В исследовании участвовали 50 наиболее популярных у туристов городов мира...
Ко всем рейтингам, в том числе и туристическим, можно относиться по разному. Одни предпочитают останавливаться в дешевых гостиницах, другие могут себе позволить 5-звездочные отели. Кто-то сам прорабатывает маршруты своих путешествий, другие доверяют этот вопрос туристическим фирмам.
При составлении данного рейтинга учитывалась сумма 4-х цифр для каждого из 50-ти самых популярных у туристов городов: стоимость размещения на одну ночь в 4-звездочном отеле в июне-августе 2011, цена пиццы с сыром, стоимость одной порции сухого мартини и поездки на такси на расстояние в 8 километров.
10 самых дешевых городов мира по стоимости в долларах за сутки
Бангкок, Таиланд — $112
Пекин, Китай — $120
Шарм-эль-Шейх, Египет — $128
Куала-Лумпур, Малайзия — $134
София, Болгария — $136
Будапешт, Венгрия — $143
Окленд, Новая Зеландия — $147
Марракеш, Марокко — $148
Варшава, Польша — $149
Дубай, ОАЭ — $154
10 самых дорогих городов мира по стоимости в долларах за сутки
Стокгольм, Швеция — $312
Амстердам, Голландия — $313
Киев, Украина — $332
Москва, Россия — $345
Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия — $346
Нью-Йорк, США — $367
Токио, Япония — $372
Лондон, Англия — $374
Цюрих, Швейцария — $380
Париж, Франция — $429
The study included 50 of the most sought after tourist cities in the world ...
All ratings, including tourism, can be treated differently. Some prefer to stay in cheap hotels, others can not afford the 5-star hotels. Someone is working very itineraries of his travels, while others rely on travel agencies that issue.
In compiling this ranking took into account the amount of 4-digit for each of the 50 most popular cities for tourists: the cost of accommodation for one night in a 4-star hotel in June-August 2011, the price of cheese pizza, the cost of one serving of dry martinis and a trip a taxi for a distance of 8 kilometers.10 cheapest cities in the world at a cost in dollars per dayBangkok, Thailand - $ 112
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 85.71Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 2.49Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 13.81A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 9.98TOTAL: $ 111.99
According to the portal Trip Advisor, Bangkok is a place in the ranking of cities with the most attractive prices for tourists.
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsBeijing, China - $ 120
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 97.99Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 02.04Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 6.03A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 7.12TOTAL: $ 120.12
Beijing National Stadium, also known as the "Bird's Nest". This project is the most famous Swiss architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron. 258 000 LED white, amber and red, encircling the outer perimeter of the stadium:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsSharm el-Sheikh, Egypt - $ 128
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 103.96Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 3.36Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 5.80A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 15.12TOTAL: $ 128.24
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsKuala Lumpur, Malaysia - $ 134
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 105.77Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 3.33Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 10.99A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 13.91TOTAL: $ 134.01
Symbol Kuala Lumpur - Petronas Twin Towers:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsSofia, Bulgaria - $ 136
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 114.35Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 3.88Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 8.71A glass of dry martini bars in the 5-star hotels in the city: $ 8.71TOTAL: $ 135.66
The majestic Cathedral - Memorial Church of St. Alexander Nevsky. The temple is the central patriarch's cathedral of the autonomous Bulgarian Orthodox Church. Construction of the temple was completed in 1912:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsBudapest, Hungary - $ 143
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 117.24Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 11.71Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 6.54A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 7.90TOTAL: $ 143.40
The largest building in Hungary is the Parliament - National Assembly seat. The complex of buildings built in the Gothic Revival style. Parliament includes a 691 room, the length of the building is 268 meters, the height of the dome 96 meters. Hungarian parliament building is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsAuckland, New Zealand - $ 147
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 102.36Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 22.91Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 8.35A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 13.50TOTAL: $ 147.13
The symbol of Auckland - Sky Tower Tower ("Tower of Heaven"). Located in the downtown. Building height is 328 meters, making it the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsMarrakech, Morocco - $ 148
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 120.13Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 2.52Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 12.47A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 12.59TOTAL: $ 147.71
Among the sights of Marrakech special place in mosques and madrassas. The highest mosque in Marrakech - Koutoubia it. She - a symbol of Marrakech as the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Its minaret rises 70 meters and is visible for many miles from many places in the city:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsWarsaw, Poland - $ 149
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 116.81Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 10.57Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 10.53A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 10.57TOTAL: $ 148.48
Panorama city center:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsDubai, UAE - $ 154
