1. Север, юг, восток и запад Китая сильно не отличаются, только едой и некоторыми привычками. Поэтому в целом всё везде одинаково. Я живу на Юго-востоке, в 4 часах от Шанхая, и поэтому буду писать, как у них все тут.
2. Здесь очень много маленьких кафешек и парикмахерских, в каждом доме по несколько штук, мне сначала казалось, что они только и делают, что подстригаются и едят.
3. В этих кафешках блюда дешевые и очень вкусные.
4. Хлеб в магазинах – говно, хлеб в пекарнях – говно. Он сладкий, или со вкусом чего-нибудь сладкого. Русскому человеку тут не просто в этом плане, хотя можно купить в иностранном супермаркете длинный батон, который безо всяких вкусовых добавок, но и засыхает через день.

5. Кухня у китайцев очень разнообразная, блюда невероятно вкусные и они этим гордятся.
6. Готовить умеют все, и по моему у них даже нет никаких кулинарных училищ или курсов, всему учат на дому.
7. Готовят китайцы всё, что двигается и множеством способов. Сам ел муравьев и змей. Странно, но вкусно.
8. Овощи в сыром виде почти не едят, их обязательно варят, жарят или парят.
9. В магазине продается «Лэйс» со вкусом черники, и множество других сладких чипсов. Я ваще не представляю как можно есть сладкие чипсы.

10. Продается курица-гриль полностью пропитанная сахаром. Первый раз повелся на аппетитный внешний и купил, такая гадость… сладкое мясо это просто перебор.
11. На улице никогда не встретишь пьяного в хлам китайца. Если и напивается, то друзья довезут до дома.
12. Пиво дешевое и вкусное, больше 4 градусов не бывает, только если импортное.
13. Дома китайцы попоек не устраивают.
14. А вообще у китайцев культуры питья никакой нет. Они никогда не пьют пиво, ради того, чтобы просто попить пиво и расслабиться. У них самое главное, если собрались в ресторане шумной компанией отмечать какой-нибудь праздник, это выпить пива как можно больше и как можно быстрее, чтобы все это выблевать в туалете, и они всячески подбадривают друг друга.

15. Чокаются они не все вместе, а каждый с каждым, и каждый каждому что-то желает.
16. Китайские клубы — это очень на любителя. Во-первых, там играет только китайское R’n'B, а это — не очень, во-вторых люди занимаются тем же, чем и в ресторанах по праздникам, пытаются выпить пива как можно больше и как можно быстрее, чтобы все это выблевать в унитаз или на пол рядом с унитазом, а потом обратно пойти пить.
17. В клубах китайцы, кстати, редко танцуют, там стоит великое множество столиков, и они за этими столиками играют в игру, в которую в 3-их «Пиратах Карибского моря» играл Уил Тернер с Дэйви Джонсом на «Летучем голандце», там где они кубики кидали, хрен знает, как она по-русски называется :) И вобщем, кто проигрывает, тот пьет, но так как это все быстро происходит, результат не заставляет себя ждать.
18. Из 100 мужчин, 90-95 курят. Женщины вообще не курят (что радует). За 3 года видел с сигаретой только 2-х девчонок.
19. Торты, пирожные, и прочая выпечка — всё пресное и вообще не идёт в сравнение с нашими.

20. В очках ходят процентов 70 от всего населения.
21. Китайцы очень дружные и дружелюбные, хорошо относятся к иностранцам.
22. Обычно, в городе, где не так много иностранцев, ты идешь по улице и все китайцы пялятся на тебя, а дети показывают пальцем и говорят «мама смотри инострюга идет». Поначалу жутко бесит, но потом привыкаешь.
23. Китаец может отличить китайца от другого азиата. Я не могу :)
24. Они очень любят белую кожу, стараются вообще под солнечные лучи не попадать и никогда не загорают (это про женщин, конечно).

25. И вообще очень любят иностранную внешность. Вы можете сюда приехать без ничего и с хреновым знанием языка, пойти в какое-нибудь рекламное агентство, и устроится моделью, при этом абсолютно не имея модельной внешности.
26. Китай очень спокойное место, никаких терактов, никаких восстаний и движений. Природные катаклизмы в основном происходят в Сычуане или Гонконге.
27. На улицах очень чисто, потому что все время убирают, хотя мусорят они похлеще нашего.
28. Повсюду стоят бесплатные туалеты и там внутри чисто. Хотя китайцы без проблем ссут на кусты, причем не особо скрываясь. У меня ни одной прогулки не проходило, чтобы на глаза не попался ссущий китаец.
29. Китайцы народ очень трудолюбивый, у них нет отпусков, и даже нету слова передающего смысл слова отпуск в русском языке. Есть только что-то подобное английскому «Hollyday».

30. Отдыхают одну неделю в октябре, в честь основания КНР, и одну неделю в феврале, в честь китайского нового года.
31. Китайский День влюбленных в августе, вроде бы 8 числа. Парни так же дарят девушкам цветы, бумажные сердца, идут в кино, гуляют по набережным, ну а потом getting lucky :)
32. Часто слышал, что китайские студенты все усердно учат. На самом деле это полная херня, учат они не больше любого другого студента любой другой страны. Все студенты — ленивые существа.
33. У студентов и у людей, которые ездят на работу в автобусе, завтрак обычно проходит в автобусе, едят они чаще всего какую-нибудь лепешку.
34. С возрастом у них обстоит все сложнее, чем у нас. Когда рождается ребенок, то ему уже год, а если он родился до их нового года, то прибавляют еще один. В общем, каждый китаец по нашим меркам может прибавить себе 2 года. Часто из-за этого возникает путаница с иностранцами. Так что будьте бдительны если девушка вам говорит, что ей 18.

35. В китайском языке ровно 100 фамилий.
36. Фамилии «Ван» и «Ли» носят 20% населения.
37. В Китае невероятное множество диалектов. Но есть общий, по-английски называется «Mandarin», который приняли официальным не так уж и давно.
38. Вы можете изучать его 20 лет, но не поймете, о чем разговаривают 2 человека сидящие напротив вас в автобусе.
39. Сам по себе китайский язык несложный и запомнить иероглифы большой проблемы нет. А китайцы восхищаются, если вы говорите с ними на китайском, и испытывают еще больший восторг, если пишете иероглифы.

