

1. Саудовская Аравия занимает около 70% площади Аравийского полуострова.
2. В 1932 году, когда СА образовалась слиянием двух княжеств, она была одним из беднейших государств мира.
3. Раньше на территории Саудовской Аравии было множество мелких княжеств. Многие теперешние фамилии саудовцев имеют прямое отношение к тем княжествам. Многие такие семьи являются самыми богатыми в королевстве, после Саудов, конечно.
4. Фамилию одной из таких семей знает практически каждый человек.

5. В 1938 году нашли первую нефть, и теперь СА — первая по добыче нефти в мире и одна их самых богатых стран.
6. Власть передается по наследству, только членам семьи Аль-Сауд.
7. Страна живет по строгим законам Шариата (исламского права), запрещены любые публичные развлечения (театры, кинотеатры и т. д.).
8. Однако, есть и послабления (думаю, в связи с событиями на Ближнем Востоке) — в этом году король разрешил женщинам голосовать на местных выборах в муниципалитеты.
9. Пару лет назад хотели провести кинофестиваль в Джидде, но его отменили накануне открытия под каким-то благовидным предлогом.

10. Женщина — человек без прав. Не имеет права работать (хотя в последнее время начали появляться женщины на ресепшенах в больницах), не имеет права водить машину, не может появляться на публике одна (только с представителем семьи мужского пола, даже если мужчине всего 6 лет).
11. Женщины пытаются отстоять право на вождение машины и периодически устраивают акции протеста, ездят по улицам за рулем. Их ловят, делают внушение и отпускают на поруки мужа. Одну недавно приговорили к порке.
12. Казни есть, но меньше, чем в прошлом.
13. За наркотики — смертная казнь. За алкоголь — порка, тюрьма и депортация.
14. Это не мешает индусам и филиппинцам варить самогон, который называется «садЫки». Страшная вещь, градусов 60.

15. Можно купить и более благородные напитки, виски, например, но бутылка будет стоить около 300 баксов. Контрабанда.
16. Значительная часть СА — пустыня. На юге пустыня называется Руб-аль-Хали, Пустая четверть. Там песок меняет цвет в течение дня в зависимости от температуры, от красного утром до светло-желтого в обед.
17. Днем в июне—июле температура в пустыне запросто достигает 60 градусов и выше.
18. На восточном побережье периодически влажность поднимается до 100%. При температуре 40–45 градусов.
19. На западном побережье высокая влажность присутствует практически всегда. Зато у них нет песчаных бурь, как на востоке.

20. Вдоль западного побережья есть горы Хиджаз и Асир. Самая высокая точка — 3353 м.
21. Столица — Рияд, огромный по площади город, высоток крайне мало. Средняя высота здания — этажей пять.
22. Машины в основном американские. До конца 80-х японских машин практически не было, пока один предприниматель (не помню как его звали) не привез несколько десятков эксклюзивных японских моделей и не подарил их принцам и всякой знати. Теперь японских авто примерно половина. Европейские тоже есть, но мало.
23. Несмотря на то, что доходы позволяют покупать приличные машины, многие ездят на автохламе 70–80 годов. Одна из самых распространенных машин — Chevrolet Caprice Classic конца 80-х.
24. Ездят как бог на душу положит — средняя скорость по городу 80–100 км/ч, за городом официально 120, но по факту кто как может, но не меньше 120.

25. Нередка картина, когда саудовец ведет машину, а на руках у него маленький ребенок.
26. А еще они любят отодвинуть сиденье максимально назад, спинку откинуть, левую ногу подогнуть под себя или упереть слева в приборную панель и рулить так сидя боком и держа руль одной рукой. Машины-то практически все с автоматической коробкой.
27. Бензин стоит дешевле воды. Бутылка воды 0,6 л стоит 1 риал, 1 литр бензина — 0,6 риала. Как-то так.
28. Рестораны разделены на семейную секцию и секцию для синглов. Синглов к семейным не пускают.
29. Вообще, в зависимости от упертости секьюрити, одинокого араба (или группу арабчат) могут не пустить и в торговый центр. Есть торговые центры только для семейных.

30. Бродячих животных нет. Ну, почти нет. Собак видел пару-тройку раз за почти 5 лет, в основном кошки, но весьма немного.
31. Зоомагазины есть, кошку купить можно. Но арабы дома живность не держат, нельзя.
32. Изображения человека и животных запрещены Кораном. Люди выходят из положения как могут, в Джидде есть памятник непонятно чему, но если приглядеться, то похоже на верблюда.
33. Еще в Джидде просто дофига всяких непонятных монументальных композиций — памятники чайнику, клещам, строительному мастерку, еще чему то, не помню уже.
34. Раньше и на фотографиях на рекламе в людных местах лица людей были затерты. Сейчас вроде решили, что фотография — светопись, свет дал Аллах, значит, фотография — дело богоугодное.

