Стив Джобс, основатель одной из самых успешных в мире корпорации Apple, скончался в США после восьми лет борьбы с раком, легендарному бизнес-магнату было всего 56 лет...
Чтобы почтить память основателя компании Apple, предлагаем вашему вниманию “пост из прошлого”: За свою почти сорокалетнюю карьеру Гуру Силиконовой Долины Стив Джобс предложил несколько революционных решений, которые изменили облик целой индустрии.

1. Компьютерный гений
В 1976 г. Стив Джобс вместе со своими товарищами основал Apple Inc. – компанию, которая навсегда задала вектор развития персональной компьютерной техники. Он один из первых осознал огромный коммерческий потенциал графического пользовательского интерфейса, использования мыши и управления с помощью «кликов» – то, что сегодня мы видим практически на каждом персональном компьютере.

2. Ранние союзники
Джобс встретил другого со-основателя Apple, Стивена Возняка (на снимке – сидит) работая в качестве студента-практиканта в небезызвестной компании Hewlett-Packard. Джобс поступил учиться в Reed College, однако всего через семестр забросил его и в 1974 г.вернулся в Силиконовую Долину, где вместе с Возняком начал посещать собрания компьютерного клуба Homebrew (т.е.«Самоделкиных»).

3. Революция в коробке
Первый компьютер компании Apple можно было найти в магазинах округа Bay Area, и стоил он 666 долларов 66 центов. Он представлял собой набор из печатной платы, россыпи деталей и 16 страниц инструкций. Чтобы собрать действующий аппарат, пользователь должен был где-то достать ещё блок питания, клавиатуру и монитор.

4. Молодой орёл
С техническим мастерством Джобса могли сравниться только его способности предпринимателя. Его непоколебимое упрямство и вера в свои идеи привели к массе разногласий с коллегами и критиками, заработав ему репутацию жёсткого и придирчивого руководителя.

5. Интриги
В 1983 г. Джобс пригласил президента PepsiCo Джона Скалли (на снимке – в центре) разделить вместе с ним и Возняком бразды правления компанией Apple. Однако сотрудничество не заладилось, так как вскоре последовавший спад на рынке привёл к приостановке производства и вынудил лидеров Apple пересмотреть свои маркетинговые и технические стратегии. К 1985 г. Джобса вытеснили из компании, одним из основателей которой он был.

6. Что было дальше
Отставка Джобса, казалось, только подстегнула его желание перекроить мир персональных компьютеров. Его следующее предприятие – фирма NeXT Computer – усовершенствовала достигнутое Apple, и создала следующий ПК в элегантном корпусе из магнезиевого сплава, с продвинутым по тем временам графическим интерфейсом, встроенным портом Ethernet и многими другими удачными техническими решениями. Аппарат стоил слишком дорого, чтобы получить широкое распространение, но он задал вектор развития следующего поколения персональных ЭВМ.

7. Возвращение в Apple
В отсутствие Джобса компания Apple плыла по течению, и даже чуть не обанкротилась в середине 90-х. Наконец, в 1996 г. компания объявила, что покупает дело NeXT Computer за 429 миллионов долларов, и таким образом Стив Джобс возвращается в лоно основанной им же компании. К 1998 г. Джобс назначен исполняющим обязанности генерального директора.

8. Джобс на работе
Многие инновации, использованные в компьютерах NeXT, нашли своё применение в последующем поколении компьютеров Apple. Джобс восстановил репутацию фирмы, выпустив ряд блестящих продуктов, таких как iMac, и поправил коммерческие дела, открыв сеть розничных точек, в которых продавалась исключительно техника и фурнитура Apple.

9. Мультики
Кроме того, за годы вне Apple Джобс купил и способствовал развитию студии компьютерной анимации Pixar. Первый художественный продукт студии – мультфильм «Игрушечная история» (Toy Story), выпущенный в 1995 г., собрал 360 миллионов долларов, и сделал студию одной из весомых фигур Голливуда. С тех пор студия выпустила целый ряд весьма успешных лент, включая такие шедевры, как «Найти Немо», «Cars», «Волли», и «Up». В 2006 г. «Дисней» купила студию за 7,4 миллиарда долларов, и Джобс стал владельцем солидной доли акций легендарного предприятия.
В 2001 г. Джобс произвёл новую революцию в мире электронных гаджетов, представив iPod. По функциональности новинка ненамного превзошла более ранние версии плейеров, зато она отличалась удобством в использовании и стильным дизайном. Параллельно начал работу iTunes – виртуальный сетевой магазин, который навсегда изменил облик музыкальной индустрии. Участники легендарной группы U2, Боно и Эдж (на снимке) поддержали начинание Джобса, и участвовали в презентации iPod‘а в 2004 г.

11. iPhone
В 2007 г. Джобс обратил своё внимание на сотовую связь. В этом же году он представил миру iPhone, который, поступив в продажу в июне, быстро распродал более 6 миллионов экземпляров и сравнялся по популярности с некоторыми марками, присутствовавшими на рынке годами, например с Blackberry. iPhone – это не только мобильник, это также точка выхода в Интернет с продвинутым пользовательским интерфейсом и большой библиотекой приложений, созданных обширной армией программистов Apple и просто энтузиастов.

12. Новые начинания
В январе 2010 Джобс объявил о том, что вскоре Apple представит новый мини-компьютер. Похожий по сути на iPhone, он будет иметь экран гораздо большего размера, что сделает более удобным и приятным такие вещи, как чтение, игры и просмотр видео. Новинка имела такой же успех, как её предшественники. Позавчера начались официальные продажи iPad в России. Известно, что в бизнесе и технологиях Стивен Джобс руководствуется девизом знаменитого хоккеиста Уэйна Грецки: «Я мчусь туда, где шайба будет, а не туда, где она есть или была».
5 октября 2011 года на 57-ом году жизни скончался создатель компании «Apple» Стив Джобс. У него была редкая форма рака поджелудочной железы. Джобс навсегда останется одной из самых заметных личностей в истории IT-технологий. Давайте вспомним, какими принципами руководствовался Стив Джобс в своей работе.

