Американский журнал Forbes составил список наиболее опасных для туристов стран мира. Поездки туда рекомендуются либо в сопровождении профессиональных охранников, либо не рекомендуются вообще...
Рейтинг опирается на данные, предоставленные консультационными агентствами в области безопасности iJet Intelligent Risk Systems и Control Risks.
При составлении рейтинга агентство iJet принимало в расчет такие факторы, как уровень преступности, услуги в сфере безопасности, гражданские беспорядки, терроризм, похищение людей и геополитическая стабильность в стране, присваивая ей оценку от 1 до 5, где 1 самый низкий уровень угрозы, 5 самый высокий. Агентство Control Risks оценивает степень опасности той или иной страны как крайне высокую, высокую, среднюю, низкую или незначительную.
Десятка самых опасных для туристов стран мира от Forbes выглядит следующим образом:
1. Сомали. Оценка iJet: 5. Оценка Control Risks: крайне высокая степень угрозы для безопасности и передвижений туриста. Среди опасностей, подстерегающих путешественников в эту страну, можно назвать вооруженные столкновения, похищения с целью выкупа, атаки пиратов и мины.
2. Ирак. Оценка iJet: 5. Оценка Control Risks: крайне высокая степень угрозы для безопасности и передвижений туриста, существует риск террористических актов. Наиболее опасные районы страны Багдад, отрезок от Тикрита на севере до Хиллы на юге и от Рамади на западе до Мандали на востоке.
3. Афганистан. Оценка iJet: 5. Оценка Control Risks: крайне высокая степень угрозы для безопасности и передвижений туриста, существует риск террористических актов. Атаки террористов происходят как в Кабуле, так и в других городах страны.
4. Гаити. Оценка iJet: 5. Оценка Control Risks: высокая степень угрозы для безопасности и передвижений туриста; крайне высокая степень угрозы для передвижений в Порт-о-Принсе. Несмотря на демократические выборы парламента и президента страны, прошедшие в феврале 2006 года, на Гаити можно без проблем достать огнестрельное оружие, процветает коррупция среди полицейских, а система правосудия неэффективна.
5. Пакистан. Оценка iJet: 5. Оценка Control Risks: высокая степень угрозы для безопасности туриста, существует риск террористических актов, высокая степень угрозы для передвижений по Карачи и Балухистану. Стоит отметить, что в декабре 2007 года в стране была убита экс-премьер Беназир Бхутто.
6. Судан. Оценка iJet: 5. Оценка Control Risks: крайне высокая степень угрозы для безопасности и передвижений в Дарфуре; высокая степень угрозы для безопасности и передвижений по южным районам Судана, приграничным с Эфиопией и Эритреей регионам.
7. Демократическая республика Конго. Оценка iJet: 5. Оценка Control Risks: высокая степень угрозы для безопасности и передвижений туриста - крайне высокая степень угрозы для безопасности и передвижений в районе Итури.
8. Ливан. Оценка iJet: 5. Оценка Control Risks: высокая степень угрозы для безопасности туриста, средняя степень угрозы для передвижений по стране, средняя степень угрозы террористических актов.
9. Зимбабве. Оценка iJet: 5. Оценка Control Risks: высокая степень угрозы для безопасности туриста, незначительная степень угрозы террористических актов, средняя степень угрозы для передвижений по стране.
10. Палестина. Оценка iJet: Сектор Газа - 5; Западный берег 4. Оценка Control Risks: высокая степень угрозы для безопасности и передвижений туриста.
Вперед за страховкой
Материалы о неприятностях, подстерегающих путешественников в разных уголках мира, публикует, разумеется, не только журнал Forbes. Не так давно, например, британская страховая компания Norwich Union Travel Insurance, проанализировав 60 тысяч обращений, полученных от туристов, составила список стран, посетив которые, туристы чаще всего обращаются за компенсациями.
На первом месте оказался Таиланд. Там, по информации британцев, происходит больше всего аварий, отравлений пищевыми продуктами и бытовых краж. В Таиланде также не рекомендуется соглашаться на сомнительные экскурсии, а при поездке на такси следует всегда четко выяснять, правильно ли вас понял водитель. Следует всегда покупать бутилированную воду и ее же использовать для мытья фруктов, чистки зубов.
