Если вы готовы отвлечься от главной ценности Крыма – моря, попытаться забыть о нем хотя бы ненадолго, то нам по пути в другой Крым. Крым на столько древний и вместе с тем на столько реальный, что именно следы жизни людей под самым небом останутся в памяти, как экзотические и невиданные прежде места. Как сон, нафантазированный воображением в свободном ночном полете...
Лучше отправиться в нетипичный Крым в такое же нетипичное, не популярное, т.е. неотпускное время. Например, весной. Такой весной, когда буйная местная природа, если уже и дышит новой жизнью, то в самом ее начале. Когда и закаты и рассветы такие нежные и богатые на оттенки и полутона, как ни за что не увидишь летом. Когда леса, деревья и травы еще не закрыли своей зеленью все богатство рельефа. А вот небо уже высокое, прозрачное, и воздух наполнен звонкой высотой.
Вот в такое время было бы нереально здорово попасть в крымские горы, как это удалось нашим путешественникам – Наташе и Володе Цветковым. Володя здесь, конечно, чаще за кадром. Зато в кадре никаких случайностей. Только то, что цепляет и не отпускает глаз оператора – весенняя пронзительная красота Крыма. Итак, идем по тропе, ищем пещерные города. Т.е. не только пещеры, где, конечно, могла бы сохраниться память о человеческом присутствии, но именно пещерные города. Их не мало в Крыму, главным образом в Юго-Западной, горной части. Большинство из них возникли в V-VII веках и стоят до сих пор. Мы идем сразу в два города – Кызкермен и Тепекермен, которые процветали в феодальные времена, начиная с IV века. Эти два города стояли как раз на торговых путях к Фирсанесу и Византийской крепости Алустон, прежнее название Алушты. Скорее всего, жители этих городов занимались торговлей и ремеслом и обслуживали купеческие караваны. Кызкермен жил над долиной реки Качи. Похоже, что сначала эта территория была просто убежищем. И уже потом, когда рядом с ней установился оживленный торговый путь, выросла в целый город. Подняться в город и спуститься вниз можно было по высеченной скале-лестнице, руины которой сохранились. Говорят, здесь даже живы следы давильни для винограда. В мирное времена где-то здесь же располагались легкие постройки ремесленников. Предположительно, город погиб в IX веке.
Если взглянуть на Восток с Кызкермена, перед вами окажется высокая гора Тепекермен. Кыс и Тепер разделены глубоким оврагом. У Тепекермен плоская вершина. Здесь тоже можно увидеть недостатки небольшого средневекового укрепления. Историки считают, что города существовали в одно и тоже время, но Тепекермен просуществовал дольше. На его небольшой площади, около гектара, не могло жить много людей. Но город, однако, был хорошо укреплен, о чем свидетельствуют боевые стены и несколько маршей дороги, которая ведет в коридор в специально вырубленной скале. Местами сохранились и пещерные казематы, которые видны на верхней кромке скальных обрывов. Тепекермен считают либо одним из ранних феодальных замков Каченской долины, либо пещерным монастырем. И, конечно, здесь не обошлось без легенды. Будто бы между Кызкерменом, торговым городом, и Тепекерменом, неприступным замком, издавна была вражда. И для того, чтобы примерить эти два города, после смерти злого князя с Тепекермена решили выдать замуж дочь правителя Кызкермена за нового владельца замка, молодого князя. Но этому не суждено было сбыться. Для обручения был построен мост. Но во время обручения невеста ножом убила молодого князя, дружина князя зарубила ее, народ в ужасе разбежался. А камни моста, который по легенде развалился, и сейчас еще разбросаны по оврагу между Кызом и Тепе. Вот такие страсти бушевали в этом впечатляющем месте.
Для тогдашних людей твердые камни были игрушкой. “Те скалы дробили они в течении одного мгновения, как будто сыр резали. И таким образом построили разные, как только пожелали, дворцы, дома жилые, а также комнаты для собраний.” Это описание Эвлия Чилюби, турецкого путешественника XVII века. Конечно, название “пещерные города” довольно условное. Люди жили вовсе не только в этих похожих на какое-то жилье местах. Вокруг были и боевые башни, и крепостные стены и другие наземные постройки и сооружения, высеченные в скалах. Для обороны, хозяйства, для всяческих обрядов. Все это было окружено, по-видимому, неприступными обрывами скал. Но когда жители городов по разным причинам покинули их, города постепенно разрушались. И теперь можно найти только маленькую часть того, что было. Но и это впечатляет.
- Мне нравятся сами пейзажи – больше горы, чем море. Да, я смотрю на это как на спорт. Но мне просто больше нравится по горам лазить. Пещеры – это история, что-то необычное. Больше я нигде с этим не сталкивалась, с пещерными городами, мне кажется, это уникальное. И мы даже рискнули, залезли на скалу, очень сильно рисковали. Если бы родители увидели, они бы не оценили такой подвиг. С рюкзаками тяжелыми, с видеокамерой поднимались. Но зато вид, который мы там увидели, впечатляющий.