1. Стремись к совершенству.
Стив Джобс был внимателен к деталям. Накануне презентации первого iPod сотрудники компании «Apple» всю ночь заменяли гнезда для наушников, потому что Джобс решил, штекер наушников должен входить в них со звучным щелчком (Julie Jacobson / AP Photo)

2. Работай с экспертами.
Перед тем как запустить торговую сеть компании Джобс нанял в команду Микки Дрекслера из компании «Gap». (Daniel Barry / Getty Images)

3. Будь беспощаден.
Джобс одинаково гордился как теми продуктами, которые он представил общественности, так и теми, разработку которых заморозил. К примеру, Джобс усердно трудился над созданием клона «Palm Pilot», однако, когда понял, что мобильные телефоны вытеснят с рынка КПК, то без сожаления свернул все разработки, что дало его инженерам возможность работать над iPod’ом. (AP Photo)

4. Не ориентируйся на фокус-группы
Знаменитая фраза Джобса: «Люди сами не знают, чего хотят, пока ты не покажешь им это». Поэтому он сам работал в качестве фокус-группы из одного человека – брал домой прототипы продуктов и месяцами их тестировал. (Beth Keiser / AP Photo)

5. Изучение и исследование – бесконечный процесс.
Работая над ранними набросками для «Apple», Джобс тщательно изучил использование шрифтов, эргономику и внешний вид продуктов компании «Sony». Работая над корпусом первого «Мака», он бродил по парковке компании «Apple», изучая строение кузовов немецких и итальянских автомобилей. (Paul Sakuma / AP Photo)

6. Будь проще.
Философия дизайна Джобса – постоянное упрощение. При разработке самых первых моделей iPod’а он велел дизайнерам избавиться от кнопок, включая кнопку включения и выключения устройства. Дизайнеры пожаловались-пожаловались и разработали ставшее впоследствии культовым колесо прокрутки. (Anonymous / AP Photo)

7. Храни свои секреты.
В компании «Apple» никто не болтает лишнего. Соблюдение секретности помогало Джобсу поддерживать неистовый интерес к своим продуктам, в результате чего презентации его новинок неизменно становились новостью дня. (Paul Sakuma / AP Photo)

8. Работай небольшой командой.
В первоначальной команде «Macintosh» было сто человек, ни больше, ни меньше. Если нанимали 101-го человека, кому-то приходилось освободить для него место. Джобс решил, что сможет запомнить имена только 100 сотрудников компании. (Paul Sakuma / AP Photo)

9. Меньше кнута, больше пряника
Джобс был вполне строгим боссом, но для сотрудников Apple мощнейшим мотиватором была его харизма. Энтузиазм Джобса стал главной причиной того, что над первым Mac-ом команда Apple в течение трех лет работала по 90 часов в неделю, благодаря чему и был создан этот легендарный продукт. (Sal Veder / AP Photo)

10. Используй прототипы.
Все, что делал Джобс, было разработано на прототипах: техника, программное обеспечение, даже магазины «Apple». Архитекторы и дизайнеры более года проектировали прототип магазина на тайном складе недалеко от штаб-квартиры компании, только чтобы Джобс завернул проект, и все началось заново. (Craig Ruttle / AP Photo)

1. Свечи, цветы и iPhone с фотографией Стива Джобса у Apple Store 5 октября 2011 года в Нью-Йорке. Джобс умер в возрасте 56 лет от рака поджелудочной железы. Стив Джобс и Стив Возняк основали Apple в 1976 году. (Andrew Burton/Getty Images)

2. Апполин Арно, 12 лет, соседка Стива Джобса, пишет послание на стене напротив его дома в Пало Альто, Калифорния, 5 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

3. Приспущенные флаги у центрального офиса компании Apple в Купертино, Калифорния, 5 октября 2011 года. (Tony Avelar/Bloomberg)

4. Девушка по имени Молли пишет послание на окне Apple Store в Санта-Монике, Калифорния, 5 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

5. Портреты Стива Джобса на мониторе Корейской биржи в Сеуле, 6 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)

6. Портрет Стива Джобса на мониторе Корейской биржи в Сеуле, 6 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)

7. Надпись на стене у главного магазина Apple в Нью-Йорке, 5 октября 2011 года. Стив Джобс своими изобретениями навсегда изменил нашу повседневную жизнь и мировые технологии. (EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images)

8. Яблоко с надписью "прощай" рядом с магазином Apple, оставленное прохожим в знак памяти об основателе компании Стиве Джобсе, 5 октября 2011 года, Пасадена, Калифорния. (ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)

9. Прохожий фотографирует на iPhone 4 цветы у магазина Apple в Сиднее, 6 октября 2011 года.(TORSTEN BLACKWOOD/AFP/Getty Images)

10. Надписи на стикерах в магазине Apple в Пасадене, Калифорния, 5 октября 2011 года. (ROBYN BECK/AFP/Getty Images)

11. Фото Стива Джобса на экране в магазине Apple Store в Санта-Монике, Калифорния, 5 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)

12. Фотограф ставит снимок Джобса рядом с цветами у магазина Apple в Пекине, Китай, 6 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

13. Прохожий фотографирует цветы, выставленные у магазина Apple в память о Стиве Джобсе в Пекине, Китай, 6 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

14. . Девочка с iPad в магазине Apple в Пекине, Китай, 6 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

15. Букет белых роз у магазина Apple Store в Токио, 6 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)

16. Репортеры задают прохожим вопросы о смерти Стива Джобса перед Apple Store в Токио, 6 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)

17. Лин Лин из Сан-Хосе кладет цветы в память о Стиве Джобсе на скамейку перед центральным офисом Apple в Купертино, Калифорния, 5 октября 2011 года. (Tony Avelar/Bloomberg)

18. Цветы и яблоки в память о Стиве Джобсе на скамейке перед центральным офисом Apple в Купертино, Калифорния, 5 октября 2011 года. (Tony Avelar/Bloomberg)

19. Фотография Стива Джобса на экране iPad на скамейке перед центральным офисом Apple в Купертино, Калифорния, 5 октября 2011 года. (Tony Avelar/Bloomberg)

