На взлете из аэропорта Ярославля разбился самолет Як-42, на борту которого находилась хоккейная команда "Локомотив". Всего в самолете находились 45 человек, двое выжили...
Данные о погибших и пострадавших
При взлете с ярославского аэродрома Туношна Як-42 накренился влево и рухнул в 500 метрах от аэродрома. В Росавиации и МЧС подтвердили факт катастрофы, однако данные о находивших на борту, выживших и погибших разнились. Сообщалось, что в самолете находились 36-37 человек. Первоначально утверждалось, что погибли либо все, либо один человек выжил. Затем данные поступили данные Минздрава – представители ведомства сообщали, что выжили двое. Обоих доставили в ярославскую больницу скорой медицинской помощи имени Н.В.Соловьева в тяжелом состоянии.
Пресс-секретарь УМВД по Ярославской области Александр Шиханов подтвердил информацию о двух выживших. Как стало известно агентству от источника в правоохранительных органах региона, среди выживших - игрок клуба "Локомотив" и член экипажа самолета. Один из выживших, по уточненным данным, - нападающий "Локомотива" Александр Галимов. Главный врач учреждения Александр Дегтярев вышел к родственникам и сообщил имена выживших. "У Александра Галимова 80 процентов ожогов. Ему уже сделана одна операция, потребуется еще несколько. У бортинженера Сизова 15 процентов ожогов и перелом бедра.
Затем стали известны окончательные данные: на борту Як-42 находилось 45 человек: 37 пассажиров и восемь членов экипажа, среди находившихся на борту было 11 иностранцев, сообщили в региональном управлении МЧС. "По данным на 19:30, 43 человека погибли, двое выжили", - отметили в региональном управлении МЧС. В списке членов команды 26 россиян и 11 иностранцев, среди которых главный тренер команды канадец Брэд Маккриммон; игроки швед Стефан Лив; Александр Вьюхин, имеющий российское и украинское гражданство; чехи Карел Рахунек, Ян Марек, Йозеф Вашичек; словак Павол Демитра; латыш Карлис Скрастиньш; гражданин Белоруссии Руслан Салей; Роберт Дитрих, имеющий российское и немецкое гражданство. Гибель граждан своих стран уже подтвердили Чехия, Словакия, Украина и Швеция.
В связи с крушением самолета Як-42 открыт телефон "горячей линии" 8(495)279-08-03. Очевидцы рассказывают "Было пять или шесть взрывов. Остатки самолета лежали на детском пляже. Ребята вытаскивали парней баграми – вместе с креслами, они были пристегнуты ремнями", - рассказали очевидцы. "Мы шли по дороге, и что-то стало в воздухе взрываться. Мы посмотрели – а там большое пламя. Мы даже не подумали, что мог взорваться самолет", - заявили местные жители.
Расследование причин катастрофы Одной из причин происшедшего, по сообщениям Росавиации, может быть то, что самолет не смог набрать безопасную высоту и столкнулся с антенной маяка, расположенной за взлетно-посадочной полосой. В аэропорту "Туношна", с которого взлетал самолет, в качестве основной рассматривается версия о технической неисправности самолета. Рассматривается также версия об ошибке пилота.
Вечером в среду под Ярославлем была ясная погода, наблюдалась небольшая облачность. Як выкатился за ВВП аэропорта "Туношна", поднялся на полтора метра в воздух, задел ближний привод, после чего рухнул. Часть фюзеляжа самолета упала в Волгу. Периодическое техническое обслуживание самолет проходил 16 августа 2011 г. в Казани. Ссамолет был выпущен в 1993 г. и имел сертификат летной годности до 1 октября 2011 г. Ресурс двигателей не истек и за время эксплуатации самолет налетал 6,2 тыс. часов и совершил 2,9 тыс. взлетно-посадочных операций. Самолет был оборудован системой предупреждения столкновения с землей и системой предупреждения столкновения в воздухе.
