
1. В немецких пекарнях, работницам в их критические дни запрещено упаковывать хлеб. Считается что быстро заплесневеет. Энергетика, однако.
2. Наибольшее число полицейских машин в Германии фирмы «Мерседес».
3. Немцы не знают и пугаются сушёной рыбы.
4. Утвердительный ответ «Да-да!» произнесенный с интонацией русского «Ну-ну!», означает «Поцелуй меня в зад» и так и понимается.

5. Из-за демонстрации националистов количеством в сорок человек, перекрывается движение в Гамурге, и путь демонстрации оцепляют полком полицейских в касках и бронежилетах. Охраняют… националистов. Не шутка, а факт.
6. В Германии можно не работать и жить на социальную помощь. Правда, очень бедно, но жить.
7. Разность диалектов немецкого языка такова, что телепрограммы на севере страны иногда идут с сурдопереводом, если говорят южане.
8. Если на вопрос: «Как пройти туда-то?» вам улыбнутся, достанут айфон, посмотрят навигацию и, объяснив как пройти, предложат подвезти вас на машине — вы в Германии.
9. Штраф за оплеуху — 500 евро.

10. Если хочешь снисхождения суда, надо подтвердить, что в начале драки ты не сжимал кулаки.
11. Если не работать в определенных сферах, не заниматься сомнительной деятельностью, то можно всю жизнь прожить в Германии, ни разу не столкнувшись с явным криминалом.
12. Если же на вас все-таки напали и ударили, ответный удар должен быть нанесен в течение одной секунды. Если через две, то судить будут уже вас.
13. В Германии запрещены травматические пистолеты и газовые баллончики.
14. Полиция в Германии, даже догнав вас, не лупит.
15. 80% криминала в Германии осуществляется иностранцами.

16. Если вы наделали долгов даже на полмиллиона, достаточно заявить о своем разорении и вас обяжут найти постоянную работу, оставят вам на жизнь около тысячи евро и меньше, чем через 10 лет, долги ваши будут списаны.
17. Выселить даже не платящего за жилье жильца в Германии крайне сложно.
18. Жить в съемном жилье в Германии — норма. Три четверти населения живут в съемных квартирах и домах. Защищенность квартиросъемщика предельно высока. В съемном жилье живут даже самые обеспеченные слои населения.
19. Ремонт чего угодно в Германии настолько дорог, что чаще всего проще купить новую вещь.

Адольф Гитлер
20. Немцы относятся к своему нацистскому прошлому, так же как и аборигены к съедению Кука.
21. Вина за Вторую мировую войну внедряется в сознание немцев с детского сада.
22. Детям в Германии можно все. Вообще — все. Отвечать будут родители. Если родителей нет, то никто.
23. Пиво в Германии очень хорошее и сортов его неимоверное множество.
24. В Баварии в течении рабочего дня человек имеет право выпить кружку пива.

25. Бомжи часто заводят собак. Они получают дополнительные деньги на их содержание.
26. Немцы настороженно относятся к иностранцам. И есть за что.
27. Нарисовать свастику или вскинуть руку в фашистом приветствии в Германии запрещено законом.
28. С введением евро большинство цен в Германии взлетели в два раза. Но до сих пор уровень жизни в Германии считается одним из самых высоких в мире.
29. В Гамбурге мото-ганг «Хеллс Энджелс» обрел такое влияние на местный криминалитет, что байкерам законодательно запретили ношение клубной символики. Любая большая колонна мотоциклистов сопровождается грузовиком полицейских.

30. Езда на мотоцикле без шлема запрещена. Строжайше.
31. Самые тяжелые немецкие оскорбления переводятся как «Дырка от задницы» и ” Сукин сын»
32. Немцы очень внимательны к своему здоровью и к тому, что едят и что пьют.
33. Бывший мэр Гамбурга и мэр Берлина — гомосексуалисты. В обществе к «голубым» отношение практически как к норме.
34. Уровень культуры среднестатистического немца значительно превышает уровень культуры среднестатистического россиянина. Зато, как правило, уступает уровень образования.
35. Алкогольное опьянение является смягчающим вину обстоятельством в суде. За исключением дорожно-транспортных прецедентов и должностных преступлений.

36. Немки еще недавно практически не использовали косметики. Из-за наплыва ярких иностранок немки стали краситься и перестали быть одними из самых страшных женщин в Европе.
37. Высокий каблук немки носят только к «случаю».
38. Обращение с шефом на фирмах чаще всего на «ты».
39. Один из лидеров партии «зеленых» предлагал петь второй куплет германского гимна на турецком языке.
40. Био-магазины достаточно популярны. Цены там в среднем на 30% выше, чем в магазине обыкновенном. Био-бананы мельче обычных, лимоны действительно намного ароматней.

