Часто перед вами стояла проблема выбора адвоката? Как не ошибиться в выборе специалиста?..
Предположим, перед вами стоит нелегкая задача – выбрать защитника для суда.
Немаловажное значение имеет первое знакомство. Необходимо обращать внимание на мельчайшие детали — от внешнего вида и до поведения человека, которому, возможно, вы доверите ведение своего дела. Будьте психологом, следователем. Отбросьте на время мысли о вашем деле. Перед тем, как нанять адвоката, вам следует обратить внимание на ряд факторов.
- Старайтесь выбрать адвоката со стажем не менее 5-6 лет, имеющего опыт в различных делах; во время беседы по телефону попросите принять вас в его офисе.
- Внимательно осмотрите обстановку рабочего кабинета – хорошая мебель и оформление рабочего места – косвенно свидетельствуют об успешности в делах. Захламленность стола и хаос в шкафах с документацией наталкивают на мысль о неаккуратности и забывчивости. Помните, как говорил Жеглов Шарапову: «…это привычка, железная привычка, отработанная годами, понял? Никогда никакого документа постороннему глазу!».
- Обратите внимание на одежду вашего будущего адвоката, внешний вид может говорить о многом: стильный костюм, дорогая обувь, брэндовый сотовый телефон и часы – свидетельствуют об успешности этого человека, безупречная внешность и стиль говорят об ответственности во всем: от внешности до работы.

Перейдем к беседе с вашим визави.
- Опытный адвокат сдержан, корректен, внимателен и благожелателен к посетителю. Не проявляет высокомерия. Не хвастается успешностью, соблюдает коллегиальность – не обсуждает других коллег, умаляя их достоинства, и не превозносит себя как лучшего специалиста. Не проявляет излишней услужливости. Ну и, конечно, не употребляет жаргонных слов. Если это присутствует в разговоре – откажитесь от услуг. Вас просто желают заполучить как клиента, «втираясь» в доверие.
- Расскажите о вашем деле. При беседе обратите внимание на умение адвоката анализировать ваш рассказ — акцентировать подробности, имеющие к делу. Немаловажная деталь – ведение записей. Пусть вы еще не клиент, но внимательный адвокат хоть и не упускает деталей, не всегда полагается только на память.
- Ни один опытный адвокат не гарантирует вам стопроцентного исхода дела. Судебный процесс – совокупность множества фактов и стечений обстоятельств, работа специалистов: защиты, судьи, обвинения. Все решится только на процессе.

Перечисленные выше факты могут полностью не раскрыть таланты или изъяны находящейся перед вами личности, но свидетельствуют о его профессионализме, отношение к ведению дел. Выбор только за вами.
Often there was a problem before you choose a lawyer? How to avoid mistakes in choosing the right doctor?
Suppose you face a difficult task - to choose counsel to the court.
Equally important is the first encounter. Pay attention to the smallest details - from the appearance and behavior to the person to whom you may entrust the management of the business. Be a psychologist, an investigator. Drop in time thinking about your case. Before you hire a lawyer, you should pay attention to several factors.
Try to choose a lawyer with experience of at least 5-6 years, with experience in different cases, and during the telephone conversation, ask them to take you in his office.
Carefully inspect the situation of the working cabinet - good furniture and workplace design - indirect evidence of success in business. Table clutter and chaos in cabinets with documents suggest, carelessness and forgetfulness. Remember the words of Zheglov Sharapova: "... it is a habit, a habit of iron, spent years, okay? Never any document prying eyes! ".
Pay attention to the clothes of your future lawyer, appearance can speak volumes: a stylish suit, expensive shoes, brand cell phone and a watch - witness the success of this man, flawless appearance and style of talk about accountability in everything from appearance to operation.
How to choose a good lawyer?
We turn to talk with your counterparts.
An experienced lawyer restrained, polite, considerate and sympathetic to the visitor. Shows no arrogance. Not boasting of the success is in compliance with collegiality - do not discuss other colleagues, loss of dignity, and exalts himself as the best expert. Does not show too much complaisance. And, of course, does not use jargon. If it is present in the conversation - give up the services. You just want to get as a customer, "rubbing" in the trust.
Tell us about your case. In the interview, note the ability to analyze your lawyer story - to emphasize the details that are relevant. An important detail - the record-keeping. Suppose you are not a customer, but an attentive lawyer, though not miss a detail, not always rely solely on memory.
No one experienced lawyer can not guarantee that you will be the outcome of the case. The trial - a set of facts and a set of coincidences, the work of specialists: security, the judiciary, prosecution. All will be decided only on the process.
How to choose a good lawyer?
The above facts can not fully reveal the talents or shortcomings in front of you personality, but showed his professionalism, attitude to doing business. Choice is yours.
Suppose you face a difficult task - to choose counsel to the court.
Equally important is the first encounter. Pay attention to the smallest details - from the appearance and behavior to the person to whom you may entrust the management of the business. Be a psychologist, an investigator. Drop in time thinking about your case. Before you hire a lawyer, you should pay attention to several factors.
Try to choose a lawyer with experience of at least 5-6 years, with experience in different cases, and during the telephone conversation, ask them to take you in his office.
Carefully inspect the situation of the working cabinet - good furniture and workplace design - indirect evidence of success in business. Table clutter and chaos in cabinets with documents suggest, carelessness and forgetfulness. Remember the words of Zheglov Sharapova: "... it is a habit, a habit of iron, spent years, okay? Never any document prying eyes! ".
Pay attention to the clothes of your future lawyer, appearance can speak volumes: a stylish suit, expensive shoes, brand cell phone and a watch - witness the success of this man, flawless appearance and style of talk about accountability in everything from appearance to operation.
How to choose a good lawyer?
We turn to talk with your counterparts.
An experienced lawyer restrained, polite, considerate and sympathetic to the visitor. Shows no arrogance. Not boasting of the success is in compliance with collegiality - do not discuss other colleagues, loss of dignity, and exalts himself as the best expert. Does not show too much complaisance. And, of course, does not use jargon. If it is present in the conversation - give up the services. You just want to get as a customer, "rubbing" in the trust.
Tell us about your case. In the interview, note the ability to analyze your lawyer story - to emphasize the details that are relevant. An important detail - the record-keeping. Suppose you are not a customer, but an attentive lawyer, though not miss a detail, not always rely solely on memory.
No one experienced lawyer can not guarantee that you will be the outcome of the case. The trial - a set of facts and a set of coincidences, the work of specialists: security, the judiciary, prosecution. All will be decided only on the process.
How to choose a good lawyer?
The above facts can not fully reveal the talents or shortcomings in front of you personality, but showed his professionalism, attitude to doing business. Choice is yours.
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