35. Фотографировать людей без их согласия не рекомендуется, особенно женщин и полицейских.
36. Тут вообще ничего фотографировать нельзя — кругом куда ни плюнь или правительственное здание, или секьюрити чекпойнт, или компаунд для иностранцев.
37. Попытался сфотографировать пожарную машину в Джидде — тут же из-под земли появилась полицейская машина, чуть не отобрали камеру. Друг отмазал.
38. Три ключевых арабских слова — иншалла, букра и маалеш. Иншалла — типа «дай бог», на все воля Аллаха, букра — завтра, маалеш — ну и хрен с ним.
39. Соответственно, иншалла добавляется везде, где есть упоминание о каких-то планах. Букра иншалла может означать как «может быть завтра», так и «никогда». Вообще букра — промежуток времени между сейчас и никогда.

40. Большинство арабов не умеют плавать.
41. Несмотря на близость Персидского залива, катеров и яхт практически нет. Есть немного гидроциклов. Виндсерферов видел один раз.
42. Любимое развлечение — заехать на машине на песчаную дюну вверх по склону. Высота дюны — метров 30–40, угол подъема довольно крутой. Некоторые пытаются это сделать на легковушках.
43. Деревьев тут практически нет, пустыня. Арабы любят выезжать в пустыню на пикники, с палатками, мангалами и т. п.
44. Есть неписаные законы пустыни — если видишь машину на обочине в безлюдном месте — остановись, может, нужна твоя помощь.
45. Саудовская Аравия — очень загаженная страна. Тонны мусора вдоль дорог, на пляжах. Летающие пакеты, пластиковые бутылки.

46. С нормальной обувью проблема, т. к. арабы носят в основном сандалии и шлепанцы.
47. Вообще они к европейской одежде не очень приучены. Брюки вечно короткие. Какие-то абсолютно уродские ботинки.
48. А сочетание традиционного арабского наряда (тоба вроде называется) и ботинок с носками почти до голени — это вообще ад.
49. Интернет серьезно модерируется, сайты с малейшим намеком на порнографию закрыты, как и многие прокси-сервера.

50. Железнодорожное сообщение практически отсутствует, несмотря на довольно большую территорию. Есть ветка Даммам-Рияд. Строится ветка Мекка-Медина. В 2008 году подряд на строительство ж/д Север-Юг выиграло ОАО РЖД, но потом тендер отменили.
51. Въезд в Мекку и Медину не-мусульманам запрещен. Но мы случайно попали в Мекку в прошлом году.
52. В Саудовской Аравии культ семьи. Часто дети живут с родителями, старший сын содержит престарелых родителей. Уважение к старшим прививается с детства.
53. Идущий приветствует стоящего, младший — старшего.
54. При встрече саудовцы троекратно целуются в щеку (или в обе по очереди), но не все, только близкие родственники, старые друзья.

55. Здесь весьма специфический бизнес-этикет. Опоздать считается нормой, прежде чем начинать деловой разговор, пьют чай-кофе, говорят о жизни.
56. Саудовского арабского языка не существует. Есть диалекты хиджази (западное побережье), наджди (центр) и шарки (восточное побережье), которые отличаются друг от друга. Плюс приезжие арабы привносят колориту — египтяне, палестинцы, сирийцы, иорданцы.
57. Говорят, Ева, та самая, жила в Джидде, и месту ее захоронения поклонялись раньше. Но потом ваххабиты разрушили место захоронения и кладбище. Осталась от того кладбища только арка на входе.
58. Любое другое открытое вероисповедание кроме Ислама запрещено. Соответственно, накануне всяких не-исламских церковных праздников типа Рождества, деятельность шариатской полиции «мутава» активизируется.
59. Если есть крестик, то лучше его носить под одеждой.

60. Елок в продаже нет, никаких, даже искусственных.
61. А вот елочные игрушки продаются в маленьких сувенирных магазинчиках. Парадокс. Сам покупал несколько явно елочных по виду шариков из папье-маше с верблюдами на них.
62. Русские матрешки тоже продаются, только они подвержены национальному моддингу. На женских матрешках черные абайи нарисованы (накидки такие) и никабы (платки), на мужских соответственно тобы и гутры.
63. Обруч на голове мужчины поверх платка называется агаль. Сейчас он сделан из хрен пойми чего, а раньше делался из конского волоса и служил для стреножения скотины (в основном верблюдов).
64. Верблюжье парное молоко очень вкусное, но если у вас проблемы с желудком — лучше не пить. Может подействовать в течение получаса.

65. Саудовцы довольно радушны, но в дом приглашают очень редко. В основном общение происходит в небольшой беседке, пристроенной к дому. Обязательно угощают арабским кофе, финиками.
66. Арабский кофе — отдельная история. Во-первых, это напиток желто-коричневого цвета. Во-вторых, в нем полно добавок — кардамон, гвоздика, корица, иногда анис. В-третьих, подается в микроскопических пиалках. В-четвертых, это очень тонизирующий напиток, много не выпьешь. Ну и обязательно стакан холодной воды принесут.
67. Арабы очень любят почесать языком. На телефоне висят постоянно.
68. Есть список профессий, официально утвержденный Министерством труда, на которые принимаются только саудовцы. Например, в отдел кадров или по связям с правительственными органами.
69. Вообще государство строго регламентирует вопрос трудоустройства. Международная компания должна набирать определенный процент саудовцев, не менее 10% от общей численности (могу ошибаться). Это называется саудизация.