А теперь понемногу о разном. Более 2-х тысяч лет в этот подземный лабиринт посторонних не пускали. Таков был закон Колизея. В туннелях разминались перед боем гладиаторы, в клетках грозно рычали тигры и львы, а наверху ревела толпа в ожидании кровавых боев и новых героев. Совсем скоро, впервые за всю историю Рима, подземелья Колизея откроют для общественности. Реставрация лабиринтов будет стоить 2,5$ млн.
Зачем 25 карманов на пальто? Это поймет и оценит только турист. Дизайнеры одной из зарубежных фирм уверены, что такое пальто сможет заменить путешественнику маленькие чемодан и сумку, которые обычно берут с собой в салон самолета. Документы, средства личной гигиены, косметика, мобильный телефон, фотоаппарат – для всего найдется свой карман. При этом достать вещи можно будет легко и без лишней возни. В продажу чудо-пальто поступит только осенью.
Почему на границе с Ватиканом резко вырос спрос на палантины? Потому что на Святой земле ужесточили дрес-код. И местным жителям и туристам теперь запрещено гулять по городу в одежде с коротким рукавом и в шортах. На границе швейцарская гвардия останавливает не в меру оголившихся граждан и разворачивает обратно. Местные идут переодеваться, а вот некоторые находчивые туристы покупают палантины и набрасывают на плечи. Итальянцы не довольны. А вот церковь настаивает на том, что святыни надо уважать и одеваться соответствующим образом.
Задержка рейса – это не повод для расстройства, а повод для нового знакомства. Недавно в аэропортах США появился интерактивный вебсайт для жертв отложенных рейсов. Без регистрации, в кратчайшие сроки на сайте можно найти собрата по несчастью и вместе скоротать часы в ожидании самолета. Захотите встретиться лично, укажите номер рейса, терминал и время вылета, тогда быстро найдете друг друга. Кстати, если сеть будет пользоваться успехом, ее обязательно расширят.
Китайские власти стали активно бороться с загрязнением окружающей среды. В частности, решили построить трехмерный вагон, который будет работать на двух видах энергии, солнечной и электрической, а за раз может перевозить более тысячи пассажиров. Первые 115 миль рельсов для этого чудо-транспорта в Пекине проложат к концу 2010 года. Туристы смогут покататься на трехмерном быстром автобусе через год – полтора.
Путешествуйте по Швейцарии пешком. Никуда не надо спешить. В ту пору не было таких прекрасных поездов, как сейчас. Это не комплимент и не метафора, а самая что ни есть объективная реальность. Веселый ангел, символ Цюриха, гордится таким роскошным хозяйством и спокоен за пассажиров.
- Сегодня мы отправляемся из Цюриха в Люцерну. Это поезд, который называется ДаблДейкер, здесь два уровня. Поездов, на самом деле, много в Швейцарии разных. Но вот такие ДаблДейкеры, они, кстати, как раз на большие расстояния. Т.е. он пойдет из Люцерна куда-то дальше, возможно, в Бугану, может быть даже еще дальше. Поезда, они в принципе, курсируют в таком nonstop режиме.
Мы едем в вагоне первого класса, на втором этаже. Всех остальных пассажиров известили об этом. Сообщение о гостях из России белеет в трех местах. И не потому, что мы какие-то особенные. Просто здесь так принято.
И вот, мы уже в Люцерне. Город виден только боковым зрением. Наш путь лежит на одну из самых таинственных гор – Пилатус. Высоту 2132м мы будем покорять на подъемнике, точнее на двух.
- Подъемников в Швейцарии очень много. Естественно, штука эта достаточно дорогостоящая. Но тем не менее, практически на каждую гору, мало-мальски достопримечательную можно подняться с помощью техники, не только ногами.
Для тех, кто впервые поднимается на этом виде транспорта, это, в общем-то, испытание.
- Вот наконец-то мы поднялись на Пилатус и получили в награду солнце, 100% ультрафиолета.
- Вот наконец-то мы поднялись на Пилатус и получили в награду солнце, 100% ультрафиолета.
До того, как эта гора стала Пилатусом, ее назвали то изломанной горой, то драконовой. В средние века люди, даже весьма образованные, верили, что здесь водятся драконы. Поэтому приезжали сюда с одной единственной целью – изучать жизнь этих таинственных великанов. И, знаете, получалось. Сохранились даже трактаты на эту тему. В те времена на гору пускали только по официальным разрешениям. Тех, кто пытался тайком проникнуть сюда, сажали в тюрьму.
