50 лет тому назад, в 1961 году Восточная Германия (ГДР) возвела стену – сначала из колючей проволоки, затем из бетона. Стена была построена в разгар Холодной войны прямо в центре Берлина, и основная цель ее была – препятствовать жителям Восточной Германии в их попытках бежать в ФРГ...
Согласно одному из источников, за время существования стены при попытке бегства погибли 136 человек, однако точное число жертв так никогда и не было официально установлено. Берлинская стена была снесена в начале ноября 1989 года в рамках воссоединения двух Германий.
К пятидесятилетнему юбилею Берлинской стены, ее прошлому и настоящему посвящается.

1. Монахиня перед венками, которые возложили в память о 50-летии возведения Берлинской стены. Снимок сделан на улице Бернауэр в столице Германии 13 августа. Германия отметила 50-летие со дня, когда коммунистическая ГДР запечатала себя за стеной. После окончания Второй мировой войны Германия разделилась на капиталистический запад и коммунистический восток. В пик напряженных отношений между США и СССР, 13 августа 1961 года ГДР начала строительство стены через всю столицу. (Markus Schreiber/Associated Press)

2. Жительница западного Берлина общается через стену с жительницей восточного Берлина в 1962 году. (KRT)

3. Современные немцы у Берлинской стены на улице Бернауэр Штрассе. (Markus Schreiber/Associated Press)

4. Мальчик на плечах друга пытается заглянуть по ту сторону стены в Веддинге, Западный Берлин, 23 августа 1961 года. (Werner Kreusch/Associated Press)

5. Канцлер Германии Ангела Меркель, мэр Берлина Клаус Воверайт, президент Германии Кристиан Вульф и директор фонда Берлинской стены Аксель Клаусмайер возлагают венки на церемонии в память о строительстве стены в Берлине. Немцы почтили память тех, кто погиб, пытаясь пересечь стену. (Carsten Koall/AFP/Getty Images)

6. Отражение девушки в портретах людей, погибших при попытке перебраться через стену с восточной стороны на западную. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

7. Фото через Берлинскую стену: мужчина фотографирует кого-то у стены во время 50-летия ее строительства. (Michele Tantussi/AFP/Getty Images)

8. Мужчина с немецким флагом на церемонии в честь 50-летия возведения Берлинской стены в Берлине 13 августа. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

9. Девушка смотрит в отверстие сохранившейся части стены в так называемом «отрезке смерти», где солдатам ГДР приказали стрелять во всех, кто попытается бежать через стену в Западный Берлин. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images)

10. Фото до и после: Берлинская стена у Бранденбургских ворот в Берлине 6 июня 1989 года (слева) и общий вид на Эбертштрассе и Бранденбургские ворота 3 августа 2011 года. (Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters)

11. Бранденбургские ворота и Берлинская стена тогда и сейчас. (Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters)

12. Мужчина фотографирует выставку фотографий Берлинской стены на Бернауэр Штрассе во время церемонии памяти в Берлине 13 августа. (Michele Tantussi/AFP/Getty Images)

13. Полицейский Западного Берлина перед строящейся стеной 7 октября 1961 года. (Associated Press)

14. Сильвия фон Шайдт с болью вспоминает те дни, когда была построена Берлинская стена. (Markus Schreiber/Associated Press)

15. Туристки передают камеру через отверстие в сохранившемся участке стены в Документальном центре нацистских преступлений в Берлине. ( Steffi Loos/Associated Press)

16. Памятная плита и кирпичи на месте, где проходила Берлинская стена. (Thomas Peter/Reuters)

17. Люди смотрят на карту Берлинской стены в пределах улицы Бернауэр Штрассы. (Pawel Kopczynski/Reuters)

18. Туристы смотрят через отверстие в укреплении бывшей стены. (Thomas Peter/Reuters)

19. Туристы перед разрисованным граффити участком Берлинской стены. (Pawel Kopczynski/Reuters)

20. Артистка между железными прутьями на репетиции в Берлине 8 августа. Номер «Между кирпичами», поставленный Джо Парксом, был показан 13 августа во время церемонии празднования 50-летней годовщины со дня строительства стены. Железные прутья символизируют Берлинскую стену и установлены на месте, где проходила стена. (Markus Schreiber/Associated Press)

21. Мужчина бьет молотком по Берлинской стене во время ее сноса после 28 лет 12 ноября 1989 года. (John Gaps III, Associated Press)

22. Юная жительница Западного Берлина указывает на дыру в стене 11 ноября 1989 года. (Reuters)

23. Мальчишки из Западного Берлина смотрят через брешь в Берлинской стене на Потсдамскую площадь, где стоят охранники. (John Tlumacki/The Boston Globe)

