
1. У шведов не принято приходить в гости без звонка.
2. Швеция разделяется на 21 округ — лен (län).
3. В каждом округе — свой диалект. Когда я учился в колледже, у нас был учитель математики, который картавил и всячески коверкал букву «р». Тогда мне казалось, что это просто — дефект речи, но оказавшись на юге Швеции, в городе Malmö, я понял, что это один из диалектов.
4. Шведы не очень любят готовить дома, поэтому они часто устраивают семейный поход по всяческим пиццериям, бургенкингам и макдональдсам.

5. Самое любимое блюдо у шведов это — kebab pizza (тесто, сыр, мясо и специальный кебаб соус). Существует даже один сайт, на котором выявляются пиццерии, где продают самую вкусную пиццу-кебаб.
6. Все пиццери Швеции позиционируют себя как исключительно итальянские, но я ни разу не встречал в них работающего итальянца. Как правило — это арабы или курды.
7. В Швеции вы не найдете достойных суши-баров. Хотя шведы очень любят японскую кухню.
8. В статусах соцсети, например на фейсбук шведы обычно пишут о всяких мелочах, выглядит это очень смешно и наивно. Например, некий Kevin Lundell пишет: «Сегодня вечером будет пицца с женой под передачу Идол — как классно». В общем, пишут все, сиюминутно происходящее в жизни.
9. Швеции существует два языка — легкий и трудный. Как правило 70% населения не используют «трудные» слова в разговорной речи и зачастую не знают даже значения этих слов. И если вы выучите пару слов и вставите их в предложение, то все будут думать, что вы супер-эрудированный человек. На заметку, к «трудным» словам, переведя их на русский язык, относятся: «Рейд» «объективно», «субьективно» … То есть те слова, которые мы используем в обиходе.

10. Роман Л. Н. Толстого также существует в трудном и легком переводе.
11. Однажды я перевел на шведский язык нашу поговорку: «Бесплатный сыр только в мышеловке» и сказала ее при всех в компании. Эффект был ошеломляющий, все начали хлопать, а кто-то даже записывать к себе в телефон. После этого я начал щеголять поговорками повсюду.
12. Шведы — очень спортивная нация. Часто оказывается так, что человеку уже за 80, а ему не дашь и 50.
13. Шведы — долгожители. Зачастую это связано с размеренным, бесстрессовым образом жизни и экологией.
14. Если вы решили быстро организовать бизнес и арендовать помещение, то это не так просто. Здесь все делается не спеша. С нашим темпом жизни (когда надо все и сразу) привыкнуть к этому будет нелегко.

15. Шведы помешаны на экологии.
16. Также шведы очень берегут животных. Был случай, когда кто-то убил воробья в лесу из духовой винтовки и это заметил один из прохожих — человеку дали 6 месяцев исправительной колонии и штраф.
17. В Швеции не принято после окончания школы сразу поступать в ВУЗ. Как правило, сначала они идут работать, а потом лет в 20–25 поступают в университет.
18. Вообще, 25–30 лет для Швеции — не возраст. Часто можно встретить за университетской партой учеников всех возрастов.
19. По достижении 18 лет молодежь старается обособиться от родителей и жить отдельно, поскольку это здесь может себе позволить практически каждый.

20. Вместо сигарет шведы предпочитают снюс. Снюс — это вид табачного изделия. Представляет собой измельченный увлажненный табак, который помещают между верхней (реже — нижней) губой и десной.
21. Фильмы в кинотеатрах смотрят в оригинале с субтитрами.
22. Большинство шведов бояться ехать в Россию из-за мафии.
23. Если вы прошли испытательный срок и заключили трудовой договор с работодателем, вас практически невозможно уволить с работы, даже если вы натворили что-то из рук вон выходящее — настолько силен профсоюз Швеции.
24. Шведы — очень добрый и отзывчивый народ. Если у вас произошла беда, и на работе узнали о ней, то это становится проблемой всего коллектива.
25. До двадцати лет зубы можно лечить бесплатно. Самое интересное, что вы можете записываться на прием чуть ли не каждую неделю, по всяческим причинам — будь то удалить камень или просто отбелить зубы.

26. Шведский, норвежский и датский языки очень похожи.
27. Шведы — заядлые рыбаки. Но рыбу ловят, как правило, не для улова, а для спортивного интереса. Поэтому вместо того, чтобы идти домой и растапливать коптильню, они преспокойно отпускают рыбу обратно в воду, предварительно сфотографировавшись с ней. Кстати, щуку они вообще не относят к съедобной рыбе, брезгуют. Поэтому я всегда уходил с прекрасным уловом.
28. С понедельника по пятницу вы не встретите на улице пьяных людей. А уж если и встретите, то это будет какой-нибудь алкоголик (коих в Швеции мало). Но зато с пятницу по воскресенье, пьяных на улице процентов 80.
29. В Швеции алкоголь контролируется и реализовывается исключительно государством. Алкоголь не продают лицам моложе 20 лет. Также если вы приходите третий раз за день, вам, скорее всего откажут в покупке, мотивировав это тем, что «слишком уж вы зачастили» — так государство контролирует потребление алкоголя. На заметку, один алкогольный магазин рассчитан на 20 тысяч жителей, в то время как у нас, одна палатка с пойлом рассчитана на 200–400 человек. И пускай нам потом не доказывают, что это не геноцид…
30. В многоквартирных домах не принято иметь собственную стиральную машинку. Связано это с тем, что в домах ТСЖ существует специальная стиральная комната, в которой по записи можно постирать, посушить и погладить бельё. Это сделано для экономии электроэнергии.