- За моей спиной вы как раз видите начало драконьего пути. Дракон – это символ горы Пилатус, который является покровителем жителей города Люцерн, существо достаточно доброе, беззлобное. Вот такой редкий случай, когда дракон является положительным героем сказки. Как гласит легенда, если подняться на Пилатус ночью, то можно услышать шелест крыльев дракона, который пролетает над своей любимой горой.
Сегодняшнее название горы напрямую связано с жизнью и смертью Понтия Пилата, римского наместника на Святой земле. По одной из легенд это был жесткий и коварный правитель. Это он приговорил к казни Иисуса Христа, а потом, якобы, умыл руки, чтобы показать свою невиновность. Однако древний обряд не освободил душу прокуратора от страданий. Успокоение она нашла только здесь, в черном озере у подножия горы, да и то не навсегда. Говорят, раз в году, в страстную пятницу, Понтий Пилат появляется на вершине. А все остальное время он работает метеорологом. Жители Люцерна до сих пор верят, что погодой здесь управляет именно он.
- Пилатус – достаточно популярное место. На сайте офиса по туризму в Швейцарии есть рекомендации, что увидеть, что посетить в Швейцарии. Так называемые советы для туристов. Пилатус является одним из таких советов, что стоит увидеть в Швейцарии. Здесь мы ощущаем свободу, свое какое-то единение с природой.
- Это, в общем то, коренные жители горы Пилатус, вот эти горные галки, которые делают какие-то маневры сейчас надо мной. То ли я им понравилась, то ли наоборот. Или у них учения начались.
А вот эта галка, воспользовавшись тем, что у нашего оператора в руках камера, села ему на голову. Нравы, прям, как у людей.
Дорога обратно такая же и все-таки не такая. Или это мы, побывав на вершине легендарной горы, стали чуть-чуть другими. Впереди прогулка по Люцерну.
В Люцерне чуть более 60 тыс. жителей и примерно столько же туристов. Всем показывают примерно одно и тоже – самое яркое, самое грандиозное, самое дорогое, во всех смыслах этого слова. Ну, а милые сердцу частности, без которых нет полноты общей картины, каждый находит сам. Вот, к примеру, на этой табличке написано, что дом отапливается дровами. А кроликов наверно сдают в зоопарк или они члены семьи? И все-таки патриархальность этого городка обманчива. Через несколько минут он покажет нам свое величие.
- Лев появился здесь не случайно. Это памятник погибшим швейцарским гвардейцам, который воздвиг и потратил на это очень много времени, усилий и денег, их однополчанин, который в то время, когда швейцарские гвардейцы защищали Короля Карла, был в отпуске, не мог разделить их участь.
Льва, умирающего вот почти 200 лет, почему-то жалко больше, чем бесстрашных гвардейцев. Может, потому что они погибли, а он до сих пор мается. А может потому, что настоящее искусство волнует нас больше жизни.
Вот этот маленький водоем появился совсем недавно. Он исключительно для туристов, которые верят в старую примету. Если бросишь в воду монету, значит, обязательно вернешься на это место.
В этом маленьком городке любили отдыхать большие люди, например Королева Виктория и Чарли Чаплин, Марк Шагал и Сергей Прокофьев. Лев Николаевич Толстой испытывал к Люцерну весьма противоречивые чувства. Бытовые условия, в частности грязные улицы, невозможно представить, его однозначно раздражали. “А вот пейзаж восхищал. Красота этой воды, этих гор, этого неба в первые мгновения буквально ослепила и потрясла меня” – писал граф путешественник. “Я почувствовал внутреннее беспокойство и потребность выразить как-нибудь избыток чего-то, вдруг переполнившего мою душу. Мне захотелось в эту минуту обнять кого-то, защекотать, ущипнуть его, вообще сделать с ним и с собой что-нибудь необыкновенное.” И он это сделал – создал свой Люцерн, рассказ, который долгое время был для многих самым правдивым и доступным описанием Швейцарии.
А мы уже добрались до самого главного символа Люцерна, старейшего в Европе деревянного моста через реку Ройс. У него есть официальное имя, Капельбрюке, и уменьшительное, домашнее Капельный. Его построили в начале XIV века, как часть оборонительных укреплений. Стропила кровли украшают картины почти такие же древние, как мост. Сохранились, правда, не все. Некоторые погибли во время страшнейшего пожара в 1993 году. Деньги на ремонт собирали всем миром. Сгоревшую часть моста восстановили всего за 8 месяцев. До восьмигранной башни Васертурн огонь не добрался. А все потому, что в ней по преданиям живет ангел. В тот день, когда случился пожар, он заснул впервые за 600 лет. И вот, что получилось. С тех пор он неусыпно стоит на посту. Но сейчас его на всякий случай подстраховывает самая современная система сигнализации.
А вот это самый древний, т.е. самый первый в Люцерне отель “De Balanse” с очень хорошим рестораном.