40. Они всегда говорят, что ты отлично говоришь по-китайски, не зависимо от того, так ли это на самом деле.
41. В институтах обычно есть курсы китайского языка для иностранцев, на 2,5 года с нуля. Этого хватает, чтобы говорить по-китайски очень хорошо. К тому же, в связи с тем, что Китай щас стал очень популярен, много иностранцев приезжает сюда учиться по обмену или просто так. Поэтому все группы интернациональны. Если есть возможность сюда приехать поучиться, поезжайте.
42. Можно въехать по туристической визе, а в институте уже сделают студенческую без проблем. Берут людей всех возрастов, у меня в группе учился даже 50-летний американец. За полгода обучения я заплатил 6400 юаней (32000 р). В Пекине и Шанхае, естественно, дороже. Появились друзей по всему свету.
43. Метод обучения понравился намного больше, чем в России, ходил на занятия с удовольствием, и тупой зубрежки нету.
44. У каждого китайца есть средство передвижения, если не хватает денег на машину, то это или велосипед, или мопед. Китай иногда в шутку называют «Страна Велосипедов».

45. У многих девушек поэтому сильно накачанные ноги, и это как-то «ne ochen’».
46. Самая большая купюра — 100 юаней (500 руб.).
47. На каждой бумажной купюре изображен «Великий и Ужасный» Мао ЦзеДун.
48. Те китайцы которые «кое-что знают», не любят Мао ЦзеДуна, и на самом деле он принес больше вреда, чем пользы.
49. На железных монетах, изображен Лотус – символ Китая. Самая большая железная монета — это 1 юань. А за 6 таких юаней, можно вполне плотно и вкусно пообедать.

50. Как бы не возносили экономику Китая, всё тут не так чисто. Все хотят, чтобы им дали «на лапу». Взятки огромные, коррупция большая. Чиновники жадные.
51. Мой начальник на фирме с оборотом в 100 млн. долларов в год, говорит, что если все так и будет продолжаться, то через 15-20 лет эта великая китайская экономика рухнет.
52. Смертная казнь тут разрешена и распространяется на всех. Не так давно казнили министра здравоохранения.
53. Насчёт смертной казни в отношении иностранцев не знаю. Слышал, что где-то в приграничном городе, русский водитель на газели сбил пол-дюжины китайских детей на смерть, но вроде бы 2 года в яме просидел всего и выпустили его.
54. Ездил как-то на завод по мед. изделиям, смотрел, как у них производство идет. Рабочие, в основном женщины, сидят в душном помещении с сильным запахом клея, жженой пластмассы и резины, я там не смог находиться больше двух минут, сидят не в респираторах, а в обычных масках, и повторяют одно и тоже движение с 6 утра до 6 вечера. Получают не больше 2000 юаней (10000 р), и их вполне все устраивает. Работают конечно только деревенские, которые и читать-то вряд ли умеют и им все равно, что происходит в мире или даже в самом Китае.

55. Производят они на самом деле качественные и дорогие вещи, но то, что некачественно, стоит соответственно дешево.
56. Закон о том, что можно иметь только одного ребенка, не распространяется на деревни, и это, конечно, очень умно.
57. На заборах вокруг общежитий и университетов висят ящички кинув в которые 2 юаня, можно купить пачку презервативов.
58. Дети растут избалованными, так как в семье всего один ребенок и родители ему всячески угождают.
59. Они никогда не пропускают людей на пешеходах.

60. Не очень давно ввели закон о запрете вождения в пьяном виде. Китайцы так сильно негодовали по этому поводу и очень сильно удивлялись, когда я им говорил, что у нас уже так давно и это правильно.
61. Бездомных собак нет, да и вообще собак они начали заводить совсем недавно. Какашки на тротуарах встретить можно, но редко.
62. Быть безразличными к животным и птицам китайцев учат с детства. Зашли мы как-то со знакомыми поесть в ресторан. Там на входе стоят клетки, в одной голубь, в другой курица, утка, и в аквариуме змея с черепашкой. Мама спрашивает сына, что будешь есть, он оглядывает это все, тыкает пальцем на голубя, через 20 минут нам его уже принесли.
63. Живую рыбу кидают на раскаленную сковороду, только для того, чтобы придать ей овальную форму. А как готовят мозги обезьяны писать не буду, иначе вам плохо станет.
64. Национальная еда у них — это пельмени, позы (бурятские позы, кстати, вкуснее) и пампушки (булки из рисовой муки). Аналогом хлеба выступает чашка риса.

65. Есть несколько праздников, на которые они едят всякие необычные штуки. Например есть праздник полной луны, во время которого надо есть лунные лепешки, все китайцы говорят, что они невкусные, я тоже говорю, что они невкусные, но едят их все, потому что обязывает традиция, а люди которые их производят делают огромные бабки, ведь миллиард человек покупает их товар, нехило?).
66. Сотовая связь здесь государственная и дешевая, всего несколько тарифов.
67. Интернет тоже государственный, скорость отличная, плачу 900 юаней (4500 р) в год.
68. Взрослые люди редко ходят в гости и зачастую не знают своих соседей. Молодежь, конечно, ходит по гостям. Любимое занятие в гостях — это поесть.

69. В целом они очень гостеприимны, по крайней мере меня зовут постоянно, и основное занятие опять же поесть или посмотреть телек.
70. За столом не разговаривают о политике, в основном о делах и работе.
71. Земля дорогая, недвижимость дорогая, и дорожает с каждым годом, но, конечно, дешевле чем в Москве.
72. Снимать квартиру дешево. Снимаю 3-х комнатную со всеми удобствами за 2500 юаней (12500 р) в месяц. Знакомые русские снимают 4-х этажный пентхаус с 3 балконами за 6000 юаней. В Шанхае и в Пекине дороже.
73. В продуктовых магазинах цены дешевые, фрукты круглый год, все свежее.
74. В компаниях работают в основном все родственники или друзья. У меня например, начальник, его жена, ее брат, его жена, их друг детства, его жена и сестра и так далее.

