1. Ангела Меркель, федеральный канцлер Германии

Возраст: 57
Страна: Германия
Сфера влияния: политика
Страна: Германия
Сфера влияния: политика
Федеральный канцлер Германии Ангела Меркель руководит сильнейшей европейской экономикой, в Евросоюзе она неоспоримый лидер. Хотя экономика Германии до недавнего времени быстро росла, а безработица падала, Меркель столкнулась со многими проблемами: потеря поддержи избирателей, кризис еврозоны, где Германия обречена спасать своих более слабых соседей. Ей предстоит стабилизировать долг Евросоюза и сохранить единство еврозоны. Вместе с президентом Франции Николя Саркози Меркель призывает к более тесной экономической и политической интеграции еврозоны. А в Германии ее рейтинг продолжает падать: ее поддерживают всего 36% немцев, это самый низкий показатель за последние пять лет.
Родившаяся в Восточной Германии и выросшая в социалистической экономике Меркель признает: «Я до сих пор покупаю что-то, как только вижу, даже если мне это не нужно. Это глубоко укоренившаяся привычка».
2. Хиллари Клинтон, госсекретарь США

Возраст: 63
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: политика
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: политика
Хиллари Клинтон второй год успешно справляется с должностью госсекретаря США. Для нее это был непростой год: на Ближнем Востоке началась волна революций, WikiLeaks опубликовал секретные депеши американских спецслужб. Хиллари объявила о том, что не останется госсекретарем на второй срок и не будет выдвигать свою кандидатуру на президентских выборах в 2016 году, но кто сказал, что она готова уйти на пенсию? Есть слухи, что Клинтон надеется возглавить Всемирный банк.
Клинтон говорила, что наблюдая за операцией по ликвидации Бин Ладена вместе с президентом Бараком Обамой, она пережила «самые напряженные минуты в жизни», но подчеркнула, что прикрыла рот рукой не из страха, а чтобы унять кашель.
3. Дилма Русеф, президент Бразилии

Возраст: 63
Страна: Бразилия
Сфера влияния: политика
Страна: Бразилия
Сфера влияния: политика
Дилма Русеф занимала верхние строчки новостей, когда в октябре была избрана президентом страны с самой крупной экономикой в Латинской Америке. Впервые этот пост заняла женщина. Но результаты выборов не были такими уж неожиданными. В 2005-м президент-реформатор Лула де Сильва назначил ее начальницей своего аппарата (и на этом посту женщин до Дилмы не было) — после этого все ожидали, что она станет его преемницей. Ее политическая карьера примечательна. Член радикального рабочего движения, она два года провела в тюрьме. После назначения Русеф министром энергетики в 2001 году ее взгляды стали меняться на более прагматичные и «капиталистические».
В свободное от политики время Русеф любит бывать в театре – предпочитает классическую греческую драму и оперу.
4. Индра Нуйи, гендиректор PepsiCo

Возраст: 55
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: бизнес
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: бизнес
С годовой выручкой в $60 млрд PepsiCo — самая большая компания по производству продуктов питания и напитков в США. Объем ее продаж равен ВВП Хорватии. Индра Нуйи уже пять лет на посту генерального директора PepsiCo: под ее началом команда из 300 000 сотрудников по всему миру. В свете мировой борьбы с лишним весом Индра планирует к 2020 году расширить производство продуктов питания с $13 млрд до $30 млрд, добавив в линейку зерновые и молочные продукты, фрукты и овощи, продукты для спортсменов. В прошлом году она увеличила исследовательский бюджет компании до $488 млн, пытаясь открыть рецепт вкусной низкокалорийной газировки. Ей придется поспешить: в марте «Пепси» сползла на третье место по популярности после «Колы» и «Диетической Колы».
Индра Нуйи утверждает, что может на вкус отличить «Пепси» от «Колы».
5. Шерил Сэндберг, исполнительный директор Facebook

Возраст: 41
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: бизнес
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: бизнес
Перейдя в Facebook в 2008 году от его главного конкурента, Google, она помогла увеличить число пользователей соцсети с 70 млн до 750 млн: теперь Facebook используют 11% всего населения Земли. Шерил Сэндберг помогла монетизировать эти цифры. Стартап, родившийся в студенческом общежитии, готовится к IPO в начале 2012 года, на котором его могут оценить в $100 млрд. Получив степень MBA в Гарварде, Сэндберг работала в министерстве финансов при Билле Клинтоне и была вице-президентом Google. Одна из сравнительно немногих известных представительниц своего пола в технологическом бизнесе, она выступает за поддержку женщин: «Мы все еще не достигли полного равноправия женщин и мужчин на работе и дома, — писала она в одной из своих колонок в августе. — Мы можем и должны улучшить положение».
6. Мелинда Гейтс, руководитель фонда Билла и Мелинды Гейтс

