
1. Жан-Клод ван Дамм родился в пригороде Брюсселя со звучным названием Бершьем-Сен-Агате. Его настоящая фамилия ван Варенбург. О детстве вспоминать не любит. Жан-Клод много болел, был слабым, в школе его дразнили очкариком и постоянно издевались, мать заставляла учиться музыке. Когда ему исполнилось 11 лет, отец отвел его в клуб карате. Жизнь мгновенно изменилась для маленького и худенького мальчишки. Через пару лет бывшие обидчики уже сами бегали от него. Теперь его интересовала только борьба. В 16 лет Жан-Клод бросил школу. Чуть позже завоевал звание чемпиона Европы по карате среди подростков. К 20 годам он открыл собственный клуб по восточным единоборствам в центре Брюсселя. Заведение пользовалось огромной популярностью, и банковский счет господина ван Варенбурга рос как на дрожжах, чему очень радовалась молодая жена. Но Жан-Клоду этого оказалось мало. Он мечтал о славе киноактера. С супругой, не пожелавшей менять сытую жизнь на призрачные планы, пришлось развестись.
2. Молодой бельгиец обладал завидным упрямством, привлекательной внешностью и красивым мускулистым телом. Он был уверен, что этих качеств вполне достаточно, чтобы сделать карьеру в Голливуде. И оказался прав! Но Жан-Клоду таки пришлось узнать изнанку американской жизни, прежде чем он стал знаменитым. Ван Дамм работал шофером, доставщиком пиццы, вышибалой в барах, тренером по восточным единоборствам, мастером по укладке ковров и покрытий. Именно последнее занятие неожиданно изменило его жизнь. Во всяком случае, так утверждает Фрэнк Дюкс, человек продавший кинокомпании «Кэнон» историю собственной жизни, которая легла в основу нашумевшего фильма «Кровавый спорт». Фрэнк обратил внимание на симпатичного парня, когда тот укладывал в его доме ковер. Они разговорились, и новый знакомый тут же продемонстрировал Дюксу свои прыжки, растяжки и удары. К тому времени ван Дамм уже успел сыграть пару ролей в низкобюджетных боевичках («Не отступать и не сдаваться»). Продюсеры взяли новичка на роль Дюкса и не ошиблись.
3. С именем Фрэнка Дюкса связаны как первый успех ван Дамма, так и неприятный скандал, разгоревшийся в марте 1997 года. Тогда на экраны вышел фильм «В поисках приключений», который дал неплохие кассовые сборы даже в американском прокате (в Европе и Азии фильмы с участием ван Дамма пользуются традиционно большим успехом). Дюкс подал на Жан-Клода в суд, утверждая, что его бывший протеже — обманщик! Якобы они начинали работать над фильмом вместе, и ван Дамм обещал заплатить ему 100 тысяч долларов плюс два процента от прибыли. Фрэнк хотел получить через суд полтора миллиона долларов и поливал на слушаниях бывшего друга грязью. Он утверждал, что бельгиец — самозванец. Ван Дамм никогда не был чемпионом Европы, он — любитель и дилетант, ничего не смыслящий в восточных единоборствах. Всему, что он умеет, его научил Дюкс. Истец и ответчик чуть было не подрались в суде. Адвокат еле сдержал Жан-Клода, который рвался набить морду обидчику. Судья встал на сторону ван Дамма и отказал в иске Дюксу. Но тот собирается судиться снова…

4. Каждый новый фильм с участием Жан-Клода ван Дамма вызывает сначала интерес, оказывается хотя бы на неделю в десятке самых кассовых лент, а затем быстро сдает позиции. Наиболее успешным пока считается «Универсальный солдат», собравший в мировом прокате около 100 миллионов долларов. Сейчас актер работает сразу над двумя новыми проектами. В одном Жан-Клод сыграет привычную для себя положительную роль, а вот в другом будет жестоким убийцей. Оба фильма выйдут на экраны будущей весной. Съемки «Порядка» (рабочее название одной из картин) проходили в Иерусалиме. Говорят, ван Дамм не раз поражал местных жителей, появляясь на улицах в традиционном еврейском наряде с пейсами. В таком виде Жан-Клод катался на мотоцикле. Съемочный период закончился как раз накануне массовых беспорядков, охвативших Израиль и спорные палестинские территории в начале октября.