На место катастрофы вылетела комиссия Межгосударственного авиационного комитета (группу экспертов МАК, которая будет расследовать авиакатастрофу, возглавил Леонид Каширский) вылетела в Ярославль для технического расследования катастрофы. В Следственном комитете РФ сообщили, что по факту авиакатастрофы возбуждено уголовное дело. По факту падения самолета возбуждено уголовное дело по статье 263 УК РФ (нарушение правил безопасности движения воздушного транспорта).
Авиакомпания "Як-Сервис" Разбившийся самолет принадлежал компании "ЯК-Сервис". Генпрокурор РФ Юрий Чайка поручил московскому межрегиональному и северо-западному транспортным прокурорам проверить соблюдение законодательства данной авиакомпанией. В целях недопущения подобных фактов руководителям Росавиации и Ространснадзора направлена информация о необходимости организации проверки соблюдения сертификационных и лицензионных требований авиакомпанией, а также оценки летной годности всех воздушных судов типа Як-42. Известно, что разбившийся пассажирский самолет Як-42Д с бортовым номером 42434 был взят в лизинг авиакомпанией "Як Сервис" у Космического центра имени Хруничева. "Самолет эксплуатировался с 1993 года. VIP-салон лайнера рассчитан на 73 пассажира. Срок действия сертификата летной годности истекал 1 октября 2011 года. Самолет Як-42Д был передан авиакомпании "Як Сервис" на условиях лизинга. "Однако специалисты авиакомпании "Протон", принадлежащей Центру имени Хруничева, не занимались техническим обслуживанием данного борта. В самой авиакомпании "Як-Сервис" от комментариев по поводу произошедшего отказались. "Никаких комментариев мы не даем, комментировать ничего пока не можем"... "
Як-Сервис" занимается чартерными и VIP перевозками. Парк компании состоял из четырех самолетов Як-40 и одного Як-42. ЗАО "Авиационная компания "Як-Сервис" зарегистрировано в Москве, возглавляет компанию Олег Сильницкий. Выручка ЗАО в 2010 году составила 192 млн рублей. Акционеры "Як-Сервиса" - ООО "Як-Авиа-Сервис" (принадлежит Максиму Чуканцеву, 80%) и ОАО "Тува Авиа" (20%).

Что будет с хоккейным клубом Ярославская хоккейная команда "Локомотив", один из лидеров российского хоккея, должна была провести матч с "Динамо-Минск" 8 сентября. Среди погибших - в том числе члены ярославской хоккейной команды "Локомотив". В состав хоккейного клуба "Локомотив", разбившегося в результате авиакатастрофы Як-42, входили иностранные граждане. В составе разбившейся команды были хоккеисты из Швеции, Польши, Украины, Чехии, Германии, Белоруссии, Латвии и других стран. Однако костяк команды составляли россияне. Самый молодой игрок команды - гражданин России, 1991 года рождения.
Посольства Чехии, Швеции и Словакии уже подтвердили гибель своих граждан. Президент ОАО "РЖД" Владимир Якунин назвал ужаснейшей трагедией катастрофу самолета Як-42. "Это ужаснейшая трагедия. Я выражаю соболезнования всем родным и близким погибших", - сказал он в среду. "Я уверен, что мы возродим команду, возродим в память обо всех погибших в сегодняшней авиакатастрофе", - сказал Якунин.
Президент ФК "Локомотив" Ольга Смородская выразила соболезнования хоккейному "Локомотиву" и всем родным и близким погибших в сегодняшней трагедии под Ярославлем. "В спортивной семье "Локомотива" настоящее горе. Словами невозможно описать боль утраты. Хотела бы выразить искренние соболезнования родным и близким погибших", - отметила Смородская.
