kitchens, etc. At the entrance to take off shoes. Being a child in Norway - grace.
61. Apartment buildings and residential complexes is small, almost none. Most people live in private homes. Houses are simple, but comfortable. They are usually painted in red or blue and white, often with a lawn of the grass on the roof. This is not just a tradition - a great insuliruet roof in winter. It looks funny.
62. Well-known facts about Norway is not so much. The most famous association - it's the Vikings, Edvard Grieg, mountains, fjords and trolls.
63. Much of the income of the economy comes into the treasury from the sale of petroleum products. Next is a sea fishing, shipbuilding, engineering and construction of deepwater platforms.
64. The northern part of the country is very different from the southern climate. In winter, the north is cold and snowy. In the south, may not be snow and winter temperatures above zero.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
65. In the market or the supermarket you can buy whale meat. Its small and it is expensive. Whale meat is dark, almost black, to taste - like elk. Sell steaks and mince.
66. In some cities, local fauna quite accustomed to human proximity. The pigeons in the square can sit up on his hand and boldly begin to eat your bun. Gulls can hover a meter above the deck of the ferry passes and grab bread thrown on the fly.
67. Engineering colleges, maritime academies, as well as oil and gas is a very prestigious institutions.
68. By tradition, every man must make for himself a knife and sheath. Their own hands. All you have to do this, is sold in abundance. Blade blanks, tools, leather. Especially good grip from scraps of Karelian birch. It is difficult to handle, but beautiful and durable.
69. Along the road you can often find a small pyramid of stones. They are called "tog" and nobody touches it. Previously, they were piled up, so do not go astray after a snowfall or heavy fog. Now it is - a fun tradition.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
70. Venison and wild animals a lot. Run out on the road or deer galloping deer - not a rarity.
71. Drinking, norway, clink glasses and say «Skol!» In this case the letter "O" sounds like a cross between the most "on" and "e". Tostovat not accepted.
72. The population is not very religious. Churches and cathedrals, of course, there are but few. Go to the service primarily adults.
73. If you live in nature in his house and only have electricity - you can feed up to 80% of the land. The sea is rich in any sea food, water in streams and many lakes, drinking without treatment, and forests rich with game and fruit. However, the population is very assured, and generally does not burden the nature of their presence.
74. Norway has nothing, and there is no need to share with each other. In addition, many people tend to know each other. As a consequence, the complete absence of clashes and hostile factions. But the visitors, who graciously allowed to come and live in a country often closely local insolence and their behavior.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
75. Correct spelling is not Norway and Norwegians:) I'm sorry for all the habit of writing correctly.
76. Find a decent Russian food is not easy. They are easier to order online with delivery. But there are exceptions. For example, in supermarkets everywhere sell Kefir. Almost like ours. But the pickle cucumbers or cabbage ferment very easily.
77. If you ask for, then for a short time you can get a meeting with the Prime Minister. For this is not necessarily known to be an oligarch and a member of his party or classmates from college.
78. If the owners are at home, decided to raise the national flag on a flagpole next to the house. For many it is. When leaving it is lowered.
79. Respect for private property respected everywhere. During the day most of the houses are not locked at all, except for housing in big cities - and it's completely safe. Go on a visit at the invitation accepted.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
80. In recent years, the country is very popular online poker. Today it is a common trend throughout Scandinavia. Norwegian players are popular and very dangerous: they are aggressive, assertive, and prudent. Many achieve excellent results on the world poker scene.
81. In norway gift can bring high-quality alcohol. From the hands of Russian is even recommended. No clichés in this.
82. After many saltwater lake, or want to try the river. Often at the entrance to the freshwater lake can be seen the poster, which prohibits use of marine gear in the lake. In the most fish the lakes at the entrance are machines and detergents for your fishing rods and tackle. This measure does not allow marine organisms to move gear in fresh water. Cases have been algae.
83. In Norway, there are practically no expensive cars on the roads. In half of the wheel of the new S-or BMW X6 Slasse be Germans or other Europeans.
84. Meet on the streets begging is almost impossible. The exception are only the big cities, and almost always someone from the immigrants. In the nineties, this did not exist.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
85. Register your own company is quite simple. Be prepared to pay higher taxes, and remember that Norway is very conservative in our choice of products and services.
86. Next to Oslo is a beautiful park. There's a very interesting and fun, queues, just a little.
87. Civil aviation pilots - guys cold-blooded and fearless. Takeoff and landing are often very rapid, and the weather is not the most ideal. But it is justified - around solid mountain areas are not many direct and take off must be fast. Dozens of flights across the country with very strict conditions I have repeatedly proved their professionalism.
88. Traveling to Norway, do not take the money and treat yourself to a traditional wool sweater! They are usually painted in a multicolored pattern, sometimes a deer, in blocks or polylines. Can be very expensive, 300 euros - but the quality is excellent and will last an incredibly long time, no efflorescence and not sitting down.
89. Unless it's a foreigner or immigrant, the chances of the street you have a shot at a cigarette - are zero. If you can share it with a friend, then he will try to return it to you.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
90. Local residents are not likely to be overweight. Much time they spend at sea and fresh air, food is not greasy and good quality. Fast food quite a bit.
91. Married, wife of the Norwegian are very house-proud. Often they are very educated, hardworking and educated. Given the fact that many people derive benefits for several generations, often women are quite wealthy before her marriage.
92. All cars on the roads of Norway have always included a built-mode beam. He did not disable in most cases. This is due to the changeable weather.
93. To rent a boat with an engine less than 9 hp management licenses are required. Rent all that more powerful and faster, without any special water rights is almost impossible.
94. The word Thursday (Thursday) was named after the Norwegian god of thunder Thor (Thor). At first, the day known as Thor's day.
101 Facts about Norway through the eyes of Russians
95. Pontov throwing, window-dressing and vypendrezh in Norway is not held in high esteem. Most behave as immigrants and tourists.
96. Russian small, almost none. This is good for our citizens tend to take a crap and behave provocatively. In recent years, often in the summer, our travel has become greater. Most secured and yet behave in a civilized manner.
97. Go to the grocery store, find a large refrigerator with bags of frozen shrimp sold vrazves, put them in termopaket, weigh, pay for - a home just dump the kitchen sink and turn the hot water. As soon as the shrimp thaw and equilibrated, remove and serve. Shrimp are succulent, fragrant and salty enough already. Neither cooking nor specially to prepare them not.
98. Find a sushi restaurant or a cafe, where sushi is almost unreal. They are only in Oslo, Bergen, and it seems to Stavanger. In other cities, there is only one such institution. The quality is very modest. And of course, expensive.
99. Private life of citizens rarely becomes public domain. Climb into other people's relationships are also not accepted. Norway will not normally extend to any individual who getting.
100. In the summer of Norway like to go to warmer climates, it does not go against the place where the heat and also has mountains. For example, you can find them in Croatia, Montenegro, western Italy.
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