- Т.к. ресторан выходит другой своей стороной на набережную, то естественно горожане очень любят сюда приходить отужинать в хорошую погоду, полюбоваться еще и рекой, знаменитым Капельным мостом и водонапорной башней, которые являются символами города.
- Т.к. ресторан выходит другой своей стороной на набережную, то естественно горожане очень любят сюда приходить отужинать в хорошую погоду, полюбоваться еще и рекой, знаменитым Капельным мостом и водонапорной башней, которые являются символами города.
Фонтанов в Люцерне поменьше, чем в Цюрихе, но тоже хватает. Вода из них течет хорошая, поэтому ее без всяких опасений пьют и местные жители и, естественно, туристы, которых врятли чем испугаешь.
На этом маленькая экскурсия по небольшому швейцарскому городку кончается.
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If you are ready to distract from the main value of the Crimea - the sea and try to forget about it at least briefly, we on our way to another of the Crimea. ARC for many ancient and yet so real in that it traces the lives of people beneath the sky will be remembered as exotic and unparalleled location. Like a dream, nafantazirovanny imagination in free flight the night ...
It is better to go to the Crimea in atypical same atypical, not popular, that is, neotpusknoe time. For example, in the spring. This spring, when the violent nature of the spot, if you are already breathing new life and then at the very beginning. When and sunsets and sunrises are tender and rich in nuances and undertones, as would not see in the summer. When the forest, trees and grasses have not yet closed its green wealth of relief. But the sky was high, clear, and the air is filled with high-sounding.
That is the time it would be impossible to get into the cool mountains of the Crimea, as it was our travelers - Natasha and Volodya Tsvetkov. Volodya is, of course, often behind the scenes. But the frame is no chance. Only that clings and does not release the operator's eye - Spring poignant beauty of the Crimea. So, go along the path, looking for mountain towns. That is, not only the cave, where, of course, would preserve the memory of human presence, but that mountain towns. They are not a few in the Crimea, mainly in south-western, mountainous part. Most of them have a V-VII centuries and are still. We go once in two cities - and Kyzkermen Tepekermen, who flourished in feudal times, from the IV century. These two cities were just on the trade routes to the Byzantine fortress and Firsanesu Aluston, the former name of Alushta. Most likely, the residents of these cities were engaged in trade and crafts and serving merchant caravans. Kyzkermen lived in the valley of the river Kacha. It seems that initially the site was simply a refuge. And then, when it established next to a busy trade route, has grown into a town. Rise in the city and go down you can rock-hewn on the stairs, the ruins of which have been preserved. It is said here, even live tracks presses for grapes. In peaceful times around here do have light construction craftsmen. Presumably, the city was killed in the IX century.
If you look to the East with Kyzkermena, before you will be the highest mountain Tepekermen. Kys now separated and a deep ravine. In Tepekermen flat top. Here, too, can see the disadvantages of small medieval fortifications. Historians believe that the city existed at the same time, but Tepekermen lasted longer. On its small area, about one hectare, could not live a lot of people. But the city, however, was well fortified, as evidenced by the wall and several military marches, the road that leads into the corridor in a specially carved rock. Partly preserved cave and dungeons, which are visible on the upper edge of rocky cliffs. Tepekermen believe either one of the early feudal castles Kachenskoy valley, or cave monastery. And, of course, not without a legend. If between Kyzkermenom, a market town, and Tepekermenom, impregnable castle, has long been a feud. And in order to see these two cities, after the death of the evil prince and Tepekermena decided to marry the daughter of the ruler Kyzkermena for the new owner of the castle, the young prince. But this was not true. For the betrothal bridge was built. But during the engagement the bride with a knife killed a young prince, the prince squad hacked it, the people in terror fled. A stone bridge, which collapsed on a legend, and even now are scattered along the ravine between Kyzom and Tepe. These are the passions raged in this spectacular place.
For those days people were hard stones toy. "Those rocks are crushed during one moment, as if sliced cheese. And thus constructed are different, as soon as wanted, palaces, residential houses, and rooms for meetings. "This description of Evliya Chilyubi, Turkish traveler of the XVII century. Of course, the name "mountain towns" rather conditional. People have lived not only in these similar to some housing areas. Were around and battle towers, and walls and other surface buildings and structures carved in the rocks. For the defense, the economy, for all sorts of rituals. All this was surrounded, apparently inaccessible cliffs of the rocks. But when the inhabitants of cities, for various reasons have left them, the city is gradually destroyed. And now you can find only a small part of what it was. But it is impressive.
- I like the landscapes themselves - more mountains than the sea. Yes, I look at it as a sport. But I just prefer the mountains to climb. Caves - a story, something unusual. More than anywhere else I did not face this, with the cave towns, I think it's unique. And we even dare, climbed on a rock, a big risk. If parents have seen, they would not appreciate such a feat. From backpacks heavy with a video camera raised. But the kind that we saw there, impressive.