41. Сапоги-ботфорты носят только проститутки в рабочее время и иностранки, те, что пока не разобрались и те, которым все равно.
42. Предложение выпить вместе вечером чашку кофе, поступившее от немца, часто означает приглашение к сексу.
43. В Германии женщин меньше, чем мужчин.
44. Немцы уверены что самый популярный русский тост звучит как «На здоровье!» Переубеждать бесполезно.

45. Рождество в Германии отмечается гораздо значительней и ярче, чем Новый год.
46. Битком забитый холодильник в Германии означает, что вы из России.
47. В учреждении вам могут нахамить. Если сделать вид, что ты сейчас в морду вцепишься, становятся очень вежливыми.
48. Собаки в Германии очень дружелюбные. Крайне редко можно услышать собачий лай.
49. Идея мультикультурного общества в Германии с треском провалилась, это была вынуждена признать сама Меркель.

50. В Германии санитарные нормы настолько высоки, что можно спокойно есть не только непрожаренное мясо, но и сырое.
51. В Германии достаточно часто можно заходить в жилой дом не разуваясь.
52. Одноразовый билет в сауну стоит чуть менее 20 евро.
53. Стоимость услуг проститутки на Репербане в среднем 200 евро в час.
54. Немцы редко уважают пиво не немецкого производства. Что удивительно, довольно часто слышал положительные отзывы немцев об одном украинском производителе, марку пива указывать не буду, чтоб не рекламировать.
55. Среди немок распространено отношение к сексу, как к фитнессу.

56. Взятка служебному лицу в Германии, например, полицейскому, как правило начинается в районе 50 000 евро. Впрочем, в одном из городов, где я жил, можно было изъять фотографию из дорожного автомата, всего за 300 евро.
57. Госслужащий в Германии не платит общественных налогов и уволить его нельзя.
58. Большинство квартир в Германии оснащены пожарными датчиками. Если вы что-то обильно варите или не прикрыли дверь в душевую, он срабатывает, начиная противно пищать. Матерящийся голый человек, тыкающий шваброй в потолок, нередкая картина, которую наблюдают домашние животные.
59. Немки достаточно часто не умеют готовить.
60. Графа «Национальность» в Германии определяется гражданством.
61. Немцы удивляются способности русских выговаривать букву «Р» и «Ы»

62. Пословицу «Без бумажки ты какашка», видимо, придумали немцы.
63. Все деловые письма в Германии оканчиваются фразой «С дружеским приветом». Даже повестка о штрафе.
64. Слово «Иностранец» в Германии относится к ругательным.
65. Немцы в общении, как правило, приветливы и дружелюбны. Но не стоит слишком обольщаться, просто они хорошо воспитаны.

66. Семейные пары русских с немцами достаточно редки, в силу слишком разного менталитета. Предпочитают оставаться любовниками. Вот и хорошо.
67. В кафе-забегаловке оставить официанту на чай больше одного евро расценивается как хорошие чаевые.
68. Германия становится родной эмигранту тогда, когда появляется чувство, что соря на улице, соришь у себя в квартире и появляется желание убрать чей-то мусор в общественном парке.
69. Татуировки и пирсинг в Германии очень популярны. И среди женщин и среди мужчин.

70. В Германии уволили популярную телеведущую за то, что она сказала, что при Гитлере построили хорошие автобаны.
71. В Германии очень внимательны к тому, как владельцы относятся к домашним животным. Если даже слепой инвалид плохо обращается со своей собакой-поводырем, то собаку у него отберут.
72. Германия — рай для сластен. Мне кажется более разнообразных и красивых сладостей нет нигде в мире.
73. Российские продуктовые товары можно купить практически в каждом большом супермаркете Германии.
74. В Германии я иногда встречал мужчин, которые не дрались ни разу в жизни.
75. Чтобы пойти на рыбалку в Германии, сперва нужно окончить соответствующие курсы. Где один из разделов будет посвящен тому, как обращаться с пойманной рыбой, чтобы она не испытывала лишних мучений.

76. Один из самых дорогих охотничьих клубов Германии — «Клуб охотников на волков». Годовой взнос в районе 100 000 евро.
77. Смена рабочего места нередко приводит немца к психотерапевту.
78. Основанием для недопуска вас на германскую дискотеку или клуб может служить просто то, что вы не понравились охраннику. Девушек не пропускают редко. Красивых девушек пропускают всегда, они служат приманкой для посетителей. Им же часто выдаются специальные карты, дающие право на бесплатные напитки. Группа молодых турок во многих городах практически не имеет шансов пройти. За это охранника могут уволить. Нацизмом здесь и не пахнет, обоснованная необходимость.
79. Германия ложится спать и встает очень рано.

