
1. До недавнего времени Алжир был второй по величине страной Африки, но в связи с разделением Судана на Северный и Южный — ура товарищи! Алжир — самая большая страна Африки! Кроме того, занимает 11 место в мире по размерам среди других стран.
2. 80% страны занимает её величество пустыня Сахара.
3. Алжир имеет самую протяженную береговую линию среди стран Магриба — 988 км.
4. В средневековую Францию воск завозили из Алжира.
5. Арабы говорят: Магриб — это птица, правое крыло которой Тунис, левое крыло — Марокко, а тело птицы — Алжир.
6. В Алжире есть природное озеро, наполненное чернилами, которые можно использовать для письма.
7. Алжир — уникальная страна по своим климатическим особенностям и природе, здесь есть и пустыня, и горы, и озера, и море, и разнообразные леса. В Алжире летом бывает до +50 (Сахара), а зимой в некоторых городах идет снег.
8. Алжирцы при встрече целуются только четное количество раз, чаще всего 2 или 4.
9. Знаменитый дизайнер Ив Сен Лоран родился в Алжире.

10. Слово «алжир» значит «острова».
11. Ученые в Алжире выяснили, что для качественной очистки воды от ненатуральных красителей подходит такой доступный продукт, как апельсин. Вернее, его корки.
12. Алжир (столица) — город-лестница, так как расположен на холмах, и повсюду много-много маленьких и больших лестниц.
13. Коренные жители Алжира — народы, говорящие на берберских наречиях, а арабы — всего лишь завоеватели.
14. В 16–17 веках Алжир был страной корсаров (пиратов), самый известный из которых, Барбаросса, был правителем Алжира.
15. Алжирские мужчины любят женщин в теле, поэтому раньше девочку по достижении брачного возраста отправляли в специальные дома на откорм.
16. Алжирцы говорят на смеси арабского и французского языков, берберский язык большинство арабов не понимает.
17. В Алжире 7 объектов всемирного наследия Юнеско.
18. Алжирцы любят и едят в неимоверных количествах багеты (наследие колониальных французских времен).
19. В Алжире растут белые песчаные трюфели. Эти грибы считаются реликтовыми грибами великой африканской пустыни Сахары. Вкус у грибов потрясающий!

20. В Алжире нет ни одной православной церкви, последнюю закрыли из-за почти полного отсутствия прихода.
21. Собор Нотр Дам де Африк в Алжире (Собор Африканской Богоматери) является зеркальным отражением через море Собора Нотр Дам в Марселе. Под куполом алжирского собора написано: «Африканская Богоматерь, молись за нас и за мусульман».
22. Военным Алжира законодательно запрещено жениться на иностранках.
23. Алжирское метро строили российские и украинские специалисты.
24. Символ Алжира — Монумент павшему воину — был подарен Канадой.
25. При разминировании Алжира после победы над французской колонизацией погибли 25 русских солдат.
26. В Алжире бывают сильные землетрясения.
27. На алжирском автомобиле государственный номер впереди белого цвета, а сзади — желтого.
28. В вечернее время при приближении к посту полиции или жандармов алжирцы включают свет в салоне автомобиля (это началось со времен терроризма).
29. Алжирский напиток Хамуд Буалем — лимонад, являющийся по вкусу аналогом американского спрайта, но появился раньше спрайта.

30. В Алжире нет ресторанов Макдоналдс.
31. Суши в Алжире появились всего лишь год назад.
32. В Алжире стоимость бензина нереально низкая, поэтому даже самая бедная семья гоняет на стареньких французских и итальянских автомобилях. Все автозаправки государственные.
33. Президент Алжира Абдельазис Бутефлика у власти 12 лет.
34. Маххумед Диб — самый известный на Западе алжирский писатель.
35. Стоимость хлеба в Алжире — 8 динар (100 динар=1 евро), и эта цена очень давно не меняется, так как правительство уже много лет удерживает цены на основные продукты питания.