Кроме того, болельщики разных команд планируют в среду вечером собраться на Красной площади, чтобы почтить память хоккеистов "Локомотива", погибших в авиакатастрофе в Ярославле. Профсоюз игроков КХЛ окажет всестороннюю поддержку семьям хоккеистов, погибших в сегодняшней катастрофе под "Ярославлем". Принято решение о перечислении части взносов, которые должны были уйти в пенсионный фонд хоккеистов, родственникам погибших ребят. В четверг на сайте организации появятся координаты расчетного счета, куда люди смогут перечислять средства. "Мы будем аккумулировать эту работу, обязательно поддержим семьи", - сказал председатель профсоюза.
список находившихся на борту
МЧС России опубликовало список всех пассажиров и членов экипажа, находившихся на борту самолета Як-42, разбившегося в среду, 7 сентября, под Ярославлем. В списке - восемь членов экипажа и 37 пассажиров.Экипаж
1. Солонцев Андрей Анатольевич
2. Жевелов Игорь Константинович
3. Журавлев Сергей Валерьевич
4. Сизов Александр Борисович (выжил)
5. Матюшкин Владимир Юрьевич
6. Сарматова Елена Александровна
7. Максумова Надежда Музофаровна
8. Шавина Елена Михайловна
1. Аникеенко Виталий Сергеевич
2. Бахвалов Юрий Алексеевич
3. Беляев Александр Владимирович
4. Баландин Михаил Юрьевич
5. Васюнов Александр Сергеевич
6. Вашичек Йозеф
7. Вьюхин Александр Евгеньевич
8. Галимов Александр Сергеевич (выжил)
9. Дитрих Роберт Генрихович
10. Демитра Павол
11. Зимин Андрей Валерьевич
12. Калимулин Марат Натфуллович
13. Карповцев Александр Георгиевич
14. Калянин Александр Игоревич
15. Кирюхин Андрей Анатольевич
16. Клюкин Никита Сергеевич
17. Королев Игорь Борисович
18. Кривоносов Николай Иванович
19. Куннов Евгений Геннадиевич
20. Кузнецов Вячеслав Михайлович
21. Лив Стефан Даниэль Патрик
22. Марек Ян
23. Маккриммон Брэд Байрон
24. Остапчук Сергей Игоревич
25. Пискунов Владимир Леонидович
26. Рахунек Карел
27. Сидоров Евгений Владимирович
28. Скрастиныш Карлис Мартинович
29. Салей Руслан Альбертович
30. Снурницын Павел Сергеевич
31. Собченко Данил Евгеньевич
32. Ткаченко Иван Леонидович
33. Траханов Павел Сергеевич
34. Урычев Игорь Олегович
35. Чурилов Геннадий Станиславович
36. Шувалов Максим Алексеевич
37. Ярчук Артем Николаевич
During takeoff from the airport Yaroslavl plane crashed Yak-42 carrying the hockey team "Lokomotiv". Results on the plane were 45 people, two have survived ...
Data on the dead and injured
When taking off from an aerodrome Yaroslavl Tunoshna Yak-42 banked to the left and crashed 500 meters from the airport. In the Russian aviation and MOE confirmed the accident, but the data on board, the survivors and victims differed. It was reported that the plane there were 36-37 persons. Originally argued that killed all or one person survived. The data are then entered the data of Ministry of Health - Office representatives have reported that two had survived. Both were taken to hospital Yaroslavl ambulance behalf NV Solov'eva in serious condition.
Press secretary of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Yaroslavl region, Alexander Sheehan confirmed the information about the two survivors. As the agency became aware of a source in law enforcement in the region, among the survivors - a player the club "Locomotive" and a member of the crew. One of the survivors, according to updated data - forward "Locomotive" Alexander Galimov. Chief medical officer Alexander Degtyarev institutions came to stay with relatives and said the names of survivors. "Alexander the Galimova 80 percent burns. He's already made one transaction, you will need a few more. Sizov flight engineer has 15 per cent burns and a broken hip.