20. Импровизированный мемориал Стива Джобса перед Apple Store в Пало Альто, Калифорния, октября 2011 года. Люди собрались у магазинов компании Apple, чтобы отдать дань уважения ее умершему основателю. (Peter DaSilva/The New York Times)

21. Стефани Йенсен (слева) делает фотографию мемориала Стива Джобса с помощью своего iPhone, Сиэтл, 5 октября 2011 года. Компания Apple объявила о смерти Джобса без каких-либо дополнительных комментариев. По словам его родственников, смерть была безболезненной. .(AP Photo/The Seattle Times, Ken Lambert)

22. Мисти Рэйк с портретом Джобса на экране iPad у магазина Knox-Henderson Apple в Далласе, 5 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/The Dallas Morning News, Tom Fox)

23. Дом и гараж, где Джобс и его напарник Возняк создали компанию Apple, Лос Альтос, Калифорния, 5 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Dino Vournas)

24. Джим Брайсон у импровизированного мемориала Стива Джобса рядом с главным офисом компании Apple в Купертино, Калифорния, 5 октября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

25. Яблоко и цветок рядом с витриной магазина Apple в Пасадене, Калифорния, 5 сентября 2011 года. (AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu)

26. Мемориал Стива Джобса в Сан-Франциско, Калифорния, возник у магазина Apple вскоре после того, как распространилась новость о смерти основателя Apple, 5 октября 2011 года. (Karl Mondon/Contra Costa Times/MC)

27. Программист Стив Стреза, 24 года, у магазина Apple в Сан-Франциско, Калифорния, 5 октября 2011 года. (Karl Mondon/Contra Costa Times/MCT)
20 фактов о Стиве Джобсе
20 фактов о Стиве Джобсе

1. Стив Джобс имел Сирийские корни. Имя биологического отца Стива Абдулфаттах Джандали (Abdulfattah Jandali).

Мона Симпсон

3. Биологические родители Джобса, будучи студентами магистратуры, усомнились в своей готовности взять на себя бремя воспитания и отдали сына на усыновление. Через несколько лет у них родился еще один ребенок. К будущим усыновителям у родителей Стива было единственное требование — они должны иметь высшее образование. Но пара, взявшая ребенка, солгала им. Как выяснилось впоследствии, образования в колледже они не получили (мать даже не закончила среднюю школу). Им чуть было не отказали, но они пообещали отправить Стива в колледж.

4. Когда Стив работал в Atari он получил задание создать печатную плату для игры Breakout (арканоид). По словам основателя Atari Нолана Бушнелла, Компания предложила по 100 долларов за каждый чип, который можно было бы убрать из машины. Джобс мало что знал о конструкции платы и договорился с Возняком разделить бонус поровну между ними, если Возняк сможет свести к минимуму количество чипов. К большому удивлению Atari, Возняк уменьшил количество чипов на 50. Конструкция стала настолько плотной, что её было невозможно воспроизвести на сборочной линии. Тогда Джобс сказал Возняку, что Atari дала им только 700 долларов (вместо фактических 5000) и что доля Возняка, таким образом, 350 долларов.

5. Он не признавал своего первого ребенка, утверждая, что бесплоден.

6. Стив был пескетарианцем. Другими словами, он ел рыбу, ел вегетарианские блюда (включая яйца и молочные продукты), но не ел мясо.

7. Джобс подумывал уйти в монастырь и стать монахом. Свадебную церемонию Джобса проводил его гуру, буддистский монах.

8. Стив Джобс употреблял ЛСД как минимум один раз, в молодости. Он говорил, что этот опыт был «одной из двух или трех наиболее важных вещей, которые он сделал в своей жизни».

9. Джобс всегда отличался самоуверенностью. Когда в 12 лет у него закончились радиодетали, он позвонил Уильяму Хьюлетту (тому самому из Hewlett-Packard) и попросил помочь приобрести нужные детали: «Меня зовут Стив Джобс, и я хотел бы знать, есть ли у Вас запасные части, которые я мог бы использовать для сборки счетчика частоты». Пообщавшись с мальчиком, Уильям выслал ему все необходимое и пригласил в свою фирму поработать на каникулах.

10. Основатель Apple попал в Книгу рекордов Гиннеса как директор с самой скромной зарплатой в мире: по официальным документам, зарплата Джобса составляла 1 доллар в год.

Джон Скалли

The Beatles

13. Стив водил автомобиль (Mercedes SL55 AMG) без номерных знаков и всегда парковался на местах для инвалидов.

14. 90% сотрудников Apple никогда не встречались со Стивом Джобсом.

15. Джобс купил студию Pixar за 10 млн. долларов, а продал ее компании Disney за 7,5 млрд.

16. У Стива был 48 размер ноги.