80. По «зебре» через германскую дорогу можно идти с закрытыми глазами.
81. Штраф за брошенный на асфальт окурок в Германии — 20 евро.
82. Один из самых популярных напитков немецких байкеров — «Джеки-кола», смесь виски «Джек Дэниэлс» с «Кока-колой» (ни в коем случае не с «Пепси»!)
83. Немцы закусывают пиво специальными калачиками с крупинками соли, они называются — «Брецель»
84. От разливного немецкого пива пьянеешь меньше, чем от бутылочного. Почему — не знаю.
85. Немецкая кухня особыми изысками не отличается. Но сытна и основательна, как и все немецкое. Картофель, капуста, свинина — классика, вобщем.

86. Считать немок эгоистичными — заблуждение. Просто они любят себя и свою жизнь.
87. Все, что относится к необходимому, в Германии очень дешево. Все, что относится к удобству и капризам — дорого.
88. Самое близкое по вкусу к советскому пломбиру мороженное в Германии — в Мак-Дональдсе.
89. Немцы сентиментальны и на удивление романтичны.
90. Немцы, общаясь с русскими друзьями, часто говорят «Я — немецкая картошка».
91. Менталитет немцев таков, что они не лезут в драку первыми. Но, если драка уже началась, часто бьются до последнего.

92. К сожалению, в Германии много педофилов. Впрочем в России их, наверное, просто очень больно бьют. А здесь — нельзя. Даже посадить его трудно.
93. В Германии в порядке вещей, когда девушка и парень платят каждый сам за себя. Если ты платишь за девушку, это может быть расценено как неожиданная щедрость или претензии на ее независимость.
94. После того, как эмигрант осваивает язык, межнациональные проблемы практически исчезают.
95. Германские полицейские, как правило, не ищут лишнего героизма. Бывают исключения. Но редко.

96. Если бы я не взялся писать эти 100 фактов, то в начале второго ночи не оказался бы единственным в многоквартирном доме, кто в это время еще не спит.
97. В Германии получить больничный на три дня не составляет никаких проблем.
98. В Германии распространенна сезонная болезнь, в России практически незнакомая — кишечный грипп. Если поймал, держись… А то с низкого старта — снесет.
99. В Германии чем свирепей шеф-повар, тем вкуснее приготовленное им мясо.
100. Устраиваясь на работу в Германии, следует помнить, что начинает действовать непреложный закон развитого капитализма — «Несешь один мешок быстрее других? Молодец! Неси два. Два несешь? Супер, вот тебе третий. Не можешь? Не хочешь? Уволен, нам лодыри не нужны.»

101. Если у вас государственная, а не приватная медицинская страховка, ожидание приема у врача может длиться несколько недель.
102. Когда был составлен германский список самых опасных пород собак, туда не попала ни одна немецкая порода, даже опережающая другие по количеству немотивированных нападений на человека.
103. Немецкая кнайпа — небольшая пивная, скорее клуб, где многие немцы среднего и старшего возраста коротают вечера засиживаясь в кнайпе порой до ночи, а владелец практически живет в ней. Сколько интересных историй можно услышать там от старинных завсегдатаев, за стаканчиком пива…
104. В Германии очень многие не курят. Немцы, как я уже говорил, следят за своим здоровьем.

