1. Дэвид Духовны русский по отцу. Точнее, русский еврей. Его отца звали Амрам Духовный. В своё время Амрам поменял букву «х» в своей фамилии на «к» — американцам было проще произносить её как «Дуковны». Однако Дэвид вернул букву на место.

2. Мать темнокожей красотки Николь Шерзингер из Pussycat dolls — наполовину гавайка, наполовину русская. Полностью Николь Шерзингер зовут Николь Прасковья Эликолани Вэлиенте.

3. Родители Натали Портман переехали в Иерусалим из Кишинева.

4. Гвинет Пэлтроу происходит из рода раввинов Палтровичей, которые жили в Минске.

5. Мила Йовович родилась в Киеве. Ее мать, Галина Логинова, была актрисой, а отец — доктором-педиатром из Югославии. Первые пять лет своей жизни Мила провела в Советском Союзе.

6. Мать актёра Харрисона Форда звали Дорой Нидельман. Её мама Анна, бабушка Форда, уехала из Минска в 1907 году. После съемок фильма «К-19» Харрисон Форд с помощью общественных организаций занялся поиском прапрадедов и дальних родственников, которые живут на территории бывшего СССР.

7. Бабушку Леонардо Ди Каприо зовут Елизавета Смирнова. После революции родители вывезли маленькую Лизу из новоиспечённого СССР в Германию, где она подросла и вышла замуж. Ее дочь, мать Лео, переехала в США.

8. Оба дедушки Стивена Спилберга родом из России. А муж сестры Спилберга, Сьюзан — дальний родственник Бориса Пастернака.

9. Скромная еврейская девушка Роза Рабинович, родившаяся в дореволюционной России в Одессе, вряд ли могла себе представить, что её правнук станет мировой знаменитостью и что его будут звать Сильвестр Сталлоне.

10. Прапрабабушка актрисы Вупи Голдберг родом из Одессы.
David Duchovny
1. David Duchovny a Russian father. More precisely, a Russian Jew. His father's name Amram Duchovny. At the time, Amram has changed the letter "x" in its name on the "k" - Americans were easier to pronounce it as "Dukovny." However, David has returned to the place of the letter.
Nicole Scherzinger
2. Dark-skinned mother of beauty Nicole Scherzinger from Pussycat dolls - half gavayka, half Russian. Fully Nicole Scherzinger Nicole Praskovya name Elikolani Veliente.
Natalie Portman
3. Natalie Portman's parents moved to Jerusalem from Chisinau.
Gwyneth Paltrow
4. Gwyneth Paltrow is kind of Rabbis Paltrovichey who lived in Minsk.
Milla Jovovich
5. Milla Jovovich was born in Kiev. Her mother, Galina Loginova, an actress, and her father - a doctor, a pediatrician from Yugoslavia. The first five years of his life Mila held in the Soviet Union.
Harrison Ford
6. Actor Harrison Ford's mother's name was Dora Nidelman. Her mother, Anna, grandmother Ford, went out of Minsk in 1907. After filming the movie "K-19" Harrison Ford with community organizations to seek great-great-grandfather and cousins who live in the former Soviet Union.
Leonardo DiCaprio
7. Grandma Leonardo DiCaprio called Elizabeth Smirnov. After the revolution of parents have taken a little of Lisa in the newly created Soviet Union to Germany, where she grew up and married. Her daughter, the mother of Leo, moved to the United States.
Steven Spielberg
8. Both his grandfather Steven Spielberg was born in Russia. A sister's husband Steven Spielberg, Susan - a distant cousin of Boris Pasternak.
Sylvester Stallone
9. Modest Jewish girl Rosa Rabinovich, was born in pre-revolutionary Russia in Odessa, could hardly have imagined that her grandson would become a world celebrity, and that it will be called Sylvester Stallone.
Whoopi Goldberg
10. Great-grandmother of actress Whoopi Goldberg was born in Odessa.
1. David Duchovny a Russian father. More precisely, a Russian Jew. His father's name Amram Duchovny. At the time, Amram has changed the letter "x" in its name on the "k" - Americans were easier to pronounce it as "Dukovny." However, David has returned to the place of the letter.
Nicole Scherzinger
2. Dark-skinned mother of beauty Nicole Scherzinger from Pussycat dolls - half gavayka, half Russian. Fully Nicole Scherzinger Nicole Praskovya name Elikolani Veliente.
Natalie Portman
3. Natalie Portman's parents moved to Jerusalem from Chisinau.
Gwyneth Paltrow
4. Gwyneth Paltrow is kind of Rabbis Paltrovichey who lived in Minsk.
Milla Jovovich
5. Milla Jovovich was born in Kiev. Her mother, Galina Loginova, an actress, and her father - a doctor, a pediatrician from Yugoslavia. The first five years of his life Mila held in the Soviet Union.
Harrison Ford
6. Actor Harrison Ford's mother's name was Dora Nidelman. Her mother, Anna, grandmother Ford, went out of Minsk in 1907. After filming the movie "K-19" Harrison Ford with community organizations to seek great-great-grandfather and cousins who live in the former Soviet Union.
Leonardo DiCaprio
7. Grandma Leonardo DiCaprio called Elizabeth Smirnov. After the revolution of parents have taken a little of Lisa in the newly created Soviet Union to Germany, where she grew up and married. Her daughter, the mother of Leo, moved to the United States.
Steven Spielberg
8. Both his grandfather Steven Spielberg was born in Russia. A sister's husband Steven Spielberg, Susan - a distant cousin of Boris Pasternak.
Sylvester Stallone
9. Modest Jewish girl Rosa Rabinovich, was born in pre-revolutionary Russia in Odessa, could hardly have imagined that her grandson would become a world celebrity, and that it will be called Sylvester Stallone.
Whoopi Goldberg
10. Great-grandmother of actress Whoopi Goldberg was born in Odessa.
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