24. Толпа жителей Западного Берлина перед стеной 11 ноября 1989 года с замиранием сердца смотрит, как офицеры сносят часть стены, чтобы открыть новый проход по ту сторону. (AFP)

25. Солдат-дезертир Ганс Конрад Шуманн перепрыгивает через колючую проволоку Берлинской стены 15 августа 1961 года. Шуманн сбежал в Западный Берлин к своей семье. Увековеченный на этом снимке Шуманн повесился на дереве рядом со своим домом 20 июня 1998 года. (Peter Leibing/Assocaited Press/Contipress)

26. Танки ГДР на мосту Варшауэр в Берлине 13 августа 1961 года. Пропускные пункты между Восточным и Западным Берлином тщательно охранялись, после того как коммунисты запретили жителям ГДР пересекать границу. (Peter Hillebrecht/Associated Press)

27. Рабочие ГДР (слева) воводят бетонную стену во французском квартале Восточного Берлина 15 августа 1961 года. (Eddie Worth/Associated Press)

28. Надпись «Из СССР с любовью» на Берлинской стене 13 октября 1976 года. (Ralph Gatti/AFP/Getty Images)

29. Пограничники держат Петера Фехтера 17 августа 1962 года. Фехтера застрелили солдаты ГДР, когда тот пытался перелезть через стену. (Associated Press)