36. В Алжире 2 национальных супа: шорба и хрира, в зависимости от региона их готовят по-разному.
37. Алжир выпускает почти ВСЕ продукты питания в своей стране, и, если прекратить поставку иностранных товаров, алжирцы не умрут с голоду, так как имеют свои аналоги всего.
38. Алжирцы очень добрый народ, они давно простили французов-колонизаторов.
39. В Алжире 3 мобильных оператора: Мобилис, Джеззи и Неджма.

40. Чеб Мами и Халед — это алжирские певцы, первый записал дуэтом со Стингом знаменитую песню Desert Rose, второй исполнитель известной песни Aiсha.
41. В военных вузах России учатся будущие алжирские танкисты, летчики и т. д.
42. В супермаркетах Алжира не продается алкоголь, для этого есть специальные магазины.
43. Невозможно поселиться мужчине и женщине в один номер алжирского отеля, если они не женаты. Исключение — берберский район Кабилия.
44. В Алжире растут бананы, но они маленькие и почти не сладкие.
45. В Алжире нет государственного центрального отопления, как в России, дома отапливаются собственной системой отопления, её можно включить и выключить когда вздумается.
46. В Алжире нет хлебозаводов, хлеб и выпечку пекут в пекарнях при магазинах.
47. Самый ценный кус-кус делают вручную.
48. Алжирцы терпеть не могут египтян, а тунисцы алжирцев.
49. Футбол в Алжире — это национальное сумасшествие.

50. Сухопутная граница между Марокко и Алжиром закрыта, это связано в разными взглядами на проблемы Западной Сахары и возможностью проникновения наркотиков с территории Марокко. Каждый год то Алжир, то Марокко предлагают открыть границу, и каждый год страны не могут договориться между собой.
51. СССР построил в Алжире металлургический завод, действующий до сих пор, но уже принадлежащий Индии.
52. Китайцы добрались и в Африку:)
53. В Алжире никогда не делали обрезание девочкам! А то я тут недавно прочитала такое в интернете.
54. В Алжире полно русских, украинцев и белорусов.
55. Алжирские грецкие орехи продолговатые, а не круглые.
56. В Алжире нет гречки, зато есть селедка.
57. Алжирцы не дарят друг другу подарки на день рождения, зато оплачивают банкет и торт имениннику.
58. Еще один миф — это то, что на могилах не пишут имен и разбивают глиняный сосуд. Имена пишут, сосуд не разбивают, но фотографировать запрещено.
59. Алжир — богатейшая страна по запасам нефти и газа.

60. В Алжире есть предприятия, вырабатывающие низкую по себестоимости бумагу из травы.
61. Алжиркам пофиг, какой камень в кольце, главное, чтобы побольше и блестел.
62. В Алжире всего 5 телевизионных каналов и все дома увешаны спутниковыми тарелками.
63. В Алжире самая вкусная в мире пицца (Италия нервно курит в сторонке).
64. В Алжире не запрещено иметь 4-х жен, но на деле это уже давно в прошлом.
65. Национальная авиакомпания Алжира AirAlgeria, выполняет прямой рейс из Москвы, время в пути 4 часа 50 мин.
66. Визу в Алжир можно получить только по приглашению гражданина Алжира или компании, туристические визы почти не выдают, это все еще отголосок времен терроризма. Хотя, если постараться, можно найти турфирму и поехать.
67. Женщины на улицах в Алжире не курят, это неприлично, зато можно в машине или ресторане.
68. По моим наблюдениям, алжирцы курят только красный Мальборо.
69. Большинство алжирок работает.

70. Лифт — это редкое явление для жилого дома в Алжире (из-за землетрясений), на любой этаж идут пешком.
71. Алжирские невесты за время свадьбы меняют до 12 платьев.
72. В Алжире почти нет светофоров, в основном круговое движение и полицейские-регулировщики, но в отличие от египтян алжирцы почти всегда ездят по правилам. Взятку за нарушение дать нереально, полиции платят очень прилично, прав лишают самое меньшее на 3 месяца за малейшее нарушение.
