Подбор и покупка одежды — это одно из занятий, которое пока что никак не поддается автоматизации или виртуализации. Приходится идти в магазин, примерять множество вариантов, пока не найдется один наиболее удобный, который нигде не жмет и не оттопыривается. А если еще вам повезло иметь нестандартную фигуру или рост — тут хоть караул кричи, покупка одежды превращается в пытку. Для того, чтобы хоть как-то облегчить покупку одежды в онлайн-магазинах, инженеры одной эстонской компании сконструировали робота-манекена, который может принимать форму и телосложение любого человека — от дистрофичного до самого-самого любителя гамбургеров и биг-маков...
На сайте fits.me можно, указав свои данные, получить своего виртуального двойника, на которого примерять все, что вы хотите, и посмотреть, как эта одежда будет смотреться на вас, если вы захотите ее купить. Пока что, к сожалению, таким образом возможен подбор только мужской одежды, но представители компании утверждают, что совсем скоро на сайте можно будет подобрать и одежду для дам. Видимо, с их линиями фигуры технике справиться сложнее.
Робот-мойщик волос
Можно подумать, что доверить мытье волос автомату может только отъявленный лентяй, но японцы думают иначе. Компания Panasonic разработала

Фирма Husqvarna предлагает в числе прочего своего садового оборудования газонокосилку под названием Husqvarna Solar-Powered Robot Lawnmover (HSPRL). Эта сверхпродвинутая газонокосилка была представлена на профильной выставке в Швеции еще в 2008 году, так что вполне возможно, что такая машинка бегает в саду у какой-нибудь зажиточной шведской семьи. Отличительной чертой газонокосилки является питание от солнечных батарей и встроенный емкий аккумулятор. Вес устройства около 10 килограмм, и без перезарядки оно может обработать четверть гектара лужайки, ограниченной особым проводом, который является для газонокосилки пределом, дальше которого заезжать нельзя. Робот оснащен множеством защитных приспособлений, таких, как автоматическая остановка ножей в случае отрыва от земли или переворота, а также датчики расстояния, дающие возможность объезжать препятствия (деревья, ноги, собаки…)

В 2008 году одна канадская женщина стала первой, кому была проведена нейрохирургическая операция с помощью робота. Механическая рука, которой управлял нейрохирург, успешно удалила из головы Пэйдж Никасон (так зовут пациентку) опухоль. Механизированную руку разработали в Университете Калгари, у нее есть датчики давления, которые необходимы при работе с таким нежным материалом, как головной мозг.
Робот-пожиратель мух

Очень странное устройство. Я бы даже сказал, это революция среди всех странных роботов. Создали его в Университете Бристоля, а называется этот ненасытный робот EcoBot. Самая главная его особенность — полная автономность, ведь вместо элементов питания его работоспособность поддерживается с помощью маленьких топливных элементов, сырьем для которых является сахар. Бактерии, находящиеся в элементах, перерабатывают в сахар… насекомых, которых этот робот ловит, поддерживая таким образом свою «жизнедеятельность». Конечно, на одних мухах он не может поднимать тяжести или быстро передвигаться — вся его работа сводится к кратковременному съему показаний датчиков, которые могут передаваться в удаленный центр сбора информации. В тестах восемь мух смогли обеспечить робота энергией для работы на протяжении 12 дней. За эти 12 дней он каждые 14 минут совершал некие движения продолжительностью в несколько секунд, которые по мнению разработчиков, приманивают насекомых. Это, конечно, не Валли, но начало положено. Фантазия человека действительно не знает границ, и это дает нам надежду на лучшее.
Если робота-мойщика головы вам показалось недостаточно, встречайте следующего уникума — робота-лучника . Несколько инженеров решили научить железную штуковину умению, которое осталось только у некоторых племен на нашей планете. И я вам хочу сказать, что этот железный лучник очень способный — за восемь попыток он попадает в центр мишени, обучаясь на ходу. Для его обучения придумана даже специальная программа на основе алгоритма ARCHER (Augmented Reward Chained Regression), «заточенная» под постепенное увеличение точности стрельбы. Надеюсь, что военные возьмут этого робота на вооружение, так как стреляющий стрелами робот в современном бою будет производить на противника колоссальное впечатление. Особенно если эти стрелы будут с присосками на конце.