5. Западная пресса часто называет ван Дамма Мускулами из Брюсселя. Этим прозвищем актер обязан своему бельгийскому акценту! В одном из первых своих интервью Жан-Клод заявил репортерам, что любит кушанья, приготовленные из морских продуктов, и особенно мидии по-брюссельски. В английском языке mussels (мидии) пишется и звучит почти как muscles (мускулы). Репортеры не разобрали и мгновенно наградили ван Дамма теперь уже известным всему миру прозвищем. Но Жан-Клод не обижается. А что касается его кулинарных пристрастий, то он так и не полюбил американскую пищу. Актер продолжает удивлять поваров в лос-анджелесских ресторанах своими заказами: рагу из попугая или тушеная конина.
6. В январе 1997 года ван Дамм стал обладателем звания, характерного для Америки. Кинозрители присудили ему титул «Самые сексуальные ноги Голливуда». Среди женщин подобной чести удостоилась певица Тина Тернер. Жан-Клод был горд оказаться в одном ряду с такой восхитительной женщиной. Год спустя опрос, проведенный среди американских подростков в возрасте от 10 до 17 лет, определил, что ван Дамм занимает пятое место по популярности среди самых различных знаменитостей. На первом был баскетболист Майкл Джордан.
7. Именно ради детей, для которых он является кумиром, ван Дамм решил изменить свой образ жизни. Неприятности начались в декабре 1996 года, когда актер лег в специальную клинику, чтобы пройти курс восстановительного лечения. Он выписался меньше чем через неделю, хотя обычно срок пребывания в подобных заведениях равен месяцу. Ван Дамм продолжил лечение дома. А в начале 1997 года он признался, что употреблял кокаин. «Я жил на наркотиках и таблетках. Практически все сцены боев и драк в моих фильмах снимались, когда я был под воздействием этих препаратов…» — сделал сенсационное заявление актер. Он пообещал «завязать» ради своих юных поклонников. Но в 1998 году в Гонконге во время съемок «Взрывателя» сорвался снова. По его собственному признанию, он был в таком дурмане, что не понимал, мужчина он или женщина. Последовали новые обещания. А в сентябре прошлого года ван Дамма задержала лос-анджелесская полиция за управление автомобилем в нетрезвом состоянии. Актер утверждал, что ему стало плохо на каком-то приеме, где он немного выпил. А полицейские специально дождались, пока он сядет за руль вместо того, чтобы помочь ему. Однако подобная защита помогла лишь частично. В тюрьму ван Дамма судья не отправил, ограничившись штрафом, принудительным лечением и лишением водительских прав. Похоже, этот скандал по-настоящему отрезвил актера.

8. И все же о его былых похождениях по-прежнему судачит весь Голливуд. Вспоминают случай в феврале 1998-го, когда ван Дамм и Микки Рурк заявились вдвоем в один из нью-йоркских стриптиз-клубов. Жан-Клод случайно столкнулся со своим бывшим телохранителем Чаком Зито. Актер имел неосторожность высказать несколько нелестных слов в адрес последнего. Зито предложил выяснить отношения, и ван Дамм с радостью согласился. Драка получилась короткой. Жан-Клод едва успел снять свои очки… Рурк затем не мог вспомнить, сколько ударов нанес Зито — два или всего один! Его бывший хозяин оказался на полу. «Если бы я не вмешался и не забрал ван Дамма, Чак бы его точно убил!» — рассказал Микки репортерам. А в октябре 98-го Жан-Клод отправился в Австралию, чтобы отпраздновать там свой день рождения и одновременно поучаствовать в церемонии открытия ресторана «Планета Голливуд» в Сиднее. Видимо, после выпитой на приеме колы и съеденных гамбургеров (только ради рекламы!) виновнику торжества стало скучно, и ван Дамм направился в ночной клуб. Там его принялась фотографировать репортер местной газеты Вирджиния Старр. Жан-Клод, уверенный в своей неотразимости, вдруг подошел к этой даме (между прочим, матери троих детей), схватил ее за голову и страстно поцеловал в губы. Вирджиния почему-то обиделась и убежала. А радостный ван Дамм принялся целовать всех посетительниц заведения без разбора.