Возраст: 47
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: благотворительность
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: благотворительность
Мелинда Гейтс — сооснователь и соруководитель самого крупного и самого щедрого частного благотворительного фонда в мире. Фонд Билла и Мелинды Гейтс инвестирует в борьбу с бедностью, здравоохранение и образование. В прошлом году он потратил на благотворительный программы $2,5 млрд. Мелинда изучала информатику в университете Дьюка, там же получила степень MBA, а после получения диплома отправилась в Сиэтл, став разработчиком в Microsoft. В 1994 она вышла замуж за основателя Microsoft Билла Гейтса и вскоре ушла из компании, занявшись благотворительным фондом. За последние 8 лет пара пожертвовала на благотворительность $24 млрд, или две трети всего своего состояния.
Интересно, что в доме Гейтсов запрещены продукты Apple, но Мелинда призналась, что пользовалась iPhone.
7. Соня Ганди, президент Индийского национального конгресса

Возраст: 64
Страна: Индия
Сфера влияния: политика
Страна: Индия
Сфера влияния: политика
В 2010 году Соня Ганди была единогласно переизбрана президентом Индийского национального конгресса в четвертый раз. Это рекорд в истории партии. Родившаяся в Италии Соня попала в Индию, выйдя в 1968 году замуж за Раджива Ганди, продолжателя политической династии Неру-Ганди. Два десятилетия она играла скромную роль жены политика, а после убийства мужа в 1998 году взяла на себя лидерство. Она отказалась стать премьер-министром, когда ее партия выиграла выборы в 2004 и 2009 годах, поручив это Манмохану Сингху. Ганди хвалят за экономический рост и критикуют за то, что она терпит политическую коррупцию и не может завоевать доверия растущей группы молодых избирателей.
Ганди – большой знаток искусства, у нее есть диплом реставратора масляной живописи.
8. Мишель Обама, первая леди США

Возраст: 47
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: политика
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: политика
Мишель Обама популярнее, чем ее муж: ее рейтинг составляет 70%, а рейтинг Барака Обамы — менее 40%. Первая леди сохраняет популярность благодаря своей борьбе с детским ожирением и стильным нарядам. В этом году она вдохновила такие компании, как Coca-Cola, Kellogg и General Mills на то, чтобы снизить калорийность их продуктов к 2012 году.
В прошлом году Мишель Обама успела совершить официальные поездки в Африку, Индию, Латинскую Америку и Великобританию.
9. Кристин Лагард

Страна: Франция
Сфера влияния: политика
Страна: Франция
Сфера влияния: политика
В июне Кристин Лагард стала первой женщиной-главой МВФ, сменив ушедшего в отставку Доминика Стросс-Кана. Лагард родилась во Франции, но почти поолвину жизни провела в США — училась в Чикаго, а затем работала в юридической компании Baker McKenzie, где специализировалась на трудовом и антитрастовом законодательстве. Став партнером, а затем возглавив фирму, она вывела Baker McKenzie на развивающиеся рынки. В 2003 году Лагард вернулась во Францию, а в 2007-м свежеизбранный президент Николя Саркози назначил ее министром финансов. Лагард сыграла серьезную роль в выводе Франции из финансового кризиса и борьбе с кризисом еврозоны.
До начала юридической и политической картеры Лагард выступала в составе французской сборной по синхронному плаванию.
10. Ирен Розенфельд, гендиректор Kraft Foods