The robot-mannequin
Selection and purchase of clothing - this is one of the studies, which so far does not amenable to automation or virtualization. We have to go to the store to try on a variety of options until you find the one most convenient, that never shakes and not bulging. And if you're lucky enough to have a custom shape or growth - although here the guard shout, buying clothes becomes a torture. In order to somehow facilitate the purchase of clothing online stores, the engineers have designed one of the Estonian company robotic mannequin that can take shape and physique of any man - from distrofichnogo to the very, very amateur big burgers and poppies. The site fits.me by specifying their data to get its virtual twin, in which to try all you want, and see how the clothes will look on you if you want to buy it. So far, unfortunately, so can only selection of men's clothing, but company representatives say that very soon on this site can pick up and clothes for women. Apparently, their line shape technique to handle more complex.
Robot-hair washer
ozhno think that hair washing machine trust can only avowed couch potato, but the Japanese think differently. Panasonic has developed a robot hair washer, which should help the hygiene in nursing homes and hospitals, as well as single people with disabilities. The system automatically skanniruet contours of the head, determines on the basis of the necessary effort (I hope accurately and correctly), followed by the "hand" with 16 "fingers" gently massaging the scalp, causing both the necessary amount of shampoo and washing it as needed.
Robot Bartender
Robot barman is probably the most popular character in the hundreds of fiction, so it is on our list. Students from the Faculty of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics Saarland University in Germany have built from Lego robot that demonstrates how voice recognition can be applied in the distribution of alcoholic beverages. Robotic bartender takes voice commands, so that the visitor simply to say what he wants to get a drink, after which the robot will mess everything you need and offer the client. He is also able to maintain simple conversation, to tell a couple of fresh jokes, and a little to enlighten the client, telling him stories related to that or other alcoholic beverage. After preparation of the drink robot called the concentration of alcohol in it, which is also a positive factor for the hot-heads.Robot Lawn Mower
Robot Lawn Mower
Husqvarna offers a firm, among other things his garden equipment lawn mower under the name Husqvarna Solar-Powered Robot Lawnmover (HSPRL). This sverhprodvinutaya lawn mower was presented on the profile exhibition in Sweden in 2008, so it is possible that such a machine is running in the garden of some wealthy Swedish family. A distinctive feature is the lawn mower powered by solar panels and built-in capacity battery. Weight of the device about 10 pounds, and without charge, it can handle a quarter hectare of lawn bounded by a special wire, which is the limit for lawn, beyond which you can not bully. The robot is equipped with many safety features such as automatic stop in case of knives take-off or coup, as well as distance sensors that enable around obstacles (trees, legs, dogs ...)Robot neurosurgeon
Robot neurosurgeon
In 2008, a Canadian woman was the first who was held neurosurgical operation using a robot. Mechanical arm, which managed the neurosurgeon successfully removed from the head Nikason Paige (the name of patient) tumor. Mechanized arm developed at the University of Calgary, she has pressure sensors, which are necessary when dealing with such delicate material like the brain.Robot-eater Flies
Robot-eater Flies
Very strange device. I would even say it is a revolution among all the strange robots. It created at the University of Bristol, and the name of this insatiable robot EcoBot. The main feature of it - complete autonomy, because instead of batteries it works is supported by small fuel cell, which is the raw material for sugar. Bacteria in the cell, is processed into sugar ... insects, which the robot catches, thus maintaining its' livelihoods. " Of course, on the same flies he can not lift heavy objects or move quickly - all his work is reduced to a short-term removal of sensor readings that can be transmitted to a remote clearinghouse for information. In eight tests, the flies were able to provide energy for the robot's work for 12 days. During those 12 days, he made every 14 minutes, some traffic for a period of several seconds, which according to developers, lure insects. This, of course, The Valley, but a start. Imagination of man truly knows no bounds, and it gives us hope for the best.