30. Скульптура «Мемориальная стена 1000» художника Флориана Брауэра на так называемом «отрезке смерти» на месте, где раньше проходила Берлинская стена. Эта скульптура основана на той самой сцене, когда жителя ГДР Петера Фехтера в конце концов унес солдат ГДР, спустя почти час после того, как его застрелили 17 августа 1962 года, когда он пытался перелезть через стену на сторону Западного Берлина. Серьезно раненый Фехтер упал обратно и попросту истек кровью. Полиции Западного Берлина не разрешили вмешиваться, помощь Фехтеру не оказали и пограничные войска Союзников в пункте Чарли. И лишь час спустя один солдат унес его тело. (Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters)
50 years ago, in 1961, East Germany (GDR) has erected a wall - at first with barbed wire and then concrete. The wall was built at the height of the Cold War, right in the heart of Berlin, and its main purpose was - to prevent East Germans in their attempt to flee to West Germany. According to one source, during the existence of the wall while trying to escape killed 136 people, but the exact number of victims has never been officially established. The Berlin Wall was torn down in early November 1989 in the framework of the reunification of the two Germanys.
By the fiftieth anniversary of the Berlin Wall, bring you a compilation dedicated to its past and present.
1. Nun before wreaths are laid in memory of the 50th anniversary of the Berlin Wall. The picture was taken in the street Bernauer in the German capital on August 13. Germany marked the 50th anniversary of when the Communist GDR sealed themselves behind a wall. After the Second World War, Germany was divided into capitalist West and communist East. At the peak of tensions between the U.S. and the USSR, August 13, 1961 the GDR began building a wall through the entire capital. (Markus Schreiber / Associated Press)bp022 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
2. A resident of West Berlin after the wall communicates with the resident of East Berlin in 1962. (KRT)bp032 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
3. Modern Germans at the Berlin Wall Bernauer Strasse in the street. (Markus Schreiber / Associated Press)bp042 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
4. The boy on the shoulders of a friend is trying to look beyond the walls of a Wedding, West Berlin, August 23, 1961. (Werner Kreusch / Associated Press)bp052 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
5. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit, the German President Christian Wulff, and Director of the Berlin Wall, Axel Klausmayer lay wreaths at a ceremony to commemorate the construction of the wall in Berlin. The Germans honored the memory of those who died trying to cross the wall. (Carsten Koall / AFP / Getty Images)bp062 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
6. Reflection of a girl in his portraits of people who died while trying to climb over the wall on the east side to the west. (Sean Gallup / Getty Images)bp072 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
7. Photos of the Berlin Wall: a man taking pictures of someone against a wall during the 50th anniversary of its construction. (Michele Tantussi / AFP / Getty Images)bp082 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
8. A man with a German flag at a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the Berlin Wall in Berlin on August 13. (Sean Gallup / Getty Images)bp092 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
9. The girl looks into the hole remaining part of the wall in the so-called "segment of Death", where the soldiers were ordered to shoot GDR for all who tried to escape over the wall into West Berlin. (Sean Gallup / Getty Images)bp102 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
10. Before & After: The Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on June 6, 1989 (left) and a common view of the Brandenburg Gate and Ebertshtrasse August 3, 2011. (Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters)bp112 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
11. Brandenburg Gate and the Berlin Wall now and then. (Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters)bp122 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
12. A man photographs the exhibition of photos of the Berlin Wall at Bernauer Strasse in Berlin in memory of the ceremony on August 13. (Michele Tantussi / AFP / Getty Images)bp132 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
13. A policeman in West Berlin before the wall being built October 7, 1961. (Associated Press)bp142 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
14. Sylvia von Shaydt painfully recalls the days when it was built the Berlin Wall. (Markus Schreiber / Associated Press)bp152 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
15. Tourists pass through the camera hole in the remaining section of wall in the documentary center of Nazi crimes in Berlin. (Steffi Loos / Associated Press)bp162 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
16. Commemorative plate, and the bricks on the ground, which hosted the Berlin Wall. (Thomas Peter / Reuters)bp172 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
17. People look at a map of the Wall Street within Bernauer Strasse. (Pawel Kopczynski / Reuters)bp182 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
18. Visitors look through a hole in the building of the former wall. (Thomas Peter / Reuters)bp192 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
19. Visitors to the graffiti section of the Wall. (Pawel Kopczynski / Reuters)bp202 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
20. Actress between iron bars at a rehearsal in Berlin on August 8. Number "Between the bricks", staged Joe Parks, was shown to August 13 during a ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of the wall. Iron bars represent the Berlin wall and installed on site, which hosted the wall. (Markus Schreiber / Associated Press)bp212 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
21. Man hammers on the Berlin Wall during its demolition after 28 years November 12, 1989. (John Gaps III, Associated Press)bp222 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
22. A young woman from West Berlin points to a hole in the wall of November 11, 1989. (Reuters)bp232 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
23. The boys from West Berlin looking through a hole in the Berlin Wall at Potsdamer Platz, where there are security guards. (John Tlumacki / The Boston Globe)bp242 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
24. A crowd of people of West Berlin before the Wall November 11, 1989 with bated breath watching as the officers pulled down part of the wall to open a new passage on the other side. (AFP)bp252 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
25. The soldier, a deserter, Hans Conrad Schumann jumping over barbed wire Berlin Wall August 15, 1961. Schumann fled to West Berlin with his family. Immortalized in this picture Schumann hanged on a tree near his home June 20, 1998. (Peter Leibing / Assocaited Press / Contipress)bp261 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
26. The tanks on the bridge Varshauer GDR in Berlin August 13, 1961. Crossings between East and West Berlin were carefully protected, after the Communists banned the GDR residents to cross the border. (Peter Hillebrecht / Associated Press)bp271 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
27. Working GDR (left) vovodyat concrete wall in the French Quarter in East Berlin August 15, 1961. (Eddie Worth / Associated Press)bp281 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
28. The inscription "From the USSR with Love" at the Berlin Wall, October 13, 1976. (Ralph Gatti / AFP / Getty Images)bp291 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
29. Border guards keep Peter Fechter August 17, 1962. Fechter was shot dead soldiers GDR, when he tried to climb over the wall. (Associated Press)bp301 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