75. Кто не может работать в офисе, работает на складе или на заводе, и все всему рады.
76. Можно встретить иностранца с китаянкой, но иностранку с китайцем очень редко.
77. Среди знакомых китайцев есть просто отличнейшие ребята, которые в любой момент готовы тебе во всем помочь, бросив все свои дела, но иногда, конечно, попадаются непроходимые кретины, которых охота умертвить самым ужасным способом. Хотя в каждой стране есть такие.
78. Китайцы всегда попытаются заплатить за обед в ресторане за вас. Иногда по этому поводу возникают большие ссоры, так как все друг другу хотят угодить. Я поначалу пытался заплатить за обед, но они все равно не давали этого сделать, теперь даже не пытаюсь. Плачу тока когда приглашаю отпраздновать свой день рождения, и то они все равно попробуют без палева заплатить.
79. У них без проблем приживаются иностранные праздники. Они с недавнего времени празднуют День Благодарения, и католическое Рождество. Для некоторых людей это лишний повод разбогатеть, а для родителей лишний повод побаловать подарками свое чадо. Они не особо понимают, когда я им объясняю почему мы празднуем рождество 7 января.

80. Среди китайцев много католиков, хотя они могут ничего не знать о христианской религии. В городе где я живу, порядка 5 католических храмов, может и больше, построенные иностранцами в конце 19 века, все они действующие и очень красивые. В Шанхае есть христианская церковь, в которой проповедует русский святой отец.
81. У многих китайских мужчин длинные ногти – 1-2 сантиметра, для удобства обращения с сенсором. Сенсорные телефоны почти у всех.
82. У большинства китайцев нокиа. Они конечно не меняют звонок на «супер-летний-хит-для-твоего-мобильника», а оставляют стандартную мелодию. У меня у самого вначале была нокиа и меня просто убивало, что в автобусе каждые 2 минуты у кого-то звонит телефон, и весь автобус лезет шарить по карманам, а я вместе с ними.
83. Мировые кино-премьеры выходят всегда с солидным запозданием, хз почему, видимо дубляж нелегко дается =Р. Например, «исходный код» вот только закончился, а 18.10.11, «области тьмы» только выйдут в прокат. И вообще, фильмы в основном у них идут на английском с китайскими субтитрами.
84. Китайцы невероятно любят трансформеров, даже девушки. Во время проката 3-й части, на центральной площади установили огромную 10-метровую фигуру и вокруг много таких же, но поменьше. В общем дистребьюторы работают не хуже других.

85. Китайцы почему-то знают и любят Витаса, нередко из музыкальных магазинов можно услышать его песни.
86. Они невероятно гордятся своими артистами, режиссерами и спортсменами, которые добились мировой известности.
87. Они невероятно гордятся четырьмя своими изобретениями – порох, компас, бумага и ксилография (книгопечатание). И им все равно, что за 1500 лет они ничего нового не придумали.
88. Кстати, часто говорят, что китайцы покупают древесину в России, потом делают мебель, и продают нам втридорога. Недавно узнал, что это неправда. Российская сосна слишком мягкая для создания мебели, и они покупают новозеландскую сосну. Хотя сам видел ,что наш лес вывозят составами в безобразно больших количествах, видимо для создания зубочисток, китайских палочек и прочих ненужных в России вещей.
89. Но медицинские шпателя делают из русских березок.

90. Самый популярный спорт — это баскетбол. Играют все, но играют хреново. Так же, как и у нас в России любимый спорт — футбол, играют все, но играют очень хреново.
91. 90% китайских фильмов про кунфу, и все сюжеты основаны на легендах, которые начали появляться еще 3000 лет назад, их просто очень много. По телевизору показывают сериалы по типу «Кармелиты» и про то, как тяжело жить в столице. Еще они любят сериал «Prison Break». Но как его можно не любить, да?
92. Многие китайцы не любят японцев из-за печальных событий в Нанкине в 1937-ом. Тогда японцы в ходе войны «просто так» вырезали больше ста тысяч мирных жителей.
93. Нечасто вижу, чтобы китайцы читали книги, но газеты читают все, на протяжении всего дня.
94. Стройка идет всегда, даже если вокруг уже все застроено, они обязательно че-нибудь снесут и начнут строить заново. Например, вчера ходил в сауну, седня на ее месте уже руины, а через полгода будет новый торговый центр.

95. На рынках нужно обязательно торговаться, потому что цены они заламывают всегда. И вообще, торговаться можно везде, кроме торговых центров.
96. Очень классно у них на чайном рынке. Он целиком отличается от самого понятия рынок. Там много небольших комнаток, и мало народу. Я когда первый раз зашел, меня там поили чаем 4 часа, по чайной церемонии, рассказали про все сорта и продали чай со скидкой.
97. Если вы сели в такси, не зная китайского, пытаетесь сказать название магазина или места, куда вам надо, на английском, то вас, скорее всего, привезут к ближайшему макдоналдсу.
98. Вокруг у них очень много невероятно красивых и незасранных парков. Они очень большие по площади и с оригинальной архитектурой. В основном расположены возле реки.
99. Реки зеленые, наверно из-за почвы, но не грязные, хотя они все равно не купаются. В них ловят рыбу и продают местным кафешкам.
100. Большая часть территории парков занята зелеными газонами. Почему-то китайцев там мало, а в основном семьями ходят иностранцы, устраивают пикники, играют в волейбол, бадминтон и прочее.