Возраст: 58
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: бизнес
Страна: США
Сфера влияния: бизнес
Ирен Розенфельд возглавляет Kraft Foods, второго по величине производителя продуктов питания в мире. Она руководит 170 000 сотрудников в 170 странах. В 2004 году она стала генеральным директором принадлежащей Pepsi компании Frito-Lay, а в 2006-м возглавила Kraft Foods. Под ее руководством компания вышла на IPO, она провела интеграцию Nabisco, LU и Cadbury и увеличила годовую выручку на 43% до $49,2 млрд в 2010 году.
Вот как Ирен определяет суть власти: «Лидерство есть служение. Я здесь, чтобы помочь организации достичь ее целей, а не для того чтобы сотрудники исполняли мои желания».
1. Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor of GermanyAge: 57Country: GermanySphere of influence: politics
German Chancellor Angela Merkel headed the strongest European economies in the EU is the undisputed leader. Although the German economy until recently has grown rapidly, and unemployment fell, Merkel has faced many challenges: the loss of voters supported the crisis euro zone, where Germany is destined to save their weaker neighbors. It will have to stabilize the debt and the European Union to maintain the unity of the eurozone. Together with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Merkel calls for closer economic and political integration in the eurozone. And in Germany, it's rating continues to fall: it is supported by only 36% of Germans, the lowest figure in five years.
Born in East Germany and grew up in a socialist economy, Merkel admits: "I still buy something as soon as I see, even if I do not need. This is a deeply rooted habit. "
2. Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 63Country: United StatesSphere of influence: politics
Hillary Clinton's second year of successfully coping with the post of U.S. Secretary of State. For her it was a difficult year: the Middle East, a wave of revolutions, WikiLeaks has published secret dispatch of U.S. intelligence agencies. Hillary announced that there will be secretary of state for a second term and would not stand in the presidential election in 2016, but who said that she was ready to retire? There are rumors that Clinton hopes to lead the World Bank.
Clinton said that watching the operation to eliminate Bin Laden, together with President Barack Obama, she had "the most tense moments in life", but stressed that covered her mouth is not out of fear, but to relieve the cough.3. Dilma Rusef, President of Brazil
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 63Country: BrazilSphere of influence: politics
Dilma Rusef occupied the top ranks of news, when in October, was elected president of the country with the largest economy in Latin America. For the first time a woman holds the post. But the election results were not quite so surprising. In 2005, President-Reformist Lula da Silva appointed her as headmistress of the device (and in this position before Dilma women were not) - then everyone expected it would be his successor. Her political career is remarkable. A member of the radical labor movement, she spent two years in prison. Following the appointment of the Minister of Energy Rusef in 2001, her views began to change to a more pragmatic and "capitalist".
In his spare time policy Rusef loves to be in the theater - prefers the classic Greek drama and opera.4. Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo CEO
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 55Country: United StatesSphere of influence: Business
With annual revenues of $ 60 billion PepsiCo - the largest company on manufacture of food products and beverages in the United States. Its sales equal to the GDP of Croatia. Indra Nooyi for five years as CEO PepsiCo: at the beginning of its team of 300 000 employees worldwide. In light of the world struggle with being overweight Indra plans to expand the 2020 production of food with $ 13 billion to $ 30 billion, adding to the range of cereals and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, products for athletes. In the past year it has increased the research budget of up to $ 488 million, trying to open a low-calorie recipe is a delicious soda. It will have to hurry up in March, "Pepsi," slipped to third place in popularity after the "Cola" and "Diet Coke".
Indra Nooyi said that he could distinguish the taste of "Pepsi" from "Cola".5. Sheryl Sandberg, chief executive of Facebook
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 41Country: United StatesSphere of influence: Business
Turning to Facebook in 2008 from its main rival, Google, she helped increase the number of users of social networks from 70 million to 750 million: now use Facebook 11% of the total population. Sheryl Sandberg has helped monetize these figures. Startup, who was born in a student residence, preparing for an IPO in early 2012, where it can be estimated at $ 100 billion earned an MBA at Harvard, Sandberg worked at the Treasury under Bill Clinton and was vice-president of Google. One of the relatively few known representatives of their sex in the technology business, she advocates for women: "We still have not achieved full equality between women and men at work and at home - she wrote in one of his columns in August. - We can and must improve. "6. Melinda Gates, director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 47Country: United StatesSphere of influence: charity
Melinda Gates - Co-founder and co-director of the largest and most generous private charitable foundation in the world. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation invests in the fight against poverty, health and education. Last year he spent on charitable programs $ 2.5 billion, Melinda was studying computer science at Duke University, the same holds an MBA, and after graduation went to Seattle to become a developer at Microsoft. In 1994 she married the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, and soon left the company, taking up a charitable foundation. Over the past 8 years, couple donated to charity $ 24 billion, or two-thirds of his fortune.