73. После окончания школы алжирские дети должны сдать экзамен, который является одновременно и вступительным в университет, каждая профессия имеет свое кол-во баллов. Если, например, не набрал 50 баллов на юридический, то туда тебе не светит, или пересдавай на следующий год. Короче, в последнем классе можно сидеть до посинения, редко кто сдает экзамен с первого раза, но без него нельзя поступить в универ.
74. Во всех алжирских домах на полу плитка, дома любят украшать искусственными цветами.
75. Зинедин Зидан-французский футболист, корни которого в Алжире, а по национальности он — кабил. За сборную Алжира он никогда не играл, так как в свое время алжирцы не взяли его в сборную.
76. В Алжире есть дизельные подводные лодки.
77. Гостю в Алжире подают финики и стакан молока — традиция.
78. С алжирской свадьбы вы обязательно унесете домой коробочку с пирожными.
79. Алжирская народная демократическая республика на самом деле одно из самых молодых государств — ему всего лишь 50 лет.

80. Российские и алжирские официальные документы действительны на территории 2-х стран.
81. В Алжире 2 консульства РФ, в столице и городе Аннаба.
82. Алжирский шоколад невкусный.
83. Пляжный сезон в Алжире длится с конца мая по октябрь.
84. Алжирское колдовство считается одним из самых сильных в мире (особенно в районе Сахары).
85. Прежде, чем открыть свой врачебный кабинет, доктор в Алжире должен проработать около 7 лет в государственной больнице.
86. В Алжире нет практики класть беременную женщину на сохранение в больницу, чаще всего назначают лекарство и отправляют лежать дома.
87. В Алжире очень любят детей, они носятся по улицам с утра до вечера, а если вы идете с малышом, то домой вернетесь с пакетом конфет и разных подарочков от прохожих и владельцев магазинов. Еще совершенно незнакомый человек может поцеловать вашего ребенка — это совершенно нормально для Алжира.
88. Тассили — одно из самых потрясающих мест в Алжире, там обнаружены древние наскальные рисунки, говорящие о том, что Сахара не всегда была пустыней.
89. Алжир входит в Лигу арабских государств.

90. В прошлом году проходили дни Алжира в Москве.
91. В Алжире 136 аэропортов.
92. 1, 2, 3 Vive Algeria! — любимая алжирская кричалка.
93. «Битва за Алжир» — один из самых известных фильмов, снятых об этой стране.
94. В Алжире действует закон, запрещающий свободный обмен национальной валюты в доллары или евро. Алжирцы могут легально поменять в год 300 долларов, в остальное время это делается на черном рынке, но на подобное нарушение полиция закрывает глаза. Такой же закон есть и в Марокко.
95. Алжирцы — народ горячий и взрывной.
96. Хмар, по-алжирски «осел» — одно из самых обидных обзывательств в Алжире.
97. Багра — «корова»-то же самое, что предыдущий пункт, но для женщин.
98. В Алжире зимой на 2 часа меньше, чем в Москве, а летом — на 3 часа.
99. В Алжире молодая семья может получить от государства бесплатно квартиру в течении 3–5 лет, если надо быстрее, то нужно подготовить проект квартиры + 7 тысяч долларов и государство построит это за 2 года, взяв остальные расходы на себя. Для подобных проектов в Алжире строят дома в 4 этажа с 2 подъездами, по 2 квартиры на каждом этаже.
100. В Алжире большее количество улиц имеет и французское и официальное арабское название — путаница ужасная!
101. В Алжире женщина может спокойно развестись, оставить ребенка себе после развода, получить алименты от бывшего мужа.
102. Алжирцы — отличные отцы, но — алжирки никудышные мамаши (с российской точки зрения).
103. Однажды увидев город Алжир, белый город у синего в моря, вы никогда его не забудете!