9. Вообще, его отношения с женским полом складываются нелегко. Жан-Клод женат уже в пятый раз! Причем, нынешняя супруга Глэдис Португис рискнула сказать ему «да» дважды. Имена остальных жен бережно хранят для потомков многочисленные интернетовские сайты, посвященные Мускулам из Брюсселя: Мария Родригес, Синтия Дердериан, Дарси ла Пьер. Брак с последней оказался самым бурным. Дарси бросила ради ван Дамма своего мужа-миллионера Рона Райса, о чем не раз потом жалела. Именно ей пришлось переживать с Жан-Клодом его кокаиново-алкогольный период. Она два раза подавала на развод, но бельгиец ее отговаривал. Он мог становиться снова обаятельным и внимательным. Правда, ненадолго. В январе 1998 года он неожиданно обвинил Дарси в измене и обмане. Ван Дамм засомневался, что годовалый Николас — его сын и даже потребовал провести тест на отцовство, одновременно подав на развод. Ла Пьер ответила встречным иском, обвинив супруга в рукоприкладстве. Газеты смаковали каждую деталь этого скандала. Тем не менее, Глэдис Португис поверила ругаемому всеми ван Дамму и вышла за него замуж во второй раз. Сейчас их семейные отношения близки к идеалу. Жан-Клод охотно занялся воспитанием их детей Кристофера и Бьянки.
10. Сейчас актер утверждает, что становится несколько старомодным, когда речь касается прекрасного. «Я люблю, чтобы женщины были всегда рядом со мной, угождали мне. Мне нравится, когда они умеют вкусно готовить. Обожаю запахи, идущие с кухни, когда твоя любимая колдует над обедом. Так жаль, что сейчас женщины готовят все реже…» — заявил юбиляр в одном из своих интервью.
1. Jean-Claude van Damme was born in a suburb of Brussels with the sonorous name Bersham Saint-Agathe. His real name was van Varenburg. On a child does not like to remember. Jean-Claude a lot of sick, was weak at school teased him and constantly bullied bespectacled man, a mother forced to learn music. When he was 11 years old, his father took him to the club karate. Life changed instantly for a small, skinny boy. After a couple of years, former offenders are themselves running from it. Now it is only interested in fighting. In 16 years, Jean-Claude left school. A little later, won the title of European champion in karate among adolescents. For 20 years he opened his own martial arts club in the heart of Brussels. Institution enjoyed great popularity, and the bank account of Mr van Varenburga grew by leaps and bounds, so that was very happy young wife. But Jean-Claude that was not enough. He dreamed of fame actor. With his wife, who asked not to alter the well-fed life to the ghostly plans had to get a divorce.
2. The young Belgian had an enviable obstinacy, attractive appearance and a beautiful muscular body. He was convinced that these qualities are enough to make a career in Hollywood. And he was right! But Jean-Claude still had to learn the wrong side of American life before he became famous. Van Damme worked as a driver, a courier of pizza, a bouncer at a bar, a coach on martial arts, master of the laying of carpets and coverings. That last lesson unexpectedly changed his life. In any case, so says Frank Dukes, the man who sold the film company "Canon" of his own life story, which became the basis for the acclaimed movie "Bloodsport". Frank drew attention to the nice guy when he was putting into his home carpet. They got to talking, and a new friend immediately demonstrated his Dukes jumps, stretches and strokes. By the time Van Damme has had to play some roles in low budget boevichkah ("No retreat, no surrender"). Producers have taken the beginner in the role and Dukes were not mistaken.
3. The name Frank Dukes connected as the first successful van Damme and unpleasant scandal in March 1997. Then the screens went film "In Search of Adventure", which gave a good box office even in the U.S. box office (in Europe and Asia movies with Van Damme traditionally enjoyed great success). Dukes filed for Jean-Claude in court, claiming that his former protege - liar! Supposedly they started working on a film together, and Van Damme had promised to pay him 100 thousand dollars plus two percent of the profits. Frank wanted to get across the court half a million dollars and watered at the hearing a former friend of mud. He argued that the Belgian - an impostor. Van Damme has never been a European champion, he - amateur and amateur, do not smyslyaschy in martial arts. Everything he knows, he has taught Dukes. The plaintiff and the defendant was almost a fight in court. The lawyer hardly kept Jean-Claude, who was eager to fill his face the abuser. The judge sided with Van Damme and dismissed the case Dukes. But he is going to sue again ...