Interestingly, in the Gates house is prohibited products Apple, but Melinda admitted that she used the iPhone.7. Sonia Gandhi, president of the Indian National Congress
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 64Country: IndiaSphere of influence: politics
In 2010, Sonia Gandhi was unanimously re-elected president of Indian National Congress for the fourth time. This is a record in the history of the party. Born in Italy, Sonia came to India, leaving in 1968 to marry Rajiv Gandhi political dynasty successor to Nehru-Gandhi. For two decades she has played a modest role as a wife politician, and after her husband's assassination in 1998, took the lead. She refused to become prime minister when her party won elections in 2004 and 2009, authorizing this Manmohan Singh. Gandhi praised for economic growth and criticized for the fact that it tolerates political corruption and can not win the trust of a growing group of young voters.
Gandhi - a great connoisseur of art, she has a diploma restorer oil painting.8. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 47Country: United StatesSphere of influence: politics
Michelle Obama is more popular than her husband: her rating of 70%, and the rating of Barack Obama - less than 40%. First Lady remains popular because of its fight against child obesity and stylish clothes. This year, she was inspired by such companies as Coca-Cola, Kellogg and General Mills in fact to reduce the calorie content of their products by 2012.
Last year, Michelle Obama has had time to make official visits to Africa, India, Latin America and the UK.9. Christine Lagarde
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 55Country: FranceSphere of influence: politics
In June, Christine Lagarde has become the first woman to head the IMF, succeeding the retired Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Lagarde was born in France but almost poolvinu life spent in the U.S. - went to Chicago and then worked at the law firm Baker McKenzie, where she specialized in labor and anti-trust laws. By becoming a partner, and then headed the firm, she led Baker McKenzie in emerging markets. In 2003, Lagarde returned to France, and in 2007 newly elected President Nicolas Sarkozy appointed her Minister of Finance. Lagarde has played a major role in the withdrawal of France from the financial crisis and deal with the crisis in the eurozone.
Prior to the legal and political housings Lagarde spoke in the French national team in synchronized swimming.10. Irene Rosenfeld, CEO of Kraft Foods
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 58Country: United StatesSphere of influence: Business
Irene Rosenfeld, head Kraft Foods, the second largest food producer in the world. She manages 170,000 employees in 170 countries. In 2004 she became CEO of Pepsi-owned company's Frito-Lay, and in 2006 headed by Kraft Foods. Under her leadership, the company entered the IPO, it held the integration of Nabisco, LU and Cadbury and increased annual revenue by 43% to $ 49.2 billion in 2010.
Here's how to determine the nature of power Irene: "Leadership is service. I'm here to help the organization achieve its goals, not to staff played my desire. "
German Chancellor Angela Merkel headed the strongest European economies in the EU is the undisputed leader. Although the German economy until recently has grown rapidly, and unemployment fell, Merkel has faced many challenges: the loss of voters supported the crisis euro zone, where Germany is destined to save their weaker neighbors. It will have to stabilize the debt and the European Union to maintain the unity of the eurozone. Together with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Merkel calls for closer economic and political integration in the eurozone. And in Germany, it's rating continues to fall: it is supported by only 36% of Germans, the lowest figure in five years.
Born in East Germany and grew up in a socialist economy, Merkel admits: "I still buy something as soon as I see, even if I do not need. This is a deeply rooted habit. "
2. Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 63Country: United StatesSphere of influence: politics
Hillary Clinton's second year of successfully coping with the post of U.S. Secretary of State. For her it was a difficult year: the Middle East, a wave of revolutions, WikiLeaks has published secret dispatch of U.S. intelligence agencies. Hillary announced that there will be secretary of state for a second term and would not stand in the presidential election in 2016, but who said that she was ready to retire? There are rumors that Clinton hopes to lead the World Bank.
Clinton said that watching the operation to eliminate Bin Laden, together with President Barack Obama, she had "the most tense moments in life", but stressed that covered her mouth is not out of fear, but to relieve the cough.3. Dilma Rusef, President of Brazil
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 63Country: BrazilSphere of influence: politics
Dilma Rusef occupied the top ranks of news, when in October, was elected president of the country with the largest economy in Latin America. For the first time a woman holds the post. But the election results were not quite so surprising. In 2005, President-Reformist Lula da Silva appointed her as headmistress of the device (and in this position before Dilma women were not) - then everyone expected it would be his successor. Her political career is remarkable. A member of the radical labor movement, she spent two years in prison. Following the appointment of the Minister of Energy Rusef in 2001, her views began to change to a more pragmatic and "capitalist".
In his spare time policy Rusef loves to be in the theater - prefers the classic Greek drama and opera.4. Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo CEO