1. Until recently, Algeria was the second largest country in Africa, but with the division of Sudan to the North and South - cheers comrades! Algeria - the largest country in Africa! In addition, ranks 11th in the world in size among others.
2. 80% of the country is Her Majesty the Sahara desert.
3. Algeria has the longest coastline among the Maghreb countries - 988 km.
4. In medieval France, wax imported from Algeria.
5. The Arabs say: Maghreb - a bird, the right wing which Tunisia, the left wing - Morocco, and the bird's body - Algeria.
6. In Algeria, there is a natural lake, filled with ink that can be used for writing.
7. Algeria - a unique country by its climate and natural features, there is a desert, mountains, lakes and sea, and a variety of woods. In Algeria, the summer is +50 (Sahara), and in winter in some cities it is snowing.
8. Algerians in kisses met only an even number of times, usually 2 or 4.
9. The famous designer Yves Saint Laurent was born in Algeria.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
10. The word "Algeria" means "island."
11. Scientists in Algeria found that for high-quality water treatment of non-natural dyes suitable product available such as orange. Rather, its crust.
12. Algiers (the capital) - City-ladder, as it is situated on the hills and everywhere lots of small and large staircases.
13. The indigenous people of Algeria - the peoples who speak Berber dialects, and the Arabs - just conquerors.
14. In the 16-17 centuries, Algeria was a country corsairs (pirates), the most famous of which, Barbarossa, was the ruler of Algiers.
15. Algerian men love women in the body, so the earlier a girl reaches marriageable age were sent to a special home for fattening.
16. Algerians speak a mixture of Arabic and French languages, the Berber language, most Arabs do not understand.
17. In Algeria, the seven World Heritage sites by UNESCO.
18. Algerians love and eat incredible amounts of baguettes (a legacy of the colonial French era).
19. In Algeria, the white sandy grow truffles. These fungi are considered relics of the great African fungi of the Sahara desert. Taste of fungi amazing!
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
20. In Algeria, there is not one of the Orthodox Church, the latter was closed because of the almost complete absence of the parish.
21. Notre Dame de Afrique in Algeria (Cathedral of Our Lady of Africa) is a mirror image across the sea to Notre Dame Cathedral in Marseille. Under the dome of the Cathedral of the Algerian says, "Our Lady of Africa, pray for us and the Muslims."
22. Algerian war against the law to marry a foreigner.
23. Algiers metro system of the Russian and Ukrainian specialists.
24. The symbol of Algeria - Monument to the fallen soldiers - was donated by Canada.
25. In mine after a victory over Algeria, the French colonization killed 25 Russian soldiers.
26. In Algeria, there are earthquakes.
27. In the Algerian state car in front of a white room, and rear - yellow.
28. In the evening, when approaching the police or gendarmerie post Algerians include light in the car (it started from the time of terrorism).
29. Algerian Hamoud Buale drink - lemonade, which is analogous to the taste of the American sprite, but appeared before the sprite.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
30. In Algeria, there is no McDonald's.
31. Sushi in Algeria appeared only a year ago.
32. In Algeria, the cost of gasoline unrealistically low, so even the poorest family rides on old French and Italian cars. All gas stations are state.
33. Algerian President Bouteflika, in power Abdelazis 12 years.
34. Mahhumed Dib - the most famous in the West Algerian writer.
35. The cost of bread in Algeria - 8 dinars (100 dinars = 1 euro), and this price is a very long time does not change, since the government for many years keeps the prices of basic foodstuffs.
36. In Algeria, the two national soup: shorba hrira, depending on the region they are prepared differently.
37. Algeria produces almost all the food in the country, and if you terminate the supply of foreign goods, the Algerians did not die of hunger, since all have their analogues.
38. The Algerians are very good people, they have long forgiven the French colonizers.
39. In Algeria, the three mobile operators: Mobilis, and Dzhezzi Nejm.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
40. Cheb Mami and Khaled - is Algerian singers, first recorded a duet with Sting's famous song Desert Rose, second singer of the famous song Aisha.
