среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

Как выращивают табак. (How to grow tobacco)

Как выращивают табак 
Табачные плантации в Чиликском районе Алматинской области были основаны еще во времена Союза, когда выпускались сигареты «Казахстанские», популярные благодаря своему качеству и аромату. С тех пор сменились фабрики, вместо казахстанских сигарет появились новые марки, а на плантациях по-прежнему продолжают выращивать табак...

Как выращивают табак

Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Сбор первых табачных листьев начинается с середины июля и продолжается до конца августа, когда листья начинают желтеть. На одном кусте располагается от 12 до 18 листьев, которые убирают вручную, начиная с самого низа. Куст с оборванными нижними листьями продолжает расти еще несколько дней, чтобы успели развиться оставшиеся листья. Потом снимаются средние листья, а спустя несколько дней, самые верхние — они получаются наиболее насыщенными и сочными
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак
Как выращивают табак


Tobacco plantations in Chilik district of Almaty region were established during the time of the Union, when cigarettes were produced, "Kazakhstan", popular for its quality and flavor. Since then gave way to factories, instead of Kazakh cigarettes, new brand, and the plantations have continued to grow tobacco
How to grow tobacco
Tobacco seeds are usually sown in February and transplanting in the open ground is carried out in April-May (photo Malik Mahpirov)
How to grow tobacco
Grade of this tobacco is called "ordinary tobacco» (Nicotiana tabacum). A large plant with long leaves, up to a half or two feet tall. Information for our readers to name the plants 'nicotine' was in the XVI century and was named in honor of the French Ambassador to Portugal Jean Nico, who coined the French court snuff
How to grow tobacco
Collection of first tobacco leaves from mid-July until late August, when the leaves begin to turn yellow. On one bush ranges from 12 to 18 leaves, which are harvested by hand, starting from the bottom. Scrub with a broken lower leaves continue to grow for several days, had to develop the remaining leaves. Then removed middle leaves, and a few days later, the uppermost - they are the most intense and juicy
How to grow tobacco
To avoid absorption of tobacco tar in the skin, workers use gloves and closed clothes
How to grow tobacco
Unprofitable to remove the leaves in the immature or very green state, so long as they get dry and rough material that impairs their quality of commodities
How to grow tobacco
On the plantation area of ​​6 hectares per break-up is going to about a ton of raw material
How to grow tobacco
One sack weighs 30-45 kg of leaves
How to grow tobacco
Initially, all bags are collected under the canopy, then spread out the leaves and begin the next stage - a bunch of

The most long and tedious step is just stringing the leaves
How to grow tobacco
During one working day strung cords 20-25
How to grow tobacco
During the six months of continuous work, he could earn 1,000 to $ 1,500. Work on tobacco plantations in the main inhabitants of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, who specially come in season earnings. According to unofficial estimates of 4 to 30 thousand people
How to grow tobacco
But even if they are legally in Kazakhstan to talk about themselves they are not in a hurry - no need to once again remind ourselves of the immigration police. In addition, the press did not cease scandals against child labor in tobacco fields
How to grow tobacco
Of tobacco tar hands blackened. In addition, there are so-called "green tobacco sickness," when, because of the nicotine absorbed into the skin there is dizziness, headache, nausea and a red rash
How to grow tobacco
But for employees of the plantation - the only way to make money, so these "little things" do not pay attention
How to grow tobacco
After the tobacco leaves are collected in garlands, they are hung outdoors to dry
How to grow tobacco
How to grow tobacco
Weather permitting, the leaves are dried two or three days
How to grow tobacco
Rainy weather spoils the tobacco, the leaves start to turn black
How to grow tobacco
Ripe and the leaves give nedospevshie tobacco smoking with poorer qualities. By the highest grade is light yellow leaves
How to grow tobacco
Reddish-brown hue - this is the second grade, with a hint of blue and green - the third, black and green - the fourth and the lowest grade - green
How to grow tobacco
In addition to damage tobacco can carry and use. Tobacco oil made from the flowers of tobacco, regulates the restoration of the body's cells through the skin in severe psoriasis
How to grow tobacco
Technology of production of this oil has been developed in Kazakhstan, an expert in plant and inventor Chebotovoy Alla Nikolaevna

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