70. Иногда проще и эффективнее договориться с таким работником, чтобы он получил минимальную зарплату для его должности и не приходил на работу вообще. Овцы целы и волки сыты.
71. Летоисчисление отличается от григорианского календаря. Сейчас 1432 год по Хиджре.
72. Новый год в нашем понимании саудовцы не отмечают. Последний месяц года — хиджжа, месяц паломничества в Мекку. На 10 день начинается праздник Ид Аль-Адха, иди большой ид, и продолжается до заката 13 дня месяца хиджжа.
73. День рождения тоже не отмечают. Вообще, многим бедуинам дату рождения ставят от балды, 1 число приблизительного месяца рождения. Или последнее. Как повезет.
74. В течение дня молятся 6 раз. На время молитвы все закрывается. В соседних государствах залива такого нет. В Эмиратах и Бахрейне все работает даже во время молитвы.

75. Законы Ислама запрещают ростовщичество, поэтому в банке можно взять кредит всего под 2% (операционные расходы банков). Правда, процент по депозитному вкладу тоже мизерный.
76. Налога с продаж и НДС нет.
77. Иностранные банки здесь имеют 50% капитала наравне с саудовскими учредителями, соответственно названия банков не общепризнанные мировые (типа Citi Bank), а местные (Samba Bank — Saudi-American Bank, например).
78. Среди саудовской молодежи здесь полно хипстеров — джинсики в обтяжку, невообразимые прически, очки на пол-лица. Выглядят смешно. Девочки все в абайях, лица зачастую тоже закрыты. Только глаза горят из-под никабов.
79. Помимо массы исламских радиостанций, есть две-три, вещающие рок, поп и классику. Одна на Бахрейне, две принадлежат Сауди Арамко. Иногда ловится Русское Радио из Дубаи и катарское на французском языке.

80. С телевидением полный порядок, спутниковые тарелки в каждом доме.
81. Традиционную саудовскую еду приходится искать по чисто арабским кварталам. Ее вытеснила ливанская, иорданская, сирийская, филипинская, малазийская и китайская кухня.
82. Японская кухня непопулярна. Сушечных в Хобаре пока 2 или 3, 4-я никак не откроется уже год.
83. Сетевых ресторанов джанкфуда более чем дофига. Макдональдсы дверь в дверь с Бургер Кингами, Данкин Донатс в 10 метрах от Криспи Крим.
84. В связи с этим очень много толстых. Саудовцы к тому же весьма прохладно относятся к спорту.

85. Любимая игра — футбол.
86. Саудовская сборная называется в народе Аль-Сакур (соколы) или Аль-Ахдар (зеленые). На чемпионатах мира саудовцы выступают так себе, а вот на чемпионате Азии трижды были чемпионами.
87. Есть довольно много футбольных клубов. Лучший — Иттихад из Джидды.
88. Я даже боюсь представить, что будет, если при жеребьевке на чемпионат мира саудитам выпадет играть с Израилем.
89. Евреев не любят. За Палестину в том числе.

90. Братушкам-палестинцам постоянно помогают деньгами. Последняя помощь была в сентябре этого года. 200 миллионов долларов, на минуточку.
91. К русским относятся хорошо. Все время спрашивают про Путина.
92. Есть несколько чисто саудовских арабских жестов, которые не описать, потому что там еще и мимика играет роль.
93. Правая рука чистая, левая — грязная. Используется при подмывании, простите. Ну и едят правой. Приветствуют друг друга правой. Если что-то дают, надо брать правой.
94. Ворам раньше рубили руку. Правую. Вот западло то, кушать запомоенной рукой. Хотя, может и сейчас рубят.
95. Казни проводятся при мечетях, но не везде, всего в нескольких городах.