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 128.44Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 5.17Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 10.35A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 10.35TOTAL: $ 154.31
Of course, a symbol of Dubai is the tallest ever existed structures in the world - a skyscraper resembling the stalagmite Burj Khalifa. The exact height of the building is 828 meters:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for tourists10 most expensive cities in the world at a cost in dollars per dayStockholm, Sweden - $ 312
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 253.45Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 13.43Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 26.24A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 18.52TOTAL: $ 311.64
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsAmsterdam, Holland - $ 313
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 234.36Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 29.82Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 30.18A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 18.46TOTAL: $ 312.82
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsKiev, Ukraine - $ 332
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 309.25Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 4.38Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 9.76A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 8.14TOTAL: $ 331.53
Panorama of the central square of Kiev - Independence Square (Independence Square):
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsMoscow, Russia - $ 345
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 302.58Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 8.90Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 12.11A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 21.37TOTAL: $ 344.96
Moscow International Business Center "Moscow City" - the business district under construction in Moscow on the waterfront Presnenskaya:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsRio de Janeiro, Brazil - $ 346
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 310.43Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 6.70Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 15.26A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 13.99TOTAL: $ 346.37
The famous statue of Christ with outstretched arms on the top of Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro. Is the symbol of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil as a whole. The exact dimensions of the statue of Christ the Redeemer are: height - 38 meters span - 30 m:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsNew York, USA - $ 367
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 324.38Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 12.50Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 11.99A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 18.00TOTAL: $ 366.87
Times Square - the area in Midtown Manhattan:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsTokyo, Japan - $ 372
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 272.28Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 37.70Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 35.43A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 26.57TOTAL: $ 371.98
In an amusement park Palette Town is one of the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. It is located in Odaiba - a large artificial island in Tokyo Bay. Wheel Giant Sky Wheel has a diameter of 115 meters, at nightfall wheel is illuminated with thousands of colored lights, all this gives the construction of a special scale. For 16 minutes, the wheel makes a complete circle. At the bottom of the wheel built one of the world's largest venues for concerts and performances - Zepp Tokyo:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsLondon, England - $ 374
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 299.65Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 32.24Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 19.33A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 22.57TOTAL: $ 373.79
"London Eye" - one of the largest Ferris wheel in the world, located in the London borough of Lambeth on the south bank of the Thames. From a height of 135 meters (about 45 floors) overlooking almost the entire city:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsZurich, Switzerland - $ 380
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 307.50Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 41.68Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 19.41A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 3.11TOTAL: $ 379.62
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsParis, France - $ 429
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 362.28Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 9.94Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 21.16A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 35.50TOTAL: $ 428.88
Louvre glass pyramid in the court of Napoleon is the main entrance to the Louvre and is one of the symbols of Paris. One of the largest art museums in the world located in the heart of Paris, on the right bank of the Seine:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for tourists
Summary table of expensive and cheap places to travel out of the 50 most popular destinations on the version of the portal Trip Advisor:
All ratings, including tourism, can be treated differently. Some prefer to stay in cheap hotels, others can not afford the 5-star hotels. Someone is working very itineraries of his travels, while others rely on travel agencies that issue.
In compiling this ranking took into account the amount of 4-digit for each of the 50 most popular cities for tourists: the cost of accommodation for one night in a 4-star hotel in June-August 2011, the price of cheese pizza, the cost of one serving of dry martinis and a trip a taxi for a distance of 8 kilometers.10 cheapest cities in the world at a cost in dollars per dayBangkok, Thailand - $ 112
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 85.71Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 2.49Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 13.81A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 9.98TOTAL: $ 111.99
According to the portal Trip Advisor, Bangkok is a place in the ranking of cities with the most attractive prices for tourists.