105. Смешанные пары встречаются в Германии очень часто. Африканские парни часто выбирают себе неимоверно толстых немок. Это традиция. Для африканца иметь толстую жену большая гордость. Значит он настолько богат, что может ее прокормить. Ну, а толстые немки, идя рядом с эбонитовым красавцем, вполне довольны и жизнью и наконец-то — собой.
106. «Мой, моя, моё» — это в Германии очень развито. Но надо сказать что и «Твой- твоя- твоё» будет уважительно и деликатно учитываться и соблюдаться. Это касается всего, от конфетки до тишины.
107. На многих муниципальных зданиях в Германии сохранились грозные орлы, сжимающие в когтях щиты, с которых аккуратно сбита свастика. Дескать, ну села птичка, что теперь, красиво же.
108. Немецкий юмор бывает двух видов — черный и абстрактный.
109. В Германии требуется делить мусор на пищевой и пластик. На самом деле, на мусорках чаще всего все сваливают в одну кучу. Цель этого идиотизма — дисциплинировать и без того дисциплинированных немцев.
110. «Дукштайн» — немецкое пиво с коньячным ароматом, выдержанное в дубовой бочке. Но от него утром болит голова почему-то. Может быть, потому что я не немец.
110 facts about Germany
1. The German bakery worker in their critical days allowed to pack bread. It is believed that moldy quickly. Energy, however.
2. The greatest number of police cars in Germany by "Mercedes".
3. The Germans did not know and are afraid of dried fish.
4. An affirmative answer is "Yes!" Pronounced with the intonation of the Russian "Well, well!" Means "Kiss my ass" and so it is understood.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
5. Because of the demonstrations of nationalists in the forty-man overlap in Gamurge movement, and the way the demonstration beleaguer regiment police in helmets and flak jackets. ... Guard nationalists. Not a joke, but a fact.
6. In Germany you can not work and live on social assistance. However, very poor, but to live.
7. The difference between German dialects is that the TV in the north, sometimes come with sign language, if they say Southerners.
8. If the question "How do I get there and then?" You smile, would get iPhone, navigation and look and explained how to pass, you will be offered a ride in a car - you are in Germany.
9. Penalty for slap - 500 euros.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
10. If you want mercy of the court, it is necessary to confirm that at the beginning of a fight you can not clench his fists.
11. If you do not work in certain areas, not to engage in questionable activity, it is possible to live a life in Germany, had never confronted with an obvious crime.
12. If you have to still attacked and hit, retaliation should be applied within one second. If two, then the judge will have you.
13. In Germany, traumatic banned guns and sprays.
14. Police in Germany, even catching up with you, do not peel.
15. 80% of crime in Germany is carried out by foreigners.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
16. If you got into debt, even at half a million, enough to declare their ruin and you will be obliged to find a permanent job, will leave you to live a thousand euros and less than 10 years, your debt will be retired.
17. Evict even a tenant paying for housing in Germany is extremely difficult.
18. Live in a rented accommodation in Germany - the norm. Three-quarters of the population live in rented apartments and houses. Protection of tenants is extremely high. In budget accommodation live, even the wealthy population.
19. Repair anything in Germany is so expensive that most often easier to buy a new thing.Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler
20. Germans take their Nazi past, as well as natives to be devoured by Cook.
21. The blame for World War II, is introduced into the consciousness of the Germans from the kindergarten.
22. Children in Germany can be everything. Actually - everything. Will be responsible parents. If parents do not, then no.
23. Beer in Germany is very good grades and his incredible set.
24. In Bavaria, during the working day has the right to drink beer.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
25. Homeless often give birth to dogs. They get extra money for their upkeep.
26. Germans wary of foreigners. And there's why.
27. Swastika or throw up his hand in greeting to the German fascist prohibited by law.
28. With the introduction of the euro in Germany, most prices have soared by half. But still living in Germany is considered one of the highest in the world.
29. In Hamburg, motorcycle gang "Hells Angels" has gained such an influence on the local criminals that the law forbade the wearing bikers club logo. Any large truck convoy of motorcyclists accompanied by police officers.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
30. Riding a motorcycle without a helmet is prohibited. Strictly.
31. The heaviest German insults are translated as "ass-hole of" and "Son of a bitch"
32. The Germans were very attentive to their health and to what they eat and drink that.
33. The former mayor of Hamburg, and the Mayor of Berlin - homosexuals. In a society of "blue" attitude is almost as the norm.
34. The cultural level of the average German is significantly higher than the average Russian culture. But, as a rule, inferior education.
35. Alcohol intoxication is a mitigating circumstance in the trial. With the exception of traffic cases, and malfeasance.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
36. Germans have recently used a little makeup. Because of the influx of foreigners Germans were bright paint and ceased to be one of the worst women in Europe.
37. High heels are only for Germans' case. "
38. Appeal with the chief of the firms most often on the "you".
39. One of the leaders of the "green" offered to sing the second verse the German national anthem in Turkish.
40. Bio-shops are quite popular. Prices are on average 30% higher than in an ordinary shop. Bio-bananas are smaller conventional lemons really much flavor.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