Robot-archer7 most unusual robotsThe robot-mannequin
The robot-mannequin
Selection and purchase of clothing - this is one of the studies, which so far does not amenable to automation or virtualization. We have to go to the store to try on a variety of options until you find the one most convenient, that never shakes and not bulging. And if you're lucky enough to have a custom shape or growth - although here the guard shout, buying clothes becomes a torture. In order to somehow facilitate the purchase of clothing online stores, the engineers have designed one of the Estonian company robotic mannequin that can take shape and physique of any man - from distrofichnogo to the very, very amateur big burgers and poppies. The site fits.me by specifying their data to get its virtual twin, in which to try all you want, and see how the clothes will look on you if you want to buy it. So far, unfortunately, so can only selection of men's clothing, but company representatives say that very soon on this site can pick up and clothes for women. Apparently, their line shape technique to handle more complex.Robot-hair washer
You may think that hair washing machine trust can only arrant lazy, but the Japanese think differently. Panasonic has developed a robot hair washer, which should help the hygiene in nursing homes and hospitals, as well as single people with disabilities. The system automatically skanniruet contours of the head, determines on the basis of the necessary effort (I hope accurately and correctly), followed by the "hand" with 16 "fingers" gently massaging the scalp, causing both the necessary amount of shampoo and washing it as needed.Robot Bartender
Robot barman is probably the most popular character in the hundreds of fiction, so it is on our list. Students from the Faculty of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics Saarland University in Germany have built from Lego robot that demonstrates how voice recognition can be applied in the distribution of alcoholic beverages. Robotic bartender takes voice commands, so that the visitor simply to say what he wants to get a drink, after which the robot will mess everything you need and offer the client. He is also able to maintain simple conversation, to tell a couple of fresh jokes, and a little to enlighten the client, telling him stories related to that or other alcoholic beverage. After preparation of the drink robot called the concentration of alcohol in it, which is also a positive factor for the hot-heads.Robot Lawn Mower
Robot Lawn Mower
Husqvarna offers a firm, among other things his garden equipment lawn mower under the name Husqvarna Solar-Powered Robot Lawnmover (HSPRL). This sverhprodvinutaya lawn mower was presented on the profile exhibition in Sweden in 2008, so it is possible that such a machine is running in the garden of some wealthy Swedish family. A distinctive feature is the lawn mower powered by solar panels and built-in capacity battery. Weight of the device about 10 pounds, and without charge, it can handle a quarter hectare of lawn bounded by a special wire, which is the limit for lawn, beyond which you can not bully. The robot is equipped with many safety features such as automatic stop in case of knives take-off or coup, as well as distance sensors that enable around obstacles (trees, legs, dogs ...)Robot neurosurgeon
Robot neurosurgeon
In 2008, a Canadian woman was the first who was held neurosurgical operation using a robot. Mechanical arm, which managed the neurosurgeon successfully removed from the head Nikason Paige (the name of patient) tumor. Mechanized arm developed at the University of Calgary, she has pressure sensors, which are necessary when dealing with such delicate material like the brain.Robot-eater Flies
Robot-eater Flies
Very strange device. I would even say it is a revolution among all the strange robots. It created at the University of Bristol, and the name of this insatiable robot EcoBot. The main feature of it - complete autonomy, because instead of batteries it works is supported by small fuel cell, which is the raw material for sugar. Bacteria in the cell, is processed into sugar ... insects, which the robot catches, thus maintaining its' livelihoods. " Of course, on the same flies he can not lift heavy objects or move quickly - all his work is reduced to a short-term removal of sensor readings that can be transmitted to a remote clearinghouse for information. In eight tests, the flies were able to provide energy for the robot's work for 12 days. During those 12 days, he made every 14 minutes, some traffic for a period of several seconds, which according to developers, lure insects. This, of course, The Valley, but a start. Imagination of man truly knows no bounds, and it gives us hope for the best.Robot-archer
If the robot washer head seemed to you not, meet the following Unicum - robot archer. Several engineers have decided to teach the ability to iron contraption that has remained only in certain tribes on our planet. And I want to tell you that this iron is very capable archer - for eight attempts, he falls into the center of the target, learning on the go. For his teaching even invented a special program on the basis of the algorithm ARCHER (Augmented Reward Chained Regression), «sharpened» under a gradual increase in accuracy. I hope that the military will take the robot into service as shooting arrows in the modern battle robot will make a huge impression on the enemy. Especially if those arrows with suction cups will be on the end.