101. В каждом дворе стоят китайские тренажеры, с русскими сходства никакого, но на вид они забавные.
102. На первый взгляд вам может показаться, что китайцы неопрятные и недалеко ушли от обезьян. На самом деле, от того, что у них считается нормальным, русский человек может испытать культурный шок. Но еще раз повторю, что у них это нормально, и как говорится, в чужой огород со своей капустой не лезут.
Например: рыгать за столом во время еды, и им даже нравится это делать. Везде курить, в лифте, в очереди в супермаркете, и им все равно, что рядом могут быть дети или астматики. Пердануть в любой момент их тоже не смущает. Смачно харкнуть на пол, находясь в кристально чистом лифте 5-звездочного отеля в окружении 10 человек. Орать, как дикари в телефонную трубку, или просто орать, разговаривая друг с другом, хотя молодежь в этом плане кажется цивилизованной, но есть и исключения. И еще много нерадужных мелочей.
103. А, и если везете из России гостинцы друзьям, то везите шоколад и шоколадные конфеты взрослым, и киндер-сюрприз детям, потому что киндер-сюрприз тут не продается, а шоколад — очень плохой.
104. Китайцы не любят, когда их снимают на фото- или видеокамеру без их согласия.
105. Китайцы - не злопамятны: даже если они на вас обиделись, то очень быстро вас простят.
1. North, south, east and west of China do not differ much, only some of the food and habits. Overall, therefore, all the same everywhere. I live in the Southeast, in 4 hours from Shanghai, and so I will write, as they have everything here.
2. There are plenty of small cafes and hair salons in every home in several pieces, I initially thought that they just do nothing but eat and trimmed.
3. In these cafes serves cheap and delicious.
4. Bread in the shops - shit, bread bakeries - shit. He is sweet, and taste something sweet. Russian man here not just in this area, although you can buy in a foreign supermarket French bread, which, without any flavoring, but dries in a day.
5. The Chinese cuisine is very diverse, incredibly delicious food and they are proud of.
6. Prepare all know how, and they do not even think there is no culinary schools or courses, all taught at home.
7. Chinese cook everything that moves and a variety of ways. Sam ate ants and snakes. Strange, but tasty.
8. Vegetables in their raw form almost do not eat, they always boiled, fried or floating.
9. The store sold "Leis" taste of blueberries, and many other sweet potato chips. I finally can not imagine how you can eat sweet potato chips.
10. Sold grilled chicken is fully saturated with sugar. The first time led to an appetizing appearance and bought a crap ... it's just sweet meat too much.
11. In the street never meet a drunk in the trash Chinese. If you get drunk and then dovezut friends back home.
12. Beer cheap and tasty, more than 4 degrees do not exist, only if imported.
13. Chinese at home drinking parties are not satisfied.
14. In general in the Chinese culture of drinking no no. They never drink beer, in order to just drink beer and relax. They have the most important, if gathered in a restaurant to celebrate a noisy company of any holiday is to drink beer as much as possible and as quickly as possible to all vyblevat in the toilet, and they cheer each other in every way.
15. They do not clink together, and each with each and every something for everyone desires.
16. Chinese clubs - it is not for everybody. Firstly, there is only Chinese R'n'B, and this - not very much, and secondly people are doing the same things and in the restaurants on holidays, try to drink a beer as much as possible and as quickly as possible to all vyblevat down the toilet or on the floor beside the toilet and then go back to drinking.
17. In Chinese clubs, by the way, rarely dance, there is a great variety of tables, and they are behind these tables are playing a game in which a third "Pirates of the Caribbean" Will Turner played with Davy Jones on "Flying golandtse", where they throwing dice, fuck knows what it is called in Russian:) And the general, who loses, he drinks, but since it all happens quickly, the result does not force myself to wait.
18. Of the 100 men, 90-95 smoke. In general, women do not smoke (which pleases). For 3 years have seen with a cigarette only 2 girls.
19. Cakes, pastries, and other pastries - all fresh and in general can not be compared with ours.
20. In the glasses go 70 percent of the total population.
21. The Chinese are very friendly and kind, well disposed towards foreigners.
22. Typically, in a town where not so many foreigners, you walk down the street and all the Chinese people stare at you and the kids point a finger and say "Look mom inostryuga goes." At first terribly furious, but then you get used to.
23. A Chinese man can tell a Chinese from other Asian. I can not:)
24. They are very fond of white skin, try to do under the sun's rays do not fall, and never light up (it's about women, of course).
25. And in general, are very fond of foreign appearance. You can come here with nothing and with horseradish knowledge of the language, go to any advertising agency, and made a model, it is absolutely without a model appearance.
26. China has been very quiet, no attacks, no uprisings and movements. Natural disasters occur mostly in Sichuan and Hong Kong.
27. The streets are very clean, because clean all the time, even though they litter our pohlesche.
28. Everywhere there are free toilets and clean in there. Although the Chinese without problems ssut the bushes, not very openly. I have no one walks is not held to the eye is not caught ssuschy Chinese.
29. The Chinese people are very industrious, they have no holidays, and even no words to convey the meaning the word vacation in Russian. There's just something like English «Hollyday».
30. Rest one week in October, marking the founding of the PRC, and one week in February, in honor of Chinese New Year.
31. Chinese Valentine's Day in August, like the number 8. The guys also give girls flowers, paper heart, go to the movies, walk along the quays, and then the getting lucky:)
32. Often heard that Chinese students are diligently taught. In fact, this is a complete garbage, they do not teach more than any other student in any other country. All students - being lazy.
33. Students and people who commute to work by bus, breakfast is usually held on the bus, they often eat some cake.
34. With age, their situation is more complicated than we have. When a child is born, he is already a year, and if he was born before the new year, we added one more. In general, every Chinese person by our standards can add to his 2 years. Often, because of this confusion to foreigners. So beware if you are a girl says she is 18.
35. In the Chinese language exactly 100 names.
36. The name "Van" and "Lie" are 20% of the population.
37. In China, an incredible number of dialects. But there is a general, in English called «Mandarin», which was the official is not so long ago.
38. You can learn it 20 years, but do not understand what talk 2 people sitting in front of you on the bus.
39. By itself, a simple Chinese characters and remember the big problem there. And the Chinese admire, if you talk to them in Chinese, and have an even greater delight, if you write the characters.
40. They always say that you are well speak Chinese, regardless of whether this really is.