41. Boots, boots are only prostitutes during business hours and foreigners, the ones that have not yet figured out and those who do not care.
42. Offer a drink together a cup of coffee in the evening, received from the Germans, often means an invitation to sex.
43. In Germany, fewer women than men.
44. The Germans believe that the most popular Russian toast sounds like "To your health!" Persuade useless.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
45. Christmas in Germany there is much more significant and brighter than the New Year.
46. Jam clogged refrigerator in Germany means that you are from Russia.
47. The institution you can Naham. If you pretend that you are now in the face to grab, are very polite.
48. Dogs in Germany are very friendly. It is extremely rare to hear a dog barking.
49. The idea of a multicultural society in Germany failed miserably, it was forced to acknowledge herself Merkel.
111 of facts about Germany's eyes Russians
50. In Germany, health standards are so high that you can safely is not only neprozharennoe meat, but raw.
51. In Germany, quite often you can go into a house not Razuvious.
52. Single ticket to the sauna is slightly less than 20 euros.
53. Cost of services for prostitutes Reperbane an average of 200 euros per hour.
54. Germans rarely respected beer is made in Germany. What is surprising, often heard positive feedback from the Germans about a Ukrainian manufacturer, brand of beer will not specify, so as not to advertise.
55. Among German women is common attitudes toward sex, as to fitness.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
56. Bribe officio person in Germany, for example, the police usually starts at around 50 000 euros. However, in a town where I lived, could remove the photo from the road machine, all for 300 euros.
57. Civil servant in the German public does not pay taxes and can not fire him.
58. Most apartments are equipped with fire in Germany sensors. If you have something to cook lavishly or not closed the door to the shower, he works from disgusting food. Materyaschiysya naked man poked a broom on the ceiling, frequent pattern being observed pets.
59. German women often do not know how to cook.
60. Column "Country" in Germany is determined by citizenship.
61. The Germans were surprised by the ability to pronounce Russian letter "P" and "Y"
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
62. Saying, "Without papers you piece of shit", apparently, came up with the Germans.
63. All business letters in Germany ending with the words "Sincerely." Even the agenda of the fine.
64. The word "foreigner" in Germany refers to a term of abuse.
65. The Germans are in communication, as a rule, friendly and helpful. But do not get too carried away, but they are well educated.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
66. Married couples with Russian Germans are quite rare, because of too much different mindset. Prefer to remain lovers. That's good.
67. The cafe-snack bar to leave the waiter a tip more than one euro is seen as a good tip.
68. Germany is home emigrant when there is a feeling that sorya on the street, sorish in his apartment and a desire to remove someone's trash in a public park.
69. Tattoos and body piercing in Germany is very popular. And among women and among men.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
70. In Germany, the popular TV fired because she said that when Hitler built autobahns good.
71. In Germany, very careful, as the owners belong to the pet. Even if a blind person with disabilities is hard on his guide dog, the dog will be taken away from him.
72. Germany - a paradise for sweets. It seems to me more varied and beautiful sweets anywhere in the world.
73. Russian food products can be bought in almost every large supermarket in Germany.
74. In Germany, I met some men who have not fought once in my life.
75. To go on a fishing trip in Germany, you must first complete the appropriate courses. Where one of the sections will be devoted to how to handle the caught fish so that it did not experience unnecessary suffering.
111 facts of Germany through the eyes of Russians
76. One of the most expensive hunting clubs in Germany - "The Club of the wolves hunters." The annual contribution of around 100 000 euros.
77. Changing the workplace often leads to a German psychotherapist.
78. The grounds for refusing you on a German disco or club may be just what you do not like the security guard. Girls do not miss often. Beautiful girls miss always, they are attractive to visitors. He also often issued special cards entitling them to free drinks. A group of young Turks in many cities has almost no chance to pass. During this guard can be fired. Nazism is not a hint, a legitimate need.
79. Germany goes to sleep and gets up very early.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
80. According to the "zebra" in the German way you can go with your eyes closed.
81. The fine for cigarette butt thrown on the tarmac in Germany - 20 euros.
82. One of the most popular beverages of German bikers - "Jackie-Cola", a mixture of whiskey, "Jack Daniels" from "Coca-Cola" (not in any way with "Pepsi"!)
83. The Germans have a snack special beer up with grains of salt, they are called - "Bretsel"
84. Of German beers on tap pyaneesh less than from the bottle. Why - I do not know.
85. German cuisine special delights is no different. But nourishing and thoroughly, as well as all German. Potatoes, cabbage, pork - a classic, in general.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
86. German women to consider self-centered - misleading. They just love themselves and their lives.
87. All that is necessary to, in Germany, very cheap. All that relates to the convenience and whim - it's expensive.
88. Closest to taste ice cream sundae to the Soviet in Germany - a McDonald.