96. В Саудовской Аравии неверный не может войти в мечеть. В Бахрейне — пожалуйста.
97. Общественного транспорта практически нет. Есть какие-то подозрительные междугородние автобусы. А так все перемещаются либо на своей машине, либо на такси. Индусы и пакистанцы из бедных ездят на велосипедах или в крайнем случае ходят пешком. Но летом это капец полный.
98. В выходные саудовцы выходят с семьями на прогулку на набережную, стелют на газонах ковры и устраивают пикники.
99. Кстати, выходной день — пятница. А понедельник начинается в субботу, как у Стругацких. Четверг, как правило, рабочий до обеда.
100. В Саудовскую Аравию нельзя приехать просто так, чтобы получить визу, должно быть приглашение от местной конторы. Международного туризма здесь не существует.
1. Saudi Arabia occupies about 70% of the Arabian Peninsula.
2. In 1932, when SA was formed merging two Principalities, she was one of the poorest countries in the world.
3. Earlier in Saudi Arabia has been a lot of small principalities. The present-day names, many Saudis are directly related to the principality. Many such families are the richest in the kingdom, after Saudi Arabia, of course.
4. Name of one of these families know almost everyone.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
5. In 1938 he found the first oil, and is now CA - the first oil producer in the world and one of the richest countries.
6. Power is inherited, only the family members of Al-Saud.
7. The country is living under strict Sharia law (Islamic law) are prohibited in any public entertainment (theaters, cinemas, etc.).
8. However, there is relief (I think, in connection with events in the Middle East) - This year the king allowed women to vote in local municipal elections.
9. A couple of years ago, wanted to hold a film festival in Jeddah, but it was canceled on the eve of the opening under some pretext.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
10. The woman - a man without a license. He has no right to work (although in recent years women have started to appear at the reception in the hospital) has no right to drive, can not appear in public one (the only representative of the male family, even if the man just 6 years old).
11. Women are trying to defend the right to drive cars and periodically organize a protest, go through the streets behind the wheel. They are caught, make suggestion and released on bail of her husband. One was recently sentenced to flogging.
12. Penalty is, but less than in the past.
13. For drugs - the death penalty. For alcohol - a flogging, imprisonment and deportation.
14. This does not prevent the Indians and Filipinos brew moonshine called "Sadik". The scary thing, degree 60.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
15. You can buy and more noble wines, whiskey, for example, but the bottle will cost about 300 bucks. Contraband.
16. A considerable part of the SA - the desert. In the south of the desert called Rub al-Khali, Empty Quarter. There's sand changes color throughout the day depending on the temperature of the red in the morning to light yellow in the afternoon.
17. Day in June-July temperatures in the desert easily reaches 60 degrees and above.
18. On the east coast humidity periodically rises to 100%. At a temperature of 40-45 degrees.
19. On the west coast high humidity is present almost always. But they do not have dust storms in the east.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
20. Along the west coast there is a mountain the Hijaz and Asir. The highest point - 3353 m.
21. Capital - Riyadh, a huge area of the city, very few high-rises. The average height of the building - floors five.
22. Cars mostly American. Until the late 80's Japanese cars almost was not until a dealer (do not remember his name) did not bring dozens of exclusive Japanese models and gave them all the princes and nobles. Now the Japanese car about half. Europe, too, have but little.
23. Despite the fact that income can buy a decent car, and many go on avtohlame 70-80 years. One of the most popular vehicles - Chevrolet Caprice Classic late 80's.
24. Travel as the spirit lay - the average rate in the city of 80-100 km / h, outside the city officially 120, but who in fact as it may, but not less than 120.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
25. Often the picture, when bin Laden is driving, and in his hand a little child.
26. And they love to push the seat back as, back recline, fold the left leg under him and left to rest in the instrument panel and steer so sit sideways and holding the steering wheel with one hand. Machine-nearly all with automatic transmission.
27. Gasoline is cheaper than water. A bottle of water is 0.6 liters a riyal, 1 liter of gasoline - 0.6 rial. Something like that.
28. Restaurants are divided into the family section and a section for singles. Singles to family is not allowed.
29. Generally, depending on the obstinacy security guard, a lone Arab (or group arabchat) may not be allowed in the shopping center. There are shopping for the family.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
30. No stray animals. Well, almost there. Dogs have seen a couple of times for nearly 5 years, mostly cats, but very little.
31. Pet shops are, you can buy a cat. But the Arabs do not keep animals at home, you can not.
32. Images of people and animals are prohibited by the Koran. People come out of the situation as they can, in Jeddah, is a monument not understand anything, but if you look closely, it looks like a camel.
33. Back in Jeddah just dofiga misunderstanding of monumental compositions - the monuments of the teapot, mites, construction trowels, yet something that I do not remember already.
34. Previously, and in the photographs in advertisements in public places faces were erased. Now seems agreed that the picture - light painting, light gave Allaah, then picture - it pleasing to God.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
35. Photograph people without their consent is not recommended, especially for women and police officers.
36. Here nothing is impossible to photograph - all around no matter where you spit, or government building, or a security guard checkpoint, or compound for foreigners.