41. The institutes usually have Chinese language classes for foreigners, to 2.5 years from scratch. That's enough to speak Chinese very well. In addition, due to the fact that China has become very popular right now, many foreigners come here to learn to share or just. Therefore, all groups are international. If you can come here to learn, take.
42. You can enter on a tourist visa, and the institute will have a student with no problems. Take people of all ages, I even studied in a group of 50 year old American. During the six months training, I paid 6400 yuan (32,000 p). In Beijing and Shanghai, of course, expensive. There were friends from all over the world.
43. Liked the teaching method is much more than in Russia, went to school with pleasure, and no dull rote learning.
44. Every Chinese is a means of transportation if you do not have enough money for a car or bike it, or moped. China is sometimes jokingly referred to as "Country bike."
45. Many of the girls so badly inflated legs, and it somehow «ne ochen '».
46. The biggest bill - 100 yuan (500 rubles)..
47. On every paper bill shows "The Great and Terrible" of Mao Zedong.
48. Those Chinese who "know something", not like Mao Zedong, and it actually brought more harm than good.
49. On iron coins depicts the Lotus - a symbol of China. The largest iron coin - is 1 yuan. And for 6 of RMB can be quite dense and delicious meal.
50. It would not have offered up the Chinese economy, there are not so clear. Everyone wants to be given "on the paw." Bribes are huge, big corruption. Officials are greedy.
51. My boss at the firm with a turnover of 100 million dollars a year, said that if everything is and will continue, then in 15-20 years, the great Chinese economy will collapse.
52. The death penalty is allowed here and applies to all. Not so long ago was executed Minister of Health.
53. About the death penalty against foreigners do not know. I heard that somewhere in the border town, a Russian driver knocked down a gazelle half a dozen Chinese children to death, but seems to be 2 years in a pit just sat and released it.
54. I went once to the factory for honey. products, watched their production goes. The workers, mostly women, sit in a stuffy room with a strong smell of glue, burnt plastic and rubber, where I could not be more than two minutes, do not sit in respirators and masks in the ordinary, and repeat the same movement from 6 am to 6 in the evening. Receive no more than 2,000 yuan (10,000 p), and they are quite satisfied with everything. Of course work only village, which read something hardly know how and they do not care what is happening in the world or even in China itself.
55. Produce, they are actually high-quality and expensive things, but what is of poor quality, cheap costs, respectively.
56. The law that you can only have one child, does not apply to the village, and it is certainly very clever.
57. The fences around the dormitories and university hang throwing boxes in which 2 yuan, you can buy a pack of condoms.
58. Children grow up spoiled, because the family only one child and parents to him in every way to please.
59. They never miss the people on the pedestrians.
60. Not very long ago introduced legislation to ban driving while drunk. The Chinese resented so strongly about this and very surprised when I told them that we have for so long and it is correct.
61. No stray dogs, and dogs in general, they began to start recently. Poop on the sidewalks can be seen, but rarely.
62. Be indifferent to the animals and birds to teach Chinese from childhood. We went once with friends to eat at a restaurant. There are input cells in a single dove, another chicken, duck, and a snake in an aquarium with a turtle. My mother asked her son what you will eat, he stares at it all, poking his finger at a pigeon, after 20 minutes we had already brought.
63. Live fish thrown on a hot pan, just to give it an oval shape. And how to prepare a monkey brains will not write, otherwise you will become ill.
64. National food they have - it's ravioli, postures (postures Buryat, incidentally, is delicious) and dumplings (bread made from rice flour). The analogue of bread serves a cup of rice.
65. There are several holidays, which they eat all sorts of unusual things. For example there is a holiday full moon, during which the moon cakes to eat, all the Chinese say that they taste good, I also say that they taste good, but eat them all, because it obliges the tradition and the people who produce them are doing great grandmother, because billion people to buy their product, robust design?).
66. Cellular communications are public and cheap, just a few of tariffs.
67. Internet is also the state, the speed is excellent, paying 900 yuan (4,500 p) in the year.
68. Adults who rarely go to visit and often do not know their neighbors. Young people, of course, goes to the guests. Hobby away - it's something to eat.
69. In general, they are very hospitable, at least my name constantly, and the main occupation besides eat or watch telly.
70. At the table, do not talk about politics, mostly about business and work.
71. Land dear, dear real estate, and more expensive every year, but certainly cheaper than in Moscow.
72. Cheap rent an apartment. Rented three-room with all facilities for 2,500 yuan (12,500 p) per month. Familiar Russian shoot a 4-storey apartment with 3 balconies for 6000 yuan. In Shanghai and Beijing is more expensive.
73. In grocery stores, prices are cheap, fruit all year round, all fresh.
74. The company has substantially all of the relatives or friends. I for example, the chief, his wife, her brother, his wife, their childhood friend, his wife and sister and so on.
75. Who can not work in an office, working in a warehouse or factory, and all around happy.
76. You can meet an alien from the Chinese woman, but a foreigner by the Chinese is very rare.
77. Among the familiar Chinese is just great guys who are always ready to help you all, leaving all his affairs, but sometimes, of course, come across impassable idiots who hunt to kill the most horrible way. While every country is like that.
78. The Chinese have always tried to pay for lunch at the restaurant for you. Sometimes, on this occasion there are big fights, because all they want to please each other. At first I tried to pay for lunch, but they are still not allowed to do that, now do not even try. I cry when the current invites you to celebrate your birthday, and they still try to fawn without pay.
79. They have no problem acclimatized foreign holidays. They recently celebrated Thanksgiving, and Christmas Catholic. For some people, this is another reason to get rich, but for another reason parents treat their child gifts. They are not really understand when I explain to them why we celebrate Christmas on January 7.
80. Among the many Chinese Catholics, although they may not know anything about the Christian religion. In the town where I live, about 5 Catholic churches, maybe more, built by foreigners in the late 19th century, they are all active and very beautiful. In Shanghai, there is a Christian church that preaches a Russian father.
81. Many Chinese men long nails - 1-2 inches, for ease of handling of the sensor. Touchscreen phones in nearly all.
82. Most Chinese Nokia. They certainly do not change the call to "super-old-hit-for-your-mobile", and leave the standard melody. I was at the very first Nokia and I just killed that bus every 2 minutes someone has the phone rings, and the bus climbs to rummage through his pockets, and I with them.