89. The Germans are sentimental and surprisingly romantic.
90. The Germans, talking with Russian friends often say, "I - German potatoes."
91. The mentality of the Germans is that they do not climb into a fight first. But if the fight had already begun, often fighting to the last.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
92. Unfortunately, many pedophiles in Germany. But in Russia they are probably just very painful beating. But here - you can not. Even put it hard.
93. In Germany, in the order of things when a girl and a guy pay every man for himself. If you pay for the girl, it can be regarded as unexpected generosity, or claims for its independence.
94. After mastering the language immigrant, ethnic problems virtually disappear.
95. German police are generally not looking for too much heroism. There are exceptions. But rarely.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
96. If I had not undertaken to write the 100 facts at the beginning of the second night, not only would have been in an apartment house, who at this time was not yet asleep.
97. In Germany, a hospital for three days is no problem.
98. In Germany, the prevalent seasonal disease, virtually unknown in Russia - intestinal flu. If caught, hold on ... And then with low start - will carry.
99. In Germany, a fierce than a chef, so they taste better cooked meat.
100. Parking at work in Germany, we must remember that takes effect the immutable laws of capitalist development - "you carry a bag faster than others? Good for you! Bring two. The two talking about? Wow, here's a third. You can not? You do not want? Dismissed, we need not quitters. "
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
101. If you have a government, not private health insurance, waiting for the doctor may take a few weeks.
102. When the German list was compiled of the most dangerous dog breeds, there is not got no German breed, even better than the other by the number of unmotivated attacks on humans.
103. German Kneipp - a small pub, but rather a club where many Germans middle-aged and older while away the evening in zasizhivayas Kneipp sometimes until night, and the owner of practically live in it. How many interesting stories you can hear it from the old regulars, with a glass of beer ...
104. In Germany, many people do not smoke. The Germans, as I said, watching his health.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
105. Mixed pairs are found in Germany very often. African boys often choose their incredibly thick Germans. It's a tradition. For Africans to have a fat wife big pride. So it is so rich that it can feed. Well, the fat German woman walking next to the ebonite handsome, and quite happy with life, and finally - a.
106. "My, my, mine" - this is a very well developed in Germany. But I must say that "Your-your-yours" will respectfully and sensitively considered and respected. This applies to everything from candy to silence.
107. In many municipal buildings in Germany remained formidable eagles, talons gripping a shield with which neatly hit by a swastika. They say, well, sat a little bird, that now, pretty well.
108. German humor is of two types - black and abstract.
109. In Germany you want to share food and garbage in plastic. In fact, the garbage often all lumped together. The purpose of this idiocy - without discipline and disciplined Germans.
110. "Dukshtayn" - German beer flavor with cognac, aged in oak barrels. But from his morning headache for some reason. Maybe because I'm not German.
1. The German bakery worker in their critical days allowed to pack bread. It is believed that moldy quickly. Energy, however.
2. The greatest number of police cars in Germany by "Mercedes".
3. The Germans did not know and are afraid of dried fish.
4. An affirmative answer is "Yes!" Pronounced with the intonation of the Russian "Well, well!" Means "Kiss my ass" and so it is understood.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
5. Because of the demonstrations of nationalists in the forty-man overlap in Gamurge movement, and the way the demonstration beleaguer regiment police in helmets and flak jackets. ... Guard nationalists. Not a joke, but a fact.
6. In Germany you can not work and live on social assistance. However, very poor, but to live.
7. The difference between German dialects is that the TV in the north, sometimes come with sign language, if they say Southerners.
8. If the question "How do I get there and then?" You smile, would get iPhone, navigation and look and explained how to pass, you will be offered a ride in a car - you are in Germany.
9. Penalty for slap - 500 euros.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
10. If you want mercy of the court, it is necessary to confirm that at the beginning of a fight you can not clench his fists.
11. If you do not work in certain areas, not to engage in questionable activity, it is possible to live a life in Germany, had never confronted with an obvious crime.
12. If you have to still attacked and hit, retaliation should be applied within one second. If two, then the judge will have you.
13. In Germany, traumatic banned guns and sprays.
14. Police in Germany, even catching up with you, do not peel.
15. 80% of crime in Germany is carried out by foreigners.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
16. If you got into debt, even at half a million, enough to declare their ruin and you will be obliged to find a permanent job, will leave you to live a thousand euros and less than 10 years, your debt will be retired.
17. Evict even a tenant paying for housing in Germany is extremely difficult.
18. Live in a rented accommodation in Germany - the norm. Three-quarters of the population live in rented apartments and houses. Protection of tenants is extremely high. In budget accommodation live, even the wealthy population.
19. Repair anything in Germany is so expensive that most often easier to buy a new thing.Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler
20. Germans take their Nazi past, as well as natives to be devoured by Cook.
21. The blame for World War II, is introduced into the consciousness of the Germans from the kindergarten.
22. Children in Germany can be everything. Actually - everything. Will be responsible parents. If parents do not, then no.
23. Beer in Germany is very good grades and his incredible set.
24. In Bavaria, during the working day has the right to drink beer.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
25. Homeless often give birth to dogs. They get extra money for their upkeep.
26. Germans wary of foreigners. And there's why.
27. Swastika or throw up his hand in greeting to the German fascist prohibited by law.
28. With the introduction of the euro in Germany, most prices have soared by half. But still living in Germany is considered one of the highest in the world.
29. In Hamburg, motorcycle gang "Hells Angels" has gained such an influence on the local criminals that the law forbade the wearing bikers club logo. Any large truck convoy of motorcyclists accompanied by police officers.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
30. Riding a motorcycle without a helmet is prohibited. Strictly.
31. The heaviest German insults are translated as "ass-hole of" and "Son of a bitch"
32. The Germans were very attentive to their health and to what they eat and drink that.
33. The former mayor of Hamburg, and the Mayor of Berlin - homosexuals. In a society of "blue" attitude is almost as the norm.
34. The cultural level of the average German is significantly higher than the average Russian culture. But, as a rule, inferior education.
35. Alcohol intoxication is a mitigating circumstance in the trial. With the exception of traffic cases, and malfeasance.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
36. Germans have recently used a little makeup. Because of the influx of foreigners Germans were bright paint and ceased to be one of the worst women in Europe.
37. High heels are only for Germans' case. "
38. Appeal with the chief of the firms most often on the "you".
39. One of the leaders of the "green" offered to sing the second verse the German national anthem in Turkish.
40. Bio-shops are quite popular. Prices are on average 30% higher than in an ordinary shop. Bio-bananas are smaller conventional lemons really much flavor.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
41. Boots, boots are only prostitutes during business hours and foreigners, the ones that have not yet figured out and those who do not care.
42. Offer a drink together a cup of coffee in the evening, received from the Germans, often means an invitation to sex.
43. In Germany, fewer women than men.
44. The Germans believe that the most popular Russian toast sounds like "To your health!" Persuade useless.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
45. Christmas in Germany there is much more significant and brighter than the New Year.
46. Jam clogged refrigerator in Germany means that you are from Russia.
47. The institution you can Naham. If you pretend that you are now in the face to grab, are very polite.
48. Dogs in Germany are very friendly. It is extremely rare to hear a dog barking.
49. The idea of a multicultural society in Germany failed miserably, it was forced to acknowledge herself Merkel.
111 of facts about Germany's eyes Russians
50. In Germany, health standards are so high that you can safely is not only neprozharennoe meat, but raw.
51. In Germany, quite often you can go into a house not Razuvious.
52. Single ticket to the sauna is slightly less than 20 euros.
53. Cost of services for prostitutes Reperbane an average of 200 euros per hour.
54. Germans rarely respected beer is made in Germany. What is surprising, often heard positive feedback from the Germans about a Ukrainian manufacturer, brand of beer will not specify, so as not to advertise.
55. Among German women is common attitudes toward sex, as to fitness.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
56. Bribe officio person in Germany, for example, the police usually starts at around 50 000 euros. However, in a town where I lived, could remove the photo from the road machine, all for 300 euros.
57. Civil servant in the German public does not pay taxes and can not fire him.
58. Most apartments are equipped with fire in Germany sensors. If you have something to cook lavishly or not closed the door to the shower, he works from disgusting food. Materyaschiysya naked man poked a broom on the ceiling, frequent pattern being observed pets.
59. German women often do not know how to cook.
60. Column "Country" in Germany is determined by citizenship.
61. The Germans were surprised by the ability to pronounce Russian letter "P" and "Y"
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
62. Saying, "Without papers you piece of shit", apparently, came up with the Germans.
63. All business letters in Germany ending with the words "Sincerely." Even the agenda of the fine.
64. The word "foreigner" in Germany refers to a term of abuse.
65. The Germans are in communication, as a rule, friendly and helpful. But do not get too carried away, but they are well educated.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
66. Married couples with Russian Germans are quite rare, because of too much different mindset. Prefer to remain lovers. That's good.
67. The cafe-snack bar to leave the waiter a tip more than one euro is seen as a good tip.
68. Germany is home emigrant when there is a feeling that sorya on the street, sorish in his apartment and a desire to remove someone's trash in a public park.
69. Tattoos and body piercing in Germany is very popular. And among women and among men.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
70. In Germany, the popular TV fired because she said that when Hitler built autobahns good.