Apple II

Стив Джобс и Тим Кук

Надпись на экране: Сообщения о моей смерти сильно преувеличены

20. Стив Джобс умер 5 октября 2011 года. Вечная память. Покойся с миром.
Steve Jobs, founder of one of the most successful corporations in the world Apple, died in the U.S. after eight years of fighting the cancer, the legendary business tycoon was only 56 years old.
To commemorate the founder of Apple, offer you a "post from the past": During his nearly forty years of his career guru of Silicon Valley, Steve Jobs offered a number of revolutionary solutions that have reshaped the entire industry.
To commemorate the founder of Apple, offer you a "post from the past": During his nearly forty years of his career guru of Silicon Valley, Steve Jobs offered a number of revolutionary solutions that have reshaped the entire industry.
1. Computer genius
In 1976, Steve Jobs, along with his comrades founded Apple Inc. - A company that asked for all vector of personal computers. He is one of the first to realize the huge commercial potential of the graphical user interface, use the mouse and control with the help of "clicks" - what we see today in almost every personal computer.steve jobs 02 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
2. The early allies
Jobs met another co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak (pictured - seated) worked as a student trainee in the infamous company Hewlett-Packard. Jobs went to study at Reed College, but only through the semester and threw it in 1974 g.vernulsya in Silicon Valley, where he and Wozniak started attending meetings Computer Club Homebrew (ie, "DIY").steve jobs 03 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
3. Revolution in a Box
The first computer company Apple could be found in stores county Bay Area, and it cost 666 dollars 66 cents. It was a set of printed circuit boards, parts placers, and 16 pages of instructions. To build the operating device, the user must have been somewhere else to get the power supply, keyboard and monitor.steve jobs 04 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
4. The young eagle
On the technical mastery Jobs could be compared only to its ability of the entrepreneur. His stubbornness and unshakable faith in his ideas led to the mass differences with his colleagues and critics, earning him a reputation as a hard and picky director.steve jobs 05 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
5. Intrigue
In 1983, Jobs invited the President of PepsiCo John Sculley (pictured - in the center) to share with him the reins and Wozniak from Apple. However, cooperation did not work out as soon followed by a decline in the market led to the suspension of production and forced the leaders of the Apple review its marketing and technical strategies. By 1985, Steve Jobs ousted from the company, one of the founders of which he was.steve jobs 06 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
6. What happened next
The resignation of Steve Jobs, it seemed only spurred his desire to reshape the world of personal computers. His next venture - a company NeXT Computer - enhanced reached by Apple, has created the next PC in an elegant building of the manganese alloy, advanced by the time graphic interface, built-in Ethernet port, and many other successful technical solutions. The unit cost is too expensive to be widely distributed, but he asked the vector of the next generation of personal computers.steve jobs 07 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
7. Return to Apple
In the absence of Steve Jobs, Apple floated downstream, and even almost went bankrupt in the mid 90s. Finally, in 1996 the company announced that it bought NeXT Computer for 429 million dollars, and so Steve Jobs returned to the bosom of which he founded the same company. By 1998, Jobs has been appointed acting CEO.steve jobs 08 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
8. Jobs in the workplace
Many of the innovations used in computers, NeXT, found their way into the next generation of computers Apple. Jobs has restored the reputation of the company by issuing a series of brilliant products, such as the iMac, and adjusted his business affairs, revealing a network of retail outlets that sold equipment and accessories exclusively Apple.steve jobs 09 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
9. Cartoons
In addition, for the years beyond Apple bought Jobs and contributed to the development of computer animation studio Pixar. The first art studio product - cartoon "Toy Story» (Toy Story), released in 1995, has collected $ 360 million, and made the studio of one of the biggest figures in Hollywood. Since then, the studio has released a number of very successful films, including such masterpieces as "Find Nemo», «Cars», «Wally," and «Up». In 2006, the "Disney" bought the studio for $ 7.4 billion, and Jobs was the owner of the solid portion of shares of the legendary company.steve jobs 10 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
10. Rock and roll
In 2001, Jobs has made a new revolution in the world of electronic gadgets, providing iPod. As the functionality of new slightly exceeded earlier players, but it offers the convenience to use and stylish design. In parallel, started iTunes - a virtual online store that has forever changed the face of the music industry. Participants of the legendary group U2, Bono and The Edge (pictured) backed initiative Jobs, and participated in the presentation iPod'a in 2004steve jobs 11 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
11. iPhone
In 2007, Jobs has turned his attention to cell phones. In the same year he introduced the world to the iPhone, which will go on sale in June, quickly sold more than 6 million copies and been caught up in popularity with some of the brands present in the market for years, such as a Blackberry. iPhone - is not only a mobile phone, it also point to the Internet with advanced user interface and a large library of applications built vast army of programmers and Apple enthusiasts.steve jobs 12 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
12. New Beginnings
In January 2010, Jobs announced that Apple will soon introduce a new mini-computer. Essentially similar to the iPhone, it will have a much larger screen, making it more convenient and enjoyable things such as reading, games and watching videos. New to have the same success as its predecessors. The day before yesterday began the official iPad sales in Russia. We know that in business and technology Steven Jobs famous hockey player guided by the motto of Wayne Gretzky: "I rush to where the puck will be, not where it is or was."
In 1976, Steve Jobs, along with his comrades founded Apple Inc. - A company that asked for all vector of personal computers. He is one of the first to realize the huge commercial potential of the graphical user interface, use the mouse and control with the help of "clicks" - what we see today in almost every personal computer.steve jobs 02 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
2. The early allies
Jobs met another co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak (pictured - seated) worked as a student trainee in the infamous company Hewlett-Packard. Jobs went to study at Reed College, but only through the semester and threw it in 1974 g.vernulsya in Silicon Valley, where he and Wozniak started attending meetings Computer Club Homebrew (ie, "DIY").steve jobs 03 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
3. Revolution in a Box
The first computer company Apple could be found in stores county Bay Area, and it cost 666 dollars 66 cents. It was a set of printed circuit boards, parts placers, and 16 pages of instructions. To build the operating device, the user must have been somewhere else to get the power supply, keyboard and monitor.steve jobs 04 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
4. The young eagle
On the technical mastery Jobs could be compared only to its ability of the entrepreneur. His stubbornness and unshakable faith in his ideas led to the mass differences with his colleagues and critics, earning him a reputation as a hard and picky director.steve jobs 05 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
5. Intrigue