37. I tried to photograph a fire truck in Jeddah - immediately out of the ground there was a police car, I almost took away the camera. Otmazatsya friend.
38. Three key Arab word - Inshallah, bukra and maalesh. Inshallah - such as "God forbid" in all the will of Allah, bukra - tomorrow, maalesh - well, to hell with him.
39. Accordingly, Inshallah added wherever there is mention of some plans. Inshallah Bukra can mean "maybe tomorrow" and "never." Generally bukra - the time between now and ever.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
40. Most Arabs do not know how to swim.
41. Despite the proximity of the Persian Gulf, boats virtually none. There is little personal watercraft. Windsurfers have seen once.
42. Hobby - to drop the car on a sand dune up the hill. The height of the dunes - 30-40 feet, angle of ascent is quite steep. Some people try to do it on cars.
43. There are practically no trees, the desert. Arabs love to go to the desert for picnics, with tents, barbecues, etc.
44. There are unwritten laws of the desert - if you see a car on the roadside in a lonely place - stop, may need your help.
45. Saudi Arabia - a country crap. Tons of trash along the roads to the beaches. Flying bags, plastic bottles.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
46. With normal shoes the problem, because the Arabs are mostly sandals and slippers.
47. Generally they are to European clothes are not very accustomed to. Pants always short. Some absolutely ugly shoes.
48. A blend of traditional Arabian dress (like Toba is called) and shoes with socks to almost shin - it is generally hell.
49. Internet seriously moderated sites with the slightest hint of pornography are closed, like many of the proxy server.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
50. Railway communication is virtually absent, despite the relatively large area. There is a branch of Dammam-Riyadh. We construct a branch of Mecca-Medina. In 2008, the contract for construction of g / d of North-South won the RZD, but then canceled the tender.
51. Entry to Mecca and Medina, non-Muslims is forbidden. But we accidentally came to Mecca last year.
52. In Saudi Arabia, the cult of the family. Children often live with their parents, the eldest son has elderly parents. Respect for elders inculcated from childhood.
53. Going welcomes standing, Jr. - Senior.
54. At the meeting the Saudis thrice kiss on the cheek (or both at a time), but not all, only close relatives and old friends.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
55. Here a very specific business etiquette. Late is the norm, before starting a business talk, drink tea, coffee, talking about life.
56. Saudi Arabic language does not exist. There are dialects Hijazi (western coast), Najd (center) and Sharqi (East Coast), which differ from each other. Plus newcomers bring coloring Arabs - Egyptians, Palestinians, Syrians, Jordanians.
57. They say Eve, the one living in Jeddah, and the place of her burial was worshiped before. But then the Wahhabis have destroyed the place of burial and cemetery. Remained on the cemetery only arch at the entrance.
58. Any other public worship other than Islam is prohibited. Accordingly, before any non-Islamic religious holidays such as Christmas, sharia police activity, "Mutawa" is activated.
59. If there is a cross, it's best to wear under your clothes.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
60. Christmas trees for sale, not any, even artificial.
61. But the Christmas decorations are sold in small souvenir shops. A paradox. Sam bought a few Christmas tree is clearly on the form of balls of papier-mache with camels on them.
62. Russian nesting dolls also sold, but they are subject to a national modding. Female doll black abaya drawn (such cloaks) and niqab (headscarf), respectively, for male and Toba Guthrie.
63. Hoop on the head scarf is called a man over agalite. Now it is made from horseradish understand why, but before that was made of horsehair, and was hobbled for cattle (mostly camels).
64. Camel fresh milk is very tasty, but if you have stomach problems - it is better not to drink. Can act for half an hour.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
65. The Saudis are very welcome, but welcome to the house very often. Most communication takes place in a small alcove, Attached. Be sure to treat Arabic coffee, dates.
66. Arabic coffee - a different story. First, it is the drink of yellow-brown color. Secondly, it is full of additives - cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, anise, sometimes. Thirdly, served in microscopic pialkah. Fourth, it is a very refreshing drink, not drink much. Well, sure to bring a glass of cold water.
67. The Arabs are very fond of scratching language. Hang on the phone constantly.
68. There is a list of occupations approved by the Ministry of Labour, which accepted only the Saudis. For example, the personnel department or liaison with government authorities.
69. In general, the state strictly regulates the question of employment. The international company must gain a certain percentage of the Saudis, at least 10% of the total population (could be wrong). This is called saudizatsiya.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
70. Sometimes it is easier and more effective to negotiate with the employee that he received the minimum salary for his position and did not come to work at all. Sheep and Wolves are safe enough to eat.
71. Chronology differs from the Gregorian calendar. Now in 1432 Hijri.
72. New Year in our understanding of the Saudis do not celebrate. The last month of the year - Hijja, the month of pilgrimage to Mecca. At the 10th day the holiday of Eid al-Adha, Eid go great, and lasts until sunset 13 days of the month Hijjah.
73. Birthday is also not marked. In general, many Bedouins put your date of birth of noodle, a number of approximate month of birth. Or the last. As lucky.
74. During the day, pray 6 times. At the time of prayer are closed. In the neighboring states of the Gulf does not. In the Emirates, Bahrain, and it works even in prayer.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