Then came the final figures are known: on board the Yak-42 was 45 people: 37 passengers and eight crew members, among those on board were 11 foreigners, reported the regional department of the Emergencies Ministry. "According to 19:30, 43 people died, two survived," - noted in the Regional Office of Ministry for Emergencies. The list of team members 26 Russians and 11 foreigners, including head coach Brad McCrimmon Canadian; players Swede Stefan Liv, Alexander Vyuhin having Russian and Ukrainian citizenship, Karel Rachunek Czechs, Jan Marek, Josef Vašíček, Pavol Demitra Slovak, Latvian Karlis Skrastins ; citizen of Belarus Ruslan Salei, Robert Dietrich, who has Russian and German nationality. The death of their citizens have already confirmed the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine and Sweden.
In connection with the crash of Yak-42 is open telephone "hotline" 8 (495) 279-08-03. Witnesses said "It was five or six explosions. Remains of the aircraft were on a children's beach. Guys were pulling guys hooks - along with the chairs, they were wearing seat belts," - told the witnesses. "We were walking along the road, and something has to explode in the air. We looked at - and there is a big flame. We did not think it could blow up the plane," - said by local residents.
Investigate the causes of the disaster one of the reasons for the incident, according to Federal Air Transport Agency, may be that the plane could not gain a safe height and collided with a beacon antenna, located at the runway. At the airport, "Tunoshna" from which the plane took off, is regarded as the basic version of the technical malfunction of the aircraft. We also consider the version of pilot error.
Wednesday evening near Yaroslavl was cloudy, overcast observed. Yak skidded GDP airport "Tunoshna" rose to five feet in the air, touched near the drive, and then collapsed. Part of the fuselage fell into the Volga. Periodic maintenance aircraft held August 16, 2011 in Kazan. Ssamolet was released in 1993 and had a certificate of airworthiness prior to October 1, 2011 Life span has expired and for the operation of the aircraft flew 6.2 thousand hours and made 2.9 thousand runway operations. The aircraft was equipped with a collision warning system with the earth and the prevention of collisions in the air.
At the crash site taken off the commission of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC group of experts that will investigate the crash, headed by Leonid Kashirsky) flew in Yaroslavl for technical investigation of the accident. In the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation said that in fact the crash a criminal case. In fact the crash a criminal case under Article 263 of the Criminal Code (violation of safety of air transport).
Airline "Yak-Service" crashed plane belonged to the company, "YAK-Service". Attorney General Yuri Chaika ordered Moscow interregional and northwest transport prosecutor to verify compliance with the laws of the airline. In order to prevent such violations and managers Rosaviation Rostransnadzor sent information about the need for organizations to verify compliance certification and licensing requirements of airlines, as well as assessment of airworthiness of all aircraft Yak-42. It is known that a crashed passenger jet Yak-42D, tail number 42 434 was taken on lease the airline "Yak Service" at Space Center Khrunichev. "The plane was operated since 1993. VIP-cabin ship designed for 73 passengers. The certificate of airworthiness expired on October 1, 2011. Yak-42D was transferred to airlines' Yak Service" on a lease. "However, experts airlines" Proton " owned by the Khrunichev Center, not involved in maintenance of the rail. In the airline "Yak-Service" to comment on the incident have refused. "No we do not make comments, to comment on anything until you can '... "
Yak-Service "is engaged in charter and VIP transport. Park the company consisted of four Yak-40 and a Yak-42. JSC" Aviation Company "Yak-Service" was registered in Moscow, the head of the company Oleg Silnitsky. Company revenues in 2010 totaled 192 million rubles. Shareholders' Yak-Service "- OOO" Yak-Air-Service "(owned by Maxim Chukantsevu, 80%) and JSC" Air Tuva "(20%).