4. Each new film starring Jean-Claude Van Damme is first interest is at least a week in the top ten highest-grossing bands, and then quickly losing ground. The most successful so far is "Universal Soldier", which brought in worldwide box office of $ 100 million. Now the actor is working simultaneously on two new projects. In one of Jean-Claude plays a familiar role for himself the positive, but in another would be cruel murderer. Both films are due for release next spring. Filming of "order" (the working title of one of the paintings) were held in Jerusalem. They say that Van Damme does not just hit the local people, appearing on the streets in traditional Jewish dress with Pace. In this form, Jean-Claude rode a motorcycle. Shooting period ended just before the riots that engulfed Israel and the disputed Palestinian territories in early October.
5. The Western press often refers to Van Damme's muscles from Brussels. This actor is obliged to nickname their Belgian accent! In one of his first interview with Jean-Claude told reporters that he loves food, cooked seafood, especially mussels in Brussels. In English, the mussels (mussels) is written and it sounds almost like the muscles (muscles). Reporters are not dismantled and instantly rewarded Van Damme is now known worldwide nickname. But Jean-Claude is not offended. And as for his culinary tastes, he did not love American food. The actor continues to amaze cooks in Los Angeles restaurants their orders: parrot stew or horsemeat stew.
6. In January 1997, Van Damme won the title, typical of America. Moviegoers awarded him the title of "sexiest legs in Hollywood." Among women, this honor was awarded singer Tina Turner. Jean-Claude was proud to be aligned with such a delightful woman. A year later, a survey conducted among American teenagers aged 10 to 17 years, found that Van Damme is the fifth in popularity among a variety of celebrities. In the first basketball player was Michael Jordan.
7. For the sake of the children for whom he is an idol, Van Damme has decided to change their lifestyle. Trouble began in December 1996, when the actor went to a special clinic to undergo rehabilitation treatment. He was discharged in less than a week, but usually stay in such establishments is the month. Van Damme continued treatment at home. In early 1997, he admitted that he used cocaine. "I lived on drugs and pills. Almost all the scenes of battles and fights in my films were shot when I was under the influence of these drugs ... "- the actor made a sensational statement. He promised to "tie" for the sake of their young fans. But in 1998 in Hong Kong during the filming of "Blaster" broke again. By his own admission, he was so dope that did not understand, man or woman it. Followed by new promises. And in September last year, Van Damme has detained the LA police for driving while intoxicated. The actor claimed that he fell ill at a reception where he was a little drunk. A special police waited until he sits behind the wheel, rather than help him. However, such protection is only partially helped. In the prison van Damme judge sent, limiting the penalty, involuntary treatment and deprivation of driving privileges. It seems that this scandal is really sobered actor.
8. Yet his past adventures continue to gossip all Hollywood. Remember the case in February 1998, when Van Damme and Mickey Rourke showed up alone in a New York strip club. Jean-Claude accidentally collided with his former bodyguard Chuck Zito. The actor had been careless enough to make a few uncomplimentary words about the latter. Zito offered to find out the relationship, and Van Damme gladly accepted. The fight turned out short. Jean-Claude barely had time to take off your glasses ... Rourke then could not remember how many blows inflicted Zito - two or just one! His former boss was on the floor. "If I had not stepped in and took no Van Damme, Chuck would just kill him!" - Mickey told reporters. And in October '98 by Jean-Claude went to Australia to celebrate her birthday there and at the same time participate in the ceremony of opening a restaurant "Planet Hollywood" in Sydney. Apparently, after drinking a Coke at a reception and eaten hamburgers (just for the sake of advertising!) Hero for the day was boring, and Van Damme went to a nightclub. There he began to photograph a local newspaper reporter Virginia Starr. Jean-Claude, confident in its irresistible, suddenly went up to the lady (incidentally, the mother of three children), grabbed her head and kissed her passionately on the lips. Virginia for some reason, took offense and ran away. A joyful Van Damme began to kiss all the attendees institutions indiscriminately.