Selection and purchase of clothing - this is one of the studies, which so far does not amenable to automation or virtualization. We have to go to the store to try on a variety of options until you find the one most convenient, that never shakes and not bulging. And if you're lucky enough to have a custom shape or growth - although here the guard shout, buying clothes becomes a torture. In order to somehow facilitate the purchase of clothing online stores, the engineers have designed one of the Estonian company robotic mannequin that can take shape and physique of any man - from distrofichnogo to the very, very amateur big burgers and poppies. The site fits.me by specifying their data to get its virtual twin, in which to try all you want, and see how the clothes will look on you if you want to buy it. So far, unfortunately, so can only selection of men's clothing, but company representatives say that very soon on this site can pick up and clothes for women. Apparently, their line shape technique to handle more complex.
Robot-hair washer
ozhno think that hair washing machine trust can only avowed couch potato, but the Japanese think differently. Panasonic has developed a robot hair washer, which should help the hygiene in nursing homes and hospitals, as well as single people with disabilities. The system automatically skanniruet contours of the head, determines on the basis of the necessary effort (I hope accurately and correctly), followed by the "hand" with 16 "fingers" gently massaging the scalp, causing both the necessary amount of shampoo and washing it as needed.
Robot Bartender
Robot barman is probably the most popular character in the hundreds of fiction, so it is on our list. Students from the Faculty of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics Saarland University in Germany have built from Lego robot that demonstrates how voice recognition can be applied in the distribution of alcoholic beverages. Robotic bartender takes voice commands, so that the visitor simply to say what he wants to get a drink, after which the robot will mess everything you need and offer the client. He is also able to maintain simple conversation, to tell a couple of fresh jokes, and a little to enlighten the client, telling him stories related to that or other alcoholic beverage. After preparation of the drink robot called the concentration of alcohol in it, which is also a positive factor for the hot-heads.Robot Lawn Mower
Robot Lawn Mower
Husqvarna offers a firm, among other things his garden equipment lawn mower under the name Husqvarna Solar-Powered Robot Lawnmover (HSPRL). This sverhprodvinutaya lawn mower was presented on the profile exhibition in Sweden in 2008, so it is possible that such a machine is running in the garden of some wealthy Swedish family. A distinctive feature is the lawn mower powered by solar panels and built-in capacity battery. Weight of the device about 10 pounds, and without charge, it can handle a quarter hectare of lawn bounded by a special wire, which is the limit for lawn, beyond which you can not bully. The robot is equipped with many safety features such as automatic stop in case of knives take-off or coup, as well as distance sensors that enable around obstacles (trees, legs, dogs ...)Robot neurosurgeon
Robot neurosurgeon
In 2008, a Canadian woman was the first who was held neurosurgical operation using a robot. Mechanical arm, which managed the neurosurgeon successfully removed from the head Nikason Paige (the name of patient) tumor. Mechanized arm developed at the University of Calgary, she has pressure sensors, which are necessary when dealing with such delicate material like the brain.Robot-eater Flies
Robot-eater Flies
Very strange device. I would even say it is a revolution among all the strange robots. It created at the University of Bristol, and the name of this insatiable robot EcoBot. The main feature of it - complete autonomy, because instead of batteries it works is supported by small fuel cell, which is the raw material for sugar. Bacteria in the cell, is processed into sugar ... insects, which the robot catches, thus maintaining its' livelihoods. " Of course, on the same flies he can not lift heavy objects or move quickly - all his work is reduced to a short-term removal of sensor readings that can be transmitted to a remote clearinghouse for information. In eight tests, the flies were able to provide energy for the robot's work for 12 days. During those 12 days, he made every 14 minutes, some traffic for a period of several seconds, which according to developers, lure insects. This, of course, The Valley, but a start. Imagination of man truly knows no bounds, and it gives us hope for the best.
