Радикальные исламисты предложили запретить алкоголь, а также ввести дресс-код...
Власти Египта акцентировали внимание на поведении и иностранных туристов на пляжах Красного моря. Радикальные исламисты предложили запретить алкоголь, а также ввести для отдыхающих строгий дресс-код, который не допускает появления в бикини даже на пляже. Представители египетского туристического бизнеса ужаснулись: страна может потерять 13 млрд долларов годового дохода. В то же время, эксперты выразили сомнение, что эта идея воплотится в жизнь. Секрет успеха восточного гостеприимства - система all inclusive, которая позволяет избежать всех забот и сосредоточиться на загаре. Также привлекает недолгий перелет и доступные цены на туры: в среднем недельный отдых на одного человека обойдется в 500 долларов.
Radical Islamists are a proposal to ban alcohol, but also to introduce a dress code.
Egyptian authorities have focused their attention on the behavior and foreign tourists on the beaches of the Red Sea. Radical Islamists are a proposal to ban alcohol as well as introduce strict rest for a dress code that does not allow even the appearance in a bikini on the beach. Representatives of the Egyptian tourism industry were horrified: the country could lose $ 13 billion in annual revenue. At the same time, experts have expressed doubt that this idea come to life. The secret of success of oriental hospitality - the system all inclusive, which allows you to avoid all the worries and focus on the tan. Also involves short flights and reasonable prices for tours on the average weekly holiday for one person will cost $ 500.
Egyptian authorities have focused their attention on the behavior and foreign tourists on the beaches of the Red Sea. Radical Islamists are a proposal to ban alcohol as well as introduce strict rest for a dress code that does not allow even the appearance in a bikini on the beach. Representatives of the Egyptian tourism industry were horrified: the country could lose $ 13 billion in annual revenue. At the same time, experts have expressed doubt that this idea come to life. The secret of success of oriental hospitality - the system all inclusive, which allows you to avoid all the worries and focus on the tan. Also involves short flights and reasonable prices for tours on the average weekly holiday for one person will cost $ 500.
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