Now a little about various things. More than 2 thousand years in this underground labyrinth of strangers were not allowed. Such was the law of the Coliseum. In tunnels, warming up before the fight gladiators in ominously growling cells tigers and lions, and above the crowd roared in anticipation of bloody battles and new heroes. Very soon, the first time in the history of Rome, the Coliseum will open the cave to the public. Restoration of the maze will cost $ 2.5 million
Why 25 pockets on the coat? It is to understand and appreciate just a tourist. Designers of one of the foreign firms are confident that this coat will replace the small travelers suitcase and bag, which usually take with them into the cabin. Documents, personal care, cosmetics, cell phone, a camera - only to find their own pockets. At the same time to get things you can easily and without much fuss. In the sale of Miracle coat goes only in the fall.
Why the border with the Vatican sharply increased demand for wraps? Because the Holy Land tightened ddress code. And locals and tourists are now allowed to walk around town dressed in short sleeves and shorts. On the border of the Swiss Guard to stop the overly stripped citizens and turns back. Local go change, but some savvy tourists buy stoles and throw over her shoulders. The Italians are not happy. But the church insists that the shrines should be respected, and dress accordingly.
Flight delay - this is no reason to be upset, and an occasion for new acquaintances. Recently appeared in U.S. airports interactive website for victims of delayed flights. Without registration, as soon as possible on the site you can find fellow sufferers and pass the hours together waiting for the plane. Want to meet in person, enter the flight number, departure terminal and then quickly find each other. By the way, if the network will be a success, it must expand.
The Chinese authorities have actively combat environmental pollution. In particular, decided to build three-dimensional coach who will work on two types of energy, solar power, and at a time can carry over a thousand passengers. The first 115 miles of rails for the miracle of transport in Beijing to pave the end of 2010. Tourists can ride the three-dimensional fast bus in a year - one and a half.
Travel to Switzerland on foot. Will not have to hurry. At that time there was such wonderful trains, it is now. It's not a compliment and not a metaphor, but most that there is an objective reality. Cheerful Angel, a symbol of Zurich, is proud of such a luxurious and worry about the economy passengers.
- Today we depart from Zurich to Lucerne. This train, which is called DablDeyker, there are two levels. Trains, in fact, a lot different in Switzerland. But here are DablDeykery, they, by the way, just over great distances. That is, he will go from Lucerne somewhere farther, perhaps Buganov, maybe even further. Trains, in principle, cruising in a nonstop mode.
We're going to first-class carriage on the second floor. All other passengers notified about it. Message of the guests from Russia whiter in three places. And not because we have some kind of special. Just here so it is accepted.
And now, we're already in Lucerne. The city is only visible with averted vision. Our path is one of the most mysterious mountains - Pilatus. The height of 2132m, we will conquer the lift, or more precisely two.
- The ski lifts in Switzerland very much. Of course, this thing is costly. Nevertheless, almost every mountain, a little bit attractions can climb through technology, not just legs.
For those who first raised on this type of transport is, in general, a trial.- Here at last we reached the Pilatus and were awarded the sun, 100% of UV rays.
Prior to this mountain was the Pilatus, it was called then the broken mountain, the dragon. In the Middle Ages, people, even highly educated, believed that dragons are found here. So come here with one sole purpose - to explore the lives of these mysterious giants. And, you know, worked. Preserved even treatises on the subject. In those days on the mountain were allowed only on official permits. Those who tried to secretly get here, put in prison.
- Behind me you just see the top of the dragon's path. Dragon - a symbol of Mount Pilatus, who is the patron of residents of Lucerne, being good enough, good-naturedly. Here's a rare occasion when a dragon is a positive hero of the tale. According to legend, when up to Pilatus by night, you can hear the rustling wings of a dragon that flies over his beloved mountain.
The current name of the mountain is directly connected with life and death under Pontius Pilate, Roman governor of the Holy Land. According to legend, it was a tough and wily ruler. That he was sentenced to death, Jesus Christ, and then, allegedly, have washed your hands to show his innocence. However, the ancient rite has not freed the soul from suffering the procurator. She found solace only here in the black lake at the foot of the mountain, and even then not always. They say once a year, on Good Friday, Pilate appears at the top. And everything else, he is working meteorologist. Residents of Lucerne still believe that the weather here was he who governs.
- Pilatus - quite popular. The site office of tourism in Switzerland, there are recommendations that see, what to visit in Switzerland. The so-called tips for tourists. Pilatus is one of these boards, it's worth to see in Switzerland. Here we experience freedom, its some sort of unity with nature.
- This is, in general, then, the indigenous inhabitants of Mount Pilatus, that these mountain crows, which make some maneuvers at me now. Whether I liked them, or vice versa. Or have they started teaching.
But this jackdaw, using the fact that our operator in the hands of the chamber, sat down on his head. Manners, straight as a people.