75. Islam prohibits usury laws, so the bank can borrow only at 2% (operating expenses of banks). True, the interest on your deposit too meager.
76. Sales tax and VAT no.
77. Foreign banks here have 50% of capital along with the Saudi founders, respectively, the names of the banks do not generally recognized world (such as Citi Bank), and local (Samba Bank - Saudi-American Bank, for example).
78. Among the Saudi youth is full of hipsters - little jeans tight, incredible hairstyles, glasses, half a person. They look ridiculous. The girls all in abaya, people are often too closed. Only her eyes are burning from under the niqab.
79. In addition to the mass of the Islamic radio stations, there are two or three stations broadcasting rock, pop and classical. One in Bahrain, two belong to Saudi Aramco. Sometimes caught Russian Radio from Dubai and Qatar in French.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
80. With a full order of TV, satellite dish in every home.
81. Traditional Saudi food is necessary to search for purely Arab quarter. It replaced the Lebanese, Jordanian, Syrian, filipina, Malaysian and Chinese cuisine.
82. Japanese cuisine is not popular. Sushechnyh in Khobar until 2 or 3, 4, I did not open for a year.
83. Restaurant chains dzhankfuda more than dofiga. McDonald's next door to Burger King, Dunkin 'Donuts at 10 meters from the Krispy Creme.
84. In this regard, a lot of fat. The Saudis are also very lukewarm to the sport.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
85. Favorite game - soccer.
86. Saudi team is called in the people of Al-Sakura (Falcons), or Al-Akhdar (green). At the World Championships are the Saudis, so-so, but at the Asian Championship three times, were the champions.
87. There are quite a lot of football clubs. Best - Ittihad Jeddah from.
88. I am even afraid to imagine what would happen if the draw for the World Cup Saudis will drop to play against Israel.
89. Jews do not like. For Palestine in particular.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
90. Bratushkam, Palestinians constantly help with money. The last aid was in September of this year. $ 200 million, for a minute.
91. By Russian are good. All the time asking about Putin.
92. There are a few purely Saudi Arabian gestures that do not describe, because there are more and facial expressions play a role.
93. The right hand is clean, the left - dirty. Used for cleaning the apology. So eat right. Greet each other right. If something is given, we must take the right.
94. Thieves had cut his hand. The right. That is beneath one's dignity is to eat zapomoennoy hand. While it may now cut.
95. Executions take place in mosques, but not all, just a few cities.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
96. In Saudi Arabia, the wrong can not enter the mosque. In Bahrain - please.
97. Public transport is practically no. There are some suspicious coaches. And so all moved or your own car or taxi. Indians and Pakistanis are poor ride bicycles, or at least walk. But this summer kapets complete.
98. At the weekend the Saudis go for a walk with their families on the promenade, trail on lawns and carpets picnics.
99. Incidentally, a day off - Friday. And Monday begins on Saturday, like the Strugatsky. Thursday, as a rule, work till noon.
100. In Saudi Arabia you can not come just to get a visa, must be invited by the local office. International tourism is not there.
2. In 1932, when SA was formed merging two Principalities, she was one of the poorest countries in the world.
3. Earlier in Saudi Arabia has been a lot of small principalities. The present-day names, many Saudis are directly related to the principality. Many such families are the richest in the kingdom, after Saudi Arabia, of course.
4. Name of one of these families know almost everyone.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
5. In 1938 he found the first oil, and is now CA - the first oil producer in the world and one of the richest countries.
6. Power is inherited, only the family members of Al-Saud.
7. The country is living under strict Sharia law (Islamic law) are prohibited in any public entertainment (theaters, cinemas, etc.).
8. However, there is relief (I think, in connection with events in the Middle East) - This year the king allowed women to vote in local municipal elections.
9. A couple of years ago, wanted to hold a film festival in Jeddah, but it was canceled on the eve of the opening under some pretext.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
10. The woman - a man without a license. He has no right to work (although in recent years women have started to appear at the reception in the hospital) has no right to drive, can not appear in public one (the only representative of the male family, even if the man just 6 years old).
11. Women are trying to defend the right to drive cars and periodically organize a protest, go through the streets behind the wheel. They are caught, make suggestion and released on bail of her husband. One was recently sentenced to flogging.
12. Penalty is, but less than in the past.
13. For drugs - the death penalty. For alcohol - a flogging, imprisonment and deportation.
14. This does not prevent the Indians and Filipinos brew moonshine called "Sadik". The scary thing, degree 60.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
15. You can buy and more noble wines, whiskey, for example, but the bottle will cost about 300 bucks. Contraband.
16. A considerable part of the SA - the desert. In the south of the desert called Rub al-Khali, Empty Quarter. There's sand changes color throughout the day depending on the temperature of the red in the morning to light yellow in the afternoon.
17. Day in June-July temperatures in the desert easily reaches 60 degrees and above.
18. On the east coast humidity periodically rises to 100%. At a temperature of 40-45 degrees.
19. On the west coast high humidity is present almost always. But they do not have dust storms in the east.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
20. Along the west coast there is a mountain the Hijaz and Asir. The highest point - 3353 m.