83. The world premiere of the film always come out with a big delay, why xs seems difficult to give dubbing = P. For example, the "source code" that's just ended, and 10/18/11, "area of darkness" will be released in just a rental. In general, the films in the main they are in English with Chinese subtitles.
84. The Chinese are incredibly fond of Transformers, even the girls. During the hire third part, set in the central square a huge 10-meter figure, and around many of the same, but smaller. In general distrebyutory work better than others.
85. The Chinese somehow know and love Vitas, often from the music store you can hear his songs.
86. They're incredibly proud of their artists, filmmakers and athletes who have achieved international fame.
87. They're incredibly proud of her four inventions - gunpowder, the compass, paper and block printing (printing). And it's like 1500 years they have not invented anything new.
88. By the way, is often said that the Chinese are buying timber in Russia, then make furniture, and sold to us at exorbitant prices. Recently learned that it is not true. Russian Pine is too soft for furniture making, and they buy a New Zealand pine. Although he saw that our woods are taken trains in an ugly large amounts, apparently for a toothpick, Chinese sticks, and other unnecessary things in Russia.
89. But medical spatula is made of Russian birch trees.
90. The most popular sport - it's basketball. Play, but play shitty. Just as we have in Russia's favorite sport - football, play, but play a very hard time.
91. 90% of Chinese kung fu films about, and all plots are based on legends that have begun to appear 3,000 years ago, they were simply too much. The TV show series on the type of "Carmelites" and about how hard to live in the capital. They also love TV series «Prison Break». But how can you not love him, right?
92. Many Chinese do not like the Japanese because of the sad events in Nanking in 1937. Then the Japanese during the war "just" cut out more than one hundred thousand civilians.
93. Rarely see that the Chinese have read the book, but reading all the newspapers, all day long.
94. Construction is always, even when all around are already built up, they'll take down a four-and begin to build anew. For example, yesterday went to the sauna, Sedna in its place has the ruins, and six months will be a new shopping center.
95. In the markets must necessarily bargain, because they throw up their prices at all times. In general, you can haggle everywhere except in shopping centers.
96. Very cool them in the tea market. It is entirely different from the very concept of the market. There are many small rooms, and few people. When I first came, I drank tea there 4 hours for the tea ceremony, spoke about all sorts of tea, and sold at a discount.
97. If you got into a taxi, not knowing the Chinese, trying to tell the store name or the place where you should be in English, then you are likely to be brought to the nearest McDonald's.
98. Around them a lot of incredibly beautiful and nezasrannyh parks. They are very large in area and with the original architecture. Most are located near the river.
99. Green River, probably because of the soil, but not dirty, but they still can not swim. They catch fish and sell them to local cafes.
100. Most of the parks occupied by green lawns. For some reason there are not many Chinese people, and families go largely foreigners, picnics, play volleyball, badminton and so on.
101. In every house there are Chinese trainers, no similarities with the Russian, but they kind of funny.
102. At first glance you might think that the Chinese are untidy and not far removed from the apes. In fact, from what they considered normal, a Russian man can experience culture shock. But once again, that they have is okay, and as they say, in someone else's garden with his cabbage do not climb.
For example, burp at the table during the meal, and they even like to do it. Everywhere smoke in the elevator, in line at the supermarket, and they do not care that may be near children or asthmatics. Perdanut at any time, they also will not bother. Harknut relish on the floor, while in the crystal clear lift a 5-star hotel surrounded by 10 people.
2. There are plenty of small cafes and hair salons in every home in several pieces, I initially thought that they just do nothing but eat and trimmed.
3. In these cafes serves cheap and delicious.
4. Bread in the shops - shit, bread bakeries - shit. He is sweet, and taste something sweet. Russian man here not just in this area, although you can buy in a foreign supermarket French bread, which, without any flavoring, but dries in a day.
5. The Chinese cuisine is very diverse, incredibly delicious food and they are proud of.
6. Prepare all know how, and they do not even think there is no culinary schools or courses, all taught at home.
7. Chinese cook everything that moves and a variety of ways. Sam ate ants and snakes. Strange, but tasty.
8. Vegetables in their raw form almost do not eat, they always boiled, fried or floating.
9. The store sold "Leis" taste of blueberries, and many other sweet potato chips. I finally can not imagine how you can eat sweet potato chips.
10. Sold grilled chicken is fully saturated with sugar. The first time led to an appetizing appearance and bought a crap ... it's just sweet meat too much.
11. In the street never meet a drunk in the trash Chinese. If you get drunk and then dovezut friends back home.
12. Beer cheap and tasty, more than 4 degrees do not exist, only if imported.
13. Chinese at home drinking parties are not satisfied.
14. In general in the Chinese culture of drinking no no. They never drink beer, in order to just drink beer and relax. They have the most important, if gathered in a restaurant to celebrate a noisy company of any holiday is to drink beer as much as possible and as quickly as possible to all vyblevat in the toilet, and they cheer each other in every way.
15. They do not clink together, and each with each and every something for everyone desires.
16. Chinese clubs - it is not for everybody. Firstly, there is only Chinese R'n'B, and this - not very much, and secondly people are doing the same things and in the restaurants on holidays, try to drink a beer as much as possible and as quickly as possible to all vyblevat down the toilet or on the floor beside the toilet and then go back to drinking.
17. In Chinese clubs, by the way, rarely dance, there is a great variety of tables, and they are behind these tables are playing a game in which a third "Pirates of the Caribbean" Will Turner played with Davy Jones on "Flying golandtse", where they throwing dice, fuck knows what it is called in Russian:) And the general, who loses, he drinks, but since it all happens quickly, the result does not force myself to wait.
18. Of the 100 men, 90-95 smoke. In general, women do not smoke (which pleases). For 3 years have seen with a cigarette only 2 girls.
19. Cakes, pastries, and other pastries - all fresh and in general can not be compared with ours.
20. In the glasses go 70 percent of the total population.
21. The Chinese are very friendly and kind, well disposed towards foreigners.
22. Typically, in a town where not so many foreigners, you walk down the street and all the Chinese people stare at you and the kids point a finger and say "Look mom inostryuga goes." At first terribly furious, but then you get used to.
23. A Chinese man can tell a Chinese from other Asian. I can not:)