The road back is the same and yet not so. Or are we, having been at the top of the legendary mountain, were slightly different. Walk in front of Lucerne.
At Lucerne, just over 60 thousand people and about the same number of tourists. All show roughly the same - the brightest, most ambitious, most expensive, in all senses of the word. Well, and particularly dear to the heart, without which there is completeness of the picture, one finds himself. Here, for example, on the tablet is written that the house is heated with firewood. A rabbit must pass to the zoo or they family members? Yet patriarchy in this town is deceptive. A few minutes later he shows us his greatness.
- Leo came here not by accident. This is a monument to fallen Swiss Guards, who raised and spent this much time, effort and money, their brother-soldier, who at the time when Swiss guards protected the King Charles, was on vacation, could not share their fate.
Lion, dying here for almost 200 years, for some reason sorry for more than a brave guardsmen. Maybe it's because they died, but he still Mast. Maybe because real art excites us more than life.
Here is a small pond has appeared recently. He exclusively for tourists, who believe in the old omen. If you throw a coin into the water, therefore, necessarily come back to this place.
In this small town liked to rest big men, such as Queen Victoria and Charlie Chaplin, Marc Chagall and Sergei Prokofiev. Leo Tolstoy had to Lucerne very mixed feelings. Living conditions, in particular, dirty streets, it is impossible to imagine it clearly irritated. "But the landscape admired. The beauty of the water, these mountains of the sky in the first moments literally dazzled and shocked me, "- wrote the Earl of traveler. "I felt an inner need to express concern and as a surplus of something, suddenly overflowed my soul. I wanted at that moment to hug someone, tickle, pinch it, generally to do with it and with it something special. "And he did it - created his Lucerne, a story that has long been true for many of the most affordable and description of Switzerland.
And we get to the main symbol of Lucerne, the oldest in Europe wooden bridge over the River Reuss. He has an official name, Kapelbryuke, and the diminutive, homemade Drip. It was built at the beginning of the XIV century, as part of the fortifications. The rafters of the roof is decorated with paintings almost as old as the bridge. Survived, though not all. Some were killed in a terrible fire in 1993. Money collected for the repair world. The burnt part of the bridge rebuilt in just 8 months. Prior to the octagonal tower Vaserturn fire is not reached. And all because of her legend lives on Angel. On the day when there was a fire, he fell asleep the first time in 600 years. And that's what happened. Since then, he vigilantly stands guard. But now it just in case hedging most modern alarm system.
And here is the oldest, ie, the very first hotel in Lucerne "De Balanse" with a very good restaurant.- Since restaurant out his other side of the embankment, then of course the citizens are very fond of coming here in good weather dine, enjoy, and yet the river, the famous bridge and drip water tower, which are symbols of the city.
Fountain in Lucerne less than in Zurich, but also in short supply. Water flows out of them good, so it is without fear and the locals drink and, of course, tourists are vryatli than frighten.
On this little excursion to the small Swiss town ends.
To be continued ...
It is better to go to the Crimea in atypical same atypical, not popular, that is, neotpusknoe time. For example, in the spring. This spring, when the violent nature of the spot, if you are already breathing new life and then at the very beginning. When and sunsets and sunrises are tender and rich in nuances and undertones, as would not see in the summer. When the forest, trees and grasses have not yet closed its green wealth of relief. But the sky was high, clear, and the air is filled with high-sounding.
That is the time it would be impossible to get into the cool mountains of the Crimea, as it was our travelers - Natasha and Volodya Tsvetkov. Volodya is, of course, often behind the scenes. But the frame is no chance. Only that clings and does not release the operator's eye - Spring poignant beauty of the Crimea. So, go along the path, looking for mountain towns. That is, not only the cave, where, of course, would preserve the memory of human presence, but that mountain towns. They are not a few in the Crimea, mainly in south-western, mountainous part. Most of them have a V-VII centuries and are still. We go once in two cities - and Kyzkermen Tepekermen, who flourished in feudal times, from the IV century. These two cities were just on the trade routes to the Byzantine fortress and Firsanesu Aluston, the former name of Alushta. Most likely, the residents of these cities were engaged in trade and crafts and serving merchant caravans. Kyzkermen lived in the valley of the river Kacha. It seems that initially the site was simply a refuge. And then, when it established next to a busy trade route, has grown into a town. Rise in the city and go down you can rock-hewn on the stairs, the ruins of which have been preserved. It is said here, even live tracks presses for grapes. In peaceful times around here do have light construction craftsmen. Presumably, the city was killed in the IX century.