71. In Germany, very careful, as the owners belong to the pet. Even if a blind person with disabilities is hard on his guide dog, the dog will be taken away from him.
72. Germany - a paradise for sweets. It seems to me more varied and beautiful sweets anywhere in the world.
73. Russian food products can be bought in almost every large supermarket in Germany.
74. In Germany, I met some men who have not fought once in my life.
75. To go on a fishing trip in Germany, you must first complete the appropriate courses. Where one of the sections will be devoted to how to handle the caught fish so that it did not experience unnecessary suffering.
111 facts of Germany through the eyes of Russians
76. One of the most expensive hunting clubs in Germany - "The Club of the wolves hunters." The annual contribution of around 100 000 euros.
77. Changing the workplace often leads to a German psychotherapist.
78. The grounds for refusing you on a German disco or club may be just what you do not like the security guard. Girls do not miss often. Beautiful girls miss always, they are attractive to visitors. He also often issued special cards entitling them to free drinks. A group of young Turks in many cities has almost no chance to pass. During this guard can be fired. Nazism is not a hint, a legitimate need.
79. Germany goes to sleep and gets up very early.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
80. According to the "zebra" in the German way you can go with your eyes closed.
81. The fine for cigarette butt thrown on the tarmac in Germany - 20 euros.
82. One of the most popular beverages of German bikers - "Jackie-Cola", a mixture of whiskey, "Jack Daniels" from "Coca-Cola" (not in any way with "Pepsi"!)
83. The Germans have a snack special beer up with grains of salt, they are called - "Bretsel"
84. Of German beers on tap pyaneesh less than from the bottle. Why - I do not know.
85. German cuisine special delights is no different. But nourishing and thoroughly, as well as all German. Potatoes, cabbage, pork - a classic, in general.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
86. German women to consider self-centered - misleading. They just love themselves and their lives.
87. All that is necessary to, in Germany, very cheap. All that relates to the convenience and whim - it's expensive.
88. Closest to taste ice cream sundae to the Soviet in Germany - a McDonald.
89. The Germans are sentimental and surprisingly romantic.
90. The Germans, talking with Russian friends often say, "I - German potatoes."
91. The mentality of the Germans is that they do not climb into a fight first. But if the fight had already begun, often fighting to the last.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
92. Unfortunately, many pedophiles in Germany. But in Russia they are probably just very painful beating. But here - you can not. Even put it hard.
93. In Germany, in the order of things when a girl and a guy pay every man for himself. If you pay for the girl, it can be regarded as unexpected generosity, or claims for its independence.
94. After mastering the language immigrant, ethnic problems virtually disappear.
95. German police are generally not looking for too much heroism. There are exceptions. But rarely.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
96. If I had not undertaken to write the 100 facts at the beginning of the second night, not only would have been in an apartment house, who at this time was not yet asleep.
97. In Germany, a hospital for three days is no problem.
98. In Germany, the prevalent seasonal disease, virtually unknown in Russia - intestinal flu. If caught, hold on ... And then with low start - will carry.
99. In Germany, a fierce than a chef, so they taste better cooked meat.
100. Parking at work in Germany, we must remember that takes effect the immutable laws of capitalist development - "you carry a bag faster than others? Good for you! Bring two. The two talking about? Wow, here's a third. You can not? You do not want? Dismissed, we need not quitters. "
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
101. If you have a government, not private health insurance, waiting for the doctor may take a few weeks.
102. When the German list was compiled of the most dangerous dog breeds, there is not got no German breed, even better than the other by the number of unmotivated attacks on humans.
103. German Kneipp - a small pub, but rather a club where many Germans middle-aged and older while away the evening in zasizhivayas Kneipp sometimes until night, and the owner of practically live in it. How many interesting stories you can hear it from the old regulars, with a glass of beer ...
104. In Germany, many people do not smoke. The Germans, as I said, watching his health.
111 facts about Germany through the eyes of Russians
105. Mixed pairs are found in Germany very often. African boys often choose their incredibly thick Germans. It's a tradition. For Africans to have a fat wife big pride. So it is so rich that it can feed. Well, the fat German woman walking next to the ebonite handsome, and quite happy with life, and finally - a.
106. "My, my, mine" - this is a very well developed in Germany. But I must say that "Your-your-yours" will respectfully and sensitively considered and respected. This applies to everything from candy to silence.
107. In many municipal buildings in Germany remained formidable eagles, talons gripping a shield with which neatly hit by a swastika. They say, well, sat a little bird, that now, pretty well.
108. German humor is of two types - black and abstract.
109. In Germany you want to share food and garbage in plastic. In fact, the garbage often all lumped together. The purpose of this idiocy - without discipline and disciplined Germans.
110. "Dukshtayn" - German beer flavor with cognac, aged in oak barrels. But from his morning headache for some reason. Maybe because I'm not German.
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