21. Capital - Riyadh, a huge area of the city, very few high-rises. The average height of the building - floors five.
22. Cars mostly American. Until the late 80's Japanese cars almost was not until a dealer (do not remember his name) did not bring dozens of exclusive Japanese models and gave them all the princes and nobles. Now the Japanese car about half. Europe, too, have but little.
23. Despite the fact that income can buy a decent car, and many go on avtohlame 70-80 years. One of the most popular vehicles - Chevrolet Caprice Classic late 80's.
24. Travel as the spirit lay - the average rate in the city of 80-100 km / h, outside the city officially 120, but who in fact as it may, but not less than 120.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
25. Often the picture, when bin Laden is driving, and in his hand a little child.
26. And they love to push the seat back as, back recline, fold the left leg under him and left to rest in the instrument panel and steer so sit sideways and holding the steering wheel with one hand. Machine-nearly all with automatic transmission.
27. Gasoline is cheaper than water. A bottle of water is 0.6 liters a riyal, 1 liter of gasoline - 0.6 rial. Something like that.
28. Restaurants are divided into the family section and a section for singles. Singles to family is not allowed.
29. Generally, depending on the obstinacy security guard, a lone Arab (or group arabchat) may not be allowed in the shopping center. There are shopping for the family.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
30. No stray animals. Well, almost there. Dogs have seen a couple of times for nearly 5 years, mostly cats, but very little.
31. Pet shops are, you can buy a cat. But the Arabs do not keep animals at home, you can not.
32. Images of people and animals are prohibited by the Koran. People come out of the situation as they can, in Jeddah, is a monument not understand anything, but if you look closely, it looks like a camel.
33. Back in Jeddah just dofiga misunderstanding of monumental compositions - the monuments of the teapot, mites, construction trowels, yet something that I do not remember already.
34. Previously, and in the photographs in advertisements in public places faces were erased. Now seems agreed that the picture - light painting, light gave Allaah, then picture - it pleasing to God.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
35. Photograph people without their consent is not recommended, especially for women and police officers.
36. Here nothing is impossible to photograph - all around no matter where you spit, or government building, or a security guard checkpoint, or compound for foreigners.
37. I tried to photograph a fire truck in Jeddah - immediately out of the ground there was a police car, I almost took away the camera. Otmazatsya friend.
38. Three key Arab word - Inshallah, bukra and maalesh. Inshallah - such as "God forbid" in all the will of Allah, bukra - tomorrow, maalesh - well, to hell with him.
39. Accordingly, Inshallah added wherever there is mention of some plans. Inshallah Bukra can mean "maybe tomorrow" and "never." Generally bukra - the time between now and ever.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
40. Most Arabs do not know how to swim.
41. Despite the proximity of the Persian Gulf, boats virtually none. There is little personal watercraft. Windsurfers have seen once.
42. Hobby - to drop the car on a sand dune up the hill. The height of the dunes - 30-40 feet, angle of ascent is quite steep. Some people try to do it on cars.
43. There are practically no trees, the desert. Arabs love to go to the desert for picnics, with tents, barbecues, etc.
44. There are unwritten laws of the desert - if you see a car on the roadside in a lonely place - stop, may need your help.
45. Saudi Arabia - a country crap. Tons of trash along the roads to the beaches. Flying bags, plastic bottles.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
46. With normal shoes the problem, because the Arabs are mostly sandals and slippers.
47. Generally they are to European clothes are not very accustomed to. Pants always short. Some absolutely ugly shoes.
48. A blend of traditional Arabian dress (like Toba is called) and shoes with socks to almost shin - it is generally hell.
49. Internet seriously moderated sites with the slightest hint of pornography are closed, like many of the proxy server.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
50. Railway communication is virtually absent, despite the relatively large area. There is a branch of Dammam-Riyadh. We construct a branch of Mecca-Medina. In 2008, the contract for construction of g / d of North-South won the RZD, but then canceled the tender.
51. Entry to Mecca and Medina, non-Muslims is forbidden. But we accidentally came to Mecca last year.
52. In Saudi Arabia, the cult of the family. Children often live with their parents, the eldest son has elderly parents. Respect for elders inculcated from childhood.
53. Going welcomes standing, Jr. - Senior.
54. At the meeting the Saudis thrice kiss on the cheek (or both at a time), but not all, only close relatives and old friends.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
55. Here a very specific business etiquette. Late is the norm, before starting a business talk, drink tea, coffee, talking about life.
56. Saudi Arabic language does not exist. There are dialects Hijazi (western coast), Najd (center) and Sharqi (East Coast), which differ from each other. Plus newcomers bring coloring Arabs - Egyptians, Palestinians, Syrians, Jordanians.
57. They say Eve, the one living in Jeddah, and the place of her burial was worshiped before. But then the Wahhabis have destroyed the place of burial and cemetery. Remained on the cemetery only arch at the entrance.
58. Any other public worship other than Islam is prohibited. Accordingly, before any non-Islamic religious holidays such as Christmas, sharia police activity, "Mutawa" is activated.
59. If there is a cross, it's best to wear under your clothes.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
60. Christmas trees for sale, not any, even artificial.