41. In the military schools of Russia attend future Algerian tankers, pilots, etc.
42. In supermarkets, Algeria does not sell alcohol, there are special shops.
43. Unable to settle the man and woman in a number of Algerian hotel, if they are not married. Exception - Berber Kabylia region.
44. In Algeria, grow bananas, but they are small and almost sweet.
45. In Algeria, there is no state of central heating, as in Russia, the houses are heated with its own heating system, you can turn on and off at will.
46. In Algeria, there is no bakeries, bread and pastries baked in the bakery at stores.
47. The most valuable couscous made by hand.
48. Algerians can not stand the Egyptians, Tunisians and Algerians.
49. Football in Algeria - a national insanity.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
50. The land border between Morocco and Algeria is closed, this is due to different views on the Western Sahara issue and the possibility of penetration of drugs from Morocco. Each year, Algeria, Morocco offered to open the border, and every year the country can not agree among themselves.
51. USSR built in Algeria metallurgical plant, still active, but it belongs to India.
52. The Chinese arrived in Africa:)
53. In Algeria, never to circumcise girls! And here I recently read this on the internet.
54. In Algeria, full of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.
55. Algerian walnuts oblong, not round.
56. In Algeria, there is no buckwheat, but there is a herring.
57. Algerians do not give each other birthday gifts, but to pay a birthday dinner and cake.
58. Another myth - is that the graves do not write names and smash the clay pot. The names of the writing, the vessel does not break, but the photograph is prohibited.
59. Algeria - a country rich in oil and gas reserves.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
60. In Algeria, there are businesses that generate low cost of paper out of the grass.
61. Algerian do not care what the stone in the ring, as long as more and shiny.
62. In Algeria, only 5 TV channels and all the houses are festooned with satellite dishes.
63. In Algeria, the most delicious pizza in the world (Italy nervously smoking in aside).
64. In Algeria, not allowed to have 4 wives, but in reality it has long been in the past.
65. The national airline of Algeria AirAlgeria, operates direct flights from Moscow, time 4 hours 50 min.
66. Visa to Algeria can only be obtained at the invitation of Algerian national or company, tourist visas are not issued almost, it's still an echo time of terrorism. Although, if you try, you can find a travel agency and travel.
67. The women on the streets in Algeria, did not smoke, it is indecent, but you can in a car or restaurant.
68. According to my observations, Algerians only smoke Marlboro red.
69. Most alzhirok works.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
70. Elevator - it's rare for an apartment building in Algiers (for earthquakes), on any floor on foot.
71. Algerian bride for a wedding dress changed to 12.
72. In Algeria, there is almost no traffic lights in the main roundabout and police, regulators, but unlike the Egyptians, Algerians are almost always go by the rules. Bribe to give unrealistic violation, the police are paid very well, the rights to deny the very least 3 months for the slightest infraction.
73. After high school, Algerian children must pass the exam, which is also the entrance to the university, every profession has its own number of points. If, for example, scored 50 points in the law, then there you do not shine, or retake the following year. In short, in the latter class, you can sit until blue in the face, rarely take an examination on the first try, but without it you can not go to university.
74. In all Algerian homes on the floor tiles, house love to decorate with artificial flowers.
75. Zinedine Zidane, French footballer whose roots in Algeria, and by nationality he is - Kabila. Algerian national team he never played as well as at the time the Algerians did not take him to the team.
76. In Algeria, a diesel-powered submarines.
77. The guest is served in Algeria dates and a glass of milk - a tradition.
78. With the Algerian wedding you'll take home a box necessarily with cakes.
79. The Algerian People's Democratic Republic is actually one of the youngest states - he is only 50 years old.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
80. Russian and Algerian official documents are valid in 2 countries.
81. In Algeria, the two Russian Consulate in the capital city of Annaba and.
82. Algerian chocolate unappetizing.
83. The beach season in Algeria lasted from late May to October.
84. Algerian witchcraft is considered one of the most powerful in the world (especially in the Sahara).
85. Before opening his consulting room, the doctor must have worked in Algeria for about 7 years in a state hospital.
86. In Algeria, there is no practice to put a pregnant woman to save the hospital more often than prescribed medication and sent home to lie.