What will happen to the hockey club hockey team Yaroslavl "Locomotive", one of the leaders of Russian hockey, the match was supposed to make a "Dynamo-Minsk" on September 8. Among those killed - including members of Yaroslavl's hockey team "Lokomotiv". The composition of the hockey club "Locomotive", which crashed in a plane crash of Yak-42 were foreign nationals. As part of the team were shattered players from Sweden, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Germany, Belarus, Latvia and other countries. However, the backbone of the team were Russians. The youngest player of the team - a Russian citizen, born in 1991.
Embassy of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Sweden have confirmed the death of its citizens. President of JSC "RZD" Vladimir Yakunin, has called a terrible tragedy crash of Yak-42. "This is a terrible tragedy. I express my condolences to all relatives and friends of the dead" - he said on Wednesday. "I am confident that we will renew command to renew the memory of all who perished in a plane crash today," - said Yakunin.
President of FC "Locomotive" Olga Smorodskaya expressed condolences to the hockey "Locomotives" and all the relatives and friends of those killed in today's tragedy near Yaroslavl. "In sports family" Locomotive "real grief. Words can not describe the pain of loss. I would like to express my sincere condolences to the bereaved families and relatives," - said Smorodskaya.
In addition, fans of different teams plan to gather Wednesday night in Red Square to commemorate the players "Locomotive", who died in a plane crash in Yaroslavl. The union players CHL will fully support the families of players who died in the crash at today's "Yaroslavl". A decision on the transfer of contributions that were supposed to go into the pension fund players, relatives of the dead guys. On Thursday at the site of the organization will coordinate the current account, where people will be able to transfer funds. "We will accumulate the job, be sure to support the family" - said the chairman of the union.
List on board
Russian Emergencies Ministry has published a list of all passengers and crew members aboard the Yak-42 crashed on Wednesday, September 7, near Yaroslavl. In the list - eight crew members and 37 passengers.
1. Solontsov Andrey
2. Zhevelov Igor K.
3. Zhuravlev, Sergey V.
4. Sizov, Alexander B. (survived)
5. Matyushkin Vladimir Y.
6. Sarmatova Elena
7. Maksumova Hope Muzofarovna
8. Chavigny Elena
1. Anikeenko Vitaly
2. Bakhvalov Yuri
3. Alexander Belyaev
4. Mikhail Balandin
5. Alexander Vasyunov
6. Vašíček Joseph
7. Vyuhin Alexander E.
8. Galimov Alexander (survived)
9. Robert Dietrich Genrikhovich
10. Pavol Demitra
11. Zimin Andrey
12. Kalimulin Marat Natfullovich
13. Karpovtsev Alexander G.
14. Kalyanin Alexander I.
15. Kiryukhin Andrey
16. Klyukin Nikita
17. Korolev, Igor B.
18. Krivonosov Nikolai
19. Eugene G. Kunnov
20. Vyacheslav Kuznetsov
21. Stefan Liv, Daniel Patrick
22. Jan Marek
23. Brad McCrimmon Byron
24. Ostapchuk Sergey I.
25. Piskunov, Vladimir Leonidovich
26. Karel Rachunek
27. Evgeny Sidorov
28. Skrastinysh Karlis Martinovic
29. Ruslan Salei Albertovich
30. Snurnitsyn Pavel
31. Daniel E. Sobchenko
32. Tkachenko Ivan Leonidovich
33. Fucking Paul S.
34. Urych Igor O.
35. Gennady Churilov S.
36. Maxim A. Shuvalov
37. Yarchuk Artem Nikolaevich
Data on the dead and injured
When taking off from an aerodrome Yaroslavl Tunoshna Yak-42 banked to the left and crashed 500 meters from the airport. In the Russian aviation and MOE confirmed the accident, but the data on board, the survivors and victims differed. It was reported that the plane there were 36-37 persons. Originally argued that killed all or one person survived. The data are then entered the data of Ministry of Health - Office representatives have reported that two had survived. Both were taken to hospital Yaroslavl ambulance behalf NV Solov'eva in serious condition.