Любителям экстрима, которые едут в ЮАР, следует быть осторожными и следить за сохранностью вещей, а также за уровнем личной безопасности. Экскурсии в одиночку в этих местах откровенно опасны.
Тем, кто страдает аллергией, британские страховщики советуют избегать Карибского бассейна: в этом регионе особенно велика опасность укусов ядовитых тропических насекомых. К тому же, эксперты насчитали более 3 тысячи случаев, когда их клиенты требовали компенсации после нападения на них хищных морских обитателей в этом регионе.
Чемпионом по количеству "незаметных" ограблений, по подсчетам британских экспертов стала Чехия. Именно здесь большинство туристов становятся жертвами воров-карманников.
Назвали страховщики и самые благоприятные для туризма страны. Ими стали Ирландия, Бельгия, Голландия, Германия и Франция.
Могут съесть
Еще один рейтинг опасности - список мест, где туристы могут с наибольшей вероятностью встретить опасных хищников, опубликовал прошлым летом Forbes Traveler - туристическое приложение к тому же Forbes.
На первом месте оказалось побережье Кейптауна здесь водятся белые акулы, и путешественники могут отправиться в дайвинг-тур, чтобы вблизи посмотреть на огромных рыб.
Второе место занял австралийский парк Какаду здесь туристы могут встретить морских крокодилов, самых опасных рептилий мира, а в близлежащих ресторанах попробовать стейк из крокодильего мяса. На третьем месте оказалась Танзания, где обитает самая многочисленная популяция львов сюда туристы отправляются в сафари-туры, несмотря на участившиеся случаи агрессии со стороны хищников.
Четвертое место заняла канадская провинция Манитоба, на северных границах которой обитает множество белых медведей. На пятом месте оказались индийские национальные парки, где можно полюбоваться бенгальскими тиграми-людоедами.
В список также вошли места, где обитают венесуэльские анаконды, индонезийские комодские вараны, пираньи Амазонки, американские гризли и мексиканские гигантские кальмары.
Тем временем, по подсчетам Университета Флориды, проанализировавшего статистику с начала 1990-х годов, ежегодно в США на нападения акул приходятся 0,4 случаев гибели людей. Обнаружилось, таким образом, что акулы наносят человечеству меньше вреда, чем многие другие животные.
Пумы уносят 0,6 жизней ежегодно, змеи - 15, собаки - 18, а олени - 180 (их жертвами становятся автомобилисты, которые погибают в результате аварий, вызванных столкновениями с оленями).
С другой стороны, для любителей настоящей экзотики и экстрима данные таких рейтингов можно считать "справочниками путешественника". Ведь эти страны предоствляют лучшую возможность пощекотать нервы и получить максимальную дозу адреналина.
American magazine Forbes has compiled a list of the most dangerous for tourists around the world. Travel there are recommended or with professional security guards, or not at all recommended.
Rating is based on data provided by consulting agencies in the security iJet Intelligent Risk Systems and Control Risks.
The rankings iJet agency took into account such factors as the level of crime, security services, civil disturbances, terrorism, kidnapping and geopolitical stability in the country, giving it a score from 1 to 5, where 1 is the lowest risk, 5 the most is high. Agency Control Risks assesses the degree of danger of a country as extremely high, high, medium, low or negligible.
Ten of the most dangerous countries in the world for tourists by Forbes as follows:
1. Of Somalia. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: extremely high level of threat to the security and movement of tourists. Among the dangers of travel in this country, you can call the armed clashes, kidnapping, piracy attacks and mines.
2. Iraq. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: extremely high level of threat to the security and movement of tourists, there is a risk of terrorist attacks. The most dangerous areas of the country to Baghdad, a segment of Tikrit in the north to Hillah in the south and from Ramadi in the west to Mandali in the east.
3. Afghanistan. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: extremely high level of threat to the security and movement of tourists, there is a risk of terrorist attacks. The terrorist attacks taking place both in Kabul and in other cities.
4. Haiti. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: High degree of threat to the security and movement of tourists, with extremely high degree of threat to movement in Port-au-Prince. Despite the democratic elections of the parliament and the country's president, held in February 2006, in Haiti, you can easily get guns, rampant corruption among the police and the justice system is ineffective.
5. Pakistan. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: High level of threat to tourists' safety, there is a risk of terrorist attacks, a high degree of threat to movement in Karachi and Baluhistanu. It should be noted that in December 2007, the country was murdered ex-prime minister Benazir Bhutto.