61. But the Christmas decorations are sold in small souvenir shops. A paradox. Sam bought a few Christmas tree is clearly on the form of balls of papier-mache with camels on them.
62. Russian nesting dolls also sold, but they are subject to a national modding. Female doll black abaya drawn (such cloaks) and niqab (headscarf), respectively, for male and Toba Guthrie.
63. Hoop on the head scarf is called a man over agalite. Now it is made from horseradish understand why, but before that was made of horsehair, and was hobbled for cattle (mostly camels).
64. Camel fresh milk is very tasty, but if you have stomach problems - it is better not to drink. Can act for half an hour.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
65. The Saudis are very welcome, but welcome to the house very often. Most communication takes place in a small alcove, Attached. Be sure to treat Arabic coffee, dates.
66. Arabic coffee - a different story. First, it is the drink of yellow-brown color. Secondly, it is full of additives - cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, anise, sometimes. Thirdly, served in microscopic pialkah. Fourth, it is a very refreshing drink, not drink much. Well, sure to bring a glass of cold water.
67. The Arabs are very fond of scratching language. Hang on the phone constantly.
68. There is a list of occupations approved by the Ministry of Labour, which accepted only the Saudis. For example, the personnel department or liaison with government authorities.
69. In general, the state strictly regulates the question of employment. The international company must gain a certain percentage of the Saudis, at least 10% of the total population (could be wrong). This is called saudizatsiya.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
70. Sometimes it is easier and more effective to negotiate with the employee that he received the minimum salary for his position and did not come to work at all. Sheep and Wolves are safe enough to eat.
71. Chronology differs from the Gregorian calendar. Now in 1432 Hijri.
72. New Year in our understanding of the Saudis do not celebrate. The last month of the year - Hijja, the month of pilgrimage to Mecca. At the 10th day the holiday of Eid al-Adha, Eid go great, and lasts until sunset 13 days of the month Hijjah.
73. Birthday is also not marked. In general, many Bedouins put your date of birth of noodle, a number of approximate month of birth. Or the last. As lucky.
74. During the day, pray 6 times. At the time of prayer are closed. In the neighboring states of the Gulf does not. In the Emirates, Bahrain, and it works even in prayer.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
75. Islam prohibits usury laws, so the bank can borrow only at 2% (operating expenses of banks). True, the interest on your deposit too meager.
76. Sales tax and VAT no.
77. Foreign banks here have 50% of capital along with the Saudi founders, respectively, the names of the banks do not generally recognized world (such as Citi Bank), and local (Samba Bank - Saudi-American Bank, for example).
78. Among the Saudi youth is full of hipsters - little jeans tight, incredible hairstyles, glasses, half a person. They look ridiculous. The girls all in abaya, people are often too closed. Only her eyes are burning from under the niqab.
79. In addition to the mass of the Islamic radio stations, there are two or three stations broadcasting rock, pop and classical. One in Bahrain, two belong to Saudi Aramco. Sometimes caught Russian Radio from Dubai and Qatar in French.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
80. With a full order of TV, satellite dish in every home.
81. Traditional Saudi food is necessary to search for purely Arab quarter. It replaced the Lebanese, Jordanian, Syrian, filipina, Malaysian and Chinese cuisine.
82. Japanese cuisine is not popular. Sushechnyh in Khobar until 2 or 3, 4, I did not open for a year.
83. Restaurant chains dzhankfuda more than dofiga. McDonald's next door to Burger King, Dunkin 'Donuts at 10 meters from the Krispy Creme.
84. In this regard, a lot of fat. The Saudis are also very lukewarm to the sport.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
85. Favorite game - soccer.
86. Saudi team is called in the people of Al-Sakura (Falcons), or Al-Akhdar (green). At the World Championships are the Saudis, so-so, but at the Asian Championship three times, were the champions.
87. There are quite a lot of football clubs. Best - Ittihad Jeddah from.
88. I am even afraid to imagine what would happen if the draw for the World Cup Saudis will drop to play against Israel.
89. Jews do not like. For Palestine in particular.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
90. Bratushkam, Palestinians constantly help with money. The last aid was in September of this year. $ 200 million, for a minute.
91. By Russian are good. All the time asking about Putin.
92. There are a few purely Saudi Arabian gestures that do not describe, because there are more and facial expressions play a role.
93. The right hand is clean, the left - dirty. Used for cleaning the apology. So eat right. Greet each other right. If something is given, we must take the right.
94. Thieves had cut his hand. The right. That is beneath one's dignity is to eat zapomoennoy hand. While it may now cut.
95. Executions take place in mosques, but not all, just a few cities.
100 facts about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the eyes of Russians
96. In Saudi Arabia, the wrong can not enter the mosque. In Bahrain - please.
97. Public transport is practically no. There are some suspicious coaches. And so all moved or your own car or taxi. Indians and Pakistanis are poor ride bicycles, or at least walk. But this summer kapets complete.
98. At the weekend the Saudis go for a walk with their families on the promenade, trail on lawns and carpets picnics.
99. Incidentally, a day off - Friday. And Monday begins on Saturday, like the Strugatsky. Thursday, as a rule, work till noon.
100. In Saudi Arabia you can not come just to get a visa, must be invited by the local office. International tourism is not there.
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