9. In general, his relationship with women formed easily. Jean-Claude has been married for the fifth time! Moreover, the current wife Gladys Portugis ventured to say "yes" twice. The names of other women cherish for posterity the numerous web sites devoted to the muscles from Brussels: Maria Rodriguez, Cynthia Derderian, Darcy La Pier. Marriage to the last was the most violent. Darcy threw for Van Damme's husband, a millionaire Ron Rice, which is often regretted later. That she had to suffer with him, Jean-Claude cocaine-alcohol period. She twice served for divorce, but her Belgian discouraged. He could become again charming and attentive. Though not for long. In January 1998, he suddenly accuses Darcy of treason and deceit. Van Damme has begun to doubt that the year-old Nicholas - his son and even demanded a paternity test, while filing for divorce. La Pierre said, a counterclaim, accusing the wife of assault and battery. Newspapers savored every detail of this scandal. However, Gladys Portugis believe swearing all Van Damme and married him a second time. Now their family relationships are close to ideal. Jean-Claude willingly engaged in raising their children, Christopher and Bianchi.
10. Now the actor says that is somewhat old-fashioned when it concerns the fine. "I love that women were always at my side, and to please me. I like it when they know how to cook. I love the smells coming from the kitchen when your favorite conjures over dinner. So sad that now women cook less and less ... "- hero of the day, said in an interview.
2. The young Belgian had an enviable obstinacy, attractive appearance and a beautiful muscular body. He was convinced that these qualities are enough to make a career in Hollywood. And he was right! But Jean-Claude still had to learn the wrong side of American life before he became famous. Van Damme worked as a driver, a courier of pizza, a bouncer at a bar, a coach on martial arts, master of the laying of carpets and coverings. That last lesson unexpectedly changed his life. In any case, so says Frank Dukes, the man who sold the film company "Canon" of his own life story, which became the basis for the acclaimed movie "Bloodsport". Frank drew attention to the nice guy when he was putting into his home carpet. They got to talking, and a new friend immediately demonstrated his Dukes jumps, stretches and strokes. By the time Van Damme has had to play some roles in low budget boevichkah ("No retreat, no surrender"). Producers have taken the beginner in the role and Dukes were not mistaken.
3. The name Frank Dukes connected as the first successful van Damme and unpleasant scandal in March 1997. Then the screens went film "In Search of Adventure", which gave a good box office even in the U.S. box office (in Europe and Asia movies with Van Damme traditionally enjoyed great success). Dukes filed for Jean-Claude in court, claiming that his former protege - liar! Supposedly they started working on a film together, and Van Damme had promised to pay him 100 thousand dollars plus two percent of the profits. Frank wanted to get across the court half a million dollars and watered at the hearing a former friend of mud. He argued that the Belgian - an impostor. Van Damme has never been a European champion, he - amateur and amateur, do not smyslyaschy in martial arts. Everything he knows, he has taught Dukes. The plaintiff and the defendant was almost a fight in court. The lawyer hardly kept Jean-Claude, who was eager to fill his face the abuser. The judge sided with Van Damme and dismissed the case Dukes. But he is going to sue again ...
4. Each new film starring Jean-Claude Van Damme is first interest is at least a week in the top ten highest-grossing bands, and then quickly losing ground. The most successful so far is "Universal Soldier", which brought in worldwide box office of $ 100 million. Now the actor is working simultaneously on two new projects. In one of Jean-Claude plays a familiar role for himself the positive, but in another would be cruel murderer. Both films are due for release next spring. Filming of "order" (the working title of one of the paintings) were held in Jerusalem. They say that Van Damme does not just hit the local people, appearing on the streets in traditional Jewish dress with Pace. In this form, Jean-Claude rode a motorcycle. Shooting period ended just before the riots that engulfed Israel and the disputed Palestinian territories in early October.
5. The Western press often refers to Van Damme's muscles from Brussels. This actor is obliged to nickname their Belgian accent! In one of his first interview with Jean-Claude told reporters that he loves food, cooked seafood, especially mussels in Brussels. In English, the mussels (mussels) is written and it sounds almost like the muscles (muscles). Reporters are not dismantled and instantly rewarded Van Damme is now known worldwide nickname. But Jean-Claude is not offended. And as for his culinary tastes, he did not love American food. The actor continues to amaze cooks in Los Angeles restaurants their orders: parrot stew or horsemeat stew.