In 1983, Jobs invited the President of PepsiCo John Sculley (pictured - in the center) to share with him the reins and Wozniak from Apple. However, cooperation did not work out as soon followed by a decline in the market led to the suspension of production and forced the leaders of the Apple review its marketing and technical strategies. By 1985, Steve Jobs ousted from the company, one of the founders of which he was.steve jobs 06 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
6. What happened next
The resignation of Steve Jobs, it seemed only spurred his desire to reshape the world of personal computers. His next venture - a company NeXT Computer - enhanced reached by Apple, has created the next PC in an elegant building of the manganese alloy, advanced by the time graphic interface, built-in Ethernet port, and many other successful technical solutions. The unit cost is too expensive to be widely distributed, but he asked the vector of the next generation of personal computers.steve jobs 07 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
7. Return to Apple
In the absence of Steve Jobs, Apple floated downstream, and even almost went bankrupt in the mid 90s. Finally, in 1996 the company announced that it bought NeXT Computer for 429 million dollars, and so Steve Jobs returned to the bosom of which he founded the same company. By 1998, Jobs has been appointed acting CEO.steve jobs 08 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
8. Jobs in the workplace
Many of the innovations used in computers, NeXT, found their way into the next generation of computers Apple. Jobs has restored the reputation of the company by issuing a series of brilliant products, such as the iMac, and adjusted his business affairs, revealing a network of retail outlets that sold equipment and accessories exclusively Apple.steve jobs 09 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
9. Cartoons
In addition, for the years beyond Apple bought Jobs and contributed to the development of computer animation studio Pixar. The first art studio product - cartoon "Toy Story» (Toy Story), released in 1995, has collected $ 360 million, and made the studio of one of the biggest figures in Hollywood. Since then, the studio has released a number of very successful films, including such masterpieces as "Find Nemo», «Cars», «Wally," and «Up». In 2006, the "Disney" bought the studio for $ 7.4 billion, and Jobs was the owner of the solid portion of shares of the legendary company.steve jobs 10 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
10. Rock and roll
In 2001, Jobs has made a new revolution in the world of electronic gadgets, providing iPod. As the functionality of new slightly exceeded earlier players, but it offers the convenience to use and stylish design. In parallel, started iTunes - a virtual online store that has forever changed the face of the music industry. Participants of the legendary group U2, Bono and The Edge (pictured) backed initiative Jobs, and participated in the presentation iPod'a in 2004steve jobs 11 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
11. iPhone
In 2007, Jobs has turned his attention to cell phones. In the same year he introduced the world to the iPhone, which will go on sale in June, quickly sold more than 6 million copies and been caught up in popularity with some of the brands present in the market for years, such as a Blackberry. iPhone - is not only a mobile phone, it also point to the Internet with advanced user interface and a large library of applications built vast army of programmers and Apple enthusiasts.steve jobs 12 long and remarkable career of Steve Jobs
12. New Beginnings
In January 2010, Jobs announced that Apple will soon introduce a new mini-computer. Essentially similar to the iPhone, it will have a much larger screen, making it more convenient and enjoyable things such as reading, games and watching videos. New to have the same success as its predecessors. The day before yesterday began the official iPad sales in Russia. We know that in business and technology Steven Jobs famous hockey player guided by the motto of Wayne Gretzky: "I rush to where the puck will be, not where it is or was."
1. Strive for excellence.
Steve Jobs was attentive to detail. On the eve of the presentation of the first iPod employees «Apple» overnight replaced the headphone jack, because Jobs decided headphone jack should be included in them with a resounding click (Julie Jacobson / AP Photo)0211 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
2. Work with the experts.
Before you start trading network of the company Jobs had hired a team of Mickey Drexler of the company «Gap». (Daniel Barry / Getty Images)0311 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
3. Be ruthless.
Jobs are equally proud of both those products, which he presented to the public, and those who develop frozen. For example, Jobs had worked hard to create a clone «Palm Pilot», but when I realized that mobile phones wiping out the CCP, then turned without regret all the development that has given his engineers to work on the iPod. (AP Photo)048 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
4. Not guided by a focus group
Jobs famous phrase: "People do not know what they want, while you can not show them this." Therefore, he served as a focus group of one man - took home the prototypes of products and their testing for months. (Beth Keiser / AP Photo)052 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
5. Study and research - an endless process.
Working on early drafts of for «Apple», Jobs has carefully examined the use of fonts, ergonomics and appearance of products «Sony». Working on the body of the first "Mac", he wandered through the parking lot of the company «Apple», while studying the structure of the bodies of German and Italian cars. (Paul Sakuma / AP Photo)062 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
6. Keep it simple.
Design Philosophy Jobs - constant simplification. In the development of the earliest models iPod'a he told the designers to get rid of buttons, including the on and off. Designers complain, complain, and developed a cult which later became the scroll wheel. (Anonymous / AP Photo)072 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
7. Keep your secrets.
The company «Apple» no one talks too much. Confidentiality Jobs helped keep rabid interest to its products, resulting in the presentation of its new products invariably becomes news of the day. (Paul Sakuma / AP Photo)082 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
8. Work a small team.
The original team «Macintosh» a hundred people, nothing more, nothing less. If you hire the 101st person, somebody had to free the place for it. Jobs decided that he could remember the names of only 100 employees. (Paul Sakuma / AP Photo)092 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
9. Less carrot, more stick
Jobs was quite a strict boss, but to Apple employees a powerful motivator was his charisma. Enthusiasm Jobs has become the main reason that on the first Mac-ohm Apple team for three years she worked 90 hours a week, and thus created this legendary product. (Sal Veder / AP Photo)1027 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
10. Use prototypes.
All that did Jobs have been developed to prototype: technology, software, and even shops «Apple». Architects and designers have designed the prototype for over a year at a secret warehouse store near the company's headquarters, only to Jobs wrapped up the project, and it all started again. (Craig Ruttle / AP Photo)
1. Candles, flowers and iPhone with a photo of Steve Jobs at Apple Store October 5, 2011 in New York. Jobs has died at age 56 from pancreatic cancer. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple in 1976. (Andrew Burton / Getty Images)byesteve02 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
2. Appolina Arnault, 12, a neighbor of Steve Jobs, wrote a message on the wall across from his home in Palo Alto, California, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Paul Sakuma)byesteve03 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
3. Flag at half-staff at the central office of Apple in Cupertino, California, October 5, 2011. (Tony Avelar / Bloomberg)byesteve04 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