6. The Sudan. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: extremely high level of threat to the safety and movement in Darfur, and the high level of threat to safety and movement in southern Sudan, bordering with Ethiopia and Eritrea regions.
7. Democratic Republic of Congo. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: High level of threat to tourists' safety and movement - an extremely high level of threat to the security and movement in the Ituri region.
8. Lebanon. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: High level of threat to tourists' safety, the average level of threat to movement throughout the country, the average degree of threat of terrorist attacks.
9. Of Zimbabwe. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: High level of threat to tourists' safety, a minor degree of threat of terrorist attacks, the average degree of threat to movement in the country.
10. Of Palestine. Score iJet: Gaza Strip - 5 West Coast 4. Assessment of Control Risks: High level of threat to tourists' safety and movement.
Next for the insurance
Proceedings of the trouble, lying in wait for travelers all over the world, publishes, of course, not only the magazine Forbes. Not so long ago, for example, a British insurance company Norwich Union Travel Insurance, analyzing 60 000 calls received from travelers, has compiled a list of countries that are visiting, tourists often seek compensation.
In the first place was Thailand. There, according to the British, is the most accidents, poisoning food and household burglaries. In Thailand, is also not recommended to agree to questionable excursions, and when riding in a taxi, always well to find out whether you knew the driver. You should always buy bottled water and it is used for washing vegetables, cleaning the teeth.
Fans of extreme sports, traveling to South Africa, we must be careful and keep safe the things, as well as the level of personal security. Excursions alone in these places frankly dangerous.
Those who suffer from allergies, British insurers are advised to avoid the Caribbean: in this region is particularly high risk of bites of poisonous tropical insects. In addition, experts have counted more than 3000 cases in which their clients are demanding compensation after an attack on their prey of marine life in the region.
Champion of the number of "invisible" robberies, as calculated by the British experts was the Czech Republic. This is where most tourists fall victim to pickpockets.
Named insurers and the most favorable for the country's tourism. They were Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Germany and France.
Can eat
Another risk rating - a list of places where tourists are most likely to meet the dangerous predators, published last summer, Forbes Traveler - travel to the same application Forbes.
In the first place was the coast of Cape Town is home to white sharks, and travelers can take a diving tour to close a look at the huge fish.
Second place went to Australian Kakadu park here tourists can find saltwater crocodiles, the most dangerous reptile world, and in the nearby restaurants to try crocodile meat steak. In third place was in Tanzania, is home to the largest population of lions here tourists go on safari tours, despite the frequent cases of aggression from predators.
Fourth place was taken by the Canadian province of Manitoba, on the northern borders of which dwells a lot of polar bears. In fifth place were Indian national parks, where you can admire the Bengal man-eating tiger.
The list also includes places that are home to the Venezuelan anacondas, Indonesian Komodo monitor, piranha Amazon, American and Mexican grizzly giant squid.
Meanwhile, according to estimates of the University of Florida, who reviewed the statistics since the early 1990s, each year in the U.S. shark attacks cause 0.4 deaths. It was found, so that the sharks cause less harm to humanity than many other animals.
Cougars kill 0.6 of lives each year, snakes - 15 dogs - 18, and deer - 180 (of the victims are motorists who are killed in accidents caused by collisions with deer).
On the other hand, for fans of this exotic and extreme data such ratings may be considered "directories traveler." After all, these countries are made available the best opportunity to tickle nerves and get the maximum dose of adrenaline.
Rating is based on data provided by consulting agencies in the security iJet Intelligent Risk Systems and Control Risks.
The rankings iJet agency took into account such factors as the level of crime, security services, civil disturbances, terrorism, kidnapping and geopolitical stability in the country, giving it a score from 1 to 5, where 1 is the lowest risk, 5 the most is high. Agency Control Risks assesses the degree of danger of a country as extremely high, high, medium, low or negligible.
Ten of the most dangerous countries in the world for tourists by Forbes as follows:
1. Of Somalia. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: extremely high level of threat to the security and movement of tourists. Among the dangers of travel in this country, you can call the armed clashes, kidnapping, piracy attacks and mines.