Translation: 1. The Swedes decided not to come for a visit without a call.
2. Sweden is divided into 21 county - county (län).
3. In each district - its own dialect. When I was in college, we had a math teacher who lisp and otherwise mangled the letter "p". It seemed to me that this is simple - a speech impediment, but once in the south of Sweden, in Malmö, I realized that this was one of the dialects.
4. The Swedes do not like to cook at home, so they often hold a family hike in all kinds of pizza, burgenkingam and McDonald's.
5. Favorite dish is the Swedes - kebab pizza (dough, cheese, meat and special kebab sauce). There is even a site that identifies the pizzeria, where they sell the most delicious pizza-kebab.
6. All Swedish pizzeria themselves as exclusively Italian, but I've never seen them working in Italian. As a rule - are Arabs or Kurds.
7. In Sweden, you will not find a decent sushi bars. Although the Swedes are very fond of Japanese cuisine.
8. In social network statuses, such as Facebook Swedes usually write about all sorts of little things, it looks very funny and naive. For example, a Kevin Lundell writes: "Tonight is pizza and his wife under the transfer Idol - how cool." In general, write everything minutely what is happening in my life.
9. Sweden has two languages - the easy and difficult. Typically 70% of the population do not use "hard" words in speech and often do not even know the meaning of these words. And if you learn a few words and paste them into a sentence, then everyone will think you're super-erudite man. Also note that the "difficult" words, translating them into Russian language are: "Raid" "objective," "subjectively" ... That is to say those words that we use in everyday life.
10. Tolstoy's novel there is also a difficult and easy transfer.
11. Once I moved to our Swedish proverb: "Free cheese only in a mousetrap," and said it at all in the company. The effect was stunning, everyone started clapping, and some even write to my phone. After that I began to flaunt sayings everywhere.
12. The Swedes - very athletic nation. Often it appears that a person is over 80, but he will not give, and 50.
13. The Swedes - centenarians. Often this is associated with a measured, besstressovym way of life and the environment.
14. If you decide to quickly organize a business and rent a room, it is not so simple. Here everything is done slowly. With our pace of life (when you need all at once) to get used to it will be difficult.
15. The Swedes are obsessed with the environment.
16. Swedes are also very cherish animals. Was a case where someone killed a sparrow in the woods of brass rifle and noticed one of the passers-by - a man given 6 months of the colony and a fine.
17. In Sweden, not taken immediately after graduating from high school to enroll in college. As a rule, first they go to work, and then in 20-25 years, coming to the university.
18. Generally, 25-30 years in Sweden - not age. Often found in university students of all ages desk.
19. By the age of 18 young people trying to stand apart from their parents to live separately because it is here can afford to practically everyone.
20. Instead of cigarettes Swedes prefer snus. Snus - a type of tobacco product. Is a moist ground tobacco that is placed between the upper (at least - lower) lip and gum.
21. Films in cinemas watching the original with subtitles.
22. Most Swedes fear to go to Russia because of the mafia.
23. If you have completed the probationary period and concluded an employment contract with an employer, you almost can not be dismissed from work, even if you've done something extraordinary out of the hands - so powerful trade union in Sweden.
24. The Swedes - a very kind and helpful people. If you have trouble occurred, and at work know about it, then it becomes a problem the whole team.
25. Up to twenty teeth can be treated free of charge. The most interesting thing is that you can make an appointment almost every week on all sorts of reasons - whether to remove the stone or simply whiten your teeth.
26. Swedish, Norwegian and Danish languages are very similar.
27. The Swedes - avid fishermen. But the fish is caught, as a rule, not to catch, and for sport. So instead of having to go home and melt the smokehouse, they quietly released the fish back into the water, previously photographed with her. By the way, the pike, they do not belong to edible fish, disdain. So I always left with a beautiful catch.
28. From Monday to Friday, you will not find on the street drunks. And if you come across and it will be some alcoholic (who were few in Sweden). But from Friday through Sunday, drunks on the street 80 percent.
29. In Sweden alcohol is controlled and implemented exclusively by the state. Alcohol is not sold to persons under 20 years. Also, if you come third time that day, you will most likely fail in the purchase, saying it, that "all too frequent you" - that the state controls the consumption of alcohol. Also note that an alcoholic is designed to store 20 thousand people, whereas here, a tent with swill designed for 200-400 people. And let us, then do not prove that it is not genocide ...
30. In apartment buildings are not taken to have its own washing machine. The reason is that the HOA in the homes there is a special washing the room in which to record can be washed, drier and ironing clothes. This is done to save power.