30. The sculpture "Memorial Wall 1000" artist Florian Brauer on the so-called "interval of death" on the spot, which previously held the Berlin Wall. This sculpture is based on the very scene where Peter Fechter resident GDR finally took the soldiers of the GDR, after almost an hour after he was shot August 17, 1962, when he tried to climb over the wall to the side of West Berlin. Seriously wounded Fechter fell back and simply bled to death. Police in West Berlin were not allowed to intervene, help Fechter did not have a border troops and the Allies in paragraph Charlie. And an hour later, one soldier took his body. (Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters)
By the fiftieth anniversary of the Berlin Wall, bring you a compilation dedicated to its past and present.
1. Nun before wreaths are laid in memory of the 50th anniversary of the Berlin Wall. The picture was taken in the street Bernauer in the German capital on August 13. Germany marked the 50th anniversary of when the Communist GDR sealed themselves behind a wall. After the Second World War, Germany was divided into capitalist West and communist East. At the peak of tensions between the U.S. and the USSR, August 13, 1961 the GDR began building a wall through the entire capital. (Markus Schreiber / Associated Press)bp022 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
2. A resident of West Berlin after the wall communicates with the resident of East Berlin in 1962. (KRT)bp032 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
3. Modern Germans at the Berlin Wall Bernauer Strasse in the street. (Markus Schreiber / Associated Press)bp042 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
4. The boy on the shoulders of a friend is trying to look beyond the walls of a Wedding, West Berlin, August 23, 1961. (Werner Kreusch / Associated Press)bp052 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
5. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit, the German President Christian Wulff, and Director of the Berlin Wall, Axel Klausmayer lay wreaths at a ceremony to commemorate the construction of the wall in Berlin. The Germans honored the memory of those who died trying to cross the wall. (Carsten Koall / AFP / Getty Images)bp062 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
6. Reflection of a girl in his portraits of people who died while trying to climb over the wall on the east side to the west. (Sean Gallup / Getty Images)bp072 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
7. Photos of the Berlin Wall: a man taking pictures of someone against a wall during the 50th anniversary of its construction. (Michele Tantussi / AFP / Getty Images)bp082 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
8. A man with a German flag at a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the Berlin Wall in Berlin on August 13. (Sean Gallup / Getty Images)bp092 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
9. The girl looks into the hole remaining part of the wall in the so-called "segment of Death", where the soldiers were ordered to shoot GDR for all who tried to escape over the wall into West Berlin. (Sean Gallup / Getty Images)bp102 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
10. Before & After: The Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on June 6, 1989 (left) and a common view of the Brandenburg Gate and Ebertshtrasse August 3, 2011. (Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters)bp112 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
11. Brandenburg Gate and the Berlin Wall now and then. (Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters)bp122 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
12. A man photographs the exhibition of photos of the Berlin Wall at Bernauer Strasse in Berlin in memory of the ceremony on August 13. (Michele Tantussi / AFP / Getty Images)bp132 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
13. A policeman in West Berlin before the wall being built October 7, 1961. (Associated Press)bp142 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
14. Sylvia von Shaydt painfully recalls the days when it was built the Berlin Wall. (Markus Schreiber / Associated Press)bp152 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
15. Tourists pass through the camera hole in the remaining section of wall in the documentary center of Nazi crimes in Berlin. (Steffi Loos / Associated Press)bp162 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
16. Commemorative plate, and the bricks on the ground, which hosted the Berlin Wall. (Thomas Peter / Reuters)bp172 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
17. People look at a map of the Wall Street within Bernauer Strasse. (Pawel Kopczynski / Reuters)bp182 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
18. Visitors look through a hole in the building of the former wall. (Thomas Peter / Reuters)bp192 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
19. Visitors to the graffiti section of the Wall. (Pawel Kopczynski / Reuters)bp202 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
20. Actress between iron bars at a rehearsal in Berlin on August 8. Number "Between the bricks", staged Joe Parks, was shown to August 13 during a ceremony celebrating the 50th anniversary of the wall. Iron bars represent the Berlin wall and installed on site, which hosted the wall. (Markus Schreiber / Associated Press)bp212 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
21. Man hammers on the Berlin Wall during its demolition after 28 years November 12, 1989. (John Gaps III, Associated Press)bp222 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
22. A young woman from West Berlin points to a hole in the wall of November 11, 1989. (Reuters)bp232 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
23. The boys from West Berlin looking through a hole in the Berlin Wall at Potsdamer Platz, where there are security guards. (John Tlumacki / The Boston Globe)bp242 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
24. A crowd of people of West Berlin before the Wall November 11, 1989 with bated breath watching as the officers pulled down part of the wall to open a new passage on the other side. (AFP)bp252 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
25. The soldier, a deserter, Hans Conrad Schumann jumping over barbed wire Berlin Wall August 15, 1961. Schumann fled to West Berlin with his family. Immortalized in this picture Schumann hanged on a tree near his home June 20, 1998. (Peter Leibing / Assocaited Press / Contipress)bp261 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
26. The tanks on the bridge Varshauer GDR in Berlin August 13, 1961. Crossings between East and West Berlin were carefully protected, after the Communists banned the GDR residents to cross the border. (Peter Hillebrecht / Associated Press)bp271 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
27. Working GDR (left) vovodyat concrete wall in the French Quarter in East Berlin August 15, 1961. (Eddie Worth / Associated Press)bp281 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
28. The inscription "From the USSR with Love" at the Berlin Wall, October 13, 1976. (Ralph Gatti / AFP / Getty Images)bp291 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
29. Border guards keep Peter Fechter August 17, 1962. Fechter was shot dead soldiers GDR, when he tried to climb over the wall. (Associated Press)bp301 50 years since the construction of the Berlin Wall
30. The sculpture "Memorial Wall 1000" artist Florian Brauer on the so-called "interval of death" on the spot, which previously held the Berlin Wall. This sculpture is based on the very scene where Peter Fechter resident GDR finally took the soldiers of the GDR, after almost an hour after he was shot August 17, 1962, when he tried to climb over the wall to the side of West Berlin. Seriously wounded Fechter fell back and simply bled to death. Police in West Berlin were not allowed to intervene, help Fechter did not have a border troops and the Allies in paragraph Charlie. And an hour later, one soldier took his body. (Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters)
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