Press secretary of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Yaroslavl region, Alexander Sheehan confirmed the information about the two survivors. As the agency became aware of a source in law enforcement in the region, among the survivors - a player the club "Locomotive" and a member of the crew. One of the survivors, according to updated data - forward "Locomotive" Alexander Galimov. Chief medical officer Alexander Degtyarev institutions came to stay with relatives and said the names of survivors. "Alexander the Galimova 80 percent burns. He's already made one transaction, you will need a few more. Sizov flight engineer has 15 per cent burns and a broken hip.
Then came the final figures are known: on board the Yak-42 was 45 people: 37 passengers and eight crew members, among those on board were 11 foreigners, reported the regional department of the Emergencies Ministry. "According to 19:30, 43 people died, two survived," - noted in the Regional Office of Ministry for Emergencies. The list of team members 26 Russians and 11 foreigners, including head coach Brad McCrimmon Canadian; players Swede Stefan Liv, Alexander Vyuhin having Russian and Ukrainian citizenship, Karel Rachunek Czechs, Jan Marek, Josef Vašíček, Pavol Demitra Slovak, Latvian Karlis Skrastins ; citizen of Belarus Ruslan Salei, Robert Dietrich, who has Russian and German nationality. The death of their citizens have already confirmed the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine and Sweden.
In connection with the crash of Yak-42 is open telephone "hotline" 8 (495) 279-08-03. Witnesses said "It was five or six explosions. Remains of the aircraft were on a children's beach. Guys were pulling guys hooks - along with the chairs, they were wearing seat belts," - told the witnesses. "We were walking along the road, and something has to explode in the air. We looked at - and there is a big flame. We did not think it could blow up the plane," - said by local residents.
Investigate the causes of the disaster one of the reasons for the incident, according to Federal Air Transport Agency, may be that the plane could not gain a safe height and collided with a beacon antenna, located at the runway. At the airport, "Tunoshna" from which the plane took off, is regarded as the basic version of the technical malfunction of the aircraft. We also consider the version of pilot error.
Wednesday evening near Yaroslavl was cloudy, overcast observed. Yak skidded GDP airport "Tunoshna" rose to five feet in the air, touched near the drive, and then collapsed. Part of the fuselage fell into the Volga. Periodic maintenance aircraft held August 16, 2011 in Kazan. Ssamolet was released in 1993 and had a certificate of airworthiness prior to October 1, 2011 Life span has expired and for the operation of the aircraft flew 6.2 thousand hours and made 2.9 thousand runway operations. The aircraft was equipped with a collision warning system with the earth and the prevention of collisions in the air.
At the crash site taken off the commission of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC group of experts that will investigate the crash, headed by Leonid Kashirsky) flew in Yaroslavl for technical investigation of the accident. In the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation said that in fact the crash a criminal case. In fact the crash a criminal case under Article 263 of the Criminal Code (violation of safety of air transport).
Airline "Yak-Service" crashed plane belonged to the company, "YAK-Service". Attorney General Yuri Chaika ordered Moscow interregional and northwest transport prosecutor to verify compliance with the laws of the airline. In order to prevent such violations and managers Rosaviation Rostransnadzor sent information about the need for organizations to verify compliance certification and licensing requirements of airlines, as well as assessment of airworthiness of all aircraft Yak-42. It is known that a crashed passenger jet Yak-42D, tail number 42 434 was taken on lease the airline "Yak Service" at Space Center Khrunichev. "The plane was operated since 1993. VIP-cabin ship designed for 73 passengers. The certificate of airworthiness expired on October 1, 2011. Yak-42D was transferred to airlines' Yak Service" on a lease. "However, experts airlines" Proton " owned by the Khrunichev Center, not involved in maintenance of the rail. In the airline "Yak-Service" to comment on the incident have refused. "No we do not make comments, to comment on anything until you can '... "
Yak-Service "is engaged in charter and VIP transport. Park the company consisted of four Yak-40 and a Yak-42. JSC" Aviation Company "Yak-Service" was registered in Moscow, the head of the company Oleg Silnitsky. Company revenues in 2010 totaled 192 million rubles. Shareholders' Yak-Service "- OOO" Yak-Air-Service "(owned by Maxim Chukantsevu, 80%) and JSC" Air Tuva "(20%).