2. Sweden is divided into 21 county - county (län).
3. In each district - its own dialect. When I was in college, we had a math teacher who lisp and otherwise mangled the letter "p". It seemed to me that this is simple - a speech impediment, but once in the south of Sweden, in Malmö, I realized that this was one of the dialects.
4. The Swedes do not like to cook at home, so they often hold a family hike in all kinds of pizza, burgenkingam and McDonald's.
5. Favorite dish is the Swedes - kebab pizza (dough, cheese, meat and special kebab sauce). There is even a site that identifies the pizzeria, where they sell the most delicious pizza-kebab.
6. All Swedish pizzeria themselves as exclusively Italian, but I've never seen them working in Italian. As a rule - are Arabs or Kurds.
7. In Sweden, you will not find a decent sushi bars. Although the Swedes are very fond of Japanese cuisine.
8. In social network statuses, such as Facebook Swedes usually write about all sorts of little things, it looks very funny and naive. For example, a Kevin Lundell writes: "Tonight is pizza and his wife under the transfer Idol - how cool." In general, write everything minutely what is happening in my life.
9. Sweden has two languages - the easy and difficult. Typically 70% of the population do not use "hard" words in speech and often do not even know the meaning of these words. And if you learn a few words and paste them into a sentence, then everyone will think you're super-erudite man. Also note that the "difficult" words, translating them into Russian language are: "Raid" "objective," "subjectively" ... That is to say those words that we use in everyday life.
10. Tolstoy's novel there is also a difficult and easy transfer.
11. Once I moved to our Swedish proverb: "Free cheese only in a mousetrap," and said it at all in the company. The effect was stunning, everyone started clapping, and some even write to my phone. After that I began to flaunt sayings everywhere.
12. The Swedes - very athletic nation. Often it appears that a person is over 80, but he will not give, and 50.
13. The Swedes - centenarians. Often this is associated with a measured, besstressovym way of life and the environment.
14. If you decide to quickly organize a business and rent a room, it is not so simple. Here everything is done slowly. With our pace of life (when you need all at once) to get used to it will be difficult.
15. The Swedes are obsessed with the environment.
16. Swedes are also very cherish animals. Was a case where someone killed a sparrow in the woods of brass rifle and noticed one of the passers-by - a man given 6 months of the colony and a fine.
17. In Sweden, not taken immediately after graduating from high school to enroll in college. As a rule, first they go to work, and then in 20-25 years, coming to the university.
18. Generally, 25-30 years in Sweden - not age. Often found in university students of all ages desk.
19. By the age of 18 young people trying to stand apart from their parents to live separately because it is here can afford to practically everyone.
20. Instead of cigarettes Swedes prefer snus. Snus - a type of tobacco product. Is a moist ground tobacco that is placed between the upper (at least - lower) lip and gum.
21. Films in cinemas watching the original with subtitles.
22. Most Swedes fear to go to Russia because of the mafia.
23. If you have completed the probationary period and concluded an employment contract with an employer, you almost can not be dismissed from work, even if you've done something extraordinary out of the hands - so powerful trade union in Sweden.
24. The Swedes - a very kind and helpful people. If you have trouble occurred, and at work know about it, then it becomes a problem the whole team.
25. Up to twenty teeth can be treated free of charge. The most interesting thing is that you can make an appointment almost every week on all sorts of reasons - whether to remove the stone or simply whiten your teeth.
26. Swedish, Norwegian and Danish languages are very similar.
27. The Swedes - avid fishermen. But the fish is caught, as a rule, not to catch, and for sport. So instead of having to go home and melt the smokehouse, they quietly released the fish back into the water, previously photographed with her. By the way, the pike, they do not belong to edible fish, disdain. So I always left with a beautiful catch.
28. From Monday to Friday, you will not find on the street drunks. And if you come across and it will be some alcoholic (who were few in Sweden). But from Friday through Sunday, drunks on the street 80 percent.
29. In Sweden alcohol is controlled and implemented exclusively by the state. Alcohol is not sold to persons under 20 years. Also, if you come third time that day, you will most likely fail in the purchase, saying it, that "all too frequent you" - that the state controls the consumption of alcohol. Also note that an alcoholic is designed to store 20 thousand people, whereas here, a tent with swill designed for 200-400 people. And let us, then do not prove that it is not genocide ...
30. In apartment buildings are not taken to have its own washing machine. The reason is that the HOA in the homes there is a special washing the room in which to record can be washed, drier and ironing clothes. This is done to save power.
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