Со времен сказочного средневековья замки располагают особенной привлекательностью. География замков обширна - от Японии до Северной Ирландии, от знойного Египта до холодной Швеции – у каждой страны свои особенности, а у каждого замка свой характер и своя история...
В мире насчитывается большое количество открытых для посещения публики удивительных замков, многие из которых даже были переоборудованы под гостиницы.
Представляю вашему вниманию наиболее известные и красивые замки, которые сохранились до сегодняшних дней.
Пражский град, Чехия
Этот замок, построенный в 9-ом веке является одним из самых крупных в мире. В нем сберегаются королевские регалии Богемии. Давняя легенда гласит, что если трон займет узурпатор, регалии в течение года принесут ему смерть. Любопытно, что именно так и произошло с Рейнхардом Гейдрихом во время Второй мировой войны – он был убит через год после того, как надел корону.
В этом огромном особняке в центре города Прага жили президенты и короли Чехии и Словакии. На его территории расположены не только резиденции, но и дворцы, церкви, башни, сады, конюшни. В вечернее время, когда в замке зажигаются огни, Пражский Град просто восхитителен!
Замок Альгамбра, Испания

Замок белой цапли, Япония

Шамбор, Франция

Замок Neuschwanstein ( замок короля Людвига), Германия

Чапультепек, Мексика

Бомарис, Уэльс

Вартбург, Германия

Этот замок также был излюбленным и часто посещаемым немецким писателем и философом Гёте.* (* примеч. автора - strolch)
Шенбрунн, Австрия

Шенонсо, Франция

История замка постоянно была связана с женскими именами, начиная с Катерины Бриконне, по приказу которой он был сооружен. Впоследствии там жила Диана де Пуатье – любовница Генриха II, а после смерти короля в замке поселилась его вдова Катерина Медичи. В Шенонсо бывала и Мария Стюарт. В 18-м веке госпожа Дюпен вновь возвратила замку славу, приглашая сюда Руссо и Вольтера в качестве преподавателей для своего сына.
Since the days of fairy-tale castles of the Middle Ages have a special appeal. Geography locks vast - from Japan to Northern Ireland, on a hot cold Egypt to Sweden - each country has its own peculiarities, and each castle has its own character and his story ...
In the world there are many open to the public amazing castles, many of whom have even been converted into hotels.
Present to you the most famous and beautiful castles that have survived until today.
Prague Castle, Czech Republic
This castle, built in the 9th century, is one of the largest in the world. It is saved crown jewels of Bohemia. An old legend says that if you take the throne of the usurper, regalia during the year will bring him death. Curiously, that is exactly what happened to Reinhard Heydrich during World War II - he was killed a year later, after wearing the crown.
In this huge mansion in the center of Prague lived presidents and kings of Bohemia and Slovakia. On its territory are not only residence but also the palaces, churches, towers, gardens and stables. In the evening, when the lights in the castle, Prague Castle just delicious!
Castle Alhambra, Spain
CASTLE ALGAMBRANazvanie the castle of the 9th century, means "Red Fortress", which underlines the striking distinguishing feature of the structure - he was immediately recognizable red. Ironically, during the 18th and 19th centuries the castle was abandoned, and one time even intended to located in Granada, Napoleon's troops as barracks. It was only in 1870, the Alhambra castle declared a national treasure and the country placed under protection.
White heron castle, Japan
CASTLE ALGAMBRANa European construction Himeji not like - and it consists of 83 buildings built on a flat mountain top. Himeji Castle - a real fortress, and is a typical example of classical Japanese architecture. Among the many different protective elements of the most famous labyrinth of paths, which protects the main stronghold - it gives potential invaders to a standstill, after which they attacked from the air.
Chambord, France
Castle of Chambord castle ALGAMBRAGromadny was built as a hunting lodge, where the king could sit back and relax on public issues. Now the castle is considered one of the most famous in the world. It represents a synthesis of classical Italian and medieval French architecture.
Castle Neuschwanstein (King Ludwig's Castle), Germany
CASTLE ALGAMBRAEtot placed on top of a mountain Bavarian castle offers breathtaking views of the surrounding region. From this panorama, the like of which not found in any castle in the world. the castle Ludwig II conceived as a mountain refuge. It has a residence, gatehouse, the citadel and the House of the knight with a square tower. The German name of the castle - Neuschwanstein * (* Neuschwanstein - annotated.'s - Strolch), which literally means "new swan stone".
Still, this lock is used as a screen saver "Disney"
Chapultepec, Mexico
CASTLE ALGAMBRAZamok Chapultepec - the most spectacular castle in North America, towering over Mexico City. First it was the home of the royal family, then served as the military academy and an observatory. Today is a historical museum, but many go to the castle, just to admire the building.
Beaumaris, Wales
CASTLE ALGAMBRAZamok Beaumaris was built during the campaign to conquer North Wales by order of King Edward I. He is reputed to Englzi and most sophisticated lock the UK in terms of architecture. The name of the castle stands in the translation of "beautiful marsh". Construction began in Beaumaris in 1295 and lasted 35 years, but due to lack of funds and the castle was never finished.
Wartburg, Germany
CASTLE ALGAMBRAVartburg located in Thuringia and is considered one of the oldest castles in Germany, celebrated its 938 anniversary. This unique structure - a typical example of Romanesque architecture. History of the castle of Wartburg is closely linked with the name of Martin Luther. Legend has it that Martin was here to translate the Bible into German - castle inspired him to think about morality and harmony.
This castle was also a popular and frequently visited by the German writer and philosopher Goethe .* (* annotated.'s - Strolch)
Schönbrunn, Austria
CASTLE ALGAMBRAIzvestno that European history has played an important role by the Habsburgs. And find out about her aesthetic preferences, visit the gardens and palaces that make up this delightful castle in the heart of modern Vienna. A fascinating sight of the castle - "Roman Ruins": created in 18th-century imitation of Roman architecture.
Chenonceau, France
CASTLE ALGAMBRAShenonso was built in the 16th century on the River Cher, which he, like the bridge crosses. To the west of the castle gardens Catherine de 'Medici, and the east - gardens, is looked after by Diane de Poitiers.
History of the castle was constantly associated with female names, beginning with Catherine Brikonne on the orders of which it was built. Subsequently, there lived a Diane de Poitiers - the mistress of Henry II, and after the death of the king lodged in the castle, his widow Catherine de Medici. At Chenonceau visited and Mary Stewart. In the 18th century, Madame Dupin again regained the castle glory, inviting here Rousseau and Voltaire as a teacher for his son.
The most eerie castles in the world.
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