If you look to the East with Kyzkermena, before you will be the highest mountain Tepekermen. Kys now separated and a deep ravine. In Tepekermen flat top. Here, too, can see the disadvantages of small medieval fortifications. Historians believe that the city existed at the same time, but Tepekermen lasted longer. On its small area, about one hectare, could not live a lot of people. But the city, however, was well fortified, as evidenced by the wall and several military marches, the road that leads into the corridor in a specially carved rock. Partly preserved cave and dungeons, which are visible on the upper edge of rocky cliffs. Tepekermen believe either one of the early feudal castles Kachenskoy valley, or cave monastery. And, of course, not without a legend. If between Kyzkermenom, a market town, and Tepekermenom, impregnable castle, has long been a feud. And in order to see these two cities, after the death of the evil prince and Tepekermena decided to marry the daughter of the ruler Kyzkermena for the new owner of the castle, the young prince. But this was not true. For the betrothal bridge was built. But during the engagement the bride with a knife killed a young prince, the prince squad hacked it, the people in terror fled. A stone bridge, which collapsed on a legend, and even now are scattered along the ravine between Kyzom and Tepe. These are the passions raged in this spectacular place.
For those days people were hard stones toy. "Those rocks are crushed during one moment, as if sliced cheese. And thus constructed are different, as soon as wanted, palaces, residential houses, and rooms for meetings. "This description of Evliya Chilyubi, Turkish traveler of the XVII century. Of course, the name "mountain towns" rather conditional. People have lived not only in these similar to some housing areas. Were around and battle towers, and walls and other surface buildings and structures carved in the rocks. For the defense, the economy, for all sorts of rituals. All this was surrounded, apparently inaccessible cliffs of the rocks. But when the inhabitants of cities, for various reasons have left them, the city is gradually destroyed. And now you can find only a small part of what it was. But it is impressive.
- I like the landscapes themselves - more mountains than the sea. Yes, I look at it as a sport. But I just prefer the mountains to climb. Caves - a story, something unusual. More than anywhere else I did not face this, with the cave towns, I think it's unique. And we even dare, climbed on a rock, a big risk. If parents have seen, they would not appreciate such a feat. From backpacks heavy with a video camera raised. But the kind that we saw there, impressive.
Now a little about various things. More than 2 thousand years in this underground labyrinth of strangers were not allowed. Such was the law of the Coliseum. In tunnels, warming up before the fight gladiators in ominously growling cells tigers and lions, and above the crowd roared in anticipation of bloody battles and new heroes. Very soon, the first time in the history of Rome, the Coliseum will open the cave to the public. Restoration of the maze will cost $ 2.5 million
Why 25 pockets on the coat? It is to understand and appreciate just a tourist. Designers of one of the foreign firms are confident that this coat will replace the small travelers suitcase and bag, which usually take with them into the cabin. Documents, personal care, cosmetics, cell phone, a camera - only to find their own pockets. At the same time to get things you can easily and without much fuss. In the sale of Miracle coat goes only in the fall.
Why the border with the Vatican sharply increased demand for wraps? Because the Holy Land tightened ddress code. And locals and tourists are now allowed to walk around town dressed in short sleeves and shorts. On the border of the Swiss Guard to stop the overly stripped citizens and turns back. Local go change, but some savvy tourists buy stoles and throw over her shoulders. The Italians are not happy. But the church insists that the shrines should be respected, and dress accordingly.
Flight delay - this is no reason to be upset, and an occasion for new acquaintances. Recently appeared in U.S. airports interactive website for victims of delayed flights. Without registration, as soon as possible on the site you can find fellow sufferers and pass the hours together waiting for the plane. Want to meet in person, enter the flight number, departure terminal and then quickly find each other. By the way, if the network will be a success, it must expand.
The Chinese authorities have actively combat environmental pollution. In particular, decided to build three-dimensional coach who will work on two types of energy, solar power, and at a time can carry over a thousand passengers. The first 115 miles of rails for the miracle of transport in Beijing to pave the end of 2010. Tourists can ride the three-dimensional fast bus in a year - one and a half.
Travel to Switzerland on foot. Will not have to hurry. At that time there was such wonderful trains, it is now. It's not a compliment and not a metaphor, but most that there is an objective reality. Cheerful Angel, a symbol of Zurich, is proud of such a luxurious and worry about the economy passengers.
- Today we depart from Zurich to Lucerne. This train, which is called DablDeyker, there are two levels. Trains, in fact, a lot different in Switzerland. But here are DablDeykery, they, by the way, just over great distances. That is, he will go from Lucerne somewhere farther, perhaps Buganov, maybe even further. Trains, in principle, cruising in a nonstop mode.
We're going to first-class carriage on the second floor. All other passengers notified about it. Message of the guests from Russia whiter in three places. And not because we have some kind of special. Just here so it is accepted.
And now, we're already in Lucerne. The city is only visible with averted vision. Our path is one of the most mysterious mountains - Pilatus. The height of 2132m, we will conquer the lift, or more precisely two.
- The ski lifts in Switzerland very much. Of course, this thing is costly. Nevertheless, almost every mountain, a little bit attractions can climb through technology, not just legs.