87. In Algeria, are very fond of children, they are rushing through the streets from morning till night, and if you go with the baby, then return home with a packet of sweets and various gifts from passers-by and shopkeepers. Still quite a stranger can kiss your baby - this is perfectly normal for Algeria.
88. Tassili - one of the most stunning locations in Algeria, there were found ancient cave paintings which show that the Sahara was not always a desert.
89. Algeria is part of the Arab League.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
90. In the past year were the days of Algeria in Moscow.
91. In Algeria, the 136 airports.
92. 1, 2, 3 Vive Algeria! - Algeria's favorite chant.
93. "The Battle of Algiers" - one of the most famous movies made about this country.
94. Algeria has a law prohibiting the free exchange of national currency into dollars or euros. Algerians can be legally changed in the year of $ 300, other times it is done on the black market, but at such a breach the police turn a blind eye. The same law exists in Morocco.
95. Algerians - people hot and explosive.
96. Khmara, in the Algerian "ass" - one of the most offensive obzyvatelstv in Algeria.
97. Gaff - "cow" is the same thing as the previous point, but for women.
98. In Algeria, during the winter for 2 hours less than in Moscow and in the summer - at 3:00.
99. In Algeria, a young family can get from the state free apartment for 3-5 years, if you need faster, then you need to draft an apartment + 7000 dollars and the state will build it for 2 years, taking the rest of the costs. For similar projects in Algeria in building houses 4 floors with 2 entrances, 2 apartments on each floor.
100. In Algeria, more streets have French and Arabic and official name - the confusion terrible!
101. In Algeria, a woman can easily get a divorce, to keep the child after the divorce itself, to get alimony from her ex-husband.
102. Algerians - great fathers, but - Algerian useless mother (from the Russian point of view).
103. One day he saw Algiers, the white city in the blue sea, you will never forget!
2. 80% of the country is Her Majesty the Sahara desert.
3. Algeria has the longest coastline among the Maghreb countries - 988 km.
4. In medieval France, wax imported from Algeria.
5. The Arabs say: Maghreb - a bird, the right wing which Tunisia, the left wing - Morocco, and the bird's body - Algeria.
6. In Algeria, there is a natural lake, filled with ink that can be used for writing.
7. Algeria - a unique country by its climate and natural features, there is a desert, mountains, lakes and sea, and a variety of woods. In Algeria, the summer is +50 (Sahara), and in winter in some cities it is snowing.
8. Algerians in kisses met only an even number of times, usually 2 or 4.
9. The famous designer Yves Saint Laurent was born in Algeria.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
10. The word "Algeria" means "island."
11. Scientists in Algeria found that for high-quality water treatment of non-natural dyes suitable product available such as orange. Rather, its crust.
12. Algiers (the capital) - City-ladder, as it is situated on the hills and everywhere lots of small and large staircases.
13. The indigenous people of Algeria - the peoples who speak Berber dialects, and the Arabs - just conquerors.
14. In the 16-17 centuries, Algeria was a country corsairs (pirates), the most famous of which, Barbarossa, was the ruler of Algiers.
15. Algerian men love women in the body, so the earlier a girl reaches marriageable age were sent to a special home for fattening.
16. Algerians speak a mixture of Arabic and French languages, the Berber language, most Arabs do not understand.
17. In Algeria, the seven World Heritage sites by UNESCO.
18. Algerians love and eat incredible amounts of baguettes (a legacy of the colonial French era).
19. In Algeria, the white sandy grow truffles. These fungi are considered relics of the great African fungi of the Sahara desert. Taste of fungi amazing!
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
20. In Algeria, there is not one of the Orthodox Church, the latter was closed because of the almost complete absence of the parish.