24. They are very fond of white skin, try to do under the sun's rays do not fall, and never light up (it's about women, of course).
25. And in general, are very fond of foreign appearance. You can come here with nothing and with horseradish knowledge of the language, go to any advertising agency, and made a model, it is absolutely without a model appearance.
26. China has been very quiet, no attacks, no uprisings and movements. Natural disasters occur mostly in Sichuan and Hong Kong.
27. The streets are very clean, because clean all the time, even though they litter our pohlesche.
28. Everywhere there are free toilets and clean in there. Although the Chinese without problems ssut the bushes, not very openly. I have no one walks is not held to the eye is not caught ssuschy Chinese.
29. The Chinese people are very industrious, they have no holidays, and even no words to convey the meaning the word vacation in Russian. There's just something like English «Hollyday».
30. Rest one week in October, marking the founding of the PRC, and one week in February, in honor of Chinese New Year.
31. Chinese Valentine's Day in August, like the number 8. The guys also give girls flowers, paper heart, go to the movies, walk along the quays, and then the getting lucky:)
32. Often heard that Chinese students are diligently taught. In fact, this is a complete garbage, they do not teach more than any other student in any other country. All students - being lazy.
33. Students and people who commute to work by bus, breakfast is usually held on the bus, they often eat some cake.
34. With age, their situation is more complicated than we have. When a child is born, he is already a year, and if he was born before the new year, we added one more. In general, every Chinese person by our standards can add to his 2 years. Often, because of this confusion to foreigners. So beware if you are a girl says she is 18.
35. In the Chinese language exactly 100 names.
36. The name "Van" and "Lie" are 20% of the population.
37. In China, an incredible number of dialects. But there is a general, in English called «Mandarin», which was the official is not so long ago.
38. You can learn it 20 years, but do not understand what talk 2 people sitting in front of you on the bus.
39. By itself, a simple Chinese characters and remember the big problem there. And the Chinese admire, if you talk to them in Chinese, and have an even greater delight, if you write the characters.
40. They always say that you are well speak Chinese, regardless of whether this really is.
41. The institutes usually have Chinese language classes for foreigners, to 2.5 years from scratch. That's enough to speak Chinese very well. In addition, due to the fact that China has become very popular right now, many foreigners come here to learn to share or just. Therefore, all groups are international. If you can come here to learn, take.
42. You can enter on a tourist visa, and the institute will have a student with no problems. Take people of all ages, I even studied in a group of 50 year old American. During the six months training, I paid 6400 yuan (32,000 p). In Beijing and Shanghai, of course, expensive. There were friends from all over the world.
43. Liked the teaching method is much more than in Russia, went to school with pleasure, and no dull rote learning.
44. Every Chinese is a means of transportation if you do not have enough money for a car or bike it, or moped. China is sometimes jokingly referred to as "Country bike."
45. Many of the girls so badly inflated legs, and it somehow «ne ochen '».
46. The biggest bill - 100 yuan (500 rubles)..
47. On every paper bill shows "The Great and Terrible" of Mao Zedong.
48. Those Chinese who "know something", not like Mao Zedong, and it actually brought more harm than good.
49. On iron coins depicts the Lotus - a symbol of China. The largest iron coin - is 1 yuan. And for 6 of RMB can be quite dense and delicious meal.
50. It would not have offered up the Chinese economy, there are not so clear. Everyone wants to be given "on the paw." Bribes are huge, big corruption. Officials are greedy.
51. My boss at the firm with a turnover of 100 million dollars a year, said that if everything is and will continue, then in 15-20 years, the great Chinese economy will collapse.
52. The death penalty is allowed here and applies to all. Not so long ago was executed Minister of Health.
53. About the death penalty against foreigners do not know. I heard that somewhere in the border town, a Russian driver knocked down a gazelle half a dozen Chinese children to death, but seems to be 2 years in a pit just sat and released it.
54. I went once to the factory for honey. products, watched their production goes. The workers, mostly women, sit in a stuffy room with a strong smell of glue, burnt plastic and rubber, where I could not be more than two minutes, do not sit in respirators and masks in the ordinary, and repeat the same movement from 6 am to 6 in the evening. Receive no more than 2,000 yuan (10,000 p), and they are quite satisfied with everything. Of course work only village, which read something hardly know how and they do not care what is happening in the world or even in China itself.
55. Produce, they are actually high-quality and expensive things, but what is of poor quality, cheap costs, respectively.
56. The law that you can only have one child, does not apply to the village, and it is certainly very clever.
57. The fences around the dormitories and university hang throwing boxes in which 2 yuan, you can buy a pack of condoms.
58. Children grow up spoiled, because the family only one child and parents to him in every way to please.
59. They never miss the people on the pedestrians.
60. Not very long ago introduced legislation to ban driving while drunk. The Chinese resented so strongly about this and very surprised when I told them that we have for so long and it is correct.
61. No stray dogs, and dogs in general, they began to start recently. Poop on the sidewalks can be seen, but rarely.
62. Be indifferent to the animals and birds to teach Chinese from childhood. We went once with friends to eat at a restaurant. There are input cells in a single dove, another chicken, duck, and a snake in an aquarium with a turtle. My mother asked her son what you will eat, he stares at it all, poking his finger at a pigeon, after 20 minutes we had already brought.
63. Live fish thrown on a hot pan, just to give it an oval shape. And how to prepare a monkey brains will not write, otherwise you will become ill.
64. National food they have - it's ravioli, postures (postures Buryat, incidentally, is delicious) and dumplings (bread made from rice flour). The analogue of bread serves a cup of rice.
65. There are several holidays, which they eat all sorts of unusual things. For example there is a holiday full moon, during which the moon cakes to eat, all the Chinese say that they taste good, I also say that they taste good, but eat them all, because it obliges the tradition and the people who produce them are doing great grandmother, because billion people to buy their product, robust design?).
66. Cellular communications are public and cheap, just a few of tariffs.
67. Internet is also the state, the speed is excellent, paying 900 yuan (4,500 p) in the year.
68. Adults who rarely go to visit and often do not know their neighbors. Young people, of course, goes to the guests. Hobby away - it's something to eat.