What will happen to the hockey club hockey team Yaroslavl "Locomotive", one of the leaders of Russian hockey, the match was supposed to make a "Dynamo-Minsk" on September 8. Among those killed - including members of Yaroslavl's hockey team "Lokomotiv". The composition of the hockey club "Locomotive", which crashed in a plane crash of Yak-42 were foreign nationals. As part of the team were shattered players from Sweden, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Germany, Belarus, Latvia and other countries. However, the backbone of the team were Russians. The youngest player of the team - a Russian citizen, born in 1991.
Embassy of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Sweden have confirmed the death of its citizens. President of JSC "RZD" Vladimir Yakunin, has called a terrible tragedy crash of Yak-42. "This is a terrible tragedy. I express my condolences to all relatives and friends of the dead" - he said on Wednesday. "I am confident that we will renew command to renew the memory of all who perished in a plane crash today," - said Yakunin.
President of FC "Locomotive" Olga Smorodskaya expressed condolences to the hockey "Locomotives" and all the relatives and friends of those killed in today's tragedy near Yaroslavl. "In sports family" Locomotive "real grief. Words can not describe the pain of loss. I would like to express my sincere condolences to the bereaved families and relatives," - said Smorodskaya.
In addition, fans of different teams plan to gather Wednesday night in Red Square to commemorate the players "Locomotive", who died in a plane crash in Yaroslavl. The union players CHL will fully support the families of players who died in the crash at today's "Yaroslavl". A decision on the transfer of contributions that were supposed to go into the pension fund players, relatives of the dead guys. On Thursday at the site of the organization will coordinate the current account, where people will be able to transfer funds. "We will accumulate the job, be sure to support the family" - said the chairman of the union.
List on board
Russian Emergencies Ministry has published a list of all passengers and crew members aboard the Yak-42 crashed on Wednesday, September 7, near Yaroslavl. In the list - eight crew members and 37 passengers.
1. Solontsov Andrey
2. Zhevelov Igor K.
3. Zhuravlev, Sergey V.
4. Sizov, Alexander B. (survived)
5. Matyushkin Vladimir Y.
6. Sarmatova Elena
7. Maksumova Hope Muzofarovna
8. Chavigny Elena
1. Anikeenko Vitaly
2. Bakhvalov Yuri
3. Alexander Belyaev
4. Mikhail Balandin
5. Alexander Vasyunov
6. Vašíček Joseph
7. Vyuhin Alexander E.
8. Galimov Alexander (survived)
9. Robert Dietrich Genrikhovich
10. Pavol Demitra
11. Zimin Andrey
12. Kalimulin Marat Natfullovich
13. Karpovtsev Alexander G.
14. Kalyanin Alexander I.
15. Kiryukhin Andrey
16. Klyukin Nikita
17. Korolev, Igor B.
18. Krivonosov Nikolai
19. Eugene G. Kunnov
20. Vyacheslav Kuznetsov
21. Stefan Liv, Daniel Patrick
22. Jan Marek
23. Brad McCrimmon Byron
24. Ostapchuk Sergey I.
25. Piskunov, Vladimir Leonidovich
26. Karel Rachunek
27. Evgeny Sidorov
28. Skrastinysh Karlis Martinovic
29. Ruslan Salei Albertovich
30. Snurnitsyn Pavel
31. Daniel E. Sobchenko
32. Tkachenko Ivan Leonidovich
33. Fucking Paul S.
34. Urych Igor O.
35. Gennady Churilov S.
36. Maxim A. Shuvalov
37. Yarchuk Artem Nikolaevich
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