21. Notre Dame de Afrique in Algeria (Cathedral of Our Lady of Africa) is a mirror image across the sea to Notre Dame Cathedral in Marseille. Under the dome of the Cathedral of the Algerian says, "Our Lady of Africa, pray for us and the Muslims."
22. Algerian war against the law to marry a foreigner.
23. Algiers metro system of the Russian and Ukrainian specialists.
24. The symbol of Algeria - Monument to the fallen soldiers - was donated by Canada.
25. In mine after a victory over Algeria, the French colonization killed 25 Russian soldiers.
26. In Algeria, there are earthquakes.
27. In the Algerian state car in front of a white room, and rear - yellow.
28. In the evening, when approaching the police or gendarmerie post Algerians include light in the car (it started from the time of terrorism).
29. Algerian Hamoud Buale drink - lemonade, which is analogous to the taste of the American sprite, but appeared before the sprite.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
30. In Algeria, there is no McDonald's.
31. Sushi in Algeria appeared only a year ago.
32. In Algeria, the cost of gasoline unrealistically low, so even the poorest family rides on old French and Italian cars. All gas stations are state.
33. Algerian President Bouteflika, in power Abdelazis 12 years.
34. Mahhumed Dib - the most famous in the West Algerian writer.
35. The cost of bread in Algeria - 8 dinars (100 dinars = 1 euro), and this price is a very long time does not change, since the government for many years keeps the prices of basic foodstuffs.
36. In Algeria, the two national soup: shorba hrira, depending on the region they are prepared differently.
37. Algeria produces almost all the food in the country, and if you terminate the supply of foreign goods, the Algerians did not die of hunger, since all have their analogues.
38. The Algerians are very good people, they have long forgiven the French colonizers.
39. In Algeria, the three mobile operators: Mobilis, and Dzhezzi Nejm.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
40. Cheb Mami and Khaled - is Algerian singers, first recorded a duet with Sting's famous song Desert Rose, second singer of the famous song Aisha.
41. In the military schools of Russia attend future Algerian tankers, pilots, etc.
42. In supermarkets, Algeria does not sell alcohol, there are special shops.
43. Unable to settle the man and woman in a number of Algerian hotel, if they are not married. Exception - Berber Kabylia region.
44. In Algeria, grow bananas, but they are small and almost sweet.
45. In Algeria, there is no state of central heating, as in Russia, the houses are heated with its own heating system, you can turn on and off at will.
46. In Algeria, there is no bakeries, bread and pastries baked in the bakery at stores.
47. The most valuable couscous made by hand.
48. Algerians can not stand the Egyptians, Tunisians and Algerians.
49. Football in Algeria - a national insanity.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
50. The land border between Morocco and Algeria is closed, this is due to different views on the Western Sahara issue and the possibility of penetration of drugs from Morocco. Each year, Algeria, Morocco offered to open the border, and every year the country can not agree among themselves.
51. USSR built in Algeria metallurgical plant, still active, but it belongs to India.
52. The Chinese arrived in Africa:)
53. In Algeria, never to circumcise girls! And here I recently read this on the internet.
54. In Algeria, full of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.
55. Algerian walnuts oblong, not round.
56. In Algeria, there is no buckwheat, but there is a herring.
57. Algerians do not give each other birthday gifts, but to pay a birthday dinner and cake.
58. Another myth - is that the graves do not write names and smash the clay pot. The names of the writing, the vessel does not break, but the photograph is prohibited.
59. Algeria - a country rich in oil and gas reserves.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
60. In Algeria, there are businesses that generate low cost of paper out of the grass.
61. Algerian do not care what the stone in the ring, as long as more and shiny.
62. In Algeria, only 5 TV channels and all the houses are festooned with satellite dishes.
63. In Algeria, the most delicious pizza in the world (Italy nervously smoking in aside).
64. In Algeria, not allowed to have 4 wives, but in reality it has long been in the past.
65. The national airline of Algeria AirAlgeria, operates direct flights from Moscow, time 4 hours 50 min.
66. Visa to Algeria can only be obtained at the invitation of Algerian national or company, tourist visas are not issued almost, it's still an echo time of terrorism. Although, if you try, you can find a travel agency and travel.