4. A girl named Molly wrote a message on the box the Apple Store in Santa Monica, California, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Jae C. Hong)byesteve05 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
5. Portraits of Steve Jobs to monitor Korea Exchange in Seoul, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Lee Jin-man)byesteve06 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
6. Portrait of Steve Jobs to monitor Korea Exchange in Seoul, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Lee Jin-man)byesteve07 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
7. The inscription on the wall at the main Apple store in New York, October 5, 2011. Steve Jobs is his invention forever changed our daily lives and the world of technology. (EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP / Getty Images)byesteve08 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
8. Apple with the words "goodbye" next to the store Apple, left passers-by in memory of the founder of the company Steve Jobs, October 5, 2011, Pasadena, California. (ROBYN BECK / AFP / Getty Images)byesteve09 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
9. Passer-by photographed on the iPhone 4 flowers at the Apple store in Sydney, October 6, 2011. (TORSTEN BLACKWOOD / AFP / Getty Images)byesteve10 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
10. Inscriptions on the stickers from the Apple Store in Pasadena, Calif., October 5, 2011. (ROBYN BECK / AFP / Getty Images)byesteve11 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
11. Photo of Steve Jobs on the screen at the Apple Store in Santa Monica, California, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Jae C. Hong)byesteve12 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
12. Photographer Jobs puts a picture next to the flowers at the Apple store in Beijing, China, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Ng Han Guan)byesteve13 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
13. Passer-by photographed the flowers of the Apple store in the memory of Steve Jobs in Beijing, China, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Ng Han Guan)byesteve14 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
14. . Girl with iPad in an Apple store in Beijing, China, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Ng Han Guan)byesteve15 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
15. Bouquet of white roses at the Apple Store in Tokyo, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Koji Sasahara)byesteve16 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
16. Reporters asked passers-by questions about the death of Steve Jobs to the Apple Store in Tokyo, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Koji Sasahara)byesteve17 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
17. Lin Lin from San Jose lays flowers in memory of Steve Jobs on a bench in front of Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, October 5, 2011. (Tony Avelar / Bloomberg)byesteve18 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
18. Flowers and Apples in remembrance of Steve Jobs on a bench in front of Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, October 5, 2011. (Tony Avelar / Bloomberg)byesteve19 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
19. Photo of Steve Jobs on the iPad screen on a bench in front of Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, October 5, 2011. (Tony Avelar / Bloomberg)byesteve20 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
20. Makeshift memorial to Steve Jobs' Apple Store in Palo Alto, Calif., in October 2011. People gathered outside the store by Apple, to pay tribute to its deceased founder. (Peter DaSilva / The New York Times)byesteve21 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
21. Stephanie Jensen (left) takes a picture of the memorial of Steve Jobs using his iPhone, Seattle, October 5, 2011. Apple has announced the death of Steve Jobs without any further comment. According to his relatives, the death was painless. . (AP Photo / The Seattle Times, Ken Lambert)byesteve22 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
22. Misty Rake with a portrait of Steve Jobs on the iPad screen in the store Knox-Henderson Apple in Dallas, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / The Dallas Morning News, Tom Fox)byesteve23 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
23. House and garage, where Jobs and his partner formed a company Wozniak Apple, Los Altos, California, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Dino Vournas)byesteve24 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
24. Jim Bryson at an impromptu memorial to Steve Jobs' next to the headquarters of Apple in Cupertino, California, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Marcio Jose Sanchez)byesteve25 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
25. Apple and flower next to the window of Apple store in Pasadena, Calif., September 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Ringo H. W. Chiu)byesteve26 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
26. Memorial's Steve Jobs in San Francisco, California, appeared at the Apple Store shortly after the news of the death of the founder of Apple, October 5, 2011. (Karl Mondon / Contra Costa Times / MC)byesteve27 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
27. Programmer Steve Stresa, 24, at the Apple Store in San Francisco, California, October 5, 2011. (Karl Mondon / Contra Costa Times / MCT)
20 facts about Steve Jobs
1. Steve Jobs has Syrian roots. The name of the biological father of Steve Abdulfattoh Candan (Abdulfattah Jandali).Mona Simpson
Mona Simpson
2. Sister Jobs - writer Mona Simpson (Mona Simpson). Of its existence, Steve learned as an adult. Her first novel, "Anywhere But Here» (Anywhere But Here) talked about her relationship with her parents, who, ironically, fall parents and Steve Jobs. Jobs and Simpson did not know about their relationship until 1990. This is a (somewhat) argument in the dispute of the nature and upbringing. Two children have a unique perception of life and are among the best artists in completely different fields.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
3. Jobs biological parents, as students graduate, questioned his readiness to assume the burden of education and gave her son up for adoption. A few years later they had another child. For future adoptive parents Steve was the only requirement - they must have higher education. But the couple, who took the child, lied to them. As it turned out, the college education they received (the mother is not even finished high school). They had almost given up, but they promised to send Steve to college.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
4. When Steve was working at Atari, he received an assignment to create the printed circuit board for the game Breakout (Arkanoid). According to the founder of Atari Nolan Bushnell, the company offered $ 100 for each chip, which could be removed from the machine. Jobs did not know much about board design and agreed with Wozniak bonus share equally between them if Wozniak could minimize the number of chips. Much to the surprise of Atari, Wozniak reduced the number of chips at 50. The design has become so dense that it was impossible to reproduce on an assembly line. Then, Jobs said Wozniak that Atari had given them only $ 700 (instead of the actual 5000) and that Wozniak's share, so $ 350.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
5. He did not recognize her first child, arguing that fruitless.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
6. Steve was pesketariantsem. In other words, he was eating fish, eating vegetarian (including eggs and dairy products), but did not eat meat.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
7. Jobs thought to enter a monastery and become a monk. Jobs held a wedding ceremony of his guru, a Buddhist monk.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
8. Steve Jobs used the LSD at least once in his youth. He said that the experience was "one of the two or three most important things he did in his life."
20 facts about Steve Jobs