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 55Country: United StatesSphere of influence: Business
With annual revenues of $ 60 billion PepsiCo - the largest company on manufacture of food products and beverages in the United States. Its sales equal to the GDP of Croatia. Indra Nooyi for five years as CEO PepsiCo: at the beginning of its team of 300 000 employees worldwide. In light of the world struggle with being overweight Indra plans to expand the 2020 production of food with $ 13 billion to $ 30 billion, adding to the range of cereals and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, products for athletes. In the past year it has increased the research budget of up to $ 488 million, trying to open a low-calorie recipe is a delicious soda. It will have to hurry up in March, "Pepsi," slipped to third place in popularity after the "Cola" and "Diet Coke".
Indra Nooyi said that he could distinguish the taste of "Pepsi" from "Cola".5. Sheryl Sandberg, chief executive of Facebook
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 41Country: United StatesSphere of influence: Business
Turning to Facebook in 2008 from its main rival, Google, she helped increase the number of users of social networks from 70 million to 750 million: now use Facebook 11% of the total population. Sheryl Sandberg has helped monetize these figures. Startup, who was born in a student residence, preparing for an IPO in early 2012, where it can be estimated at $ 100 billion earned an MBA at Harvard, Sandberg worked at the Treasury under Bill Clinton and was vice-president of Google. One of the relatively few known representatives of their sex in the technology business, she advocates for women: "We still have not achieved full equality between women and men at work and at home - she wrote in one of his columns in August. - We can and must improve. "6. Melinda Gates, director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 47Country: United StatesSphere of influence: charity
Melinda Gates - Co-founder and co-director of the largest and most generous private charitable foundation in the world. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation invests in the fight against poverty, health and education. Last year he spent on charitable programs $ 2.5 billion, Melinda was studying computer science at Duke University, the same holds an MBA, and after graduation went to Seattle to become a developer at Microsoft. In 1994 she married the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, and soon left the company, taking up a charitable foundation. Over the past 8 years, couple donated to charity $ 24 billion, or two-thirds of his fortune.
Interestingly, in the Gates house is prohibited products Apple, but Melinda admitted that she used the iPhone.7. Sonia Gandhi, president of the Indian National Congress
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 64Country: IndiaSphere of influence: politics
In 2010, Sonia Gandhi was unanimously re-elected president of Indian National Congress for the fourth time. This is a record in the history of the party. Born in Italy, Sonia came to India, leaving in 1968 to marry Rajiv Gandhi political dynasty successor to Nehru-Gandhi. For two decades she has played a modest role as a wife politician, and after her husband's assassination in 1998, took the lead. She refused to become prime minister when her party won elections in 2004 and 2009, authorizing this Manmohan Singh. Gandhi praised for economic growth and criticized for the fact that it tolerates political corruption and can not win the trust of a growing group of young voters.
Gandhi - a great connoisseur of art, she has a diploma restorer oil painting.8. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 47Country: United StatesSphere of influence: politics
Michelle Obama is more popular than her husband: her rating of 70%, and the rating of Barack Obama - less than 40%. First Lady remains popular because of its fight against child obesity and stylish clothes. This year, she was inspired by such companies as Coca-Cola, Kellogg and General Mills in fact to reduce the calorie content of their products by 2012.
Last year, Michelle Obama has had time to make official visits to Africa, India, Latin America and the UK.9. Christine Lagarde
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 55Country: FranceSphere of influence: politics
In June, Christine Lagarde has become the first woman to head the IMF, succeeding the retired Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Lagarde was born in France but almost poolvinu life spent in the U.S. - went to Chicago and then worked at the law firm Baker McKenzie, where she specialized in labor and anti-trust laws. By becoming a partner, and then headed the firm, she led Baker McKenzie in emerging markets. In 2003, Lagarde returned to France, and in 2007 newly elected President Nicolas Sarkozy appointed her Minister of Finance. Lagarde has played a major role in the withdrawal of France from the financial crisis and deal with the crisis in the eurozone.
Prior to the legal and political housings Lagarde spoke in the French national team in synchronized swimming.10. Irene Rosenfeld, CEO of Kraft Foods
10 most powerful women in 2011
Age: 58Country: United StatesSphere of influence: Business
Irene Rosenfeld, head Kraft Foods, the second largest food producer in the world. She manages 170,000 employees in 170 countries. In 2004 she became CEO of Pepsi-owned company's Frito-Lay, and in 2006 headed by Kraft Foods. Under her leadership, the company entered the IPO, it held the integration of Nabisco, LU and Cadbury and increased annual revenue by 43% to $ 49.2 billion in 2010.
Here's how to determine the nature of power Irene: "Leadership is service. I'm here to help the organization achieve its goals, not to staff played my desire. "
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