6. In January 1997, Van Damme won the title, typical of America. Moviegoers awarded him the title of "sexiest legs in Hollywood." Among women, this honor was awarded singer Tina Turner. Jean-Claude was proud to be aligned with such a delightful woman. A year later, a survey conducted among American teenagers aged 10 to 17 years, found that Van Damme is the fifth in popularity among a variety of celebrities. In the first basketball player was Michael Jordan.
7. For the sake of the children for whom he is an idol, Van Damme has decided to change their lifestyle. Trouble began in December 1996, when the actor went to a special clinic to undergo rehabilitation treatment. He was discharged in less than a week, but usually stay in such establishments is the month. Van Damme continued treatment at home. In early 1997, he admitted that he used cocaine. "I lived on drugs and pills. Almost all the scenes of battles and fights in my films were shot when I was under the influence of these drugs ... "- the actor made a sensational statement. He promised to "tie" for the sake of their young fans. But in 1998 in Hong Kong during the filming of "Blaster" broke again. By his own admission, he was so dope that did not understand, man or woman it. Followed by new promises. And in September last year, Van Damme has detained the LA police for driving while intoxicated. The actor claimed that he fell ill at a reception where he was a little drunk. A special police waited until he sits behind the wheel, rather than help him. However, such protection is only partially helped. In the prison van Damme judge sent, limiting the penalty, involuntary treatment and deprivation of driving privileges. It seems that this scandal is really sobered actor.
8. Yet his past adventures continue to gossip all Hollywood. Remember the case in February 1998, when Van Damme and Mickey Rourke showed up alone in a New York strip club. Jean-Claude accidentally collided with his former bodyguard Chuck Zito. The actor had been careless enough to make a few uncomplimentary words about the latter. Zito offered to find out the relationship, and Van Damme gladly accepted. The fight turned out short. Jean-Claude barely had time to take off your glasses ... Rourke then could not remember how many blows inflicted Zito - two or just one! His former boss was on the floor. "If I had not stepped in and took no Van Damme, Chuck would just kill him!" - Mickey told reporters. And in October '98 by Jean-Claude went to Australia to celebrate her birthday there and at the same time participate in the ceremony of opening a restaurant "Planet Hollywood" in Sydney. Apparently, after drinking a Coke at a reception and eaten hamburgers (just for the sake of advertising!) Hero for the day was boring, and Van Damme went to a nightclub. There he began to photograph a local newspaper reporter Virginia Starr. Jean-Claude, confident in its irresistible, suddenly went up to the lady (incidentally, the mother of three children), grabbed her head and kissed her passionately on the lips. Virginia for some reason, took offense and ran away. A joyful Van Damme began to kiss all the attendees institutions indiscriminately.
9. In general, his relationship with women formed easily. Jean-Claude has been married for the fifth time! Moreover, the current wife Gladys Portugis ventured to say "yes" twice. The names of other women cherish for posterity the numerous web sites devoted to the muscles from Brussels: Maria Rodriguez, Cynthia Derderian, Darcy La Pier. Marriage to the last was the most violent. Darcy threw for Van Damme's husband, a millionaire Ron Rice, which is often regretted later. That she had to suffer with him, Jean-Claude cocaine-alcohol period. She twice served for divorce, but her Belgian discouraged. He could become again charming and attentive. Though not for long. In January 1998, he suddenly accuses Darcy of treason and deceit. Van Damme has begun to doubt that the year-old Nicholas - his son and even demanded a paternity test, while filing for divorce. La Pierre said, a counterclaim, accusing the wife of assault and battery. Newspapers savored every detail of this scandal. However, Gladys Portugis believe swearing all Van Damme and married him a second time. Now their family relationships are close to ideal. Jean-Claude willingly engaged in raising their children, Christopher and Bianchi.
10. Now the actor says that is somewhat old-fashioned when it concerns the fine. "I love that women were always at my side, and to please me. I like it when they know how to cook. I love the smells coming from the kitchen when your favorite conjures over dinner. So sad that now women cook less and less ... "- hero of the day, said in an interview.
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