9. Jobs always had self-confidence. When the 12 years he has run radio components, he telephoned William Hewlett (the same one from Hewlett-Packard) and asked for help to get the right parts: "My name is Steve Jobs, and I would like to know if you have the spare parts that I could would be used to build frequency counter. " After talking with the boy, William had sent him all the necessary and invited the firm to work on holidays.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
10. The founder of Apple fell into the Guinness Book of Records as the director with a very modest salary in the world, according to official documents, Jobs salary was $ 1 a year.John Sculley
John Sculley
11. In 1983, Jobs convinced John Scully to go out of Pepsi-Cola to Apple. Subsequently, the conflict between them, Steve Jobs himself was removed from the project management and was forced out of Apple.20 facts about Steve Jobs
The Beatles
12. Jobs for many years been a fan of The Beatles. In addition, he loved classical music, especially Bach. Closely followed the works of Barbara Streisand, frequented concerts and other events with its participation.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
13. Steve drove a car (Mercedes SL55 AMG) unmarked and always parked in the field for people with disabilities.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
14. 90% of Apple employees have never met with Steve Jobs.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
15. Jobs bought Pixar studio for $ 10 million, and sold it to the Disney Company for 7.5 billion
20 facts about Steve Jobs
16. Steve was 48 foot size.Apple II
Apple II
17. When the computer Apple II (introduced in 1977), with the most advanced GUI for the time, has gained popularity, Steve was just 25 and he became one of the youngest millionaires of his day.Steve Jobs and Tim Cook
Steve Jobs and Tim Cook
18. Steve on several occasions led the list of most hated directors in the press.20 facts about Steve Jobs
Caption on screen: Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated
19. August 29, 2008 Bloomberg news department published a 17-page obituary on the death of Steve Jobs. Fortunately, the mistake was quickly discovered.
20. Steve Jobs died on 5 October 2011. Eternal memory. Rest in peace.
Steve Jobs was attentive to detail. On the eve of the presentation of the first iPod employees «Apple» overnight replaced the headphone jack, because Jobs decided headphone jack should be included in them with a resounding click (Julie Jacobson / AP Photo)0211 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
2. Work with the experts.
Before you start trading network of the company Jobs had hired a team of Mickey Drexler of the company «Gap». (Daniel Barry / Getty Images)0311 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
3. Be ruthless.
Jobs are equally proud of both those products, which he presented to the public, and those who develop frozen. For example, Jobs had worked hard to create a clone «Palm Pilot», but when I realized that mobile phones wiping out the CCP, then turned without regret all the development that has given his engineers to work on the iPod. (AP Photo)048 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
4. Not guided by a focus group
Jobs famous phrase: "People do not know what they want, while you can not show them this." Therefore, he served as a focus group of one man - took home the prototypes of products and their testing for months. (Beth Keiser / AP Photo)052 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
5. Study and research - an endless process.
Working on early drafts of for «Apple», Jobs has carefully examined the use of fonts, ergonomics and appearance of products «Sony». Working on the body of the first "Mac", he wandered through the parking lot of the company «Apple», while studying the structure of the bodies of German and Italian cars. (Paul Sakuma / AP Photo)062 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
6. Keep it simple.
Design Philosophy Jobs - constant simplification. In the development of the earliest models iPod'a he told the designers to get rid of buttons, including the on and off. Designers complain, complain, and developed a cult which later became the scroll wheel. (Anonymous / AP Photo)072 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
7. Keep your secrets.
The company «Apple» no one talks too much. Confidentiality Jobs helped keep rabid interest to its products, resulting in the presentation of its new products invariably becomes news of the day. (Paul Sakuma / AP Photo)082 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
8. Work a small team.
The original team «Macintosh» a hundred people, nothing more, nothing less. If you hire the 101st person, somebody had to free the place for it. Jobs decided that he could remember the names of only 100 employees. (Paul Sakuma / AP Photo)092 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
9. Less carrot, more stick
Jobs was quite a strict boss, but to Apple employees a powerful motivator was his charisma. Enthusiasm Jobs has become the main reason that on the first Mac-ohm Apple team for three years she worked 90 hours a week, and thus created this legendary product. (Sal Veder / AP Photo)1027 10 Commandments of Steve Jobs
10. Use prototypes.
All that did Jobs have been developed to prototype: technology, software, and even shops «Apple». Architects and designers have designed the prototype for over a year at a secret warehouse store near the company's headquarters, only to Jobs wrapped up the project, and it all started again. (Craig Ruttle / AP Photo)
1. Candles, flowers and iPhone with a photo of Steve Jobs at Apple Store October 5, 2011 in New York. Jobs has died at age 56 from pancreatic cancer. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple in 1976. (Andrew Burton / Getty Images)byesteve02 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
2. Appolina Arnault, 12, a neighbor of Steve Jobs, wrote a message on the wall across from his home in Palo Alto, California, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Paul Sakuma)byesteve03 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
3. Flag at half-staff at the central office of Apple in Cupertino, California, October 5, 2011. (Tony Avelar / Bloomberg)byesteve04 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
4. A girl named Molly wrote a message on the box the Apple Store in Santa Monica, California, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Jae C. Hong)byesteve05 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
5. Portraits of Steve Jobs to monitor Korea Exchange in Seoul, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Lee Jin-man)byesteve06 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
6. Portrait of Steve Jobs to monitor Korea Exchange in Seoul, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Lee Jin-man)byesteve07 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
7. The inscription on the wall at the main Apple store in New York, October 5, 2011. Steve Jobs is his invention forever changed our daily lives and the world of technology. (EMMANUEL DUNAND / AFP / Getty Images)byesteve08 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
8. Apple with the words "goodbye" next to the store Apple, left passers-by in memory of the founder of the company Steve Jobs, October 5, 2011, Pasadena, California. (ROBYN BECK / AFP / Getty Images)byesteve09 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
9. Passer-by photographed on the iPhone 4 flowers at the Apple store in Sydney, October 6, 2011. (TORSTEN BLACKWOOD / AFP / Getty Images)byesteve10 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
10. Inscriptions on the stickers from the Apple Store in Pasadena, Calif., October 5, 2011. (ROBYN BECK / AFP / Getty Images)byesteve11 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
11. Photo of Steve Jobs on the screen at the Apple Store in Santa Monica, California, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Jae C. Hong)byesteve12 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
12. Photographer Jobs puts a picture next to the flowers at the Apple store in Beijing, China, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Ng Han Guan)byesteve13 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
13. Passer-by photographed the flowers of the Apple store in the memory of Steve Jobs in Beijing, China, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Ng Han Guan)byesteve14 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