Robot-archer7 most unusual robotsThe robot-mannequin
The robot-mannequin
Selection and purchase of clothing - this is one of the studies, which so far does not amenable to automation or virtualization. We have to go to the store to try on a variety of options until you find the one most convenient, that never shakes and not bulging. And if you're lucky enough to have a custom shape or growth - although here the guard shout, buying clothes becomes a torture. In order to somehow facilitate the purchase of clothing online stores, the engineers have designed one of the Estonian company robotic mannequin that can take shape and physique of any man - from distrofichnogo to the very, very amateur big burgers and poppies. The site fits.me by specifying their data to get its virtual twin, in which to try all you want, and see how the clothes will look on you if you want to buy it. So far, unfortunately, so can only selection of men's clothing, but company representatives say that very soon on this site can pick up and clothes for women. Apparently, their line shape technique to handle more complex.Robot-hair washer
You may think that hair washing machine trust can only arrant lazy, but the Japanese think differently. Panasonic has developed a robot hair washer, which should help the hygiene in nursing homes and hospitals, as well as single people with disabilities. The system automatically skanniruet contours of the head, determines on the basis of the necessary effort (I hope accurately and correctly), followed by the "hand" with 16 "fingers" gently massaging the scalp, causing both the necessary amount of shampoo and washing it as needed.Robot Bartender
Robot barman is probably the most popular character in the hundreds of fiction, so it is on our list. Students from the Faculty of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics Saarland University in Germany have built from Lego robot that demonstrates how voice recognition can be applied in the distribution of alcoholic beverages. Robotic bartender takes voice commands, so that the visitor simply to say what he wants to get a drink, after which the robot will mess everything you need and offer the client. He is also able to maintain simple conversation, to tell a couple of fresh jokes, and a little to enlighten the client, telling him stories related to that or other alcoholic beverage. After preparation of the drink robot called the concentration of alcohol in it, which is also a positive factor for the hot-heads.Robot Lawn Mower
Robot Lawn Mower
Husqvarna offers a firm, among other things his garden equipment lawn mower under the name Husqvarna Solar-Powered Robot Lawnmover (HSPRL). This sverhprodvinutaya lawn mower was presented on the profile exhibition in Sweden in 2008, so it is possible that such a machine is running in the garden of some wealthy Swedish family. A distinctive feature is the lawn mower powered by solar panels and built-in capacity battery. Weight of the device about 10 pounds, and without charge, it can handle a quarter hectare of lawn bounded by a special wire, which is the limit for lawn, beyond which you can not bully. The robot is equipped with many safety features such as automatic stop in case of knives take-off or coup, as well as distance sensors that enable around obstacles (trees, legs, dogs ...)Robot neurosurgeon
Robot neurosurgeon
In 2008, a Canadian woman was the first who was held neurosurgical operation using a robot. Mechanical arm, which managed the neurosurgeon successfully removed from the head Nikason Paige (the name of patient) tumor. Mechanized arm developed at the University of Calgary, she has pressure sensors, which are necessary when dealing with such delicate material like the brain.Robot-eater Flies
Robot-eater Flies
Very strange device. I would even say it is a revolution among all the strange robots. It created at the University of Bristol, and the name of this insatiable robot EcoBot. The main feature of it - complete autonomy, because instead of batteries it works is supported by small fuel cell, which is the raw material for sugar. Bacteria in the cell, is processed into sugar ... insects, which the robot catches, thus maintaining its' livelihoods. " Of course, on the same flies he can not lift heavy objects or move quickly - all his work is reduced to a short-term removal of sensor readings that can be transmitted to a remote clearinghouse for information. In eight tests, the flies were able to provide energy for the robot's work for 12 days. During those 12 days, he made every 14 minutes, some traffic for a period of several seconds, which according to developers, lure insects. This, of course, The Valley, but a start. Imagination of man truly knows no bounds, and it gives us hope for the best.Robot-archer
If the robot washer head seemed to you not, meet the following Unicum - robot archer. Several engineers have decided to teach the ability to iron contraption that has remained only in certain tribes on our planet. And I want to tell you that this iron is very capable archer - for eight attempts, he falls into the center of the target, learning on the go. For his teaching even invented a special program on the basis of the algorithm ARCHER (Augmented Reward Chained Regression), «sharpened» under a gradual increase in accuracy. I hope that the military will take the robot into service as shooting arrows in the modern battle robot will make a huge impression on the enemy. Especially if those arrows with suction cups will be on the end.
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