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsBeijing, China - $ 120
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 97.99Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 02.04Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 6.03A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 7.12TOTAL: $ 120.12
Beijing National Stadium, also known as the "Bird's Nest". This project is the most famous Swiss architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron. 258 000 LED white, amber and red, encircling the outer perimeter of the stadium:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsSharm el-Sheikh, Egypt - $ 128
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 103.96Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 3.36Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 5.80A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 15.12TOTAL: $ 128.24
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsKuala Lumpur, Malaysia - $ 134
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 105.77Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 3.33Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 10.99A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 13.91TOTAL: $ 134.01
Symbol Kuala Lumpur - Petronas Twin Towers:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsSofia, Bulgaria - $ 136
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 114.35Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 3.88Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 8.71A glass of dry martini bars in the 5-star hotels in the city: $ 8.71TOTAL: $ 135.66
The majestic Cathedral - Memorial Church of St. Alexander Nevsky. The temple is the central patriarch's cathedral of the autonomous Bulgarian Orthodox Church. Construction of the temple was completed in 1912:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsBudapest, Hungary - $ 143
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 117.24Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 11.71Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 6.54A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 7.90TOTAL: $ 143.40
The largest building in Hungary is the Parliament - National Assembly seat. The complex of buildings built in the Gothic Revival style. Parliament includes a 691 room, the length of the building is 268 meters, the height of the dome 96 meters. Hungarian parliament building is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsAuckland, New Zealand - $ 147
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 102.36Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 22.91Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 8.35A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 13.50TOTAL: $ 147.13
The symbol of Auckland - Sky Tower Tower ("Tower of Heaven"). Located in the downtown. Building height is 328 meters, making it the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsMarrakech, Morocco - $ 148
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 120.13Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 2.52Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 12.47A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 12.59TOTAL: $ 147.71
Among the sights of Marrakech special place in mosques and madrassas. The highest mosque in Marrakech - Koutoubia it. She - a symbol of Marrakech as the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Its minaret rises 70 meters and is visible for many miles from many places in the city:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsWarsaw, Poland - $ 149
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 116.81Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 10.57Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 10.53A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 10.57TOTAL: $ 148.48
Panorama city center:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsDubai, UAE - $ 154
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 128.44Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 5.17Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 10.35A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 10.35TOTAL: $ 154.31
Of course, a symbol of Dubai is the tallest ever existed structures in the world - a skyscraper resembling the stalagmite Burj Khalifa. The exact height of the building is 828 meters:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for tourists10 most expensive cities in the world at a cost in dollars per dayStockholm, Sweden - $ 312
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 253.45Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 13.43Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 26.24A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 18.52TOTAL: $ 311.64
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsAmsterdam, Holland - $ 313
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 234.36Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 29.82Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 30.18A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 18.46TOTAL: $ 312.82
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsKiev, Ukraine - $ 332
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 309.25Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 4.38Large pizza with cheese in a networked pizza: $ 9.76A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 8.14TOTAL: $ 331.53
Panorama of the central square of Kiev - Independence Square (Independence Square):
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsMoscow, Russia - $ 345
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 302.58Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 8.90Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 12.11A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 21.37TOTAL: $ 344.96
Moscow International Business Center "Moscow City" - the business district under construction in Moscow on the waterfront Presnenskaya:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsRio de Janeiro, Brazil - $ 346
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 310.43Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 6.70Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 15.26A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 13.99TOTAL: $ 346.37
The famous statue of Christ with outstretched arms on the top of Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro. Is the symbol of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil as a whole. The exact dimensions of the statue of Christ the Redeemer are: height - 38 meters span - 30 m:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsNew York, USA - $ 367
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 324.38Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 12.50Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 11.99A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 18.00TOTAL: $ 366.87
Times Square - the area in Midtown Manhattan:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsTokyo, Japan - $ 372
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 272.28Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 37.70Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 35.43A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 26.57TOTAL: $ 371.98
In an amusement park Palette Town is one of the tallest Ferris wheel in the world. It is located in Odaiba - a large artificial island in Tokyo Bay. Wheel Giant Sky Wheel has a diameter of 115 meters, at nightfall wheel is illuminated with thousands of colored lights, all this gives the construction of a special scale. For 16 minutes, the wheel makes a complete circle. At the bottom of the wheel built one of the world's largest venues for concerts and performances - Zepp Tokyo:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsLondon, England - $ 374
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 299.65Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 32.24Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 19.33A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 22.57TOTAL: $ 373.79
"London Eye" - one of the largest Ferris wheel in the world, located in the London borough of Lambeth on the south bank of the Thames. From a height of 135 meters (about 45 floors) overlooking almost the entire city:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsZurich, Switzerland - $ 380
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 307.50Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 41.68Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 19.41A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 3.11TOTAL: $ 379.62
The cheapest and the expensive cities for touristsParis, France - $ 429
Night at the 4-star hotel: $ 362.28Ride in a taxi at a distance of 8 km: $ 9.94Large pizza with cheese in a network Pizza: $ 21.16A glass of dry martini bars in 5-star hotels in the city: $ 35.50TOTAL: $ 428.88
Louvre glass pyramid in the court of Napoleon is the main entrance to the Louvre and is one of the symbols of Paris. One of the largest art museums in the world located in the heart of Paris, on the right bank of the Seine:
The cheapest and the expensive cities for tourists
Summary table of expensive and cheap places to travel out of the 50 most popular destinations on the version of the portal Trip Advisor:
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