69. In general, they are very hospitable, at least my name constantly, and the main occupation besides eat or watch telly.
70. At the table, do not talk about politics, mostly about business and work.
71. Land dear, dear real estate, and more expensive every year, but certainly cheaper than in Moscow.
72. Cheap rent an apartment. Rented three-room with all facilities for 2,500 yuan (12,500 p) per month. Familiar Russian shoot a 4-storey apartment with 3 balconies for 6000 yuan. In Shanghai and Beijing is more expensive.
73. In grocery stores, prices are cheap, fruit all year round, all fresh.
74. The company has substantially all of the relatives or friends. I for example, the chief, his wife, her brother, his wife, their childhood friend, his wife and sister and so on.
75. Who can not work in an office, working in a warehouse or factory, and all around happy.
76. You can meet an alien from the Chinese woman, but a foreigner by the Chinese is very rare.
77. Among the familiar Chinese is just great guys who are always ready to help you all, leaving all his affairs, but sometimes, of course, come across impassable idiots who hunt to kill the most horrible way. While every country is like that.
78. The Chinese have always tried to pay for lunch at the restaurant for you. Sometimes, on this occasion there are big fights, because all they want to please each other. At first I tried to pay for lunch, but they are still not allowed to do that, now do not even try. I cry when the current invites you to celebrate your birthday, and they still try to fawn without pay.
79. They have no problem acclimatized foreign holidays. They recently celebrated Thanksgiving, and Christmas Catholic. For some people, this is another reason to get rich, but for another reason parents treat their child gifts. They are not really understand when I explain to them why we celebrate Christmas on January 7.
80. Among the many Chinese Catholics, although they may not know anything about the Christian religion. In the town where I live, about 5 Catholic churches, maybe more, built by foreigners in the late 19th century, they are all active and very beautiful. In Shanghai, there is a Christian church that preaches a Russian father.
81. Many Chinese men long nails - 1-2 inches, for ease of handling of the sensor. Touchscreen phones in nearly all.
82. Most Chinese Nokia. They certainly do not change the call to "super-old-hit-for-your-mobile", and leave the standard melody. I was at the very first Nokia and I just killed that bus every 2 minutes someone has the phone rings, and the bus climbs to rummage through his pockets, and I with them.
83. The world premiere of the film always come out with a big delay, why xs seems difficult to give dubbing = P. For example, the "source code" that's just ended, and 10/18/11, "area of darkness" will be released in just a rental. In general, the films in the main they are in English with Chinese subtitles.
84. The Chinese are incredibly fond of Transformers, even the girls. During the hire third part, set in the central square a huge 10-meter figure, and around many of the same, but smaller. In general distrebyutory work better than others.
85. The Chinese somehow know and love Vitas, often from the music store you can hear his songs.
86. They're incredibly proud of their artists, filmmakers and athletes who have achieved international fame.
87. They're incredibly proud of her four inventions - gunpowder, the compass, paper and block printing (printing). And it's like 1500 years they have not invented anything new.
88. By the way, is often said that the Chinese are buying timber in Russia, then make furniture, and sold to us at exorbitant prices. Recently learned that it is not true. Russian Pine is too soft for furniture making, and they buy a New Zealand pine. Although he saw that our woods are taken trains in an ugly large amounts, apparently for a toothpick, Chinese sticks, and other unnecessary things in Russia.
89. But medical spatula is made of Russian birch trees.
90. The most popular sport - it's basketball. Play, but play shitty. Just as we have in Russia's favorite sport - football, play, but play a very hard time.
91. 90% of Chinese kung fu films about, and all plots are based on legends that have begun to appear 3,000 years ago, they were simply too much. The TV show series on the type of "Carmelites" and about how hard to live in the capital. They also love TV series «Prison Break». But how can you not love him, right?
92. Many Chinese do not like the Japanese because of the sad events in Nanking in 1937. Then the Japanese during the war "just" cut out more than one hundred thousand civilians.
93. Rarely see that the Chinese have read the book, but reading all the newspapers, all day long.
94. Construction is always, even when all around are already built up, they'll take down a four-and begin to build anew. For example, yesterday went to the sauna, Sedna in its place has the ruins, and six months will be a new shopping center.
95. In the markets must necessarily bargain, because they throw up their prices at all times. In general, you can haggle everywhere except in shopping centers.
96. Very cool them in the tea market. It is entirely different from the very concept of the market. There are many small rooms, and few people. When I first came, I drank tea there 4 hours for the tea ceremony, spoke about all sorts of tea, and sold at a discount.
97. If you got into a taxi, not knowing the Chinese, trying to tell the store name or the place where you should be in English, then you are likely to be brought to the nearest McDonald's.
98. Around them a lot of incredibly beautiful and nezasrannyh parks. They are very large in area and with the original architecture. Most are located near the river.
99. Green River, probably because of the soil, but not dirty, but they still can not swim. They catch fish and sell them to local cafes.
100. Most of the parks occupied by green lawns. For some reason there are not many Chinese people, and families go largely foreigners, picnics, play volleyball, badminton and so on.
101. In every house there are Chinese trainers, no similarities with the Russian, but they kind of funny.
102. At first glance you might think that the Chinese are untidy and not far removed from the apes. In fact, from what they considered normal, a Russian man can experience culture shock. But once again, that they have is okay, and as they say, in someone else's garden with his cabbage do not climb.
For example, burp at the table during the meal, and they even like to do it. Everywhere smoke in the elevator, in line at the supermarket, and they do not care that may be near children or asthmatics. Perdanut at any time, they also will not bother. Harknut relish on the floor, while in the crystal clear lift a 5-star hotel surrounded by 10 people.
103. And, if you are traveling and out of Russia gifts to friends, then Bring chocolate and chocolate candy for adults and children kinder-surprise, because kinder-surprise here is not for sale, and chocolate - very bad.
104. The Chinese do not like to be shot on camera or camcorder, without their consent.
105. The Chinese - not vindictive, even if they offended you, then very quickly you will forgive.
104. The Chinese do not like to be shot on camera or camcorder, without their consent.
105. The Chinese - not vindictive, even if they offended you, then very quickly you will forgive.
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