67. The women on the streets in Algeria, did not smoke, it is indecent, but you can in a car or restaurant.
68. According to my observations, Algerians only smoke Marlboro red.
69. Most alzhirok works.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
70. Elevator - it's rare for an apartment building in Algiers (for earthquakes), on any floor on foot.
71. Algerian bride for a wedding dress changed to 12.
72. In Algeria, there is almost no traffic lights in the main roundabout and police, regulators, but unlike the Egyptians, Algerians are almost always go by the rules. Bribe to give unrealistic violation, the police are paid very well, the rights to deny the very least 3 months for the slightest infraction.
73. After high school, Algerian children must pass the exam, which is also the entrance to the university, every profession has its own number of points. If, for example, scored 50 points in the law, then there you do not shine, or retake the following year. In short, in the latter class, you can sit until blue in the face, rarely take an examination on the first try, but without it you can not go to university.
74. In all Algerian homes on the floor tiles, house love to decorate with artificial flowers.
75. Zinedine Zidane, French footballer whose roots in Algeria, and by nationality he is - Kabila. Algerian national team he never played as well as at the time the Algerians did not take him to the team.
76. In Algeria, a diesel-powered submarines.
77. The guest is served in Algeria dates and a glass of milk - a tradition.
78. With the Algerian wedding you'll take home a box necessarily with cakes.
79. The Algerian People's Democratic Republic is actually one of the youngest states - he is only 50 years old.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
80. Russian and Algerian official documents are valid in 2 countries.
81. In Algeria, the two Russian Consulate in the capital city of Annaba and.
82. Algerian chocolate unappetizing.
83. The beach season in Algeria lasted from late May to October.
84. Algerian witchcraft is considered one of the most powerful in the world (especially in the Sahara).
85. Before opening his consulting room, the doctor must have worked in Algeria for about 7 years in a state hospital.
86. In Algeria, there is no practice to put a pregnant woman to save the hospital more often than prescribed medication and sent home to lie.
87. In Algeria, are very fond of children, they are rushing through the streets from morning till night, and if you go with the baby, then return home with a packet of sweets and various gifts from passers-by and shopkeepers. Still quite a stranger can kiss your baby - this is perfectly normal for Algeria.
88. Tassili - one of the most stunning locations in Algeria, there were found ancient cave paintings which show that the Sahara was not always a desert.
89. Algeria is part of the Arab League.
100 facts about Algeria through the eyes of Russians
90. In the past year were the days of Algeria in Moscow.
91. In Algeria, the 136 airports.
92. 1, 2, 3 Vive Algeria! - Algeria's favorite chant.
93. "The Battle of Algiers" - one of the most famous movies made about this country.
94. Algeria has a law prohibiting the free exchange of national currency into dollars or euros. Algerians can be legally changed in the year of $ 300, other times it is done on the black market, but at such a breach the police turn a blind eye. The same law exists in Morocco.
95. Algerians - people hot and explosive.
96. Khmara, in the Algerian "ass" - one of the most offensive obzyvatelstv in Algeria.
97. Gaff - "cow" is the same thing as the previous point, but for women.
98. In Algeria, during the winter for 2 hours less than in Moscow and in the summer - at 3:00.
99. In Algeria, a young family can get from the state free apartment for 3-5 years, if you need faster, then you need to draft an apartment + 7000 dollars and the state will build it for 2 years, taking the rest of the costs. For similar projects in Algeria in building houses 4 floors with 2 entrances, 2 apartments on each floor.
100. In Algeria, more streets have French and Arabic and official name - the confusion terrible!
101. In Algeria, a woman can easily get a divorce, to keep the child after the divorce itself, to get alimony from her ex-husband.
102. Algerians - great fathers, but - Algerian useless mother (from the Russian point of view).
103. One day he saw Algiers, the white city in the blue sea, you will never forget!
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