2. Iraq. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: extremely high level of threat to the security and movement of tourists, there is a risk of terrorist attacks. The most dangerous areas of the country to Baghdad, a segment of Tikrit in the north to Hillah in the south and from Ramadi in the west to Mandali in the east.
3. Afghanistan. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: extremely high level of threat to the security and movement of tourists, there is a risk of terrorist attacks. The terrorist attacks taking place both in Kabul and in other cities.
4. Haiti. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: High degree of threat to the security and movement of tourists, with extremely high degree of threat to movement in Port-au-Prince. Despite the democratic elections of the parliament and the country's president, held in February 2006, in Haiti, you can easily get guns, rampant corruption among the police and the justice system is ineffective.
5. Pakistan. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: High level of threat to tourists' safety, there is a risk of terrorist attacks, a high degree of threat to movement in Karachi and Baluhistanu. It should be noted that in December 2007, the country was murdered ex-prime minister Benazir Bhutto.
6. The Sudan. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: extremely high level of threat to the safety and movement in Darfur, and the high level of threat to safety and movement in southern Sudan, bordering with Ethiopia and Eritrea regions.
7. Democratic Republic of Congo. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: High level of threat to tourists' safety and movement - an extremely high level of threat to the security and movement in the Ituri region.
8. Lebanon. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: High level of threat to tourists' safety, the average level of threat to movement throughout the country, the average degree of threat of terrorist attacks.
9. Of Zimbabwe. Score iJet: 5. Assessment of Control Risks: High level of threat to tourists' safety, a minor degree of threat of terrorist attacks, the average degree of threat to movement in the country.
10. Of Palestine. Score iJet: Gaza Strip - 5 West Coast 4. Assessment of Control Risks: High level of threat to tourists' safety and movement.
Next for the insurance
Proceedings of the trouble, lying in wait for travelers all over the world, publishes, of course, not only the magazine Forbes. Not so long ago, for example, a British insurance company Norwich Union Travel Insurance, analyzing 60 000 calls received from travelers, has compiled a list of countries that are visiting, tourists often seek compensation.
In the first place was Thailand. There, according to the British, is the most accidents, poisoning food and household burglaries. In Thailand, is also not recommended to agree to questionable excursions, and when riding in a taxi, always well to find out whether you knew the driver. You should always buy bottled water and it is used for washing vegetables, cleaning the teeth.
Fans of extreme sports, traveling to South Africa, we must be careful and keep safe the things, as well as the level of personal security. Excursions alone in these places frankly dangerous.
Those who suffer from allergies, British insurers are advised to avoid the Caribbean: in this region is particularly high risk of bites of poisonous tropical insects. In addition, experts have counted more than 3000 cases in which their clients are demanding compensation after an attack on their prey of marine life in the region.
Champion of the number of "invisible" robberies, as calculated by the British experts was the Czech Republic. This is where most tourists fall victim to pickpockets.
Named insurers and the most favorable for the country's tourism. They were Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Germany and France.
Can eat
Another risk rating - a list of places where tourists are most likely to meet the dangerous predators, published last summer, Forbes Traveler - travel to the same application Forbes.
In the first place was the coast of Cape Town is home to white sharks, and travelers can take a diving tour to close a look at the huge fish.
Second place went to Australian Kakadu park here tourists can find saltwater crocodiles, the most dangerous reptile world, and in the nearby restaurants to try crocodile meat steak. In third place was in Tanzania, is home to the largest population of lions here tourists go on safari tours, despite the frequent cases of aggression from predators.
Fourth place was taken by the Canadian province of Manitoba, on the northern borders of which dwells a lot of polar bears. In fifth place were Indian national parks, where you can admire the Bengal man-eating tiger.
The list also includes places that are home to the Venezuelan anacondas, Indonesian Komodo monitor, piranha Amazon, American and Mexican grizzly giant squid.
Meanwhile, according to estimates of the University of Florida, who reviewed the statistics since the early 1990s, each year in the U.S. shark attacks cause 0.4 deaths. It was found, so that the sharks cause less harm to humanity than many other animals.
Cougars kill 0.6 of lives each year, snakes - 15 dogs - 18, and deer - 180 (of the victims are motorists who are killed in accidents caused by collisions with deer).
On the other hand, for fans of this exotic and extreme data such ratings may be considered "directories traveler." After all, these countries are made available the best opportunity to tickle nerves and get the maximum dose of adrenaline.
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