14. . Girl with iPad in an Apple store in Beijing, China, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Ng Han Guan)byesteve15 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
15. Bouquet of white roses at the Apple Store in Tokyo, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Koji Sasahara)byesteve16 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
16. Reporters asked passers-by questions about the death of Steve Jobs to the Apple Store in Tokyo, October 6, 2011. (AP Photo / Koji Sasahara)byesteve17 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
17. Lin Lin from San Jose lays flowers in memory of Steve Jobs on a bench in front of Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, October 5, 2011. (Tony Avelar / Bloomberg)byesteve18 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
18. Flowers and Apples in remembrance of Steve Jobs on a bench in front of Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, October 5, 2011. (Tony Avelar / Bloomberg)byesteve19 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
19. Photo of Steve Jobs on the iPad screen on a bench in front of Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, October 5, 2011. (Tony Avelar / Bloomberg)byesteve20 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
20. Makeshift memorial to Steve Jobs' Apple Store in Palo Alto, Calif., in October 2011. People gathered outside the store by Apple, to pay tribute to its deceased founder. (Peter DaSilva / The New York Times)byesteve21 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
21. Stephanie Jensen (left) takes a picture of the memorial of Steve Jobs using his iPhone, Seattle, October 5, 2011. Apple has announced the death of Steve Jobs without any further comment. According to his relatives, the death was painless. . (AP Photo / The Seattle Times, Ken Lambert)byesteve22 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
22. Misty Rake with a portrait of Steve Jobs on the iPad screen in the store Knox-Henderson Apple in Dallas, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / The Dallas Morning News, Tom Fox)byesteve23 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
23. House and garage, where Jobs and his partner formed a company Wozniak Apple, Los Altos, California, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Dino Vournas)byesteve24 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
24. Jim Bryson at an impromptu memorial to Steve Jobs' next to the headquarters of Apple in Cupertino, California, October 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Marcio Jose Sanchez)byesteve25 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
25. Apple and flower next to the window of Apple store in Pasadena, Calif., September 5, 2011. (AP Photo / Ringo H. W. Chiu)byesteve26 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
26. Memorial's Steve Jobs in San Francisco, California, appeared at the Apple Store shortly after the news of the death of the founder of Apple, October 5, 2011. (Karl Mondon / Contra Costa Times / MC)byesteve27 World mourns the death of Steve Jobs
27. Programmer Steve Stresa, 24, at the Apple Store in San Francisco, California, October 5, 2011. (Karl Mondon / Contra Costa Times / MCT)
20 facts about Steve Jobs
1. Steve Jobs has Syrian roots. The name of the biological father of Steve Abdulfattoh Candan (Abdulfattah Jandali).Mona Simpson
Mona Simpson
2. Sister Jobs - writer Mona Simpson (Mona Simpson). Of its existence, Steve learned as an adult. Her first novel, "Anywhere But Here» (Anywhere But Here) talked about her relationship with her parents, who, ironically, fall parents and Steve Jobs. Jobs and Simpson did not know about their relationship until 1990. This is a (somewhat) argument in the dispute of the nature and upbringing. Two children have a unique perception of life and are among the best artists in completely different fields.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
3. Jobs biological parents, as students graduate, questioned his readiness to assume the burden of education and gave her son up for adoption. A few years later they had another child. For future adoptive parents Steve was the only requirement - they must have higher education. But the couple, who took the child, lied to them. As it turned out, the college education they received (the mother is not even finished high school). They had almost given up, but they promised to send Steve to college.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
4. When Steve was working at Atari, he received an assignment to create the printed circuit board for the game Breakout (Arkanoid). According to the founder of Atari Nolan Bushnell, the company offered $ 100 for each chip, which could be removed from the machine. Jobs did not know much about board design and agreed with Wozniak bonus share equally between them if Wozniak could minimize the number of chips. Much to the surprise of Atari, Wozniak reduced the number of chips at 50. The design has become so dense that it was impossible to reproduce on an assembly line. Then, Jobs said Wozniak that Atari had given them only $ 700 (instead of the actual 5000) and that Wozniak's share, so $ 350.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
5. He did not recognize her first child, arguing that fruitless.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
6. Steve was pesketariantsem. In other words, he was eating fish, eating vegetarian (including eggs and dairy products), but did not eat meat.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
7. Jobs thought to enter a monastery and become a monk. Jobs held a wedding ceremony of his guru, a Buddhist monk.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
8. Steve Jobs used the LSD at least once in his youth. He said that the experience was "one of the two or three most important things he did in his life."
20 facts about Steve Jobs
9. Jobs always had self-confidence. When the 12 years he has run radio components, he telephoned William Hewlett (the same one from Hewlett-Packard) and asked for help to get the right parts: "My name is Steve Jobs, and I would like to know if you have the spare parts that I could would be used to build frequency counter. " After talking with the boy, William had sent him all the necessary and invited the firm to work on holidays.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
10. The founder of Apple fell into the Guinness Book of Records as the director with a very modest salary in the world, according to official documents, Jobs salary was $ 1 a year.John Sculley
John Sculley
11. In 1983, Jobs convinced John Scully to go out of Pepsi-Cola to Apple. Subsequently, the conflict between them, Steve Jobs himself was removed from the project management and was forced out of Apple.20 facts about Steve Jobs
The Beatles
12. Jobs for many years been a fan of The Beatles. In addition, he loved classical music, especially Bach. Closely followed the works of Barbara Streisand, frequented concerts and other events with its participation.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
13. Steve drove a car (Mercedes SL55 AMG) unmarked and always parked in the field for people with disabilities.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
14. 90% of Apple employees have never met with Steve Jobs.
20 facts about Steve Jobs
15. Jobs bought Pixar studio for $ 10 million, and sold it to the Disney Company for 7.5 billion
20 facts about Steve Jobs
16. Steve was 48 foot size.Apple II
Apple II
17. When the computer Apple II (introduced in 1977), with the most advanced GUI for the time, has gained popularity, Steve was just 25 and he became one of the youngest millionaires of his day.Steve Jobs and Tim Cook
Steve Jobs and Tim Cook
18. Steve on several occasions led the list of most hated directors in the press.20 facts about Steve Jobs
Caption on screen: Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated
19. August 29, 2008 Bloomberg news department published a 17-page obituary on the death of Steve Jobs. Fortunately, the mistake was quickly discovered.
20. Steve Jobs died on 5 October 2011. Eternal memory. Rest in peace.
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