For those who first raised on this type of transport is, in general, a trial.- Here at last we reached the Pilatus and were awarded the sun, 100% of UV rays.
Prior to this mountain was the Pilatus, it was called then the broken mountain, the dragon. In the Middle Ages, people, even highly educated, believed that dragons are found here. So come here with one sole purpose - to explore the lives of these mysterious giants. And, you know, worked. Preserved even treatises on the subject. In those days on the mountain were allowed only on official permits. Those who tried to secretly get here, put in prison.
- Behind me you just see the top of the dragon's path. Dragon - a symbol of Mount Pilatus, who is the patron of residents of Lucerne, being good enough, good-naturedly. Here's a rare occasion when a dragon is a positive hero of the tale. According to legend, when up to Pilatus by night, you can hear the rustling wings of a dragon that flies over his beloved mountain.
The current name of the mountain is directly connected with life and death under Pontius Pilate, Roman governor of the Holy Land. According to legend, it was a tough and wily ruler. That he was sentenced to death, Jesus Christ, and then, allegedly, have washed your hands to show his innocence. However, the ancient rite has not freed the soul from suffering the procurator. She found solace only here in the black lake at the foot of the mountain, and even then not always. They say once a year, on Good Friday, Pilate appears at the top. And everything else, he is working meteorologist. Residents of Lucerne still believe that the weather here was he who governs.
- Pilatus - quite popular. The site office of tourism in Switzerland, there are recommendations that see, what to visit in Switzerland. The so-called tips for tourists. Pilatus is one of these boards, it's worth to see in Switzerland. Here we experience freedom, its some sort of unity with nature.
- This is, in general, then, the indigenous inhabitants of Mount Pilatus, that these mountain crows, which make some maneuvers at me now. Whether I liked them, or vice versa. Or have they started teaching.
But this jackdaw, using the fact that our operator in the hands of the chamber, sat down on his head. Manners, straight as a people.
The road back is the same and yet not so. Or are we, having been at the top of the legendary mountain, were slightly different. Walk in front of Lucerne.
At Lucerne, just over 60 thousand people and about the same number of tourists. All show roughly the same - the brightest, most ambitious, most expensive, in all senses of the word. Well, and particularly dear to the heart, without which there is completeness of the picture, one finds himself. Here, for example, on the tablet is written that the house is heated with firewood. A rabbit must pass to the zoo or they family members? Yet patriarchy in this town is deceptive. A few minutes later he shows us his greatness.
- Leo came here not by accident. This is a monument to fallen Swiss Guards, who raised and spent this much time, effort and money, their brother-soldier, who at the time when Swiss guards protected the King Charles, was on vacation, could not share their fate.
Lion, dying here for almost 200 years, for some reason sorry for more than a brave guardsmen. Maybe it's because they died, but he still Mast. Maybe because real art excites us more than life.
Here is a small pond has appeared recently. He exclusively for tourists, who believe in the old omen. If you throw a coin into the water, therefore, necessarily come back to this place.
In this small town liked to rest big men, such as Queen Victoria and Charlie Chaplin, Marc Chagall and Sergei Prokofiev. Leo Tolstoy had to Lucerne very mixed feelings. Living conditions, in particular, dirty streets, it is impossible to imagine it clearly irritated. "But the landscape admired. The beauty of the water, these mountains of the sky in the first moments literally dazzled and shocked me, "- wrote the Earl of traveler. "I felt an inner need to express concern and as a surplus of something, suddenly overflowed my soul. I wanted at that moment to hug someone, tickle, pinch it, generally to do with it and with it something special. "And he did it - created his Lucerne, a story that has long been true for many of the most affordable and description of Switzerland.
And we get to the main symbol of Lucerne, the oldest in Europe wooden bridge over the River Reuss. He has an official name, Kapelbryuke, and the diminutive, homemade Drip. It was built at the beginning of the XIV century, as part of the fortifications. The rafters of the roof is decorated with paintings almost as old as the bridge. Survived, though not all. Some were killed in a terrible fire in 1993. Money collected for the repair world. The burnt part of the bridge rebuilt in just 8 months. Prior to the octagonal tower Vaserturn fire is not reached. And all because of her legend lives on Angel. On the day when there was a fire, he fell asleep the first time in 600 years. And that's what happened. Since then, he vigilantly stands guard. But now it just in case hedging most modern alarm system.
And here is the oldest, ie, the very first hotel in Lucerne "De Balanse" with a very good restaurant.- Since restaurant out his other side of the embankment, then of course the citizens are very fond of coming here in good weather dine, enjoy, and yet the river, the famous bridge and drip water tower, which are symbols of the city.
Fountain in Lucerne less than in Zurich, but also in short supply. Water flows out of them good, so it is without fear and the locals drink and, of course, tourists are vryatli than frighten.
On this little excursion to the small Swiss town ends.
To be continued ...
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